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2019 届二轮复习定句从句 考点 内容 关系代词 关系代词的作用及常见关系代词的用法 关系副词 关系副词的作用及常见关系副词的用法 非限制性 定语从句 与限制性定语从句在意义和关系词方面的区别 考纲解读 命题规律趋势探究 命题规律 1.北京近三年高考中定语从句的考点分布如下: 2.高考北京卷中,主要考查定语从句的基本用法,设题方式多样。 3.高考北京卷中注重结合语境考查定语从句的基本用法。 年份 2017 2016 2015 考点 关系代词 关系代词 关系副词 考频分析 核心考点 考查内容 考查重点 定语从句 关系代词 ★★★★★ 关系副词 ★★★★☆ 突破方法 1.根据从句前是否有名词或者句子,并被从句修饰来判断。 2.根据先行词初步判断关系词。 (1)人作为先行词,可供选择的关系词有:who(主宾表), whom(宾表), whose(定), that(主宾表)。 (2)物作为先行词,可供选择的关系词有:that(主宾表), which(主宾表), whose(定), when(状), why(状), where(状)。人和物共同作先行词时,关 系词只能用that。 (3)先行词为一个句子时,可用的关系词有as, which。 3.分析句子成分,确定具体用词。 (1)根据从句中与关系词相关的动词是及物动词还是不及物动词,确定 从句所缺成分。 (2)根据句意和结构及特殊情况,确定关系词。 考点知识全面总结 考点一 关系代词 一、关系代词的作用及分类 1.关系代词的作用有三个: (1)连接作用:关系代词引导从句,把从句和主句连接起来; (2)替代作用:关系代词在从句中替代它前面的先行词; (3)作成分:关系代词在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等成分。 从句 关系代词 格 用于限制性和非 限制性定语从句 用于限制性定语从句 指人 指物 既指人又指物 主格词 who which that 宾格词 who(m) 属格词 whose/ of whom whose/ of which whose 2.关系代词的用法分类: 关系代词的用法与分类有三点依据: (1)根据所引导的从句的限制性和非限制性; (2)根据所替代的先行词是指人还是指物; (3)根据它在从句中所充当的成分——主语、宾语、表语或定语。 二、关系代词that和which的用法 1.限制性定语从句中,必须用关系代词that的情况: (1)当先行词是不定代词all,much,little,something,everything,anything, nothing,none等时。如: There is nothing in the world that can frighten him. 在这个世界上没有什么事能吓倒他。 (2)当先行词前面有the only,the very(恰恰,正好),any,few,little,no,all等词 修饰时。如: The only thing that we can do is(to)give you some money. 我们唯一能做的事情就是给你一些钱。 (3)当先行词是形容词最高级或先行词的前面有形容词最高级修饰时。 如: This is the most interesting film that I ’ ve ever seen. 这是我曾经看过的最有趣的电影。 (4)当先行词是序数词或它前面有序数词修饰时。如: This train is the last that will go to Suzhou. 这是去苏州的最后一趟火车。 (5)当先行词既有人又有物时。如: Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about? 你知道他们正在谈论的事和人吗? (6)当主句的主语是疑问词which时。如: Which is the bike that you lost?哪辆是你丢的自行车? (7)有两个定语从句时,其中一个关系代词宜用which,另外一个宜用 that。如: They secretly built up a small factory,which produced things that could cause pollution. 他们偷偷地建了一家小工厂,这家工厂生产的东西能造成污染。 (8)当先行词在主句中作表语,而关系代词在从句中也作表语时。如: Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. 上海不再是过去的那座城市了。 2.当先行词指物或前面整句话时,定语从句中关系代词必须用which的 情况: (1)在非限制性定语从句中,只用which,不用that。如: Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012,which made one of the Chinese people ’ s long-held dreams come true. 莫言2012年被授予诺贝尔文学奖,这使中国人长久以来拥有的梦想之一 变成了现实。 (2)当从句中的介词提前时,只用which,不用that。如: Gun control is a subject about which Americans have argued for a long time. 枪支控制是美国人争论了很长时间的一个话题。 注意:在一些动词短语中,由于动词和介词不可分割,因此不能把介词置 于关系代词之前。如: This is the pen(which/that)I ’ m looking for. 这是我正在寻找的那支钢笔。 不可以说:This is the pen for which I ’ m looking. 三、关系代词who,whom,that和whose的用法 当先行词指人:①在定语从句中作主语时,用who/that,不可省略;②在定 语从句中作宾语时,用whom/who/that,可以省略;③在定语从句中作定语 时,用whose,不可省略。如: She is the girl who/that lives next door. (先行词在定语从句中作主语)她就是住在隔壁的女孩 。 That ’ s the girl (whom/who/that) I teach. (先行词在定语从句中作宾语)那就是我教的女孩。 This is the scientist whose achievements are well known. (先行词在定语从句中作定语)这就是那位成就卓著的科学家。 This is the house whose window broke last night. =This is the house,the window of which broke last night. =This is the house,of which the window broke last night. (注意粗体部分的形式和顺序)这就是昨晚窗户被打坏的那所房子。 用关系代词填空: ①Is there anything   that    you don ’ t understand about the problem? ②The worst matter   that      I ’ m afraid of happened in the end. ③Please send us all the information   that   you have about the candidate for the position. ④This is the very book   that     I have been looking for. ⑤My friend showed me round the town,   which      was very kind of him. ⑥The house   whose     windows face to the north belongs to him. ⑦The man   who/whom/that     you met just now is my old friend. 考点二 关系副词 一、关系副词的作用与意义 1.关系副词的作用 (1)连接作用:关系副词引导从句,连接主从句。 (2)替代作用:关系副词在从句中替代先行词。 (3)作成分:关系副词在从句中作状语。 2.主要关系副词的意义 定语从句中主要的关系副词有when,where,why等。when=表时间的介 词(如:in,at,on,during等)+which;where=表地点的介词(如:in,at,on,under 等)+which;why=表原因的介词(如:for)+which。如: I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing.(when=on which) 我还记得我第一次来北京的那一天。 Can you tell me the office where he works?(where=in which) 你能告诉我他上班的办公室吗? Do you know the reason why he is absent?(why=for which) 你知道他缺席的原因吗? 二、高考中对关系副词where的考查 高考试题中对于where的考查趋于复杂,从先行词为“明显的地点”转 为“地点的模糊化”。事实上,对于where这个词,考生不能只理解为表 示地点。当先行词表示某人/物的situation,或某事所发展的stage,或表达 某事的某个方面时都可用where这个关系副词。如: They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other. 他们已经到了必须分开的地步。 这种用法不是仅仅限于定语从句,特殊疑问句中的where,名词性从句中 的where都有这种用法。如: Where will all this trouble lead? 这件麻烦事会导致什么后果? That is where you are mistaken. 那就是你的错误所在。 单项填空 : ( )① Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers        consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. A.where    B.when    C.who    D.which ( )②—Is that the small town you often refer to? —Right,just the one        you know I used to work for years. A.that  B.which  C.where  D.what A C ( ) ③I walked in our garden,        Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees. A.which  B.when  C.where  D.that ( )④Occasions are quite rare        I have the time to spend a day with my kids. A.who  B.which  C.why  D.when C D 考点三 非限制性定语从句 一、限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句对先行词起修饰限制作用;非限制性定语从句对先行词 起补充说明作用。在非限制性定语从句中,先行词与定语从句往往由逗 号隔开。非限制性定语从句相当于并列句、状语从句等。如: He has two sons,who work in the same company.(He has only two sons.) 他有两个儿子,他们在同一家公司上班。 He has two sons who work in the same company.(Perhaps he has more than two sons.) 他有两个儿子在同一家公司上班。 同义句转换: ①That is his father,and he works in Shanghai. That is his father,   who     works in Shanghai. ②I like the boy,who is very lovely. I like the boy,   because/for he     is very lovely. ③He told me a story yesterday,and I think it is very interesting. He told me a story yesterday,   which      I think is very interesting. 二、非限制性定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法 1. 关系代词和关系副词在任何情况下都不能省略 ; 2.who( 主语 ),whom( 宾语 ),which( 主语 , 宾语 ) 不能用 that 代替 , 也不能互相 替换 ; 3.when,where,whose可用于非限制性定语从句中。 单项填空: ( ) ④I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,        we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. A.which  B.where  C.who  D.that ( ) ⑤They ’ ve won their last three matches,        I find a bit surprising actually. A.that  B.when  C.what  D.which ( ) ⑥He was late for the opening ceremony,        was very surprising to me. A.that  B.which  C.who  D.what B D B 考点四 关系代词as与which的区别 1.   其中关系代词as在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语。如: We have found such materials as are used in their factory. 我们已经找到了像他们工厂里用的那种材料。(as作主语) These houses are sold at such a low price as people expected. 这些房子以人们预料的那样的低价出售。(as作宾语) He is not the same man as he was. 他和过去不同了。(as作表语) 2....such as... such为代词,意为“这样的人或物”,as在从句中作成分,修饰先行词 such。如: This book is not such as I expect. 这本书不是我想要的。(as在从句中作宾语) 3.as 引导的非限制性定语从句,既可在主句前,又可在主句后,有时还可 插入主句中,而which引导的非限制性定语从句只能置于主句之后。相 同的是两者都可替代整个主句的内容。如: The weather turned out to be very good,which was more than we could ex- pect. 结果天气很好,这一点超出了我们的预料。 4.当非限制性定语从句放在主句前面时,只能用as。如: As is known to everybody,the moon travels round the earth once every month. =The moon travels round the earth once every month,as/which is known to everybody. =It is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month. =What is known to everybody is that the moon travels round the earth once every month. 众所周知,月球每月绕地球转一圈。 后两句属于名词性从句范畴。 另外,as多用于下列习惯用语中:as anybody can see正如人人都能看到的 那样;as is well-known=as is known to all众所周知;as we have expected正 如我们所预料的那样;as often happens正如经常发生的那样;as has been said before正如以前所说的那样;as is mentioned above正如上面提到的。 5.当定语从句放在主句后面时,也并不是as就永远等于which。 (1)当非限制性定语从句是否定句或表示否定时只能用which。如: He came here very late,which was unexpected(not expected). 他来得很晚,这是意料之外的。 (2)当as在从句中作主语时,后面常接动词的被动语态。如:be known,be said,be reported,be announced等。如果从句中行为动词是主动语态,一 般用which作主语。如: She has been absent again,as is expected. 她又缺席了,这在预料之中。 Tom has made rapid progress,which makes me very happy. 汤姆进步很快,这使我很高兴。 (3)当非限制性定语从句中含有复合结构时,只能用which引导定语从 句。如: Betty always tells a lie, which her parents find strange. 贝蒂总是说谎,她的父母觉得奇怪。 1.用关系代词填空 ①She is such a girl   as       is always finding fault with other people. ②That student that the teacher thought best played truant(逃学)yesterday,   which     made the teacher very disappointed. 2.单项填空: ( ) ③The Beatles,        many of you are old enough to remember,came from Liverpool. A.what  B.that  C.how  D.as ( ) ④The owner of the cinema needed to make a lot of improvements and em- ploy more people to keep it running,        meant spending tens of thou- sands of pounds. A.who  B.that  C.as  D.which D D 考点五 “介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 1.当介词放在关系代词的前面时,关系代词常用which或whom,并且不能 省略。如: He paid the boy $10 for washing ten windows,most of which hadn

