人教PEP版六年级第一学期期末英语质量检测卷 ( 含答案)

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人教PEP版六年级第一学期期末英语质量检测卷 ( 含答案)

人教 PEP 版六年级第一学期期末英语质量检测卷 听力部分(30 分) 一、听音排序。(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听音判断图片与句子是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5 分) ( )1.In Chen Jie’s class, every student has a . A.classmate B.pen friend ( )2.Blue is favourite colour. A.Chen Jie’s B.Zhang Peng ( )3.Zhang Peng to school. A.walks B.on foot ( )4.There is a science museum Zhang Peng’s home. A.behind B.in front of ( )5.Zhang Peng’s hobby is playing . A.football B.basketball 四、听短文,填单词。(5 分) John is my pen pal. He in China. He likes and the . His mother is a teacher. She . She goes to work . She often at night. 五、听问句,选择正确的答语。(5 分) ( )1.A.She is strong. B.Yes, she is. C.She is a coach. ( )2.A.I often go by bus. B.I like hiking. C.He likes diving. ( )3.A.He is a worker. B.He works in a school. C.She works in a bank. ( )4.A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. ( )5.A.I’m going to the zoo. B.I’m going at 3 o’clock. C.I’m going to read books. 笔试部分(70 分) 六、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(5 分) ( )1.A.traffic B.plane C.cat D.magazine ( )2.A.brown B.how C.know D.flower ( )3.A.ship B.big C.bike D.dish ( )4.A.put B.subway C.bus D.us ( )5.A.look B.school C.foot D.cook 七、找出不属于同类的一项。(10 分) ( )1.A.gym B.university C.pizza D.factory ( )2.A.fisherman B.pilot C.scientist D.teach ( )3.A.sunny B.red C.yellow D.green ( )4.A.morning B.week C.evening D.afternoon ( )5.A.cinema B.museum C.post office D.postcard ( )6.A.singer B.ride C.teach D.buy ( )7.A.plane B.subway C.train D.shop ( )8.A.books B.reads C.teaches D.writes ( )9.A.what B.where C.when D.weekend ( )10.A.angry B.say C.sad D.worried 八、写出下列单词的正确形式。(10 分) 1.sad(反义词) 2.left(反义词) 3.dance(—ing 形式) 4.hobby(复数) 5.write(职业名词) 6.fisherman(复数) 7.worry(形容词) 8.mice(单数) 9.report(职业名词) 10.study(第三人称单数) 九、单项选择。(10 分) ( )1.— are you going tomorrow? —I’m going to school. A.When B.What C.Where ( )2.Turn right the bank, then you will find Italian restaurant. A.at, a B.at, an C.on, 不填 ( )3.What interesting film! A.the B.a C.an ( )4.—How does he go to school? — A.On feet. B.By foot. C.On foot. ( )5.He likes planes. He likes kung fu, too. A.make, doing B.making, doing C.making, do ( )6.I’m email to my pen pal in Australia. A.write a B.write an C.writing an ( )7.The cat is angry the mice. The mice afraid of him. A.with, are B.with, is C.to, are ( )8.You should do more and a breath. A.exercises, take B.exercise, take C.exercises, make ( )9.—What does Tom do? — A.Tom goes to school. B.Tom is a boy. C.He is a teacher. ( )10.—Does your mother teach him? — A.Yes, she doesn’t. B.Yes, he does. C.No, she doesn’t. 十、给下面的问句选择正确的答语。(10 分) ( )1.Where is the cinema? A.Yes, they are. ( )2.Are they going to play chess next Sunday? B.You can go by bus. ( )3.Is she an artist? C.He is a driver. ( )4.How can I get to the hospital? D.It’s next to the school. ( )5.What does he do? E.No, she isn’t. She’s a reporter. ( )6.What’s your hobby? F.Yes, he does. ( )7.Is it far from our school? G.I am going to watch TV. ( )8.Does he like drawing pictures? H.I like watching TV. ( )9.What are you going to do tonight? I.My mother works in a factory. ( )10.Where does your mother work? J.No, it’s not far. 十一、选择合适的句子补全对话。(填序号)(5 分) A:1. B:I’m going to the cinema. A:2. B:The cinema is near the bank. A:3. B:I can get there by the No.15 bus. A:4. B:Sure, if you like. A:5. B:I usually do my homework and watch TV on the weekend. 十二、给下列句子排序。(5 分) ( )It’s next to the cinema. ( 1 )What are you going to do after school? ( )How can I get to the cinema? ( )I want to buy a dress. Where is the clothes shop? ( )You can go by the No.5 bus. Get off at the hospital. Then walk straight for five minutes.The cinema is on the right. ( 7 )You’re welcome. ( )Thank you! 十三、阅读理解。(10 分) (一)根据短文意思选择正确答案,将序号填在括号内。(5 分) I am Helen.I’m twelve years old.I’m a student.I like Chinese art very much.I love my family very much.My mother is a doctor.She hates smoking but likes cooking. She likes shopping,too.My father is a worker.He works in a factory.He likes smoking but hates shopping. He likes playing sports, too. He’s a football fan. ( )1.—How old is Helen? —She is . A.20 B.12 ( )2.—Helen’s mother works in a . A.doctor B.hospital ( )3.—What’s Helen’s mother’s hobby? — A.Cooking. B.Smoking. ( )4.—What’s Helen’s father’s hobby? — A. What about you? B.Where is the cinema? C. Do you go on foot? D. Where are you going this weekend? E. How can you get there? F.Can I go on foot? G. What do you usually do on the weekend? A.Playing sports. B.Shopping. ( )5.—What’s Helen’s father? — A.He’s a worker. B.He works in a factory. (二)根据短文意思判断下面句子的对错,用“T”和“F”表示。(5 分) I’m Sarah. I live in a big city. Usually my father goes to work by car. He likes driving, but he doesn’t like driving to work. Why is that? Because it takes too much time. There is always a lot of traffic. His car is very slow. He goes home very late every day. And he is very tired. He doesn’t like playing with me after work. Today, he is happy. “There is going to be a subway near our home! I am going to work by subway next year. It is fast. I can read newspapers on the subway. I can listen to music, too!” My mother says, “Then you can come back early and cook the meals.” I say, “You can play with me after work.” ( )1.Sarah’s father goes to work by subway. ( )2.He likes driving. ( )3.He often plays with Sarah after work. ( )4.He often cooks the meals after work. ( )5.He likes listening to music. 十四、以“My weekend”为题,写写你的周末计划,要求条理清楚,不少于五 句话。(5 分) 笔试部分 六、1-5 BCCAB 七、1-5 CDABD 6-10 ADADB 八、1.happy 2.right 3.dancing 4.hobbies 5.writer 6.fishermen 7.worried 8.mouse 9.reporter 10.studies 九、1-5 CBCCB 6-10 CABCC 十、1-5 DAEBC 6-10 HJFGI 十一、1-5 DBEFG 十二、3 1 4 2 5 7 6 十三、(一)1-5 BBAAA (二)1-5 FTFFT 十四、示例: My weekend I’m going to get up early and water the flowers this Saturday morning. And I am going to make breakfast for my family. Then I am going to have a piano lesson with my friend Lily. After the lesson, I am going to play with Lily at her house. On Sunday, I’m going to play the piano in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to see a film in the cinema with my family. What a busy weekend!

