五年级【英语(人教版)】Unit 4 Shopping Day (第二课时)-2课件

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五年级【英语(人教版)】Unit 4 Shopping Day (第二课时)-2课件

U n i t 4 S h o p p i n g D a y (第二课时) 年 级:五年级 学 科:英语(人教版) 1.能够运用How much is it? It is…来 询问并回答商品的价格。 2.能够在情境中写出询问某一物品价 格的问句和答句。 学习目标 Let’s watch.01 What does he have? He has a piggy bank. How much does he have? How much does he have? He has 90 yuan. He wants to buy a present for his friend. He wants to spend 60 yuan. Where does he want to go? Where does he want to go? bear doll train plane ball What toys can you see? What does he want to buy? He wants to buy a toy train. ¥ 30.00 How much is it? It’s 30 yuan. ¥ 30.00 Toy Shop 02 Let’s learn. saleswoman What toys can you see? ¥ What does Binbin want to buy? ¥ a model car Why does he buy a model car for his friend? Why does he buy a model car for his friend? Because his friend loves cars. ¥ How much is it? Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you? Binbin: Yes. I want to buy a present for my friend. Saleswoman: What about a model car? Binbin: Yes, that’s great. He loves cars. How much is it? Saleswoman: It’s 30 yuan. Binbin: OK, I’ll take it. Thanks a lot. Let’s listen. It’s 30 yuan. How much is it? Listen and repeat. Saleswoman: Good morning. Can I help you? Binbin: Yes. I want to buy a present for my friend. Saleswoman: What about a model car? Binbin: Yes, that’s great. He loves cars. How much is it? Saleswoman: It’s 30 yuan. Binbin: OK, I’ll take it. Thanks a lot. Let’s sing.03 How much is this pencil case? How much is this toy car? How much is this toy plane? It’s __________. It’s ____________. It’s ____________. Listen and write. ? dollars … … It’s 4 dollars.4 How much is this pencil case? Let’s check. Let’s check. ? dollars … ...It’s 11 dollars. How much is this toy car? 11 do lars ? dollars … … It’s 12 dollars. How much is this toy plane? 12 do lars Let’s check. How much is this pencil case? How much is this toy car? How much is this toy plane? It’s ________. It’s _________. It’s _________. Let’s sing. 4 dollars 11 dollars 12 dollars Let’s practise.04 Toy Shop … Let’s listen. saleswoman Binbin What does he want to buy? How much is it? Can I help you? Yes. I want this exercise book. How much is it? It’s 5 yuan. I’ll take it. Listen and repeat. How much is the ___________? exercise book It’s ______.5 yuan ¥ 5.00 Can I help you? I want this ... How much ...? It’s ... Ok. I’ll take it. ¥ 5.00 ¥ 20.00 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 9.00 ¥ 7.00 Let’s talk. ¥ 5.00 ¥ 20.00 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 9.00 ¥ 7.00 Let’s write. ¥ 5.00 ¥ 20.00 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 9.00 ¥ 7.00 Let’s check. How much is the exercise book? It’s ______.5 yuan ¥ 5.00 ¥ 20.00 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 9.00 ¥ 7.00 How much is the _________? __________.It’s 20 yuan pencil box Let’s check. ¥ 5.00 ¥ 20.00 ¥ 10.00 ¥ 9.00 ¥ 7.00 __________________________? __________. Let’s check. How much is the box of crayons It’s 10 yuan Are you ready for the challenge? 五年级 英语 1. Listen and read. (Unit 4 Lesson 2) 2. Read the story book. 《简单的工作看起来并不容易》

