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‎2013年高考英语试题分类解析 代词 ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ ‎【2013江西】23. _______ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn’t love it.‎ ‎ A. Anybody B. Everybody C. Nobody D. Somebody ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查代词。根据句意,不可能会有人40年都擅长一个事情,如果他不喜欢的话。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】29. To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then _____ of her colleagues.‎ A. that B. one C. ones D. those ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查代词。根据句意“先赢得了学生的信任,然后赢得了同事的信任”,此处用于替代不可数名词trust,应用that;如果替代可数名词复数用those或the ones。‎ ‎【2013山东】21. I’ve lived in New York and Chicago, but don’t like ____ of them very much. A. either B. any C. each D. another ‎ ‎【答案】A解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查代词用法。根据句意:我在纽约和芝加哥都居住过,但这两个地方我都不是很喜欢。短语not…either=neither(两者都不),故答案选A。解 ‎【2013陕西】22. Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost of her enthusiasm for life.‎ ‎ A. some B. neither C. none D. all ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查代词。根据句意:虽然Rosemary这些年患上了一种严重的疾病,但是她并没丧失对生活的一点热情,可知选否定词,排除AD;而neither指两者,应予以排除,故选C。‎ ‎【2013四川】2.The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than______ on the small ones.‎ A. one B. this C. that D. it ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查代词用法。本题考查比较句型中比较对象的替代,通常可以用that替代不可数名词、those替代可数名词复数。比较对象the traffic为不可数名词,故使用that来替代,答案为C。‎ ‎【2013天津】12. At our factory there are a few machines similar to described in this magazine.‎ A. them B. these C. those D. ones ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查代词。本题考查用于比较对象替代的代词。比较对象的替代通常可以用that替代不可数名词,those替代可数名词复数,故此处用those替代比较对象machines。翻译为:在我们工厂有一些与这份杂志中描述相似的机器。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】14. It's an either-or situation - we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do .‎ A. others B. either C. another D. both ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查代词。根据句意:这是一个只能二选一的处境——我们可以今年买一辆新车,或我们去度假,但是我们不可能两件事都做,not…both表不完全否定。故选D。‎ ‎【2013浙江】11. Half of ______ surveyed in 16 countries say they go first to their closest friend to share their deepest wishes and darkest fears.‎ A. these B. some C. ones D. those ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查代词。横线后有后置定语surveyed in 16‎ ‎ countries,根据句意,被调查的那些人中的一半,可知选D。‎ ‎【2013重庆】31. Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is ‎ A. another B. the other C. one another D. one ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查代词用法。A项“(泛指)另一个,再一个”;B项“(特指)两者中的另一个”;C项“互相”;D项“一个”;根据句子意思:回收是保护环境的一种方式;再利用是另一种方式,可知选A。‎ ‎【2013安徽】27. This project requires close teamwork. will be achieved unless we work well together.‎ A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查代词。根据句意:除非我们一起合作良好,否则的话不会取得任何成就。故选A。‎ 倒装与强调 ‎【2013福建】34. Not until he went through real hardship _____ the love we have for our families is important.‎ A. had he realized B. did he realize C. he realized D. he had realized ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查倒装句型。此题考查not…until句型的倒装句,其句型为:Not until +从句+ 助动词+主语 +谓语…,据此排除CD项;until的主从句均使用一般过去时态,故答案为B。‎ ‎【2013湖南】35. Not once ________ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.‎ ‎ A. occurred it B. it did occur C. it occurred D. did it occur ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查倒装。否定词(短语)放于句首,句子要部分倒装,此处即将助动词did放于主语it之前。故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013江苏】27. “Never for a second ,”the boy says, “that my father would come to my rescue.”‎ A. I doubted B. do I doubt C. I have doubted D. did I doubt ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查倒装句型。否定词或否定短语位于句首,句子要不完全倒装,此处never for a second为否定短语,句子描述的为过去的事情,故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013江西】25. Only when he apologizes for his rudeness ____to him again.‎ ‎ A. I will speak B. will I speak C. do I speak D. I speak ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查倒装。Only+ 状语(从句)放于句首,句子要进行部分倒装,即将助动词放于主语之前,故排除AD项;根据句意可以判断应该是对于将来事情的叙述,故使用将来时态,因此答案选B。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】26. At no time______ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.‎ A. they actually broke B. do they actually break C. did they actually break D. they had actually broken ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查倒装句型。否定词或否定短语放于句首,句子要不完全倒装,此处at no time(在任何时候都不,决不)引起句子不完全倒装,即将助动词放于主语之前。根据题干时态标志词was可知选C。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】12. Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hospital.‎ A. can be the patients B. can the patients be treated C. the patients can be treated D. treated can be the patients ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查倒装句。Only+状语(从句)提前放于句首,句子应用不完全倒装,即将助动词can放于主语the patients之前,故答案选B。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 【2013天津】11. It was not until near the end of the letter she mentioned her own plan.‎ A. that B. where C. why D. when ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查强调句。此处考查固定句型not…until的强调句,其句型结构为:It was not until…that+句子。故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】10. It was only after he had read the papers Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.‎ A. when B. that C. which D. what ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查强调句。题干可还原为:Mr. Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete only after he had read the papers,即可判断为强调句,因此填that。‎ ‎【2013重庆】27. It was with the help of the local guide the mountain climber was rescued.‎ A. who B. that C. when D. how ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查强调句。该句可还原为the mountain climber was rescued with the help of the local guide,故可知为强调句,答案选B。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】28. The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by}the police .‎ ‎ A .not to do B. not to C. not do D. do not ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查不定式的省略。根据句意:这个司机想把车停靠在路边,但警察叫他别那样做。短语ask sb not to do sth,其被动式be asked not to do。其中do即为前文的park,故省略,仅保留不定式符号to。故选B。‎ 定语从句 ‎【2013北京】27. Many countries are now setting up national parks animals and plants can be protected. A. when B. which C. whose D. where ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,故使用关系副词;先行词指地点,故选where。‎ ‎【2013福建】27. The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those _______ lives were affected.‎ A. whose B. that C. who D. which ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查定语从句。其中those作为先行词,定语从句中缺少lives的定语,故用whose。‎ ‎【2013湖南】21. Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths.‎ ‎ A. whom B. who C. what D. which ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为those,指人;定语从句中缺少主语,故使用关系代词who。‎ ‎【2013江苏】32. The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China , he remembers starting as early as his childhood.‎ A. where B. which C. what D. when ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为passion,定语从句中缺少宾语,故用关系代词which。‎ ‎【2013江西】33. He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.‎ ‎ A. what B. which C. where D. how ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先判断从句类型为定语从句,定语从句中谓语explain后接what引导的宾语从句作宾语,因此不缺少主干成分,排除B项,答案为C。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】34. He may win the competition, _____ he is likely to get into the national team.‎ A. in which case B. in that case C. in what case D. in whose case ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查定语从句。两分句间无连词,故排除B项(不能用作连词,in this/ that case用于并列句中)。此处which指代前面主句,in which case引导定语从句用语替代并列句中的in this/ that case。句意为:他可能赢得这场比赛,如果这样的话,他就可能进入国家队。‎ ‎【2013山东】31. There is no simple answer, _____ is often the case in science. A. as B. that C. when D. where ‎ ‎【答案】A解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处as引导定语从句指代整个主句内容,含有“正如”之意,定语从句部分译为“在科学上这是常有的事”。‎ ‎【2013山东】35. Finally he reached a lonely island _________ was completely cut off from the outside world. ‎ A. when B. where C. which D. whom ‎ ‎【答案】C解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查定语从句。句意为:最后他到达一个完全与世隔绝的孤岛。定语从句中缺少主语,因此使用关系代词;先行词island指物,故使用关系代词which.‎ ‎【2013陕西】16. is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.‎ ‎ A. It B. That C. What D. As ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处as引导的定语从句位于主句之前,指代整个主句内容。意为:正如孩子们常有的情况一样,医生到的时候Amy就好了。‎ ‎【2013四川】9. Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment ______ they live.‎ A. what B. which C. when D. where ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处先判断从句类型为定语从句,先行词为the environment,定语从句中live为不及物动词,因此不缺少主干成分,应填关系副词;且先行词environment指地点,故用where,相当于in which。‎ ‎【2013天津】6. We have launched another man-made satellite, is announced in today’s newspaper.‎ A. that B. which C. who D. what ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处关系代词which指代整个主句引导非限制性定语从句。翻译为:我们又发射了一颗人造卫星,这是在今天的报纸上宣布的。故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】4. When I arrived, Bryan took me to see the house_ I would be staying.‎ A. what B. when C. where D. which ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句。定语从句中stay为不及物动词,故不缺主干成分,用关系副词;先行词为house,指地点,故用关系副词where。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】33.”You can’t judge a book by its cover,” .‎ ‎ A. as the saying goes old B. goes as the old saying C. as the old saying goes D. goes as old the saying ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查定语从句。考查as引导的定语从句,意为:正如古语所说。‎ ‎【2013浙江】5. The children, ______ had played the whole day long, were worn out.‎ A. all of what B. all of which C. all of them D. all of whom ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先判断为定语从句,先行词为children,故答案为D。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 【2013浙江】13. The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform ______ visitors can watch the big glasshouses being built.‎ A. what B. where C. when D. why ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,且先行词platform指地点,故用where。‎ ‎【2013重庆】24. John invited about 40 people to his wedding, most of are family members.‎ A them B. that C. which D. whom ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为40 people,定语从句中缺少主语,故使用whom。介词之后不能用that,应予以排除;which指先行词为物;them为人称代词,应用于并列句中。‎ ‎【2013安徽】29. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, made one of the Chinese people’s long-held dreams come true.‎ A. it B. that C. what D. which ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查定语从句。此处which指代前面整个主句内容引导非限制性定语从句。句意:莫言2012年被授予诺贝尔奖,使中国长期以来的梦想之一成为现实。‎ 动词的时态和语态 ‎【2013北京】23. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet into at least ten different films over the past years. ‎ A. had been made B. was made C. has been made D. would be made ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据此句标志词over the past years应使用现在完成时态。故选C。‎ ‎【2013北京】25. --- Do you think Mom and Dad late?‎ ‎--- No, Swiss Air is usually on time.‎ A. were B. will be C. would be D. have been ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句意:你认为父母会迟到吗?可知答案为一般将来时态,故选B。‎ ‎【2013北京】28. Hurry up! Mark and Carl us.‎ A. expect B. are expecting C. have expected D. will expect ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据Hurry up!可知,Mark和Carl正在等我们。故选B,现在进行时态。‎ ‎【2013北京】32. --- So what is the procedure?‎ ‎--- All the applicants before a final decision is made by the authority. ‎ A. interview B. are interviewing C. are interviewed D. are being interviewed ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词的语态和时态。句中applicants与interview之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态;且句子所描述的为一般情况,故用一般现在时态的被动语态。故选C。‎ ‎【2013福建】23. The famous musician, as well as his students, _______ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.‎ A. were invited B. was invited C. have been invited D. has been invited ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。题干主语中心词为介词短语as well as之前的musician, 故谓语使用单数,排除AC;再根据句中标志性词语at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower ‎ Expo可知应使用一般过去时态。故答案为B。‎ ‎【2013福建】26. The girl has a great interest in sport and ______ badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.‎ A. took B. is taking C. takes D. has been taking ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句中标志词over the last three years可知答案为D。‎ ‎【2013湖南】22. “What do you want to be?” asked Mrs. Crawford. “Oh, I ________ president,” said the boy, with a smile.‎ A. have been B. am C. was D. will be ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据问句:你想当什么?可知时态为一般将来时态,故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013湖南】24. Around two o’clock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat ________ us.‎ ‎ A. bothers B. had bothered C. would bother D. bothered ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句中标志词every night及意识到句中will表示一种习惯性动作,故使用一般现在时态。‎ ‎【2013湖南】26. If nothing ________, the oceans will turn into fish deserts.‎ ‎ A. does B. had been done C. will do D. is done ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查时态和语态。首先nothing与do之间为被动关系,排除AC项;根据主句的一般将来时态可知,if引导的条件状语从句使用一般现在时态。故选D。‎ ‎【2013湖南】27. — Have you heard about the recent election?‎ ‎— Sure, it ________ the only thing on the news for the last three days.‎ ‎ A. would be B. is C. has been D. will be ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句中标志词for the last three days可知应用现在完成时态,选C。‎ ‎【2013湖南】34. — I don’t understand why you didn’t go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.‎ ‎—I’m so sorry. But I _________ my homework. A. had done B. was doing C. would do D. am doing ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据语境,对话中的第二个人昨天下午没去听课,而是在做作业,故使用过去进行时态,表示过去一段时间内在持续发生的动作,故选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】21. Generally, students’ inner motivation with high expectations from others _________ essential to their development.‎ A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。主语为motivation,故谓语为单数;根据语境及generally可知,描述的为一般情况,故使用一般现在时态,选A。‎ ‎【2013江苏】25. —Could I use your car tomorrow morning?‎ ‎—Sure. I a report at home.‎ A. will be writing B. will have written C. have written D. have been writing ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。此处考查将来进行时态,表示将来的某一时间段正在发生的动作。句意为:明天早上我可以用下你的车吗?当然。我那是将会在家写报告。答案选A。‎ ‎【2013江苏】34. —What about your self-drive trip yesterday?‎ ‎—Tiring! The road is being widened, and we a rough ride.‎ A. had B. have C. would have D. have had ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句意,我们昨天的自驾旅行是一次颠簸的旅行。故答案选过去时态。‎ ‎【2013江西】35. I ________ to visit you later that day, but I had to phone and cancel.‎ ‎ A. come B. came C. am coming D. was coming ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据but之后的并列句“我不得不打电话取消”可知,“我那天是要去看你的”,故动词come的过去进行时态表过去将来。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】22. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he ______ it for a very long time.‎ A. has had B. had had C. has D. had ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。本题基础时态为一般过去时,他演奏吉他很长时间是发生在他卖(sold)之前,故用过去完成时态。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】30. We are confident that the environment ______ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.‎ A. had been improved B. will be improved ‎ C. is improved D. was improved ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据语境:我们充满信心…。证明此事还未发生,故使用一般将来时态,答案选B。‎ ‎【2013山东】24. I didn’t think I’d like the movie, but actually it _____ pretty good. A. has been B. was C. had been D. would be ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据题干部分didn’t可知基础时态为一般过去时态;再根据句意:我认为我不会喜欢这部电影,而实际上这是部相当好的电影。故使用一般过去时态陈述过去的事实。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ ‎【2013山东】27. — Oh no! We’re too late. The train _______. ‎ ‎— That’s Ok. We’ll catch the next train to London. A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. has been leaving ‎ ‎【答案】C解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据语境“我们太晚了”及后句“没关系。我们可以赶下一趟火车去伦敦”,可知火车已经离开,对现在造成影响,故使用现在完成时态。‎ ‎【2013陕西】11. On Monday mornings it usually me an hours to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.‎ ‎ A. takes B. is taking C. took D. will take ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据标志词on Monday mornings,usually可以判断应用一般现在时态。故选A。‎ ‎【2013陕西】17. Jim a late night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the television went blank.‎ ‎ A. watched B. had watched C. was watching D. would be watching ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。此处固定句型:was/ were doing sth when…意为:正在做某事的时候,突然…。故答案选C,表示这一动作在过去一直在进行。‎ ‎【2013四川】3.Hurry up, kids! The school bus _____ for us!‎ A. waits B. was waiting C. waited D. is waiting ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。通过题干“Hurry up, kids!”不难判断,“校车正在等我们”,故使用正在进行时态,答案为D。‎ ‎【2013天津】13. The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers one of the main ‎ pipes.‎ A. had repaired B. have repaired C. repaired D. are repairing ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。句意:暂时断水了,因为工人在修一个主管道。根据句意,选正在进行时态。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】7. We very early so we packed the night before.‎ A. leave B. had left C. were leaving D.have left ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据so后的并列句“我们前一天晚上就打好包了”,可知,“我们会很早离开”,故使用过去进行时表过去将来的动作。选C。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】24. If we now to protect the environment, we’ll live to regret it.‎ A. hadn't acted B. haven't acted C. don't act D. won't act ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查时态。根据if主句的一般将来时态可知从句应使用一般现在时态,且有now作为现在时态的标志词,故选C。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】27.When I first met Bryan I didn’t like him, but I my mind.‎ ‎ A. have changed B. change C. had changed D. would change ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据句意:我第一次见到Bryan时我不喜欢他,但是现在我已经改变我的想法了。‎ ‎【2013浙江】10. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs ______ sharply.‎ A. was increasing B. has increased C. had increased D. will be increasing ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据时态标志词during the last three decades,可知使用现在完成时态,选B。‎ ‎【2013重庆】21. I felt very tired when I got home, and I straight to bed.‎ A. go B. went C. had gone D. have gone ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词时态。根据题干并列连词and之前时态的提示,可知and之后的并列句应使用一般过去时态。‎ ‎【2013重庆】33. A Midsummer Night's Dream at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then tours throughout Scotland.‎ A. opens B. is opened C. will open D. will be opened ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态与语态。翻译:《仲夏夜之梦》于‎6月19日在皇家剧院首映,然后在苏格兰各地巡回演出。对照并列连词and之后的谓语动词tours可知,答案为A,应用一般现在时态主动语态。‎ ‎【2013安徽】24. I’m calling about the apartment you the other day. Could you tell me more about it?‎ A. advertised B. had advertised C. are advertising D. will advertise ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查时态。句中the other day为标志词,应用一般过去时。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ 动词与动词短语 ‎【2013福建】24. Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which ________ spending quite a lot of time with students.‎ A. enjoys B. involves C. practices D. suggests ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“喜欢”;B项“需要,包含”;C项“练习”;D项“建议;暗示”。句意为:Michelle找到一份做高中教师的工作,需要花很多时间与学生在一起。故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013福建】28. Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks ________ in disasters.‎ A. turn down B. turn out C. break down D. break out ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A项“调小,拒绝”,B项“结果证明…”,C项“出故障,分解”,D项“爆发”。根据句意:当发生灾难无线网络无法用的时候,老式的电话就有作用了。故答案为C。‎ ‎【2013湖北】23. While intelligent people can often ______ the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.‎ A. sacrifice B. substitute C. simplify D. survive ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意:聪明人经常会让复杂的问题简单化,而傻瓜更可能将简单的东西弄得更复杂。‎ ‎【2013湖北】24. According to the law, all foreigners have to ______ with the local police within two weeks of arrival.‎ A. associate B. dispute C. negotiate D. register ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:按照法律规定,所有外来人员都得在到达两周后向当地警察登记。‎ ‎【2013湖北】25. Butterflies ______ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.‎ A. carry on B. feed on C. put on D. focus on ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词短语辨析。A项:继续,从事;B项:靠…为主食;C项:穿上,上演;D项:集中注意力于…。根据句意选B。‎ ‎【2013湖北】26. In much of the animal world, night is the time ______ for sleep—pure and simple.‎ A. set aside B. set down C. set off D. set up ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据句意:在大多数动物的世界里,夜晚是留下来用以睡眠的时间。故选A“搁置,留出”。‎ ‎【2013江苏】23. —The town is so beautiful! I just love it.‎ ‎—Me too. The character of the town is well .‎ A. qualified B. preserved C. decorated D. simplified ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“合格的”,B项“保护”,C项“装饰”,D项“简化”。根据句意,城镇的特色得到了很好的保护,故选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】29. Team leaders must ensure that all members their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.‎ A. get over B. look over C. take over D. come over ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“克服,战胜”,B项“检查”,C项“接管,接任”,D项“过来”。根据句意,选A。‎ ‎【2013江西】27. Mother always complains that children _______ their shoes very quickly.‎ ‎ A. find out B. wash out C. wear out D. set out ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“查明,发现”;B项“洗掉,破产,精疲力竭”;C项“磨损,穿破,精疲力竭”;D项“出发,动身”。根据句意,母亲综述抱怨孩子们很快就把鞋穿坏了。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 【2013江西】31. She _____ the carpet with some very nice curtains in color.‎ ‎ A. connected B. fitted C. equipped D. matched.‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“连接”;B项“(尺寸、大小)适合”;C项“装备”;D项“搭配,匹配”。此处构成短语match…with…。此句意为:她用一些很漂亮的窗帘来搭配地毯。故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】32. Briggs will _______ as general manager when Mitchell retires.‎ A. get away B. take over C. set off D. run out ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“逃离,脱身”;B项“接手,接管”;C项“动身,启程”;D项“用完,用尽”。根据句意,当Mitchell退职的时候Briggs会接任,故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013陕西】25. My uncle hasn’t been able to quit smoking, but at least he has .‎ ‎ A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“裁剪,停止”;B项“裁短,减少”;C项“切碎,砍伤”;D项“砍下,切断”。句意为:我叔叔还未能戒烟,但至少他已经少抽了。选B。‎ ‎【2013天津】2. If you are in trouble, Mike is always willing to a hand.‎ A. lend B. shake C. wave D. want ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。译为:如果你遇上麻烦,Mike总是乐意帮助你。短语lend a hand,帮助,故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013天津】8. I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to ‎ A. get away B. drop in C. check out D. hold on ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“脱身,抽身”,B项“顺便拜访”,C项“办手续离开”,D项“坚持”。翻译为:今年我本打算休假的,但我不能脱身啊。故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】2. Would you like to with us to the film tonight?‎ A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据句意,与我们一道去看电影,故选A。come along with…与…一道。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】8. The watch was very good, and he 20 percent down for it.‎ A. paid B. cost C. bought D. spent ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。短语pay some money for sth。故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】23. Try not to cough more than you can since it may cause problems to your lungs.‎ A. check B. allow C. stop D. help ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。根据句意:由于咳嗽可能造成你肺的一些问题,因此要试图咳得不要超过你能忍受的范围。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】30. At the last moment, Tom decided to a new character to make the story seem more likely.‎ ‎ A. put up B. put in C. put on D. put off ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词短语辨析。根据句意,Tom为了是故事看起来更加具有可能性,他觉得加入一个新角色。‎ ‎【2013浙江】9. When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to ______it with important points.‎ A. conclude B. lead C. avoid D. hold ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“终止,得出结论”; B项“领导,带领”; C项“避免”; D项“握着,持有,容纳”;根据句意,当小组讨论接近尾声的时候,一定要归纳出重点来结束。故答案为A。‎ ‎【2013浙江】12. A good listener takes part in the conversation, ______ideas and raising questions to keep the talk flowing.‎ A. realizing B. copying C. offering D. misunderstanding ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查动词辨析。A项“意识到”; B项“抄写,复制”; C项“主动提供”; D项“误解”;根据句意,谈话中一个好的听众会提供观点和提出问题。故答案为C。‎ ‎【2013浙江】17. Bears ______ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.‎ A. pack up B. build up C. bring up D. take up ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查动词短语。A项“打包”; B项“积聚,逐渐增加;增强”; C项“养育;呕吐”; D项“占;开始从事”;根据句意,熊在夏季逐渐增加其脂肪的储存,故选B。‎ ‎【2013安徽】26. Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they ‎ ‎______on their life journey.‎ ‎ A. give up B. settle down C. get through D. set off ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词短语。Give up“放弃”,settle down “安顿,解决”,get through“经历,度过”,set off“出发,启程”。根据句意选D“在他们开始他们的人生旅程之前”。‎ 非谓语动词 ‎【2013北京】21. Volunteering gives you a chance lives, including your own.‎ A. change B. changing C. changed D. to change ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。意为:志愿者工作让你有一个可以改变生活的机会,包括你自己的生活。动词不定式作chance后置定语。‎ ‎【2013北京】24. the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.‎ A. Find B. Finding C. To find D. Found ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处动词find与主语she为主动关系且作原因状语,故用现在分词finding。句意:(由于)她发现该课程很难,她就决定转到低一水平的(课程)。‎ ‎【2013北京】29. When we saw the road with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.‎ A. block B. to block C. blocking D. blocked ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词作宾补,动词block与see的宾语the road之间为被动关系,构成短语see sb/ sth done。故选D。‎ ‎【2013福建】22. ______ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.‎ A. Known B. Having known C. Knowing D. Being known ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此句谓语为will help,因此所选非谓语动词做主语,故使用动名词,答案选C。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 【2013福建】32. Anyone, once _______ positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.‎ A. to be tested B. being tested C. tested D. to test ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词和状语从句的省略。状语从句连词once之后的非谓语动词与主句主语anyone之间为被动关系,故选过去分词。‎ ‎【2013湖南】25. The sun began to rise in the sky, ________ the mountain in golden light.‎ ‎ A. bathed B. bathing C. to have bathed D. have bathed ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。动词bathe与主语the sun之间为主动关系,且表示进行,故选B。‎ ‎【2013湖南】29. You cannot accept an opinion ________ to you unless it is based on facts.‎ ‎ A. offering B. to offer C. having offered D. offered ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。先判断此处需要填非谓语动词作opinion的后置定语;再判断opinion与动词offer间为被动关系,故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013湖南】30. Every day ________ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized.‎ ‎ A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。分析句子,不难判断,该句为祈使句,故用动词原形,答案选A。‎ ‎【2013湖南】31. ________ warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it.‎ ‎ A. Staying B. Stayed C. To stay D. Stay ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处考查动词不定式表目的,意为:晚间,我为了保持暖和,我就把柴炉加满。故选C。‎ ‎【2013江苏】24. Lionel Messi, the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.‎ A. set B. setting C. to set D. having set ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。首先判断该句谓语为is considered,故可知横线部分为非谓语动词,描述主语Lionel Messi。短语set the record与主语之间为主动关系,故选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】31.Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and to ruins, the city took on a new look.‎ A. reducing B. reduced C. being reduced D. having reduced ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。首先判断此处是and连接的after之后的并列的动名词形式;且reduce与主语city之间为被动关系,故选C。‎ ‎【2013江西】34. If _____ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.‎ ‎ A. asked B. to ask C. asking D. having asked ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词及状语从句的省略。状语从句连词if之后省去了从句的主语,即主句的主语;而主句为祈使句,默认主语为you;主语you与动词ask之间为被动关系,故使用过去分词。答案选A。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】28. Laura was away in Paris for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mail ______ for her.‎ A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D. was waiting ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此题there be句型的主语mail后接后置定语,wait与mail间为主动关系,且wait这个动作正在进行,故选C,现在分词。‎ ‎【2013山东】25. The room is empty except for a bookshelf _____ in one corner. A. standing B. to stand C. stands D. stood ‎ ‎【答案】A解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。现在分词standing作bookshelf后置定语,表主动进行。‎ ‎【2013山东】29. I stopped the car ____ a short break as I was feeling tired. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我停下车来休息一会儿,因为我感觉累了。此处动词不定式表目的,故选C。解 ‎【2013山东】33. ________ at the cafeteria before, Tina didn’t want to eat there again. A. Having eaten B. To eat C. Eat D. Eating ‎ ‎【答案】A解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意为:因为以前曾经在自助餐厅吃过,Tina再也不想在那儿吃了。动词eat与主语Tina之间为主动关系,再根据句中before可知需强调eat这个动作发生在主动词之前,可知用现在分词完成体Having eaten表主动完成,作原因状语。‎ ‎【2013陕西】13. Let those in need that we will go all out to help them.‎ ‎ A. to understand B. understand C. understanding D. understood ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。动词let后接动词原形understand做宾补,表示与宾语those in need之间为主动关系,构成短语let sb do sth。故选B。‎ ‎【2013陕西】14. The witnesses by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight.‎ ‎ A. questioned B. being questioned C. to be questioned D. having questioned ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。首先判断此处需要一个非谓语动词作witnesses的后置定语;且判断动词question与witnesses间为被动关系;根据非谓语动词短语中标志词just now可知动作question已经完成。故可选A。区别:done作后置定语意为“已被…的”;being done作后置定语意为“正被…的”;to be done作后置定语意为“将被…的”。‎ ‎【2013四川】8. _______ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.‎ A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not known D. Known not ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。主语the girl与非谓语动词know之间为主动关系,故用现在分词;且非谓语动词的否定式应在其前加否定词。据此可知答案为A。此处分词Not knowing在句中作原因状语。‎ ‎【2013四川】10. The airport _______ next year will help promote tourism in this area.‎ A. being completed B. to be completed C. completed D. having been completed ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。先判断出此处需要填上一个非谓语动词作the airport的后置定语;根据标志词next year及句意“明年将竣工的机场”可知非谓语动词表示将来动作,故选动词不定式to be done(将被做);而A项being done“正在被…”;C项“已被”;D项常作状语。‎ ‎【2013天津】10. In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words in daily conversations.‎ A. using B. to use C. having used D. used ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词use在句中作words的后置定语,与其存在被动关系,故使用过去分词used,答案为D。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】5.I got to the office earlier that day, the 7:30 train from Paddington A. caught B. to have caught C. to catch D. having caught ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。根据句意,因为我赶上了7:30的车,所以那天我更早地到了办公室,可知赶车发生在到办公室之前,且与主语I之间为主动关系,故使用现在分词完成体表主动完成。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】22.They might just have a place ______on the writing course一why don't you give it a try?‎ A. leave B. left C. leaving D. to leave ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。固定短语have sth to do。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】35. The sunlight is white and blinding, hard-edged shadows on the ground.‎ ‎ A. throwing B. being thrown C. to throw D. to be thrown ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。主语sunlight与throw shadows之间为主动关系,故选A。‎ ‎【2013浙江】7. ______how others react to the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.‎ A. Hearing B. Hear C. Having heard D. To be hearing ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。需辨明句子结构:句子谓语为creates,之前为主语,因此可以判断是非谓语动词作主语,故选动名词做主语。‎ ‎【2013浙江】19. There are some health problems that, when ______ in time, can become bigger ones later on.‎ A. not treated B. not being treated C. not to be treated D. not have been treated ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词及状语从句的省略。连词when之后为状语从句的省略,非谓语动词treat的逻辑主语即为主句主语health problems,判断它们之间的关系为被动关系,即用过去分词即可。而being done意为“正在被…”;to be done“将被…”。‎ ‎【2013重庆】30. When I was little, my mother used to sit by my bed, me stories till I fell asleep.‎ A. having told B. telling C. told D. to tell ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词tell与主语my mother为主动关系,故用telling作伴随状语。‎ ‎【2013重庆】34. The engine just won't start. Something seems wrong with it.‎ A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。动词seem之后用不定式,排除CD项;to do表将来,to have done表完成,根据句意:引擎发不动。看起来好像出了什么毛病,可知答案为B。‎ ‎【2013安徽】32. in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring children’s love of art.‎ ‎ A. To found B. Founding ‎ C. Founded D. Having founded ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子主语the school与found之间为被动关系,故此处使用过去分词founded表被动并表完成动作。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ 冠词 ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 【2013福建】21. The “Chinese Dream” is ______ dream to improve people’s well-being and ______ dream of harmony, peace and development.‎ A. the; a B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查冠词。根据句意,中国梦是一个…的梦和一个…的梦,可知,两空都用不定冠词a,答案选B。‎ ‎【2013江西】32. Animals are obviously ______ lower form of life than _______ man.‎ ‎ A. a ; / B. the ; the C. a ; the D. / ; /‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查冠词。第一空表示“一种生命的形式”;第二空man表“人类”,不用冠词。故答案选A。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ ‎【2013山东】22. It was ______ cold winter night and the moon was shining brightly across ____ night sky. A. 不填;a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; 不填 ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查冠词用法。第一空“一个寒冷的冬夜”,应用不定冠词a;第二空“夜空”,指独一无二的事物用定冠词the。故答案为B。‎ ‎【2013陕西】19. Marco Polo is said to have sailed on Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in I thirteenth century.‎ ‎ A. the; a B. a; / C. /; the D. the; the ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查冠词。第一空指独一无二的事物用the;第二空为固定短语,表示在多少世纪“in the –th century”,需加定冠词。故答案为D。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】13.Four and half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar.‎ A. a; a B. the; the C.不填;the D. a;不填 ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查冠词。第一空表示“四个半”应用four and a half;短语a break表示“休息一会儿”,故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】31. India attained independence in 1947, after long struggle.‎ ‎ A.不填;a B. the; a C. an;不填 D. an; the ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查冠词。第一空“获得独立”,independence为抽象名词,前不加冠词;第二空“在一个长期的斗争之后”,用不定冠词a。故选A。‎ ‎【2013浙江】15. People develop ______ preference for a particular style of learning at ______ early age and these preferences affect learning.‎ A. a; an B. a; 不填 C. 不填; the D. the; an ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查冠词。短语a preference for…对…的偏好;at an early age在年纪很小时,故均填不定冠词。‎ ‎【2013重庆】32. The parents were shocked by news that their son needed operation on his knee.‎ A. a;/ B. the; / C. the; an D. a; an ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查冠词。第一空news后带有that引导的同位语从句,故应该特指;第二空译为“他们的儿子需要做一个手术”,使用不定冠词。‎ 交际用语 ‎【2013福建】33. ----Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits?‎ ‎----________.‎ A. Yes, with great pleasure. B. No, I am afraid I can’t make it C. Yes, it is worth the time D. No, as long as it doesn’t take long ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。Would you mind…?的回答分两个部分来判断,A项“介意;非常乐意”,B项“不介意;恐怕我做不到”,C项“介意;值得花时间”,D项“不介意;只要不会花很长时间”,可知只D项回答不矛盾,故选D。‎ ‎【2013江苏】22. —The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online.‎ ‎— ? But I promise you we’ll look into it right away.‎ A. Who says B. How come C. What for D. Why worry ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查交际用语。A项“谁说的”,B项“怎么会呢”,C项“为何”,D项“何苦呢”。根据句意,选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】35. —Thank you for the flowers.‎ ‎— . I thought they might cheer you up.‎ A. That’s right B. All right C. I’m all right D. It’s all right[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。A项“那是正确的”,B项“行;好的”,C项“我很好”,D项“没事,不要紧,没关系”。根据句意选D。‎ ‎【2013江西】21. ---- Thanks a lot for your book. I found it very interesting.‎ ‎ ---- _______. I’m glad you enjoyed it.‎ ‎ A. All the best B. It is nothing C. No thanks D. Very well.‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据语境:——非常感谢你的书。我发现这书非常有趣。——_____。非常高兴你喜欢。可知考查对感谢的回答,故选B(没什么)。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】21. —What do you think of the house?‎ ‎—______ It’s everything we’ve been looking for.‎ A. Perfect! B. Good idea! C. Not bad. D. So-so.‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据后句“它正是我们在寻找的东西”,故选A(太完美了)。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】35. —I’m afraid you have the wrong number.‎ ‎—Sorry! _______‎ A. See you later B. I didn’t know that C. Hold on, please D. I hope I didn’t bother you ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据语境,拨错了电话号码,道歉,故答案用D,希望没打扰到你。‎ ‎【2013山东】23. — How far can you run without stopping? — ________. I’ve never tried. ‎ A. Don’t mention it B. That’s all right C. I have no idea D. Go ahead ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据后句“我从未尝试过”,可知“我不知道”。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013山东】32. — This is a really lively party. There’s a great atmosphere, isn’t there? — ________ The hosts know how to host a party. A. Don't worry B. Yes, indeed ‎ C. No, there’s isn’t D. It all depends ‎【答案】B解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查交际用语。第一个人说:这确实是一个热闹的聚会。气氛很好,对吧?后句说,主持人知道如何主持一个聚会。据此可知回答第一个人时应该肯定,故选B(是的,确实)。‎ ‎【2013陕西】15 --I’m tired. I’m taking next week off.‎ ‎-- , honey. You do need a break.‎ ‎ A. Not so sure B. Forget it C. Great idea D. No way ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据语境:——我累了。我下周请假。——亲爱的,你确实需要休息。可知此处回答应表示赞成,故选C,Great idea(好主意)。‎ ‎【2013陕西】23. –Shall we go for a drink at one o’clock this afternoon?‎ ‎ -- . Will two o’clock be OK?‎ ‎ A. Sure, it’s up to you B. Sure, no problem ‎ C. Sorry, I can’t make it D. Sorry, I’m not available today ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查交际用语。第一个人问:一点钟可以吗?第二个人问:两点可以吗?意思是他一点不行。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013四川】1.—I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.‎ ‎—_______. ‎ A. I really envy you B. Glad to hear that C. Sounds great D. Take it easy ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。第一个说话人句意:明天我要参加全国英语比赛,我很紧张。回答时应该叫他不要紧张。A项“我确实嫉妒你”;B项“听到那个我很高兴”;C项“听起来太棒了”;D项“不要紧张;放松”。D项符合语境。‎ ‎【2013天津】1. ----I’m going to Venice next week. ‎ ‎ ---- .Carnival will be held then. Have fun!‎ A. You’re crazy B. You’re lucky C. You’d better not D. You never know ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查交际用语。去威尼斯碰上狂欢节,真是幸运,故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013天津】4. ----Mary’s been offered a job in a university, but she doesn’t want to take it.‎ ‎ ---- ? It’s a very good chance.‎ A. Guess what B. So what C. Who cares D. But why ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。A项“猜猜看怎么了”,B项“那又如何呢”,C项“谁在乎呢”,D项“为什么呀”。根据句意,Mary被给予了一个工作而不想做,后面说这是一个好机会。可见,应该问,这是为什么呀?故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】1.--I'm sorry I made a mistake!‎ ‎-- Nobody is perfect.‎ A. Take your time B. You're right C. Whatever you say D. Take it easy ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据后句“人无完人”可知,前一个人犯错误了,应叫他take it easy(放松)。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】15. -Are you sure you won't come for a drink with us?‎ ‎- , if you insist A. Not at all B. It depends C. All right then D.I don't care ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据第二个人的回答,“如果你坚持的话”,可知应表示勉强赞同,故选C。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】21. -----Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!‎ ‎----_____, madam. This is our soup of the day.‎ A. Let me see B so it is C Don ‘t mention it D Neither do I ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据对话内容:——这只是平常的蔬菜汤!——确实,夫人。这是我们白天的汤。‎ ‎【2013浙江】1. —Hey, can I ask you a favor?‎ ‎—Sure, _______‎ A. here you are. B. just as I thought.‎ C. how is it going? D. what can I do for you?‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据问句“我可以叫你帮下忙吗?”可知应回答D项(我能为你做什么呢?)。‎ ‎【2013浙江】20. ---- Excuse me, but could I trouble you for some change?‎ ‎---- _______. Will pennies do?‎ A. I know B. Never mind C. I am sure D. Let me see ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据语境:——麻烦你换点零钞可以吗?——______。硬币可以吗?可知答案为D.‎ ‎【2013重庆】22. - Would you like a glass of wine?‎ ‎- I don't drink.‎ A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. I don't like it D. It's my favorite ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据后边的回答“我不喝酒”,可知对别人的询问应婉言拒绝,故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013重庆】35.- Forgotten something? I can keep an eye on your kids if you want to go and get it.‎ ‎- Thank you all the same.‎ A. It's very kind of you. B. Oh, how careless of me!‎ C.I might as well go and get it. D. Well, I can do without it.‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查交际用语。A项通常用于感谢;B项“我太粗心了!”;C项“我倒不如自己去取”;D项“我没那个东西也行”。根据后句“不管怎样还是感谢你”可知他不需要帮忙,故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013安徽】25.----This is your order, a hamburger and an apple pie. ?‎ ‎----I’ll have it here.‎ A. Anything else B. Is that OK C. For here or to go D. Something to drink ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据答句“我就在这儿吃”可知答案选C。‎ ‎【2013安徽】35.---How did your interview with the manager go?‎ ‎ ---- He seemed interested in my experience, but he didn’t ask for references.‎ ‎ A. Perfect! B. I’m not sure.‎ ‎ C. That’s right. D. Couldn’t be better.‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查交际用语。根据后句:他看起来好像对我的经历感兴趣,但他并没问我要推荐信,可知我对此次面试的结果不是很确定。故选B。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ 介词 ‎【2013北京】26. I have an appointment Dr. Smith, but I need to change it.‎ A. to B. off C. with D. from ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查介词。短语为have an appointment with sb,意为与某人预约、约会。‎ ‎【2013福建】29. Mrs. Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always ______ whenever she tries to.‎ A. in the way B. on watch C. in sight D. on the line ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查介词短语。A项“挡道,妨碍”,B项“值班,监视”,C项“在视线中,被看见”,D项“在线上”。根据句意:史密斯太太发现想收拾一下那些乱七八糟的东西有困难,因为每当她想要做的时候她的那些孩子总是妨碍她。故答案选A。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵 ‎ ‎【2013湖北】30. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase.‎ A. at random B. by chance C. in turn D. on occasion ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查介词+名词短语辨析。此处表示“偶然发现了一个遗失多年的古希腊花瓶”,故选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】26. I am always delighted when I receive an email from you. the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend .‎ A. On account of B. In response to C. In view of D. With regard to ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查介词短语。A项“因为,由于”,B项“对…做出反应”,C项“由于,鉴于”,D项“就…而言,关于”。根据句意,说到7月1号的聚会,我会非常高兴地参加,选D。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】25. ______ everyone here, I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country.‎ A. By means of B. On behalf of C. In search of D. For fear of ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查介词短语。A项“通过…方式”;B项“代表…”;C项“寻找…”;D项“以免,害怕”。根据句意,“我代表这儿的所有人”可知答案为B。‎ ‎【2013山东】34. The Smiths are praised _______ the way they bring up their children. A. from B. by C. at D. for ‎ ‎【答案】D解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查介词。句意为:史密斯夫妇因为他们养育孩子的方式而受到称赞。短语be praised for….“因….而受到称赞”。‎ ‎【2013陕西】24. The manager wants to see changes in the company, and I am sure he will .‎ ‎ A. in particular B. in turn C. in charge D. in time ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查介词短语。A项“特别,尤其”;B项“轮流”;C项“管理”;D项“迟早,及时”。根据句意选D。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】‎11 A serious study of physics is impossible some knowledge of mathematics.‎ A. against B. before C. beyond D. without ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查介词。根据句意,如果没有一点数学知识,要认真研究物理是不可能的。故选D(如果没有).‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】34.It was a real race time to get the project done. Luckily, we made it.‎ ‎ A. over B. by C. for D. against ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查介词。根据句意:这是与时间的一次赛跑。故选D。‎ ‎【2013浙江】14. It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. ______, I’ll set the table.‎ A. As a result B. On the whole C. In the meanwhile D. As a matter of fact ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查介词短语。A项“因此”; B项“总的来说”; C项“与此同时”; D项“事实上”;根据句意,选C。‎ ‎【2013安徽】22. Before you pay a visit to a place of interest, look in your local library a book about it.‎ A. on B. at C. for D. to ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查介词。本题关键在于认识到动词look与选择项中的介词搭配构成固定短语的时候,其中隔有短语in your local library。句意:在你去一个名胜旅行之前,在你当地的图书馆寻找一本关于它的书。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ 名词性从句 ‎【2013北京】31. makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer. ‎ A. That B. What C. Who D. Which ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。此题题干部分is为系动词,the creative imagination of the writer为表语,故is之前为主语从句。从句中缺少主语指事物,故填what。意为:使得这本书如此不同寻常的是作者富于创造的想象力。‎ ‎【2013北京】33. Experts believe people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. A. why B. where C. that D. what ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。动词believe之后为宾语从句,从句陈述一个事实,不缺少成分,故使用that表陈述。‎ ‎【2013湖南】28. Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ________ close you may be to victory.‎ ‎ A. how B. that C. which D. where ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。动词tell之后为宾语从句,再可以看出宾语从句部分为感叹句转换而来,描述形容词close用how,故选A。‎ ‎【2013江西】30. _______ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.‎ ‎ A. Whoever B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Wherever ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。主句谓语为will have to pay,之前为主语从句,根据句意,无论你们其中哪个人弄坏窗子都得为之赔偿。whichever“无论哪一个”,故选C。‎ ‎【2013山东】30. It’s good to know _____ the dogs will be well cared for while we’re away. A. what B. whose C. which D. that ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。动词know之后为宾语从句,从句中不缺少成分,故用that表陈述一件实事。‎ ‎【2013陕西】20. It remains to be seen the newly formed committee’s policy can be put into practice.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. what D. whether ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。题干中it作形式主语,真正主语为横线后的主语从句。判断主语从句中不缺少主干成分,因此排除代词BC两项;“有待被观察”的事情应是不确定的事而不是表陈述,即排除表陈述的that应用whether表“是否”。‎ ‎【2013四川】6. ______ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.‎ A. When B. How C. What D. That ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。此句谓语动词为describes,之前的部分即为主语从句。主语从句中缺少谓语said的宾语,故选用代词what作said的宾语引导主语从句; that在名词性从句中不做成分,只表陈述的语气;而when和how为副词,不能做主干成分。‎ ‎【2013天津】15. I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.‎ A. That B. Which C. Whether D. What ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。主句谓语为is,之前为主语从句,从句中缺少动词tell的直接宾语,指事物,故填what;而which意为“哪一个”,that、whether均不做成分。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】26. Police have found appears to be the lost ancient statue.‎ ‎ A. which B. where C. how D. what ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。动词found后所接为宾语从句,从句中缺少主语指事物,故填上代词what。‎ ‎【2013浙江】16.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief ______ you are better than anyone else on the sports field.‎ A. how B. that C. which D. whether ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。此处belief后所接的从句对其内容进行解释说明,故为同位语从句,陈述一个事实,答案为B。‎ ‎【2013重庆】28. struck me most in the movie was the father’s deep love for his son.‎ A. That B. It C. What D. Which ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。主句谓语动词was之前为主语从句;主语从句中缺少主语指事物,故使用代词what;that表陈述,不做成分;which表示在确定范围内进行选择,译为“哪一个”。‎ ‎【2013安徽】21.From space, the earth looks blue. This is about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.‎ ‎ A. why B. how C. because D. whether ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词性从句。此处考查表语从句。根据句意:地球看起来是蓝色的。这是因为其表面71%是被水覆盖的。‎ 名词 ‎【2013湖北】21. Poetry written from the ______ of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging.‎ A. perspective B. priority C. participation D. privilege ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。根据句意:以都市青年为视点的诗往往会展示出他们缺乏归宿感的这种焦虑,选A。‎ ‎【2013湖北】22. Carbon dioxide, which makes a ______ between us and the sun, prevents heat from getting out of the atmosphere easily, so the earth is becoming warmer.‎ A. difference B. comparison C. connection D. barrier ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。根据后边的prevents heat from…可知二氧化碳是太阳和我们之间的一个屏障。‎ ‎【2013湖北】30. An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered ______ a long lost antique Greek vase.‎ A. at random B. by chance C. in turn D. on occasion ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查介词+名词短语辨析。此处表示“偶然发现了一个遗失多年的古希腊花瓶”,故选B。‎ ‎【2013江苏】33. With inspiration from other food cultures, American food culture can take a ‎ for the better. ‎ A. share B. chance C. turn D. lead ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。短语take a turn for the better(情况等)好转,故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013江西】22. Whenever I made mistakes, the teacher pointed them out with ______.‎ ‎ A. curiosity B. satisfaction C. envy D. patience ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。根据句意:每当我犯错的时候,老师都耐心地帮我指出来。故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】23. The accident caused some______ to my car, but it’s nothing serious.‎ A. harm B. injury C. ruin D. damage ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。名词harm表示伤害,通常构成短语“do harm to…”;injury表示受伤,指对人的伤害;ruin指毁坏,损毁,不可修复;damage表示损坏,可以修复。根据句意“it’s nothing serious”可知,答案选D。‎ ‎【2013天津】7. While she was in Paris, she developed a for fine art.‎ A. way B. relation C. taste D. habit ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。短语a taste for…,对…的一种爱好。句意:她在巴黎的时候,她对艺术产生了兴趣。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013浙江】4. As the world’s population continues to grow, the ______ of food becomes more and more of a concern.‎ A. worth B. supply C. package D. list ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查名词辨析。A项“值得的”; B项“供给”; C项“包裹”; D项“清单”;根据句意,随着世界人口不断上升,食物的供给越来越得到关注。故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013福建】23. The famous musician, as well as his students, _______ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.‎ A. were invited B. was invited C. have been invited D. has been invited ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。题干主语中心词为介词短语as well as之前的musician, 故谓语使用单数,排除AC;再根据句中标志性词语at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo可知应使用一般过去时态。故答案为B。‎ ‎【2013湖南】33. The university estimates that living expenses for international students ________ around $‎8,450 a year, which ________ a burden for some of them.‎ ‎ A. are;is B. are;are C. is;are D. is;is ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查主谓一致。第一空主语为living expenses,用复数谓语;第二空which指代整个主句引导定语从句做从句的主语,谓语应用单数。故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013江苏】21. Generally, students’ inner motivation with high expectations from others _________ essential to their development.‎ A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查主谓一致和动词时态。主语为motivation,故谓语为单数;根据语境及generally可知,描述的为一般情况,故使用一般现在时态,选A。‎ 情态动词与虚拟语气 ‎【2013北京】35. --- You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.‎ ‎--- Well, I don’t know. It do.‎ A. might B. need C. would D. should ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查情态动词。第一个人说不会下雨,第二人回答I don’t know,因此可知,到底下不下雨是不能肯定的事情,故使用might表推测“有可能”。‎ ‎【2013湖南】32. He ________ sleep, although he tried to, when he got on such a hunt for an idea until he had caught it.‎ ‎ A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查情态动词。根据后文“although he tried to”可知他不能入睡。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013江西】29. When I was a child, I ______ watch TV whenever I wanted to.‎ ‎ A. should B. could C. must D. need ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查情态动词。A项“应该”;B项“能够”;C项“必须”;D项“需要”,根据句意,当我还是孩童的时候,每当我想看电视的时候都能够看。故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】31. Harry is feeling uncomfortable. He _____ too much at the party last night.‎ A. could drink B. should drink C. would have drunk D. must have drunk ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查情态动词。此处考查情态动词对过去发生事情的推测。根据句意:Harry感觉不舒服。昨晚的聚会上他肯定喝得不少。对过去发生事情的肯定推测,用must have done,故选D。‎ ‎【2013陕西】21. The children lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.‎ A. must have got B. must get C. should have got D. should get ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查情态动词。副词otherwise之前的句子表示推测,之后的句子表示虚拟。句意为:孩子们肯定在树林里迷路了;否则的话,他们就该按计划在湖边的宿营地了。故选A,must have done表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测,意为:过去肯定已经…。‎ ‎【2013四川】5. —Why are your eyes so red? You _______ have slept well last night.‎ ‎—Yeah, I stayed up late writing a report.‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. won’t ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查情态动词。根据语境“眼睛那么红,昨晚不可能睡得很好”可知,此处考查情态动词can的否定式can’t表推测,意为“不可能”。can’t have done表示对过去的推测,意为“过去不可能…”。故选A。‎ ‎【2013天津】9. No one be more generous; he has a heart of gold.‎ A. could B. must C. dare D. need ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查情态动词。译为:不可能有人比他更慷慨;他有一颗善良的心。can’t/ couldn’t表不可能,故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】6. Since nobody gave him any help, he have done the research on his own.‎ A. can B. must C. would D. need ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查情态动词。根据句意,由于没人帮他,因此他定是一个人做的那个调查。情态动词must表肯定推测。故选B。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】29.The door open , no matter how hard she pushed.‎ ‎ A. shouldn’t B. couldn't C. wouldn't D. mightn't ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查情态动词。此处描述主语the door的特点“老是打不开”,其固有的特性,用情态动词would(will)描述,故选C。‎ ‎【2013浙江】3. I ________ myself more—it was a perfect day.‎ A. shouldn’t have enjoyed B. needn’t have enjoyed C. wouldn’t have enjoyed D. couldn’t have enjoyed ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查情态动词。此处情态动词否定式couldn’t与比较级more搭配表达最高级的意义;couldn’t此处表推测“不可能”。答案为D。‎ ‎【2013重庆】26. - What are you doing this Saturday?‎ ‎- I’m not sure, but I go to the Rolling Stones concert.‎ A. must B. would C. should D. might ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查情态动词。根据“I’m not sure”可知说话者不能确定,因此使用might表示推测,表示“有可能”。‎ ‎【2013安徽】34. It be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.‎ A. may B. couldn’t C. should D. needn’t ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查情态动词。根据原因状语从句“因为你认识很多单词”可知“在练习中不可能是词汇给你造成了这个问题”,故选B表推测“不可能”。‎ ‎【2013北京】34. If we a table earlier, we couldn’t be standing here in a queue.‎ A. have booked B. booked C. book D. had booked ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。根据句意:如果我们早点订桌的话,我们就不可能在这里站着排队了。可知if从句是对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时态。‎ ‎【2013福建】30. ----Do you think George has passed the driving test?‎ ‎----No. If so, he ______ his car to our college yesterday.‎ A. would drive B. drove C. would have driven D. had driven ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。根据句意,如果这样的话(乔治已经通过驾照考试),他昨天就驾车来我们大学了,可知是对过去的虚拟。If so= If he had passed the driving test,主句使用情态动词+ have done。故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013江苏】30. I should not have laughed if I you were serious.‎ A. thought B. would think C. had thought D. have thought ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。此处为if虚拟条件句,其主句使用的是should have done,可知是对过去的虚拟,故从句用过去完成时态表示对过去的虚拟。‎ ‎【2013陕西】12. My mom suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend.‎ ‎ A. should B. might C. could D. would ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。题干关键词为suggest,表示建议,其后所接的名词性从句应用“(should+)动词原形”的虚拟语气,故选A。‎ ‎【2013天津】14. If he had spent more time practicing speaking English before, he able to speak it much better now.‎ A. will be B. would be C. has been D. would have been ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。此题为if虚拟条件句,从句时间为before,故是对过去的虚拟,用过去完成时态,主句时间为now,故是对现在的虚拟,因此用情态动词过去式后接动词原形,答案为B。‎ ‎【2013浙江】8. Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam ______ at the age of six months old.‎ A. was B. be C. were D. is ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。题干关键词为recommend,表示“推荐,建议”,后接宾语从句时应用(should+)动词原形的虚拟语气,此处省去了should,故答案为B。‎ ‎【2013重庆】29. - It rained cats and dogs this morning. I’m glad we took an umbrella.‎ ‎- Yeah, we would have got wet all over if we ‎ A. hadn’t B. haven't C. didn't D. don't ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。虚拟条件句主句从句均为对过去的虚拟,if从句使用过去完成时态,故选A。‎ ‎【2013安徽】28. I to my cousin’s birthday party last night, but I was not available ‎ A. went B. had gone ‎ C. would go D. would have gone ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查虚拟语气。根据句意:昨晚我本想要去参加我表亲的生日聚会,但我没空。选项中能表示对过去虚拟的只有D答案:用情态动词过去式后加have done表示。‎ 形容词与副词 ‎【2013福建】25. The Forbidden City attracts a _______ stream of visitors every day, especially during national holidays.‎ A. constant B. main C. powerful D. shallow ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项“持续不断的”;B项“主要的”;C“强大的”;D项“浅的”;根据句意“紫禁城每天都会吸引源源不断的客流…”,故答案为A。‎ ‎【2013福建】31. Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy _______ priced bike.‎ A. competitively B. recently C. reasonably D. affordably ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查副词辨析。A项“具竞争性地”,B项“最近”,C项“合理地,理性地,相当”,D项“不太昂贵地”。根据Those poor and needy teenagers(那些贫穷的青少年)可知,那个商店定价不太昂贵,故答案选D。‎ ‎【2013福建】35. A society cannot be successful if it throws tradition away, but it cannot be successful ______ if we do something to stop progress.‎ A. either B. neither C. too D. also ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查副词用法。根据句意,一个社会不可能会成功如果….,一个社会也不会成功如果…。表示“也不”,故选A。‎ ‎【2013湖北】27. People complain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often ______ rather than based on fixed criteria.‎ A. appropriate B. conscious C. arbitrary D. controversial ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据句意:人们抱怨赞成或否定一个允许的那些决定常常是武断的而不是基于一些固定的标准。‎ ‎【2013湖北】28. He didn’t selfishly keep for himself the money inherited from his uncle. Instead, he made a ______ contribution to help the community.‎ A. commercial B. generous C. comparable D. profitable ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据前句可知他不自私;因此是做了一个慷慨的捐献。故选B。‎ ‎【2013湖北】29. Don’t defend him any more. It’s obvious that he ______ destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.‎ A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. clumsily ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查副词辨析。根据句意:很显然他是蓄意破坏花园的栅栏,而且没有道歉。‎ ‎【2013江西】24. What a terrible experience ! ________, you’re safe now ------ that’s the main thing.‎ ‎ A. Anyway B. Besides C. Otherwise D. Therefore ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查副词。此处考查表示上下连接关系的副词。A项“不管怎样”;B项“而且”;C项“否则”;D项“因此”; 根据句意:多么可怕的经历!_____, 主要的事情是,现在你是安全的。可知答案为A。‎ ‎【2013江西】26. There are a small number of people involved, possibly ______twenty.‎ ‎ A. as few as B. as little as C. as many as D. as much as ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查比较级句型。句意表达人很少,少达20人。People为可数名词,故使用few来替代,故答案选A。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】27. Everything seemed to be going ______ for the first two days after I moved to New York.‎ A. vividly B. generally C. frequently D. smoothly ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查副词辨析。A项“生动逼真地”;B项“一般地,通常”;C项“经常”;D项“顺利地”。根据句意,一切进展顺利,故选D。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】33. This is by far ______ movie that I have ever seen.‎ A. an inspiring B. a much inspiring C. the most inspiring D. the more inspiring ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查形容词比较等级。根据标志性词语by far及I have ever seen可知此处使用最高级,意为:这是迄今为止我所看过的最具激励性的电影。‎ ‎【2013天津】3. I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time----there are meaningful things to do.‎ A. less B. more C. the least D. the most ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词比较级。根据句意:看电视是浪费时间,因为有(比看电视)更有意义的事情可以做。故选比较级more。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】9. It may not be a great suggestion. But before ______ is put forward, we’ll make do with it.‎ A. a good one B. a better one C. the best one D. a best one ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词比较等级。句意:这也许不是一个很好的建议,但在提出一个更好的建议之前,我们会设法应付的。根据句意用比较级。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】25. Tony can hardly boil an egg,still cook dinner.‎ ‎ A. less B. little C. much D. more ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查形容词、副词比较级。根据句意:Tony几乎不能煮蛋,而且更少做饭。Still修饰比较级。故选A。‎ ‎【2013浙江】2. Mary worked here as a ____ secretary and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.‎ A. pessimistic B. temporary C. previous D. cautious ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项“悲观的”; B项“临时的”; C项“先前的”; D项“谨慎的”‎ ‎;根据语境词full-time可知答案选B。‎ ‎【2013浙江】6.If we leave right away, ______, we’ll arrive on time.‎ A. hopefully B. curiously C. occasionally D. gradually ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查副词辨析。根据句意:如果我们马上离开,我们就有希望按时到达。故答案选A(抱有希望的)。此处hopefully, we’ll arrive on time相当于it’s hopeful that we’ll arrive on time。‎ ‎【2013浙江】18. If what your friend comes up with surprises you, don’t reject it immediately. ______ , imagine that it is true.‎ A. Thus B. Besides C. Rather D .Otherwise ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查副词辨析。A项“那么,因此”; B项“而且”; C项“更确切地说;还不如说,相反”; D项“否则”;根据句意,如果你朋友想出的东西让你感到惊奇,不要立刻就反对,还不如设想它是真实的。故选C。‎ ‎【2013安徽】30. David is animal fur, so he won’t visit anyone who has cats or dogs in the house.‎ ‎ A. curious about B. allergic to C. satisfied with D. fond of ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后句“他不愿意去看望任何家里养猫狗的人”可知他对动物皮毛过敏。故选B。‎ ‎【2013安徽】31. If parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed. ,they will learn to take care of themselves.‎ ‎ A. On the contrary B. In a word ‎ C. That is to say D. What’s more ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查副词短语。本题考查表上下连接的副词性短语,根据前后两句句意,可知后句为递进关系。故选D“而且”。‎ ‎【2013安徽】33. It’s said that the power plant is now large as what it was.‎ ‎ A. twice as B. as twice ‎ C. twice much D. much twice ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查比较级倍数表达句型。句型为:倍数+as+形容词、副词原级+as+比较对象。故选A。‎ ‎(2013年高考英语分类解析 分类整理及解析:山东省魏桥中学英语组,原创解析 侵权必究 ‎ 状语从句 ‎【2013北京】30. I took my driving license with me on holiday, I wanted to hire a car.‎ A. in case B. even if C. ever since D. if only ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意:假期时我带上我的驾照,以防万一我想租一辆车。故选A。‎ ‎【2013福建】32. Anyone, once _______ positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.‎ A. to be tested B. being tested C. tested D. to test ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词和状语从句的省略。状语从句连词once之后的非谓语动词与主句主语anyone之间为被动关系,故选过去分词。‎ ‎【2013湖南】23. You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision.‎ ‎ A. although B. before C. because D. unless ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意,在你做任何决定之前,你得学会顾及到你的感觉和你做此决定的原因,可知答案为B(在…之前)。‎ ‎【2013江苏】28. In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.‎ A. whatever B. whoever C. wherever D. whichever ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查状语从句。此处考查-ever引导的让步状语从句。通过分析从句,可知句子不缺少主干成分,故排除代词ABD项,故答案选C。‎ ‎【2013江西】28. She says that she’ll have to close the shop ________ business improves.‎ ‎ A. if B. unless C. after D. when ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意,如果生意没有好转,她就只得关店铺。unless=if…not(如果不),故答案选B。‎ ‎【2013江西】34. If _____ to look after luggage for someone else, inform the police at once.‎ ‎ A. asked B. to ask C. asking D. having asked ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词及状语从句的省略。状语从句连词if之后省去了从句的主语,即主句的主语;而主句为祈使句,默认主语为you;主语you与动词ask之间为被动关系,故使用过去分词。答案选A。‎ ‎【2013辽宁】24. One can always manage to do more things, no matter _______ full one’s schedule is in life.‎ A. how B. what C. when D. where ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查状语从句。此处考查no matter…引导的让步状语从句。副词how修饰形容词或副词,横线后为形容词full,故选how。no matter how= however(无论如何)。‎ ‎【2013山东】26. Mark needs to learn Chinese _______ his company is opening a branch in Beijing. A. unless B. until C. although D. since ‎ ‎【答案】D解析原创:山东省 ‎ ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意:Mark需要学习汉语是因为他的公司要在北京开分公司。连词since表“由于,因为”符合语境。‎ ‎【2013山东】28. _________I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start. A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever D. However ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查状语从句。句意为:每当我得做演讲的时候,开始之前我就会变得极度的紧张。根据句意选B(每当,无论什么时候)。‎ ‎【2013陕西】18. I have heard a lot of good things about you I came back from abroad.‎ A. since B. until C. before D. when ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意及主从句时态即可判断为A项,因为since从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。译为:自从我从国外回来,我已经听说了关于你的许多好的事情。‎ ‎【2013四川】7.He was so busy. He cannot afford enough time with his son _____ he wants to.‎ A. even if B. as if C. because D. before ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意“他如此繁忙。他不可能抽出足够的时间来陪他的儿子——即便是他想那样做。”,可知答案选A。‎ ‎【2013天津】5. small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.‎ A. As B. If C. Although D. Once ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意即可判断:这个公司虽然小,但是它在30多个国家有大约1000个采购商。此处状语从句连词后省略了句子的主语和be动词,即although (it is) small…。‎ ‎【2013浙江】19. There are some health problems that, when ______ in time, can become bigger ones later on.‎ A. not treated B. not being treated C. not to be treated D. not have been treated ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词及状语从句的省略。连词when之后为状语从句的省略,非谓语动词treat的逻辑主语即为主句主语health problems,判断它们之间的关系为被动关系,即用过去分词即可。而being done意为“正在被…”;to be done“将被…”。‎ ‎【2013重庆】25. we have enough evidence, we can't win the case.‎ A. Once B As long as C. Unless D. Since ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查状语从句。根据句意,除非我们有足够的证据,否则这个案子我们不能取胜,可知选C。‎ ‎【2013安徽】23.It’s much easier to make friends you have similar interests.‎ A. unless B. when C. even though D. so that ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查状语从句。句意:当你们兴趣相投时,(你们)交朋友更加容易。故选B。‎ ‎【2013北京】22. Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs you could have problems A. or B. and C. but D. so ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查并列连词。此处考查句型:祈使句+ and/ or+ 句子。Or表“否则”。‎ ‎【2013四川】4. Read this story, ________ you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.‎ A. or B. and C. but D. so ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查并列连词。考查固定句型:祈使句+ and/ or+ 陈述句。此处前后两句话为顺接关系,故用and,相当于If you read this story, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money。‎ ‎【2013新课标II卷】3. I was glad to meet Jenny again, I didn't want to spend all day with her.‎ A. but B. and C. so D. or ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查并列连词。根据句意:再次见到Jenny我很高兴,但我不想整天都和她一起度过。‎ ‎【2013新课标I卷】32.There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery ______another man, also intelligent, fails.‎ ‎ A. since B: if C. as D. while ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查并列连词。根据句意,前后两句话为两种情况的对比“为什么一个人会做出一个重要的发现,而另一个人,也很聪明,但是失败了。”并列连词while表示对比。故选D。‎ ‎【2013重庆】23. It's not easy to change habits, with awareness and self-control, it is possible.‎ A. for B. or C. but D. so ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查并列连词。根据句意,改变习惯不易,但如果是有意识和有自我控制能力的话,还是有可能的。故前后为转折关系,用并列连词but。‎ ‎2012年高考英语试题分类解析 名词 ‎1.(福建高考,25)─Why do you choose to work in an international travel agency?‎ ‎ ─Well, you know, English is my _____. So it is my best choice.‎ ‎ A. strength B. talent C. ability D. skill ‎2.(天津高考,3)You are working too hard. You’d better keep a _____ between work and relaxation.‎ ‎ A. promise B. lead C. balance D. diary ‎3.(江西高考,29)You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _____.‎ ‎ A. purpose B. reference C. progress D. memory ‎4.(湖北高考,29)It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any _____.‎ ‎ A. shadow B. sample C. symptom D. similarity ‎5.(湖北高考,30)The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct _____ in applying for a visa.‎ ‎ A. perspective B. program C. pattern D. procedure ‎6.(四川高考,15)He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later. It’s just a matter of _____.‎ ‎ A. luck B. value C. time D. fact ‎7.(山东高考,24)My first _____ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.‎ ‎ A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D. impression ‎8.(江苏高考,21)—Can I help you with it?‎ ‎ —I appreciate your _____, but I can manager it myself.‎ ‎ A. advice B. question C. offer D. idea ‎9.(浙江高考,7)Your _____ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn.‎ ‎ A. operation B. growth C. performance D. character ACBCD CDCC 代词 ‎1.(全国高考I,31)Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but _____ of them wants to, because they have work to do.‎ ‎ A. either B. any C. neither D. none ‎2.(重庆高考,21)―John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday?‎ ‎ ―_____. I’ll be off to London then.‎ ‎ A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ‎3.(福建高考,22)─Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?‎ ‎ ─$ 4,000, or _____ like that.‎ ‎ A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing ‎4.(江西高考,23)My brother would like to buy a good watch but _____ was available from that shop.‎ ‎ A. nothing B. none C. no one D. neither ‎5.(陕西高考,13)No matter where he is, he makes _____ a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.‎ ‎ A. him B. this D. that D. it ‎6.(四川高考,2)New technology have made _____ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.‎ ‎ A. that B. this C. one D. it ‎7.(辽宁高考,28)If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get ____ for me? A. one B. such C. this D. that ‎8.(江苏高考,23)Sophia waited for a reply, but _____ came.‎ ‎ A. either B. another C. neither D. none ‎9.(上海高考,31)When he took his gloves off, I noticed that one had his name written inside. ‎ A. each B. every C. other D. another ‎10.(浙江高考,5)Studying Wendy’s menu, I found that many of the items are similar to _____ of McDonald’s.‎ ‎ A. those B. ones C. any D. all CBCBD DADAA ‎ 冠词 ‎1.(安徽高考,21)Carl is studying _____ food science at college and hopes to open up _____ meat processing factory of his own one day.‎ ‎ A. /. a B. /; the C. the; a D. the; the ‎2.(全国高考I,22)Sarah looked at _____ finished painting with _____ satisfaction.‎ ‎ A. /; a B. a; the C. the; / D. the; a ‎3.(重庆高考,24)Sam has been appointed _____ manager of the engineering department to take _____ place of George.‎ ‎ A. /; / B. the; / C. the; the D. /; the ‎4.(江西高考,21)The Smiths don’t usually like staying at _____ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by _____ sea.‎ ‎ A. /; a B. the; the C. /; the D. the; a ‎5.(四川高考,18)We are said to be living in _____ Information Age, _____ time of new discoveries and great changes.‎ ‎ A. an; the B. /; the C. /; a D. the; a ‎6.(辽宁高考,21)I woke up with _____ bad headache, yet by _____ evening the pain had gone.‎ ‎ A. the; the B. the; an C. a; the D. a; an ‎7.(山东高考,29)Being able to afford _____ drink would be _____ comfort in those tough times.‎ ‎ A. the; the B. a; a C. a; / D. /’ a ‎8.(浙江高考,2)The development of industry has been _____ gradual process throughout _____ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.‎ ‎ A. /; the B. the; a C. a; / D. a; a ACDCD CBC 形容词 ‎1.(安徽高考,23)Interest is as _____ to learning as the ability to understand, even more so.‎ ‎ A. vital B. available C. specific D. similar ‎2.(全国高考I,26)26.The result is not very important to us, but if we do win, then so much _____.‎ ‎ A. the best B. best C. better D. the better ‎3.(全国高考I,29)This restaurant wasn’t _____ that other restaurant we went to.‎ ‎ A. half as good as B. as half good as C. as good as half D. good as half as ‎4.(福建高考,32)─Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?‎ ‎ ─Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still _____.‎ ‎ A. available B. affordable C. acceptable D. valuable ‎5.(北京高考,28)Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _____.‎ ‎ A. some B. less C. much D. more ‎6.(天津高考,10)The secretary arranged a(n) _____ time and place for the applicants to have an interview.‎ ‎ A. important B. spare C. public D. convenient ‎7.(湖北高考,26)“Perhaps we need to send for Dr. Smith to see what we can do about it,” Father suggested _____ to his neighbor who had come to discuss the problem.‎ ‎ A. rudely B. definitely C. thoughtlessly D. tentatively ‎8.(湖北高考,27)Can you tell the _____ difference between the words “require” and “request”? I sometimes get puzzled by their meanings.‎ ‎ A. apparent B. dramatic C. subtle D. regional ‎9.(山东高考,33)Be _____ —you can’t expect me to finish all this work in so little time.‎ ‎ A. reasonable B. confident C. creative D. grateful ‎10.(浙江高考,10)The research lacks _____ evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.‎ ‎ A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential ADAAD DDCAA 副词 ‎1.(安徽高考,34)Queen Elizabeth II is often thought to be the richest woman in the world. _____, her personal wealth seems rather small.‎ ‎ A. Besides B. Otherwise C. However D. Although ‎2.(湖南高考,24)Bicycling is good exercise; _____, it does not pollute the air.‎ ‎ A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore ‎3.(福建高考,27)Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be _____ respected.‎ ‎ A. especially B. equally C. naturally D. normally ‎4.(天津高考,4)4.The dog may be a good companion for the old. _____, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage.‎ ‎ A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Instead ‎5.(湖北高考,28)Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained _____.‎ ‎ A. contradictory B. controversial C. relevant D. unchallenged ‎6.(四川高考,7)The hotel is almost finished, but it _____ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.‎ ‎ A. only B. also C. even D. still ‎7.(四川高考,16)I make $ ‎2,000 a week. 60 surely won’t make _____ difference to me.‎ ‎ A. that a big B. a that big C. big a that D. that big a ‎8.(辽宁高考,22)We used to see each other _____, but I haven’t heard from him since last year.‎ ‎ A. especially B. regularly C. particularly D. approximately ‎9.(浙江高考,18)Mike was usually so careful, _____ this time he made a small mistake.‎ ‎ A. yet B. still C. even D. thus CBBBB DDBA 介词 ‎1.(安徽高考,25)You can change your job, you can move house, but friendship is meant to be _____ life.‎ ‎ A. of B. on C. to D. for ‎2.(福建高考,33)Nothing is so easy as _____ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.‎ ‎ A. of B. to C. by D. for ‎3.(北京高考,34)Do you think this shirt is too tight _____ the shoulders?‎ ‎ A. at B. on C. to D. across ‎4.(陕西高考,11)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee member are _____ it.‎ ‎ A. against B. for C. to D. with ‎5.(辽宁高考,27)The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place _____ the main road at the far end of the lake.‎ ‎ A. to B. for C. off D. out ‎6.(上海高考,25)25. passion, people won't have the motivation or the joy necessary for creative thinking.‎ ‎ A. For B. Without C. Beneath D. By ‎7.(浙江高考,6)_____ all the animals I’ve ever had, these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.‎ ‎ A. From B. Of C. For D. With DDDAC BB 非动词短语 ‎1.(福建高考,26)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals _____ all its citizens.‎ ‎ A. in charge of B. for the purpose of C. in honor of D. for the benefit of ‎2.(江西高考,34)He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. _____, he had a wonderful time.‎ ‎ A. Above all B. What’s more C. As a result D. On the contrary ‎3.(湖北高考,25)The furniture, with its modern style and bright colors, suits modern houses and their gardens, but looks _____ in the garden of a traditional home.‎ ‎ A. out of sight B. out of question C. out of place D. out of order ‎4.(四川高考,14)This training program can give you a lift at work, _____ increase your income by 40 %.‎ ‎ A. as well as B. so long as C. so much as D. as soon as ‎5.(江苏高考,29)—Thank God you’re safe!‎ ‎ —I stepped back, just _____ to avoid the racing car.‎ ‎ A. in time B. in case C. in need D. in vain ‎6.(浙江高考,14)Brown said he was by no means annoyed; _____, he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.‎ ‎ A. all in all B. for one thing C. on the contrary D. by the way DDCAA C 动词和动词短语 ‎1.(安徽高考,28)The athlete’s years of hard training _____ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.‎ ‎ A. went on B. got through C. paid off D. ended up ‎2.(全国高考I,27)Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can _____ almost every word her teacher says.‎ ‎ A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together ‎3.(全国高考I,35)If she doesn’t want to go, nothing you can say will _____ her.‎ ‎ A. persuade B. promise C. invite D. support ‎4.(福建高考,29)You had better _____ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.‎ ‎ A. set aside B. take up C. put away D. give out ‎ ‎5.(天津高考,13)Parent’s and children should communicate more to _____ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.‎ ‎ A. open B. narrow C. widen D. leave ‎6.(江西高考,24)I’ve _____ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.‎ ‎ A. come into B. gone into C. got into D. run into ‎7.(江西高考,30)We all agreed that the cottage could _____ a perfect holiday home for the family.‎ ‎ A. make B. turn C. take D. have ‎ ‎8.(湖北高考,21)Two lawyers have donated $ 50,000 to _____ our school’s campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.‎ ‎ A. plan B. organize C. launch D. sponsor ‎9.(湖北高考,22)Finally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and _____ every page of my draft.‎ ‎ A. folded B. polished C. quoted D. approved ‎10.(湖北高考,23)Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to _____ his courage.‎ ‎ A. keep up B. hold up C. take up D. set up ‎11.(湖北高考,24)I’m so glad you’ve come here to _____ this matter in person.‎ ‎ A. see to B. turn to C. refer to D. lead to ‎12.(四川高考,20)It’s surprising that your brother _____ Russian so quickly he hasn’t lived there very long.‎ ‎ A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up ‎13.(陕西高考,19)He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _____.‎ ‎ A. broke in B. broke up C. broke out D. broke down ‎14.(辽宁高考,26)Rod loves _____ clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again.‎ ‎ A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off ‎15.(江苏高考,26)—OK, I’ve had enough of it. I give up.‎ ‎ —You can’t _____ your responsibilities.‎ ‎ A. run off with B. run up against C. run out of D. run away from ‎16.(浙江高考,12)According to scientists, our mental abilities begin to _____ from the age of 27 after reaching the highest level at 22.‎ ‎ A. differ B. shrink C. fail D. decline ‎17.(浙江高考,15)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _____ preparing your business plan.‎ ‎ A. set out B. set about C. set off D. set up CBAAB CADBA AADAD DB 时态 ‎1.(安徽高考,26)In order to find the missing child, villagers _____ all they can over the past five hours.‎ ‎ A. did B. do C. had done D. have been doing ‎2.(安徽高考,33)Walmart, which is one of the largest American supermarket chains, _____ some of its stores open 20 hours on Mondays through Saturdays.‎ ‎ A. keeps B. keep C. have kept D. had kept ‎3.(全国高考I,23)“Life is like walking in the snow”, Granny used to say, “because every step _____.’‎ ‎ A. has shown B. is showing C. shows D. showed ‎4.(全国高考I,33)I had been working on math for the whole afternoon and the numbers _____ before my eyes.‎ ‎ A. swim B. swum C. swam D. had swum ‎5.(重庆高考,22)―Kevin, you look worried. Anything wrong?‎ ‎ ―Well, I _____ a test and I’m waiting for the result.‎ ‎ A. will take B. took C. had taken D. take ‎6.(重庆高考,27)Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _____. We must act immediately before there’s none left.‎ ‎ A. have run out B. are running out C. have been run out D. are being run out ‎7.(湖南高考,25)Close the door of fear behind you, and you _____ the door of faith open before you.‎ ‎ A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing ‎ ‎8.(湖南高考,27)“The moment _____ soon,” he thought to himself, waiting nervously.‎ ‎ A. came B. has come C. was coming D. is coming ‎9.(湖南高考,33)―I remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?‎ ‎ ―Sorry, I _____ the piano for years.‎ ‎ A. don’t play B. wasn’t playing C. haven’t played D. hadn’t played ‎10.(福建高考,24)─When did the computer crash?‎ ‎ ─This morning, while I _____ the reading materials downloaded from some websites.‎ ‎ A. have sorted B. was sorting C. am sorting D. had sorted ‎ ‎11.(北京高考,22)By the time you have finished this book, your meal _____ cold.‎ ‎ A. gets B. has got C. will get D. is getting ‎12.(北京高考,30)Our friendship _____ quickly over the weeks that followed.‎ ‎ A. had developed B. was developing C. would develop D. developed ‎13.(天津高考,12)The three of us _____ around Europe for about a month last summer.‎ ‎ A. traveled B. have traveled C. had traveled D. travel(模块二第2单元grammar)‎ ‎14.(江西高考,26)—Look! Somebody _____ the sofa.‎ ‎ —Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.‎ ‎ A. is cleaning B. was cleaning C. has cleaned D. had cleaned ‎15.(陕西高考,24)—Can I call you back at two o’clock this afternoon?‎ ‎ —I’m sorry, but by then I _____ to Beijing. How about give.‎ ‎ A. fly B. will fly C. will be flying D. am flying ‎16.(四川高考,3)—Goodbye, John. Come back again sometime.‎ ‎ —Sure. _____.‎ ‎ A. I did B. I do C. I shall D. I will ‎17.(四川高考,9)—Did you catch what I said?‎ ‎ —Sorry. I _____ a text message just now.‎ ‎ A. had answered B. have answered C. would answer D. was answering ‎18.(辽宁高考,31)I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _____ to Shanghai.‎ ‎ A. will be flying B. will fly C. have been flying D. have flown ‎19.(山东高考,28)After Jack had sent some e-mails, he _____ working on his project.‎ ‎ A. had started B. has started C. started D. starts ‎20.(山东高考,34)The manager was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers _____.‎ ‎ A. will leave B. are leaving C. have left D. were leaving ‎ ‎21.(江苏高考,32)The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _____ some European business partners.‎ ‎ A. would meet B. is meeting C. meets D. had met ‎22.(江苏高考,34)The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he _____.‎ ‎ A. has started B. starts C. started D. will start ‎23.(上海高考,30)—I hear that Jason is planning to buy a car.‎ ‎—I know. By next month, he _ enough for a used one.‎ A. will have saved B. will be saving C. has saved D. saves ‎24.(浙江高考,13)Peter had intended to take a job in business, but _____ that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010.‎ ‎ A. had abandoned B. abandoned C. abandon D. will abandon ‎25.(浙江高考,16)—Alvin, are you coming with us?‎ ‎ —I’d love to, but something unexpected _____.‎ ‎ A. has come up B. was coming up C. had come up D. would come up ‎26.(北京高考,25)George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he _____.‎ ‎ A. wouldn’t B. didn’t C. hasn’t D. hadn’t DACCB BCDCB CDACC DDACD DCABA B 语态 ‎1.(安徽高考,35)After school we went to the reading-room to do some reading, only to be told that it _____.‎ ‎ A. was decorated B. had decorated C. had been decorated D. was being decorated ‎2.(湖南高考,22)Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now _____ later in life.‎ ‎ A. will be repaid B. was being repaid C. has been repaid D. was repaid ‎3.(北京高考,29)─Have you heard about that fire in the market?‎ ‎ ─Yes, fortunately no one _____.‎ ‎ A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. had been hurt ‎4.(上海高考,26)Is honesty the best policy? We _ that it is when we are little.‎ ‎ A. will teach B. teach C. are taught D. will be taught ‎5.(天津高考,2)The letters for the boss _____ on his desk but he didn’t read them until three days later.‎ ‎ A. were put B. was put C. put D. has put ‎6.(四川高考,11)They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house _____.‎ ‎ A. is being rebuilt B. has been rebuilt C. is rebuilt D. has rebuilt ‎7.(辽宁高考,35)Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I _____ on Friday.‎ ‎ A. get paid B. got paid C. have paid D. had been paid DABCA AA 情态动词 ‎1.(全国高考I,30)I _____ use a clock to wake me up because at six o’clock each morning the train comes by my house.‎ ‎ A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t ‎2.(重庆高考,25)─_____ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?‎ ‎ ─Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent.‎ ‎ A. Can B. Should C. Must D. Would ‎3.(上海高考,28)The new law states that people _____ drive after drinking alcohol.‎ A. wouldn't B. needn't C. won't D. mustn't ‎4.(天津高考,8)It’s quite warm here; we _____ turn the heating on yet.‎ ‎ A. couldn’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. wouldn’t ‎5.(江西高考,22)We _____ have bought so much food now that Suzie won’t be with us for dinner.‎ ‎ A. may not B. needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t(模块四第2单元grammar)‎ ‎6.(陕西高考,23)I _____ thank you so much for all your help to my son while we were away from home.‎ ‎ A. won’t B. can’t C. can D. will ‎7.(四川高考,19)I got close enough to hear them speaking Chinese, and I said “Ni Hao,” just as I _____ do in China.‎ ‎ A. must B. might C. can D. should ‎8.(辽宁高考,24)One of our rules is that every student _____ wear school uniform while at school.‎ ‎ A. might B. could C. shall D. will ‎9.(江苏高考,28)Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but _____ say where he was.‎ ‎ A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. mightn’t ‎10.(江苏高考,35) —Happy birthday!‎ ‎ —Thank you! It’s the best present I _____ for.‎ ‎ A. should have wished B. must have wished ‎ C. may have wished D. could have wished DCDCB BBCCD 虚拟语气 ‎1.(安徽高考,31)Grace doesn’t want to move to New York because she thinks if she _____ there, she wouldn’t be able to see her parents very often.‎ ‎ A. lives B. would live C. has lived D. were to live ‎2.(湖南高考,29)Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _____ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.‎ ‎ A. have had B. had had C. have D. had ‎3.(福建高考,31)We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _____ more places of interest yesterday.‎ ‎ A. visited B. had visited C. would visit D. would have visited ‎4.(天津高考,15)We would have called a taxi yesterday if Harold _____ us a ride home.‎ ‎ A. didn’t offer B. wouldn’t offer C. hasn’t offered D. hadn’t offered ‎5.(陕西高考,17)If my car _____ more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.‎ ‎ A. was B. had been C. should be D. would be ‎6.(辽宁高考,33)Jaok is a great talker. It is high time that he _____ something instead of just talking.‎ ‎ A. will do B. had done C. do D. did ‎7.(山东高考,30)If we _____ adequate preparations, the conference wouldn’t have been so successful.‎ ‎ A. haven’t made B. wouldn’t make C. didn’t make D. hadn’t made ‎8.(浙江高考,19)Had they known what was coming next, they _____ second thoughts.‎ ‎ A. may have B. could have C. must have had D. might have had ‎9.(北京高考,35)Don’t handle the vase as if it _____ made of steel.‎ ‎ A. is B. were C. has been D. had been DDDDB DDDB 非谓语动词 ‎1.(安徽高考,24)I remembered _____ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.‎ ‎ A. locking B. to lock C. having locked D. to have locked ‎2.(安徽高考,30)When _____ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.‎ ‎ A. asking B. asked C. having asked D. to be asked ‎3.(全国高考I,28)The party will be held in the garden, weather _____.‎ ‎ A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit ‎4.(全国高考I,32)Film has a much shorter history, especially when _____ such art forms as music and painting.‎ ‎ A. having compared to B. comparing to C. compare to D. compared to ‎5.(重庆高考,23)_____ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonder film.‎ ‎ A. Having been asked D. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked ‎6.(重庆高考,28)We’re having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _____ at the meeting will influence the future of our company.‎ ‎ A. to be made B. being made C. made D. having been made ‎ ‎7.(重庆高考,31)Before you quit your job, _____ how your family would feel about your decision.‎ ‎ A. consider B. considering C. to consider D. considered ‎8.(湖南高考,21)We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____ to achieve the final success.‎ ‎ A. being done B. do C. to be done D. to do ‎9.(湖南高考,23)Time, _____ correctly, is money in the bank.‎ ‎ A. to use B. used C. using D. use ‎10.(湖南高考,31)The lecture, _____ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. ‎ ‎ A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started ‎11.(福建高考,28)China recently tightened its waters controls near the Huangyan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _____ in the South China Sea.‎ ‎ A. attacking B. having attacked C. being attacked D. having been attacked ‎12.(福建高考,34)Pressed from his parents, and _____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games.‎ ‎ A. realizing B. realized C. to realize D. being realized ‎13.(北京高考,23)One learns a language by making mistakes and _____ them.‎ ‎ A. corrects B. correct C. to correct D. correcting ‎14.(北京高考,27)_____ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.‎ ‎ A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use ‎15.(北京高考,32)Birds singing is sometimes warning to other birds _____ away.‎ ‎ A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay ‎16.(天津高考,11)He got up late and hurried to his office, _____ the breakfast untouched.‎ ‎ A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. having left ‎17.(江西高考,33)Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _____ to the new students.‎ ‎ A. speaking B. having spoken C. to speak D. to have spoken ‎18.(江西高考,35)John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter _____ him it.‎ ‎ A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. to be offered ‎19.(陕西高考,15)_____ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.‎ ‎ A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood D. Stand ‎20.(陕西高考,22)If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _____ an even greater challenge.‎ ‎ A. meets B. meeting C. meet D. to meet ‎21.(四川高考,6)Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _____ his plane high up in the sky.‎ ‎ A. finding B. to find C. being found D. to have found ‎22.(四川高考,8)I looked up and noticed a snake _____ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.‎ ‎ A. to wind B. wind C. winding D. wound ‎23.(四川高考,12)Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car _____.‎ ‎ A. washed B. wash C. washing D. to wash ‎24.(辽宁高考,25)The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog _____ them.‎ ‎ A. to follow B. following C. followed D. follows ‎25.(辽宁高考,29)This machine is very easy _____. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.‎ ‎ A. operating B. to be operating C. operated D. to operate ‎26.(山东高考,26)George returned after the war, only _____ that his wife had left him.‎ ‎ A. to be told B. telling C. being told D. told ‎ ‎27.(山东高考,35)After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _____.‎ A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide ‎28.(江苏高考,31)_____ an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.‎ ‎ A. Based B. Basing C. Base D. To base ‎29.(上海高考,27)As Jack left his membership card at home, he wasn't allowed _____ into the sports club.‎ A. going B. to go C. go D. gone ‎30.(上海高考,33)When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say.‎ A. thinking of B. to think of C. thought of D. think of ‎31.(上海高考,36)The club, _ _ 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.‎ A. founded B. founding C. being founded D. to be founded ‎32.(上海高考,39)"Genius" is a complicated concept, _ _ many different factors.‎ A. involved B. involving C. to involve D. being involved ‎33.(浙江高考,3)No matter how bright a talker you are, there are times when it’s better _____ silent.‎ ‎ A. remain B. be remaining C. having remained D. to remain ‎34.(浙江高考,8)I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly or _____ his job.‎ ‎ A. quits B. to quit C. quitting D. quit ‎35.(浙江高考,11)“It’s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table _____ for customers.‎ ‎ A. to be reserved B. having reserved C. reserving D. reserved BBADA AACBA CADCA CCBAD BCABD ABBBA ABDDD 定语从句 ‎1.(重庆高考,29)Sales director is a position _____ communication ability is just as important as sales themselves.[来源:Z&xx&k.Com]‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. when D. where ‎2.(湖南高考,34)Care of the soul is a gradual process _____ even the small details of life should be considered.‎ ‎ A. what B. in what C. which D. in which ‎3.(福建高考,23)The air quality in the city, _____ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.‎ ‎ A. that B. it C. as D. what ‎4.(北京高考,26)When deeply absorbed in work, _____ he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. where D. when ‎5.(天津高考,7)I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _____ help I would never have got this far.‎ ‎ A. who B. whose C. whom D. which ‎6.(江西高考,28)By 16:30, _____ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold.‎ ‎ A. which B. when C. what D. that ‎7.(陕西高考,14)It is the third time that she has won the race, _____ has surprised us all.‎ ‎ A. that B. where C. which D. what ‎8.(四川高考,13)In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses.‎ ‎ A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them ‎9.(山东高考,23)Maria has written two novels, both of _____ have been made into television series.‎ ‎ A. them B. that C. which D. what ‎10.(江苏高考,22)After the flooding, people were suffering in that area, _____ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive.‎ ‎ A. which B. who C. where D. what ‎11.(上海高考,35)Have you sent thank-you notes to the relatives from _ _ you received gifts?‎ A. which B. them C. that D. whom ‎12.(浙江高考,9)We live in an age _____ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.‎ ‎ A. why B. when C. to whom D. on which ‎13.(浙江高考,17)Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society.‎ ‎ A. which B. who C. where D. whom ‎14.(安徽高考,29)A lot of language learning, _____ has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period.‎ ‎ A. as B. it C. which D. this DDCBB ACCCB DBBA 名词性从句 ‎1.(安徽高考,27)The limits of a person’s intelligence, generally speaking, are fixed at birth, but _____ he reaches these limits will depend on his environment.‎ ‎ A. where B. whether C. that D. why ‎2.(浙江高考,4)I made a promise _____ this year, my first in high school, would be different.‎ ‎ A. whether B. what C. that D. how ‎3.(全国高考I,24)It is by no means clear _____ the president can do to end the strike.‎ ‎ A. how B. which C. that D. what ‎4.(上海高考,40)The map is one of the best tools a man has _ _ he goes to a new place.‎ A. whenever B. whatever C. wherever D. however ‎5.(重庆高考,34)Evidence has been found through years of study _____ children’s early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up.‎ ‎ A. why B. how C. whether D. that ‎6.(湖南高考,26)Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t matter _____ you have lived there for a short or a long time.‎ ‎ A. why B. how C. whether D. when ‎7.(福建高考,35)We promise _____ attends the party a chance to have a photo taken with the movie star.‎ ‎ A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever ‎8.(北京高考,24)Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt _____ he could have expressed it differently. ‎ ‎ A. why B. how C. that D. whether ‎9.(天津高考,9)It doesn’t matter _____ you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads lead to the park. ‎ ‎ A. whether B. how C. if D. when ‎10.(江西高考,25)It suddenly occurred to him _____ he had left his keys in the office.‎ ‎ A. whether B. where C. which D. that ‎11.(陕西高考,20)As many as five courses are provided, and you are free to choose _____ suits you best.‎ ‎ A. whatever B whichever C. whenever D. wherever ‎12.(四川高考,17)Scientists study _____ human brains work to make computers.‎ ‎ A. when B. how C. that D. whether ‎ A. will do B. had done C. do D. did(模块四第3单元task)‎ ‎13.(辽宁高考,34)The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for _____ he could find about Mark Twain.‎ ‎ A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whichever ‎14.(山东高考,21)Whenever you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or _____.‎ ‎ A. whoever B. wherever C. whatever D. however ‎15.(山东高考,25)It doesn’t matter _____ you pay by cash or credit card in this store.‎ ‎ A. how B. whether C. what D. why ‎16.(江苏高考,27)The notice came around two in the afternoon _____ the meeting would be postponed.‎ ‎ A. when B. that C. whether D. how ‎17.(上海高考,34)There is much truth in the idea kindness is usually served by frankness.‎ A. why B. which C. that D. whether ‎18.(上海高考,38)—We've only got this small bookcase. Will that do?‎ ‎—No, _ _ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.‎ A. who B. that C. what D. which BCDAD CCCAD BBCAB BCC 状语从句 ‎1.(全国高考I,25)I don’t believe we’ve met before, _____ I must say you do look familiar.‎ ‎ A. therefore B. although C. since D. unless ‎2.(重庆高考,30)─Coach, can I continue with the training?‎ ‎ ─Sorry, you can’t _____ you haven’t recovered from the knee injury.‎ ‎ A. until B. before C. as D. unless ‎3.(湖南高考,28)_____ I always felt I would pass the exam, I never thought I would get an A.‎ ‎ A. While B. Once C. If D. Until ‎4.(湖南高考,32)_____ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.‎ ‎ A. However B. Whatever C. Whichever D. Whenever ‎5.(福建高考,30)It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties _____ it gets more financial support from the European Union.‎ ‎ A. if B. unless C. because D. since ‎6.(北京高考,21)─Look at those clouds!‎ ‎ ─Don’t worry. _____ it rains, we’ll still have a great time.‎ ‎ A. Even if B. As though C. In case D. If only ‎7.(江西高考,31)You can borrow my car _____ you promise not to drive too fast.‎ ‎ A. unless B. even if C. in case D. as long as ‎8.(陕西高考,18)Hot _____ the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.‎ ‎ A. although B. as C. while D. however ‎9.(陕西高考,25)All the photographs in this book, _____ stated otherwise, date from the 1950s.‎ ‎ A. unless B. until C. once D. if ‎10.(四川高考,4)At school, some students are active _____ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another. ‎ ‎ A. while B. although C. so D. as ‎11.(四川高考,10)If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay _____ you are and wait for help.‎ ‎ A. why B. where C. who D. what ‎12.(天津高考,14)Everything was placed exactly _____ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.‎ ‎ A. while B. when C. where D. though ‎13.(辽宁高考,30)Leave your key with your neighbor _____ you lock yourself out one day.‎ ‎ A. as long as B. even though C. in case D. as if ‎14.(山东高考,27)He smiled politely _____ Mary apologized for her drunken friends.‎ ‎ A. as B. if C. unless D. though ‎15.(山东高考,32)A number of high buildings have arisen _____ there was nothing a year ago but ruins.‎ ‎ A. when B. where C. before D. until ‎16.(江苏高考,30)One’s life has value _____ one brings value to the life of others.‎ ‎ A. so that B. no matter how C. as long as D. except that ‎17.(上海高考,32)I have a tight budget for the trip, so I'm not going to fly _ the airlines lower ticket prices.‎ A. once B. if C. after D. unless BDAAB ADBAA BCCAB CD 强调句型 ‎1.(湖南高考,30)It was not until I came here _____ I realized this place was famous for not only its beauty but also its weather.‎ ‎ A. who B. that C. where D. before ‎2.(上海高考,37)37. —Was it by cutting down staff _she saved the firm?‎ ‎—No, it was by improving work efficiency.‎ A. when B. what C. how D. that ‎3.(重庆高考,32)It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _____ Zheng He sailed to East Africa.‎ ‎ A. when B. that C. after D. since BDB 倒装 ‎1.(重庆高考,33)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _____ it a thought.‎ ‎ A. does he even give B. he even gives C. will he even give D. he will even give ‎2.(天津高考,6)Only after Mary read her composition the second time _____ the spelling mistake.‎ ‎ A. did she notice B. she noticed C. does she notice D. she has noticed ‎3.(江西高考,32)Never before _____ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.‎ ‎ A. had she B. she had C. has she D. she has ‎4.(四川高考,5)This is not my story, nor _____ the whole story. My story plays out differently.‎ ‎ A. is there B. there is C. is it D. it is ‎5.(辽宁高考,)Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _____ having a holiday abroad.‎ ‎ A. he had considered B. had he considered C. he considered D. did he consider ‎6.(上海高考,29)Only with the greatest of luck _ to escape from the rising flood waters.‎ A. managed she B. she managed C. did she manage D. she did manage CACCD C 主谓一致 ‎1.(湖南高考,35)All the scientific evidence _____ that increasing use of chemicals in farming _____ damaging our health.‎ ‎ A. show; are B. shows; are C. show; is D. shows; is ‎2.(陕西高考,12)The basketball coach, as well as his team, _____ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.‎ ‎ A. were B. was C. is D. are DB 交际用语 ‎1.(安徽高考,22)─May I help you? You seem to be having some problems.‎ ‎─_____, thanks. I think I can manage.‎ A. All right B. No problem C. It’s all right D. There’s no way ‎2.(安徽高考,32)─I love the Internet. I’ve come to know many friends on the Net.‎ ‎ ─_____. Few of them would become our real friends.‎ ‎ A. That’s for sure B. It’s not the case C. I couldn’t agree more D. I’m pleased to know that ‎3.(全国高考I,21)─Which one of these do you want?‎ ‎ ─_____. Either will do.‎ ‎ A. I don’t mind B. I’m sure C. No problem D. Go head ‎4.(重庆高考,26)─The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum has been cancelled.‎ ‎ ─Oh, no! _____. ‎ ‎ A. It’s a pity B. It doesn’t matter C. I knew it already D. It’s not interesting at all ‎5.(重庆高考,35) ─Look, here comes your dream girl. Invite her to dance.‎ ‎ ─_____ What if she refuses me.‎ ‎ A. I don’t know. B. Why me? C. With pleasure. D. So what?‎ ‎6.(福建高考,21)─What are you going to do this weekend?‎ ‎ ─_____. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.‎ ‎ A. Don’t mention it B. It doesn’t matter C. Forget it D. It depends ‎7.(天津高考,1)—Can I have a day off tomorrow, Mr. Johnson?‎ ‎ —_____. I can manage without you.‎ ‎ A. Forget it B. I’m afraid not C. It depends D. Of course ‎8.(天津高考,5)—You have to believe in yourself. No one else will, if you don’t.‎ ‎ —_____. Confidence is really important. ‎ ‎ A. It’s not my cup of tea B. That’s not the point ‎ C. I don’t think so D. I couldn’t agree more ‎9.(江西高考,27)—Have you paid? What’s my share of the bill?‎ ‎ —_____. It wasn’t very much.‎ ‎ A. Don’t worry about it B. It’s my share C. None of your business D. It’s up to you ‎10.(陕西高考,16)—I’m sorry for being late. I should have phoned you earlier.‎ ‎ —_____. I’ve just arrived.‎ ‎ A. That’s no trouble B. You are welcome C. That’s all right D. You can never tell ‎11.(陕西高考,21)—The trip shouldn’t take more than an hour.‎ ‎ —_____. It is at least two hours.‎ ‎ A. I guess so B. That’s it C. You must be joking D. It depends ‎12.(四川高考,1)—Excuse me? How much is the shirt?‎ ‎ —_____.‎ ‎ A. Extra large B. 50 each C. It sells well D. Altogether there are 5‎ ‎13.(辽宁高考,23)—I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? It’s rather urgent.‎ ‎ —Yes, _____.‎ ‎ A. with pleasure B. no hurry C. it doesn’t matter D. of course ‎14.(山东高考,22)—Sorry I’m late. I got stuck in traffic. ‎ ‎—_____. You’re here now. Come in and sit down.‎ ‎ A. You are welcome B. That’s right C. I have no idea D. Never mind ‎15.(山东高考,31)—I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather.‎ ‎ —_____. I can’t stand all this rain.‎ ‎ A. I don’t care B. It’s hard to say C. So am I D. I hope so ‎16.(江苏高考,24)—Don’t worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu.‎ ‎ —_____! I’ll tell Dad there’s nothing serious.‎ ‎ A. What a relief B. Congratulations C. How surprising D. I’m so sorry ‎17.(江苏高考,33)—Honey, the cat’s stuck in the tree. Can you turn off the TV and get a ladder…?‎ ‎ —Oh, it jumped off. _____.‎ ‎ A. Never mind B. All right C. No problem D. Take care ‎18.(浙江高考,1)—Is there anything else to discuss?‎ ‎ —_____, I guess. ‎ ‎ A. Not at all B. No, that’s all C. Yes, I’m sure D. Yes, of course ‎19.(浙江高考,20)I’m going to San Francisco for a couple of days.‎ ‎ _____. I wish I could get away for a while.‎ ‎ A. It doesn’t matter B. Forget it C. I really envy you D. I can’t agree more CBAAA DDDAC CBDDC AABC 其他:反意问句/祈使句/并列连词 ‎1.(江苏高考,)25.There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, _____?‎ ‎ A. is there B. isn’t there C. is he D. isn’t he ‎2.(北京高考,31)_____ at the door before you enter my room, please.‎ ‎ A. Knock B. Knocking C. Knocked D. To knock ‎3.(全国高考I,34)34.You have to move out of the way _____ the truck cannot get past you.‎ ‎ A. so B. or C. and D. but AAB ‎2011年高考英语试题分类解析 一、冠词 ‎1. (2011全国卷I, 33) It is generally accepted that _____ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ____ man. ‎ A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; 不填 ‎2. (2011全国卷II, 16) As he reached ______ front door, Jack saw _____ strange sight.‎ A. the; 不填 B. a; the C.不填;a D. the; a ‎3. (2011重庆卷, 26) In communication, a smile is usually _______ strong sign of a friendly and _______ open attitude.‎ A. the, / B. a, an C. a, / D. the, an ‎ ‎4. (2011山东卷, 21) Take your time — it’s just _____ short distance from here to _____ restaurant.‎ A. 不填;the B. a; the C. the; a D. 不填;a ‎5. (2011浙江卷, 2) Experts think that ______ recently discovered painting may be ______ Picasso.‎ A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. the; a ‎ ‎6. (2011江西卷, 22) — It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 ______ year.‎ ‎—Right, he will also get paid by ______ week.‎ A. the; the B. a; the C. the; a D. a; a ‎7. (2011陕西卷, 13) As is known to all, _____ People’s Republic of China is _____ biggest developing country in the world. ‎ A. the; 不填 B. 不填 ;the C. the ;the D. 不填;不填 ‎8. (2011四川卷, 18) Dr. Peter Spence, _____ headmaster of the school, told us, “ _____ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge. ”‎ A. 不填;A B. 不填;The C. the; The D. a; A ‎1—5 ADCBD 6—8 BCA 二、代词 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 27) — Would you like tea or coffee?‎ ‎— ______, thank you. I've just had some water.‎ ‎ A. Either B. Both C. Any D. Neither ‎2. (2011全国卷II, 11) I got this bicycle for ______; my friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.‎ ‎ A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing ‎3. (2011北京卷, 34) The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase . ‎ ‎ A. them B. those C. it D. that ‎4. (2011天津卷, 1) We feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place.‎ A. it B. this C. that D. one ‎5. (2011重庆卷,27) — Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.‎ ‎— What do you think of ______ over there?‎ A. the one B. this C. it D. that ‎6. (2011山东卷, 24) The two girls are so alike that strangers find ______ difficult to tell one from the other.‎ A. it B. them C. her D. that ‎7. (2011湖南卷, 24) I know that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director. ‎ A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎ ‎8. (2011安徽卷, 22) Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made almost an overcoat ‎ for her.‎ A. them B. her C. itself D. herself ‎ ‎9. (2011浙江卷, 7) Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as else.‎ A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. somewhere ‎ ‎10. (2011福建卷, 21) We have various summer camps for your holidays, you can choose based on your own interests. ‎ A. either B. each C. one D. it ‎ ‎11. (2011四川卷, 3) There is _____ in his words. We should have a try. ‎ ‎ A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything ‎1—5 DDCAD 6—10ADCCC ‎‎11 A 三、形容词和副词 ‎1. (2011全国卷II, 12) It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is _____ another to play it well yourself.‎ A. quite B. very C. rather D. much ‎2. (2011全国卷II, 17) Mr. Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for a_boss.‎ ‎ A. better B. good C. best D. still better ‎3. (2011天津卷, 9) The young man couldn’t afford a new car. _______, he bought a used one.‎ A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Instead D. Still ‎4. (2011江西卷, 24) — The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting.‎ ‎ — Why? It’s ______ than the films I have ever seen.‎ ‎ A. far more interesting B. much less interesting ‎ C. no more interesting D. any less interesting ‎5. (2011江西卷, 27) The house was too expensive and too big. ______, I’d grown fond of our little rented house.‎ ‎ A. Besides B. Therefore C. Somehow D. Otherwise ‎6. (2011江西卷, 33) She has already tried her best. Please don’t be too _____ about her job.‎ A. special B. responsible C. unusual D. particular ‎7. (2011浙江卷, 9) The professor could tell by the _____ look in Maria’s eyes that she didn’t understand a single word of his lecture. ‎ A. cold B. blank C. innocent D. fresh ‎ ‎8. (2011浙江卷, 13) I’ve been writing this report ______ for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow. ‎ ‎ A. finally B. immediately C. occasionally D. certainly ‎ ‎9. (2011浙江卷, 16) My schedule is very ______ right now, but I’ll try to fit you in. ‎ ‎ A. tight B. short C. regular D. flexible ‎ ‎10. (2011江苏卷, 25) In that school, English is compulsory for all students, but French and Russian are ______.‎ A. special B. regional C. optional D. original ‎11. (2011湖北卷, 23) The old engineer’s eyes still shone bright in the wrinkled brown face and his step as he came across the room was _______, though slow.‎ A. shaky B. heavy C. casual D. steady ‎12. (2011湖北卷, 24) An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a person’s character; however, they are not always _______.‎ A. practical B. avoidable C. permanent D. beneficial ‎13. (2011湖北卷, 25) The state-run company is required to make its accounts as ______ as possible for its staff to monitor the use of money.‎ A. transparent B. reasonable C. secure D. formal ‎14. (2011安徽卷, 31) _____, I managed to get through the game and the pain was worth it in the end.‎ A. Hopefully B. Normally C. Thankfully D. Conveniently ‎15. (2011福建卷, 30) Nowadays, increase in children’s creativity, for they are greatly encouraged to develop their talents.‎ A. sharp B. slight C. natural D. modest ‎16. (2011四川卷, 12) — How are your recent trip to Sichuan?‎ ‎ — I’ve never had _______ one before. ‎ ‎ A. a pleasant B. a more pleasant C. a most pleasant D. the most pleasant ‎17.(2011, 陕西, 17 )The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be __________ the present one.‎ ‎ A. as three times as B. three times as big as C. as big as three times D. as big three times as ‎ ‎1—5 AACAA 6—10 DBCAC 11—15 DCACA 16—17 BB 四、语义辨析(名词、介词及习语)‎ ‎1. (2011全国I, 30) The form cannot be signed by anyone yourself.‎ A. rather than B. other than C. more than D. better than ‎2. (2011全国卷II, 14) This shop will be closed for repairs further notice.‎ A. with B. until C. for D. at ‎3. (2011北京卷, 35) With new technology, pictures of underwater valleys can be take _______ color.‎ A. by B. for C. with D. in ‎4. (2011天津卷,11) He was a good student and scored _______ average in most subjects.‎ A. below B. of C. on D. above ‎5.(2011重庆,24)Shirley, a real book lover, often brings home many books to read __________ the library.‎ A. in B. for C. by D. from ‎6. (2011山东卷, 30) I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy the past couple of weeks.‎ A. beyond B. with C. among D. over ‎7. (2011 山东,34)There’s a _____ in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.‎ A. tradition B. balance C. concern D. relationship ‎8. (2011 江西,31) What’s the , in your opinion, of helping him if he doesn’t make an effort to help himself?‎ ‎ A. sympathy B. theme C. object D. point ‎9. (2011江苏卷, 27) Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _______. ‎ ‎ A. consequence B. independence C. competence D. intelligence ‎10.(2011 江苏, 28) —Are you still mad at her?‎ ‎—Not really, but I can’t ______ that her remarks hurt me.‎ A. deny B. refuse C. reject D. decline ‎11. (2011江苏卷, 32) We’d better discuss everything ______ before we work out the plan.‎ ‎ A. in detail B. in general C. on purpose D. on time ‎12. (2011湖北卷, 21) “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with clearly ________ in her voice.‎ A. anger B. rudeness C. regret D. panic ‎13. (2011湖北卷, 22) Giving up my job to go back to full-time education was a big _______, but now I know it was the best decision I ever made.‎ A. project B. commitment C. competition D. ambition ‎14. (2011湖北卷, 30) When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside ________ younger men.‎ A. in terms of B. in need of C. in favor of D. in praise of ‎15. (2011浙江卷, 5) I always wanted to do the job which I’d been trained ______.‎ A. on B. for C. by D. of ‎16. (2011浙江卷, 18) — Anyway, I can’t cheat him — it’s against all my ______. ‎ A. emotions B. principles C. regulations D. opinions ‎17. (2011福建卷, 22) good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dished.‎ ‎ A. Far from B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Regardless of ‎18. (2011福建卷, 26) The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is thought to be a major of global climate change.‎ A. result B. cause C. warning D. reflection ‎19. (2011安徽卷, 24) To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, ______, honest.‎ A. therefore B. above all C. however D. after ‎20. (2011安徽卷, 25) Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek ______ food safety problem.‎ A. in B. to C. on D. after ‎21. (2011四川卷, 8) Nick, it’s good for you to read some books _______ China before you start your trip there. ‎ ‎ A. in B. for C. of D. on ‎22. (2011四川卷, 13) Always remember to put such dangerous things as lives out children’s . ‎ A. touch B. sight C. reach D. distance ‎1—5 BBDDD 6—10 DADCA 11—15 ADBCB 16-20 BBBBB 21-22 DC 五、动词和动词词组 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 22) What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You're ______ to be asleep. ,‎ ‎ A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered ‎2. (2011辽宁卷, 24) You are old enough to your own living.‎ ‎ A. win B. gain C. take D. earn ‎3. (2011辽宁卷, 26) The exam results will be _____ on Friday afternoon.‎ ‎ A. put down B. put off C. put up D. put away ‎4. (2011全国卷I, 26) I can _____ the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.‎ A. come up with B. put up with C. turn to D. stick to ‎5. (2011全国卷 I, 34) William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight Was beginning to .‎ A. disappear B. fall C. fail D. damage ‎6. (2011全国卷II,10) Mary, I _____ John of his promise to help you. ‎ ‎ A. told B. reminded C. warned D. advised ‎7. (2011天津卷, 6) I _______ a bank account after I made $ 1, 000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation.‎ A. borrowed B. opened C. entered D. ordered ‎8. (2011天津卷, 8) She ______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.‎ A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across ‎9. (2011江苏卷, 30) — You look upset. What’s the matter?‎ ‎— I had my proposal _____ again.‎ ‎ A. turned over B. turned on C. turned off D. turned down ‎10. (2011浙江卷, 6) The school isn't the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose I'll just have to it.‎ A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with ‎ ‎11. (2011浙江卷, 12) He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ______ at a hotel for the night. ‎ ‎ A. putting down B. putting off C. putting on D. putting up ‎ ‎12. (2011江西卷, 35) You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t _____ as you expect.‎ A. run out B. break out C. work out D. put out ‎13. (2011湖北卷, 26) Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also _______ our thinking.‎ A. direct B. limit C. change D. improve ‎14. (2011湖北卷, 27) The minister said, “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never ________ with criminals.”‎ A. negotiate B. quarrel C. argue D. consult ‎15. (2011湖北卷, 28) Clinical evidence began to _______, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals.‎ A. operate B. strengthen C. approve D. accumulate ‎16. (2011湖北卷, 29) The government has taken measures to ______ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.‎ A. take down B. bring down C. hand down D. tear down ‎17. (2011福建卷, 28) I’d prefer to ____ my judgment until I find all the evidence.‎ A. show B. express C. pass D. reserve ‎18. (2011福建卷, 31) Born into a family with three brothers, David was to value the sense of sharing.‎ A. brought up B. turned down C. looked after D. held back ‎19. (2011安徽卷, 21) As the story______, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.‎ A. begins B. happens C. ends D. develops ‎20. (2011安徽卷, 34) If you _____faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. ‎ A. come across B. care about C. look for D. focus upon ‎ ‎21. (2011山东卷, 25) They are broadening the bridge to ______ the flow of traffic.‎ ‎ A. put off B. speed up C. turn on D. work out ‎22. (2011四川卷, 7) To get a better grade, you should _______ the notes again before the test. ‎ ‎ A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over ‎23. (2011四川卷, 14) I often _____ the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the Internet. ‎ ‎ A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look into ‎24. (2011陕西卷, 25) Some insects ________the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves. ‎ A. take in B. take off C. take on D. take out ‎1—5 ADCBC 6—10 BBDDA 11-15 DCBAD 16-20BDADA 21-24 BAAC ‎ 六、动词的时态和语态 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 28) I'll go to the library as soon as I finish what I _____. ‎ ‎ A. was doing B. am doing C. have done D. had been doing ‎2. (2011辽宁卷, 34) By the time Jack returned home from England, his son _____ from college.‎ ‎ A. graduated B. has graduated ‎ C. had been D. had graduated ‎3. (2011全国卷 I, 23) Planning so far ahead _____ no sense — so many things will have changed by next year.. ‎ A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made ‎4. (2011全国卷 I, 24) I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ______ polite.‎ A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be ‎5. (2011全国卷 I, 29) When Alice came to, she did not know how long she there. ‎ ‎ A. had been lying B. has been lying C. was lying D. has lain ‎6. (2011全国卷II, 9) If you don't like the drink you______ just leave it and try a different one.‎ ‎ A. ordered B. are ordering C. will order D. had ordered ‎7. (2011北京卷, 21) Experiments of this kind _______ in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War.‎ ‎ A. have conducted B. have been conducted ‎ C. had conducted D. had been conducted ‎8. (2011北京卷, 23) Tom _______ in the library every night over the last three months.‎ A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working ‎9. (2011北京卷, 27) — That must have been a long trip.‎ ‎— Yeah, it _______ us a whole week to get there.‎ A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking ‎10. (2011北京卷, 32) — Bob has gone to California.‎ ‎— Oh, can you tell me when he _______?‎ A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leaving ‎11. (2011天津卷, 3) In the last few years thousands of films _______ all over the world.‎ A. have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced ‎12. (2011天津卷, 4) On the next birthday. Ann ________ married for twenty years.‎ A. is B. has been C. will be D. will have been ‎13. (2011重庆卷, 21) That price of music sounds quite familiar. Who _______ the piano upstairs?‎ A. has played B. played C. plays D. is playing ‎14. (2011重庆卷, 31) Look at the pride on Tom’s face. He _______ to have been praised by the manager just now.‎ A. seemed B. seems C. had seemed D. is seeming ‎15. (2011山东卷, 31)When I got on the bus, I _____ I had left my wallet at home.‎ A. was realizing B. realized C. have realized D. would realize ‎16. (2011山东卷, 35) She was surprised to find the fridge empty; the child _____ everything!‎ A. had been eating B. had eaten C. have eaten D. have been eating ‎17. (2011江西卷, 30) We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody ______ into the office during the night.‎ A. broke B. had broken C. has broken D. was breaking ‎18. (2011江苏卷, 21) —I hear you ______ in a pub. What’s it like?‎ ‎—Well, it’s very hard work and I’m always tired, but I don’t mind.‎ ‎ A. are working B. will work C. were working D. will be working ‎19. (2011江苏卷, 22) The fact that so many people still smoke in public places ______ that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.‎ ‎ A. suggest B. suggests C. suggested D. suggesting ‎ ‎20. (2011江苏卷, 23) -Tommy is planning to buy a car.‎ ‎-I know. By next month, he ______ enough for a used one.‎ A. saves B. saved C. will save D. will have saved ‎21. (2011浙江卷, 15) The manager was worried about the press conference his assistant ______ in his place but, luckily, everything was going on smoothly. ‎ ‎ A. gave B. gives C. was giving D. had given ‎ ‎22. (2011福建卷, 32) Last month, the Japanese government expressed their thanks for the aid they From China.‎ A. receive B. are receiving C. have received D. had received ‎23. (2011湖南卷, 22) — John, what _____ in your hand ?‎ ‎ — Look, it’s a birthday gift for my grandma.‎ ‎ A. had you held B. are you holding C. do you hold D. will you hold ‎24. (2011湖南卷, 27) In 1942, Columbus _______ on one of the Bahama Islands, but he mistook it for an island off ‎ India. ‎ A. lands B. landed C. has landed D. had landed ‎ ‎25. (2011湖南卷, 30) It is the most instructive lecture that I ________ since I came to this school. ‎ A .attended B. had attended C. am attending D. have attended ‎ ‎26. (2011湖南卷, 34) In the near future, more advances in the robot technology __________ by scientists.‎ A. are making B. are made C. will make D. will be made ‎ ‎27.(2011 安徽卷, 26) —What do you think of store shopping in the future?‎ ‎—Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but _____.‎ A. will never replace B. would never replace C. will never be replaced D. would never be replaced ‎28. (2011安徽卷, 32) —I didn’t ask for the name list. Why ______ on my desk? ‎ ‎—I put it there just now in case you needed it. ‎ A. does it land B. has it landed C. will it land D. had it landed ‎ ‎2 9. (2011四川卷, 9) All visitors to this village _______ with kindness. ‎ ‎ A. treat B. are treated C. are treating D. had been treated ‎30. (2011四川卷, 19) — What a mistake!‎ ‎ — Yes. I his doing it another way, but without success. ‎ ‎ A. was suggesting B. will suggest C. would suggest D. had suggested ‎31. (2011陕西卷, 12) His first novel ________ good reviews since it came out last month. ‎ A. receives B. is receiving C. will receive D. has received ‎1—5 BDCAA 6—10 ADCCB 11—15 BDDBB 16—20 BBABD 21—25 CDBBD ‎26—30 DCBBD 31 D 七、非谓语动词 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 30) ______ around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people. ‎ ‎ A. Gather B. To gather ‎ C. Gathering D. To be gathering ‎2. (2011全国卷 I, 27) The next thing he saw was smoke ______ from behind the house. ‎ ‎ A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen ‎3. (2011全国卷 II, 15) The island, ______ to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.‎ ‎ A. joining B. to join C. joined D. having joined ‎4. (2011全国卷 II, 18)Sarah pretended to be cheerful, ______ nothing about the argument.‎ ‎ A. says B. said C. to say D. saying ‎5. (2011北京卷, 25) It’s important for the figures _______ regularly.‎ ‎ A. to be updated B. to have been updated ‎ C. to update D. to have updated ‎6. (2011北京卷, 33) Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, ________ on your feet.‎ ‎ A. to keep B. keeping C. having kept D. to have kept ‎7. (2011天津卷, 7) Passengers are permitted only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.‎ A. to carry B. carrying C. to be carried D. being carried ‎8. (2011天津卷, 12) ______ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.‎ A. Translating B. Translated C. To translate D. Having translated ‎9. (2011重庆卷, 29) More TV programs, according to government to officials, will be produced _______ people’s concern over food safety.‎ A. to raise B. raising C. to have raised D. having raised ‎10. (2011重庆卷, 33) Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself ________ of his own dreams.‎ A. reminding B. to remind C. reminded D. remind ‎11. (2011山东卷, 27) Look over there — there’s a very long, winding path ______ up to the house.‎ ‎ A. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead ‎12. (2011江西卷, 32) On receiving a phone call from his wife _____ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from office.‎ ‎ A. says B. said C. saying D. to say ‎13. (2011陕西卷, 14) Claire had luggage _______ an hour before her plane left. ‎ ‎ A. check B. checking C. to check D. checked ‎14. (2011陕西卷, 20) More highways have been built in China, ________ it much easier for people to travel form one place to another. ‎ A. making B. made C. to make D. having made ‎15. (2011福建卷, 23) Tsinghua University, in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.‎ A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded ‎16. (2011福建卷, 27)The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable . ‎ ‎ A. held B. holding C. be held D. to hold ‎17. (2011浙江卷, 3) Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some a life span of around 20 years. ‎ A. having B. had C. have D. to have ‎18. (2011浙江卷, 14) Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ______ for words. ‎ ‎ A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost ‎19. (2011浙江卷, 19) If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city ______ by their enthusiastic supporters. ‎ ‎ A. being cheered B. be cheered C. to be cheered D. were cheered ‎20. (2011江苏卷, 31) Recently a survey _____ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. ‎ ‎ A. compared B. comparing C. compares D. being compared ‎21. (2011安徽卷, 30) Tom asked the candy makers if they could make the chocolate easier _____ into small pieces.‎ A. break B. breaking C. broken D. to break ‎22. (2011湖南卷, 21) The ability _____ an idea is as important as the idea itself. ‎ A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed ‎23. (2011湖南卷, 23) The players ______ from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game .‎ A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected ‎24. (2011湖南卷, 29) Do you wake up every morning _______ energetic and ready to start a new day?‎ A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt ‎25. (2011四川卷, 2) Lydia doesn’t feel like_____ abroad. Her parents are old. ‎ ‎ A. study B. studying C. studied D. to study ‎26. (2011四川卷, 11) Simon made a big bamboo box _______ the little sick bird till it could fly. ‎ ‎ A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep ‎27. (2011四川卷, 16) ______ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous. ‎ ‎ A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer ‎1—5 CBCDA 6—10 BABAC 11—15ACDAC 16—20 DABCB 21—25 DCCCB ‎26—27 DC 八、情态动词和虚拟语气 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 21) If you go, at least wait until the storm is over. ‎ ‎ A. can B. may C. must D. will ‎2. (2011全国卷I, 32) They ________ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.‎ ‎ A. will B. can ‎ C. must D. should ‎3. (2011全国卷II, 8) If you _______ smoke, please go outside.‎ ‎ A. can B. should C. must D. may ‎4. (2011北京卷, 28) — Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.‎ ‎ — I wish they _______ always late.‎ ‎ A. weren’t B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. wouldn’t have been ‎5. (2011北京卷, 30) Maybe if I _______ science, and not literature then, I would be able to give you more help.‎ ‎ A. studied B. would study C. had studied D. was studying ‎6. (2011天津卷, 15) I ______ sooner but I didn’t know that they were waiting for me.‎ A. had come B. was coming C. would come D. would have come ‎7. (2011重庆卷, 25)—Why didn’t you come to Simon’s party last night?‎ ‎— I want to, but my mom simply ________ not let me out so late at night.‎ A. could B. might C. would D. should ‎8. (2011江西卷, 23) It ______ be the postman at the door. It’s only six o’clock.‎ ‎ A. mustn’t B. can’t C. won’t D. needn’t ‎9. (2011陕西卷, 22)I _______ through that bitter period without your generous help. ‎ A. couldn’t have gone B. didn’t go ‎ C. wouldn’t go D. hadn’t gone ‎10. (2011陕西卷, 24)— Will you read me a story, Mummy? ‎ ‎— OK. You _______ have one if you go to bed as soon as possible. ‎ A. might B. must C. could D. shall ‎11. (2011北京卷, 24) — I don’t really like James. Why did you invite him?‎ ‎ — Don’t worry. He __________ come. He said he wasn’t certain what his plans were.‎ ‎ A. must not B. need not C. would not D. might not ‎12. (2011福建卷, 25) — Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now? ‎ ‎— I am afraid you _______, in case he comes late for the meeting.‎ A. will B. must C. may D. can ‎13. (2011福建卷, 34)— Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.‎ ‎— I____ it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview.‎ A. attended B. had attended C. would attend D. would have attended ‎14. (2011浙江卷, 11) — How’s your new babysitter? ‎ ‎ — We ______ ask for a better one. All our kids love her so much. ‎ ‎ A. should B. might C. mustn’t D. couldn’t ‎ ‎15. (2011江苏卷, 34) — I left my handbag on the train, but luckily someone gave it to the railway officials.‎ ‎ — How unbelievable to get it back! I mean, someone _______ it.‎ ‎ A. will have stolen B. might have stolen C. should have stolen D. must have stolen ‎16. (2011湖南卷, 28) — No one _______ be compared with Yao Ming in playing basketball.‎ ‎— Oh, you are really his big fan.‎ A. can B. need C. must D. might ‎ ‎17. (2011四川卷, 20) The police still haven’t found the lost child, but they’re doing all they ______. . ‎ ‎ A. can B. may C. must D. should ‎18. (2011江西卷, 28) We ______ John’s name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury.‎ A. will put B. will have put C. would put D. would have put ‎1—5 CDCAC 6—10 DCBAD 11—15 DBDDB 16—18 AAD 九、定语从句和名词性从句 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 23) Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach ______ to read first.‎ ‎ A. what B. who C. how D. why ‎2. (2011辽宁卷, 32) When the news came _____ the war broke out, he decided, to serve in the army.‎ ‎ A. since B. which C. that D. because ‎3. (2011全国卷I, 31) The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. whose D. what ‎4. (2011全国卷II, 7) Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, is a stupid thing to do in such weather.‎ ‎ A. this B. that C. what D. which ‎5. (2011北京卷, 22) ______ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.‎ ‎ A. Which B. What C. That D. Whom ‎6. (2011北京卷, 26) Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _______, of course, make all the others upset.‎ ‎ A. who B. which C. what D. that ‎7. (2011天津卷, 10) The days are gone physical strength was all you needed to make a living.‎ A. when B. that C. where D. which ‎8. (2011天津卷, 13) Modern science has given clear evidence ______ smoking can lead to many diseases.‎ A. what B. which C. that D. where ‎9. (2011重庆卷, 22) It is still under discussion _______ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.‎ A. whether B. when C. which D. where ‎10. (2011重庆卷, 34) It is not always easy for the public to see _______ use a new invention can be of to human life.‎ A. whose B. what C. which D. that ‎11. (2011山东卷, 26) I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything.‎ ‎ A. that B. when C. where D. why ‎12. (2011山东卷, 32)The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____ are built close to each other.‎ A. they B. where C. what D. that ‎13. (2011山东卷, 33)We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know______ she’ll accept it.‎ ‎ A. where B. what C. whether D. which ‎14. (2011江西卷, 26) The villagers have already known ______ we’ll do is to rebuild the bridge.‎ ‎ A. this B. that C. what D. which ‎15. (2011江西卷, 34) She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _____ had taken more than three years.‎ A. for which B. with which C. of which D. to which ‎16. (2011陕西卷, 11) I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, ________ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake.‎ A. which B. where C. who D. that ‎17. (2011陕西卷, 15)I’d like to start my own business–that’s I’d do if I had the money. ‎ A. why B. when C. which D. what ‎18. (2011福建卷, 24) She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students allows them to communicate freely with each other. ‎ A. which B. where C. what D. who ‎ ‎19. (2011浙江卷, 8) English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of uses it somewhat differently. ‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. them D. those ‎ ‎20. (2011浙江卷, 10) A bank is the place ______ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. ‎ ‎ A. when B. that C. where D. there ‎21. (2011江苏卷, 24) Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______ the audience can buy ice-cream.‎ ‎ A. when B. where C. that D. which ‎22. (2011江苏卷, 26) It was never clear _______ the man hadn’t reported the accident sooner.‎ ‎ A. that B. how C. when D. why ‎23. (2011安徽卷, 28) Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, it will keep for two or three weeks.‎ A. when B. which C. where D. while ‎24. (2011安徽卷, 33) His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out it is he is trying to express. ‎ A. that B. how C. who D. what ‎ ‎25. (2011湖南卷, 25) Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of _________ she spoke fluently. ‎ A. who B. whom C. which D. that ‎ ‎26. (2011湖南卷, 31) Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious ______ the problem itself is. ‎ A. what B. that C. which D. why ‎ ‎27. (2011四川卷, 17) The school shop, _______ customers are mainly students, is closed few the holidays. ‎ ‎ A. which B. whose C. when D. where ‎1—5 CCCDB 6—10 BACAB 11—15 DDCCC 16-20BDAAC 21-25ADCDC ‎ ‎26-27 AB 十、并列句和状语从句 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 25) No matter how ________, it is not necessarily lifeless.‎ ‎ A. a desert may be dry B. dry a desert may be ‎ C. may a desert be dry D. dry may a desert be ‎2. (2011辽宁卷, 29) He had no sooner finished his speech _____ the students started cheering.‎ ‎ A. since B. as C. when D. than ‎3. (2011全国卷I, 25) — Someone wants you on the phone. ‎ ‎— _____ nobody knows I am here.‎ A. Although B. And C. But D. So ‎4. (2011全国卷II, 19) It was a nice meal, _______ a little expensive.‎ A. though B. whether C. as D. since ‎5. (2011北京卷, 29) ________ volleyball is her main focus, she’s also great at basketball.‎ ‎ A. Since B. Once C. Unless D. While ‎6. (2011天津卷, 5) regular exercise is very important, it’s never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.‎ A. It B. As C. Although D. Unless ‎7. (2011重庆卷, 30)To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves off ______ we are to shake hands with.‎ A. whichever B. whenever C. whoever D. wherever ‎8. (2011山东卷, 23) Find ways to praise your children often, you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.‎ ‎ A. till B. or C. and D. but ‎9. (2011山东卷, 28) He had his camera ready he saw something that would make a good picture.‎ ‎ A. even if B. if only C. in case D. so that ‎10. (2011江西卷, 29) Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or ______ it is convenient to you.‎ ‎ A. whenever B. however C. whichever D. wherever ‎11. (2011陕西卷, 19) ______ all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post. ‎ A. Since B. While C. If D. As ‎12. (2011福建卷, 33)It was April 29, 2001 Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.‎ A. that B. when C. since D. before ‎13. (2011浙江卷, 4) One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend away ______ my daughter heard cries for help.‎ A. after B. while C. since D. when ‎14.(2011江苏, 33 )33. It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. , we’d better take it to the garage immediately.‎ A. Otherwise B. If not C. But for that D. If so ‎15. (2011湖南卷, 33) Jack wasn’t saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him _______ he had done something very clever. ‎ A. as if B. in case C. while D. though ‎16. (2011四川卷, 4) Frank insisted that he was not asleep _____ I had great difficulty in waking him up. ‎ ‎ A. whether B. although C. for D. so ‎17. (2011四川卷, 6) As it reported, it is 100 years ______ Qinghua University was founded. ‎ ‎ A. when B. before C. after D. since ‎1—5 BDCAD 6-10CCCCA 11-15 BBDDA 16-17 BD 十一、特殊句式 ‎1. (2011 辽宁, 31)Bring the flowers into a warm room they'll soon open.‎ ‎ A. or B. and C. but D. for ‎2.(2011辽宁卷, 33) _____ a strange plant! I've never seen it before. ‎ ‎ A. Which B. What C. How D. Whether ‎3. (2011全国卷I, 22) Try she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.‎ A. if B. when C. sine D. as ‎4. (2011全国卷I, 28) Only when he reached the tea-house ______it was the same place he’d been in last year. ‎ ‎ A. he realized B. he did realize C. realized he D. did he realize ‎5. (2011全国卷II, 13) Jane won’t join us for dinner tonight and .‎ ‎ A. neither won’t Tom B. Tom won’t either ‎ C. Tom will too D. so will Tom ‎ ‎6. (2011 北京, 31)The shocking news made me realize terrible problems we would face.‎ A. what B. how C. that D. why ‎7. (2011重庆卷, 28)I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did, ______ ?‎ A. could he B. didn’t I C. didn’t you D. could they ‎8. (2011重庆卷, 32) — Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree?‎ ‎— Of course, I have. It was in our village _______ it was made.‎ A. that B. where C. when D. which ‎9. (2011陕西卷, 23)It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do ______ benefits our work most. ‎ A. who B. which C. that D. what ‎10. (2011福建卷,29) — It’s nice. Never before such a special drink!‎ ‎— I’m glad you like it. ‎ A.I have had B. I had C. have I had D. had I ‎11. (2011 安徽卷,27)The factory and 65 percent of the raw materials, the rest of which _____ saved for other purposes.‎ A. is B. are C. was D. were ‎ ‎12. (2011湖南卷, 26) One-third of the country _______ covered with trees and the majority of the citizens _______ black people.‎ A. is; are B. is; is C. are; are D. are; is ‎13. (2011湖南卷, 32) Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours _______ a decision. ‎ A. they reached B. did they reach C. they reach D. do they reach ‎ ‎14. (2011湖南, 35)It’s not what we do once in a while _______ shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.‎ A. which B. that C. how D. when ‎15. (2011四川卷, 15) Was it on a lonely island ______ he was saved one month after the boat went down?‎ ‎ A. where B. that C. which D. what ‎1—5BBDDB 6-10ABACC 11-15DABBB 十二、情景交际 ‎1. (2011辽宁卷, 35) — I probably shouldn't have any more cake.‎ ‎ — Oh, . It won't kill you.‎ ‎ A. go ahead B. hold on, please C. you're welcome D. that'll do ‎2. (2011全国卷I, 21) — We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. ‎ ‎ — Yes, ______? I’ll give them a call right now.‎ ‎ A. why not B. what for C. why D. what ‎3. (2011全国卷I, 35) — Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes.‎ ‎— Well, you married one. _______ . ‎ A. You name it B. I’ve got it C. I can’t agree more D. You should know ‎4. (2011全国卷II, 6) — Did you forget about my birthday?‎ ‎ — _____ I’ve booked a table at Michel’s restaurant for this evening.‎ ‎ A. What then? B. I’m afraid so.‎ ‎ C. How could I? D. For sure.‎ ‎5. (2011全国卷II, 20) — So you gave her your phone?‎ ‎— ______ she said she'd return it to me when she could afford her own.‎ ‎ A. My pleasure B. Not exactly C. No doubt D. All right ‎6. (2011天津卷, 2)— Just a moment. I haven’t finished packing my suitcase.‎ ‎ — ______. Its high time we left for the airport.‎ A. Go ahead B. Take it easy C. Hurry up D. That's fine ‎7. (2011天津卷, 14) — I need to advertise for a roommate for next term.‎ ‎—_______? Mary is interested.‎ A. Why bother B. Why not C. So what D. What for ‎ ‎8. (2011重庆卷, 23) — Are you going to take part in the speech contest?‎ ‎— _______. It’s too good an opportunity to miss.‎ A. No problem! B. That’s for sure.‎ C. Why me? D. Why bother?‎ ‎9. (2011重庆卷, 35) — Do you have Mary’s phone number?[来源:Z+xx+k.Com]‎ ‎— Sorry, .‎ A. I don't know B. forget it C. here you are D. I can’t remember it ‎10. (2011山东卷, 22) — I’m sorry I broken the vase.‎ ‎ — Oh, _____. It wasn’t very expensive.‎ ‎ A. you’d better not B. I’m afraid not C. as you wish D. that’s all right ‎11. (2011山东卷, 29) — Are you going to Tom’s birthday party?‎ ‎— _____. I might have to work.‎ A. It depends B. Thank you C. Sound great D. Don’t mention it ‎12. (2011江西卷, 21) — We need three single rooms for the first week in June.‎ ‎— ______. The hotel’s not busy then.‎ ‎ A. No problem B. Don’t bother C. Never mind D. It doesn’t matter ‎13. (2011陕西卷, 18) — Jack, you seem in high spirits.‎ ‎— _______We won the match 4-0. ‎ A. Guess what? B. So what? C. No wonder. D. No double.‎ ‎14. (2011陕西卷, 21) — We can give you a ride into town.‎ ‎— _______ Thank you. ‎ A. Yes, why not? B. Oh, it would be my pleasure. ‎ C. Yes, please. D. Oh, that would be great.‎ ‎15. (2011福建卷, 35) — My teacher says she’s canceling the class play. I just can’t understand.‎ ‎— .You were looking forward to it.‎ A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s very unwise of her ‎ C. Don’t worry about it D. You must be disappointed ‎16. (2011浙江卷, 1) — I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your party last night.‎ ‎— ______, I know you’re busy these days.‎ A. Of course B. No kidding C. That’s all night D. Don’t mention it ‎17. (2011浙江卷, 17) — Can I come and have a look at your new house? ‎ ‎ — Yes, ______!‎ ‎ A. With pleasure B. I like it C. I quite agree D. by all means ‎ ‎18. (2011浙江卷, 20) — I don’t think I’ll be able to go mountain-climbing tomorrow. ‎ ‎ — ______?‎ ‎ A. And how B. How come C. How’s it going D. How about it ‎19. (2011江苏卷, 29) — Linda didn’t invite us to the party.‎ ‎— _________? I don’t care.‎ ‎ A. For what B. So what C. What’s on D. What’s up ‎ ‎20. (2011江苏卷, 35) —You could always put the decisions off a little bit longer.‎ ‎ — _______. If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.‎ ‎ A. That’s reasonable advice. B. Isn’t it a good idea?‎ ‎ C. Do you think so? D. I can’t agree more.‎ ‎21. (2011安徽卷, 23) —Oh, you sounded just like a native.‎ ‎— ______, I still have trouble expressing myself.‎ A. Well, not quite B.I don’t care C. Yes, you’re right D. I’m glad you like it ‎22. (2011安徽卷, 35) — We got here Tuesday afternoon. ‎ ‎— _____ Why didn’t you call us earlier? ‎ A. Good luck! B. You did? C. It’s no surprise. D. You are welcome ‎ ‎23. (2011四川卷, 1) — I’m sorry I didn’t finish it on time. ‎ ‎— _______. ‎ ‎ A. Fine, thanks B. No, thanks C. Thanks a lot D. Thanks anyway ‎24. (2011四川卷, 5) —How could you be so rude as to walk in here in the middle of my class?‎ ‎ —_______.‎ ‎ A. Nothing much B. Nothing serious C. Never again D. Never mind ‎1—5 AADCB 6—10 CABDD 11—15AAADD 16—20 CDBBC 21—24 ABDC ‎2010年全国及各省高考英语试题单项选择分类汇编与解析 一、冠词 ‎1.(北京卷35). First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get __ second chance to make __ first impression.‎ A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a 解析:本题强调的重点是:再有一次机会a second chance给别人留下第一印象,make a first impression,first为干扰因素。第二空还是表示泛指。‎ 句意:最初的印象最深刻。毕竟,你不可能再有机会给别人留下第一次印象的。‎ 若句意改变为:你没有机会去改变你的第一印象You never get a second chance to change the first impression。此处再填the就合情合理了。‎ ‎2.(福建卷21).It’s good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai world expo that gives them ‎ pleasure.‎ A.不填,a B. a,不填 C. the ,a D. a, the ‎ 解析:good feeling并非特指,故用a;pleasure是抽象名词,无需冠词。句意为“人们喜欢上海世博会给它们的快乐,这是(一)种不错的感觉”a good feeling:一种不错的感觉;give sb pleasure给某人快乐。‎ ‎3.(江苏卷 21). The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that_______ people from all walks of life are working hard for_____ new Jiangsu.‎ A.不填; a B. 不填;the C. the; a D. the; the ‎ 解析:第一空,来自社会各阶层的人不是特指,不用冠词;第二空,在Jiangsu 前有形容词new 因此,应加冠词a.表示一个全新的江苏。‎ ‎4.(辽宁卷22). There are over 58,000 rocky objects in _______ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto _______ earth.‎ A. the; the B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the 解析:第一空in space 是固定短语,不用冠词,第二空名词earth属于独一无二的事物,其前必须用定冠词。‎ 句意:太空中有超过58,000的岩状物体,其中大约900有可能掉到地球上。‎ ‎5. (山东卷22). If we sit near _______ front of the bus, we’ll have _______ better view.‎ ‎ A.不填;the B.不填;a C. the; a D.the;the 解析:表示“某空间内部的前部”时,front前要加定冠词the; have a good view是习惯搭配,表示“视野开阔,视野良好”之意;所以C项符合语境。‎ 句意:“如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,就会有更好的视野。”‎ ‎6. (四川卷2). In most countries, a university degree can give you flying start in life.‎ ‎ A. the; a B. the; 不填 C.不填; 不填 D.不填; a ‎ 解析:most countries此处表泛指,most前不加定冠词the.第二个空处应为“一个高起点的开始”,故用a ,正确答案为D。‎ ‎7.(浙江卷2). Many lifestyle patterns do such __ great harm to health that they actually speed up ‎__ weakening of the human body.[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎ A. a; / B. /; the C. a; the D. /; /‎ 解析:对……有害用短语“do harm to”表示,中间不需要用冠词;之后的weakening是由动词的ing形 表示抽象的名词,表达一种概念、状况时需要加上the。‎ 句意:许多生活方式对人类的健康有害,他们加速了人类身体的衰退。‎ ‎8.(重庆卷27). Everything comes with price; there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.‎ A.a, a B.the, / C.the, / D.a, /‎ 解析:price意思是“代价”,为可数名词,第二空前边有no,后面的名词不用冠词,故选D项。‎ 二、名词和主谓一致 ‎1. (安徽卷25).I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl, and she has changed beyond .‎ A.hearing B.strength C.recognition D.measure 解析:hearing意为“听力”;strength意为“力气;力量”;recognition意为“认出;识别;认识”;measure意为“测量;措施”。句意为“……她变得认不出来了。”‎ ‎2.(湖北卷21). This restaurant has become popular for its wide of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.‎ A. division B. area C. range D. circle 解析:此题不仅考察学生对于四个选项的认知,更重要的是要理解句子的含义。“这家餐馆越来越出名是由于它做的各种各样的食物适应各种类型人群。”“a range of ”强调一个系列,而“a wide range of”意为“各种各样的”。正好符合题意。从句子结构来讲,这个句子属于典型的“从句套从句”。“for”引导原因状语从句,“that”引导定语从句。 ‎ ‎3.(湖北卷22).After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide for the homeless families.‎ A.occupation B.furniture C.equipment D.accommodation 解析:512的汶川地震,414玉树地震。天灾“earthquake”相信是很多考生都准备过的一个话题。所以相关词汇“accommodation”表示“住处”应该是考生们准备的系列词汇之一。这道题难度不大,句子结构也相对简单。只要背过这几个词,知道“occupation”表示“占用”或者“工作,职业”;“furniture”表示“ 家具 ”;“equipment”表示“设备,器材”就能选出正确答案D了。‎ ‎4.(江苏卷22). The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has a very good_____.‎ A. expectation B. reputation C. contribution D. civilization 解析:表示名声而expectation是期望的意思。Contribution是贡献的意思。Civilization是文明的意思。‎ ‎5.(江西卷35. Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, ‎ a(n) of 40,000 per year.‎ A. average B. number C. amount D. quantity 解析:a number of 许多 amount of 一般加不可数名词表金额, a quantity of 既可以加可数也可以加不可数,但没有平均每年增加的意思。‎ ‎6.(山东卷33). Those who suffer from headache will find they get ______ from this medicine.‎ ‎ A. relief B. safety C. defense D. shelter 解析:句意应为“那些头痛的人会发现这种药物能使头痛缓解。”所以A项意义符合句意, relief 表示“缓解,减轻,解除”。 safety表示“安全,保险”;defense 表示“防御,防护”; shelter表示“掩蔽,保护”。‎ ‎7.(天津卷3).James took the magazines off the little table to make _______ for the television.‎ A. room B. area C. field D. position 解析:make room for是固定搭配,意思是“为……让空”的意思,其中的room是不可数名词。‎ 句意:詹姆斯把杂志从小桌子上拿下来,为电视机腾出空间来。‎ ‎8.(浙江卷16).The school advisers help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any direct __ .‎ ‎ A. solution B. target C. measure D. function 解析:四个选项:solution解决的方法;target目标;measure措施;function功能。‎ 句意:学校的建议者们帮助你分析问题,但是他们不会给你直接的解决方法。‎ ‎9.(湖南卷33)Listening to loud music at rock concerts caused hearing loss in some teenagers.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. has D. have ‎ 解析:考查主谓一致。根据动名词短语作主语,句子的谓语动词用单数形式,由此排除B、D两项,根据主语与caused的主动关系,排除A项 ‎10.(四川卷15)Such poets as Shakespeare widely read,of whose works,however,some ‎ difficult to understand.‎ A.are;are B.is;is C.are;is D.is:are 解析:考查主谓一致。主句中的主语应为poets,谓语动词用复数,其后的非限制性定语从句的主语应为some of whose works,谓语动词也应是复数。故选A。‎ 11.(全国卷Ⅱ9)Barbara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of the women who________evening dress.‎ A.wear B.wears C.has worn D.have worn 解析:考查主谓一致和时态。首先the only one of ….为先行词时,定语从句修饰的是one,即one是主语,而非后面的复数women,根据主谓一致的原则,谓语动词应该用单数,排除A,D。另外,从“is”可以看出句子是要表示一种习惯,因此要用一般现在时,排除C,故选B。‎ 三、代词 ‎1.(全国I卷23). I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ___ half learning drawing.‎ A. another B. the other C. other’s D. other ‎ 解析:此题考查another, the other, other, other's的形容词用法区别。other一般不单独使用,其前经常有冠词或其他形容词,如B选项的the other,one...the other..,用于一个整体的两部分“一个……另一个”,题干中将假期分成两部分,一部分用来学英语,一部分用来画画,符合题意。another用作形容词时表示“又,再”,other's没有此种用法。‎ 句意:我将会用假期一半的时间练习英语,另外一般时间练习画画。‎ ‎2. (全国II卷12.) Neither side is prepared to talk to _____ unless we can smooth thing over between them。‎ A. others B. the other C. another D. one other ‎ 解析:neither含有“两者都不”之意,一方对应另一方,故用the other指“两者中的另一个”。‎ ‎3.(全国II 14). The doctor thought ____ would be good for you to have a holiday.‎ A. this B. that C. one D. it 解析:it作形式主语。真正的主语为for you to have a holiday。‎ ‎4.(安徽卷21).You are the team star! Working with _________ is really your cup of tea.‎ A. both B. either C. others D. the other 解析:句意为“你是球队明星!与他人合作必须是你喜欢做的事。”‎ 习语“one’s cup of tea”意为“the type of thing or person that you like”。‎ ‎5.(福建卷22). When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson could you please say for me ?‎ A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 解析:句子的意思是当你向Mr. John介绍我的时候,你可以为我说一些好话吗? A. everything 所有的;B. anything 任何事;D nothing 什么也没有 C. something表示一些,某些 ‎6.(江西卷27). Swimming is my favorite sport.There is like swimming as a means of keeping fit.‎ A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 解析:nothing like 没有什么象……比得上……。句子的意思:再没有比游泳更好的锻炼方式了。‎ ‎7.(陕西卷12). The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.‎ A. that B. this C. it D. one ‎ 解析:所填词用于比较状语从句中,指代句子的主语cost,即指代不可数名词,用that。This指代下文即将提到的事物;it指代“同一物”;one指代“同类中的一个”之意。‎ ‎8.(四川卷7). On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby. ‎ A. him B. his C. me D. mine 解析:考查代词。take a photo of sb意为给某人照相,此处应用人称代词的宾格。正确答案为C。‎ ‎9. (天津卷6)._______ in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace‎ ‎Museum.‎ A. Anything B. Nothing C. Everything D. Something 解析:nothing用于句中表示否定意义,而其他三个词则表示肯定意义。‎ 句意:我一生中没有什么比我第一次参观故宫给我的印象更深刻的了。‎ ‎10.(重庆卷23) He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again.‎ A. neither B. either C. each D. all 解析:由“his temper and health”可以排除C项和D项,由后面的never表否定,选either,never either是全部否定,相当于neither 。‎ ‎11.(上海卷27). If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on ‎ A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves 解析:主语为we,因此应为ourselves. depend on oneself:自力更生。根据句意,选D。‎ ‎12.(辽宁卷33). The fact that she was foreign made _____difficult for her to get a job in that country.‎ A. so B. much C. that D. it ‎ 解析:it形式宾语,真正的宾语为for her to get a job in that country。‎ ‎13.(山东卷32). Helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age.‎ ‎ A. it B. that C. what D. one 解析:句意应为“帮助别人是一种习惯,一个你在很小时就能学会的习惯。”空格处与前句中的habit构成同位关系,所以选择D项。句中you can learn even at an early age是省略了关系代词that 的定语从句,that在定语从句中作learn的宾语使用。‎ ‎14.(浙江卷14). __ that's important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction.‎ ‎ A. One B. All C. Everything D. Anything 解析:分析四个选项的意思,根据语境:重要的是你正在努力并且朝着正确的方向前行。从而判断此处选择all意思最合适。‎ 四、形容词和副词 ‎1.(全国I 26). I have seldom seen my mother ________ pleased with my progress as she is now.‎ A. so B. very C. too D. rather 解析:这题考查的实际上是一个固定搭配not so as,不像……那样,seldom是一个否定词,相当于not。句意为:我很少看到妈妈像现在一样为我的进步感到如此的高兴。‎ ‎2.(全国II 13). The island is ____ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.‎ A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally ‎ 解析:只要知道词义即可选出答案,该题较为简单。A.部分的 B.只不过 C.几乎 D.同样的,相等的。‎ ‎3.(全国II 20). Mr. Black is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been .‎ A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular 解析:never/not加形容词比较级=形容词最高级。‎ 句意:布莱克先生非常高兴,因为他厂里生产的衣服从来没比现在更受欢迎过。‎ ‎4. (安徽卷31). _______, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.‎ A. Shy and cautious B. Sensitive and thoughtful ‎ C. Honest and confident D. Lighthearted and optimistic 解析:Shy and cautious意为“害羞的谨慎的;sensitive and thoughtful意为“敏感的与体贴的”; Honest and confident“诚实的与自信的”;Lighthearted and optimistic意为“愉快的与乐观的”。句意为“愉快与乐观的她,是那种通过微笑把阳光撒给他人的女士。”‎ ‎5. (福建卷23)—Volunteering is becoming popular in China .‎ ‎—Yeah, people are now aware that helping others is helping themselves.‎ A. naturally B. successfully C. splendidly D. increasingly 解析:只要知道词义即可得出答案。A. 自然地,理所当然地;B. 成功地;C.华丽地,壮观地;D. 逐渐地。‎ ‎——志愿活动现在在中国变得越来越受欢迎了。‎ ‎——是的,人们一直开始意识到帮助他人就是帮助自己。‎ ‎6.(福建卷32).Drunk driving, which was once a occurrence, is now under control.‎ A.general B.frequent C.normal D.particular 解析:A.一般的;B.经常的;C.正常的;D.特别的。理解词义后,根据生活常识可以得出答案。‎ ‎7.(湖北卷23).In the lecture, I can only give you a purely view of how we can live life to the full and make ‎ some suggestions about the future.‎ A. private B. personal C. unique D. different 解析:根据词义可以快速排除A和D。A表示“独特的”,D表示“不同的”,只有B和C比较接近。 “private”表示“私人的,私下的,“personal”表示“个人的”,personal view才能表示“个人观点”‎ ‎8.(湖北卷24)Mistakes don’t just happen; they occur for a reason. Find out the reason, and then making the mistake becomes .‎ A. favourable B. precious C. essential D. worthwhile 解析:“worthwile”表示“值得的,有价值的”表示犯错误是值得的。A表示“喜爱的,赞同的”,B“珍贵的”C“本质的”,只要知道词义,并联系生活常识,该题还是很容易得出答案的。‎ 人之常情,我们只能说这个犯过的“错误”会变得“有价值”,却不能说“错误”是“essential(本质的)”“precious”(珍贵的)或者是“favourable(喜爱的,赞同的)”。‎ ‎9.(湖北卷25). If I find someone who looks like the suspect, my reaction will be to tell the police.‎ A.physical B.immediate C.sensitive D.sudden 解析:根据词义可得出答案。 “physical”表示“身体的”; “suddent”表示“突然的”; “sensitive”表示“敏感的”,只有 “immediate”表示“立刻,马上”,等同于 “at once”.故选B 句意:“如果我发现了任何疑似嫌疑犯的人,我会立马告知警察”。 ‎ ‎10.(湖北卷26).I wasn`t blaming anyone; I said errors like this could be avoided.‎ A. merely B. mostly C. rarely D. nearly 解析:“most”(大部分),所以“mostly”(大部分地,通常地); “near”(临近)“nearly”(几乎)= almost; rare(稀有的)“rarely”(很少地,几乎不);“mere”(仅仅,只 不过)“merely”(仅仅,只不过)。‎ 句意:“我并没有责 怪任何人,我只是说类似这种错误是可以避免的”。‎ ‎11.(湖南卷22).Father________goes to the gym with us although he dislikes going there.‎ A. hardly B. seldom C.sometimes D. never 解析:A项意为“几乎不”,B项意为“很少”,C项意为“有时”,D项意为“从不”。句意为:“尽管父亲不喜欢去那儿,但他还是有时和我们一起去锻炼。”故选C项。‎ ‎12.(江西卷28). Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life and more ‎ , have reduced the need for face-to-face communication.‎ A. easily; efficient B. easy, efficient C. easy; efficiently D. easily; efficiently 解析:make +life+形容词,而且后面为比较级,所以说两个空同为形容词同为比较级 ‎13.(辽宁卷23). Jim went to answer the phone. _______, Harry started to prepare lunch.‎ A. However B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile 解析:前后两个句子是相同的语义关系,在时间上表示同时,所以用meanwhile。‎ ‎14. ( 辽宁卷27).We only had $100 and that was _______to buy a new computer.‎ A. nowhere near enough B. near enough nowhere C. enough near nowhere D. near nowhere enough 解析:考查副词用法。nowhere near是固定短语,意思是“差得远;远不及”,相当于一个形容词,enough做副词用,修饰形容词或副词时,应该放在被修饰词的后面。‎ 句意:我们只有100美元,他怎么也不够买一台新电脑的。‎ ‎15. (山东卷35). Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _______ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.‎ ‎ A. heavy B. smooth C. flexible D. complex 解析:句意应为“在外工作的母亲们应该有灵活的时间以便照看孩子们。”表示“灵活的”用flexible 。heavy 表示“沉重的”; smooth表示“光滑的,滑顺的”; complex表示“复杂的,难懂的”。‎ ‎16.(陕西卷22). Studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. ‎ A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure ‎ 解析:‎ 所填词做表语,主语是人,由more来修饰,意思是:可能,选A。其中四个选项中possible和probable也都“可能的”之意,但他们做表语时主语只能是物,sure在此处意思不恰当。‎ ‎17.(天津卷5). People have always ______ about exactly how life on earth began.‎ A. curious B. excited C. anxious D. careful 解析:根据介词about后面宾语从句的意义,可以确定前面表示的是好奇,be curious about 是“对……感到好奇”的意思。‎ 句意:人们一直对于地球生命的起源感到好奇。‎ ‎18.(浙江卷6). I have been convinced that the print media are usually more __ and more reliable than television.‎ ‎ A. accurate B. ridiculous C. urgent D. shallow ‎ 解析:分析四个选项的意思:accurate 精确的;ridiculous可笑的,滑稽的;urgent紧急的;shallow浅的,肤浅的。根据句意:我确信印刷媒体常常会比电视更准确、更可靠。‎ ‎19.(浙江卷[来源11).Do you think shopping online will __ take the place of shopping in stores?‎ ‎ A. especially B. frequently C. merely D. finally 解析:分析四个选项的意思:especially 特别,尤其;frequently经常,merely仅仅,finally最终。根据语境:你认为网上购物最终会替代商场购物吗?‎ ‎20.(浙江卷19).Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn't it rather risky, __________.‎ ‎ A. though B. also C. either D. too 解析:根据句意:在冰场上玩耍听起来很有趣。然会不会有危险呢?前后两句之前是明显的转折关系,所以选择though。 ‎ ‎21.(四川卷12). The school was moved out of downtown as the number of students had grown too . ‎ ‎ A. small B. few C. 1arge D. many 解析:the number of 意为“……的数量”,其后的形容词应为大小,不用多少。又据句意学校被移出了市中心,应该是学生的数量变得太大了,故选C。‎ ‎22.(上海卷30). In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled the local market.‎ ‎ A. longer than B. more than C. as much as D. as far as ‎ 解析:as far as远到(至)…..‎ 句意:古时候人们很少会进行远程旅行,大多的农民只去逛逛当地的市场。‎ ‎23.(上海卷26). It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was journey.‎ A. three hour B. a three-hours C. a three-hour D. three hours 解析:此题考查复合形容词.数词+连字符+名词的用法,连字符连接的词作名词定语且用单数。意为“三小时的路程”‎ 五、介词(短语)‎ ‎1.(北京卷29). Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are everyone's enjoyment.‎ ‎ A. in B. at C. for D. to 解析:for enjoyment为了寻求乐趣。例如:We work in the garden for enjoyment.我们为寻求乐趣而在园子里劳作。‎ ‎2.(湖北卷30).It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money ____________favors to them.‎ A. in preference to B . in place of C. in agreement with D. in exchange for 解析:In preference to (优先于); in exchange for (交换);in place of (代替); in agreement with (同意,与…一致)。其实辨析这几个介词短语难度不大,只需要认识每个短语中的核心词 “preference”“exchange”“place”“agreement”的意思即可,猜测较为容易。‎ ‎3.(江苏卷29).So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is________ideal. We have to work ‎ still harder.‎ A. next to B. far from C.out of D. due to 解析:“到目前为止我们为打造低碳经济已经做了很多努力,但是这远远不够。我们还要继续努力。”题目中的“ideal”是指“完美的,理想的”,“far from ideal” “离完美还很远,远远不够”,“far from” ‎ 一般加名词或者形容词,表示“离…很远,或者达不到…状态”。A “next to” “靠近”,意义相反。B “out of” “出于”,相当于“with”;D “due to”后面一般跟名词,解释为“由于”,相当于”because of”。‎ ‎4.(江西卷29). We give dogs time, space and love we can spare, and , dogs give us their all.‎ A. in all B. in fact C. in short D. in return 解析:in return作为回报;作为回应;回答。in all 共计 in fact实际上 in short 简而言之。‎ 句意:我们给狗以我们闲暇的时间和多余的空间以及腾出来的爱,作为回报狗也会把它们的一切 给予我们。‎ ‎5.(江西卷34). Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients name, not case number.‎ A. of B. as C. by D. with 解析:by以……的方式。句意:现在有些医院以名字来称呼病人,而不是以病号来称呼。‎ ‎6.(天津卷13). My father warned me _______ going to the West Coast because it was crowed with tourists.‎ A. by B. on C. for D. against 解析:句中谓语动词warned和介词against搭配,构成warn sb. against doing sth. 相当于warn sb. not to do sth,意思是“警告某人不要干某事”。 句意:我父亲警告我不要去西海岸,因为那里挤满了游客。‎ ‎7.(重庆卷22). The dictionary is what I want, but I don’t have enough money me.‎ A. by B. for C. in D. with 解析:I don’t have enough money with me 意思是我没有随身带那么多钱。‎ ‎8.(福建卷27).More and more high—rise buildings have been built in big cities space.‎ A. in search of B. in place of C. for lack of D. for fear of ‎ 解析:A.寻找 B.代替; C.因缺乏 D.生怕,以免。句子的完整意思应该是:大城市建起越来越多的高楼大厦,因为缺乏空间。‎ ‎9.(辽宁卷31). I agree to his suggestion ______the condition that he drops all charges.‎ A. by B. in C. on D. to ‎ 解析:考查介词用法。介词on 和the condition that一起相当一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是,以……为条件”。 句意:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有指控。‎ ‎10.(四川卷5). Tired, Jim was fast asleep with his back a big tree.‎ A. in B. below C. beside D. against 解析:against此处意为:“倚着,靠着”;below“在……下方”;beside“在……旁边”;in“在……里面 ‎(时间)……之后”。句意为:“累了,吉姆背倚着树,很快就睡着了。”‎ ‎11.(浙江卷7).I guess we've already talked about this before but I'll ask you again just __ .‎ ‎ A. by nature B. in return C. in case D. by chance 解析:分析四个选项的意思:by nature 天生地;in return作为回报,作为交换;in case 万一,以防;by chance偶然地。根据句意:我想我之前已经跟你谈论过这件事,但是以防万一,我再问你一次。‎ ‎12.(上海卷25). Sean has formed the habit of jogging the tree-lined avenue for two hours every day.[来源:学|科|网]‎ A. between B. along C. below D. with[来源:学,科,网]‎ 解析:根据句意“Sean已经形成了每天沿着绿荫大道慢跑两小时的习惯”,表示“沿着”时,应该选B。‎ 六、时态与语态 ‎1.(全国I卷21)—Have you finished reading Jane Eyre?‎ ‎—No, I_________ my homework all day yesterday.‎ A. was doing B. would do C. had done D. do 解析:根据选项此题考察时态,此题可以根据句意解答,也可以使用排除法。A表示一段时间内持续进行且未完成的动作使用进行时。题干中有all day yesterday时间提示为过去,应该选择与过去相关的时态,排除D。B为过去将来时不符合题意,C过去完成时是过去的过去,使用过去完成时题目中需要有一般过去时,题干中没有一般过去时因此也排除。‎ 句意:—你读完了Jane Eyre吗?‎ ‎—没有,我昨天一直做作业。‎ ‎2. (全国I卷28). When you are home, give a call to let me know you _________safely.‎ A. are arriving B. have arrived C. had arrived D. will arrive ‎ 解析:根据选项此题考察时态。此题可以根据句意也可以使用排除法。 句意为“当你到家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了”B选项使用现在完成时表示将来完成,译为“已经……”。同时也可以使用排除法,arrive既可以使用现在进行时表示将来也可以用will + do表示将来,因此A和D同时排除,C为过去完成时,使用过去完成时时句中一定要有一般过去时,过去完成时是过去的过去,因此C也排除,选择B. ‎ 句意:当你到家的时候,打电话给我让我知道你已经到家了。‎ ‎3. (全国I卷32).The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune _______.‎ A. is made B. would make C. was to be made D. had made 解析:根据选项此题考察时态和语态。make fortune译为“发财”,make在句中需要使用被动形式,因此排除B和D,题干中led提示时间为过去,因此选择C。be to do译为“将会将要”,was to be made表示过去将来。‎ 句意:在澳洲金矿的发现使千百人相信将会发财。‎ ‎4.(全国II卷15).Linda,make sure the tables ____ before the guests arrive.‎ A. be set B. set C. are set D. are setting ‎ 解析:考查动词set的用法和被动语态。Set a table摆放桌子,tables为主语,故用被动结构。make sure后一般接宾语从句。‎ ‎5.(全国II卷19).Excuse me. I I was blocking your way.‎ A. didn’t realize B. don’t realize C. haven’t realized D. wasn’t realizing 解析:结合语境,后文暗示过去时。‎ ‎6. (安徽卷26).Bob would have helped us yesterday,but he .‎ A. was busy B. is busy C. had been busy D. will be busy 解析:上文用的是虚拟语气,与过去事实相反。下文是讲的昨天忙这样的事实,用一般过去时。‎ ‎7.(安徽卷28).—Can you surprised by the ending of the film?‎ ‎—NO, I____ the book, so I already knew the story A.was reading B. had read C. am reading D. have read 解析:句意为“我看过书了,已知道这个故事”。在“knew”前已看过,故用过去完成时。‎ ‎8.(安徽卷34).—We’ve spent too much money recently.‎ ‎—Well, it isn’t surprising. Our friends and relatives______ around all the time ‎ A. are coming B. had come C. were coming D. have been coming ‎ 解析:句意为“近来我们花了太多钱了。—-并不惊奇,近来朋友和亲戚总是来访。”用have been coming表示从过去到现在一直所发生的动作。‎ ‎9.(北京卷22). In the spoken English of some areas in the US, the "r" sounds at the end of the words .‎ A. are dropped B. drop C. are being dropped D. have dropped 解析:the "r" sounds at the end of the words常常被省掉 ‎10.(北京卷24).—I'm not finished with my dinner yet.‎ ‎—But our friends for us.‎ A. will wait B. wait C. have waited D. are waiting 解析:第一个说话人说"我还没吃完饭呢",而下面的人则说"但是我们的朋友们都在等我们了"根据第一个人还没进行完吃饭的动作,而第二个人又开始催促,我们得知朋友们此时正在等他们。所以用进行时are waiting更符合句意。‎ ‎11.(北京卷26).—I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow you. Did you say you wanted to return on September 20?‎ ‎ —Sorry, I myself clear. We want to return on October 20.‎ A. hadn't made B. wouldn't make C. don't make D. haven't made 解析:上文说没听清是几号回来。而下文则说很抱歉我没说清楚。根据句意我们只能选didn't make或者haven't made. 那落在选项中我们只能选择D。A. hadn't ‎ made过去完成时表过去的过去,不符合题意。B. wouldn't make过去将来时时态不正确。C一般现在时不正确。‎ ‎12.(北京卷28). It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me.‎ ‎ A. had done B. did C. would do D. were doing 解析:整个句子时态用的是一般过去时,我能够表示感谢就已经是过去,而他们对我的帮助则是过去的过去。因此选A。‎ ‎13.(福建卷28).Every year a flood of farmers arrive in Shenzhen for the money-making jobs they ‎ before leaving their hometowns.‎ A. promised B. were promised C. have promised D. have been promised 解析:根据上文所用时态,下文应该用现在范畴的时态,排除AB两个答案,再考虑语态,选D。‎ ‎14.(福建卷31).—Guess what ,we’ve got our visas for a short —term visit to the UK this summer.‎ ‎—How mice! you a different culture then.‎ A. will be experiencing B. have experienced C. have been experiencing D. will have experienced 解析:根据句意 ‎——猜猜看,我们已经得到了今年夏天去香港的短期签证 ‎——太棒了,你到时候将会感受到不同的文化。‎ 要用将来进行时。‎ ‎15.(湖南卷24).This coastal area ___________a national wildlife reserve last year.‎ A. was named B. named C. is named D. names 解析:根据主语“This coastal area”与name之间的被动关系排除B、D两项。根据句中的last year判断用一般过去时,故选A项。‎ ‎16.(湖南卷27). I was just going to cut my rose bushes but someone____________ it. Was it you?‎ A. has done B. had done C. would do D will do 解析:该空动作发生在was just going to cut之前,即表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时态。句意为:“我正要剪切我的蔷薇丛但(发现)有人已经将它剪切了。是你干的吗?”‎ ‎17.(湖南卷31). I walked slowly through the market, Where people_________ all kinds of fruits and vegetables. I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed.‎ A.Sell B.were selling C. had sold D. have sold 解析:根据“I studied the prices carefully and bought what I needed”的提示可判断此处表示“人们当时正在出售各种水果和蔬菜”,即表示过去某时正在发生的动作,故选B项。‎ ‎18.( 湖南卷34). I’m tired out. I __________all afternoon and I don’t seem to have finished anything.‎ A. shopped B. have shopped C. had shopped D. have been shopping 解析:句意为:“我现在很累。我整个下午一直在购物,我好像什么事都没做成似的。”由语境可判断选D项。‎ ‎19.(江苏卷23).—why, Jack, you look so tired!‎ ‎—Well, I _____the house and I must finish the work tomorrow.‎ A. was painting B. will be painting C. have painted D. have been painting 解析:我给房子上油漆一直进行到现在,而且到明天才会完成。所以用现在完成进行时。‎ ‎20.(江苏卷30).—Peter, where did you guys go for the summer vacation?‎ ‎—We________ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves.‎ A. were B. have been C. had been D. will be ‎ 解析:我们去海边发生在过去. 而我们忙于工作在此之前. 因此用过去完成时 ‎21.(江西卷 30).Mother wanted to be a good provider, a role she since her marriage to Father.‎ A. shoulders B. shouldered C. is shouldering D. has been shouldering 解析:在本句since 表示自从过去到现在一直这样还将延续下去,所以用现在完成进行时。‎ ‎22.(辽宁卷24). Joseph ______to evening classes since last month, but he still can’t say “What’s your name?” in Russian.‎ A. has been going B. went C. goes D. has gone 解析:考查时态。句中since last month,表示“自从上个月起”根据but后的句意,说明动作从过去发生到现在一直在进行着,所以要用现在完成进行时态。‎ 句意:约瑟夫自从上个月就一直去上夜校,可是他到现在还不会用俄语说“你叫什么名字?”。‎ ‎23.(辽宁卷30).I_______ all the cooking for my family, but recently I’ve been too busy to do it.‎ A. will do B. do C. am doing D. had done 解析:第一句表示现阶段的一种状况,所以用一般现在时态。‎ 句意:我为一家人做饭,但是最近我太忙不能做了。‎ ‎24.(山东卷30). Up to now, the program ______thousands of children who would otherwise have died.‎ ‎ A. would save B. saves C. had saved D. has saved 解析:句意应为“截止到现在,这个项目已经挽救了成千上万的本来会死去的孩子的生命。”up to now是现在完成时态的标志,所以空格处使用现在完成时态。‎ ‎25.(陕西卷21). I have to see the doctor because I a lot lately. ‎ ‎ A. have been coughing B. had coughed C. coughed D. cough 解析:考查动词时态。由时间状语lately可知此处表示现阶段一直在进行的动作或存在的状态,且强调其持续性,用现在完成进行时,选A。‎ ‎26.(陕西卷24). It is reported that many a new house at present in the disaster area. ‎ ‎ A. are being built B. were being built C. was being built D. is being built 解析:考查动词时态,语态及主谓一致。由时间状语at present可知此处动词表示的动作正在进行,主语与所填词是被动关系;many a+名词单数做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,由此可知本题选D。‎ ‎27.(四川卷16). 一When shall we restart our business?‎ ‎ 一Not until we our plan. ‎ ‎ A. will finish B. are finishing C. are to finish D. have finished 解析:在状语从句中,经常用一般现在时表将来时,用现在完成时表将来完成时。此处为until引导的时间状语从句,故用现在完成时,选D。意为“直到我们完成我们的计划,我们才重新开始我们的生意。”‎ ‎28.(四川卷18). You’ve failed to do what you to and I’m afraid the teacher will blame you. ‎ ‎ A. will expect B. will be expected C. expected D. were expected 解析:句中you与expect存在被动关系,首先排除C。又有have failed提示应是过去你被期盼做的事,故应为过去时,正确答案为D。‎ ‎29.(天津卷4). We _______ on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.‎ A. are working B. have been working C. worked D. had worked 解析:从句子的时间状语for four hours和后面的句子Let’s have a rest可知,动作从过去发生,到说话的时候一直在进行着,所以此处要用现在完成进行时态。‎ 句意:我们在这项工程上一直工作了四个小时了。咱们休息一会儿吧。‎ ‎30.(天津卷10). Traditional folk arts of Tianjin like paper cutting _______ at the culture show of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo.‎ A. are exhibiting B. is exhibiting C. are being exhibited D. is being exhibited 解析:因为2010年上海世博会现在还在进行着,所以像剪纸一样的天津传统民间艺术品也是“正在被展览”,所以用现在进行时态的的被动语态形式。‎ 句意:象剪纸一样的天津民间传统艺术品正在2010上海世博会的文化展览中展出。‎ ‎31.(重庆卷24).The book has been translated into thirty languages since it on the market in 1973.‎ A. had come B. has come C. came D. comes 解析:since引导的从句作状语时,主句通常用完成时,而从句用一般过去时,所以选C项。‎ ‎32.(重庆卷29).The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building now.‎ A. remains B. is remained C. is remaining D. has been remained 解析:remain在这儿意思是“剩下,余留”,为不及物动词,没有被动语态。整句话是对现在事实的陈述,所以用一般现在时。选A项。‎ ‎33.(重庆卷31).— Why do you want to work for our company?‎ ‎—This is the job that I for.‎ A. looked B. am to look C. had looked D. have been looking 解析:由句意:这就是我一直寻找的工作可知用现在完成进行时,表示从过去某个时刻发生的动作一直持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去。‎ ‎34.(浙江卷5). ff you plant watermelon seeds in the spring, you __ fresh watermelon in the fall.‎ ‎ A. eat B. would eat C. have eaten D. will be eating 解析:根据句意:如果你在春天种下西瓜种子,你会在秋天吃到新鲜的西瓜。可以判断这是真实的条件从句,会发生的事情,所以选择will be eating表将来。‎ ‎35.(浙江卷15).For many years, people __ electric ears. However, making them has been more difficult than predicted.[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]‎ ‎ A. had dreamed of B. have dreamed of C. dreamed of D. dream of 解析:根据句意:许多年来,人们都一直梦想着电动汽车。然而,制造它们比想象要难得多。由此,推断此处的梦想从过去到现在,并由此延伸。目前,市场上已经有了电动汽车,所以应用现在完成时。‎ ‎36.(上海卷28). Every few years, the coal workers. their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.‎ A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had 解析:根据时间状语every few years,可判断本句应为一般现在时,因此答案选B。‎ ‎37.(上海卷31). The church tower which will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished.‎ A. has restored B. has been restored C. is restoring D. is being restored 解析:restore意思为修复,而最后一句表明工程还未完成,因此为正在修复中,且要用被动语态。‎ 七、动词与短语动词 ‎1.(全国I卷22). The workers _____ the glasses and marked on each box “this side up”‎ A. carried B. delivered C. pressed D. packed 解析:选项为四个意思上毫无关联的动词,此题考察动词的词义辨析。carry 译为搬运,deliver译为递送,press译为按,压,pack译为打包。‎ 句意:工人们把玻璃制品包装好并且每个盒子上标记上“此面向上”。‎ ‎2.( 全国II卷8). My mother opened the drawer to _________ the knives and spoons.‎ A. put away B. put up C. put on D. put together 解析:put away 放好,收拾起来;put up举起,搭建,张贴,挂起; put on 穿上,戴上;put together 组装,装配,把…凑合起来 ‎3.(安徽卷 22).Nother matter how low you consider yourself ,there is always someone _________you wishing They were that high.‎ A. getting rid of B. getting along with C. looking up to D. looking down upon 解析:getting rid of意为“摆脱;去除”;getting along with意为“与……相处;进展”;looking up to意为“尊敬;敬仰”;looking down upon意为“看不起;轻视”。‎ 句意:你无论认为自己怎样低下,总希望有个高尚的人来尊敬你。‎ ‎4.(安徽卷 23).——How did you like Nick’s performance last night ?‎ ‎—— To be honest ,his singing didn’t ________to be much?‎ A. appeal B. belong C. refer D. occur 解析:appeal to 意为“吸引”;belong to意为“属于”;refer to意为“提到;涉及”;occur to意为“突然想到”。‎ 句意:她的演唱并不怎么吸引我。‎ ‎5.(福建卷30). We`ve just moved into a bigger house and there`s a lot to do. Let`s it.‎ A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. look forward to 解析:A. keep up with 保持 B. do away with废除,去掉;‎ C. get down to着手处理D. look forward to盼望,期待。‎ 句意:我们刚刚搬进大一点的房子,因此有许多事情要做。让我们开始做吧。‎ ‎6.(福建卷33).——In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.‎ ‎——I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two .‎ A. linked B. related C. connected D. combined 解析:第二句意思为:“我非常赞同。两者相结合非常好。”have sth. done.意为“使某事被做”。A项意为“相联系的”;B项意为“有关的”;C项意为“相连接的”;D项意为“同时做,兼有”。由句中I can’t agree more可知,应选D项,其余三项不符合语境,排除。‎ ‎7.(湖北卷27).Duty is an act or a course of action that people you to take by social customs, law or religion.‎ A. persuade B. request C. instruct D. expect 解析:expect sb. to do.“期待/希望某人做某事”。request是一种非常客气的请求。persuade是“说服”的意思,instruct是“指导、指示”的意思。‎ ‎8. (湖北卷28). Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house his personality.‎ A. resembles B. strengthens C. reflects D. shapes 解析:“要选一个表示“反映”的词,就是reflect . “resemble” = look like; “strengthen”表示“加强,巩固”;“shape”作动词表示“塑形”。 ‎ 句意:就好像一个人穿什么,吃什么,以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样,一个人的住房也是如此。‎ ‎9. (湖北卷29).Had she_________ her promise, she would have made it to Yale‎ ‎University.‎ A. looked up to B. lived up to C. kept up with D. come up with 解析:根据句意:“如果她当年履行了自己的诺言,她就会进入耶鲁大学了。”只有live up to(履行,实行)符合题意。look up to(抬头看,尊重)keep up with(跟上,追上)come up with(追赶上;想出;提出),‎ ‎10.(江苏卷24). Thousands of foreigners were______ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.‎ A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached ‎ 解析:attract sb吸引某人。‎ ‎ 句意:成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。‎ ‎11.(江苏卷26). The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.‎ A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out 解析:rule out排除(可能性)。find out是查找出 point out指出 carry out执行,实施 ‎12.(江西卷25). Parents much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.‎ A. attach B. pay C. link D.apply 解析:,attach importance to 关注,相当于pay much attention to。‎ ‎13.(江西卷26). Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just sweet dreams.‎ A. keep up with B. put up with C. end up with D. catch up with 解析:keep up with保持, put up with 忍受, end up with 以为结束 catch up with赶上。‎ ‎ 句意:睡觉前闻闻话的香味,你也许会做上好梦。‎ ‎14.(辽宁卷28). Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.‎ A. turned on B. turned in C. turned around D. turned out 解析:考查短语动词的用法。turn out 有“外出”的意思,而turn on 则是“打开”,turn in“上床睡觉, 上缴”等意思;turn around是“转身”的意思。只有turn out 符合语境。‎ 句意:数千人出来观看昨天同爱尔兰队的比赛。‎ ‎15.(辽宁卷32). The new movie _____to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time. ‎ A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines ‎ 解析:promise除了表示“允诺,答应”外,还有“有……的希望”的意思;agree是“同意,赞同”;pretend是“假装”;decline是“衰老,衰退”。只有promises符合题意。‎ 句意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房史上票房最高的影片之一。‎ ‎16.(山东卷27). Sam ___ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.‎ ‎ A. brought up B. looked up C. picked up D. set up ‎ 解析:表示“学到,尤其指不正规的学到”用pick up; pick up另外还有“捡起;顺车接送,搭载;收拾,整理;重新开始;获得”等义;bring up 表示“抚养,教育;提出;呕吐”;look up 表示“向上看;(形势)好转,改善;查阅”;set up表示“建立,设置;造成,产生”。‎ 句意:山姆只是凭借着看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。‎ ‎17.(山东卷31). Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children?‎ ‎ A. manage B. serve C. adapt D. construct ‎ 解析:表示“设法做成某事”用manage it。serve 表示“为……服务;接待”;adapt 表示“使适应,使适合”;construct表示“建造,构筑;构思”。‎ 句意:你家里总是那么整洁--家里有三个孩子,你是怎么设法做到的?‎ ‎18.(陕西卷14). You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must ____ you, I suppose. ‎ A. agree with B. agree to C. agree on D. agree about ‎ 解析:agree with:同意,赞成;与……相适应;agree to:同意,赞成(观点,看法等);agree on:就……达成协议;agree about:对...... 有相同的看法。‎ 句意:你看上去很好。我认为:三亚的空气和海鲜很适合你。‎ ‎19.(四川卷6). Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what nice. ‎ A. looks B. smells C. feels D. tastes 解析:与上句中的eat with their eyes相对,后句应该为看起来很好吃的东西。故正确答案为A。‎ ‎20.(四川卷8). Jenny was looking for a seat when,luckily,a man and left. ‎ ‎ A. took up B. got up C. shut up D. set up 解析:get up意为“起床,起立”。故选B。A意为“从事,占据时间或空间”;C意为“闭嘴”;D意为“建造,搭起”。‎ 句意:Jenny正在找一个座位,正在那时,很幸运地,一个人站起来离开了。‎ ‎21.(天津卷1). He telephoned the travel agency to_______ three air tickets to London.‎ ‎ A. order B. arrange C. take D. book 解析:book和tickets搭配,是“订票”的意思。‎ ‎ 句意:他打电话给旅行社预定三张去伦敦的机票。‎ ‎22.(天津卷11). Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion, and _______ as a manager.‎ A. ended up B. dropped out C. came back D. started off 解析:ended up as 作为……而结束的意思;dropped out是“退出,退学”的意思;came back是“回来”的意思;started off是“动身,出发”的意思。只有A项符合题意。‎ 句意:作为一名职员加入公司,他很快得到提升,最后当上了经理。‎ ‎23.(浙江卷4). The majority of people in the town strongly __ the plan to build a playground for children.‎ ‎ A. consider B. support C. confirm D. submit 解析:consider考虑,思考,认为等;support支持,拥护,维持;confirm证实,确认;submit使屈服,使经受。‎ 句意:镇上的大多数人都积极地支持为孩子们建造运动场的计划。‎ ‎24.(浙江卷12). After that, he knew he could __ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.‎ ‎ A. get away with B. get on with C. get through D. get across 解析:get away with侥幸逃脱;get on with与……有好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过。‎ 句意:经过那件事之后,他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发情况。‎ 八、情态动词与虚拟语气 ‎1.(全国I 29). Just be patient .You_____________ except the world to change so soon.‎ A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. will not ‎ 解析:通过选项此题考察情态动词,can't在否定句中可以表示推测,译为不可能,,可以表示能力,译为不能够,也可以表示命令,不允许,但是语气比mustn't弱,具有劝慰的意思,根据句意此题中选择A,can't表示劝慰。‎ 句意:耐心一点儿,你不可能期望世界变化如此快。‎ ‎2.(全国II 17). I’m afraid Mr.Harding ____ see you now . he’s busy.‎ A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t ‎ 解析:结合语境,根据情态动词用于疑问或否定推测时,要用can’t。‎ ‎3.(安徽卷32). Jack descried his father, who _____a brave boy many years ago, as a strong-willed man A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been ‎ 解析:句意为“杰克把他的父亲描述为一个意志坚强的人,他的父亲多年前肯定很勇敢。”用must have been表示对过去事情的肯定推测。‎ ‎4.(北京卷23).—Good morning. I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.‎ ‎ —Ah, good morning. You be Mrs. Peters.‎ A. might B. must C. would D. can 解析:第一个说话人说和史密斯小姐有约,那下面的人就回应说,"那您一定就是Mrs. Peters了"因此排除A,C.D ‎5.(北京卷34).-The weather has been very hot and dry.‎ ‎ -Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables .‎ ‎ A. wouldn't die B. didn't die C. hadn't died D. wouldn't have died 解析:第二个说话人的If条件句是我们选择正确答案的关键。要是当时下雨了,现在的情况就好的多了!我的蔬菜也就不会死了。与过去事实相反:过去没有下雨,所以我的蔬菜干死了也是发生在过去。‎ 将句子整合还原:If it had rained even a drop, my vegetables wouldn't have died.‎ If+ had done,主句为couldn’t/ shouldn't/ wouldn't have done.‎ ‎6.(福建卷29).Teachers recommend parents their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.‎ A. not allow B. do not allow C. mustn’t allow D. couldn’t allow 解析:recommend 后面的(that)从句中要用虚拟语气:should+do,should可以使省略。‎ ‎ =Teachers recommend parents should not allow…=Teachers recommend parents not to allow…‎ 句意:老师建议父母出于安全考虑最好不要让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去学校。‎ ‎7.(湖南卷29). If he __________my advice, he wouldn’t have lost his job.‎ A. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow 解析:根据“wouldn’t have lost”可判断if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟,故选C项。‎ ‎8.(湖南卷23). You_________ buy a gift , but you can if you want to.‎ A. must B. mustn’t C. have to D. don’t have to 解析:don’t have to 意为“没有必要”,符合语境,句意为:“你没有必要买礼物,但如果你想买的话,你也可以买。”‎ ‎9.(江苏卷25). —I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month.‎ ‎ —Don’t worry. You______ have it by Friday.‎ A. could B. shall C. must D. may ‎ 解析:shall在第二人称中表示允诺,还可以表示强制,命令,威胁,警告。还有在法律条文中的要求或规定。‎ ‎10.(江苏卷34). George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he_______ more on its culture.‎ A. focus B. focused C. would focus D. had focused 解析:would rather后应用虚拟语气,表示与现在时间相反,用动词的过去式 ‎11.(江西卷23). I have told you the truth I keep repeating it?‎ A. Must B. Can C. May D. Will 解析:must必须,一定,can可以,能够, may也许,will意愿,倾向性动作。前半句说我告诉你事实了,这里用的是现在完成时,表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响,既然我已经说了,我还必须重复一遍吗?‎ ‎12.(辽宁卷26). Doctors say that exercise is important for health, but it _______ be regular exercise.‎ A. can B. will C. must D. may 解析:考查情态动词。Can一般表示“可能,或能力”;will表示“意志”;may表示“许可,可能”;must表示“必须”。‎ 句意:医生说锻炼对身体重要,但是必须是有规律的锻炼。‎ ‎13.(山东卷25). I_______ have watched that movie —it’ll give me horrible dreams.‎ ‎ A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t 解析:句意应为“我本来不应该看那部电影的——它会使我做噩梦的。”表示“本来不应该做而做了某事”用shouldn’t have done, 所以A项正确。‎ ‎14.(陕西卷15). If we _ __ the other road, we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. ‎ A. take B. had taken C. took D. have taken 解析:考查虚拟语气。所填词做虚拟语气中条件状语从句的谓语,根据主句的谓语动词形式might have arrived可知题干是与过去事实相反,故所填部分用had+过去分词形式,选B。‎ 句意:如果当时走了另一条路,我们就有可能及时赶到这儿开会了。‎ ‎15.(陕西卷23). —-May I take this book out of the reading room?‎ ‎ —-No, you . You read it in here. ‎ ‎ A. mightn`t B. won’t C. need’t D. mustn`t 解析:英语中用could,might表示询问或征求意见的问句中,肯定性应答要用can或may来代替could或might,而may或might征求意见的问句否定应答时要用mustn’t,故本题选D。‎ ‎16.(四川卷3).— I take the book out?‎ ‎—I'm afraid not.‎ A. Will B. May C. Must D. Need 解析:表请求可用情态动词can, may, could, might ,表允许用can, may.‎ 句意为:“我可以将这本书带出去吗?”“恐怕不行”。故应选表情请求的情态动词may。‎ ‎17.(天津卷9). Mark _______ have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.‎ A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t 解析:根据后面的语境,提前半个小时到达,说明Mark本来不必那么匆忙,所以用needn’t have done 结构,表示“本来不必要做某事的而实际上做了”。‎ 句意:迈克本来不必要那么忙的。这么高速驾驶之后,他早半个小时到达了。‎ ‎18.(天津卷15).-John went to the hospital alone.‎ ‎-If he _______ me about it, I would have gone with him.‎ A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had told 解析:前一句是陈述语气,说明动发生在过去,而且后一句的主句已经是would have gone说明是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。与之对应的从句结构,应该用had+过去分词。‎ 句意:约翰独自去了医院。如果他告诉我的话,我会跟他一起去的。‎ ‎19.(重庆卷 21).You park.here! It’s an emergency exit.‎ A. wouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t 解析:mustn’t表示禁止:不可以。‎ ‎20.(浙江卷17). "You __ have a wrong number," she said. "There's no one of that name here."‎ ‎ A. need B. can C. must D. would 解析:肯定的猜测,用must。‎ ‎21.(浙江卷10). Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy __ . ‎ ‎ A. would have been saved B. had been saved C. will be saved D.was saved 解析:根据句子的倒装特征判断此处是省略了if的虚拟语气,原形是:If I had known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy .故选择A。‎ 句意:如果我早知道这个电脑程序,就可以节省大量的时间和精力了。‎ ‎22.(上海卷29).-Sorry, Professor Smith. I didn't finish the assignment yesterday.‎ ‎-Oh, you have done it as yesterday was the deadline.‎ A. must B. mustn't C. should D. shouldn't 解析:此处表示和过去事实相反的情况,应该用should + have +过去分词。本来应该做,而未做。‎ 九、非谓语动词 ‎1.(全国I卷27). Mrs. White showed her student some old maps _________from the library.‎ A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing 解析:根据选项此题考察非谓语动词,题干中空格划在名词maps后,空格后部分是对maps解释说明,因此此题考察非谓语动词做定语。非谓语动词做定语,首先判断动词与所修饰名词的主动还是被动关系,borrow和maps是被动关系,被动关系时非谓语动词形式有三种:to be done表示动作将要发生,being done表示动作正在发生,done表示动作已经完成,根据句意borrow的动作已经完成,因此选择C。 句意:怀特夫人向学生们展示了从图书馆借来的一些老地图。‎ ‎2.(全国I卷34).With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank______ presents ‎ for my dad.‎ A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought 解析:动词不定式的一般式作目的状语。“买礼物”发生在“从银行取了一些钱”后,所以D不可以选。‎ 句意:父亲节将要到来,为了给爸爸买礼物我已经从银行取了一些钱。‎ ‎3.(全国卷II 11).Though ______ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome。‎ A. surprise B was surprised C. surprised D. being surprised ‎ 解析:省略结构和非谓语动词考查。补完整为:Though he was surprised,跟后面句子的主语一致,可以省略主语和系动词。‎ ‎4.(安徽卷30). He had wonderful childhood, _____with his mother to all corners of the word ‎ A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling ‎ 解析:主语(he)与动词travel之间存在主动关系,故用traveling作伴随状语。‎ ‎5.(北京卷21). at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes.‎ A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked 解析:look与其逻辑主语I为主动关系,因此用looking ‎6.(北京卷25). I'm calling to enquire about the position in yesterday's China Daily.‎ A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised 解析:the position肯定是被advertise的,此处的过去分词相当于一个定语从句:which was advertised。‎ 句意:我打电话来咨询一下昨天中国日报上刊登职位的信息。‎ ‎7.(福建卷25).Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock , supplies to Yushu, Oinghai province after the earthquake.‎ ‎ A. sending B. to send C. having sent D. to have sent ‎ 解析:现在分词短语作伴随状语。‎ ‎8.(福建卷34). In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.[来源:A. sticking B. stuck C. to be stuck D. to have stuck 解析:非谓语动词与它的逻辑主语thousands of holidaymakers thousands of holidaymakers之间存在被动关系,且该动作已经完成(被阻止…..)。‎ ‎9.(湖南卷21). Listen! Do you hear someone __________for help?‎ A. calling B. call C. to call D. called 解析:该空在句中为非谓语动词作宾补,根据 someone与call的主动关系排除D项。hear后接不定式作宾补时应省略to,由此排除C项。由listen可判断此处表示正在求救,故选A项。‎ ‎10.(湖南卷26 Dina, _______ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.‎ A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D . to struggle 解析:该空,分词短语作时间状语,其逻辑主语Dina与struggle为主动关系,故排除B项。由剧中的finally可知非谓语动词表示的动作发生在句中谓语took a position之前,故用现在分词的完成主动式。‎ ‎11.(湖南卷30). So far nobody has claimed the money ___________________in the library.‎ A. discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered 解析:该空在句中作后置定语修饰the money,根据the money与discover的被动关系,排除C、D两项。B项表示的是“将要被发现”的意思,根据句意“到目前为止还没有人来认领在图书馆所发现的钱”可判断选A项。‎ ‎12.(江苏卷28). The retired man donated most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake in Yushu,‎ ‎________ the students to return to their classrooms. ‎ A. enabling B. having enabled C. to enable D. to have enabled 解析:现在分词短语作结果状语。即:在他捐献后的结果。‎ ‎13.(江西卷24). The lady walked around the shops, an eye out for bargains.‎ A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 解析:句子主语lady和keep 之间是主动关系, 而且walk和keep 同时发生,现在分词短语作伴随状语。‎ ‎14.(江西卷32). There were many talented actors out there just waiting .‎ A. to discover B. to be discovered C. discovered D .being discovered 解析:演员等待被发现,用被动,发现发生在等待之后,所以用不定式。‎ ‎ 与11(湖南卷30)题进行比较。‎ ‎15.(辽宁卷25). We were astonished _______ the temple still in its original condition.‎ A. finding B. to find C. find D. to be found[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K]‎ 解析:考查非谓语动词。be astonished 后应该跟动词不定式做状语。‎ 句意:我们吃惊地发现那座庙仍然还是原来的状况。‎ ‎16.(辽宁卷35). Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles .‎ A. to recognize B. recognizing C. recognize D. recognized ‎ 解析:考查非谓语动词用法。宾语work和recognize之间存在被动关系,所以用过去分词作宾语补足语。‎ ‎ =have+宾语+done的结构。‎ 句意:亚历山大试图让他的工作在医学圈内得到认可。‎ ‎17.(山东卷23). I have a lot of readings _____ before the end of this term.‎ ‎ A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed 解析:句意应为“这个学期结束前,我有很多阅读练习要做。”由于时间状语before the end of this term表达未来的时间,所以空格处使用动词不定式表示将来,充当readings的定语。注意不是have+宾语+done的结构。‎ ‎18.(山东卷29). The living room is clean and tidy, with a dining table already ______ for a meal to be cooked.‎ ‎ A. laid B. laying C. to lay D. being laid ‎ 解析:非谓语动词作定语。table与“放置”这个动作之间主存在逻辑上的被动关系。桌子应该是被放置,‎ 选择laid。‎ ‎19.(陕西卷16)._____from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. ‎ ‎ A. Seen B. Seeing C. Have seen D. To see ‎ 解析:此处是非谓语动词做状语,逻辑主语是句子的主语,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系,用过去分词,选A。‎ ‎20.(陕西卷19). His first book next month is based on a true story. ‎ ‎ A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published 解析:非谓语动词做后置定语,由时间状语next month可知所填非谓语动词表示将来的动作,用动词不定式,其逻辑主语是所修饰的名词book,不定式与逻辑主语是被动关系,故用不定式的被动式,选B。‎ ‎21.(四川卷11). In many people’s opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant . ‎ ‎ A. to deal with B. dealing with C. to be dealt with D. dealt with 解析:考查不定式句型sb./sth. is adj./n. to do。该句型相当于to do sth. is adj./n.。命题人在该句型中插入了though状语,有一定的干扰。此题实际是that company is pleasant to deal with= to deal with that company is pleasant。‎ ‎22.(四川卷4) A great number of students said they were forced to practise the piano. ‎ A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning 解析:question与students存在被动关系,question表示的动作也已完成,故用过去分词。‎ ‎23.(四川卷17). The lawyer listened with full attention, to miss any point. ‎ ‎ A. not trying B. trying not C. to try not D. not to try 解析:句中listen和try not to miss为同时进行的动作,故用现在分词的一般式做伴随状语。又动词不定式的否定式要在其前加not.故选B。‎ ‎24.(天津卷12). I rained heavily in the south, _______ serious flooding in several provinces.‎ A. caused B. having caused C. causing D. to cause 解析:空格后serious flooding是rained heavily的后果,而且句子主语it和cause之间存在主动关系,所以此处要用动词的ing形式作结果状语。‎ 句意:南方下了大雨,造成好几个省分的严重洪灾。‎ ‎25.(重庆卷30). The news shocked the public, to great concern about students’ safety at school.‎ A. having led B. led C. leading D. to lead 解析:The news和lead之间是主动关系,并作shocked的伴随状语,所以用leading。‎ 句意:这个消息使公众震惊,也引起了人们对学生在校安全的关注。‎ ‎26.(重庆卷34). Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one first is the library.‎ A. repaired B. being repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired 解析:the one指代前面提到的buildings与repair是动宾关系,由前半句房屋需要修缮可知修缮这个动作发生在need之后,所以用to be repaired.‎ ‎25.(浙江卷8). The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if __ regularly, can improve our health.‎ ‎ A. being carried out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 解析:=if proper amounts of exercise are carried out 句意:这个实验表明合理的运动量可以促进我们的健康,如果运动量有规律的进行的话。‎ ‎27.(浙江卷20). The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and __ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.‎ ‎ A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing 解析:根据句子结构:主语:the traffic rule;谓语动词:says;宾语从句:young children under the age of four and ____ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat。宾语从句中的主干为:young children must be in a child safety seat。under the age of four and ____ less than 40 pounds用于修饰宾语从句主语children。动词weigh与名词children是主动关系,所以选择weighing。‎ 句意:交通法则规定四岁以下并且体重不超过四十磅的婴儿必须坐在婴儿安全座上。‎ ‎29.(上海卷32). I had great difficulty the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.‎ A. find B. found C. to find D. finding 解析:have difficulty(in)doing sth.的结构:做某事有困难。‎ ‎30.(上海卷33). Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues_______ with her stories.‎ ‎ A. amused B. amusing C. to amuse D. to be amused ‎ 解析:过去分词作宾语补足语。与它所修饰的her colleagues存在被动关系。(be)amused with…‎ ‎31.(上海卷35). the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.[来源:Z§xx§k.Com]‎ ‎ A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached ‎ 解析:现在分词作时间状语,此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语。‎ ‎32.(上海卷40). Thai is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.‎ A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce 解析:此处应该用不定式the way to do sth表示做……的途径、方式。the only way to do……,we can imagine 做定语,前面省略了that.‎ 十、定语从句 ‎1.(全国I 24). As a child, Jack studied in a village school, __ _ is named after his grandfather.‎ A. which B. where C. what D. that ‎ 解析:根据选项此题考察从句,空格设置在名词school后,且school后有逗号,此题考察非限定性定语从句。定语从句所修饰的先行词是school,它在定于从句中做主语,因此使用关系代词,选项中的关系代词只有which和that,由于是非限定性定语从句,不能使用that,因此选择A。‎ 句意:还是孩子的时候,Jack 在以他祖父命名的乡村学校学习。‎ ‎2.(全国II 16). I refuse to accept the blame for something _____ was someone else’s fault.‎ A. who B. that C. as D. what 解析:不定代词something作先行词,定语从句用that引导。‎ ‎3.(北京卷27). Children who are not active or diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.‎ ‎ A. what B. whose C. which D. that ‎ 解析:本定语从句不缺成分,为主系表结构,因此只能在考虑填关系副词。A中的what不能引导定语从句。选B.whose谁的,符合题意。‎ 句意:不爱运动或者饮食热量偏高的孩子们会很快发胖。‎ ‎4.(福建卷24).Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planets life has developed gradually. ‎ A. that B. where C. which D. whose 解析:先行词为planets,表示地点,故用where。‎ ‎5.(湖南卷28). I’ve become good friend with several of the student in my school _______I meet in the English speech contest last year.‎ A. who B. where C. when D. which ‎ 解析:该空引导定语从句修饰表示人的先行词the students,且在从句中作met的宾语,故选关系代词who,即A项。‎ ‎6.(江苏卷32). The newly built café, the walls of_______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.‎ A. that B. it C. what D. which ‎ 解析:选D定语从句表示咖啡屋的墙。=whose walls…=of which the walls…‎ ‎7.(江西卷31).The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister she would stay for an hour.‎ A. where B. who C. which D. what 解析:先行词为centre, she would stay for an hour不缺宾语或主语,故要填的先行词作状语,表地点用where。‎ ‎8.(山东卷24). That’s the new machine ______ parts are too small to be seen.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. whose D. what ‎ 解析:句意应为“那就是那台零部件小得几乎看不见的新机器。”空格处引导定语从句并且在从句中作定语使用,所以使用whose。‎ ‎9.(陕西卷11). The old temple‎ ‎‎_______‎ roof was damaged in storm is now under repair. ‎ A. where B. which C. its D. whose 解析:所填词引导定语从句,先行词是the old ‎ temple,关系词在从句中做roof的定语,用关系代词whose,选D。其余选项与题意不符。‎ ‎10.(四川卷10). After graduating from college,I took some time off to go travelling, turned out to be a wise decision. ‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. when D. where 解析:此处应为which引导的非限制性定语从句,which代替前边整个句子所说的内容。‎ 句意:大学毕业后,我们休假一段时间去旅游,结果证明这是一个明智的决定。‎ ‎11.(天津卷8).—Can you believe I had to pay 30 dollars for a haircut?‎ ‎—You should try the barber’s ______ I go. It’s only 15.‎ A. as B. which C. where D. that 解析:句中the barber’s 是先行词,从句中go 是不及物动词,所选关系代词在从句中作状语,所以要用where。‎ 句意:—你能相信我理一次发得花20美元吗?‎ ‎—你应该到我常去的那家理发店试试,那儿只需要15美元。‎ ‎12.(重庆卷28). In China, the number of cities increasing development is recognized across the world.‎ A. where B. which C. whose D. that 解析:development与先行词cities之间是所属关系,所以选whose。‎ 句意:在中国,城市的数量在增加,城市的发展被全世界意识到。‎ ‎13.(浙江卷3). The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people, many of __ left their village homes for a better life in the city.‎ ‎ A. whom B. which C. them D. those ‎ 解析:由many之后的逗号和选项特征,此处是主从句关系,排除C、D项。由于先行词是“1,000 people”,表示人,故用whom。‎ 句意:这里居住着将近1000人,他们中的许多人都背井离乡去城市追求更美好的生活。‎ ‎14.(上海卷38). Wind power is an ancient source of energy we may return in the near future.‎ A. on which B. by which C. to which D. from which ‎ 解析:考查介词+which的用法。=Wind power is an ancient source of energy whichthat we may return to in ‎ the near future.‎ 十一、状语从句 ‎1.(全国卷I 25). Mary made coffee ________ her guests were finishing their meal.‎ A. so that B although C. while D. as if 解析:根据选项此题考察连词的用法。so that译为“以便”表示目的,although译为“尽管,虽然”,as if译为“好像”,while译为“当….的时候”,因此while符合句意,选择C。‎ 句意:当客人们将要结束用餐的时候Mary做完了咖啡。‎ ‎2.(全国卷I 30). The little boy won’t go to sleep ______________his mother tells him a story.‎ A. or B. unless C. but D. whether 解析:根据选项此题考察连词的用法。or译为“或者”表示选择,unless译为“除非”表示条件,but译为“但是”表示转折,whether译为“是否”,根据句意选择B。‎ 句意:除非他的妈妈给他讲故事这个小男孩儿是不会睡觉的。‎ ‎3.(全国卷II 7). Tom was about to close the windows_____ his attention was caught by a bird.‎ A. when B. if C. and D. till 解析:when…表示这时,突然……‎ ‎4.(安徽卷29). The engineer are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor sports activities, ___they have the interest.‎ A. wherever B. Whenever C. even if D. as if ‎ 解析:句意为“工程师们非常繁忙,即使(even if)有户外体育活动的兴趣也没有时间去做。”‎ ‎5.(安徽卷33). Just use this room for the time being, and we’ll offer you a larger one ____it becomes available.‎ A. as soon as B. unless C. as far as D. until 解析:句意为“仅暂时使用此房间,它一旦(as soon as)可以正常使用,我们就提供你一个大点的。”‎ ‎6.(北京卷30). they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.‎ ‎ A. As B. While C. Until D. Once 解析:此题重在句意的判断。"一旦学生们决定了去哪所大学读书,他们就得研究下办理入学的手续。"A. As当;因为...B. while做连词强调一件事发生时另外一个动作正在进行;C. Until直到...D. Once一旦。因此选D ‎7.(福建卷26).The girl had hardly rung the bell the door was opened suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her .‎ A. before B. until C. as D. since 解析:根据 “rung the bell” 和 “the door was opened”的发生先后,可以得出答案。‎ 句意:女孩还没来得及按门铃,门就突然打开了。她的朋友们一拥而上去欢迎她。‎ ‎8.(湖南卷32). Tim is in good shape physically__________ he doesn’t get much exercise.‎ A. if B. even though C. unless D. as long as 解析:句意为:“尽管Tim不经常锻炼,但他身材很好。”前后是让步转折关系,故选B项。‎ ‎9.(江西卷22).— Our holiday cost a lot of money.‎ ‎— Did it? Well, that doesn`t matter you enjoyed yourselves.‎ A. as long as B. unless C. as soon as D. though 解析:as long as只要,unless 除非否则,as soon as一……就,though虽然,根据后一句为只要你玩得开心,花多少钱并不重要,就能搞定答案。‎ ‎10.(辽宁卷29). The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _______ he wanted to sit next to his wife.‎ A. although B. unless C. because D. if 解析:考查从属连词。空格前后两个句子在逻辑意义上存在原因关系,所以用because引导原因状语从 句。Although引导让步状语从句,unless和if引导条件状语从句。‎ 句意:这位老人叫露丝挪到另一把椅子上因为他想跟他妻子挨着坐。‎ ‎11.(山东卷28). The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ______ accompanied by an adult. ‎ ‎ A. once B. when C. if D. unless ‎ 解析:句意应为“学校规章规定:除非有成年人陪同,否则孩子们在校期间不能出学校。”表示“除非”用unless。该句式构成了“连词+过去分词”结构,相当于一个状语从句= unless they are accompanied by an adult.。‎ ‎12.(陕西卷20). John thinks it won’t be long he is ready for his new job.‎ ‎ A. when B. after C. before D. since 解析:所填词引导状语从句,构成It(will)be+时间段+状语从句,意思是:过多久才将......,选C。‎ ‎13.(四川卷20). Because of the heavy traffic,it was already time for lunch break she got to her office. ‎ ‎ A. since B. that C. when D. until ‎ 解析:句意为:“因为交通阻塞,当她到达办公室时已经是午休的时间了。”,此处应为when引导的时间状语从句,故正确答案为C。‎ ‎14.(重庆卷32). Today, we will begin we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.‎ A. when B. where C. how D. what 解析:由句意:今天,为了不遗漏要点,我们从昨天结束的地方开始。where引导地点状语从句。‎ ‎15.(上海卷34). you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.‎ ‎ A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem 解析:根据句意“无论你有多么严重的问题,你都应该鼓起勇气面对挑战”,而however表让步时其顺序应是:however+形容词+主语+谓语。however做连接副词,相当于no matter how,后接形容词或副词,意为“无论、不管”,引导让步状语从句,其序为“however+形容词、副词+主语+谓语”。‎ ‎16.(上海卷39). our manager objects to Tom's joining the club, we shall accept him as a member.‎ ‎ A. Until B. Unless C If D. After 解析:此句意思是“除非我们经理反对汤姆加入俱乐部,不然我们都应接受他成为其中的一员。”‎ 十二、名词性从句 ‎1.(全国卷I卷33).We haven’t discussed yet _______ we are going to place our new furniture.‎ A. that B. which C. what D. where 解析:根据选项此题考察从句。题干中空格划在动词discuss的后面,因此考察宾语从句,根据句意在宾语从句中缺少地点状语,因此选择D。‎ 句意:我们还没有讨论要将我们的新家具放在哪里的问题。‎ ‎2.(全国II卷10) —Have you finished the book?‎ ‎—No. I’ve read up to _____ the children discover the secret cave.‎ A. which B. what C. that D. where 解析:to介词结构,后接宾语从句;而句意是“读到孩子们发现秘密洞穴的地方”,故用where引导这个宾语从句最合适。‎ ‎3.(北京卷31).I want to be liked and loved for I am inside.‎ ‎ A. who B. where C. what D. how 解析:what既要引导介词for的宾语从句,又要在从句中充当表语。‎ ‎4.(北京卷32). Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was __ it was rather closely modeled on his own life.‎ ‎ A. what B. that C. why D. whether ‎ 解析:从句不缺成分,因此用that来引导。‎ 句意:狄更斯喜欢他自己创作的小说大卫科波菲尔的部分原因是小说非常贴近他本人的真实生活。‎ ‎5.(北京卷33). some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.‎ A. Whether B. What C. That D. How 解析:从句中缺宾语,只能用B. what来引导。C.中的That引导主语从句但不做任何成分。‎ 句意:一些人眼中的缺点是别人眼中的优点。‎ ‎6.(福建卷35). We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have we have here and treat food nicely.‎ A. that B. which C. what D. whether 解析:what既要引导宾语从句,又要在宾语从句中作宾语。‎ ‎7.(湖南卷35). Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears .No one in the office knew_________ she was so angry.‎ A. where B. whether C. that D. why 解析:该空引导宾语从句,根据句意“办公室中没人知道她为什么如此生气”可判断选D项。‎ ‎8.(江苏卷35).—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.‎ ‎ —That’s_______ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life.‎ A. where B. how C. when D. what 解析:这就是我不同意的地方.agree 是不及物动词,所以用where. 用表语从句.‎ ‎9.(辽宁卷34). —-It’s no use having ideas only . ‎ ‎—-Don’t worry. Peter can show you ________to turn an idea into an act.‎ A. how B. who C. what D. where 解析:考查连接词的用法。虽然四个词都可以和动词不定式连用,但是意义不同。how表示“怎样”,强调方式。而who和what是连接代词,在不定式短语中作宾语,此句中动词不定式有宾语,不再需要宾语,所以排除,where则强调地点。与上一句不对应。本句相当于一个宾语从句:how you will turn an idea into an act.‎ 句意:——光有主意没用。——不用担心,皮特可以教你怎样把主意变为行动。‎ ‎10.(山东卷26). Before the sales start, I make a list of ______ my kids will need for the coming season.‎ ‎ A. why B. what C. how D. which 解析:分析句式结构可知,只有what才能既引导宾语从句又在从句中充当need的宾语。‎ 句意:“在大甩卖开始前,我把孩子们在下个季节里要用到的东西列了一个清单。”‎ ‎11.(陕西卷18). It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. ‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. that D. if ‎ 解析:考查固定句型。It occurs/occurred to sb that ...是固定句型,意思是:突然想起......,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是有that引导的主语从句,选C。‎ ‎12.(四川卷14). How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on he goes with,whether his friends or relatives. ‎ ‎ A. what B. who C. how D. why 解析:根据句末的 whether his friends or relatives可知应是和谁去,故选B。‎ 句意:一个人旅游享受得如何很大程度上取决于他和谁去,无论是他的朋友还是亲戚。‎ ‎13.(天津卷14). As a new graduate, he doesn’t know _______ it takes to start a business here.‎ A. how B. what C. when D. which 解析:空格后的从句中takes动词,其后缺少宾语,所以引导该宾语从句的连接词要用what。‎ 句意:作为一名新毕业生,他不知道需要些什么才能在这里开办企业。‎ ‎14.(重庆卷25). To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions had used the products.‎ A. whoever B. who C. whichever D. which 解析:ask的宾语从句。=anyone who had used the products.宾语从句后置来保持句子平衡。To improve the quality of our products we asked whoever had used the produst for suggestions.‎ ‎15.(浙江卷1).-How about camping this weekend, just for a change?‎ ‎ -OK,__ you want.‎ ‎ A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever 解析:句意:“这个周末野营怎么样,来点新鲜的?”“好啊,按你的意思吧!”根据语境分析出后者无条件服从前者提出的观点。‎ ‎16.(浙江卷9). It is uncertain _ _ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.‎ ‎ A. that B. what C. how D. whether 解析:根据句意:尽管大约有两千名病人服用过这种药物,但是,它会带来什么样的副作用还不确定。side effect意思是“副作用”,还原主语从句中的主干就是the medicine will bring about ______ side effect。故选择what,形容词“什么样的”,起修饰作用。‎ ‎17.(上海卷36). One reason for her preference for city life is she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.‎ A. that B. how C. what D. why 解析:that引导表语从句,在从句中that不充当任何成分,只起连接作用,BCD三个选项在从句中是要充当成分的。‎ ‎18.(上海卷37). When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know ‎ ‎ A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering C. is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering 解析:which引导的句子做know的宾语,句子用陈述语序。‎ 句意:改道时,驾驶员应该打开转向灯,好让其他驾驶员知道他要走那条道。‎ 十三、特殊句式(强调句、倒装句)‎ ‎1.(安徽卷27).It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.‎ A. where B. that C. when D. which 解析:迷惑点在于强调部分中含有一个定语从句that she had bought in the village。本句是对from only a few ‎ supplies进行强调。‎ ‎2.(湖南卷25). John’s success has nothing to do with good luck. It is years of hard work _________has made him what he is today.‎ A. why B. when C. when D. that ‎ 解析:题干为强调句型,被强调部分为years of hard work,故选D项。‎ ‎3.(江苏卷33). —Is everyone here? ‎ ‎—Not yet. Look, there_______ the rest of our guests!‎ A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming 解析:there引导的倒装句谓语动词要跟后面的主语一致,且用一般现在时表示将来。‎ ‎4.(江西卷33). Not until he left his home to know how important the family was for him.‎ A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he has began 解析:not until所引导的状语(从句)放在句首要用部分倒装。‎ ‎5.(陕西卷17). John opened the door. There _____ he had never seen before. ‎ ‎ A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl 解析:Here, There, Thus, Then等副词位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装句,选D。‎ ‎6.(四川卷19). If you have a job, yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed. ‎ ‎ A. do devote B. don't devote C. devoting D. not devoting 解析:此处应是祈使句,又有谓语动词的强调要借助助动词do,故选A。句意为:“如果你有了一份工作,付出努力去做它,最后你定能成功。”‎ ‎7.(四川卷9). We laugh at jokes,but seldom about how they work. ‎ ‎ A.we think B.think we C. we do think D. do we think ‎ 解析:seldom为否定副词放句首,用部分倒装,故选D。‎ ‎8.(重庆卷33). At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing River , one of the largest cities in China.‎ A.lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie 解析:表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。‎ 十四、情景交际和谚语 ‎1.(全国I卷31).—Everybody is going to climb the mountain. Can I go too, mom?‎ ‎—______ Wait till you are old enough, dear.‎ A.Will you? B.Why not? C.I hope so. D.I’m afraid not.‎ 解析:Will you用于请求第三者的同意,Why not译为“为什么不去做……”用于向别人提建议,I hope so译为“我也希望是这样”,I am afraid not译为恐怕不行,根据句意选择D。‎ 句意:——每个人都要去爬山,我也能去吗妈妈?‎ ‎——恐怕不行,亲爱的,等你长大的吧。‎ ‎2. (全国I卷35).—Was he sorry for what he’d done?—_________.‎ A. No wonder B. Well done C. Not really D. Go ahead 解析:no wonder“不足为奇”,well done译为“做得好”,not really译为“事实上没有”, “Go ahead”译为“做吧”。根据句意选择C。‎ 句意:——他为他所做的事情道歉了吗?‎ ‎——事实上没有。‎ ‎3.(全国II卷6).—Is it all right if I keep this photo?—_______.‎ A. No,you don’t B. No, it shouldn’t C. I’m afraid not D. Don’t keep it 解析:不同意对方的委婉拒绝方式用I’m afraid not。‎ ‎4.(全国II卷18). –Can I help you? Are you looking for anything in particular today?‎ ‎—_____,we’re just looking.‎ A. Yes, please B. No, thank you C. Yes,you can D. No, you needn’t 解析:‎ 结合语境,考查拒绝帮助的答语。问话者想给对方提供帮助,答语者要么拒绝,要么接受,但是要考虑礼貌用语,所以不选A,选择B。‎ ‎5.(安徽卷24).—Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?‎ ‎— , does it?‎ A.It makes no time B. It counts for nothing C. It doesn’t hurt to ask D. It doesn’t make sense 解析:It doesn’t hurt to ask意为“又不是不能问;问一下也无妨”; It counts for nothing意为“这不算什 么”; It doesn’t make sense意为“没有意义;讲不通”; It take no time意为“这不花时间”。‎ 句意:——你知道Linda是否愿负责这个项目吗?‎ ‎——问一下也无妨,不是吗?‎ ‎6.(安徽卷35).—______?‎ ‎—That would be great! Please drop me off at the library.‎ A .Could you bring me the bill B. Would you like me to give you a lift C. Could you tell me the postcode for Patia D. Would you like to have my e-mail address.‎ 解析:——你想让我给你打个便车吗would you like me to give you a lift?‎ ‎——太棒了!请到图书馆让我下车。”‎ ‎7.(江苏卷27). —Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?‎ ‎—_________.Ours is much stronger than theirs.‎ A. Of course B. It depends C. Don’t mention it D. By no means 解析:by no means 表示绝不。而Of course当然,It depends.表示看情况而定,Don’t mention it不要提。‎ ‎8.(江苏卷31).—I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ‎ ‎ —Why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.‎ A. great minds think alike B. two heads are better than one C. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush D. it’s better to think twice before doing something 解析:B表示三个臭皮匠凑成诸葛亮。. A英雄所见略同。‎ C一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林。 D三思而后行。‎ ‎9.(江西卷21). —Do you enjoy your present job? — . I just do it for a living.‎ A. Of course B. Not really C. Not likely D. Not a little 解析:of course 当然 not really 委婉说不 not likely 不可能 not a little 非常 前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道, 他仅仅是为了谋生。所以前一句答语应该是否定的,而且答语口气并不强烈,所以要用委婉的语气。‎ ‎10.(辽宁卷21).—I’ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors? —_______.‎ A. Yes,please B. No, I don’t C.Yes, sure D. No, not at all 解析:Would you please do…?是一个表示请求的句型,对该句型的回答,肯定同意用Sure./Certainly. /Of course. / By all means. / Yes, do please. / Here you are. / Help yourself. (可以/当然/拿去/请便。)否定I’m afraid… (我恐怕……)I’m sorry, but…(对不起,但是……)I’m sorry you can’t. /You’d better not. (很抱歉,不行。/你最好别这样。)显然,只有Yes,sure符合语境。‎ ‎11.(山东卷21). —Do you think you could do without help?‎ ‎ —______. This is not the first time for me.‎ ‎ A. Take care B. Hurry up C. Not exactly D. Don’t worry 解析:根据后置语境This is not the first time for me可知,答语应表示“没问题,别担心”之意,所以D项符合语境。‎ ‎12.(山东卷34). — Her father is very rich.‎ ‎—________ She wouldn’t accept his help even if it were offered.‎ ‎ A. What for? B. So what? C. No doubt. D. No wonder.‎ 解析:句意应为“---她父亲非常富裕。---那又怎么样?即使主动给她帮助,她也不会接受的。”表示“那又怎么样?”用So what? 。What for?表示“为了什么?”;No doubt 表示“毫无疑问”;No wonder 表示“毫不奇怪”。‎ ‎13.(陕西卷1)3. –What’s the noise? It sounds as if it comes from upstairs. ‎ ‎ --______.It must be the window-cleaner working, next door. ‎ A. I’m not sure B. I hope not C. I’d rather not D. I don’t think so ‎ 解析:A项意思是:我不确信;B项意思是:我希望不会;C项意思是:我宁愿不;D项意思是:我认为不会。根据应答句的后一分句意思可知所填部分表示对前一人的观点的否定,故选D。‎ ‎14.(陕西卷25). —What a fine day! Shall we go picnicking?‎ ‎ — . But we need to be home before six o’clock for the football match.. ‎ ‎ A. Have a nice time. B. Pardon me C. That’s great D. You are right 解析:Have a nice time:祝你玩的高兴;pardon me:原谅我;that’s great:那太好了;you are right:你说的对。由问句中的shall we. . . ?可知表示征求意见,由此情景可知此处选C。‎ ‎15.(四川卷)1. - Here’s your change.‎ ‎— ‎ A. Thank you. B. Don’t mention it. C. No problem D. With pleasure.‎ 解析:句意为:“这是找你的零钱。”“谢谢”。A符合语境。B用于回答道谢或道谦;C、D用于回答求助。‎ ‎16.(四川卷13).一I’m sorry. That wasn’t of much help. ‎ ‎ 一Oh, . As a matter of fact,it was most helpful. ‎ ‎ A. sure it was B. it doesn’t matter C. of course not D. thanks anyway 解析:后句中的As a matter of fact, it was most helpful,可知是对前句表意的否定,所以A项合适。句意为:“对不起,那帮助不太大。当然不是了,实际上,它很有用。”‎ ‎17.(天津卷2). —-Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me?‎ ‎ —-Sure._______?‎ A. What help B. What is this C. What is it D. What do you want ‎ 解析:第一个人询问是否可以帮忙,从第二个人的回答sure,可以知道他愿意,接着问,具体是什么事,用What is it?意思是“什么事?”。‎ 句意:—劳驾,你能帮帮我吗?—好的,什么事?‎ ‎18.(天津卷7).—Professor Johoson, I’m afraid I can’t finish the report within this week.‎ ‎—______. How about next week?‎ A. Good for you B. It won’t bother me C. Not at all D. That’s OK 解析:根据后面的How about next week,可以看出,Johnson教授已经确认这周完不成报告没关系,所以,用That’s OK。‎ 句意:—约翰逊教授,恐怕我这周完不成报告。 —好的,下周怎么样?‎ ‎19.(重庆卷26).—Honey, let’s go out four dinner.‎ ‎— I don’t have to cook.‎ A.Forget it! B.That’s great! C. Why? D. Go ahead.‎ 解析:句意为“亲爱的,我们出去吃饭吧。”“太好了,我不必做饭了。”所以选B。A. Forget it. 没关系 C. Why 为什么 D. Go ahead 随便 均不符合语境。‎ ‎20.(重庆卷35). — Have you played baseball before? We need one more player.‎ ‎— .I like ball games, so I believe it will be fun to learn baseball.‎ A. Sometimes B. Not really C. Never mind D. That’s cool 解析:not really 说明自己没打过棒球,与后面的“我认为学打棒球很有趣”相吻合。‎ ‎21.(浙江卷13).—Would she mind playing against her former teammates?‎ ‎ —__ She is willing to play against any tough players.‎ ‎ A. I think so. B. I'm not surprised. C. Of course. D. Not likely!‎ 解析:根据语境:“她会介意与她之前的队友们对垒吗?”“她喜欢与任何强劲的选手比赛。”分析四个选项:I think so. 我想是这样的。I’m not surprised. 一点也不奇怪。Of course. 当然。Not likely!(大概)不会。此处表示不介意,所以选择D。‎ ‎22.(浙江卷18).—According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.‎ ‎ — __ , scientists agree with her.‎ ‎ A. Sooner or later B. Once in a while C. To be exact D. Believe it or not 解析:根据句意:“根据我祖母的观点,感冒时喝鸡汤是个好主意。”“信不信由你,科学家也同意她的观点。”选择D。A迟早,B偶尔,有时,C准确地说等三个答案均不符合句意。‎ ‎2007-2009年高考英语试题分类汇编 一、冠词 ‎1. —Could you tell me the way to ____ Johnsons, please? —Sorry, we don’t have ____ Johnson here in the village. (2007 全国卷II) A. the; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /‎ ‎2. I looked under _____bed and found ______book I lost last week. (2007 北京卷)‎ A.the; a B. the: the C. 不填;the D. the:;不填 ‎3 ________ walk is expected to last all day, so bring------- packed lunch. (2007 山东卷)‎ A.A;a B.The; 不填 C.The ; a D.A ; 不填 ‎ ‎4. —How about Christmas evening party? (2007 福建卷)‎ ‎—I should say it was success.‎ A.a; a B.The; a C.a;不填 D.the; 不填 ‎5. Polar bears live mostly on______sea ice, which they use as ______platform for hunting seals. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. a; a B. a; the C. 不填; a D. the; 不填 ‎6. We have every reason to believe that_____ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be_____ success.(2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. / … a B. the … / C. the … a D. a … a ‎7. Many people have come to realize that they ahould go on ___balanced diet and make ____ room in their day for exercise. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.a;/ B.the; a C.the;the D./;a ‎8. In film Cast Away.Tom Hanks plays man named Chuck Noland. (2007 陕西卷)‎ A.a; the B.the; a C.the; the D.a; a ‎9. How about taking ______ short break? I want to make _______ call.(2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A.the;a B.a;the C.the;the D.a;a ‎10. I wanted to catch ________early train, but couldn’t get ________ ride to the station. (2007 天津卷)‎ A. an, the B. /, the C. an, / D. the, a ‎11. I like _____ color of your skirt. It is _____ good match for your blouse. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the ‎12. Gorge couldn’t remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was _____ Sunday because everybody was at _______ church. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. /; the B. the; / C. a; / D. /; a ‎13. Chrismas is _____ special holiday when _______ whole family are supposed to get together.(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. the, the B. a, a C. the, a D. a, the ‎(08湖南卷)22. Have you heard ______ news?The piece of _______ petrol is going up again!‎ A. the, the B. 不填,the C. the, 不填 D. 不填,不填 ‎(08江苏卷)21. We went right round to the west coast by ______ sea instead of driving across ______ continent.‎ A. the; the B.不填;the C. the; 不填 D. 不填;不填 ‎(08山东卷)21. Students should be encouraged to use ______ Internet as ______ resource.‎ ‎ A. 不填;a B. 不填; the C. the; the D. the; a ‎(08江西卷)30. --- I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting.‎ ‎--- It is not your fault. With __ rush-hour traffic and __ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.‎ A. a; a B. the; the C. /; / D. /; a ‎(08辽宁卷)24. My neighbor asked me to go for ______ walk, but I don’t think I’ve got ______ energy.‎ ‎ A. a; 不填 B. the; the C. 不填;the D. a; the ‎(08全国II)8. It’s not ___ good idea to drive for four hours without ___ break.‎ A. a ; a B. the ; a C. the ; the D. a ; the ‎(08陕西卷)10. I ate _________ sandwich while I was waiting for _________ 20:08 train.‎ A. the, a B. the, the C. a, the D. a, a ‎(08四川卷)8. In the United States, there is always ____ flow of people to areas of ______ country where more jobs can be found.‎ ‎ A. a; the B. the ; a C. the; the D. a; a ‎(08浙江卷)2. ______ apple fell from the tree and hit him on ______ head.‎ A. An; the B. The; the C. An; 不填 D. The; 不填 ‎(08重庆卷)27. In many places in China, ___ bicycle is still ___ popular means of transportation.‎ A. a; the B. /; a C. the; a D. the;the ‎(09安徽)1. We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world. ‎ A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎(09北京)2. The biggest whale is ___ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the height of ____ 9-story building. ‎ A. the; the B. a; a C. a; the D. the; a ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎(09江西)3. Some people fear that ________ air pollution may bring about changes in _______ weather around the world. ‎ A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a ‎ ‎【答案】A 考查冠词用法。Air pollution 是抽象名词这里是泛指,weather 这里是特指全球的气候,根据the weather around the world 可知。‎ ‎(09海南)4. Let’s go to cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for while A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a ; a ‎【答案】B。 考查冠词的用法go to the cinema 表示具体的某地,for a while 固定搭配,表示“一会儿”。‎ ‎(09陕西)5. What pity that you couldn’t be there to receive prize!‎ A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the ‎【答案】C 考查冠词。第一空所填冠词与上下文构成固定句型what a pity that…,用不定冠词a;第二空后名词表示表特指,用定冠词the,选C。‎ ‎(09四川)6. In order to find _______ better job, he decided to study _________ second foreign language. ‎ A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the ‎ ‎【答案】B 考查冠词的用法。该题的意思是:为了找到一个更好的工作,他决定再学习另外一门外语。第一空表示泛指;第二空用a +序数词+名词表示又一,再一。 ‎ ‎(09浙江)7.I don’t understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got ______ rough idea of _____ project plan.‎ A. the; a B. 不填; the C. the; 不填 D. a; the ‎【答案】D ‎(09重庆)8, Washing machines made by China have won worldwide attention and Haier has become popular name.‎ A. a; the         B. /; a C. /; the         D. the; a ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎(09全国2 )9. What I need is book that contains ABC of oil painting. ‎ A. a; 不填 B. the; 不填 C. the; an D. a; the ‎ ‎【答案】D 二、名词 ‎1. My morning ______ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. drill B. action C. regulation D. routine ‎2. I can’t say which wine is beat—it’s a (n) __________ of personal taste.(2007 山东卷)‎ A.affair B.event C.matter D.variety ‎3. The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common ______in many parts of the city. (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. look B. sign C. sight D. appearance ‎4. —You are always full of . Can you tell me the secret? (2007 福建卷)‎ ‎—Taking plenty of exercise every day.‎ A. power B. strength C. force D. energy ‎5. Despite such a big difference in towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west ‎ regard the Chinese food as something special.(2007 湖北卷)‎ A. point B. idea C. attitude D. sight ‎6. AIDS control and prevention is a to China as well as the whole world.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.surprise B.challenge C.reaction D.threat ‎7. He and his wife are of the same ;they both want their son to go to college. (2007 陕西卷)‎ A. soul B. spirit C. heart D. mind ‎8. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living ________(2007 天津卷)‎ A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges ‎9. Of the seven days in the a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular ____ for a wedding in some countries.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. way B. situation C. event D. choice ‎ ‎10. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _____ of exercise.(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. limit B. lack C. need D. demand ‎(08安徽卷)24. To save some of the human languages before they are forgotten, the students in our school started a discussion “Save Our ________”‎ ‎ A. Sky B. Life C. Arts D. Voices ‎(08福建卷)32. What’s the _____ of having a public open space where you can’t eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?‎ ‎ A. sense B. matter C. case D. opinion ‎(08江苏卷)25. —I can’t repair these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.‎ ‎—That’s OK, there’s ______.‎ A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry ‎(08江苏卷)28. —Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?‎ ‎—Because the old one has been damaged ______.‎ A. beyond reach B. beyond repair ‎ C. beyond control D. beyond description ‎(08山东卷)34. I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real ______.‎ A. exchange B. bargain C. trade D. business ‎(08江西卷)27. ---Shall we go out for a walk?‎ ‎--- Sorry. This is not the right ____ to invite me. I am too tired to walk.‎ A. moment B. situation C. place D. chance ‎(08浙江卷)15. Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.‎ A. sense B. view C. means D. idea ‎(08湖北卷)22. The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly______‎ ‎ A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon ‎(08天津卷)11. Most air pollution is caused by the burning of ____ like coal, gas and oil.‎ ‎ A. fuels B. articles C. goods D. products ‎(09安徽)1. China has got a good for fighting against the flu with its careful and smooth organization.‎ A. reputation B. influence C. impression D. knowledge ‎【答案】A ‎(09福建)2. The World Health Organization gave a warning to the public without any when the virus of ‎ H1N1 hit Mexico in April, 2009.‎ A. delay B. effort C. schedule D. consideration ‎【答案】A 名词词义辨析。delay:耽搁,延误;effort:努力;schedule:时间表;consideration:考虑,体谅;关心。题干意思是:当H1N1型2009年4月袭击墨西哥时,世界卫生组织毫不犹豫地向人们提出了警告。选A。‎ ‎(09湖北)3. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for ______ building.‎ A. respect B. friendship C. reputation D. character ‎【答案】D. 根据常识便可知运动既可增强体质也可强健个性,不会增强尊敬或名声,友谊可以增强,但与前面health不搭配,故答案为character。‎ ‎(09湖北)4. In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a ______ for everyone to stand up.‎ A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure ‎【答案】A. 根据句意可知打铃及老师合上书本,这是下课的暗示,选项中只能选择signal。chance“机会”,mark“分数,痕迹”,measure“方法,措施”。‎ ‎(09江西)5. The ____________ shoes were covered with mud, so I asked them to take them off before they got into __________ car.‎ A. girl’s; Tom’s B. girls’; Toms’ C. girls’; Tom’s D. girl’s; Toms’ K5u ‎【答案】C 名词所有格形式。根据题干后半部分的them可知对应复数girls。此题较易 ‎(09海南)6. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to them too hard.‎ A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push ‎【答案】D。‎ ‎【解析】句意为:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把它们太难了。push 推,挤,逼迫;strike v. 打,罢工,划燃rush v. 冲进,匆促行事,催draw v. 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意,应选D。‎ ‎(09山东7. -------He says that my new car is a ____________ of money.‎ ‎-------Don’t you think those words are just sour grapes?‎ A. lack B. load C. question D. waste ‎【答案】D 考查单词的区别:lack缺乏;load负担;question疑问;waste 浪费;根据句意,尤其是下句的sour grapes(酸葡萄)可知答案选D。‎ ‎(09陕西)8. Form their ________ on the top of the TV Tower, visitors can have a better view of the city.‎ A. stage B. position C. condition D. situation ‎【答案】B 名词词义辨析;stage:舞台,时期,阶段;position:位置;condition:条件,情况;situation:形式,情况;情景;根据空前的物主代词their可以推断出此处选B。题干意思是:从他们在电视塔顶部的位置,游客们可以更好地看到这个城市的景色。‎ ‎(09天津)9. I’m trying to break the _______ of getting up too late .‎ A. tradition B. convenience C. habit D. Leisure ‎【答案】C ‎(09浙江)10.The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ______ to the digital resources of the library.‎ A. access B. passage C. way D. approach ‎【答案】A ‎(代词、数词)‎ 一、代词、数词 ‎1. ___ felt funny watching myself on TV. (2007 全国卷II) A. One B. This C. It D. That ‎2. The mayor has offered a reward of $ 5000 to ______ who can capture the tiger alive or dead. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. both B. others C. anyone D. another ‎3. _____________ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. (2007 山东卷)‎ A.This B.That C.What D.It ‎ ‎4. He has made a lot of films,but ____ good ones.(2007 北京卷)‎ A.any B. some C. few D. many ‎5. The book is of great value. can be enjoyed unless you digest it. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.Nothing B.Somethin C.Everything D.Anything ‎6. To save class time, our teacher has ________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework.(2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. us B. we C. our D. ours ‎ ‎7. —What do you think of the performance today?‎ ‎ —Great! But a musical genius could perform so successfully. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody ‎8. —There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and bottow ? ‎ ‎—No, I’d rather buy in the bookstore.(2007 陕西卷)‎ A.it;one B.one;one C.one;it D.it;it ‎9. Treat to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. (2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.one B.Oneself C you D.yourself ‎10. Little joy can equal ________ of a surprising ending when you read stories.(2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A. that B. those C. any D. some ‎11. He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held(2007 天津卷)‎ A. this B. that C. it D. these ‎12. The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than ____ in the newspaper. (2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. it B. those C. one D. that ‎13. —He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.‎ ‎ —When was _____?‎ ‎ —_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. that; This B. this; It C. it; This D. that; It ‎14. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _______ left in the house.(2007 重庆卷)‎ A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something ‎(08全国I卷)30. —Which of the two computer games did you prefer?‎ ‎—Actually I didn’t like ______.‎ A. both of them B. either of them C. none of them D. neither of them ‎(08全国I卷)33. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ______ spoken in England.‎ A. which B. what C. that D. the one ‎(08安徽卷)21. The two girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other.‎ ‎ A. little B. much C. some D none ‎(08福建卷)21. –How do you find your new classmates?‎ ‎– Most of them are kind, but ____ is so good to me as Bruce.‎ A. none B. no one C. every one D. some one ‎ ‎(08湖南卷)21. Our nerghbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.‎ ‎ A. us,it B. us,itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, it ‎ ‎(08山东卷)27. Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ______ before you leave.‎ A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ‎(08江西卷)23. Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals ____ after an injury?‎ A. himself B. him C. itself D. it ‎(08辽宁卷)26. —Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?‎ ‎—Victoria Street? ______ is where the Grand Theatre is.‎ A. Such B. There C. That D. This ‎(08陕西卷)12. He doesn’t have _________ furniture in his room --just an old desk.‎ A. any B. many C. some D. much ‎(08四川卷)11. The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _____ four percent.‎ ‎ A. any other B. the other C. another D. other ‎(08浙江卷)9. –I’d like some more cheese.‎ ‎ –Sorry, there’s ______ left.‎ A. some B. none C. a little D. few ‎(08北京卷)25. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.‎ ‎ A. none B. neither C. both D. each ‎(08天津卷)5. To know more about the British‎ ‎Museum, you can use the Internet to go to the library, or _______.‎ ‎ A. neither B. some C. all D. both ‎(08重庆卷)24.—Could we see each other at 3 o’clock this afternoon?‎ ‎ ---Sorry, let’s make it __ time.‎ ‎ A. other’s B. the other ‎ ‎ C. another D. other ‎ ‎(08上海卷)26. -- Do you want tea or coffee?    -- ______, I really don't mind. A. none B. neither C. either D. all ‎(09全国2卷)23. Charles was alone at home, with looking after him.‎ A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one ‎【答案】D ‎(09全国2 )24。The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get completely free.‎ A. other B. others C. one D. ones ‎【答案】C ‎(09北京)2. Being a parent is not always easy, and being the parent of a child with special needs often carries with ___extra stress.‎ A. it B. them C. one D. him ‎【答案】C ‎(09山东)3. I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that.‎ A. other B. another C. the other D. others ‎【答案】B 考查与other 相关的单词的区别,由题意知:我昨天一整天感到很糟糕,以至于我今天早晨决定我不会面对那样的一天。是指在未来的日子中的一天,故用another.‎ ‎(09陕西)4. Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer of them.‎ A. other B. any C. none D. some ‎【答案】B 考查不定代词。所填词与not构成全部否定,四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any,等于none,表全部否定,故选B。‎ ‎(09上海)5. -Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.‎ ‎-But _____ of them are in fashion now .‎ A. all B. both C. neither D. none ‎【答案】D ‎(09四川)6. I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy__________.‎ A. one B. it C. this D. that ‎【答案】B。 意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子,但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下来。第一句话中的this house表明在该语境中是特指的用法,所以答案为it,表示特指。该题容易误选one,要注意的是one表示泛指。‎ ‎(09浙江)7.-I’ve read another book this week.‎ ‎-Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.‎ A. this B. that C. there D. it ‎【答案】D ‎(09重庆)22. Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in way or another for the better. ‎ A. any    B. one C. every   D. either ‎【答案】B ‎(09江苏)25. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __ of their parents.‎ A. those              B. one             C. both             D. that ‎【答案】D ‎11. It is reported that the floods have left about _________ people homeless. [2007 浙江卷]‎ ‎ A. two thousand B. two-thousands C. two thousands D. two thousands of ‎ ‎(形容词和副词)‎ ‎1. After two years’ research, we now have a ____ better understanding of the disease. (2007 全国卷II) A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite ‎2. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ____ one. (2007 全国卷II) A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known ‎3. Alan is a careful driver, but he drives ______ of my friends. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. more carefully B. the most carefully C. less carefullyD. the least carefully ‎4. John was dismissed last week because of his ______ attitude towards his job. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. informal B. casual C. determined D. earnest ‎5. Since Tom ______ downloaded a virus into his computer, he can not open the file now. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. readily B. horribly C. accidentally D. irregularly ‎6. Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as defined as before, especially when both partners work ‎ and earn money for the family.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.clear B.clearer C.clearly D.more clearly ‎7. Although the country has had political independence for over a century, it needs the support of its ‎ neighbors.(2007 上海春)‎ A.naturally B.economically Cespecially D.luckily ‎8. The study surveyed 500 families and found the main ___problem people suffered was tiredness, followed ‎ by loneliness and anxiety. (2007 上海卷)‎ A.domestic B.public Cpsychological D.biological ‎9. —Do you need any help, Lucy?‎ ‎—Yes, The job is I could do myself.(2007 福建卷)‎ A.less than B.more than C.no more than D.not more than ‎10. She devoted herself to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field. (2007 湖北卷)‎ A.strongly B.extremely C.entirely D.freely ‎11. He began to take political science only when he left school. (2007 湖北卷)‎ A.strictly B.truly C.carefully D.seriously ‎12. This magazine is very with young people, who like its content and style.(2007 湖北卷)‎ A.familiar B.popular C.similar D.particular ‎13. Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a _______ environment. (2007 湖北卷)‎ A.peaceful B.sensitive C.common D.stable ‎14. It’s hard for him playing against me. I’ve got nothing to play for, but for him, he needs to win so ________. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. far B. well C. little D. badly ‎ ‎15. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” But there is ______ wisdom in this: “Love me, love my book.”(2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. some B. much C. more D. most ‎ ‎16. With April ‎18’‎s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with ______ service for passengers.(2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. good B. better C. best D. the best ‎17. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted _____if it had been put in the fridge for a little while.(2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.good B.better C.best D.well ‎18. Though he started late. Mr. Guo played the piano as well as,if .(2007 陕西卷)‎ A.not better than B.not better C.no better than D.better ‎19. It is nt socially ____________ for parents to leave children unattended at that age.(2007 山东卷) ‎ A.accessible B.adorable C.adaptable D.acceptable ‎ ‎20. The school' s music group will be giving a big show tomorrow night and two on the weekend. (2007 安徽卷)‎ A. more B. other C. else D. another ‎21. The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here ___.(2007 北京卷)‎ A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest ‎22. Of the two coats, I'd choose the ________ one to spare some money for a book. (2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive ‎23. A new ________ bus service to Tianjin‎ ‎Airport started to operate two months ago. (2007 天津卷)‎ A. normal B. usual C. regular D. common ‎24. Work gets done ______ when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. easily B. very easy C. more easily D. easier ‎25. The final score of the basketball match was 93-94.We were only ________ beaten.(2007 天津卷)‎ A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly ‎(08全国I卷)28. You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ______?‎ A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit more C. a bit more slowly D. slowly more a bit ‎(08全国I卷)32. The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.‎ A. really B. such C. too D. so ‎(08安徽卷)27.----- Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening?‎ ‎ ----- Excellent! Ales and Andy performed _________ and they won the firs prize.‎ ‎ A. skillfully B. commonly C. willingly D. nervously ‎(08福建卷)26. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _____ to people greeting him.‎ ‎ A. friendly B. lively C. worried D. cold ‎(08湖南卷)25. Last nighy Mr. Crook didn’t come back at the usual time. ______, he met some friends and stayed out until midnight.‎ A. Meanwhile B. However C. Instead D. Yet ‎ ‎(08江苏卷)30. It is ______ to spend money on preventing illnesses by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people ______ after they are ill.‎ A. good; good B. well; better C. better; better D. better; good ‎(8山东卷)33. Would it be ______ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?‎ A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient ‎(08江西卷)29. If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ___ during the day.‎ A. away B. Up C. in D. back ‎(08江西卷)33. Jack is late again. It is ___ of him to keep others waiting.‎ A. normal B. Ordinary C. common D. typical ‎ ‎(08辽宁卷)30. It looks like the weather is changing for ______. Shall we stick to our plan?‎ A. the worse B. worse C. the worst D. worst ‎(08辽宁卷)31. Please remain ______; the winner of the prize will be announced soon.‎ A. seating B. seated C. to seat D. to be seated ‎(08全国II)19. The house still needed a lot of work, but ___ the kitchen was finished.‎ A. instead B. altogether C. at once D. at least ‎(08陕西卷)16. Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs.‎ A. as twice large as B. twice as large as C. twice as much as D. as twice much as ‎ ‎(08四川卷)3. Although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _____ able to make a phone call.‎ ‎ A. still B. even C. also D. ever ‎(08四川卷)15. A cough is usually nothing to worry about unless it lasts for ten days ___.‎ ‎ A. or more B. instead C. at most D. only ‎(08浙江卷)3. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times______.‎ A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many ‎(08浙江卷)12. There are plenty of jobs ______ in the western part of the country.‎ A. present B. available C. precious D. convenient ‎(08浙江卷)18. Running a company is not ______ a matter of hiring people — they also need to be trained.‎ A. simply B. partly C. seriously D. equally ‎(08北京卷)26. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______.‎ ‎ A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired ‎ C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired ‎(08湖北卷)28. In those days, our ______ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care.‎ ‎ A. normal B. constant C. permanent D. primary ‎(08湖北卷)29. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only ______.‎ ‎ A. occasionally B. anxiously C. practically D. urgently ‎(08天津卷)2. My brother is really ____. He often works in his office far into the night.‎ ‎ A. open-minded B. hard-working C. self-confident D. warm-hearted ‎(08上海卷)27. In my view, London's not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is ___ in traffic. A. the most organized B. more organized C. so organized as D. as organized as ‎(09全国2 )14. The children loved their day trip, and they enjoyed the horse ride .‎ A. most B. more C. less D. little ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)‎ ‎(09全国2 )15. I’m sure that your letter will get attention. They know you’re waiting for the reply.‎ A. continued B. immediate C. careful D. general ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)‎ ‎(09全国2 )16. It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting .‎ A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查形容词(immediate)、副词等(most、much too与too much的区别)‎ ‎(09安徽)1 -- Do you think it's a good idea to make friends with your students?‎ ‎-- , I do. I think it's a great idea.‎ A. Really B. Obviously C. Actually D. Generally 答案:C ‎(09福建)2. It seems that living green is easy and affordable. A small step masks a big difference.‎ A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly ‎【答案】C 考查副词。exactly:准确地;fortunately:幸运地;surprisingly:惊讶地,出乎意料地;hardly:几乎不。题干意思是:似乎保护环境是出乎意料的简单可行,小小的行动能带来很大的不同。选C。‎ ‎(09湖北)3. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.‎ A. primary B. alternative C. instant D. unique ‎【答案】 B 考查形容词。既然石油和煤都越来越少,人们只好使用一些其它可替代这些燃料的东西,alternative 有“可选择的,可替代的”之意,符合句意。primary“首要的,初期的”,instant“立即的,迅速的”,unique“独特的”。‎ ‎(09湖北)4. The questionnaire takes ______ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview.‎ A. mainly B. punctually C. approximately D. precisely ‎【答案】 C 考查副词。这里意思是“问卷大约需要10至15分钟完成”,应选择approximately“大约地”。 mainly“主要地”,punctually“准时地”,precisely“精确地”。‎ ‎(09湖南)5.I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.‎ A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always ‎【答案】C 句意为:我绝不会成为一名教师。因为我不是一个很有耐心的人。seldom表示“很少”;ever表示“永远”用在肯定句中;never表示“绝不,从来没有” always 表示“总是”。‎ ‎(09江西)6. Frank put the mediocre in the top drawer to make sure it would not be_______ to the kids.‎ A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive ‎【答案】A考查形容词的辨析。Be accessible to 为……能够接近; be relative to 和……有关系; be acceptable to 为……所接受 ; be sensitive to 对……敏感, 易接受。‎ ‎(09海南)7. How much she looked without her glasses!‎ A. well B. good C. best D. better ‎【答案】D 考查系动词后跟形容词作表语。句意为:没有眼镜她看的多么好?与戴眼镜形成对比。‎ ‎(09四川)8. My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours , but it is twice _______ expensive .‎ A. as B. so C. too D. very ‎【答案】A 考查倍数的表示方法。该题采用了“倍数+as+adj./adv+as ”这一结构,所以答案为A。‎ ‎(09天津)9. It was a nice house, but _______ too small for a family of live.‎ A. rarely B. fairly C. rather D. pretty ‎【答案】C ‎(09天津)10. I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _____ imagination.‎ A. clear B. cautious C. funny D. vivid ‎【答案】D ‎(09浙江)11.The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.‎ A. Moreover B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise ‎【答案】C ‎(09浙江)13.In the good care of the nurses, the boy is ______ recovering from his heart operation.‎ A. quietly B. actually C. practically D. gradually ‎【答案】D ‎(09江苏) Compared with his sister, Jerry is even more        to, and more easily troubled by , emotional and relationship problems.‎ A. skeptical           B. addicted          C. available        D. sensitive 答案:D ‎(介词和介词短语)‎ ‎1. The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. on B. for C. about D. with ‎2. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this! (2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose ‎ ‎3. Some people choose jobs for other reasons ____ money these days. (2007 全国卷II) A. for B. except C. besides D. with ‎4. Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly ________ size and shape.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. on B. from C. by D. in ‎5. The book was written in 1946, _________ the education system has witnessed great charges. (2007 山东卷)‎ A.when B.during which C.since then D.since when ‎6. This is a junior school.You should go to a senior school _____girls of your age.(2007 北京卷)‎ A.for B. about C. from D. to ‎7. Although my opinion, the old professor didn’t come up with his own. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.against B.on C.for D.in ‎8. _____the silence for the pauses, we could hear each other’s breathing and could almost bear our own heartbeats. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. In B. For C. Under D. Between ‎9. Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mental health. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.of; at B.by; in C.of; on D.on;at ‎10. — when has the country been open to international trade? (2007 陕西卷)‎ ‎—1978, I suppose.‎ A.Since B.In C.From D.After ‎11. Dolly wants to cycle round the world and she is really keen the idea.(2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.on B.for C.at D.with ‎12. Some students often listen to music ________ classes to refresh themselves.(2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A.between B.among C.over D.during ‎(08全国I卷)24. Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing ______ a stepping-stone to future success.‎ ‎ A. to B. for C. as D. by ‎(08全国II)15. Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like ____ working here.‎ A. with B. over C. at D. about ‎(08陕西卷)19. Elizabeth has already achieved success _________ her wildest dreams.‎ A. at B. beyond C. within D. upon ‎(08北京卷)33. If you really have to leave during the meeting, you’d better leave ____ the back door.‎ A. for B. by C. across D. out ‎(08安徽卷)23. Fred entered without knocking and, very out of breath, sank _______ a chair.‎ ‎ A. on B. off C. into D. to ‎(08福建卷)23. A great man shows his greatness _____ the way he treats little man.‎ ‎ A. under B. with C. on D. by ‎(08福建卷)34. You have no idea how she finished the relay race ____ her foot wounded so much.‎ ‎ A. for B. when C. with D. while ‎(08湖南卷)27. — When did you last hear ______ Jay? ‎ ‎ — He phoned me this morning, and we agreed ______ a time and place to meet.‎ A. of, to B. about, with C. from, with D. from, on ‎ ‎(2009.全国卷I海南、宁夏卷同卷) 34. Everybody was touched _____ words after they heard her moving story. ‎ A. beyond B. without C. of D. in ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查介词。beyond words表示“在言语之外”,即不能用言语来表达,也就是“无法形容”了。句意是“听到她的感人故事之后,他们感动得无法用语言来形容”。‎ ‎(2009.全国卷II)13. Jenny nearly missed the flight______ doing too much shopping. ‎ A. as a result of B. on top of C. in front of D. in need of ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查固定短语(as a result of“由于-----的结果”)。‎ ‎(2009.北京卷)29. The wine industry in the area has developed in a special way, ____ little foreign ownership. ‎ A. by B. of C. with D. from ‎ ‎【答案】C。 ‎ ‎【解析】考查介词的用法。用with表示伴随。 ‎ ‎(2009.天津卷)10. The art show was _______ being a failure; it was a great success.‎ A. far from B. along with C. next to D. regardless of ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查介词短语用法。along with同---一道;next to 在---近旁;在隔壁;次于;regardless of 忽视,不理睬;far from表示距离的远离;远远不,完全不,决不后跟名词,动名词后形容词;此处句意为艺术展决不是一个失败,而是一个巨大的成功,可知选A符合句意。‎ ‎(2009.四川卷)6. A great person is always putting others’ interests _________ his own.‎ A. below B. above C. in D. on ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查介词的用法,put other’s interests above one’s own意思是把别人的利益放在自己的利益至上。‎ ‎(2009.山东卷)33. It saves tome in the kitchen to have things you use a lot _______ easy reach. ‎ A. near B. upon C. within D. around ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎【解析】本题考查固定用法:with in easy reach在容易达到…的地方;在…的附近。‎ ‎(2009.陕西卷)8. He invited me to a dance after the show_______Christmas Eve. ‎ A. at B. on C. in D. by ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查介词。此处介词位于日期前,用on,选B。‎ ‎(2009.江苏卷)30.This special school accepts all disabled students, __ educational level and background.‎ A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】according to 根据 regardless of 不管,不顾 in addition to 另外 in terms of 就...而言.这所特殊学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管他们的教育水平和背景如何.‎ ‎(2009.湖南卷)22.Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems ______ themselves, and solve their problems ______ themselves. ‎ A. to; by B. by; to C. for; to D. in; on ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】句意为:大多数美国人宁愿让他们对自己的问题并自己解决他们的问题。By oneself表示“单独地,独自地”的意思。‎ ‎(2009.湖北卷)29. You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request ______ a question. ‎ A. in search of B. in the form of ‎ C. in need of D. in the direction of ‎ ‎【答案】B. ‎ ‎【解析】考查介词短语。此处意思是“以问题方式向对方提出请求显得更有礼貌”。in the form of 符合句意。in search of“寻找”,in need of“需要”,in the direction of“朝……方向”。‎ ‎(2009.湖北卷)30. His efforts to raise money for his program were ______ because, no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.‎ A. in place B. in sight C. in effect D. in vain ‎ ‎【答案】D.[来源:Z_xx_k.Com]‎ ‎【解析】考查介词短语。根据下文no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets可知为集资做出的努力都白费了,应选择in vain。in place“和平地”,in sight“在视程内”,in effect“实际上”。‎ ‎(2009.福建卷)23. -How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space!‎ ‎-It’s a challenge, I guess, ______ man against nature. ‎ A. of B. for C. by D. about ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查介词。应答句中的I guess是插入语,因此所填介词与challenge连用,表所属,用of,选A。‎ ‎(2009.辽宁卷)32. Children need friends ______ their own age to play with. ‎ A. of B. for C. in D. at ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查名词双重所有格。friends of their own age意思是“他们自己年龄的朋友”,选A符合,其他选项不能构成所有关系。‎ ‎(2009.重庆卷原创解析)21. Try on this red skirt; you will look great _____it.‎ A. on B. by C. in D. for ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查介词用法。由skirt,可以看出后句应该是穿上红裙子的意思,故选C。‎ ‎(2009.上海卷) 25. Four Chinese models were ______ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition. ‎ A. among B. between C. along D. beside ‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎ ‎【解析】考查介词用法。Among 表示三者或三者3的中间;between表示在两者之间,从句意来看在获奖的14个人里边,中国模特占4人可知选A. ‎ ‎(动词时态和语态)‎ ‎1. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time. (2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell ‎2. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago. (2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been ‎3. —Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. —Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ____ of my friends back home.(2007 全国卷II)‎ A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking ‎4. —Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night? —I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. (2007 全国卷II) A. had to B. didn’t C. was going to D. wouldn’t ‎5. —Did you tidy your room? (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ — No, I was going to tidy my room but I ______ visitors.‎ ‎ A. had B. have C. have had D. will have ‎6. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. discovered B. have discoveredC. had been discovered D. have been discovered ‎7. They_____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. (2007 山东卷)‎ A.had got B.got C.have got D.get ‎ ‎8. —Did Peter fix the computer himself?‎ ‎ —He ________, because he doesn't know much about computers.(2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it ‎9. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _____ to each other for nearly two years. (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. didn't speak B. hadn't spoken C. haven' t spoken D. haven' t been speaking ‎10. —How can I apply for an online course?‎ ‎ —Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do four you. (2007 北京卷)‎ A.see B.are seeing C. have seen D. will see ‎11. I got caught in the rain and my suit____(2007 北京卷)‎ A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined ‎12. —It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home.‎ ‎ —Oh,don’t mentiong it.I _____past your house anyway. (2007 北京卷)‎ A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come ‎13. —I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.(2007 福建卷)‎ ‎—Impossible. She TV with me in my home then.‎ A.watched B.had watched C.would watch D.was watching ‎14. Danny hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.works B.is working C.has worked D.worked ‎15. As the years passed, many occasions—birthdays, awards, graduations—________ with Dad’s flowers.(2007 湖南卷) ‎ ‎ A. are marked B. were marked C. have marked D. had marked ‎ ‎16. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine‎ ‎School, where she _____ English for a year. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying ‎ ‎17. At the end of the meeting, it was announced that an agreement ______.(2007 江苏卷)‎ A. has been reached B. had been reached C. has reached D. had reached ‎18. —______ you ______ him around the museum yet? (2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ —Yes. We had a great time there.‎ ‎ A. Have … shown B. Do … show C. Had … shown D. Did … show ‎19. —Ouch!You hurt me!‎ ‎ —I am sorry. But I any harm. I to drive a rat out.(2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.didn’t mean; tried B.don’t mean; am trying ‎ C.haven’t meant; tried D.didn’t mean; wes trying ‎20. —I have got a beadache.‎ ‎ —No wonder. You in front of that computer too long. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked ‎21. I there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist. (2007 陕西卷)‎ A.would be B.have been C.had been D.will be ‎22. The unemployment rate in this district from 6% to 5% in the past two years.(2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.has fallen B.had falle C.is fallin D.was falling ‎23. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it seriously. (2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.damaged B.was being damaged C.had damaged D.had been damaged ‎24. When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what ________ .(2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A.have marked B. have been marked C.had marked D.had been marked ‎25. —Did you see a man in black pass by just now?‎ ‎ —No, sir. I ________ a newspaper. (2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading ‎26. If Newton lived today, he would be surprise by what ____ in science and technology.(2007 天津卷)‎ A. had discovered B. had been discovered C. has discovered D. has been discovered ‎27. —Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎—________? That’s his third one in just one month.‎ A. Had he B. Did he C. Does he D. Has he ‎ ‎28. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ____ yet. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. hasn’t been decided B. haven’t decided C. isn’t being decided D. aren’t decided ‎29. The play had already been on for quite some time when we ____ at the New Theatre. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. have arrived B. arrived C. had arrived D. arrive ‎ ‎30. —Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday?‎ ‎—Yes, he did. He ________ his old friends for a long time. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. didn’t see B. wouldn’t see C. hasn’t seen D. hadn’t seen ‎31. Leonardo da Vinci (1452—1519) _______birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought C.had said to buy D. has said to have bought ‎32. —Do you have any idea what Paul does all day?‎ ‎—As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he _______.(2007 重庆卷)‎ A. writes B. does writing C. is writing D. does write ‎33. —When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. Where______. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. did you go B. have you gone C. were you D. had you been ‎34. —Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?‎ ‎ —Yes, I have. I guess it ______ now.(2007 辽宁卷) ‎ A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading ‎35. —Has your father returned from Africa yet?‎ ‎—Yes, but he _____ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. was B. has been C. will be D. would be ‎(08全国I卷)27. —Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?‎ ‎—Yes, since she ______ the Chinese Society.‎ A. has joined B. joins C. had joined D. joined ‎(08全国I卷)29. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front ______ to arrive.‎ A. is expected B. is expecting C. expects D. will be expected ‎(08全国II)11. If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ____ all day.‎ A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining ‎ (08全国II)14. If their marketing plans succeed, they ____ their sales by 20 percent.‎ A. will increase B. have been increasing C. have increased D. would be increasing ‎(08安徽卷)22. -----Did you watch the basketball match yesterday?‎ ‎ -----Yes, I did. You know, my brother ________ in the match.‎ ‎ A. is playing B. was playing C. has played D. had played ‎(08安徽卷)33. I like these English songs and they ________many times on the radio.‎ ‎ A. taught B. have taught C. are taught D. have been taught ‎(08福建卷)25. So far this year we ______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.‎ ‎ A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen ‎(08湖南卷)32. I called Hnnah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother _____ on the phone all the time!‎ A. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D. talked ‎ ‎(08湖南卷)35. — Do you have any problems if you ______ this job?‎ ‎ — Well, I’m thinking about the salary….‎ ‎ A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered ‎(08江苏卷)33. —I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.‎ ‎ —I think so. He ______ for it for months.‎ ‎ A. is preparing B. was preparing ‎ C. had been preparing D. has been preparing ‎(08山东卷)25. By the time he realizes he ______ into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to doanything about it.‎ A. walks B. walked C. has walked D. had walked ‎(08江西卷)32. – Do you think we should accept that offer?‎ ‎-- Yes, we should, for we ___such bad luck up till now, and time __ out.‎ A. have had; is running B. had; is running C. have; has been run D. have had; has been run ‎(08辽宁卷)23. We first met on a train in 2000. We both felt immediately that we ______ each other for years.‎ A. knew B. have known C. have known D. know ‎(08辽宁卷)29. —Have you got any job offers?‎ ‎—No. I ______.‎ A. waited B. had been waiting C. have waited D. am waiting ‎(08陕西卷)6. The moment I got home, I found I _________ my jacket on the playground.‎ A. had left B. left C. have left D. was leaving ‎(08陕西卷)15. –Did you go to the show last night?‎ ‎–Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _________ invited A. were B. have been C. has been D. was ‎(08陕西卷)17. Though we don’t know what discussed, yet we can feel the topic____________ .‎ A. had changed B. will change C. was changed D. has been changed ‎08(四川卷)7. The telephone _______, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.‎ ‎ A. had rung B. was ringing C. rings D. has rung ‎(08浙江卷)5. I don’t believe you’ve already finished reading the book — I ______it to you this morning!‎ A. would lend B. was lending C. had lent D. lent ‎(08浙江卷)7. –What’s that noise?‎ ‎ –Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.‎ A. was tested B. will be tested C. is being tested D. has been tested ‎(08北京卷)22. —Have you read book called Waiting for Anya?‎ ‎ —Who _______ it?‎ ‎ A. writes B. has written ‎ C. wrote D. had written ‎(08北京卷)27. The hotel wasn’t particularly good. But I ____ in many worse hotels.‎ ‎ A .was staying B, stayed C. would stay D. had stayed ‎(08北京卷)29. No decision about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.‎ ‎ A. will be made B. is made ‎ C. is being made D. has been made ‎(08天津卷)14. He _____ football regularly for many years when he was young.‎ ‎ A. was playing B. played C. has played D. had played ‎(08重庆卷)23. Judy is going to marry the sailor she __ in Rome last year.‎ ‎ A. meets B. met ‎ ‎ C. has met D. would meet ‎(08重庆卷)31. He __ as a national hero for winning the first gold metal for his country in the Olympics.‎ A. regarded B. was regarded ‎ C. has regarded D. had been regarded ‎(08重庆卷)35. Teenagers __ their health because they play computer games too much.‎ A. have damaged B. are damaging ‎ C. damaged D. will damage ‎(08上海卷)28. Do you know if Terry will go camping this weekend?    Terry? Never! She ___ tents and fresh air! A. has hated B. hated C. will hate D. hates ‎(08上海卷)32. In recent years many football clubs ___ as business to make a profit. A. have run B. have been run C. had been run D. will run ‎(09全国2 )26. Progress so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.‎ A. was B. had been C. has been D. will be ‎【答案】C ‎(09全国2 )8. Progress______ so far very good and we are sure that the work will be finished on time.‎ A. was B. had been C. has been D. will be ‎【答案】C 考查了时态--现在完成时 ‎(09北京)3. Scientists have many theories about how the universe ____ into being ‎ A. came B. was coming C. had come D. would come ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎(09北京)4. When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we __ up , her voice had been full of life. ‎ A. were hanging B. had hung C. hung D. would hang ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎(09北京)5. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather ____ with them to school. ‎ A. took B. had taken C. were taking D. would take Ks5‎ ‎(09北京)27. The way the guests ___ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service.‎ A. treated B. were treated C. would treat D. would be treated ‎【答案】B.‎ ‎【解析】考查时态和语态的用法。The guests 与treat之间是被动的关系,并且动作已经发生,所以用一般过去时的被动形式。‎ ‎(09天津)2. My parents _____ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.‎ A. live B. lived C. were living D. will live ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎【解析】考查时态。后句意思“他们出生在香港,从来没有去过别的地方”,由此可知前句“一直在香港住”,时态用一般现在时,说明事实,故选A。 ‎ ‎(09安徽)1. Daniel's family their holiday in Huangshan this time next week.‎ A. are enjoying B. are to enjoy C. will enjoy D. will be enjoying ‎【答案】D ‎(09安徽)2 But for their help,we the program in time.‎ A. can not finish B. will not finish C. had not finished D. could not have finished ‎【答案】D ‎(09福建)6 -Why does the Lake smell terrible? ‎ ‎-Because large quantities of water . ‎ A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态,语态和主谓语一致。根据前一分句可知所填动词表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响,时态用现在完成时,动词与主语是被动关系,用被动语态。主语是large quantities of water,其中心词是quantities,是复数,谓语动词用复数,选D。‎ ‎(09福建)7. According to the literary review, Shakespeare his charities live through their language in his plays. ‎ A. will make B. had made C. was making D. makes ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。题干是陈述一个客观真理,用一般现在时,选D。‎ ‎(09湖南)8.Would you please keep silent? The weather report and _________I want to listen.‎ A. is broadcast B. is being broadcast C. has been broadcast D. had been broadcast ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查时态和语态。句意为:请保持安静行吗? 我想听正在广播的天气报告。说话间正在发生的动作,应用进行时同时表示被动含义。故选B。‎ ‎(09湖南)9.— The food here is nice enough.‎ ‎— My friend ______ me a right place.‎ A. introduces B. introduced C. had introduced D. was introducing ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查时态的用法。句意为:——这里的食物不错。——我的朋友介绍给我一个正确的地方。表示过去的行为。‎ ‎(09江西)10. At present, one of the apartments in favor of the new airport ________ that it will going a lot jobs to the area. ‎ A. is B. are C. will be D. were ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】本题考查时态的用法。根据at present =now 可知,应用一般现在时。‎ ‎(09江西)11. ------- What is the price of petrol these days ‎ ‎-------Oh, it ______ sharply since last month. ‎ A. is raised B. has risen C. has arisen D. is increased ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】本题考查时态的用法。 根据since last month 可知应用现在完成时。‎ ‎(09江西)12. ---Do you want a lift home? ‎ ‎---It’s very kind of you, but I have a much late in the office. I overslept this morning because my morning clock _______. ‎ A. doesn’t go off B. won’t gone C. wasn’t going off D. didn’t go on ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】本题考查时态的用法。根据I overslept this morning 可知应用一般过去时。‎ ‎(09海南)13. His sister left home in 1998, and since.‎ A. had not been heard of B. has not been heard of C. had not heard of D. has not heard of ‎【答案】B。‎ ‎【解析】句意为:他的妹妹在1998年离开家,自从那时就没有音讯了。用现在完成时的否定结构。‎ ‎(09海南)14. Edward, you play so well. But I you played the piano.‎ A. didn’t know B. hadn’t known C. don’t know D. haven’t known ‎【答案】A。‎ ‎【解析】句意为:爱德华,你打得好。但我不知道你弹钢琴。所谈论的是指过去行为,故用过去式。‎ ‎(09重庆)24. She stared at the painting, wondering where she ______it. ‎ A. saw    B. has seen C. sees   D. had seen ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎(09重庆)25. —I’ve got to go now. ‎ ‎—Must you? I______you could stay for dinner with us. ‎ A. think       B. thought ‎ C. have thought     D. am thinking ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎(09山东)15. The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities ________ rising steadily since1990. ‎ A. is B. are C. has been D. have been ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】本题考查主谓一致和时态,主语是 the number故谓语动词用单数,又因时间状语是since 1997所以用完成时态。‎ ‎(09山东)16. I was out of town at the time, so I don’t know exactly how it _______. ‎ A. was happening B. happened C. happens D. has happened ‎ ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】本题考查具体语境中的时态,后一句隐藏的时间状语是at the time.‎ ‎(09陕西)17. Dr. Smith, together with his wife and daughters, visit Beijing this summer.‎ A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to D. were going to ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是Dr. Smith,表单数,谓语动词用单数形式;时间状语是this summer,表计划性的将来,故时态用一般将来时,选A。‎ ‎(09陕西)18. This is the first time went a film in the cinema together as a family. ‎ A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查动词时态。the+序数词+time引导的时间状语从句中动词时态用完成时,有参照动词is可知此处用现在完成时,选D。‎ ‎(09上海)19. Mary went to the box office at lunch time, but all the tickets ____out. ‎ A. would sell B. had sold C. have sold D. was selling ‎ ‎(09四川)20. —Why don’t we choose that road to save time? ‎ ‎—The bridge to it __________. ‎ A. has repaired B. is repaired ‎ C. is being repaired D. will be repaired ‎ ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎【解析】考查时态和语态。根据语境可知不走另一条路的原因是因为桥正在被修。所以用现在进行时的被动形式作为该题的答案。‎ ‎(09四川)21. —You speak very good French! ‎ ‎—Thanks. I __________ French in Sichuan‎ ‎University for four years. ‎ A. studied B. study C. was studying D. had studied ‎ ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎【解析】考查时态。我在四川大学学过4年法语是指过去发生过的事情,所以谓语动词用一般过去时,该题由于有for four years.造成一部分学生做出错误的选择,而选择了D。 ‎ ‎22. My parents _____ in Hong Kong. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else.‎ A. live B. lived C. were living D. will live ‎【答案】A ‎(09浙江)23.- What do you think of the movie?‎ ‎- It’s fantastic. The only pity is that I __________ the beginning of it.‎ A Missed B. had missed C. miss D. would miss ‎【答案】A ‎(情态动词和虚拟语气)‎ ‎1. —How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?‎ ‎ —It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. will B. would C. should D. must ‎ ‎2. In crowded places like airports and railway stations,you___ take care of your luggage. (2007 北京卷)‎ A. can B. may C. must D. will ‎3. The boss has given everyone a special holiday, so we go to work tomorrow. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t ‎4. —Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ —Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it.‎ ‎ A. must B. should C. must have D. should have ‎5. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where I have put it? (2007 福建卷)‎ A.can B.must C.should D.would ‎6. The biggest problem for most plants, which ________ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. shan’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t ‎ ‎7. —She looks very happy. She ______ have passed the exam. (2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ —I guess so. It’s not difficult after all.‎ ‎ A. should B. could C. must D. might ‎8. —Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.‎ ‎ —You it in the wrong place.(2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.must put B.should have put C.might put D.might have put ‎9. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area .(2007 陕西卷)‎ A.need rcpairing B.needs to repair C.needs repairing D.need to repair ‎10. I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I have driven her ther.(2007 陕西卷)‎ A.could B.must C.night D.should ‎11. The teacher _______have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time on him, I suppose. (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. should B. can C. would D. must ‎12. 一What does the sign over there read?‎ 一“No person ________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.”(2007 四川卷)‎ A.will B.may C.shall D. must ‎13. —My cat’s really fat.‎ ‎ —You ______ have given her so much food. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t ‎ ‎14. —What do you think we can do for our aged parents?‎ ‎—You ________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t ‎15. —Turn off the TV, Jack.. ____ your homework now?‎ ‎—Mum, just ten more minutes, please. (2007 辽宁卷)‎ A.Should you be doing B. Shouldn't you be doing ‎ C. Couldn't you be doing D. Will you be doing ‎(08北京卷)21. John promised his doctor he ________ not smoke, and he has smoked ever since.‎ ‎ A. might B. should C. could D. would.‎ ‎(08天津卷)6. She ______ have left school, for her bike is still here.‎ ‎ A. can’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t ‎(08重庆卷)30.– I can’t find my purse anywhere.‎ ‎ -- You __ have lost it while shopping.‎ A. may B. can C. should D. would ‎ ‎(08上海卷)29.  According to the air traffic rules, you ___ switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A. may B. can C. would D. should ‎(08福建卷)24. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _____ be rather cold sometime.‎ ‎ A. must B. can C. should D. would ‎(08湖南卷)28. You don’t have to know the name of the author to find a book. You _____ find the book by the ‎ ‎ title.‎ A. must B. need C. can D. would ‎ ‎(08江苏卷)35. —I’m sorry. I ______ at you the other day.‎ ‎—Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself.‎ A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout C. mustn’t have shouted ‎(08山东卷)24. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we ______ it without you.‎ ‎ A. can manage B. could have managed C. could manage ‎ D. can have managed ‎(08江西卷)26. What a pity. Considering his ability and experience, he ____ better.‎ A. need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done ‎(08辽宁卷)22. Peter ______ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.‎ A. shall B. should C. can D. must ‎(08全国II)17. Liza ___ well not want to go on the trip --- she hates traveling.‎ A. will B. can C. must D. may ‎(08陕西卷)9. –What sort of house do you want to have? Something big?‎ ‎--Well, it _________ be big--that’s not important.‎ A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t ‎(08四川卷)10. Although this ____ sound like a simple task, great care is needed.‎ ‎ A. must B. may C. shall D. should ‎(08浙江卷)11. You ______ be hungry already — you had lunch only two hours ago!‎ A. wouldn’t B. can’t ‎ ‎(09安徽)1. Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they just be quiet people.‎ A. must B. may C. should D. would ‎【答案】B ‎(09北京)2. One of the few things you ____ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.‎ A. need B. must C. should D. can ‎【答案】B ‎3(09福建). But for the help of my English teacher, I the first prize in the English Writing Competition.‎ A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won ‎【答案】B 虚拟语气。此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反,句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might + have done结构,故选B。‎ ‎(09湖南)4.— It’s the office! So you know eating is not allowed here.‎ ‎— Oh, sorry.‎ A. must B. will C. may D. need ‎【答案】A 句意为:这是办公室!因此你必须知道吃的不允许带到这里。must表示“绝不”的意思。‎ ‎(09海南)5. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There be twelve A. should B. would C. will D. shall ‎【答案】A。 你这是什么意思,只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。should表示“应该,应当”。‎ ‎(09上海)6. It_____ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.‎ A. may B. can C. must D. should ‎【答案】C ‎(09四川)7. —I don’t care what people think.‎ ‎—Well, you _______‎ A. could B. would C. should D. might ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查情态动词的用法。答话的人提了一个建议——你应该关注别人对你的评价的。should可以用来向别人提建议,所以答案为:C ‎(09天津)8. This printer is of good quality. If it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.‎ A. would B. should C. could D. might ‎【答案】B ‎(09重庆)9. —Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?‎ ‎—She_____in the classroom. I saw her there just now.‎ A. shall be    B. should have been C. must be     D. might have been ‎【答案】C ‎(09全国2)10. I can’t leave. She told me that I stay here until she comes back.‎ A. can B. must C. will D. may ‎【答案】B ‎(09江苏)11. He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he         it differently.‎ A. could express                        B. would express C. could have expressed                 D. must have expressed ‎【答案】C ‎(名词性从句)‎ ‎1. ______ he referred to in his article was unknown to the general reader. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. That B. What C. Whether D. Where ‎2. The traditional view is ______ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. when B. why C. whether D. that ‎3. Could I speak to--------- is in charge of International Sales ,please? (2007 山东卷)‎ A.anyone B.someone C.whoever D.nomatter who ‎ ‎4.____ matters most in learning English is enough practice.(2007 全国卷II)‎ A. What B. Why C. Where D. Which ‎5. You can only be sure of_________ you have at present; you cannot be sure of something _____ you might get ‎ in the future.(2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. that; what B. what; / C. which; that D. /; that ‎6. —Where’s that report?‎ ‎ —I brought it to you ____you were in Mr.Black’s office yesterday.(2007 北京卷)‎ A. if B. when C. because D. befor ‎7. It is none of your business other people think about you. Believe yourself. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.how B.what C.which D.when ‎8. Having checked the doors were closed , and _________ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.(2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. why B. that C. when D. where ‎ ‎9. Choosing the right dictionary depends on ______ you want to use it for. (2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. what B. why C. how D. whether ‎10. parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children. (2007 陕西卷)‎ A.That B.Which C.What D.As ‎11. By improving reading skills, you can read faster and understand more of you read.(2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.that B.what C.which D.whether ‎12. The seaside here draws a lot of tourists every summer. Warm sunshine and soft sands make ________ it is . (2007 天津卷)‎ A. what B. which C. how D. where ‎13. Why not try your lick downtown, Bob? That’s ______ the best jobs are.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. where B. what C. when D. why ‎ ‎((08全国I卷)25. The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirt ______ the season.‎ A. whatever B. wherever C. whenever D. however ‎(08山东卷)23. ______ was most important to her, she told me, was her family.‎ A. It B. This C. What D. As ‎(08北京卷)30. The companies are working together to create they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century.‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. what D. who ‎(08天津卷)12. The last time we had great fun was _____ we were visiting the Water‎ ‎Park.‎ ‎ A. where B. how C. when D. why ‎ ‎(08重庆卷)25. People in Chongqing are proud of __ they have achieved, in the past ten years.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. what D. how ‎ ‎(08安徽卷)29. Students are always interested in finding out _______ they can go with a new teacher.‎ ‎ A. how far B. how soon C. how often D. how long ‎(08福建卷)27. _____ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.‎ ‎ A. It B. What C. As D. Which ‎(08湖南卷)29. When asked _____ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.‎ ‎ A. what B. why C. whom D. which ‎(08江西卷)34. Animals suffered at the hands of Man ___ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural had to provide food for more people.‎ A. in which B. for which C. so that D. in that ‎(08浙江卷)4. ______wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.‎ A. Anyone B. The one C. Whoever D. Who ‎(08浙江卷)6. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ______ their parents speak at home.‎ A. what B. that C. which D. one ‎(08重庆卷)33. All people, __ they are old or young, rich or poor, rich or poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.‎ A. even if B. whether ‎ C. no matter D. however ‎(08上海卷)34. As his best friend , I can make accurate guesses about ___he will do or think. A. what B. which C. whom D. that ‎(08上海卷)36.  It has been proved ___ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.  A. if B. because C. when D. that ‎09重庆)11 We should consider the students’ request ___ the school library provide more books on popular science.‎ A. that     B. when C. which    D. where ‎【答案】A ‎(09江苏)12.Many young people in the West are expected to leave __    could be life’s most important decision—marriage—almost entirely up to luck.‎ A. as                 B. that             C. which        D. what ‎【答案】D ‎(09山东)13. The little girl who got lost decided to remain _________she was and wait tor her mother.‎ A. where B. what C. how D. who ‎【答案】A remain是系动词,后加表语从句,由句意可知,从句缺地点状语,所以选A。‎ ‎(09安徽)1. a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.‎ A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains ‎【答案】D ‎(09湖南)2.She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do it takes to save her life.‎ A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever ‎【答案】C 名词性从句的引导词。句意为:她对我们来说是非常宝贵,我们已经准备好做一切来拯救她的生命。‎ ‎(09江西)3. The fact has worried many scientists ______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.‎ A. what B. which C. that D. though ‎【答案】C 间隔式同位语从句的用法。即先行词是the fact 和that引导的同位语从句中间隔了谓语部分。‎ ‎(09海南)4. Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please?‎ A. who B. what C. whoever D. whatever ‎【答案】C whoever既作了 to 的宾语,又作is in charge of International Sales please?的主语。“whoever”作代词,/any person who/the person who/“任何人”、“无论谁”、“……的人”。‎ ‎(09陕西)5. The how to book can be of help to wants to do the job.‎ A. who B. whomever C. no matter who D. whoever ‎【答案】D 此处从做介词to的宾语,是名词性从句,引导词做从句的主语,指人,意思是:无论是谁,选D ‎(09海南)6. One of the most important questions they had to consider was of public health A. what B. this C. that D. which ‎【答案】C 句意为:他们必须考虑其中最重要的问题是公共卫生。考查that作代词,that 作代词,往往用于特指,相当于“that+名词”,它也只能代替事情不能代替人。‎ ‎(09上海)7. As a new diplomat, he often thinks of he can react more appropriately on such occasions.‎ A. what B. which C. that D. how ‎【答案】B ‎(09四川)8. News came from the school office ________Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing‎ ‎University.‎ A. which B. what C. that D. where ‎【答案】C 在该题中that引导了一个同位语从句来解释说明news的内容,由于该题把同位语从句后置了,所以很多考生由于不能正确分析句子结构而错误选择了D项。‎ ‎(09天津)9. It is obvious to the students ______ they should get well prepared for their future.‎ A. as B. which C. whether D. that ‎【答案】D ‎(09浙江)10.-Is there any possibility ______ you could pick me up at the airport?‎ ‎-No problem.‎ A. When B. that C. whether D. what ‎【答案】B ‎(定语从句)‎ ‎1. His movie won several awards at the film festival, ______ was beyond his wildest dream.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. where D. it ‎2. —Where did you get to know her? ‎ ‎—It was on the farm _________ we worked.(2007 山东卷) ‎ A.that B.there C.which D.where ‎ ‎3. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it. (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom ‎4. We shouldn’t spent our money testing so many people,most of _____are healthy(2007 北京卷)‎ A. that B.which C. what D. whom ‎5. By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, ___________ can be very eye-opening and rewarding. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. who B. which C. what D. that ‎ ‎6. He was educated at the local high school, ______ he went on to Beijing‎ ‎University. (2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. after which B. after that C. in which D. in that ‎7. After gradutation she reached a point in her careet she heeded to decion what to do. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.that B.what C.which D.where ‎8. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _______they learn simple games and songs. (2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. then B. there C. while D. where ‎9. Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases beginners of English fail to use the language properly. (2007 陕西卷)‎ A.which B.as C.why D.where ‎10. The thought of going back home was kept him happy while he was working abroad.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.that B.all that C.all what D.which ‎11. It is reported that two schools,_______ are being built in my hometown,will open next year. (2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A.they both B.which both C.both of them D.both of which ‎12. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity ________ sight matters more than hearing. (2007 天津卷)‎ A. when B. whose C. which D. where ‎13. Chan’s restaurant on Baker Street, ______ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business. (2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. who D. where ‎ ‎14. Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree ______ they can be controlled on purpose. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. with which B. to which C. of which D. for which ‎15. Eric received training in computer for one year, _____ he found a job in a big company. (2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. after that B. after which C. after it D. after this ‎(08福建卷)31. By nine o’clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount‎ ‎Qomolangma, ____ appeared a rare rainbow soon.‎ ‎ A. of which B. on which C. from which D. above which ‎(08湖南卷)31. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _____ are beyond our control.‎ A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that ‎ ‎(08江苏卷)24. The Science Museum, ______ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions.‎ ‎ A. which B. what C. that D. where ‎(08山东卷)26. Occasions are quite rare ______ I have the time to spend a day with my kids.‎ A. who B. which C. why D. when ‎(08江西卷)35. Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers __ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.‎ A. where B. when C. who D. which ‎(08全国II)16. The road conditions there turned out to be very good, ___ was more than we could expect.‎ A. it B. what C. which D. that ‎(08陕西卷)8. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. Have you got any idea _________ the party is to be held?‎ A. what B. which C. that D. where ‎(08陕西卷)13. The man pulled out a gold watch, _________ were made of small diamonds.‎ A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands of C. which the hands of D. the hands of which ‎(08四川卷)4. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, _______ New York is an example.‎ ‎ A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which ‎(08浙江卷)8. Yesterday she sold her car, ______ she bought a month ago.‎ A. whom B. where C. that D. which ‎(08北京卷)28. I’ll give you your friend’s home address, I can be reached most evenings.‎ ‎ A. which B. when ‎ C. whom D. where ‎(08重庆卷)21. They will fly to Washington, ___ they plan to stay for two or three days.‎ A. where B. there C. which D. when ‎ ‎(08上海卷)38. We went through a period ___ communications were very difficult in the rural areas. A. which B. whose C. in which D. with which ‎(09天津)11. A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.‎ A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever ‎【答案】C ‎(09天津)12 I travel to the Binhai New Area by light railway every day, _____ do many businessmen who live in downtown Tianjin.‎ A. as B. which C. when D. though ‎【答案】A ‎(09陕西)9. Gun control is a subject Americans have argued for a long time.‎ A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which ‎【答案】C 考查定语从句,先行词是Gun control,指物,关系词在从句中做介词的宾语,介词前置,介词与从句动词构成搭配argue about sth,选C。‎ ‎(09四川)10. She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.‎ A. that B. which C. where D. when ‎【答案】D 考查定语从句的用法。her stay为先行词,可以理解为抽象的一段时间(她呆在那里期间),when指代her stay在定语从句中做时间状语。‎ ‎(09浙江)13.I have reached a point in my life ______ I am supposed to make decisions of my own.‎ A. which B. where C. how D. why ‎【答案】B ‎(09北京)3. —What do you think of teacher ,Bob?‎ ‎—I find it fun and challenging. It is a job ___ you are doing something serious but interesting .‎ A. where B. which C. when D. that ‎【答案】B ‎(09福建)4. It’s helpful to put children in a situation they can see themselves differently.‎ A. that B. when C. which D. where ‎【答案】D 考查定语从句。先行词是situation,指物,亦可指地点,关系词在从句中做地点状语,用关系副词where,选D。‎ ‎(09安徽)1. A good friend of mine from I was born showed up at my home right before I left for Beijing.‎ A. how B. whom C. when D. which ‎【答案】C ‎(09安徽)2. Many children, parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village.‎ A. their B. whose C. of them D. with whom ‎【答案】B ‎(09湖南)5.I was born in New Orleans‎, ‎Louisiana, a city name will create a picture of beautiful trees and green grass in our mind.‎ A. which B. of which C. that D. whose ‎【答案】D 考查定语从句。先行词在定语从句中充当定语,意思为这个城市的名字。‎ ‎(09重庆)14. Life is like a long race _____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. ‎ A. why       B. what C. that      D. where ‎【答案】D ‎(09全国2 )15. My friend showed me round the town, was very kind of him. ‎ A. which B. that C. where D. it ‎【答案】A 考查非限制性定语从句(这儿的which指代前面整句话内容。‎ ‎(09江西)6. The house I grew up ________ has been taken down and replaced by an office building.‎ A. in it B. in C. in that D. in which ‎【答案】B 考查定语从句。The house ( which / that I grew up in ) , 主语后面紧跟的是定语从句。‎ ‎(09海南)7. She brought with her three friends, none of I had ever met before.‎ A. them B. who C. whom D. these ‎【答案】C。 考查定语从句中的非限制性定语从句。句意为:她带着她的三个朋友,他们三个中没有一个人我曾见过。表示“部分的词语+of+关系代词” 在非限制性定语从句指人只能用whom。‎ ‎(09山东)8. Whenever I met her, _________ was fairly often, she greeted me with a sweet smile.‎ A. who B. which C. when D. that ‎【答案】B非限制性定语从句,指代前面一个句子,故用which.‎ ‎(状语从句)‎ ‎1. I won’t call you, ________ something unexpected happens.(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. unless B. whether C. because D. while ‎2. We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse.(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. not if dealt carefully with B. if not carefully dealt with ‎ C. if dealt not carefully with D. not if carefully dealt with ‎3.____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. (2007 全国卷II) ‎ A. If B. Since C. Though D. When ‎4. Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. as B. that C. which D. where ‎5. Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ______ they are not managed carefully.(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. though B. before C. until D. if ‎6. ________ I really don’t like art, Ifind his work impressive.(2007 山东卷)‎ A.As B.Since C.If D.While ‎ ‎7. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ we meet them again. ‎ ‎(2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. after B. before C. since D. when ‎8. Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day(2007 北京卷)‎ A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case ‎9. The village has developed a lot we learned farming two years ago. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.when B.which C.that D.where ‎10. You will be successful in the interview you have confidence. (2007 福建卷)‎ A.before B.once C.until D.though ‎11. Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but ________ they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest. (2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. why B. how C. unless D. where ‎ ‎12. He was told that it would be at least three more months ___________he could receover and retum to work. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.when B.before C.since D.that ‎13. there is a snowstorm or some other bad weal. her, the mail always comes on time.(2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.Because B.If C.When D.Unless ‎14. tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao. (2007 上海春)‎ ‎ A.However the weather is like B.However is the weather like ‎ C.Whatever is the weather like D.Whatever the weather is like ‎15. It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life ________ we’ve actually had that lesson. (2007 天津卷)‎ A. until B. after C. since D. when ‎ ‎16. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _______ they knew it to be valuable.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that ‎ ‎17. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _____ there is a power out. ‎ ‎(2007 重庆卷)‎ A. if B. unless C. in case D. so that ‎18. We had to wait half an hour _____ we had already booked a table. (2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. since B. although C. until D. before ‎(08全国I卷)31. —Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?‎ ‎—I don’t mind where we go ______ there’s sun, sea and beach.‎ A. as if B. as long as C. now that D. in order that ‎(08全国II)7. A small car is big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage.‎ A. once B. because C. if D. unless ‎(08北京卷)23. —Did you return Fred’s call?‎ ‎ —I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow.‎ ‎ A. though B. unless ‎ C. when D. because ‎(08北京卷)34. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ____ Brian get back.‎ A. before B. since C. till D. after ‎(08天津卷)1. We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ it rains or it’s very cold.‎ ‎ A. since B. if C. unless D. until ‎(08上海卷)31. ---Are you ready for Spain?     --Yes, I want the girls to experience that ___ they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before ‎(08上海卷)40.  ___ well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing. A. however B. whatever C. no matter D. although ‎(08安徽卷)31. -----Do you have a minute? I’ve got something to tell you.‎ ‎ -----Ok, ______ you make it short.‎ ‎ A. now that B. if only C. so long as D. every time ‎(08 安徽卷)26. All the neighbor admire this family _________the parents are treating their child like a friend.‎ ‎ A. why B. where C. which D. that ‎(08福建卷)28. Nancy enjoyed herself so much ______ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.‎ ‎ A. that B. which C. when D. where ‎(08湖南卷)33. _____ the Internet is of great help. I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.‎ A. If B. While C. Because D. As ‎(08山东卷)22. He found it increasingly difficult to read, ______ his eyesight was beginning to fail.‎ A. though B. for C. but D. so ‎(08山东卷)31. You’d better not leave the medicine ______ kids can get at it.‎ A. even if B. which C. where D. so that ‎(08辽宁卷)28. ______ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.‎ A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Wherever D. However ‎(08辽宁卷)32. I used to love that film ______ I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way any more.‎ A. once B. when C. since D. although ‎ (08四川卷)6. There were some chairs left over _____ everyone had sat down.‎ ‎ A. when B. until C. that D. where ‎(08浙江卷)16. Don’t promise anything ______ you are one hundred percent sure.‎ A. whether B. after C. how D. unless ‎(09江苏)6.Because of the financial crisis, days are gone _   _ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000 yuan for one night.‎ A. if                  B. when             C. which             D. since ‎【答案】B ‎(09江苏)7    __ unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.‎ A. Before             B. Where           C. Unless            D. Until ‎【答案】B ‎(09福建)1. She had just finished her homework her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.‎ A. when B. while C. after D. since ‎【答案】A 根据主从句的动词时态可知主句谓语动词的动作在从句谓语动词之前已经完成,引导词的意思是:当……的时候,选A。‎ ‎(09陕西)2. My parents don’t mind what job I do I am happy.‎ A. even though B. as soon as C. as long as D. as though ‎【答案】C 根据题干意思可知此处是条件状语从句,引导词意思是:只要,选C。even though引导让步状语从句,意思是:即使;as soon as引导时间状语从句,意思是:一……就……;as though引导方式状语从句,意思是:仿佛,好像。‎ ‎(09上海)3. You can’t borrow books from the school library ______ you get your student card.‎ A. before B. if C. while D. as ‎【答案】A ‎)4. Peter was so excited _______he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.‎ A. where       B. that C. why         D. when ‎【答案】D ‎(09全国2 )5. All the dishes in this menu, otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.‎ A. as B. if C. though D. unless ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查状语引导词(unless)。全句意思是:在这份菜单上的所有菜,除非另外说明,会给二到三个人食用。‎ ‎(特殊句式)‎ ‎1. If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party, ____.(2007 全国卷II)‎ A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will ‎2. —How was the televised debate last night?‎ ‎ —Super! Rarely ______ so much media attention. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. a debate attracted B. did a debate attract ‎ C. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate ‎3. The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. ______ it was! (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A. What a dangerous scene B. What dangerous a scene ‎ C. How a dangerous scene D. How dangerous the scene ‎4. Little _______ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.‎ ‎ (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. he realized B. he didn't realize C. didn't he realize D. did he realize ‎5. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ________.(2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. that used to be B. it is used to C. it was used to D. it used to be ‎6. Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding. ‎ ‎(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. like B. as C. or D. but ‎ ‎7. You have failed two tests.You’d better start working harder,____you won’t pass the course. (2007 北京卷)‎ A.and B. so C. but D. or ‎8. When you’ve finished with that book,don’t forget to put it back one the shelf,____? (2007 北京卷)‎ A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ‎9. Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, ________the way they actually are. ‎ ‎(2007 湖南卷)‎ ‎ A. as B. or C. but D. and ‎ ‎10. You may not have played very well today, but at least you’ve got through to the next round and ______.(2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. tomorrow never comes B. tomorrow is another day ‎ C. never put off till tomorrow D. there is no tomorrow ‎11. —My room gets very cold at night.‎ ‎ —___________.(2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does ‎12. I don’t mind her criticizing me,but is how she does it that I object to. (2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ A.it B.that C.this D.which ‎13. that Maric was able to set up new branches clsewhere.(2007 陕西卷)‎ A.So successful her business was B.So successful was her business C.So her business was successful D.So was her successful business ‎14. If you talk nice and polite, people listen to you. If you shout, this is no good, ? (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.do you B.don’t you C.is it D.isn’t it ‎15. It is imagination makes the world colorful, full of vigor and vitality. (2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ A.where B.what C.that D.when ‎16. —Did you see who the driver was?(2007 上海卷)‎ ‎ —No, so quickly_________ that I couldn’t gat a good look at his face.‎ ‎ A.did the car speed by B.the car sped by ‎ C.does the car speed by D.the car speeds by ‎17. I'd like to study law at university ________ my cousin prefers geography. (2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A. though B. as C. while D. for ‎18. It _____ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ____ I found we had a lot in common.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasn’t until; when D. wasn’t until; that ‎19. It is not who is right but what is right ______ is of importance. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. which B. it C. that D. this ‎20. _______, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. (2007 重庆卷)‎ A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound ‎ ‎21. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom _____ so lonely as now. (2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. have I felt B. I had felt C. I have felt D. Had I felt ‎22. Help others whenever you can ______ you will make the world a nicer place to live in.(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A.and B.or C.unless D.but ‎ (08全国II)13. Stand over there ___ you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.‎ A. but B. till C. and D. or ‎(08全国II)20. It was in New Zealand ___ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.‎ A. that B. how C. which D. when ‎(08天津卷)8. It was along the Mississippi River _______ Mark Twain spent much of his childhood.‎ ‎ A. how B. which C. that D. where ‎(08重庆卷)22. It was not until midnight __ they reached the camp site.‎ A .that B. when C. while D. as ‎(08重庆卷)26. Only when I left my parents for Italy __ how much I loved them.‎ ‎ A. I realized B. I had realized ‎ ‎ C. had I realized D. did I realize ‎(08重庆卷)32. The artist was born poor, __ poor he remained all his life.‎ A. and B. or C. but D. so ‎(08上海卷)39. So much of  interest ___ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all. A. offers Beijing B.  Beijing offers/‎ C. does Beijing offer D. Beijing does offer ‎(08安徽卷)32. -----Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?‎ ‎ ----- Yes, _______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city.‎ ‎ A. If ever B. If busy C. If anything D. If possible ‎(08福建卷)30. – Who should be responsible for the accident?‎ ‎ – The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order _____.‎ ‎ A. as told B. as are told C. as telling D. as they told ‎(08湖南卷)23. I thought we’d be late for the concert, ______ we ended up getting there ahead of time.‎ ‎ A. but B. or C. so D. for ‎ ‎(08湖南卷)24. _______ the website of the Fire Department in your city, and you will learn a lot about Firefighting.‎ A. Having searched B. To search C. Searching D.Search ‎(08江苏卷)32. ______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.‎ A. only if; will you B. Only if; you will ‎ C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will ‎(08江西卷)22. My English teacher’s humor was ____ make every student burst into laughter.‎ A. so as to B. such as to C. such that D. so that ‎(08江西卷)31. It was announced that only when the fire was under control ___ to return to their homes.‎ A. the residents would be permitted ‎ B. had the residents been permitted C. would be residents be permitted ‎ D. the residents had been permitted ‎(08辽宁卷)35. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and ______.‎ A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I ‎(08陕西卷)7. Not until the motorbike looked almost new _________ repairing and cleaning it.‎ A. he stopped B. did he stop C. stopped he D. he did stop ‎(09上海)38. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _____. ‎ A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief ‎ C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief ‎ ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查倒装句用法。此处away为副词置于句首构成句子的全部到装,故选D符合。 (09福建)1. For a moment nothing happened Then all shouting together. ‎ A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come ‎【答案】B 副词then位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装句,选B。‎ ‎(09湖南)2. Every evening after dinner, if not from work, I will spend some time walking my dog. ‎ A. being tired B. tiring C. tired D. to be tired ‎ ‎【答案】C 省略句式。在if引导的条件状语从句中,从句中还原应为if am not tired from work,根据省略的原则,所以答案选C。‎ ‎(09湖南)3. You and I could hardly work together, ?‎ A. could you B. couldn’t I C. couldn’t we D. could we ‎【答案】D 反义疑问句的用法。根据陈述部分是肯定形式,疑问部分用否定形式;反之。陈述部分中含有否定词hardly,故疑问部分用肯定形式,主语是you and i。故应选D。‎ ‎(09湖南)4. Either you or one of your students ______ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.‎ A. are B. is C. have D. be ‎【答案】B 主谓一致的用法。Either …or…. 连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。One of your students 谓语应用单数形式。‎ ‎(09江西)5. According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _________ a woman. ‎ A. than B. such C. so D. as ‎ ‎【答案】D 比较级的结构,as ….. as , 注意句中的more than 只是修饰twice ‎(09江西)6. It was _____ he came bank from Africa that wear _________ he met the girl he would like to marry. ‎ A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when ‎ ‎【答案】C 强调句型。根据It is ……that 结构可知。‎ ‎(09江西)7. Some of you may have finished unit one. _____ , you can go on to unit two. ‎ A. If you may B. If you do C. If not D. If so ‎ ‎【答案】D 省略句的用法。 If so = If you have done that / so ‎(09海南)8. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only , but students became more interested in the lessons.‎ A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy saved C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy ‎【答案】B。 句意为:计算机应用于教学。结果,不仅教师节省能量,而且学生对课程更感兴趣。考查“not only...but also...”, 放在句首作状语,句子则进行部分倒装。前一部分倒装,后一部分不倒装。‎ ‎(09山东)9. So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape. ‎ A. did the attack B. the attack did C. was the attack D. the attack was ‎ ‎【答案】C 考查倒装,so ..that.., such ..that..的句子结构中,若so, such 和与其所修饰的词置于句首,实行部分倒装,又sudden是形容词,作表语,所以选C。‎ ‎(09陕西)10. He must be helping the old man to water the flowers, ? ‎ A. is he B. isn’t he C. must he D. mustn’t he ‎ ‎【答案】B 考查反意疑问句。陈述句中的谓语中虽有情态动词must,但此处must表示对正在进行的动作进行推测,将其不看作情态动词。而must后有助动词be,故反意疑问句根据助动词be来构成,选B。‎ ‎(09陕西)11. Little about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.‎ A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care ‎ ‎【答案】A little是具有否定意义的词,位于句首时句子用部分倒装句,选A。‎ ‎(09四川)13. — I wonder ________ you’ll water this kind of flower. ‎ ‎——Every other day. ‎ A. how often B. how long C. how soon D. how much ‎ ‎【答案】A 相似疑问词的区别。根据答语Every other day可知对方问的是多久浇一次这种花。how often问频率,符合题意。 ‎ ‎(09四川)14.. Not until I came home last night ________ to bed. ‎ A. Mum did go B. did Mum go C. went Mum D. Mum went ‎ ‎【答案】B 倒装语序的用法。not until 位于句首时要用半倒装的句型,把助动词did提到主语Mum的前面。所以答案为:B ‎ ‎(09四川)15.. The teacher together with the students ________ discussing Reading Skills that ________ newly published in America. ‎ A. are; were B. is; were C. are; was D. is; was ‎ ‎【答案】B 考查主谓一致。A together with B作主语时谓语动词与A的单复数保持一致;第二空为定语从句that指代Reading Skills,由于Reading Skills是书名所以谓语动词用单数。 ‎ ‎(09重庆)33. Unsatisfied ______with the payment ,he took the job just to get some work experience.‎ A. though was he B. though he was C. he was though D. was he though ‎【答案】.B ‎ ‎【解析】考查倒装句。此处为though引导的让步状语从句倒装。句型为adj./adj./n./动词原形+主语+谓语------,由此可知选B符合。‎ ‎(09全国2卷)17. It is often that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.‎ A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said ‎【答案】A 固定句型(it is +Ved +that从句)。‎ ‎(09江苏)18.--- What’s the matter with Della?‎ ‎--- Well, her parents wouldn't allow her to go to the party, but she still __   ‎ A. hopes to           B. hopes so         C. hopes not         D. hopes for ‎【答案】A ‎(交际用语、连词)‎ 一、交际用语 ‎1.—Have you been wasting time on computer games again? ‎ ‎— ________ . I’ve been studying a lot and I need a break.(2007 山东卷)‎ A.No way B.Not really C.I don’t agree D.I couldn’t agree more ‎ ‎2.—Could you turn the TV down a little bit?(2007 天津卷)‎ ‎—________. Is it disturbing you?‎ A. Take it easy. B. I’m sorry. C. Not a bit D. It depends ‎3.—I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.‎ ‎—________. We’ll get together later. (2007 天津卷)‎ A. Go ahead B. Not to worry C. That’s right D. Don’t mention it ‎4. —Have you heard the latest news? ‎ ‎—No, What ________?(2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those ‎5. —Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ‎ ‎—__________________. (2007 全国卷I)‎ ‎ A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it C. Sure, I don’t smoke D. Pardon me ‎6.—We have booked a room for today and tomorrow. ‎ ‎—____, sir.(2007 全国卷II)‎ A. I’m sure B. My pleasure C. It’s all right D. I’ll check ‎7.—I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.‎ ‎—____, Bill.(2007 全国卷II) A. You’re welcome B. Go ahead C. Don’t mention it D. No problem ‎8.. —Bill, if it doesn't rain, we can go straight on and spend more time in Vienna.‎ ‎ — I just want to hear Mozart.(2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. Well done ! B. No problem. C. That' s great ! D. That' s it.‎ ‎9.—Was Martin sorry for what he' d done?‎ ‎ —___________. It was just like him! (2007 安徽卷)‎ ‎ A. Never mind B. All right C. Not really D. Not surprisingly ‎10.—Excuse me, do you have the time?‎ ‎— (2007 福建卷)‎ A.Yes, I do B.Of course, I have C.Aquarter to ten D.No problem ‎11.—“Could we put off the meeting?” she asked.(2007 江苏卷)‎ ‎ — “_________.” He answered politely. “This is the only day everyone is available.”‎ ‎ A. Not likely B. Not exactly C. Not nearly D. Not really ‎12. —Will you join us in the game?(2007 江西卷)‎ ‎ —Thank you, ‎ A.but why not? B.but I’d rather not. C.and I won’t D.and I’ll join.‎ ‎13. —Could I use your computer for a few moments,please?(2007 陕西卷)‎ ‎ — . I’m not using it myself.‎ A.Come on B.It depends C.Go ahead D.That’s great ‎14. —Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight.( 2007 四川卷)‎ ‎— _______ .‎ ‎ A.It’s my duty B. It’s all right C.It’s my pleasure D.It’s nice to say so ‎15. —Dad! Tom's broken a glass!‎ ‎ — ________. Accidents will happen.(2007 四川卷)‎ ‎ A. No way B. Doesn't matter C. No trouble at all D. Don't mention it ‎16. —You should apologize to her, Barry.‎ ‎ —______, but it’s not going to be easy.(2007 浙江卷)‎ ‎ A. I suppose so B. I feel so C. I prefer to D. I like to ‎ ‎17.—Now let’s move on to another topic. Do you follow me?‎ ‎—_______, Professor.(2007 重庆卷)‎ A. No, I am not B. Yes, I will C. No, I haven’t D. Yes, perfectly ‎18.—I’ve studied growing plants as one of my interests. Could I make some suggestions?‎ ‎— ______.(2007 重庆卷)‎ A. You will make it B. Go right ahead. C. Don’t mention it D. Take it easy ‎19.—Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum?‎ ‎ —Sorry, I'm a stranger here.‎ ‎ —_______(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. Thanks anyway B. It doesn't matter C. Never mind D. No problem.‎ ‎20. —Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it.‎ ‎—______. He's very good at this sort of thing.(2007 辽宁卷)‎ A. Don't worry B. I couldn't agree more C. Of course D. A piece of cake ‎2008年全国各地20套高考卷分类汇编 单项选择语法 ‎(08全国I卷)21. —Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?‎ ‎ —______, but I promised Nancy to go out with her.‎ ‎ A. I’d like to B. I like it C. I don’t D. I will ‎(08全国I卷)22. —What fruit is in season now?‎ ‎—Grapes and peaches, ______.‎ A. I know B. I think C. I see D. I feel ‎(08全国I卷)35. —Sorry, I made a mistake again.‎ ‎—______. Practice more and you’ll succeed.‎ A. Never mind B. Certainly not C. Not at all D. Don’t mention it ‎(08安徽卷)25. -----I have some big news for you. You’ve been accepted as a member of our club.‎ ‎ -----_______ That’s great!‎ ‎ A. Have I ? B. Pardon? C. Congratulations! D. Good idea!‎ ‎(08安徽卷)34. -----Good evening. Huangshan Hotel.‎ ‎ -----Good evening. ______________?‎ ‎ A. Do you still have a room for tonight B. What would you like, please ‎ C. Is there anything I can do for you D. Who is that speaking, please ‎(08江苏卷)22. —Do you mind if I record your lecture?‎ ‎—______. Go ahead.‎ A. Never mind B. No way ‎ C. Not at all D. No. You’d better not ‎(08江苏卷)23. —Is Peter there?‎ ‎—______, please. I’ll see if I can find him for you.‎ A. Hold up B. Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold off ‎(08江苏卷)26. —It shouldn’t take long to clear up after the party if we all volunteer to help.‎ ‎—That’s right. _______________.‎ A. Many hands make light work B. Something is better than nothing C. The more the merrier D. The sooner begun, the sooner done ‎(08山东卷)30. —Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game Friday?‎ ‎—______, Bob, but I promised Mary I’d go with her.‎ A. My pleasure B. Thanks C. Take it easy D. Forget it ‎(08江西卷)21. –I think you’d better type this letter again before Mr. Smith see it.‎ ‎-- Oh, dear! ___________.‎ A. Who cares? B. No problem C. I don’t mind at all D. Is it as bad as that?‎ ‎(08辽宁卷)21. —Did you have a good time in Thailand last week?‎ ‎— ______, it was too hot.‎ A. Not really B. Yeah, why not C. Oh, great D. You’re right ‎(08福建卷)35. – Would you like to join us in the game?‎ ‎ –_____, for I have something important to attend to.‎ ‎ A. I will B. I’d love to C. I won’t D. I’m afraid not ‎(08辽宁卷)34. —My name is Jonathan. Shall I spell it for you?‎ ‎ —______.‎ A. If you don’t mind B. Not at all C. Take it easy D. Nice to meet you ‎(08全国II)6. –Do you know Anna’s telephone number?‎ ‎-- ____. As a matter of fact, I don’t know any Anna, either.‎ A. I think so B. I’m afraid not C. I hope so D. I’d rather not ‎(08全国II)10. --- Could I ask you a rather personal question?‎ ‎--- Sure, ____.‎ A. pardon me B. go ahead C. good idea D. forget it ‎(08陕西卷)18. –The floor is dirty. Can anyone clean it? ‎ ‎– _________ . I do it all the time.‎ A. Don’t mention it. B. Why you? C. Not sure D. Not me again.‎ ‎(08四川卷)5. --- Let’s go for a walk in the garden.‎ ‎ --- _______, but I need to do the washing-up.‎ ‎ A. No, thank you B. That’s right C. Good idea D. Not at all ‎(08四川卷)13. --- Can you show me Mr. Jaffer’s office, please?‎ ‎ --- _____. But I don’t know if he is in at the moment.‎ ‎ A. Thanks B. Go on C. Sure D. You are welcome ‎(08浙江卷)1. – Are you all right?‎ ‎– ______.‎ A. That’s OK B. I think so C. Take it easy D. It’s very kind of you ‎(08浙江卷)20. —Shall we go out for dinner tonight?‎ ‎ —______.‎ A. You are right B. It must be funny C. That sounds great D. Have a nice time ‎(08天津卷)3. ---- I just can’t stop worrying about the result of the job interview.‎ ‎ ----_____. There’s nothing you can do now but wait.‎ ‎ A. Relax B. Go ahead C. Go for it D. Good luck ‎(08天津卷)9. ----How much do I owe you for lunch?‎ ‎ ----______. It’s nothing.‎ ‎ A. You’re welcome B. Forget it C. With pleasure D. That’s right ‎(08重庆卷)28.—May I ask a question after class, Sir?‎ ‎ -- __, but not during my lunch break.‎ A. I am sorry B. Anytime ‎ C. Certainly D. Go ahead ‎(08重庆卷)34. – I am afraid I can’t return the book to you before Friday.‎ ‎ -- __.‎ A. Don’t be afraid B. Be careful C Not at all. D. Take your time ‎(09全国2 )23. —— Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here.‎ ‎—— , as a matter of fact A. Go ahead B. Yes, my pleasure C. Yes, I do D. Come on ‎【答案】C ‎(09重庆)22. —Ken, ________, but your TV is going too loud.‎ ‎—Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.‎ A. I’d like to talk with you     B. I’m really tired of this C. I hate to say this             D. I need your help ‎【答案】C ‎(09江苏)24.--- Bill, can I get you anything to drink?‎ ‎---        .‎ A. You are welcome                    B. No problem C. I wouldn't mind a coffee              D. Doesn’t matter ‎【答案】C ‎(09安徽)2 -- Could you be so kind as to close the window?‎ ‎-- .‎ A. With pleasure B. Go ahead C. Yes, please D. That's OK ‎【答案】A ‎(09福建)6. –Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting.‎ ‎- .‎ A. I practice every day B. Thank you very much C. No, I don’t think so D. Well, it’s not good enough ‎【答案】B 考查交际用语。前一句表示赞扬,应答句应表示感谢,故选B。‎ ‎(09江西)8. ----Thank you for your MP4 player. I’ll get Mary to take it to you soon.‎ ‎----___________. I’ve bought a new one.‎ A. No sense B. No hurry C. No way D. No use ‎【答案】B 考查交际用语。由“我已经买了一个”,便知是NO hurry, 不着急。‎ ‎(09四川)9. —May I open the window to let in some fresh air?‎ ‎—___________‎ A. Come on B. Take care C. Go ahead! D. Hold on!‎ ‎【答案】C 根据语境可以知道:去开吧,去做吧。所以答案为:C。容易误选A。come on 的意思是“算了吧!加油!”‎ ‎(09海南)10. -It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand?‎ ‎- .‎ A. No, thanks B. Yes, my pleasure C. No, never mind D. Yes, I do ‎【答案】A。 情景交际。从对话上文可知是回答对方的请求帮助。No, thanks 与上文呼应。‎ ‎(09山东)11. -------John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.‎ ‎--------Oh, _________!‎ A. cheer up B. well done C. go ahead D. congratulations ‎【答案】D 交际用语中单词(短语)的区别,根据题意可知:这儿应用一个表示祝贺的词(短语)。故选D。‎ ‎(09山东)12. ------Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now!‎ ‎------_______________, He has changed so much.‎ A. Never mind B. No problem C. Not at all D. Me neither ‎【答案】D 交际用语,Me neither,在这儿相当于Neither could me.我也没认出来。‎ ‎(09陕西)14. —My mother is preparing my favorite dishes. Go with me and have a taste, okay?‎ ‎-- . And I’ll be glad to meet your parents.‎ A. I think so B. I’d love to C. I’m sure D. I hope so ‎【答案】B 情景对话。前文问句表示提出建议,根据应答句的后一分句可知应答句选B,意思是:我乐意。‎ ‎(09陕西)15. —Have you finished your first paper? ‎ ‎-- . Just half of it. How about you?‎ A. Not at all B. Not likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet ‎【答案】D 交际用语。Not at all:一点也不,根本不;not likely:不可能;not a bit:非常,很,极其;not yet:还没有。根据应答句中的just half of it可知此处D。‎ ‎(09四川)16. —Would you please help me with the box?‎ ‎—_________‎ A. Yes, please B. No, please don’t C. With pleasure D. My pleasure ‎【答案】C 情景交际,在英语中对于别人提出的帮助请求,通常用with pleasure(非常乐意)回答,my pleasure用来表示你帮对方做了某事后,别人向你表示感谢的用语,意思是“这是我乐意做的”。‎ ‎(09山东)13------shall we have our picnic tomorrow?‎ ‎-----______it doesn’t rain.‎ A. Until B. While C. Once D. If ‎【答案】D 交际用语,意思是:如果明天不下雨的话。‎ ‎(09天津)3. ---- We’re organizing a party next Saturday, and I’d like you to come.‎ ‎---- _______! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.‎ A. Good luck B. What a pity C. Never do it again D. Well done ‎【答案】C ‎(09天津)17. ---- Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better.‎ ‎---- _______.‎ A. I’d love to B. I’m with you on that C. It’s up to you D. It’s my pleasure ‎【答案】B ‎(09浙江)18.-Hey, you haven’t been acting like yourself, Everything OK?‎ ‎-______.‎ A. I’m fine, thanks B. Sure, it is C. That’s good D. It’s OK ‎【答案】A ‎(09浙江)20.- Do you want another drink?‎ ‎- __________.‎ A. I don’t think so. B. No way C. Not at all D. I wouldn’t say no ‎【答案】D ‎(09重庆)21—You are confident about the job interview, aren’t you?‎ ‎—_____. I’m well prepared and feel I’ve got everything they need.‎ A. sure, I am     B. It’s hard to say C. I hope so    D. Well, maybe ‎【答案】A 二、连词 ‎(08四川卷)12. In some places women are expected to earn money ____ men work at home and raise their children.‎ ‎ A. but B. while C. because D. though ‎(09北京)3. John plays basketball well, _____his favorite sport is badminton.‎ A. so B. or C. yet D. for ‎【答案】D ‎(09北京)4. You may use room as you like ____ you clean it up afterwards A. so far as B. so long as C. in case D. even if ‎【答案】C ‎(09安徽)1. – I wonder how much you charge for your services.‎ ‎-- The first two are free the third costs $30.‎ A. while B. until C. when D. before ‎【答案】A ‎(09北京)5. At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see___ it got any better.‎ A. when B. how C. why D. if ‎【答案】A ‎(09湖南)7. ______ the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact proof about it, they could not arrest him.‎ A. Although B. As long as C. If only D. As soon as ‎【答案】A ‎【解析】考查从属连词的用法。根据句意,引导让步状语从句。故选A。‎ ‎(09四川)16. Owen wouldn’t eat anything ____________ he cooked it himself A. until B. since C. unless D. while ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查连词的区别。该句的意思是:欧文不吃任何东西,除非这种东西是他自己 ‎(09浙江)19.The medicine works more effectively ______ you drink some hot water after taking it.‎ A. as B. until C. although D. if ‎【答案】D

