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中考英语高频词汇汇总 A 动词: achieve afford answer appear add act allow agree arrive ask appreciate argue ‎ 名词:advice activity address age air attention asleep awful accident 形容词:able active afraid alive amazing angry asleep anxious actually alike alone ‎ 代词:any anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anywhere B 动词:beat begin believe borrow bring break build burn buy borrow bother ‎ 名词: bank breakfast bread business ‎ 形容词:beautiful blind boring born bright brave busy ‎ C 动词:care call carry catch cause celebrate change chat check choose ‎ ‎ clean clear climb close come collect communicate compare consider continue control connect cook copy consider cost count cover cry create cross cut 名词: capital cancer care century chance child children choice city clothes cloud collection college communication competition contest conversation corner country countryside courage(勇气) culture course custom 形容词:careful careless certain cheap clean clear clever close cloudy colorful comfortable common confident confusing convenient correct crazy creative crowded creative cute ‎ D 动词: deal decide depend describe design destroy develop die discover discuss divide do donate draw dream drink drop 名词: danger date daughter death decision development dictionary difference discussion ‎ 形容词:dangerous dark dead deaf deep delicious different difficult disappointing dry E 动词:eat encourage end enjoy enter examine exchange expect express explain escape 名词: east energy example exercise experience excuse 形容词:easy embarrassed embarrassing empty expensive excited exciting extra F 动词:fail fall fear(害怕) feed feel fetch fill finish fix fly follow force(强迫) forget fight fool fit 名词: factory feeling fire flight floor foreigner future friendship fun 形容词:fat fast far famous fair favorite foreign free ‎ ‎ friendly full funny fit G 动词:get give go grow guess greet guide 名词:gift gold guest grade guest ‎ 形容词:good glad gentle H 动词:happen hate have hang help hide hear hit hold hope hurry hurt 名词: habit half hat head health help history hundred human housework hotel hometown holiday hunger hurry husband 形容词:happy hard hard-working helpful healthy huge honest homeless hungry I 动词:improve include increase imagine impress interview introduce invite invent 名词:illness importance information instruction interest invitation island 形容词:ill important impossible injured interesting ‎ J 动词:join jump ‎ 名词:joy jacket job joke 形容词:just K 动词:keep kick kill kiss know knock 名词: king kitchen kite key kid knife knowledge 形容词: kind knowledgeable L 动词: last laugh lay learn leave let lie lift like list listen litter live lock light 名词:lab lady land language left leaf leader law lesson level letter lift light lock library lunch luck love look ‎ 形容词:large late latest lazy lively lonely long M 动词:major, manage, mark, marry , match, matter, make, mean meet mend mention mind meet mistake move 名词:magazine, map, mark, match, matter, meal, material,‎ ‎ market mind milk million method message memory member meeting medicine means meaning menu milk mountain mother morning money monitor Monday moment model minute month moon mouse mouth movie music museum 形容词:magic , main most modern much ‎ N 动词:need nod note notice 名词:nature neighborhood news newspaper night note notebook nose noise noon north notice nurse number 形容词:national natural nearby necessary nervous normal nice northern new next ‎ O 动词:obey offer open operate own order organize ‎ 名词:object office oil ocean opportunity operation owner offer 形容词:old own outstanding outgoing orange opposite ‎ open P 动词: pack park paint pass pay perform please pick play phone place practice point praise prepare prove provide pull promise protect produce p prevent 名词: part park pardon paper pair page package parent person patient peace period people pity picture pleasure pocket police plenty public pronunciation progress problem prize pride price ‎ 形容词:particular personal patient perfect popular population practice possible poor polite proud proper pretty pleasant pleased Q quarter quality question quick quickly quiet quietly quite R 动词: rain raise reach read realize recite record refuse regard regret relax ‎ remain receive remember rent repair repeat reply report require rest retell ride ring rise return review run rush remind ‎ 名词: rain radio reason relation rest report research review(复习) risk rule 形容词: rainy relaxing relaxed regular right rude S 动词: say satisfy sail search set shake save sell seem serve send sell see shut show shout shoot share shine sort speak spell spend stand start steal stick stop store suit suggest succeed study suppose supply surprise sweep swim solve 名词: sale same sand science scientist sea screen season screen secret seat service shame shoulder sight side sing sit sleep ‎ silence skill sky snow soldier spirit speech speed story store stranger student style success subject sweater 形容词: sick shy small slow sleepy similar simple silly silent small smart snowy social soft smart stupid strict strange super sunny successful sudden strong sweet surprising surprised sure ‎ T 动词: take talk taste teach tell talk thank think throw trust try translate travel turn ‎ 名词: teacher telephone taste talk text theater thief thing ticket traffic train tourist tour truth trip trouble turn type 形容词:tall, term terrible ‎ thick thin tired tiring tidy true U ugly unable uncle understand university upset upstairs use used useful useless usual usually V Vacation vegetables view visit visitor voice ‎ W 动词: wait wake walk want warn wash waste watch wave wear weigh welcome win wipe wonder worry write 名词: wall weight weekend weekday website way wealth wife winner winter 形容词:weak well-known western whole wide white wet worth(值得) wise(明智的) wonderful windy wrong Y year yellow yesterday young ‎ 副词:just there through together tonight since such rather recently perhaps possibly politely off once outside over only there through together tonight such rather recently perhaps possibly politely off once outside over only normally never nearly now mainly maybe mostly yet already still almost nearly quite very too fairly rather hardly badly kindly quickly easily well luckily loudly ‎ 连词:where why whether when whatever what who whom whose which if whether before after until although unless since because so and or but so….that neither…nor either….or both….and ‎ not only….but also 代词: one it this that those them they theirs themselves ours, ‎ ourselves we your yours yourself yourselves our ours other neither none nobody nothing many myself my mine his him she her hers it its all both neither either none another other others ‎

