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期末不一定考但不得不做 做了未必会会了也未必全对 但就是一定得完成的 六年级英语练习册 Class:__________‎ Name:__________‎ No.____________‎ 六年级,2017,就是这么任性!‎ 全部单词全背过不要是传说,我们一起来记一记。‎ 做题要求: 1. 请自觉默写,边默写边读一读,不要抄哦(请家长监督好)‎ ‎2. 默写完请打开双基改分,看看自己得到多少积分。‎ ‎3. 把错的单词积累到错词页,定时背诵一下,加强记忆。(家长抽时间检查孩子背诵的情况)‎ ‎4. 老师会每周检查1次完成情况,并把情况通过微信群公布。(比比看谁积分最多,谁能及时背诵错词)‎ 六年级上册 单词默写积分表 Unit 1 积分:______________ ‎ 农村__________ 田__________ 摘___________ 草_________ 给_________ ‎ 奶牛;母牛________ 绵羊(单复数一样)________ 其他;别的;其他的人(或事)_________ ‎ 极少;几乎没有____________ 几(个、条、……)____________ 鹅_________ 鹅(复数)_________ ‎ 河;江_________ 饲养;喂养_________山羊_________如果_________ ‎ Unit 2 积分:______________ ‎ 祖父(母);外祖父(母)____________挤奶_____________骑_________ 骑(过去式)__________ 花费__________ 仍然_________ 在……(方面)帮助 …_________________ 空气_________ ‎ 健康的_________ 繁忙的_________大量的_________ 新鲜的_________分钟_______________‎ 农村_____________生活_________‎ ‎ ‎ Unit 3积分:______________‎ 城市________ 学生_____________ 安静的_________ 便宜的__________ 现代化的_________嘈杂的_________宽阔的_________拥挤的_________舒服的___________ 拥挤的;大量的____________ 慢的;缓慢的__________纽约_________ 美国;美洲___________ 是(is,am的过去式)________ 出生_________ 昂贵的_________‎ 街道_________ 超市_________交通________________酒店;宾馆__________‎ Unit 4积分:______________‎ 明信片_________ 脏的__________ 害怕________ 害怕……_____________ 因为___________‎ 出售_________ 农村____________ 剧院____________ 整天____________ 不同于……__________________想念____________假日_____________外面;在外面_______________‎ Unit 5积分:______________‎ 健康_____________ 事情__________ 怎么回事?________________________ 病的__________‎ 肚子疼___________ 吃________ 吃(过去式)________ 听到_____________ 听到(过去式)___________‎ 给(过去式)_________ 检查___________服(药)________ 药_________ 次_________ 牙疼_________‎ 刷_________两次_________断了的___________ 手指_________ 休息________ ‎ 休息(词组)____________________穿_______________ 穿(过去式)___________ 头疼___________ ‎ 能够_____________ 能够(过去式)____________‎ 也许;可能___________ 发烧__________听到这个我感到很难过。_____________________________‎ 小时_________糖果_________ go(过去式)___________ 小心的___________ fall(过去式)___________‎ Unit 6积分:______________‎ 秘密________ 简单的___________ 最少(小)_________ 至少_____________节食;限食_________‎ ‎ 保持一个良好的饮食习惯________________ 较少的_________ 多油的;油腻的________________‎ 最后地_________ 微笑;笑容_________ 甚至______________‎ Unit7积分:______________‎ 昨天___________买(过去式)_________ 生气的;愤怒的____________ 来(过去式)____________‎ ‎/... 一点都不……__________________ 可怜的_________最近的;上一个的;上一个___________‎ 年___________ 遇见;聚集___________遇见;聚集(过去式)___________ 看见,明白__________‎ 看见,明白_(过去式)_______________读_________ 读(过去式)_____________ 过去的,过去___________经验;经历__________有(过去式)______________助动词(没实际意义,do,does的过去式)___________‎ Unit 8积分:______________‎ 日记___________后来_________ 感觉;觉得(过去式)___________ 坐(过去式)_____________ 是(are的过去式)__________ 直到__________ 更好__________ 惊讶的___________迪士尼公园_______________ ‎ 米老鼠_______________________ 唐老鸭______________________‎ 旅游_________说(过去式)___________ 岛_________带;取(过去式)_________ 一点_______________‎ Unit 9积分:______________‎ 当时;过去那个时候_______________ 有礼貌的____________ 肥胖的_______ 哭_________浏览_________ ‎ 因特网__________上网_______________ 当时________ 保持_________保持(过去式) _________ ‎ 卡通;漫画______________‎ Unit 10积分:______________‎ ‎……之前_________ 村子;村庄__________ 附近_________ 遥远_________ 办公室____________‎ 商店_________ 百货公司_______________________________ 大多数_____________‎ Unit 11积分:______________‎ 互相____________________ 礼物_________ 幸运的___________压岁钱____________________ 希望_________‎ ‎ 中秋节___________________月亮_________月饼_________比赛____________龙___________ 饺子___________‎ 端午节_____________________粽子_________ 重阳节___________________________________ ‎ 节日_______________春节_______________他(她,它)们的___________当;在……瞬间___________‎ 听起来_________ 大山;山脉_________‎ Unit 12积分:______________‎ 竖起______________分享___________奇妙的;奇异的______________ 匆忙;赶忙______________‎ 带来_________ 火腿__________ 火鸡___________圣诞节__________________装修____________‎ 烟花______________ 圣诞快乐_______________________________________.‎ 又见面??俗话说,一次生,两次熟嘛。。。‎ 六年级上册 单词订正积分表 Unit 1 积分:______________ ‎ 农村__________ 田__________ 摘___________ 草_________ 给_________ ‎ 奶牛;母牛________ 绵羊(单复数一样)________ 其他;别的;其他的人(或事)_________ ‎ 极少;几乎没有____________ 几(个、条、……)____________ 鹅_________ 鹅(复数)_________ ‎ 河;江_________ 饲养;喂养_________山羊_________如果_________ ‎ Unit 2 积分:______________ ‎ 祖父(母);外祖父(母)____________挤奶_____________骑_________ 骑(过去式)__________ 花费__________ 仍然_________ 在……(方面)帮助 …_________________ 空气_________ ‎ 健康的_________ 繁忙的_________大量的_________ 新鲜的_________分钟_______________‎ 农村_____________生活_________‎ ‎ ‎ Unit 3积分:______________‎ 城市________ 学生_____________ 安静的_________ 便宜的__________ 现代化的_________嘈杂的_________宽阔的_________拥挤的_________舒服的___________ 拥挤的;大量的____________ 慢的;缓慢的__________纽约_________ 美国;美洲___________ 是(is,am的过去式)________ 出生_________ 昂贵的_________‎ 街道_________ 超市_________交通________________酒店;宾馆__________‎ Unit 4积分:______________‎ 明信片_________ 脏的__________ 害怕________ 害怕……_____________ 因为___________‎ 出售_________ 农村____________ 剧院____________ 整天____________ 不同于……__________________想念____________假日_____________外面;在外面_______________‎ Unit 5积分:______________‎ 健康_____________ 事情__________ 怎么回事?________________________ 病的__________‎ 肚子疼___________ 吃________ 吃(过去式)________ 听到_____________ 听到(过去式)___________‎ 给(过去式)_________ 检查___________服(药)________ 药_________ 次_________ 牙疼_________‎ 刷_________两次_________断了的___________ 手指_________ 休息________ ‎ 休息(词组)____________________穿_______________ 穿(过去式)___________ 头疼___________ ‎ 能够_____________ 能够(过去式)____________‎ 也许;可能___________ 发烧__________听到这个我感到很难过。_____________________________‎ 小时_________糖果_________ go(过去式)___________ 小心的___________ fall(过去式)___________‎ Unit 6积分:______________‎ 秘密________ 简单的___________ 最少(小)_________ 至少_____________节食;限食_________‎ ‎ 保持一个良好的饮食习惯________________ 较少的_________ 多油的;油腻的________________‎ 最后地_________ 微笑;笑容_________ 甚至______________‎ Unit7积分:______________‎ 昨天___________买(过去式)_________ 生气的;愤怒的____________ 来(过去式)____________‎ ‎/... 一点都不……__________________ 可怜的_________最近的;上一个的;上一个___________‎ 年___________ 遇见;聚集___________遇见;聚集(过去式)___________ 看见,明白__________‎ 看见,明白_(过去式)_______________读_________ 读(过去式)_____________ 过去的,过去___________经验;经历__________有(过去式)______________助动词(没实际意义,do,does的过去式)___________‎ Unit 8积分:______________‎ 日记___________后来_________ 感觉;觉得(过去式)___________ 坐(过去式)_____________ 是(are的过去式)__________ 直到__________ 更好__________ 惊讶的___________迪士尼公园_______________ ‎ 米老鼠_______________________ 唐老鸭______________________‎ 旅游_________说(过去式)___________ 岛_________带;取(过去式)_________ 一点_______________‎ Unit 9积分:______________‎ 当时;过去那个时候_______________ 有礼貌的____________ 肥胖的_______ 哭_________浏览_________ ‎ 因特网__________上网_______________ 当时________ 保持_________保持(过去式) _________ ‎ 卡通;漫画______________‎ Unit 10积分:______________‎ ‎……之前_________ 村子;村庄__________ 附近_________ 遥远_________ 办公室____________‎ 商店_________ 百货公司_______________________________ 大多数_____________‎ Unit 11积分:______________‎ 互相____________________ 礼物_________ 幸运的___________压岁钱____________________ 希望_________ 中秋节___________________月亮_________月饼_________比赛____________龙___________ 饺子___________‎ 端午节_____________________粽子_________ 重阳节___________________________________ ‎ 节日_______________春节_______________他(她,它)们的___________当;在……瞬间___________‎ 听起来_________ 大山;山脉_________‎ Unit 12积分:______________‎ 竖起______________分享___________奇妙的;奇异的______________ 匆忙;赶忙______________‎ 带来_________ 火腿__________ 火鸡___________圣诞节__________________装修____________‎ 烟花______________ 圣诞快乐_______________________________________.‎ 恭喜你过了单词关了!敢继续挑战吗?短语可是一个积两分哦!‎ Unit 1 积分:___________________‎ ‎____________________ 在农场上 ____________________ 果树 ‎ ‎____________________ 在田/地里 ____________________ 摘苹果 ‎____________________ 一些鹅 ____________________ 在河上 ‎ ‎____________________ 喂鸡 ____________________ 喂猪 ‎____________________ 种花 ____________________ 种树 ‎____________________ 种蔬菜 ____________________ 喂马 ‎____________________ 把某物给某人 ___________________ 一些鹅 ‎ ‎ ___________________ 一杯茶 ____________________ 看上去很可爱 Unit 2积分:___________________‎ ‎____________________ 住在乡下 ______________________ 醒来 ‎ ‎____________________ 给奶牛挤奶 ______________________ 超过...,多余 ‎____________________ 大量的;充分的______________________ 骑自行车 ‎ ‎____________________ 到家 ______________________ 帮助爸爸挤牛奶 ‎ ‎___________________ 很多活要干 ______________________ 大量的新鲜牛奶 ‎___________________ 做完作业 ______________________ 放学后 ‎____________________ 喂鸡 ______________________ 感到累 ‎____________________ 帮父母做家务 ______________________花费四十分钟 ‎____________________ 每天 ______________________乡村生活 ‎____________________ 充分的锻炼 _______________________ 洁净的空气 ‎____________________ 新鲜的食物 _______________________ 健康的生活 Unit 3积分:___________________‎ ‎____________________ 一位新学生 ______________________ 一条又宽又干净的街道 ‎____________________ 出生在那儿 _______________________一间又大又干净的超市 ‎____________________ 很小但是很安静 ____________________一间又干净又舒服的酒店 ‎____________________ 一座又大又现代化的城市 __________________又挤又慢的交通 ‎____________________ 一幢又高又新的大楼__________________一间又大又现代化的学校 Unit 4积分:___________________‎ ‎___________________ 与…不同 _____________________ 售卖许多不同的东西 ‎ ‎___________________ 害怕干某事_____________________ 去睡觉 ‎___________________ 在 晚上 _____________________ 许多漂亮的现代化大楼 ‎ ‎___________________ 睡着 _____________________ 看见所有我的朋友 ‎___________________ 多得多 _____________________ 天安门广场 ‎ ‎___________________ 在家里 _____________________ 北京机场 ‎___________________ 整天玩 _____________________ 北京火车站 ‎ ‎___________________ 迫不及待要干某事 _________________ 王府井大街 ‎___________________ 回到家 ______________________ 长城 ‎___________________ 颐和园 Unit 5积分:___________________‎ ‎____________________ 你怎么了? ____________________ 吃了不干净的食物 ‎ ‎____________________ 觉得不舒服,觉得难受_____________ 去医院 ‎____________________ 肚子痛;胃痛 ______________________太遗憾了。‎ ‎____________________ 看医生 _______________________给某人体检 ‎_____________________ 要求某人做某事 ____________________ 吃药 ‎_____________________ 一天三次 _____________________ 小心;当心 ‎_____________________ (身体)很快好起来 __________________ 牙痛 ‎_____________________ 耳朵痛 ______________________ 呆在那儿两个小时 ‎_____________________ 感冒 ____________________ 头痛 ‎ ‎_____________________ 发烧 ______________________ 太多... ‎ ‎_____________________ 帅呀 ________________________ 休息一下 ‎_____________________ 大量的... _______________________ 多喝水 ‎_____________________ 健康状况好; 身体好 _________________ 吃太多糖果 ‎ ‎_____________________ 一天刷牙两次 _____________________ 牙齿痛 ‎_____________________ 休息一下 ______________________ 从自行车上掉下来 ‎_____________________ 一个断的手指 ____________________ 穿湿的衣服 ‎_____________________ 吃太多冰激凌 ____________________ 喝太多的水 ‎_____________________ 头痛 _____________________ 不能睡觉 Unit 6积分:___________________‎ ‎_____________________ 做一些简单的东西 ____________________ 保持健康 ‎_____________________ 充分的睡眠 ________________________ 至少 ‎_____________________ 每个晚上8小时 _____________________ 好健康的秘密 ‎_____________________ 保持一个良好的饮食习惯 ____________________ 吃多点蔬菜 ‎_____________________ 少点肉 ________________________ 吃太多的糖果 ‎_____________________ 油腻的食物 ________________________ 喝茶或者喝水 ‎_____________________ 大量的运动 ________________________ 散步一小时 ‎_____________________ 在公园 ________________________ 每一个早上 ‎_____________________ 和朋友跳舞 _____________________ 最重要的事情 ‎_____________________ 健康的生活 _________________________ 担心太多 ‎_____________________ 脸上挂着微笑 _________________________ 喝牛奶 ‎_____________________ 吃一个苹果 _________________________ 感到伤心 Unit 7积分:___________________‎ ‎_____________________ 儿童节 __________________________ 去购物 ‎_____________________ 一双新的运动鞋__________________________ 打篮球 ‎_____________________ 在公园 ___________________________ 回家晚了 ‎_____________________ 呆在家里 ___________________________ 整天 ‎_____________________ 打扫房间 ___________________________ 做作业 ‎_____________________ 一点也不 ___________________________ 遇见朋友 ‎_____________________ 在饭店吃东西 ___________________________ 骑自行车 ‎_____________________ 看电影 ___________________________ 读故事书 ‎_____________________ 和我的朋友去参加派对 ___________________ 去农村 Unit 8积分:___________________‎ ‎____________________ 去...旅游 __________________________ 上个周末 ‎____________________ 某人第一次去... __________________________ 乘火车 ‎___________________ 带某人去... ___________________________ 暂住在表妹家 ‎____________________ 在街上 _________________________ 拍照 ‎____________________ 感觉好些了 ________________________ 玩不同的游戏 ‎ ‎___________________ 第二天 ________________________ 吃汉堡和薯条 ‎____________________ 一起吃午饭 ________________________ 吃得有点太多 ‎ ‎____________________ 谈论... _________________________ 来香港 Unit 9积分:___________________‎ ‎______________________ 你五岁的时候 ____________________________ 读书 ‎______________________ 留短发 ____________________________ 吃蔬菜 ‎______________________ 一个乖女孩 ____________________________ 看电视 ‎______________________ 那时候 _____________________________ 又矮又肥 ‎______________________ 玩玩具 ____________________________ 又高又瘦 ‎______________________ 上网 ____________________________ 看卡通片 ‎______________________ 喜欢笑/经常笑 ___________________________ 画卡通 Unit 10积分:___________________‎ ‎_____________________ 在那之前 ____________________________ 三年前 ‎ ‎_____________________ 大部分的人 ____________________________ 生活在中国 ‎_____________________ 远的 _____________________________ 生活在小乡村 ‎ ‎_____________________ 乘公共汽车 _____________________________在农村 ‎_____________________ 办公楼 _____________________________在农场上工作 ‎_____________________ 走路上学 _____________________________ 生活在大城市 ‎_____________________ 高楼大厦 _____________________________ 超过,多于 ‎_____________________ 去上班 _____________________________ 百货商店 Unit 11积分:___________________‎ ‎_____________________ 春节 _______________________________ 中国的新年 ‎ ‎_____________________ 彼此 _______________________________打扫房子 ‎_____________________ 彼此赠送礼物 _______________________________ 买新衣服 ‎ ‎_____________________ 压岁钱 _______________________________令到每一样都是新的 ‎_____________________ 祝福某人.... __________________________ 吃月饼 ‎_____________________ 大吃一顿 _____________________________ 吃粽子 ‎_____________________ 听起来很棒 _____________________________ 在河上 ‎ ‎_____________________ 中秋节 _______________________________ 互相 ‎_____________________ 赏月 _______________________________ 去亲戚家拜年 ‎ ‎_____________________ 龙舟节 _______________________________春节快乐 ‎_____________________ 赛龙舟 _______________________________ 许多美味的食物 ‎ ‎_____________________ 重阳节 ________________________________给祖先祭品 ‎_____________________ 爬山 ________________________________吃饺子 Unit 12积分:___________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ 一年中最重要的节日 ‎ ‎____________________ 竖起;立起 ________________________________在许多国家 ‎_____________________ 匆忙去做某事 ______________________________在那天之前 ‎_____________________ 聚在一起 ____________________________在一棵大的圣诞树 ‎_______________________ 在圣诞树下面 ________________________ 圣诞老人 ‎______________________ 穿红衣服 ________________________ 送礼物给所有的小孩 ‎_____________________ 打开礼物 ________________________ 圣诞火鸡 ‎______________________ 唱优美的圣诞歌 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 单复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 单数 复数 人称代词 宾格 形容词性物主代词 You are pretty strenuous! 你真是蛮拼的!‎ 神马单词,神马短语,对于咱来说,都是么么哒!‎ 整个单元一起来吧!‎ Module 1 Country Life Part 1.Vocabulary.‎ ‎1.__________ __________果树 2.__________ __________摘苹果 ‎ ‎3.__________ the __________在农场 4.__________ the __________田野里 ‎5.__________ you __________如果你愿意 6._________ __________种水稻 ‎7.__________ ___________割草 8.__________ the __________喂动物 ‎9._________sth.__________ sb.把。。。给。。。 10.__________ __________一些,几个 ‎11._________ __________ animals 任何其他动物 12._________ the __________在河里 ‎13._________ __________看上去很可爱 14.__________ in the __________住在农村 ‎15._________ __________醒来 16.__________ the __________挤奶 ‎17._________ __________超过、多于 18.__________ __________大量的,很多 ‎19.__________ to _________骑车上学 20.__________ __________一起学习 ‎21.__________ __________到家 22.It _________ about 40 _________大概要用40分钟 ‎23._________ __________to do很多事要做 24.__________sb.__________sth帮助某人做某事 ‎25._________ __________感到疲倦 26.__________ __________干净的空气 ‎27.__________ _________新鲜的食物 28.a __________ __________健康的生活 Part 2.Summary.‎ (1) Uncle Chen grows many __________ and __________ trees on his farm. And he grows _________ in that __________. Ben can _________ some fruits __________ he wants. Those farmers are _________ __________ to __________ the __________. They _________ it to the cows and sheep. Uncle Chen has a _________ goats and pigs. And there are some _________ swimming on the __________. They look _________.‎ ‎(2)Li Wei _________ on a small farm with his __________ and __________. He loves _________ in the __________. He lives a __________ life every day. He usually _________ up at ‎5 a.m. and _________ his father _________ the cows. They have __________ _________ 50 cows, so they have _________ of _________ milk for breakfast. After __________, he _________ to school. It _________ about 40 __________. His school is very _________ and there are _______ one classroom. All the pupils must _________ _________. When he _________ home after school, there is ________ much work to do. After he _________ his homework, he _________ the chickens and _________ his parents ________ with other housework. He is always ________ but he never _________ tired, because there is plenty of _________, _________ air and ________ food every day. So he thinks a country life is a _________ life.‎ Part 3. Talk and write.‎ ‎1.(Page 3)The lady is _________ the chickens and ducks. The young man is __________ the pigs. The tall boy is __________ the horse. The man is _________ flowers and vegetables. And the handsome boy is __________ trees. They are very busy with farmwork.‎ ‎2.(Page 4)A cat is _________ the tree. Some rabbits are playing __________ the tree. Two pigs are ________ the small house. And three cows are standing __________ _________ of the house. Some ducks are swimming on the _________. They all look happy and lovely.‎ Part 4.Multiple choice.‎ ‎( ) 1.All the ______ are very lovely. A.goose B.geese C.gooses ‎( ) 2.I like ______ fish in the pond. A.feeding B.feed C.fed ‎( ) 3.There are some ducks ______ the river. A.at B.in C.on ‎( ) 4.Those farmers usually ______ rice in the morning. A.grow B.plant C.pick ‎( ) 5.It is the best time to plant trees in ______. A.summer B.winter C.spring ‎( ) 6.There are six ______ near the river. A.apples trees B.apple trees C.apple tree ‎( ) 7.What ______ the farmers ______ now? A.are…doing B.is…doing C.are…did ‎( ) 8.They are cutting grass ______ the cows. A.feed B.feeding C.to feed ‎( ) 9.Do you have ______ animals in your old house? A.a B.any C.some ‎( ) 10.I want ______ some new clothes in that shop. A.to buy B.buying C.buy ‎( ) 11.The boy usually gets home ______ half ______ five in the afternoon.‎ ‎ A.at…past B.at…to C.in…past ‎( ) 12.They usually do homework ______ the weekend. A.on B.at C.in ‎( ) 13.We often ______ the cows in the morning. A.milk B.milks C.milking ‎( ) 14.I don’t like ______ TV. A.watch B.watches C.watching ‎( ) 15.I always have an art lesson ______ Wednesday. A.on B.at C.for ‎( ) 16.We also want some more ______ for dinner. A.sheep B.goat C.fish ‎( ) 17.I want to ______ some English songs on radio. A.listen B.listens C.listening ‎( ) 18.We usually have bread and milk ______ breakfast. A.with B.on C.for ‎( ) 19.It sometimes ______ me thirty minutes to get to my office. A.take B.takes C.took ‎( ) 20.They ______ basketball on the playground now. A.play B.playing C.are playing Part 5. Oral English.‎ 1. What are you doing now?‎ 2. Is your mother a teacher?‎ 3. What can the farmer do?‎ 4. What do you usually do on the farm?‎ 5. Are there any animals in your house?‎ 6. Do you want to live in the country?‎ 7. When can we grow flowers?‎ 8. What’s your favourite animal?‎ 9. How do you go to school every day?‎ 10. How long does it take you to get home from your school?‎ 11. What housework do you often do?‎ 12. Can you ride to school?‎ 13. What are you going to do this weekend?‎ 14. What did you do last Sunday afternoon?‎ 15. Did you have a good time yesterday?‎ Module 2 City life Part 1. Vocabulary ‎1.a ________ ________一个新同学 2.in our ________ 在我们班 ‎ ‎3.________ ________来自。。。 4.________ ________出生于 ‎ ‎5.________ but ________小但是安静 6.________ ________干净的街道 ‎7.________ ________友好的人们 8.things are ________ 价廉物美 ‎9.What’s … ________?。。。怎么样10.a ________ and ________ city一个又大又现代化的城市 ‎11.________ ________相当嘈杂 12.everything is __________所有东西都很昂贵 ‎13.________ and ________ streets又宽又拥挤的街道 ‎ ‎14.________ and ________ traffic 又缓慢又拥堵的交通 ‎15.________ and ________ hotel又干净又舒适的宾馆 ‎16.a ________ ________一座高楼 17.in one’s ________ ________在某人的空闲时间 ‎18.________ the ________参观博物馆 19.go to the ________ = see a ________ 去看电影 ‎20.________ ________想念朋友21.at the ________ 在超市22.________ ________不同的展览 ‎23.have ________ ________没有时间 24.________ ________和。。。一起玩 ‎25.be ________ ________与。。。不同 26.________ and ________又拥挤又肮脏 ‎27.be ________ _______ do sth.害怕做某事 28.go ________ 外出 ‎29.at ________在夜里 30.go to ________睡着 31.________ ________ cars太多汽车 ‎32.________ ________ different things许多不同的东西 33.________ ________现代化的大楼 ‎34.________ ________ to do很多事要做 35.in the ________ 在乡下 ‎36.play ________ ________整天玩 37.________ ________ to do sth.迫不及待做某事 Part 2. Summary ‎(1)David is a new __________ from __________. He was ________ in New York City. It is a big and ________ city. But it’s quite __________. And everything is very __________ in New York. Now he studies in a ________ but __________ city. The streets are ___________ and the people are __________. Everything here is very ________. So he likes __________ in this city.‎ ‎(2)Li Wei is on __________ in a big city. The life in the city is very __________. Because it’s very __________ to his home on the __________. In the city, there are so __________ cars. The traffic is very __________ and the streets are __________ and __________. Sometimes he is __________ to go __________. At night, he can’t go to __________ because there are too __________. But there are many __________ __________ in the city. He can buy __________ of different things in the __________. And he can play __________ day in the __________ and the __________. He likes the city very much but he __________ his friends and the farm.‎ Part 3. Look and say.‎ ‎(Page16)The street is very ________________________________.‎ The park is very __________________________________________.‎ The building is very _______________________________________.‎ The theatre is very ________________________________________.‎ The traffic is very _________________________________________.‎ The supermarket is very _______________________________________.‎ The museum is very __________________________________________.‎ The hospital is very __________________________________________.‎ Part 4.Multiple choice.‎ ‎( ) 1.Look, this is my cousin ______ Australia. A.to B.from C.on ‎( ) 2.What ______ you ______ now? A.is…drawing B.are…draw C.are…drawing ‎( ) 3.These streets ______ very dirty and noisy before. A.are B.were C.was ‎( ) 4.Guangzhou is a big and modern city ______ China. A.in B.for C.on ‎( ) 5.The Wang’s ______ very free this weekend. A.is B.are C.am ‎( ) 6.Everything here ______ very good and cheap. A.is B.are C.am ‎( ) 7.What ______ Guangzhou ______ now? A.does…like B.is…like C.is…look like ‎( ) 8.This city is very modern ______ noisy now. A.and B.or C.but ‎( ) 9.______ do you think of your new library? A.What B.Which C.How ‎( ) 10.There ______ plenty fresh air in the countryside. A.am B.are C.is ‎( ) 11.This storybook is very ______. I don’t like it. A.interesting B.boring C.funny ‎( ) 12.Shanghai is a ______ city. A.big and quiet B.small and quiet C.big and crowded ‎( ) 13.There are so many ______ in the big city. A.bikes B.cars C.planes ‎( ) 14.The house is dark and quiet. I’m ______ outside. ‎ A.afraid going B.afraid to go C.happy to go ‎( ) 15.They usually go to the theatre ______ night. A.in B.on C.at ‎( ) 16.There ______ much more to do in the city than in the country. A.is B.are C.am ‎( ) 17.Different ______ like different _____. A.boy…toy B.girls…dolls C.boys…toy ‎( ) 18.We have only one ______ in our city. A.theatre B.theatres C.markets ‎( ) 19.I can’t wait ______ games with my friends. A.play B.playing C.to play ‎( ) 20.There is ______ orange juice in the glass. A.so many B.so much C.too many Part 5. Questions.‎ 1. Where are you from?‎ 2. When were you born?‎ 3. What’s your city like?‎ 1. Do you like living in the city or in the country?‎ 2. Is there a supermarket near your home?‎ 3. How would you like to travel?‎ Module 3 Health Part 1. Vocabulary 1. The man had a __________ because he couldn’t __________ well last night.‎ 2. The boy was __________, so he must __________ at home for two days.‎ 3. He should take the __________ ___________ a day after meals.‎ 4. The little girl had a __________ this morning. She __________ wet clothes yesterday.‎ 5. The man __________ from the bike when he __________ to work this morning.‎ 6. The children __________ a film in the cinema and they all had __________.‎ 7. We should __________ a good ___________.‎ 8. I have a __________ finger. I fell over 15 minutes __________.‎ 9. Don’t __________ too much __________. It’s bad for your teeth.‎ 10. I __________ a new dress in the ___________ last Sunday.‎ 11. Mum was __________ because I came home __________.‎ 12. He __________ to a man __________.‎ 13. The lady is a __________ clerk in the ___________.‎ 14. My parents love __________ in the __________.‎ 15. The sun is __________ ___________ from the moon.‎ 16. All the families come __________ on Christmas Day for a big __________.‎ 17. The people often give __________ __________ gifts on that day.‎ 18. We were __________ to see our former teacher __________ when we visited the museum.‎ 19. The boy was naughty and often did something bad __________ __________.‎ 20. Children all like the Spring Festival because they can get __________ __________.‎ 21. Mr Lee usually tells us the __________ to good __________.‎ 22. Tom __________ he would go on a __________ to Shenzhen this weekend.‎ 23. Mary was __________ and she __________ a lot when she was five years old.‎ 24. The girl __________ in the garden __________ her father came back yesterday.‎ 25. You should take exercise __________ __________ twenty minutes a day.‎ Part 2. Grammar (1) Hello, my name is Jiamin. I __________(have) a nice day last Saturday. I __________(get) up early in the morning. After breakfast, I ___________(meet) my classmates Ben and Janet at school. Then we __________(go) to the countryside by bike. We __________(play) badminton and __________(take) many photos there. We __________(eat) lunch at a restaurant at noon. The food is delicious. In the afternoon, we __________(buy) some clothes and __________(see) a film. At about 5:00, we __________(come) back home. I __________(read) books in the evening. What a happy day.‎ (2) Hello, this is my penfriend Yongxian. He __________(be) from a small town near Guangzhou. Fifteen years ago, the streets in the town __________(be) dirty and narrow. The buildings __________(be) very old and low. There __________(be not) any department stores or theatres in the town. The river was very dirty. Most of the people __________(ride) to work and they often __________(take) a bus to the downtown at the weekend. They __________(have) a hard life. Now the city __________(change) a lot. The streets __________(be) cleaner and wider. The buildings __________(be) taller and modern. The river __________(become) clean again. There __________(be) many modern buildings like museums, parks, cinemas and supermarkets in the town now. Many families __________(have) their own apartments and cars. They can __________(travel) to other cities by car at the weekend to __________(enjoy) the beautiful scenery. Everybody __________(live) a happy life now.‎ Part 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper words.‎ ‎(1)did, how, went, who, How long A: What __________ you do during the summer holiday?‎ B: I __________ to Beijing.‎ A: Wow. That’s wonderful. __________ did you go with?‎ B: I went there with my parents. ‎ A: And __________ did you go there?‎ B: We went there by plane.‎ A: __________ did you stay there?‎ B: We stayed there for three weeks.‎ A: What did you think of Beijing?‎ B: I think it’s a beautiful city. And I like the roast duck very much.‎ A: I think I will go to Beijing next holiday.‎ ‎(2)was, loved, did, was, am, were, at, keep A: Mum!‎ B: Yes?‎ A: Look __________ this photo. __________ the baby me?‎ B: Yes.‎ A: __________ I lovely when I was a baby?‎ B: Yes, you __________ lovely. All the people in our family __________ you.‎ A: What ___________ I look like?‎ B: You __________ big eyes and short blonde hair, but now you always __________ it long.‎ A: __________ I a good girl when I was little?‎ B: Yes. You __________ very quiet and polite.‎ A: But now I _________ still very good.‎ Part 4. Answer the question.‎ 1. What’s your favourite festival?‎ 2. What do people do during Dragon Boat Festival?‎ 3. When is Christmas?‎ 4. What did you do last Mid-autumn Festival?‎ 5. Where were you at nine last night?‎ 6. How did you feel when you got your penfriend’s e-mail?‎ Module 4 Past Experiences Part 1. Vocabulary ‎ ‎1.__________ __________儿童节 2.__________ me告诉我 3.go __________去购物 ‎4.a __________ of 一双 5.look __________看起来很棒 6.play __________打篮球 ‎7.at the __________在公园里 8.so __________ __________很有趣 9.be __________生气 ‎10.come home __________回家迟 11.__________ __________ home呆在家里 ‎12.__________ __________整天 13.__________ the __________打扫房间 ‎ ‎14.in the __________在下午 15.do my __________做功课 16.__________ __________会友 ‎17.no…__________ __________一点也不 18.__________ my bike骑自行车 ‎19._________ a __________看电影 20.__________ a ___________看小说 ‎21.have a __________举行聚会 22.go to the ____________到乡下去 ‎23.__________ __________昨晚 24.__________ ___________上个星期 ‎ ‎25.__________ __________去年 26.go ___________ a __________ to…到。。。旅行 ‎27.__________ by __________坐火车旅行 28.__________ __________和。。。一起 ‎29.be __________很兴奋 30.the __________ __________首次旅行 ‎ ‎31.__________ sb. to…带某人到。。。 32.__________ a ___________照相 ‎33.__________ of很多、大量 34.a __________ too much有点多 35.feel __________感到不适 ‎36.on the __________大街上 37.be __________很意外 38.__________ ___________谈论 ‎39.__________ __________Day植树节 40.__________ __________白云山 ‎ ‎41.__________ __________挖坑 42.__________ … into把。。。放进去 ‎ ‎43.__________ sth.__________用。。。填满 44.__________ water提水 Part 2. Summary ‎1.Yesterday was __________ Day. Jiamin __________ shopping with ___________ mother. He ___________ a new __________ of sports shoes. They looked __________. Xiaoling __________ basketball at the __________. But her mother __________ __________ because she __________ home late. Ben __________ at home all day. He __________ his room and __________ his homework. He thought it was no __________ at __________.‎ ‎2.Last __________ Jiamin __________ on a __________ to Hong Kong with Ben and his mother. They __________ there by __________ and __________ with his cousin. Ben was very __________ because it was his __________ __________ to the island. On their first day they went to Disneyland. They __________ __________with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and played __________ of different __________. They had __________ and __________ for lunch. Jiamin __________ a little too much and he __________ ill later. The __________ day they went shopping. They were _________ to _________ Xiaoling and her mum. They had lunch __________ and __________ about their trip.‎ Part 3. Fill in the blanks with the tips in Chinese.‎ 1. They __________ a __________(看电影) and __________ __________(购物) last weekend. They __________(买) a lot of clothes and they _________ __________(玩得开心).‎ 2. Janet _________ her _________(做功课) before she __________ __________(打篮球) last Sunday..‎ 3. Ben _________ _________(从。。。摔下来) his bike when he __________(骑自行车) his bike to school yesterday afternoon.‎ 4. Kate __________ __________ __________(没有外出) yesterday. She __________ at home (呆在家) __________ __________(整天).‎ 5. The children _________ __________(照相) and __________(玩) a lot of games in the park on Children’s Day.‎ 6. Mother was very __________(生气). Because my brother didn’t _________(打扫) his room. And he went outside to __________ __________(会友).‎ 7. My uncle _________(吃) a little too much last night. He _________ __________(感到不适).‎ 8. The little boy was __________(意外) when he __________(看见) Yaoming in front of him.‎ 9. You can __________(阅读) a story-book if you _________(完成) your homework.‎ 10. It’s time __________ a _________(举行聚会) this weekend because Christmas is coming next week.‎ Part 4. Answer the following questions.‎ 1. What did you do last weekend?‎ 2. Where did you go yesterday morning?‎ 3. How did you go to the downtown last Saturday?‎ 4. Did you finish your homework before you went to sleep last night?‎ 5. When did you have dinner yesterday?‎ 6. How long did you stay in the garden?‎ 7. Who fell over on the street just now?‎ 8. Why wasn’t your mother at home?‎ 9. Did you have much fun on your trip to Sanshui Lotus World?‎ 10. You played lots of games there, didn’t you?‎ Module 5 Changes Part 1. Verbs. (Write down the different forms of the following verbs)‎ eg. do—does—doing—did ‎1.see--__________--__________--__________ 2.get--_________--__________--__________‎ ‎3.read--__________--__________--__________ 4.come--__________--__________--_________‎ ‎5.have--__________--__________--__________6.say--__________--__________--__________‎ ‎7.feel--__________--__________--__________ 8.feed--__________--__________--__________‎ ‎9.bring--__________--__________--__________10.study--__________--__________--________‎ ‎11.go--__________--__________--__________ 12.live--__________--__________--__________‎ ‎13.keep--__________--__________--__________14.meet--__________--__________--________‎ ‎15.eat--__________--__________--__________ 16.catch--__________--__________--_________‎ ‎17.take--__________--__________--__________18.draw--__________--__________--________‎ ‎19.buy--__________--__________--__________20.ride--__________--__________--__________‎ Part 2. Vocabulary ‎1.__________ _________那时2.in the __________照片上3.five __________ __________五岁 ‎4._________ __________长发 5._________ short hair留短发 6.__________ __________看书 ‎7._________ __________吃糖 8._________ TV 看电视 9.__________ with _________玩玩具 ‎10.eat __________ 吃蔬菜11._________ the __________上网12._________ _________经常哭 ‎13.__________ a lot笑很多 14.watch __________看漫画 15.__________ __________画漫画 ‎16.three years __________三年前17.__________ then在那以前18.a small __________一个小村子 19.__________‎ ‎ of大多数 20.__________ to school走路上学 21.more __________超过 ‎22.__________ _________遥远 23.__________ a bus坐公车 24.__________sb.doing sth看见某人正在做某事 25.__________ __________办公大楼 26.__________ __________百货公司 ‎27.__________ and __________文静有礼 28.__________ and __________又矮又胖 ‎29.__________ and __________又高又瘦 30.__________ of __________很多朋友 ‎31.my __________我的家乡 32.be __________ __________以。。。而闻名 ‎ ‎33.in the __________在过去 34.a __________ little town一个贫穷的小镇 ‎35.__________ streets狭窄的街道 36.__________ river肮脏的河水 ‎37.have no __________失业 38.live a __________ life过着艰苦的生活 ‎ ‎39.__________ __________巨大的变化 40.__________ and __________丰富多彩 Part 3. Summary ‎1.One day, Xiaoling and her mother were sitting on the sofa and talking about the __________. When she was five __________ old, she had __________ hair. But now she always __________ it short. When she was __________, she was a very __________ girl. And she was very __________ and __________ back __________. ‎ ‎2.Ben lived in a small __________ in England before he __________ to China three years ______. Ben had a different life in the __________. The village school was very small but his home was __________. He __________ to school every day. But now he lives in a big ________. There are many people, cars and tall __________. His new school is very big but his home is __________ __________. So he __________ the bus to school every day. Ben loves the city because there are many things __________ __________ and he has __________ of friends.‎ Part 4. Answer the questions 1. What day is it today?‎ 2. What was the date yesterday?‎ 3. Were you lovely when you were three?‎ 4. When did you get to school yesterday morning?‎ 5. Did you go to bed late last night?‎ 6. Where did you find your exercise-book?‎ 7. Why did you get up early last Saturday morning?‎ 8. Could you draw cartoons when you were five years old?‎ 9. Did you smile a lot or often cry back then?‎ 10. Were you good at skipping two years ago?‎ Part 5. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words.‎ 1. The children __________ (water) the flowers in the garden now. ‎ 2. It never __________ (snow) in winter in Guangzhou. But it often __________ (rain) in summer here.‎ ‎3. I would like __________(eat) noodles and two __________(egg).‎ ‎4. Ben likes __________(surf) the Internet at night. And he usually __________(play) games. But last night he __________(watch) a basketball game on TV.‎ ‎5. Janet _________(keep) her hair long. She _________(think) it lovely.‎ ‎6. Yongxian often __________ when he was little. But now he __________(smile) a lot.‎ ‎7. There are only two _________(candy) in the cupboard. I want some more.‎ ‎8. What about __________(draw) cartoons this afternoon?‎ ‎9. I __________(see) some boys __________(run) after a mouse just now.‎ ‎10. They __________(visit) the Guangzhou‎ ‎Museum next Friday.‎ ‎11. My mother __________(get) home late because she __________(meet) an old friend on her way home.‎ ‎12. Most of the children like __________(play) with toys.‎ ‎13. Tom __________(stay) at home and __________(help) his parents __________(clean) the house last weekend.‎ ‎14. Sally often __________(ride) to school. But yesterday she __________(go) to school on foot.‎ ‎15. My grandpa usually __________(walk) for an hour after he _________(have) breakfast.‎ Module 6 Festivals Part 1. Festivals ‎1.__________ __________春节 2.Chinese__________ __________春节 ‎ ‎3.__________ __________中秋节 4.__________ __________端午节 ‎5.__________ Festival重阳节 6.__________ Day圣诞节 7.__________ __________平安夜 ‎8.__________万圣节 9._________复活节 10.__________ Day感恩节 ‎ ‎11.__________ __________ Day愚人节 12._________ Day儿童节13.__________ Day教师节 ‎14.__________ __________ Day元旦 15.__________ Day母亲节 Part 2. Vocabulary ‎1.like …__________最喜欢 2.__________ festival最喜欢的节日 ‎ ‎3.so __________ _________很有趣 4.__________ the Spring Festival春节期间 ‎5.__________ the __________打扫房子 6.__________ new __________买新衣服 ‎7.make everything __________ and __________把一切弄得焕然一新 ‎ ‎8.__________ __________互相9.give __________赠送礼物10.__________ __________压岁钱 ‎11.__________ the __________拜访亲友12.__________ sb. a happy Spring Festival祝春节快乐 ‎13.have a __________ __________ 吃大餐 14.__________ of __________ food很多美食 ‎15.It __________ __________听起来很棒 16.__________ __________吃月饼 ‎17._________ the __________赏月18.watch the__________ __________ __________看龙舟赛 ‎19.eat __________吃粽子 20.__________ old people __________给老人礼物 ‎21.__________ the __________爬山 22.__________ New Year’s __________除夕 ‎23.the __________ __________花市 24.in the __________在客厅 ‎ ‎25.__________ for the __________等候午夜 26.__________ the New Year’s eve dinner团年饭 ‎27.see the old year __________ and the new year _________辞旧迎新 ‎28.the __________ __________ festival最重要的节日 29.on __________ 25th在‎12月25日 ‎30.__________ __________竖起 31.__________ __________圣诞树 ‎ ‎32.for everyone to __________大家一起分享 33.at __________圣诞期间 ‎34.__________ Christmas圣诞老人 35.__________ red __________穿红衣服 ‎36.come __________聚在一起 37.__________ Christmas _________美妙的圣诞歌曲 ‎38.all __________ the ___________世界各地 39.__________ the new year迎接新年 ‎40.in the __________ __________以相同的方式 41.__________ and __________幸福祥和 ‎42.make a lot of __________发出很大的噪音43.__________ health and wealth带来健康和财富 ‎44.__________ huge parties举行盛大的派对 45.tell the __________预知未来 ‎46.make __________确定,务必 47.have __________ to eat有足够的食物 Part 3. Summary ‎1. In China, the __________ __________ is the most important day for the Chinese people. They usually __________their __________ and __________ __________ to make everything ___________ and__________. The parents will give their children __________ __________. They often go to __________ their families and friends. And they often have a __________ __________ with lots of __________ food.‎ The second important festival in China is the Mid-autumn Festival, on that day, all the family members come back from different cities and eat __________ and watch __________ _________ together.‎ There are also some other interesting festivals in China, such as the Dragon Boat Festival. People can eat __________ and watch the dragon boat races on the __________. But there are some special festivals, such as the Chongyang Festival, it’s the time to show respect to the _________ people.‎ They usually give old people __________ and climb the __________.‎ ‎2.__________ is the most __________ festival in many western countries. It’s always on ___________ 25th. __________ that day people usually __________ up a large Christmas tree in their home. And they put many ‎ __________ under the tree for everyone to __________. Children are very __________ because they can get many __________ from __________ _________. Father Christmas __________ gifts to all the children. He comes into every house on the __________ before Christmas and puts gifts under the tree or in a __________. On Christmas morning children __________ to open their gifts. People come __________ on that day for a big __________. They also sing many __________ Christmas songs. All of them have a __________ time on that day.‎ Part 4. Answer the following questions 1. What’s your favourite festival? Why?‎ 2. What do you usually do in Mid-autumn Festival?‎ 3. When is Christmas Day?‎ 4. Who gives the children lucky money, Father Christmas or the parents?‎ 5. Where can the children find their gifts?‎ 6. Did you stay late at night last Spring Festival?‎ 7. What do you think of Halloween?‎ 8. What do you usually eat in Dragon Boat Festival?‎ 9. Where will you go on holiday the coming Spring Festival?‎ 10. Do you usually stay with your grandparents when you are free?‎ 时态练习 一.用词适当形式填空。‎ ‎1.Tom________(travel) Beijing by plane the day after tomorrow.‎ ‎2.The man ! _____________(have ) a cold yesterday.‎ ‎3. ______(be ) your mother at home yesterday? Yes,she ________‎ ‎4._______ you at school this morning? Yes, I________( be ).‎ ‎5.Janet said she ________(have) a headache yesterday.‎ ‎6. She was happy when she ________(finish) the work.‎ ‎7.________(be) you free tomorrow ? No, I________(be) not .‎ ‎8. ____Liu Tao ______ (fly) kites on the playground now ? Yes , he____.‎ ‎9.What time________(do) your mother________(get ) up yesterday?‎ ‎10.________he often _______(play )football ? Yes,he_________.‎ ‎11. What _____ you ______ (do) last Sunday? I _____ (play ) football.‎ ‎12.I________(see)a film on TV last evening.‎ ‎13.Don’t________(play)in the street.‎ ‎14.He__________ (pick ) and______ (eat) some apples yesterday.‎ ‎15.________(be) you ill yesterday? Yes,I_________(be).‎ ‎16._____your sister usually________(walk ) to school ?‎ ‎17.Tom _______(play) the piano every Saturday. Now he___________ (play).‎ ‎18.At 8:00 this morning . My mother ______________ (listen) to the radio.‎ ‎19.Ben_______ (help) the old man ___________ (clean) the room last night.‎ ‎20. _______ (be ) you at home last Sunday ? Yes, I ________‎ ‎21.Miss White _____ (be) at school every Sunday.‎ ‎22.I can ________(visit) Beijing now. ‎ ‎23.What should I________(do),Miss White?‎ ‎24.I ___________(grow) trees last Sunday .‎ ‎25 .How many books_____ you_____(read) last night?‎ ‎26. He _______(feel) tired yesterday.‎ ‎20.______you _______(see)a film yesterday ? Yes, I ___________‎ ‎21.My grandpa loves _____ (eat) fresh vegetables.‎ ‎22. Sam always helps his mum _____ (cook) dinner after school.‎ ‎23. We must _____ (get up) early if we don’t want to be later for school.‎ ‎24. My mother still has much housework ______ (do) after dinner.‎ ‎25. Jim is always busy but he never _____ (feel) tired.‎ ‎26. My grandparents enjoy _____ (live) in the country.‎ ‎27. I walk to school. My home is near my school. It _____ (take) only ten minutes.‎ ‎28.Ted usually ____ (get) up at 7:30, but this morning he ____(be) late. ‎ ‎29.Ellen usually ____ (do) her homework before she has supper, but yesterday she ____(do) her homework after she ______(have) supper.‎ ‎30. Listen! Our classmates _______ (sing) a wonderful song in the music room.‎ 综合语法练习 二、选择填空 ‎( )1. All the _________ are very lovely.‎ ‎ A. sheep B.sheeps C.sheepes ‎( )2. These farmers usually __________ rice in this field.‎ ‎ A. grow B.plant C.plants ‎ ‎( )3. There are seven _____________ near the river.‎ ‎ A. banana tree B. banana trees C. bananas trees ‎ ‎( )4. They are cutting grass _____________ the cows.‎ ‎ A. feeding B.feed C. to feed ‎ ‎( )5. Look! The boys are ___________ apples over there.‎ ‎ A. pick B.picking C. picks ‎ ‎( )6. Do you have _________ chickens in your house?‎ ‎ A. a B. any C. some ‎ ‎( )7. They __________ football in the playground now.‎ ‎ A. play B. are playing C. will play ‎ ‎( )8. There ___________ some juice in the bottle.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. am ‎ ‎( )9. Please give the grass __________ the horses.‎ ‎ A. to B. for C. of ‎ ‎( )10.There are three ____________ in the field .‎ ‎ A. child B. children C. childs ‎ ‎( )11. I can see some __________ in the zoo.‎ ‎ A. deer B. deers C. of deer ‎( )12. I love ___________ football with my friends.‎ ‎ A. play B. plays C. playing ‎ ‎( )13. I help my grandmother __________ the flowers.‎ ‎ A. water B. watering C. to water ‎( )14.It’s 7:00. We must _________ up early.‎ ‎ A. to get B. get C. getting ‎ ‎( )15.There _________ a lot of homework to do.‎ ‎ A. is B.are C. am ‎( )16. John helps my father ___________ housework at the weekend.‎ ‎ A.do B.does C. doing ‎ ‎( )17. I can see some geese ________ the river.‎ ‎ A. in B. on C.beside ‎ ‎( )18. Jack ____________ exercise every morning. ‎ ‎ A. takes B.is taking C. take ‎ ‎( )19. Do you help your mother __________housework?‎ ‎ A. of B. with C. in ‎ ‎( )20. I love my farm,because there ______ ________ fresh air.‎ ‎ A. are; some B.is, many C. is, plenty of ‎ ‎( )21. Look, this is a new friend __________ America.‎ ‎ A. to B. from C. on ‎ ‎( )22. The streets ___________ very clean and quiet now.‎ ‎ A. are B.was C. is ‎ ‎( )23. New Yorl is a big city ________ America. ‎ ‎ A.on B.in C.for ‎( )24. Everything here __________ very good and healthy.‎ ‎ A.is B.are C. am ‎ ‎( )25.The city is modern __________ noisy now.‎ ‎ A.and B.but C. am ‎( )26. The people __________ very good .‎ ‎ A. is B.are C.am ‎( )27. Deng Xiaoping ________ in Guangan‎, ‎Sichuan.‎ ‎ A.is born B. born C.was born ‎( )28. Do you like _________ in Guangzhou?‎ ‎ A. live B. lives C.living ‎ ‎( )29. The streets are dirty. I don’t like __________.‎ ‎ A. it B.them C.they ‎( )30. _________ is Guangzhou like now?‎ ‎ A.What B. How C. Where ‎ ‎( )31. She didn’t talk much, She was _______ in class.‎ ‎ A. quiet B. excited C. surprised ‎( )32. She’s a ______ girl. Everybody likes her.‎ ‎ A. shy B. tall C. polite ‎( )33. My grandfather is a happy man. He _______ a lot.‎ ‎ A. smiles B. worries C. cries ‎( )34. You were short and thin _______ you were six years old.‎ ‎ A. then B.if C. when ‎( )35. My father ______ travelling to different cities when he was young.‎ ‎ A. like B.likes C. liked ‎( )36. ______, my father went to work by car. Now, he rides a bike to work.‎ ‎ A. Then B. Before C. Later ‎( )37.Put on some warm clothes. Don’t __________.‎ ‎ A. get wet B. get tired C. get a cold ‎( )38. The film was________. The children were ________.‎ ‎ A. exciting, exciting B. excited, exciting C. exciting, excited ‎( )39. The bus is _______. There are too many people on it.‎ ‎ A. crowded B. heavy C. dirty.‎ ‎( )40. He doesn’t talk much in the class. He is ______ most of the time.‎ ‎ A. quiet B. good C. clever ‎( )41. Youn should drink more milk and _____ Coke.‎ ‎ A. a little B. more than C. less ‎( )42. Is this _____first visit to China?‎ ‎ A. he B.him C.his ‎( )43. I ____ you on TV last night.‎ ‎ A. see B. will see C. saw ‎( )44. I.m writing a letter. I’ll clean the kitchen________.‎ ‎ A.now B. later C. yesterday ‎( )45. A:What _____your school ______? B: It’s nice and big.‎ ‎ A. does, like B. does, look C. is, like ‎( )46. His mother asked him _______ one English story each day.‎ ‎ A. to read B. read C. reads ‎( )47. The secret to good health is _________.‎ ‎ A. happy B. be happy C. to be happy ‎( )48. The picture in this book different ______ that one on the wall.‎ ‎ A. with B. to C. and ‎( )49. There is _____ more to see here.‎ A. many B. very C. much ‎( )50. Let’s go to the _______ and see the film.‎ ‎ A. restaurant B. supermarket C. theatre 我是附加的附加的。。。。‎ Choose the right answer:‎ ‎( )1)My brother often helps me _____my homework.‎ A. for B. on C. with ‎( )2)That toy duck is very cute. I like _____ colour .‎ A. it B. its C. it`s ‎( )3)New York City is very different ‎_____Guangzhou‎ ‎City.‎ A .at B. to C .for ‎( )4) Steve Jods is m_____ America.‎ A. by B. for C. form ‎( )5)There is much more to do in the city _____in the countryside.‎ A. and B .then C. than ‎( )6)The streets are very clean _____the people are nice in London.‎ A .and B. but C. also ‎( )7)Shanghai is a big and modern city _____it`s quite noisy.‎ A. and B. but C. also ‎( )8)Everything _____very expensive in New York.‎ A .is B. am C. are ‎( )9)There are some pictures on the walls of _____ classroom.‎ A. we B us C. our ‎( )10)David likes _____in Xiamen very much..‎ A. live B .lives C. living ‎( )11)He was ill, so he stayed in hospital ________two days.‎ A. for B .at C. on ‎( )12)Please take the medicine _____a day.‎ A twice B. one C .four ‎( )13)You had a cold. You _____wear more clothes.‎ A. can B. shouldn`t C. should ‎( )14)To keep a good diet, you should eat _____fruits and vegetables.‎ A. more B. less C. little ‎( )15)A: My uncle is ill.‎ ‎ B:I am _____to hear that.‎ A. busy B. happy C. sorry ‎( )16)Amy _____a fever last night..‎ A. has B. had C. have ‎( )17)Yesterday Tom _____football after school.‎ A. play B. plays C. played ‎( )18)My father often _____to work by bus.‎ A. go B. goes C. went ‎( )19)The doctor _____me a checkup yesterday.‎ A. give B. gave C. gives ‎( )20) I don` t feel tired_____.‎ A. in all B .at all C. at mow ‎( )21) Where _____you _____this morning?‎ A. did…go B. did…went C. do…went ‎( )22)Did you _____him this morning? Yes ,I _____him at the school gate.‎ A. see, saw B. saw, see C. saw, saw ‎( )23)Jim usually goes to school by bus, but this morning he _____to school gaye.‎ A. go B. goes C. went ‎( )24)I like playing basketball. My brother _____likes playing basketball.‎ A. either B. also C. too ‎( )25)I like eating jiaozi. It` s _____.‎ A. warm B. lucky C. delicious ‎( )26)My brother likes _____chess after school.‎ A. plays B. playing C. play ‎( )27)September is between _____.‎ A. June and July B. August and October C. January and February ‎( )28)You look tired. You need to get _____of rest.‎ A. many B. plenty C. lot ‎( )29)I painted a picture for my mother, _____she loved it.‎ A. but B. then C. and ‎( )30)My birthday is _____the fifth of May.‎ A. in B. on C. at ‎( )31)They usually clean _____ houses before the festival.‎ A. them B. they C. their ‎( )32)At this festival people go and watch the Dragon Boat _____.‎ A. TV B. film C. race ‎( )33)“_____you have a party last Christmas?” “Yes, we had a good time.”‎ A. Were B. Did C. Was ‎( )34)”_____did you play sport?” “In the school gym.”‎ A. ‎ Where B. When C. How ‎( )35)“_____will you come back?” “Next week.”‎ ‎ A. What B. When C. Where ‎( )36)Mao Zedong _____in Shaoshan ,Hunan.‎ A. is born B. born c. was born ‎( )37)---What is David _____?‎ ‎ ---He is from the USA.‎ A. come B. from C. come form ‎( )38)---Do you like _____in Guangzhou?‎ ‎ ---Yes, I do.‎ A. live B. lives C. living ‎( )39)The cat has a fish in _____mouth.‎ A. its B. it C. it` s ‎( )40)The streets here are dirty .I don` t like _____.‎ A. it B. them C. they ‎( )41)_____book is on _____bag>‎ A. Your, my B. You, my C. Your, mine ‎( )42)_____looks like _____mother.‎ A. She, hers B. Her, she C. She ,her ‎( )43)I`m not good at maths.So I _____have a maths lesson.‎ A. afraid to B. am afraid to C. am afraid ‎( )44)_____many trees in the big city.‎ A. There are B. There is C. This is ‎ ‎( )45)There is _____more to do today than yesterday.‎ A. many B. more C. much ‎( )46)My schoolbag _____Lily `s .There is a rabbit on my schoolbag.‎ A. different B. is different to C. different to ‎( )47)I can` t wait to _____to the countryside and see my grandparent.‎ A. go B. going C. goes ‎( )48)David doesn`t` like _____in the big city.‎ A. live B. lives C. living ‎( )49)I can` t wait _____cartoons.‎ A. to watch B. watching C. watch ‎( )50)Luxun _____in Shaoxing‎, ‎Zhejiang.‎ A. born B. was born C. is born ‎( )51)I can` t go back home, _____the rain is heavy.‎ A. but B. because C. so ‎( )52)I like the city very much but I really _____my parents.‎ A. miss B. missing C. misses ‎( )53)There are _____more buildings in the city than in the countryside.‎ ‎ A. more B. many C. much ‎( )54)My life is very _____my grandmother `s life.‎ A. different B. different to C. different for ‎( )55)_____want to go to Beijing tomorrow.‎ A. We B. Our C. Us ‎ ‎( )56)_____ favourite city in China is Guangzhou.‎ A. I B. Me C. My ‎( )57)These are my toys .Do you like _____?‎ A. they B. them C. their ‎( )58)I have a few _____in my bag.‎ A. apples B. apple C. water ‎( )59)There are some horses _____the farm.‎ A. at B. on C. in ‎( )60)Look at these _____.They `re swimming.‎ A. gooses B. goose C. geese ‎( )61)We have pigs and we _____have cows.‎ A. also B. too C. either ‎( )62)I can see some _____there.‎ A. duck B. chicken C. chickens ‎( )63)——Please give _____a book.‎ ‎ ——OK. ‎ A. me B. my C. I ‎( )64)——_____do you go to school?‎ ‎ ——On foot.‎ A. What B. Where C. How ‎( )65)There are three young _____in the room.‎ A. man B. men C. woman ‎( )66)There is ____tea on the table.‎ A. two B. a cup of C. a ‎( )67)I can` t wait _____Paris.‎ A. visit B. visiting C. to visit ‎( )68)The boy often helps his mother _____the housework.‎ A. do B. doing C. does ‎( )69)Do you _____study at Guangzhou‎ International ‎School?‎ A. be B. still C. yet ‎( )70)These are _____books.‎ A. our B. we C. us ‎( )71)Janet eats plenty _____fruit and vegetables every day.‎ A. on B. for C. of ‎( )72)Look at those kites. _____are so beautiful.‎ A. They B. Their C. Them ‎( )73)Li Wei _____in Qingyuan.‎ A. was born B. is born C. born ‎ ‎( )74)The panda _____in China.‎ A. live B. lives C. living ‎( )75)——What `s Guangzhou _____?‎ ‎ ——It `s a big and modern city but it `s quite noisy.‎ A. look like B. 不填 C. like ‎( )76)What` s the matter _____you、‎ A. for B. to C. with ‎( )77)I eat _____candy, so I have a toothache.‎ A. too many B. too much C. a few ‎( )78)I had a headache ,so I _____SLEEP.‎ A. can B. could C. couldn` t ‎( )79)I think you _____well soon.‎ A. will be B. are C. were ‎( )80)Take the medicine three _____a day.‎ A. times B. time C. the time ‎( )81)Mr Zhang always has a smile _____his face.‎ A. for B. on C. in ‎( )82)I DRINK _____WATER EVERY DAY.‎ A. a lot B. too many C. plenty of ‎( )83)Wang Hong is not a teacher _____a writer.‎ A. if B. and C. or ‎( )84)The most important thing now is _____a rest.‎ A. to take B. take C. to ‎( )85)My parents always worry _____.‎ A. too many B. too much C. lots of ‎( )86)We should eat _____vegetables and _____meet.‎ A. more, a little B. many ,less C. more ,less ‎( )87)Don` t eat _____sweet.‎ A. too much B. too many C. a few ‎( )88)We should sleep _____8 hours each night.‎ ‎ A. at least B. least C more 真的没有了,真的没有了~~~~~‎ ‎________________________________________ 华丽丽的分割线____________________________________‎ 我是作文小帮手而已啦啦啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~‎ Which excavator school tops the list? 挖掘机技术哪家最强?‎ 请把各单元的作文订正在这里~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~‎ M1‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ M2‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ M3‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ M4‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ M5‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ M6‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎

