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Module 5   The Great Sports Personality 内容索引 核心素养测评 Step 1 以高考为导向 · 印证教材基础 Step 2 以核心为根本 · 探究课堂重点 Step 3 以检测为载体 · 提升语基能力 Step 4 以话题为主线 · 锤炼素养技能 1. perform v. 表现 ; 履行 , 完成 ; 演出 , 表演 【写作金句】   As a senior high student, everyone should perform well in the school. 作为一名高中学生 , 每个人在学校里都应该好好表现。 【语块必记】 【熟词生义】 读句子悟词义 The company has been performing poorly over the past years. ( ) vi. 运转 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ① The operation ________________(perform)about 4 hours on end next week.   ②These tyres perform _____(bad)in hot weather. ③He was an experienced player who was always seeking to improve his ___________(perform). will be performed badly performance 2. guarantee vt. 保证 ; 担保 n. 担保 , 保证 , 保修单 , 抵押品 【文化金句】   The absolute leadership of the Communist Party of China should be guaranteed in any case. 在任何情况下都要保证中国共产党的绝对领导。 【语块必记】 (1)guarantee to do sth.     保证做某事 be guaranteed to do sth. 必定做某事 guarantee + that 从句   保证 (2)(be) under guarantee 在保修期内 【熟词生义】 读句子悟词义 Are you willing to be a guarantee of your friend’s good behaviour? ( ) n. 担保人 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①A product as good as that is a guarantee __ commercial success. ②The shop said according to trade rules they would replace the television since it was still ______ guarantee. ③The label on this bread says it ____________(guarantee) free of/from preservatives( 防腐剂 ).   ④Customer Service Department guarantees _________(deliver) the goods within a week.   of under is guaranteed to deliver 3. declare vt. & vi. 宣布 ; 声明 ; 声称 【文化金句】   Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China at Tian’anmen Rostrum on Oct 1, 1949. 毛泽东主席于 1949 年 10 月 1 日在天安门城楼庄严宣布中华人民共和国成立。 【语块必记】 【熟词生义】  读句子悟词义 You have to declare any earnings over a certain amount. ( ) vt . 申报 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①He declared his intention _________(become)the best golfer in the world.   ②She declared ___ the new airport plan, which gained the support of the public. 同义句转换 ③America announced officially that it was at war with Japan in 1941. →America ______________ Japan in 1941.   to become for declared war on 4. on the increase 正在增加 【写作金句】   The investment in education and science and technology is on the increase in our country. 我们国家对教育和科技的投资正在增加。 【语块必记】 (1) on the rise      正在增加 on the decrease/decline 在减少 (2)increase to. . . /by. . . 增加到 …… / 了 …… 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①Our demand for this product is _____________( 正在增加 ).   ②After the meeting, the phenomenon of wasting water in the school is ______ ______________ ( 在减少 ).   单句语法填空 ③Your protein needs actually increase ___ only about 16—20% during pregnancy. ④Without new treatments, the WHO said, the number of new cancer patients could increase __ 27 million by 2030. on the increase on the decline/decrease by to 【知识拓展】 on( 表示“处于 …… 状态” )+ n. on fire 着火 ; on holiday 在度假 ; on duty 在值班 ; on guard 保持警惕 ; on business 出差 ; on sale 在出售 ; on show 在展览 ; on leave 在休假。 5. The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest .   马拉松是奥运会最后的赛事 , 因为它被认为是最难的。 【写作金句】 Mr Liu is thought to be the best physics teacher in our school. 刘老师被认为是学校里最好的物理老师。 【句型公式】 (1) 主语 ( 人 / 物 )+be thought to do sth. 某人 / 物被认为会做某事 be thought to have done sth. 被认为已经做了某事 be thought to be doing sth. 被认为正在做某事 (2) 以上句式可以转换为 : it+be thought +that 从句 【知识拓展】 主语 ( 人或物 )+be + considered/believed/known/said/reported + 动词不定式 动词不定式的一般现在时表示动作发生在将来 ; 动词不定式的进行时表示动作与谓语动作同时发生 , 且强调动作的延续性和进行性 ; 动词不定式的完成时表示动作在谓语动作之前已经发生。 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①He ________________ a kind man.   他被认为是一个善良的人。 ②The sea is thought ___________ the cradle of life.   人们认为海洋曾经是生命的发源地。 ③The thief is thought ___________ in the woods.   人们认为小偷躲在林子里。 was thought to be to have been to be hiding 句型转换 ④It is thought that China is one of the birthplaces of ancient civilization. →China ___________________________________________________.   is thought to be one of the birthplaces of ancient civilization 【备选要点】 1. score vi . & vt . 得分 n. 分数 , 二十 ; 大量 , 许多 【写作金句】   Every player tried their best to gain a high score in the competition. 每个队员都尽力在比赛中获得高分。 【语块必记】 scores of      许多 , 大量 注 : score 前有基数词时 , score 不能变复数 , of 常可省略。如 two score books 四十本书 【语境速测】  完成句子 ①This was a very impressive performance by the young player, who _________ ______( 得了 14 分 )within the first ten minutes.   ②After his retirement he relaxed and lived to be ______________________(70 岁 ).   ③Sean received cards from ________( 很多 )local well-wishers in celebration of her birthday.   scored 14 points three score years and ten scores of 2. protest vi. &vt. &n . 抗议 【文化金句】   Hundreds of citizens walked on the street, protesting against those disturbing the normal life and work. 数百名的公民走上街头 , 抗议那些影响人们正常生活和工作的人。 【语块必记】 (1)protest about/against/at    抗议 , 反对 protest that. . . 抗议 , 反对 (2)in protest against 抗议 under protest 不情愿地 【语境速测】  完成句子 ① Conservation groups have united _______________ the planned new road.   自然环保组织联合起来抗议新规划的道路。 ②A young girl was crying, _____________ she didn’t want to leave her mother.   一个小女孩哭闹着 , 不想跟妈妈分开。 in protest against protesting that 单句改错 ③We should protest any behaviour of breaking the regulation. ___________________ 在 protest 后加 against  3. advantage n. 优势 , 优点 , 长处 , 有利条件 【文化金句】   We should take advantage of our advantages to develop our economy and improve our status in the world. 我们应该利用我们的有利条件发展经济 , 提高国际地位。 【语块必记】 【知识拓展】 “优点与缺点”近义词 优点 : strength, virtue, plus 缺点 : weakness, drawback, shortcoming, minus 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The advantage __ booking tickets in advance is that you will get better seats. ②It would be __ your advantage to agree to his demands in terms of the confusing situation. ③His height and reach give him a big advantage ____ other boxers. ④I thought I’d take advantage __ the sports facilities while I was here. of to over of 4. rise to one’s feet 站起来 【写作金句】   Seeing the guests entering the hall, the host rose to his feet to greet them. 看到客人进入大厅 , 男主人站起来去迎接他们。 【语块必记】 struggle to one’s feet    挣扎着站起来 jump to one’s feet 跳起来 ; 一跃而起 get to one’s feet   站起来 stand on one’s own feet   自立 , 独立自主 【语境速测】  完成句子 ① ______________ when the visitor comes in.   来宾进来时请站起来。 ②The wounded soldier _________________ when the officer came in. 当长官 进来时伤兵挣扎着站了起来。   ③Somebody may try to get you to smoke or drink, but I hope you can _____ _______________ and say no.   有的人也许会劝你吸烟或喝酒 , 但是我希望你能够独立自主 , 拒绝他们。 Rise to your feet struggled to his feet stand on your own feet 5. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.   如果你走进某地的中学或大学 , 你有可能会看到身穿印有熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。 【文化金句】   Many Americans went to the west where, they thought, the chances were they would make their fortune. 许多美国人去了西部 , 他们认为他们有可能在那里发财。 【语块必记】 the chances are (that). . .       很可能 there’s no chance to do sth. /of doing sth. /that 从句 不可能 …… have a chance to do sth. /of doing sth. 有机会做某事 【知识拓展】 “有可能做某事”句型 (1)it is possible/probable/likely + that 从句 (2)it is possible to do sth. (3)there is a possibility +that 从句 (4)sb. + be likely to do sth. 【语境速测】  单句语法填空 ①The chances ___(be) that an agreement will not be reached before the final round of negotiations. ②You do have a chance _______(have)a bit of a chat and meet amazing people here.   are to have 一句多译 ③ 他有可能通过测试。 ______________ that he will pass the exam. (chance)  = _________________________ that he will pass the exam. (it)  = __________________ that he will pass the exam. (possibility)  = __________ to pass the exam. (likely)  The chances are It is possible/probable/likely There is a possibility He is likely

