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英语试卷二 一、阅读理解 ‎1.It is true that summer is hot. But here is something to make your day easier. Are you prepared? Meet the new AirFreez— an alternative to traditional Air Conditioners that cools you just the same!‎ How does it work?‎ It is surprisingly easy to set up! You just need to plug it into a socket(插座)OR any USB port (it uses so little energy that it can even run off of a phone or laptop battery).‎ Once you have done that, simply fill it with 20oz/0. 6L of cold tap water.‎ Now just press the power button and the instant cool air is here!‎ What is so special about this little box?‎ It is no larger than a lunchbox. It can be powered by a pocket solar panel(电池板)or battery pack and you probably have the world's first and most portable AC unit.‎ Bad sleepers are putting the AirFreez next to their beds at night. The relaxing blow of cool, clean air, the comforting soft night light and the quiet create the perfect sleeping conditions!‎ The price is just amazing. Most AC units cost at least $ 300+ AND you have to pay more to cover the expensive electricity bills each month. AirFreez costs less than $ 100 (actually $ 53 if you buy more than one here).‎ Top Tips:   ‎ ‎●To make your air even cooler—add a bottle of cold tap water from your refrigerator or even ice!‎ ‎●For a beautiful relaxing atmosphere—add a few drops of fragrant oils to the water!‎ ‎1.Which is necessary to get AirFreez to work?‎ A.A socket. B.A phone battery.‎ C.A laptop and hot waten D.Cold water and power supply.‎ ‎2.How much do two sets of AirFreez cost?‎ A.$106, B.$ 200. C.$ 300. D.$ 600.‎ ‎3.How can a user of AirFreez get cooler air?‎ A.By adding ice into the machine. B.By putting it closer to one's bed.‎ C.By filling the machine with tap water. D.By adding a few drops of special oils.‎ ‎2.Vacation in the U. S. usually means slower days, and no school teachers know, however, that vacation means students will likely fall behind, and forget things they learned during the year. Simon Vanderpool, a special education teacher in Lexington, Kentucky, decided to do something about it.‎ He started a program called Books and Barbers. Children go to the barber, choose a book and read out loud while the barber cuts their hair. The child gets a sticker and can take the book home. And there is an added bonus: money. The kids get paid to read.‎ Vanderpool says barber shops are places where kids can feel comfortable. “Once a student feels comfortable, that's whenever the brain opens up, and that they are able to start focusing on nothing but learning. ” Amir Shalash owns a barber shop. But he is doing more than cutting children's hair. He is listening to them read, and helping them with their reading.‎ Most of the children getting haircuts at barber shops are boys. Vanderpool's idea was to do more than just help them with reading and money. The teacher wants to help kids who are growing up in a home without a father liike he did. Also, I created the program in order to provide a positive mentor(指导者)for the kids that go into the barber shop, and are able to have someone that they can rely on and they can trust in, and just build a bond between the two of them. ” Shalash says he and his fellow barbers like being mentors.‎ ‎“The biggest thing is that we try to influence as many kids as we can, and that was my whole intention of it. ”‎ ‎1.Why did Simon Vanderpool start Books and Barbers ?‎ A.To help children kill time. B.To bring children a fruitful vacation C.To reduce teachers,pressure from work. D.To improve children's communication skills.‎ ‎2.What makes a barber shop suitable for Books and Barbers program?‎ A.Its collection of books. B.Its quiet atmosphere.‎ C.Its relaxing environment. D.Its friendly barbers.‎ ‎3.What is Amir Shalash's purpose of taking part in the program?‎ A.To offer valuable guidance to children. B.To show the importance of bonding.‎ C.To tell the necessity of trusting people. D.To influence his fellow barbers positively.‎ ‎4.What is the best title for the text?‎ A.What It Takes to Be a Good Barber B.What to Expect During the Vacation C.How Important Reading Is to Children D.How a Haircut Is Helping Students Read ‎3.Whales, like all mammals(哺乳动物),need air, and come to the surface to breathe through a blowhole. A drone(无人机)that floats over the blowholes of humpback whales as they are making annual journey along Australia's east coast is being used by Australian scientists for collecting nasal mucus(鼻腔粘液)of whales.‎ Vanessa Pirotta, a biologist at Macquarie University says that nasal mucus indicates the health of the whale. “It is the biological mixture that you see as a whale takes a breath as it surfaces from the water,” she said. You can hear sounds of sharp breaths as a whale breathes because, after all, they are animals like you and I. So as they take a breath it is a lot of lung bacteria coming out from their lungs, which we can collect to provide a brief idea of whale health.‎ Australian researchers have attached a special dish that is used in scientific tests to a drone which flies through the whale's nasal mist. As a whale comes to take a breath—you can actually see it coming to the surface on really good weather days —the drone then lowers, the dish is then opened, collecting nasal mucus for later research.‎ The research could help to solve one of the secrets of another impressive creature of the deep —the Southern right whale. Its numbers have recovered on Australia's west coast since hunting became suppressed but its population on the eastern seaboard remains stubbornly low.‎ In the past studies into whale health had to rely on examining whales that were either killed or those whales that had been trapped on a beach. Drones allow scientists to collect nasal mucus from free-swimming whales to gather information in a safe way.‎ ‎1.What is the drone mainly used to do?‎ A.To gather information for researchers. B.To record new species of whales.‎ C.To guarantee the safety of whales. D.To take photos of whales' annual journey.‎ ‎2.How can a biologist find out a whale's health condition in the study?‎ A.By examining liquids from its breath. B.By checking its lungs on a machine.‎ C.By listening to the sounds of its breath. D.By studying its similarity with humans.‎ ‎3.What does the underlined word “suppressed” in Paragraph 4 mean?‎ A.Commercial. B.Rewarding. C.Hidden. D.Forbidden.‎ ‎4.Why is the Southern right whale mentioned?‎ A.To describe the difficulty to track it. ‎ B.To show the increasing population.‎ C.To stress the urgency of doing the research. ‎ D.To indicate the potential application of the research.‎ ‎4.Google previously announced successful tests of machine learning systems designed to assist doctors. In one case, Google reported AI had examined eye diseases with equal accuracy to doctors. Other tests showed that machine learning can be used to study large amounts of patient data to predict future medical events.‎ Now the company has published two new studies showing a high level of success in identifying metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic means that cancer has spread from its main area to other parts of the body. Metastatic breast cancer is one of the deadliest, causing about 90 percent of all breast cancer deaths worldwide.‎ In metastatic breast cancer patients, the cancer often travels to nearby lymph nodes(淋巴结).Usually doctors examine lymph node tissue under a microscope to see whether cncer is present・ Google notes that previous studies have shown that up to one-fourth of metastatic lymph node classifications end up being changed after a second examination. In addition , studies show that small metastatic material can be missed up to 67 percent of the time when examinations happen under extreme time restrictions.‎ Google says it created a mathematical algorithm(算法).The algorithm, called Lymph Node Assistant, is trained to find characteristics of tissue affected by metastatic cancer. When the system examined tissue images (图像),it was able to differentiate between metastatic cancer and non-cancer 99 percent of the time. In addition, the Lymph Node Assistant is highly effective at finding the positions of the cancers. Some of these positions would be too small for doctors themselves to identify. The research also showed that the algorithm method can reduce the usual time needed to examine the disease by about  50    percent .‎ But Google makes clear the Al-based system is not meant to replace the work of medical professionals. Instead , it is designed to reduce the number of false identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively.‎ ‎1.What is the main idea of Paragraph 1? A.Google became a pioneer in training ‎ doctors. B.Machine learning is able to stop future medical events. C.Google developed artificial intelligence to help doctors. D.Artificial intelligence cured eye diseases with equal accuracy to doctors 2.What can we infer about metastatic breast cancer? A.One-fourth of the metastatic breast cancer patients die in the end. B.Metastatic breast cancer is very difficult to identify. C.It results in 90 percent of deaths of all cancers. D.It can be identified after a second examination. 3.What is the advantage of Google's new mathematical algorithm? A.It can offer effective treatment. B.It can tell the exact positions of cancers C.It costs 99 percent less time than before. D.It improves the accuracy of identifying cancers by 50%. 4.What influence will the mathematical algorithm bring? A.False identification of cancers will be avoided. B.More effective prevention of cancers will be found. C.The number of medical professionals will be reduced. D.Doctors can have a faster understanding of patients' condition.‎ 二、七选五 ‎5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ For many freshmen (新生), this will really be your first time to handle money on your own. You will have difficulty handling budgets. Here are some amazing tips for you.‎ Keep track of personal finances ‎①___________.This is how you become truly independent. Actually, in this case, there are now a lot of convenient APPs on your smart phone that can give you a real time image of your money and spending.‎ Use credit responsibly Building credit is important, and so is opening your first credit card. ②___________. Then, look for a card with no annual fee, good rewards and a reasonable interest rate.‎ ‎③___________‎ The easiest way to start is to save all your coins and changes every week into a savings account with no ATM card. This seemingly insignificant amount adds up over time and starts the habit of saving.‎ Get a flexible job Getting a job in college is practical , because you can earn “spending money” and even save some to put toward books, supplies, and your student loans. ④___________, which have limited responsibilities. These types of work allow you to make money and finish your schooling. ‎ Network for your future career No money item could be more important than your network, because the quickest way to get a job is all about who you know, and not totally dependent on your grades. ⑤___________.‎ A.Learn to start saving a little each month B.There are many on-campus jobs out there C.The first step is to start keeping accounts for yourself D.Ask the salespeople to explain detailed points to you E.Open an account without delay when it's convenient F.But your job can have a negative effect on your study G.This could benefit you more than opening up a credit card 三、完形填空 ‎6.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ My family has narrowly made ends meet all the time. This January, things went worse for our family,     1     us from just poor to homeless and losing everything except for our     2     .‎ It was a cold winter and we had no choice but to move south. By some good     3    , my grandma and I were able to     4     a house to hold my two dogs.     5     , after living there for a week, all funds were gone, and my dog food was     6     Nobody would even consider doing a charge     7     to sell dog food to me, and nobody were willing to help us.‎ I started     8     my dogs on the very little human food I had in the house! I was so scared that they weren’t     9     enough nutrition. In addition, the female dog was     10     and needed extra nutrition. I couldn’t even begin to tell others the     11     I felt. I was even having nightmares about losing her and the new lives.‎ Then, a     12     came finally. We called a small farm equipment and animal supply store in town. There, a kind lady     13     it. She checked if I was     14     to get credit but I couldn’t. However, this sweet lady     15     me she had extra money, and she would buy the dog food for me. She didn’t even ask to be     16     back.‎ When I heard that, I started crying. My fear was     17    , my dogs would be fed properly, all because this young woman paid for it out of her own pocket. She didn’t know me and I could have been anybody. But she said, “I just feel so     18     about your dogs. I know what it’s like, especially after just having     19     I knew since I had a bit of extra money, I just had to do something. ’’‎ This young woman, whose name I don’t even know, will always be my     20     ,and mydogs' as well.‎ ‎1.A.saving B.taking  C.preventing  D.ensuring 2.A.pets B.crops   C.business  D.reputation 3.A.figures  B.luck  C.imagination  D.conditions 4.A.purchase  B.invent  C.find  D.offer 5.A.Unexpectedly B.Undoubtedly C.Unreasonably D.Unfortunately 6.A.running into B.running out C.giving away D.giving ‎ up 7.A.exchange B.explanation  C.account D.accomplishment 8.A.feeding  B.tricking   C.controlling  D.comforting 9.A.undertaking  B.producing C.digesting D.absorbing 10.A.pregnant  B.energetic   C.sensitive D.lovely 11.A.hope  B.excitement  C.fear  D.ache 12.A.wonder B.result C.coincidence D.procedure 13.A.hang B.answered C.received D.identified 14.A.taught  B.forced  C.remembered D.allowed 15.A.persuaded B.reminded  C.told  D.warned 16.A.kept  B.called C.looked  D.paid 17.A.improved   B.relieved   C.reserved  D.expanded 18.A.ashamed  B.appropriate   C.anxious  D.amused 19.A.moved   B.succeeded  C.returned  D.appeared 20.A.model  B.example  C.gift D.hero 四、语法填空 ‎7.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Nezha is the subject of the latest cartoon film, which ①_________ (official) opened in cinemasin China on July 26. Nezha has got wonderful reviews and is rated higher than Monkey King :Hero is Back. Since July 26, the film ②_________ (earn) more than 140 million yuan at the box office, and the film has a score of 8. 8 ③_________ (point) (out of 10) on China’s largest filming rating site, Douban.‎ Yang Yu, ④_________ is the director of it, made up his mind ⑤_________ (produce) a film on the theme of breaking old rules and changing fate. Yang chose Nezha as his character, the ⑥_________ (combine) of the rebellious (叛逆的) but straight youth. The film is loosely based on the Chinese novel The Investiture of the Gods. In the novel, Nezha is born during the Shang dynasty and is famous ⑦_________ fighting against the Dragon King.‎ It took Yang Yu two years to polish the script, and the film was in production for three years. It is ⑧_________ most complex cartoon production ever ⑨_________ (make) in China. It has more than 1,300 special effects shots, and it took over 20 Chinese special effects studios, ⑩_________ (employ) more than 1,600 people, to realize the film's fairy tale setting, the mysterious Dragon King's palace. One spectacular scene alone took two months to complete.‎ 五、短文改错 ‎8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Dear Peter,‎ I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I’m writing to express our appreciations for your reception.‎ We were impressed with our warm entertainment. With your careful preparation, the journey couldn’t have been so successfully. We benefited a lot from the visit. We get a precious chance to learn British culture and history. It also offered us a platform where we could displayed traditional Chinese culture such as like paper-cutting and Chinese painting to more foreigners. We would like to invite you visit China this summer holiday, so you can experience the Chinese culture in person and have a deeper understand of it.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 六、书面表达 ‎9.假定你是李华,外教Smith先生下周即将来你班任教。请你用英语写一封电子邮件向他介绍你班的基本情况,内容包括:‎ ‎1.班级人数;‎ ‎2.英语学习的现状;‎ ‎3.大家对他教学的建议。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数。‎ Dear Mr Smith,‎ I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3. ‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ We are looking forward to your coming!‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考答案 ‎1.答案:1.D; 2.A; 3.A 解析:1.细节理解题。根据How does it work?部分中的“You just need to plug it into a socket(插座)OR any USB port (it uses so little energy that it can even run off of a phone or laptop battery).”及“Once you have done that, simply fill it with 20oz/0. 6L of cold tap water.”可知,让AirFreez工作只需冷水和电源,故D项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据What is so special about this little box? 部分中的“AirFreez costs less than $ 100 (actually $ 53 if you buy more than one here)”可知,购买两台或两台以上AirFreez只需每台花53美元,所以买两台需付106美元,故A项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据Top Tips部分中的“●To make your air even cooler—add a bottle of cold tap water from your refrigerator or even ice!”可知,用AirFreez获得更凉爽的空气需要往机器里放一些冰,故A项正确。‎ ‎2.答案:1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.D 解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“however, that vacation means students will likely fall behind, and forget things they learned during the year.”可知,孩子们在假期可能会忘掉所学的东西,学习退步,所以Simon Vanderpool创办图书和理发店项目是要给孩子们带来一个富有成效的假期,故B项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Vanderpool says barber shops are places where kids can feel comfortable. “Once a student feels comfortable, that's whenever the brain opens up, and that they are able to start focusing on nothing but learning.”可知,理发店是孩子们感到舒适的地方,一旦他们感到舒适,他们就可以开始专注于学习,由此可知,放松的环境使理发店适合图书和理发店项目,故C项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Amir Shalash owns a barber shop. But he is doing more than cutting children's hair. He is listening to them read, and helping them with their reading.”可知,Amir Shalash拥有这样的一家理发店,但他所做的不仅仅是给孩子们剪头发,他在听他们阅读,帮助他们阅读,由此可知,Amir Shalash参加这个项目的目的是给孩子提供有价值的指导,故A项正确。 4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述的是Simon ‎ Vanderpool把理发和阅读结合起来,创办图书和理发店项目以给孩子们带来一个富有成效的假期,故D项(理发如何帮助学生阅读)作标题最能概括出文章内容。‎ ‎3.答案:1.A; 2.A; 3.D; 4.D 解析:1.细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A drone(无人机)that floats over the blowholes of humpback whales as they are making annual journey along Australia's east coast is being used by Australian scientists for collecting nasal mucus(鼻腔粘液)of whales.”可知,无人机是用来收集鲸鱼的鼻腔粘液的,也就是为研究人员收集信息,故A项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Vanessa Pirotta, a biologist at Macquarie University says that nasal mucus indicates the health of the whale.”可知,鼻腔粘液能够反映出鲸鱼的健康情况,由此可知,生物学家在研究中是通过检查鲸鱼呼出的粘液来了解鲸鱼的健康状况的,故A项正确。 3.词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Its numbers have recovered on Australia's west coast since hunting became”可知,自捕猎活动受到禁止以来,澳大利亚西海岸的南露脊鲸数量已经开始回升,南露脊鲸数量的回升得益于禁止非法捕猎,由此可知画线词词义为“禁止”,故D项正确。 4.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“but its population on the eastern seaboard remains stubbornly low.”可知,东部沿海的南露脊鲸的数量仍然很低,言外之意,可以利用这项研究来弄清楚东部沿海的南露脊鲸的数量低的原因,由此可知,文章提到南露脊鲸是为了指出这项研究的潜在应用,故D项正确。‎ ‎4.答案:1.C; 2.B; 3.B; 4.D 解析:1.主旨大意题。根据第一段内容,特别是“Google previously announced successful tests of machine learning systems designed to assist doctors.”可知,本段主要介绍了谷歌开发了人工智能来帮助医生,故C项正确。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Google notes that previous studies have shown that up to one-fourth of metastatic lymph node classifications end up being changed after a second examination. In addition , studies show that small metastatic material can be missed up to 67 percent of the time when examinations happen under extreme time restrictions.”可知,以前的研究表明,多达四分之一的转移性淋巴结分类在第二次检查后会改变,此外,研究表明,在极端的时间限制下进行检查时,小的转移性乳腺癌可以漏诊高达67%,也就是说转移性乳腺癌很难鉴别,故B项正确。 3.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In addition, the Lymph Node Assistant is highly effective at finding the positions of the ‎ cancers.”可知,谷歌研发的新算法在发现癌变位置方面非常有效,由此可知,它的优点是能识别癌变的确切位置,故B项正确。 4.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Instead , it is designed to reduce the number of false identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively.”可知,这种新算法旨在减少误诊的数量,帮助医生更快更有效地工作,由此可知,通过这种新算法,医生可以更快地了解病人的病情,故D项正确。‎ ‎5.答案: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. G 解析: ‎ ‎6.答案:1.B; 2.A; 3.B; 4.C; 5.D; 6.B; 7.C; 8.A; 9.D; 10.A; 11.C; 12.A; 13.B; 14.D; 15.C; 16.D; 17.B; 18.C; 19.A; 20.D 解析: ‎ ‎7.答案: 1. officially 2. has earned 3. points 4. who 5. to produce 6. combination 7. for 8. the 9. made 10. employing 解析: ‎ ‎8.答案:‎ Dear Peter,‎ I am to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I’m writing to express our for your reception.‎ We were impressed with warm entertainment. your careful preparation, the journey couldn’t have been so . We benefited a lot from the visit. We a precious chance to learn British culture and history. It also offered us a platform where we could traditional Chinese culture such as like paper-cutting and Chinese painting to more foreigners. We would like to invite you visit China this summer holiday, so you can experience the Chinese culture in person and have a deeper of it.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 解析:‎ ‎9.答案:One possible version:‎ Dear Mr Smith,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3. I'm glad to hear you will come to teach us. I will give a brief introduction of our class to you.‎ There are 60 students in our class, including 36 boys and 24 girls. Most of us are fond of studying English,but the abilities of listening and speaking are relatively weak, especially when communicating with foreigners.Although the academic atmosphere is great, we always can't get good grades.‎ We hope you will give us more opportunities to express ourselves in English and enjoy more English videos in class. In addition, if a variety of English activities, such as English short plays and English speech contests,can be held regularly, our English will improve greatly.‎ We are looking forward to your coming !‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 解析:‎

