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Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope! MOdule5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope ! Words and expressions upstairs exhibition rule against the rules in trouble tail rope adj. 位于楼上的 adv. 往楼上;在楼上 v. 展览;展览会 adj. 规则;法则 n. 违反规定 遇上麻烦;处于困境 v. 尾;尾巴 v. 粗绳;绳索 Words and expressions entry No entry. no good no wonder missing downstairs punish n. 进入权;进入许可 禁止入内。 不合适的;不方便的 难怪;不足为奇 adj. 找不到的;失踪的 adj. 位于楼下的 adv. 往楼下;在楼下 v. 惩罚;惩处 There are some signs we can see in our daily life. Do you know their meanings? No parking. No running. Don’t turn left. No photos. Don’t touch. No entry. Learn to say No photos. — What does the sign mean? — It means “ No smoking/ entry/ photos ”. No smoking. No entry. Make a short dialogue like this: gurad Don't be against the rules ,please ! ex hibi tion 展览,展览会 n. My father often takes me to the animal exhibition . 我父亲经常到我参加动物展览会。 Animal Room butterfly exhibition bird exhibition rule 规则,法则 n . against the rule 违反规则 We shouldn’t go against the rule when we are in school. 在学校时我们不应该违反规定。 entry (2). 进入权, 进入许可 n. (1). 进入 ; 入口 No entry ! 不得入内,禁止入内。 go upstairs go downstairs rope the monkey's tail tail 尾,尾巴 n. If you are against the traffic rules , you will be in trouble and the policeman will punish you. be against the traffic rules 违反交通规则 No entry . No climbing . No food and drinks . No touching. Signs around you No photos. No fire . No parking. No swimming . No + 名词 No + V.ing. Don’t park. Don’t swim. Don’t climb. Don’t touch. We can’t park… We mustn’t park… We are not allowed to park… a hospital/museum/library/classroom A: What rules should we obey if we go to a museum ? B: No …/ Don’t ../ We can’t ../ We mustn’t … we are not allowed to .. Pair Work No food and drinks. No shouting! No smoking! No eating and drinking! Don’t shout , We can’t shout , We mustn’t shout , We are not allowed to shout , signs No shouting ! No smoking! No shouting ! No smoking! No touching! No photos! No littering! No entry! “禁止做某事”的句型总结 ( 1 ) No + v .-ing! 或 No+n! No talking! No entry! ( 2 ) 否定祈使句。 Don’t jump. ( 3 ) 情态动词 mustn’t 表示“禁止”。 You mustn’t play with fire. ( 4 ) can’t 表示“不允许”。 You can’t make any noise. ( 5 ) You aren’t allowed to … 表示“不允许对方做某事”。 You aren’t allowed to watch TV at home before you finish your homework. 5 Museums Module Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope ! Learning aims 1. 学习并掌握本单元的重点词汇,如: upstairs, against the rules, entry. downstairs, exhibition, missing, punish, rope, rule, tail, no good 2. 学会识别标语,并对规则进行准确的描述。 3. 能听懂有关博物馆的对话,增加对博物馆的了解。 Listening and vocabulary Match the signs with the rules 1. Don’t touch. 2. No smoking. 3. No shouting 4. No photos. Listen and fill in the form. When Their homework is to write their museums and the visit there is great for their . O n . They saw an interesting Room with lots of . What to see Why report Saturday Animal exhibitions favourite An exciting visit 2. Listen and answer the questions Where did Lingling find the guide? A. Newspaper B. magazine C. Internet How many people are going to the museum on Saturday? A. Two B. Three C. Four Task 1 2. Listen and answer the questions Where did Lingling find the guide? A. Newspaper B. magazine C. Internet How many people are going to the museum on Saturday? A. Two B. Three C. Four √ √ Task 1 3. Listen and answer (Part 1) 1. Where are Betty and Lingling now? A. at a zoo B. in a museum C. at a cinema. 2. Where are the Animal Room? A. upstairs B. downstairs C. we don’t know 3. What does Daming want Betty and Lingling to see? A. monkey exhibition B. bird exhibition C. robot exhibition 4. Can they take photos there? A. Yes B. No C. we don’t know Task 2 3. Listen and answer (Part 1) 1. Where are Betty and Lingling now? A. at a zoo B. in a museum C. at a cinema. 2. Where are the Animal Room? A. upstairs B. downstairs C. we don’t know 3. What does Daming want Betty and Lingling to see? A. monkey exhibition B. bird exhibition C. robot exhibition 4. Can they take photos there? A. Yes B. No C. we don’t know √ √ √ √ Task 2 1. Where did the guard advise them to go after Lingling lost her mobile phone? A. Upstairs B. Downstairs C. Gate 2. What do you think of Daming ? A. clever B. patient C. naughty 3. What did Lingling lose? A. Camera B. Handbag C. mobile phone 4. Where will they go? Lost and Found office Tickets office Service office Task3 3. Listen and answer (Part 2) 1. Where did the guard advise them to go after Lingling lost her mobile phone? A. Upstairs B. Downstairs C. Gate 2. What do you think of Daming ? A. clever B. patient C. naughty 3. What did Lingling lose? A. Camera B. Handbag C. mobile phone 4. Where will they go? Lost and Found office Tickets office Service office Task3 3. Listen and answer (Part 2) √ √ √ √ He is always the rules in the museum. against 3 .Now check ( √ ) the rules Daming has broken in the conversation. √ √ √ No food and drinks. No entry. Don’t touch. No littering. No photos. No shouting. Task4 3. Listen and read . (Betty, Lingling and Daming are on the second floor of a museum.) Betty: What a wonderful museum ! Lingling: It’s great, isn’t it ? Let’s go to the Animal Room upstairs . I need some information for my project . Betty: Me too . Let’s go. Wait, where’s Daming? Lingling: There he is . What’s he doing over there? Daming: Hey, Betty! Lingling! Come and see the monkey exhibition ! Guard: No shouting , please! It ’s against the rules . Betty: Oh, no, Daming is in trouble again. Daming: Look at the tail on that monkey! I’ve got to get in here… Guard: Stop! Don’t cross that rope ! Can’t you see the sign, kid? “ No entry ”. Daming: Oh. Why not? Guard: Because it’s closed . Lingling: Yes, Daming. Read the sign! Daming: Oh, right. That’s no good! Well, I’ll just take a photo… Guard: Sorry. No photos . See? Daming: There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum. No wonder the place is empty! Betty: Daming! Don’t be rude! Lingling: Oh, no! Betty: What’s the matter , Lingling? Lingling: My mobile phone! It’s missing ! Oh, no. What am I going to do? Guard: Don’t worry, Miss. Go downstairs to the lost and found office. They might have it. Lingling: That phone is new! I have to find it, or Mum will punish me! Betty: I’m sure it will be all right, Lingling. Let’s go and see. Daming: Yes, let’s go downstairs. Complete the passage with the words in the box Lingling and Betty needed some information for their projects, so they wanted to go (1)_________to the Animal Room, but Daming got into trouble at the monkey (2) __________. Daming broke the (3) ________ by shouting and trying to cross the (4) ________ when he planned to see a monkey with a long (5)______. Then they discovered that Lingling’s mobile phone was (6) _________. The guard told them to go (7)____________ to the lost and found office. Lingling has to find her phone, or her mother will (8)_________ her. downstairs exhibition missing punish rope rules tails upstairs upstairs exhibition rules rope tails missing downstairs punish Module 5 Unit 1 知识点 1. What a wonderful museum ! 多么奇妙的博物馆呀 What 感叹句 : What+(a/an)+ 形 + 名词 (+ 主语 + 谓语 ) What a clever girl she is! How 感叹句 : How+ 形 / 副 (+ 主语 + 谓语 ) How clever the girl is _____a hot day it is! ______ hot the day is ! ______ delicious food it is! ______ well she sings! 1 What How What How 2. me too 我也一样 3. There he is 他来了! 倒装句 -将正常的陈述语序加以变化,主要作用是强调被提前的部分 4. over there 在哪边 5. No shouting 禁止喧哗 6. against the rule 违反规定 7. in trouble 遇上麻烦,处于困境 8. cross 跨过 ( 表面 ) ( through 穿过 ( 里面 ) ) He went _______ the bridge and ________ the forest, and disappear in distance Module 5 Unit 1 知识点 2 cross through 9. closed 关闭的 ( 形容词 , 反义词 open) close 关闭 ( 动词 ) 近的、亲密的 ( 形容词 ) open 打开 ( 动词 , 过去式 opened ) 开着的 / 营业的 ( 形容词 ) 1. _________(close) the door, please! 2. The door is _________(close) 3. She _______ (open) the door at 9. 4. Now the door is ______(open) That’s no good 那样不合适 take a photo 照相 Close closed opens open Module 5 Unit 1 知识点 3 10. No photos 禁止拍照 11. No wonder 难怪,不足为奇 12. What’s the matter, Lingling ? What’s the matter (+with + 某人 )? =What’s wrong/ the trouble? (+with + 某人 ) 怎么了 ; 出什么事情了 13. lost and found office 失物招领处 14. have to = must 必须 Module 5 Unit 1 知识点 4 Let’s read the dialogue 1. No shouting , please! 请勿喧哗! Don’t cross that rope! 不要越过那条绳子! No photos. 请勿拍照。 课文中的这些语句表达的都是“禁止做某事”的意思。要表达这一意思可以采用以下 几种结构: Language points 1 1). No + doing 这是一种比较常用的表达方式。例如: No joking! 不要开玩笑 No shouting No smoking 2). No + 名词 这种结构也可以表达“禁止做某事”的意思。例如: No entry. 请勿入内。 3). 祈使句 祈使句同样可以用来表示“禁止”。例如: Don’t make any noise. 不要吵闹。 Keep off the grass. 请勿践踏草坪。 4) Be not allowed to do sth 不被允许做某事 You are not allowed to take photos 这里不允许照相 . allow doing. sth.  允许做某事。如: We don’t allow eating in the classrooms. ( 我们 ) 不允许在教室吃饭 allow sb. to do sth .  允许某人做某事。如: My parents don’t allow me to go out at night.  我父母不允许我晚上出去。 2. It’s against the rules ! against the rules 违反规定 , 违反规则 It’s against he rule to pick up the ball. 捡球是犯规的。 (1)be against sb. /sth. 意为“反对某人或某事” ; be against the rule 意为“违反规定”。 (2) 在短语 be against 中 against 是介词 , 其后如果接动词 , 要用动词的 __________( 原形 /ing 形式 ), 即 __________________ 意为“放弃 / 反对做某事”。反义短语为 be for doing sth. 意为“支持做某事”。 3 ing 形式 be against doing sth. 3. Daming is in trouble again. 大明又遇到麻烦了。 trouble (1). 用作名词 1). 表示“烦恼”、“苦恼”、“困难”、“困境”、“辛劳”、“辛苦”等,通常是不 可数名词 ,使用时注意以下句型或结构: have trouble (in) doing sth 表示“做某事有困难”,其中的 介词 in 在口语中通常可 省略 , We had no trouble (in) finding his office 我们没花吹灰之力就找到了他的办公室。 5 be in trouble 意为“处于不幸 ( 苦恼,困境 ) 之中”。如: Please telephone us when you are in trouble. 有困难给我们来电话。 1)be in trouble 某人遇到麻烦 , 陷入困境 =get into troubles  2) take trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦去做某事 3)have trouble (in) doing sth= have trouble with sth 做某事有困难 4 . No wonder the place is empty! 难怪这个地方 人不多。 wonder 的用法 【 句型剖析 】 no wonder 意为“难怪 ; 不足为奇” , 后面直接接从句 , 相当于 it’s no wonder that 句型。例如 : It’s no wonder that they won’t come. 难怪他们没有来。 【 学以致用 】 难怪他超重 , 他吃得太多了 ! __________ __________he is overweight, he eats too much! No wonder 5. What’s the matter, Lingling? What’s the matter (+with + 某人 )? =What’s wrong/ the trouble? (+with + 某人 ) 怎么了 ; 出什么事情了 【 语境领悟 】 6.My mobile phone! It’s missing ! 我的手机 ! 它丢了 ! *Look! She is looking for her lost key. 看 ! 她正在寻找丢失的钥匙。 * Her grandpa is gone , so her grandma lives alone. 她的爷爷去世了 , 所以她奶奶独自生活。 单 词 用 法 句子成分 missing 表示“失踪了 , 不见了” , 强调某人或物不在原处 可作定语、表语或宾语补足语 lost 表示“丢失” , 含有“难以找回”的意思 可作定语、表语或宾语补足语 gone 表示“丢了 , 没了” , 含一去不复返之意 , 也可表示“死了” 作表语或宾语补足语 , 不可以作定语 选词填空 gone/lost/missing ①For more information of the __________girl, please visit our website. ②His pen was __________, but he found it just now. ③The singer’s headache is __________, so she feels comfortable now. missing lost gone Pronunciation and speaking Stress 重读 英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的 重读 一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词 需要重读 ;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要 起语法作用的单词 一般 不重读 (当然有少数例外)。 Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 1. No shouting, please! It’s against the rules. 2. Because it’s closed. 3. There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum. Now listen again and repeat. 6 P35 Talk Work in pairs. Discuss the rules in your classroom. 7 P35 Yes. No shouting in the classroom. Must we keep quiet in the classroom? Must I hand in my homework now? Yes. You should hand in your homework on time . Can I bring fruits to the classroom? Yes. But you only can eat them during the break of class, because no food and drink in class . Exercises 一 . 根据句意及汶语提示完成英语句子。 ____ ____ ( 禁止入内 )! The door is closed until tomorrow . We should always help people who are_____ _____ ( 陷入困境) . 3. Look at the_______( 标语 ). We can’t park the car here. 4. —Shall we_______ __________( 照相 ). together in the park? —Good idea. entry No in trouble sign photos take 5. Liu Huan sings quite well. _______ _______( 难怪 )he’s so popular. wonder No Exercises What’s the ______(wrong, matter) with your hand? --Why do you look worried? --I can’t _______(find, look for) my pet cat. Don’t _______(across, cross) the road when traffic lights are red. No smoking! It’s________(for, against) the rule. Don’t worry. Maybe your key is in the ______(lost, missing) and found office. ______(How, What) a wonderful picture! Exercises What’s the ______(wrong, matter) with your hand? --Why do you look worried? --I can’t _______(find, look for) my pet cat. Don’t _______(across, cross) the road when traffic lights are red. No smoking! It’s________(for, against) the rule. Don’t worry. Maybe your key is in the ______(lost, missing) and found office. ______(How, What) a wonderful picture! matter find cross against lost What (二)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。  1. Tony isn’t ___________ (allow) to touch the  sculpture.  2. They can‘t go to the Natural History room, because it is ___________ (close) now.  3. Look at this one, what an ________ (amaze) sculpture!  4. They are looking forward to _________ (hear) from you.  5. I'm not ____________ (real) interested in fishing.    6. No ___________ (run) means ―Don‘t run here  7. You mustn’t _____________ (tell) anyone about it.  8. In most libraries you can’t_____________ (make) any  noise.  9. Nina ______ (pay) no attention to what her teacher told her.  10. They are waiting at the ________(entry) to the garden. Homework 1.Remember the important words and expressions. 2.Write the rules s that you can and can’t do in the museum .

