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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 Module 1-2 Highlights of My Senior Year Ⅰ.完形填空 导学号 58082706 (2016·江西师范大学附中期末考试) Many people are constantly waiting for their life to start.“When I'm older I'll do this” and “In a few years I'll do that.” They think the life they are _1.C__ is boring and meaningless. Who has never viewed himself or herself _2.B__ worthless and unattractive? In others' eyes,you are always“the funny one” and become loud and overconfident to mask what you are actually feeling, 3.D__ few people know about the way you feel. All of us may _4.A__from depression and frustration,lose guidance and support, and thus need _5.C__ physically,or spiritually. Just think like this way: 6.B__ feelings I am feeling will eventually go away. I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself and actually want to _7.D__.I am an incredibly lucky person who has come from a family _8.A__ there is full of love and support. I have to be the one to make the _9.C__ to change my way of thinking. All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too. _10.B__ I am feeling miserable,my life is still going on and I am missing out on _11.D__ those precious moments. We all have terrible things which happen to us and will _12.C__ each of us differently. The most important thing to remember is that our _13.B__ aren't what defines us.What defines us is how we _14.C__ what has happened to us and how we change the way we think about it. We can either let it become us or we can use our newly-found _15.A__ to change a little bit of the world around us all. There's something much bigger than us and our problems.It is always _16.D__ to remember that there is always someone who is in a _17.C__ much worse than our own. Nevertheless,I am well on the _18.B__ to becoming the person I want to be and I have goals and expectations of myself.I am now _19.A__ that my life has started. It started years ago and it's not _20.B__ over yet.It's happening right now.Yours 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 is too. 文章大意:很多人都在等待最好的生活,但其实最好的生活就在当下。 1.A.making B.predicting C.experiencing D.expecting [解析] 根据前一句“很多人一直都在等待生活的开始”可知,他们认为现在正在经历 的生活是无趣的。experience 意为“经历”符合语境。故选 C 项。make 意为“制作;使得”; predict 意为“预言;预料”;expect 意为“预料;期望”。 2.A.of B.as C.for D.with [解析] view...as...意为“把……看作……”,为固定搭配。故选 B 项。 3.A.and B.or C.so D.but [解析] 设空前的 In others' eyes,you are always“the funny one”and become loud and overconfident to mask what you are actually feeling“在别人眼中,你永远是个滑 稽的人,为了掩盖自己真实的感觉而表现得喧哗,过于自信”和下文 few people know about the way you feel“没有几个人知道你的感觉”之间是转折关系。故选 D 项。 4.A.suffer B.arise C.differ D.result [解析] 根据设空后的 from depression and frustration,lose guidance and support 可知选 suffer。suffer from 意为“遭受”,其后常接表示疾病、自然灾害的词,或接 loneliness,overpopulation 等词。故选 A 项。arise from 意为“由……引起”;differ from 意为“与……不同”;result from 意为“由……造成”。 5.A.growth B.service C.aid D.sacrifice [解析] 根据上文 All of us may suffer from depression and frustration,lose guidance and support“我们所有人可能都遭受过沮丧和挫折,没有指导和支持”可知,下 文是说我们都需要身体上和精神上的帮助。growth 意为“增长;成长”;service 意为“服 务”;aid 意为“援助;帮助”;sacrifice 意为“牺牲”。故选 C 项。 6.A.Pleasant B.Horrible C.Sensitive D.Complicated [解析] 根据第 10 空前一句 All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too.可知,设空处所在句与该句形成对比,因此该处表示 “糟糕的(horrible)感觉最终会消失的”。pleasant 意为“令人愉快的”;horrible 意为 “糟糕的;可怕的”;sensitive 意为“敏感的”;complicated 意为“难懂的;结构复杂的”。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 故选 B 项。 7.A.relax B.move C.learn D.change [解析] 根据上文 I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself(我需要停止顾影自 怜)可知,下文应是作出“改变”(change)。故选 D 项。relax 意为“放松”;move 意为“移 动;搬动”;learn 意为“学习”。 8.A.where B.what C.that D.which [解析] 根据分句句式结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词是 family,且从句中缺 少状语,故用 where 引导。句意为:我是个非常幸运的人,来自于一个充满爱和支持的家庭。 故选 A 项。 9.A.mistake B.difference C.decision D.comment [解析] 根据设空后的 to change my way of thinking 可知,此处应是“决定改变我的 思维方式”,make the decision 意为“作决定”,故选 C 项。make a mistake 意为“犯错 误”;make a/the difference 意为“起作用;有影响”;make a comment 意为“作出评论”。 10.A.Because B.While C.Unless D.When [解析] 句意为:尽管我现在感觉很痛苦,但生活还要继续,我会错过欣赏这些宝贵时 刻的机会。I am feeling miserable 与 my life is still going on 之间是转折关系,while 可意为“尽管”,表让步,符合语境。故选 B 项。 11.A.calculating B.practicing C.forgetting D.appreciating [解析] 句意见上一题解析。calculate 意为“计算;预测”;practice 意为“练习”; forget 意为“忘记”;appreciate 意为“欣赏”。根据空后的 precious moments“宝贵时 刻”可知,应是“欣赏”(appreciate)。故选 D 项。 12.A.attract B.treat C.affect D.benefit [解析] 根据常识,发生在我们身上的事总是影响我们。attract 意为“吸引”,treat 意为“对待;看待”;affect 意为“影响”;benefit 意为“有益于”。句意为:我们都会 遇到一些不幸的事,它们会对我们产生不一样的影响。故选 C 项。 13.A.characters B.problems C.advantages D.experiences [解析] 句意为:我们要记住最重要的是:不是我们的问题限定了我们。character 意 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 为“个性;性格;角色”;problem 意为“问题”;advantage 意为“优点”;experience 意为“经历”。故选 B 项。根据倒数第三段第一句 There's something much bigger than us and our problems.也可知此处选 problems。 14.A.care about B.make up C.deal with D.wait for [解析] 句意为:限定我们的是我们如何对待这些问题以及改变我们思考这些问题的方 式。care about 意为“关心;在意”;make up 意为“形成;构成;编造;化妆”;deal with 意为“处理”;wait for 意为“等待”。根据空后的 what has happened to us 可知,deal with 符合语境。故选 C 项。 15.A.wisdom B.energy C.chance D.patience [解析] 根据设空前的 newly-found 及空后的 to change a little bit of the world around us all 可知,改变世界应是用“智慧”(wisdom),故选 A 项。句意为:我们或者让 它成为我们或者我们用新发现的智慧去为我们身边的世界作出一点点改变。energy 意为“能 量”;chance 意为“机会;机遇”;patience 意为“耐心”。 16.A.difficult B.unnecessary C.impossible D.important [解析] 根据前一句...much bigger than us and our problems.可知,总有东西是比 我们和我们的问题更厉害,因此,记得总是有些人的处境比我们的更糟糕,这是很重要的 (important)。故选 D 项。 17.A.game B.relation C.position D.distance [解析] 根据语境可知,此处指有些人的处境比我们的更糟糕,故选 position。game 意为“游戏”;relation 意为“关系”;distance 意为“距离”。 18.A.turn B.way C.corner D.direction [解析] 句意为:然而我仍然还在这条路上,我想成为一个我想成为的人,我有自己的 目标和期望。on the way to...意为“在去……的路上”,符合句意。turn 意为“轮到的机 会”;corner 意为“拐角处”;direction 意为“方向”。故选 B 项。 19.A.aware B.surprised C.afraid D.worried [解析] 根据最后一段 It started years ago and it's not ________ over yet.It's happening right now.Yours is too.可知,“我”现在意识到我的生活已经发生了改变。aware 意为“意识到的;明白的”;surprised 意为“惊讶的”;afraid 意为“害怕的”;worried 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 意为“担忧的”。故选 A 项。 20.A.even B.nearly C.only D.much [解析] 多年前生活就已经开始,到现在远没有结束。not nearly 意为“远非,绝不是”, 符合语境。故选 B 项。 Ⅱ.阅读理解 导学号 58082707 Around four years ago, I received a call from the principal of our school as to the “Parents View” talk the next morning. He asked me to speak to the group. After the call, my whole body became feverish and panicky. The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night, I could not sleep with many ominous_apprehensions in mind. One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come. Finally, I gathered some courage. I thought, “If I miss this opportunity, surely the school will never invite me again to any of their programs.” I reached the school in time. Before my turn came, my whole body was trembling. When my turn came and I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn't even able to read the written speech properly. I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading. That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness, Public Speaking. After my speech, I met with the principal and explained what happened to me. He told me that this happens to everyone. Even great speakers faced the same things when they started. He suggested that I come again next time. Around one month later, I was invited to refer to a topic on Motivation. This time I was feeling comfortable. My speech was not only appreciated by the principal as well as the teachers, because I was able to get my idea across to them. They encouraged and praised my efforts. After delivering this presentation successfully, I became more confident. I said to myself, “If I can speak in front of such a learned audience, like the principal who educates others, I can now speak in front of others too.” I started delivering lectures in my plant, on various topics like Self Motivation, Personality Development, Personal Excellence, Spoken English and Presentation Skills. This has become a passion for me. I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step. 文章大意:作者通过自己的亲身经历告诉我们如何摆脱在台上演讲的恐惧心理,相信自 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 己,战胜恐惧,千里之行始于足下。 1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?__A__ A.Practice Makes a Man a Better Speechmaker B.Public Speaking Makes a Man Embarrassed. C.Principal Provides the Best Chances. D.Spoken English Develops in Speeches. [解析] 主旨大意题。 A“练习能够使人成为一名更好的演讲家”;B“公众演讲让人尴 尬”;C“校长提供了最好的机会”;D“英语口语在演讲中提高”。通读全文,并根据文章 的最后两段可知作者通过多次的演讲逐渐克服了讲话时的紧张感,成为一名善于演讲的人。 故选 A。 2.The author had bad feelings before the speech because __D__. A.he disliked the idea of giving a lecture B.he had got a high fever before that C.he regretted accepting the invitation D.he feared he couldn't perform it properly [解析] 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的“The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night, I could not sleep with many ominous apprehensions in mind 和 Finally, I gathered some courage”可知作者是害怕自己不能顺利完成演讲。 故选 D。 3.What does the underlined part “ominous apprehensions” in the first paragraph mean?__B__ A.Unlucky opportunities. B.Negative ideas. C.Curious views. D.Happy comments. [解析] 词义猜测题。A. Unlucky opportunities“不幸的机会”;B. Negative ideas“否定观点”;C. Curious views“好奇的观点”;D. Happy comments“幸福的评论”。 根据该句前面的“The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years”可 推断作者的脑中都是否定的观点。故选 B。 4.What can we conclude from the passage?__C__ A.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty. B.Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud. C.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. D.Necessity is the mother of invention. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 [解析] 推理判断题。 A.“没有付出,除了贫穷一无所获”;B.“知识使人谦虚,无 知使人骄傲”;C.“千里之行始于足下”;D.“需要是发明之母”。根据文章的最后一句话 “I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step” 推断选 C。 Ⅲ.七选五 导学号 58082708 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 (2016·聊城一中阶段测试) What will you do if you can't eat everything bought in the canteen? _1.G__According to a survey, what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people. _2.E__According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people. Food waste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries. In the West, for instance, consumerism, the belief that it's a good thing to use a lot of goods and services, is often to blame for food waste. _3.B__ Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food. On campus, a generation of single children is less aware of the food waste issue. Students nowadays are well protected by their families and hardly have any concept of how much toil (辛劳) others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. _4.D__There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas. They don't have enough food to eat. Many children die for lack of nutrition each year in some African countries. And farmers work very hard to grow the crops. _5.F__ It's also important that everyone should think about how they can do their bit to reduce food waste. A.Students' waste is extremely serious. B.China, in turn, features its own eating culture. C.Students can never realize the serious food crisis. D.Compared with them, some live in a different world. E.But canteen waste is merely the tip of the iceberg. F.So there's no excuse that we should waste our food. G.Most of us would simply throw away any leftover food. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 文章大意:文章主要讲的是浪费食物的现象。学生往往会把吃剩下的饭菜倒掉,学校食 堂的浪费现象只是冰山一角,我国每年浪费的粮食有大约两千万吨。 [解析] 1.根据第二行“what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people”可知,学生们会把吃不完的饭菜倒掉,由此造成的浪费能够养活一千多万人,故选 G。 2.根据“the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people”可知,中国人浪费掉的粮食能够养活两亿人, 说明食堂的浪费现象只是冰山一角,故选 E。 3.根据本段首句“Food waste... serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues”和“Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.” 可知,食物浪费现象反映一个国家的饮食文化和习惯,故选 B。 4.根据“There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.”可知,本段讲的是处于饥饿中的人们,故选 D。 5.根据“Many children die for lack of nutrition each year...And farmers work very hard to grow the crops.”可知,世界其它地方的孩子因饥饿而死,而且农民种粮食 很辛苦,因此我们没有理由浪费粮食,每个人都应该想一想该怎样减少食物浪费,故选 F。 Ⅳ.语法填空 导学号 58082709 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 (2016·河南百校联盟高三质监) When policy experts debate climate change solutions, they often talk about “a price on carbon”.They are _1.arguing__(argue) about whether companies should pay when they put carbon pollution in the air.Carbon pollution, like every other form of pollution, _2.has__(have) an impact on the environment. _3.Throwing__(throw) waste into a river will cause the fish to die and the people _4.who/that__ drink the water to get sick.And when you produce carbon pollution, you get climate change—sea level rise, stronger storms, severe droughts damage to agriculture, and more.All of those impacts cost money. Insurance rates go up when storms get more _5.destructive__(destruction).Taxes increase when cities have to rebuild bridges and roads.Military budgets go up when droughts and population _6.changes__(change) cause conflict, not to mention impacts on agriculture and health care costs.In other words, the price on carbon is _7.what__ we all pay when there is no market force _8.to_limit__(limit) the pollution that causes climate change.So the debate is _9.really__(real) about who will pay that price— _10.the__ companies which are 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 making a profit from the fossil fuels, or the taxpayers who pick up the cost now? [解析] 1.考查时态。根据句意,此处表示“他们正在就……进行争辩”,表示现阶段 正在进行的动作,故应该用现在进行时。 2.考查时态和主谓一致。本文是现在时态,且主语是第三人称单数,因此要用 has。 3.考查非谓语动词。 根据语法,此处缺少主语,作主语的动词形式常常用动名词形式。 4.考查关系词。 根据句意以及语法,此处指的是前面的 the people,在后面的句子中 作 drink 的主语,故应该用 who 或 that 来引导定语从句。 5.考查词性变化。 此处表示“破坏性的”,应该使用 destruction 的形容词形式。 6.考查名词的数。 根据句意,此处指“人口数量的变化”,表示复数意义,故应该使 用可数名词的复数形式。 7.考查连接词。此处用于引导 is 的表语从句,表语从句中 pay 的宾语缺失,表示物的 意义,且无疑问概念,故应该用连接代词 what 来引导表语从句。 8.考查非谓语动词。 force 的后置定语常用不定式,此处表示“限制污染的市场推动 力”。 9.考查副词。 此处用于修饰谓语动词 is about who...,故应该用 real 的副词形式 really。 10.考查冠词。根据句意,此处指“从燃烧化石燃料中获利的那些公司”,为特指意义, 故应该使用定冠词 the。

