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课时作业18 Beauty Ⅰ.课标单词 写作词汇————————明其义 ‎1.vain adj.自负的,炫耀的 ‎2.superior adj.高级的,上等的 ‎3.adore vt.敬爱,非常喜欢 ‎4.range n.(数、量、年龄等的)变化范围 ‎5.command n.命令,指挥 ‎6.breathless adj.令人屏息的 ‎7.endless adj.没完没了的,永无休止的 ‎8.unlike prep.不像,和……不同 ‎9.convey vt.传达,表达 ‎10.trap vt.诱捕,设圈套 ‎11.manner n.方式,方法 阅读词汇———————悉其用 ‎1.subjective adj. 主观的     2.sideways adv. 向一边,向一侧 ‎3.vertical adj. 垂直的,竖的 4.overweight adj. 超重的,过重的 ‎5.conscience n. 良心 6.masterpiece n. 杰作,名作 ‎7.dimension n.方面;度量 8.botany n. 植物学 ‎9.skateboard vi. 用滑板滑行 n. 滑板 ‎10.symphony n. 交响乐,交响曲 ‎11.delicate adj. 精美的,雅致的 12. tune n. 曲调,旋律 ‎13.thrill n. 兴奋;恐惧 v. 使兴奋 14.dignity n. 尊贵,庄严 ‎15.polished adj. 优雅的,精致的 16.shabby adj. 低劣的;肮脏破烂的 ‎17.harsh adj. 刺耳的,刺眼的 18.chorus n. 合唱部分 ‎19.abrupt adj. 突然的,出其不意的 20.version n. 版本;说法 ‎21. stuff n. 东西,材料 22.steady adj. 平稳的;稳定的 ‎23.romantic adj. 浪漫的 24.vague adj. 模糊的 ‎25.stout adj. 肥胖的 26.bound n. 一跳,一跃 ‎27.theme n. 主题 28.drawback n. 缺点,弊端 ‎29.plot n. 情节;小块土地 30.catalogue n.商品目录 拓展词汇———————通其变 ‎1.accessible adj.容易理解的→access n.接近,进入,通道,利用……的权利/机会 ‎2.woollen adj.羊毛制的→wool n.羊毛 ‎3.commitment n.责任,义务;承诺→commit vt.犯(罪),做(错);承诺,约定 ‎4.accompany vt.伴随,陪同→company n.陪伴,公司→companion n.伴侣,同伴 ‎5.tasteless adj.没有味道的→tasty adj.美味的→taste n.味道 v.品尝;尝起来 ‎6.consistent adj.一致的,始终如一的→consist vi.由……组成;一致;在于 4‎ ‎7.deliver vt.递送,传送→delivery n.递送 ‎8.refresh vt.消除……的疲劳,使振作精神→refreshing adj.使人精力充沛的→fresh adj.新鲜的,清新的 ‎9.tendency n.倾向,趋势→tend v.有……的趋势,倾向于 ‎10.disturbing adj.使人烦恼的→disturb v.妨碍,扰乱 ‎11.freezing adj.严寒的,冰冻的→freeze v.将……冷冻,冻僵→frozen adj.结冰的,冷冻的 ‎12.bend v.弯曲 n.弯曲,转弯处→bent adj.弯曲的 ‎13.affection n.爱慕,钟爱→affect v.影响 ‎14.treat vt.对待→treatment n.对待,处理 ‎15.strike vt.打;打动→striking adj.引人注目的,突出的 ‎16.evident adj.明显的,明白的→evidence n.证据 ‎17.recommend vt.推荐,介绍→recommendation n.推荐,介绍 语境活用———————————————(用所给单词的适当形式填空)‎ ‎1.The guests were quite satisfied with the treatment because they were well treated there.(treat)‎ ‎2.He made a commitment that he would never commit the same mistake again.(commit)‎ ‎3.The scenery of the mountain village struck me, especially the striking tower beside it.(strike)‎ ‎4.There is a growing tendency (tend) for people to work at home instead of in offices.‎ ‎5.I was completely breathless (breathe) when I got to the top of the mountain.‎ ‎6.On freezing cold weather, water freezes easily.(freeze)‎ ‎7.The department store district is easily accessible (access) from our house.‎ ‎8.She sang and John accompanied (accompany) her on the piano.‎ ‎9.He also conveyed (convey) his views and the views of the professor at the meeting.‎ ‎10.The disturbing news disturbed his normal life yesterday.(disturb)‎ Ⅱ.课标短语 短语速记 ‎1.die_out 完全消失,灭绝 ‎2.to_be_honest 说实话 ‎3.deal_with 对付,处理 ‎4.in_charge_of 负责,管理 ‎5.fall_in_love_with 爱上 ‎6.be_trapped_in 被困在……中 ‎7.be_tired_of 对……厌倦 ‎9.in preparation for 为……做准备 ‎10.rely on 依靠,依赖 ‎11.be keen on... 热衷于……,非常喜欢……‎ ‎12.lose sight of 看不见;忽略 ‎13.a set of 一套 ‎14.in an instant 立即,马上,突然 ‎15.hang on a second 等一下 ‎16.compared to/with 与……比较 4‎ ‎8.be_bored_to_death 极为厌烦,烦得要死 语境活用————————————(选用上面的短语填空)‎ ‎1.It is natural that he should fall_in_love_with such a beautiful girl.‎ ‎2.At present, some rare wild animals are dying_out at a surprising speed.‎ ‎3.Compared_to/with many people,she was indeed very fortunate.‎ ‎4.He must be pretty keen_on her—they've been dancing all night.‎ ‎5.To_be_honest,_I don't like it when you speak to me like that.‎ ‎6.Johnny was so interested in the game that he lost_sight_of the time.‎ ‎7.Don't rely_on him to do anything; he's just a talker.‎ ‎8.His work experience equipped him to deal_with all kinds of people.‎ ‎9.In their opinions, we should be in_preparation_for the College Entrance Examination all the time.‎ ‎10.In fact, many people are_tired_of the actors' performances.‎ Ⅲ.重点句型 教材还原 ‎1.Oh, I_don't_think that's fair!‎ 噢,我认为那不公平!‎ ‎2.So_do_I.‎ 我也一样。‎ ‎3.Eyes_raised,_I see the moon so bright; Head_bent,_in homesickness I am drowned.‎ 举头望明月,低头思故乡。‎ ‎4.In contemporary society, culture remains_a_major_part in determining our ideas of beauty.‎ 在当今社会,文化仍然是决定我们对美的看法的主要部分。‎ 写作运用 ‎1.I_don't_think_he_can_pass_the_driving_test in that way.‎ 我认为那样他不会通过驾驶考试。‎ ‎2.I am quieter than most students in our class, and so_is_she.‎ 我比我们班的大多数学生都安静一些,她也是。‎ ‎3.The_problem_solved,_the quality has been improved.‎ 问题解决了,质量提高了。‎ ‎4.Class was over but he remained_seated/sitting in the classroom.‎ 下课了,他仍然坐在教室。‎ Ⅳ.语篇整合 话题与语篇填空 Standards of beauty change across time and 话题与短文改错 ‎“Beauty and the Beast”, based a fairy ‎ 4‎ ‎ cultural groups. What used to be considered beautiful may not be seen as 1.attractive (attract) in the 21st century. In some countries, young women follow slimming diets 2.to_lose (lose) extra kilos in preparation for their wedding day. In other cultures, looking thin for a husbandtobe is not 3.what a woman desires at all.‎ There are no precise criteria 4.which/that can be used to judge what is beautiful. Lifelong commitment and, indeed, the 5.survival (survive) of society itself rely on people seeing beauty in difference and depth. The human race 6.would_die (die) out soon if we could only see beauty within a set of limited criteria.‎ Physical beauty must also be accompanied by an attraction 7.to something deeper within a person. This particular kind of attraction includes a wide range of personal 8.qualities (quality), e.g. kindness, warmth, a healthy conscience, etc. 9.It takes more than a casual glance to appreciate a person's inner beauty and it is much more important than physical beauty. After all, it is inner beauty 10.that requires us to truly see. Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.‎ tale, was by Jean Cocteau. Jean Marais is the Beast Josette Day is Beauty, who is one of the three of a French merchant. One day, the merchant gets lost in the forest and controlled by Jean Marais. In order to save father, Beauty offers replace him. In the end, she discovers the Beast is handsome prince. The film deals with the theme of appearances in a very interesting manner. It conveys a message that should be evident to of us—you should not judge a book by its cover.‎ 4‎

