江苏省译林英语4B unit1 Story

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江苏省译林英语4B unit1 Story

back to school ! W elcome 欢迎回到学校! Nice to see you ! Tips: Nice to meet you! 初次见面时使用,说话的双方之前不认识 ; Nice to see you! 认识的两个人见面时使用,说话的双方互相认识 . Enjoy a rhyme We learn ( 学习 ) English ( 英语 ) , Aa , Bb, Cc. We learn Maths ( 数学 ) , One, two, three. We learn Music ( 音乐 ) , Do, re, mi. We learn Art ( 美术 ), Red, yellow, green. 卡片 板书 A: What subject is it? B: It’s English. (课程) Enjoy a rhyme We learn ( 学习 ) English ( 英语 ), Aa , Bb, Cc. We learn Maths ( 数学 ), One, two, three. We learn Music ( 音乐 ) , Do, re, mi. We learn Art ( 美术 ), Red, yellow, green. school subject s (学校课程) Unit 1 Our school subjects (1) Welcome back to school, class. Nice to see you too. Nice to see you, Miss Li. Nice to see you, Miss Li. Timetable (课程表) Try to guess: What subjects do they have? What subjects do they have? Watch and answer: Timetable English Art Music PE Maths Science Chinese 谈论中 …… Chinese 语文 PE 体育 Science 科学 Listen! ‘ What subjects do you like?’ 谈论中 …… Maths Chinese Maths Chinese English ‘ I like …’ 乐趣 , 快乐 ? Read ,find and answer: Sorry ,We don’t know. Perhaps( 可能) he likes PE . 大声朗读对话,找出答案 上体育课了,你的 心情 怎样?试着 读一读 ! A. B. playground Listen to the tape and try to read after it. ( 听录音跟读,注意模仿其语音语调) Act time: 四人一组 ,选一种方式读课文 . school 学校 Art 美术 Chinese 语文 English 英语 Maths 数学 Music 音乐 PE 体育 Science 科学 subject 课程 see 看见 , 见到 timetable 课程表 fun 乐趣 , 快乐 playground 操场 What subjects do you like? 你喜欢什么课程 ? I like Chinese and Maths . 我喜欢语文和数学 .

