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外研版八年级英语上册期末测试题含答案 第二部分 基础知识运用(共两节,满分25分)‎ 第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎(B)21.Stay away from junk food,please!It's bad for us,________ for children.‎ A.recently B.especially C.probably D.immediately ‎(A)22.What he said made everyone ________.‎ A.laugh B.laughs C.laughing D.to laugh ‎(C)23.—Why do you like this kind of movie?‎ ‎—Because it always has ________.‎ A.nothing enjoyable B.enjoyable nothing C.something enjoyable D.enjoyable something ‎(A)24.—What ________ can you give me on learning English?‎ ‎—I think you can join an English club.‎ A.advice B.news C.messages D.information ‎(C)25.Mr Wang is strongly ________ keeping animals in the zoo,because he thinks animals should also enjoy freedom.‎ A.up B.for C.against D.down ‎(A)26.—Is Tina an outgoing girl?‎ ‎—No,she's kind of ________.Her face always turns red when she speaks in public.‎ A.shy B.active C.relaxed D.funny ‎(C)27.—“Food Safety”has become one of the hottest topics recently.‎ ‎—Yeah,it receives ________ Internet hits(点击)a day.‎ A.thousands B.thousand of C.thousands of D.ten thousands ‎(A)28.I can't understand the novel well ________ there are no new words in it.‎ 12‎ A.although B.because C.if D.so ‎(D)29.It's said that ________ of the water around the world ________ polluted.‎ A.two third;has B.two thirds;have C.two third;are D.two thirds;is ‎(C)30.The number of the giant pandas is getting ________ because there are ________ living areas for wildlife.‎ A.fewer and fewer;less and less B.fewer and fewer;smaller and smaller C.smaller and smaller;fewer and fewer D.smaller and smaller;less and less 第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ The summer vacation is the best time for students.They can go outdoors and have fun.They can go to big cities to 31 ,or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of 32 .‎ Peter is an American middle school student and he loves 33 very much.He always travels in his country.‎ This summer vacation he wants to do 34 .He is interested in Chinese history. 35 he is flying to Beijing and Xi'an for the summer vacation.He is leaving on July 12th and 36 New York on the last day of the month.He plans 37 a fantastic vacation.During the 38 ,he is visiting places of interest and going shopping.At night,he is 39 to enjoy the night views.He is sure he will have a 40 time.‎ ‎(C)31.A.watch TV B.exercising C.go sightseeing D.go fishing ‎(D)32.A.buildings B.city C.farm D.nature ‎(A)33.A.travelling B.shopping C.fishing D.hiking ‎(C)34.A.something difference B.different something C.something different D.difference something ‎(B)35.A.Because B.So 12‎ C.But D.Although ‎(A)36.A.getting back to B.get back to C.getting back D.gets back to ‎(B)37.A.having B.to have C.to having D.had ‎(D)38.A.weekend B.week C.night D.day ‎(B)39.A.take a walk B.taking walks C.takes a walk D.take walks ‎(A)40.A.great B.well C.terrible D.boring 第三部分 阅读理解和口语运用(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ A Yesterday afternoon,it was very hot.Mr Green,with his family,decided to go swimming.There was a new and large swimming pool near their house.It was free for the first week.So they wanted to have a try there.When they got to the swimming pool,they were told to read the notice first.‎ Swimming Pool Rules & Regulations(规则)‎ ‎*The swimming pool is open from 8:00 till 22:00‎ ‎*Wear a swimming suit(衣服)before using the pool.‎ ‎*Take a shower before entering the pool.‎ ‎*Don't smoke in the whole area.‎ ‎*Watch your children all the time while swimming.‎ ‎*Don't move the sun chairs or umbrellas without permission.‎ ‎*Diving(跳水)into the pool is not allowed.‎ ‎*Stay away from the deep area if your swimming skills are not so good.‎ ‎*People who have drunk,caught colds or who have skin diseases(皮肤病)can't enter the pool.‎ After reading the notice,the Greens were all very clear about what they should do and how 12‎ ‎ they could keep themselves safe in the swimming pool.They enjoyed themselves there all the afternoon.‎ ‎(B)41.The Greens ________ first when they got to the pool.‎ A.went swimming B.read the notice C.went diving D.bought the tickets ‎(A)42.From the rules,the Greens should ________ before entering the pool.‎ A.take a shower B.move the sun chairs C.smoke a lot D.send the children back ‎(A)43.What does the underlined word“permission”probably mean in Chinese?‎ A.允许 B.答复 C.邀请 D.需求 ‎(D)44.The rules tell the Greens NOT to ________ when they swim in the pool.‎ A.watch the children all the time B.wear a swimming suit C.carry umbrellas with them D.dive into the pool ‎(D)45.From the passage,we know that ________.‎ A.the swimming pool is open from 7:00 to 20:00‎ B.people can stay in the deep area if they can't swim C.people who have skin diseases can enter the pool D.the Greens spent the whole afternoon in the pool B Two men were sitting together in a plane.They were on a long journey.One of the men was a businessman.The other was a farmer.They sat without talking for a while,then the farmer said.‎ ‎“Let's do something to pass the time.”‎ ‎“What do you want to do?”the businessman asked.‎ ‎“We can ask each other riddles,”the farmer said.‎ ‎“OK.Let's make rules first,”the businessman said.“If you don't know the answer to a riddle,you pay me $100.And if I don't know the answer,I'll pay you $100.”‎ ‎“That's not fair(公平).You are a businessman with much knowledge.You know more things 12‎ ‎ than I do.I am just a farmer,”the farmer said.‎ ‎“That's true,”the businessman said.“What do you want us to do?”‎ ‎“If you don't know the answer to a riddle,you pay me $100.And if I don't know the answer,I'll pay you $50,”the farmer said.The businessman thought about this,then he said,“OK.That's fair.Who will go first?”‎ ‎“I will,”the farmer said,“Here is my riddle.What has three legs when it walks,but only two legs when it flies?”‎ The businessman thought for a long time and said,“Mm,that's a good one.I'm afraid I don't know the answer.”He gave the farmer $100,then he said,“Tell me the answer.”‎ ‎“I don't know,”the farmer said.Then he gave the businessman $50.‎ ‎(D)46.The story happened ________.‎ A.on a farm B.before a long plane journey C.in a shop D.between two passengers ‎(C)47.What does the word“riddle”mean in this story?‎ A.Something to win money.‎ B.Something to help to make rules.‎ C.A difficult question to find the answer to.‎ D.A kind of game in doing business.‎ ‎(B)48.Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost?‎ A.He made much more money than the farmer.‎ B.He thought he knew more than the farmer.‎ C.He was interested in making riddles.‎ D.He was better at playing riddle games.‎ ‎(D)49.The farmer ________.‎ A.didn't enjoy himself on his long journey B.didn't want to pay even one dollar C.spent all his money on the plane ticket 12‎ D.won fifty dollars by playing the riddle game ‎(D)50.Which of the following is NOT true?‎ A.The two men made rules for their riddle game.‎ B.The farmer was cleverer than the businessman.‎ C.The two men made their riddle game more interesting by playing it for money.‎ D.The businessman knew the answer to this riddle.‎ C Living in a foreign country can be exciting,but it can also be confusing(令人迷惑的).A group of Americans who taught English in other countries recently discussed their experiences.They decided that miscommunications were always possible,even over something as simple as“yes”and“no”.‎ On her first day in Micronesia,an island in the Pacific,Lisa thought people weren't paying any attention to her.The day was hot.She went into a store and asked,“Do you have cold drinks?”The woman there didn't say anything.Lisa repeated the question.Still the woman said nothing.She later learned that the woman had answered her:She had raised her eyebrows(眉毛)which in Micronesia means“yes”.‎ Jan remembered an experience she had in Bulgaria,a country in Europe.She went to a restaurant that was known for its cabbage.She asked the waiter,“Do you have cabbage today?”He nodded his head.Jan waited,but the cabbage never came.In that country,a nod means“no”.‎ Tom had a similar problem when he arrived in India.After explaining something in class,he asked his students if they understood.They answered with many different nods and shakes of the head.He thought some people had not understood,so he explained again.When he asked again,they did the same thing.He soon found out that his students did understand.In India,people nod and shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from.You have to know where a person is from to understand whether they mean“yes”or“no”.‎ ‎(D)51.These Americans teaching English in other countries found that they ________.‎ A.should go abroad for vacations B.needed to learn foreign languages C.should often discuss their experiences D.had problems with communications ‎(B)52.People in Micronesia show“yes”by ______.‎ A.nodding heads B.raising eyebrows 12‎ C.shaking heads D.saying“no”‎ ‎(A)53.Tom misunderstood his class at first because ______.‎ A.he did not know much about Indian culture B.he didn't explain everything clearly enough C.some students didn't understand his questions D.he didn't know where the students came from ‎(A)54.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?‎ A.In Bulgaria,nodding heads means no.‎ B.Jan taught English on a Pacific island.‎ C.Lisa was trying to buy some cabbage.‎ D.In India,only shaking heads means“yes”.‎ ‎(C)55.The passage is mainly about ________.‎ A.body language in foreign restaurants B.class discussion in Indian schools C.miscommunication in different cultures D.English teaching in other countries D An Activity for Reading By:CCTV Department of Education This activity is developed by reading experts for you to use with children.Doing the activity with your children helps you develop their reading skills while having fun at the same time.If the reader finishes one book and asks for another,you know you are succeeding!‎ We wish you spend wonderful hours of reading with children!This summer holiday,we will invite some families to the program“Readers”to read aloud poems or books you like,and share your reading experience.‎ Activity:Read to me It's important to read to your child,but equally important to listen to them to read to you.‎ What you'll need:Books at your child's reading level.‎ What to do:‎ 12‎ ‎▲Read good books to your child.Parents who read aloud to their children are developing their interests and skills in reading.Encourage your children to listen,express their ideas and ask questions.‎ ‎▲Take turns.You read a paragraph and let your child read the next one.If your child becomes easier with reading aloud,you can ask him or her to read a full page.‎ ‎▲Listen carefully as your child reads.Listening to your child will encourage them to practice reading.Besides,this is another way to enjoy reading together.‎ ‎▲If your child has trouble reading words,you can help him or her in some ways:‎ ‎●Ask the child to jump over the word and read the rest,then try to guess the meaning of the missing word.‎ ‎●Guide your child to use what he or she knows about letter sounds.‎ ‎●Tell your child that you are proud of his or her hard working.‎ Learn more:Visit http∥www.tv.cctv.com ‎(A)56.The activity“Read to me”is produced by ________.‎ A.the experts ‎ B.the readers C.some parents ‎ D.some children ‎(C)57.CCTV will invite some families to the program“Readers”________.‎ A.in March B.in April C.in July D.in September ‎(D)58.The advice offered by the reading experts includes the following EXCEPT ________.‎ A.listen to your child read B.read good books to your child C.ask your child to express their ideas D.stop reading when meeting new words ‎(D)59.If you want to know more how to develop children's reading skills,you can ________.‎ 12‎ A.write to CCTV for help B.ask the reading experts for help C.ask parents for help D.visit the website of CCTV ‎(B)60.According to the passage,we know that ________.‎ A.parents can only read to their children B.“Read to me”is a way to enjoy reading together C.parents had better offer their child different books D.reading aloud can only develop children's interests in reading 第二节 口语运用(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据下面的对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出最佳答案,使对话完整通顺。选项中有一项是多余选项。‎ A:Hi,Peter!Where are you going for your winter holiday?‎ B:Hi,Bill!61. B Can you tell me some rules and customs in England?‎ A:62. D First,you should drive on the left side of the road.‎ B:OK!What's the next?‎ A:63. F ‎ B:I see.Is there anything else?‎ A:It's not polite to ask personal questions,like“How old are you?”and“What's your salary(薪水)?”‎ B:64. E ‎ A:You can call them Mr,Mrs,Ms or Miss before their family name.‎ B:Great.Thanks very much.‎ A:65. C ‎ A.What can I do for you?‎ B.I'm going to England for my holiday.‎ 12‎ C.You are welcome.‎ D.With pleasure!‎ E.What should I call people there?‎ F.And you mustn't talk loudly in public places.‎ 卷Ⅱ (共四部分,满分40分)‎ 第一部分 单词拼写(共两节,满分10分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 根据汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。‎ ‎66.What can I do to improve (提高)my English?‎ ‎67.In the South of China,rice is main (主要的)food.People eat it every day.‎ ‎68.I don’t understand it.Please give me an example (例子).‎ ‎69.The police asked the student to describe (描述)what she saw in the park.‎ ‎70.Don't talk to anyone about the bad news, especially (尤其)my mum.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空(方框内有一个单词是多余的)。‎ What can you do when an earthquake happens?‎ You must keep a cool head.Don't follow others to run around:Think about 71. what you should do.The first several minutes are important.‎ If you are inside a room when an earthquake happens,you can quickly move to a 72. safe place in the room.For example,you can stay under a desk or a table.Remember to take care of your head.73. Stay away from windows.As we know,when the earthquake happens,the windows may fall and 74. hurt you.‎ If you are in debris(废墟),try to relax your hands and legs.Don't keep shouting 75. loudly because you may feel very tired soon.‎ 第二部分 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 下列短文画线部分是错误的,请改正,但不得改变原文意思。‎ Li Yang is one of my best friends.He ‎ lives a health life and he has a strong 76. healthy ‎ body.He is a excellent student and he is 77. an ‎ 12‎ good at all subjects.He likes basketball ‎ and he jumped very high.He trains hard, 78. jumps ‎ so he plays it quite good.He has already 79. well ‎ won many basketball match.Last week,he 80. matches ‎ got his five gold medal.We were all 81. fifth ‎ pride of him.I went to the match although 82. proud ‎ it rained.It was a great game and I enjoyed ‎ ourselves so much.Li Yang is kind and he 83. myself ‎ is friendly for everyone.I think you 84. to ‎ won't like him if you meet him. 85. will ‎ 第三部分 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,简要回答问题。‎ One pleasant New Year morning,Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry.He wanted to be the first to wish a happy new year.‎ He looked in every room,and shouted“Happy New Year”to everyone of his family.Then he ran into the street to repeat it to those he met.When he came back,his father gave him two new dollars.His face lighted up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some nice books.‎ As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop,he saw a poor German family—the father,mother and three children walking in the cold wind.‎ ‎“I wish you a happy new year,”said Edward,as he was happily passing on.The man shook his head.“You do not belong to this country?”asked Edward.The man shook his head again,because he could not understand or speak English.But he pointed to his mouth,and to the children,he seemed to say,“These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”‎ Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and in trouble.He took out his dollars and gave one to the man,and the other to his wife.They said something in their language,which meant,“Thank you very much,and we will remember you forever.”‎ ‎86.When did the story happen?(no more than 8 words)‎ ‎ It happened on one pleasant New Year morning. ‎ ‎87.What did Edward wish to buy?(no more than 3 words)‎ ‎ Some nice books. ‎ 12‎ ‎88.Who did he see on the way to the bookshop?(no more than 4 words)‎ ‎ A poor German family. ‎ ‎89.Why did the man shake his head again?(no more than 8 words)‎ ‎ Because he could not understand or speak English. ‎ ‎90.Did Edward give the man one dollar or two dollars?(no more than 2 words)‎ ‎ One (dollar). ‎ 第四部分 书面表达(满分10分)‎ ‎91.某班英语课上,就“争当中华好少年”进行小组交流活动,请你根据活动记录情况,以“How to be a good student”为题,写一篇英语短文。‎ 良好习惯 生活习惯:健康饮食、加强锻炼 学习习惯:上课认真听讲、按时完成作业 诚实守信 不撒谎、考试不作弊 遵守校规 严禁私自下河洗澡、禁带手机进校园、不打架斗殴 ‎……‎ ‎……‎ 要求:1.70词左右。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.条理清楚,书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。3.内容必须包含表格中的提示信息,并适当发挥;文中不能出现真实的人名、地名。‎ How to be a good student It's very important to be a good student.As teenagers,how to be a good student?‎ ‎ In my opinion,first,we should develop good habits of living and learning.We should eat healthy food and exercise more.Also,we have to listen to the teachers carefully and finish our homework on time.Second,we should be honest and keep our promises.We can't tell lies and cheat in the exams.Next,we must obey the school rules.We mustn't swim alone in the river without permission.We can't bring mobile phones to the school and fight with others. ‎ ‎ What's more,it's necessary to be polite and helpful.We should be always ready to help people in need. ‎ 12‎

