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1 Unit 1 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.On the farm Peter saw some pigs. 2.My sister likes Malaysian yellow noodles. 3.I took many photos of the Palace Museum. 4.I studied for the English test at home yesterday afternoon. 5.I didn't take an umbrella with me that day. (B)1.A. B. C. (A)2.A. B. C. (A)3.A. B. C. (B)4.A. B. C. (C)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Did you visit the fire station yesterday? M:No,I visited the museum with Amy. 7.W:Did you read in the library last Sunday,Tim? M:Yes,last Sunday morning I read there,but in the afternoon I went to the zoo to see lions. 8.M:Mom,I'm hungry! W:I'm making dumplings.Wait a minute! 9.W:Did your cousin arrive in Beijing,Paul? M:Yes,last Tuesday morning he arrived.He stayed there for one day.Then he went to Shanghai. 10.W:Do you know that trader over there? M:Yes,he's my math teacher's brother Bob. (C)6.Where did Amy go yesterday? 2 A.To the fire station. B.To the bus station. C.To the museum. (A)7.What did Tim do last Sunday afternoon? A.He saw lions. B.He read books. C.He went to the movies. (B)8.Where are the two speakers talking? A.In the hospital. B.At home. C.In the restaurant. (B)9.When did Paul's cousin go to Shanghai? A.Last Thursday. B.Last Wednesday. C.Last Tuesday. (A)10.What does Bob do? A.A trader. B.A teacher. C.A player. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:W:What did you do in China,Jack? M:We visited a lot of cities.And we visited many interesting places in Beijing, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.Jiuzhaigou in Sichuan is also interesting. W:Do you like Sichuan food? M:Yes,it's delicious.But my parents didn't like it because they thought it was too hot. (C)11.How many interesting places did Jack talk about? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. (A)12.How does Jack like Sichuan food? A.Delicious. B.Terrible. C.Hot. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Mike,let's go to Green Beach this Saturday. M:Er... I went there with Bob and Eric last week. W:Really?Did you enjoy yourselves there? M:Yes,we did.We played ball games on the beach and swam in the sea. W:Well,how about going to the zoo? M:That sounds great!I like pandas best.What about you? W:I like giraffes best. (B)13.How many children went to Green Beach last week? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. (C)14.Where will they go this Saturday? A.To the supermarket. B.To the bookstore. C.To the zoo. (A)15.What animals does Mike like best? A.Pandas. B.Tigers. C.Giraffes. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: I'm Tom.Last Saturday morning,I got up early because I wanted to go to my uncle's farm.I wanted to do something interesting like feeding pigs and milking cows.But when I was leaving by bicycle,it started to rain.So I went to visit the city museum by bus.There,I saw many wonderful things.At about 12:30,I felt hungry.So I bought two hamburgers to eat.It seemed that hamburgers were never 3 delicious like those.At about 2:00 p.m.,the rain stopped.I walked back home.At night,I felt a little tired,but I still kept a diary about the day. (A)16.Where did Tom want to go first last Saturday morning? A.To a farm. B.To a museum. C.To a library. (C)17.How was the weather from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. that day? A.Sunny. B.Snowy. C.Rainy. (C)18.How did Tom go to the city museum? A.By car. B.By bicycle. C.By bus. (A)19.What did Tom eat for lunch? A.Hamburgers. B.Salad. C.Rice. (B)20.What did Tom do last Saturday evening? A.He did his homework. B.He kept a diary. C.He watched TV. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (D)21.—Mom,what's that on ________ table? —Oh,it's ________ umbrella.I bought it on Taobao last week. A.a;a B.a;an C.the;/ D.the;an (B)22.The mountain is so high that all the things ________ it look very small. A.over B.below C.by D.near (B)23.—Who helped you clean the house yesterday,Jane? —No one.I cleaned it by ________. A.me B.myself C.mine D.my (B)24.—It's really a ________ place. —I don't think so.I never get ________ there. A.bored;boring B.boring;bored C.bored;bored D.boring;boring (A)25.Most of the students went to play on the playground.Only ______ of them stayed in the classroom. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little (D)26.—It's time to have our lesson.Is ________ here? —No,Miss Smith.Bert and Jason aren't here. A.someone B.anybody C.nobody D.everyone (C)27.Some people ________ stinky tofu (臭豆腐),but I think it tastes great. A.make B.know C.dislike D.love (C)28.—Joe,how was your trip to Xi'an? —Great.I decided ________ there again next year. A.going B.living C.to go D.to live (C)29.—Did you do ________ on Mother's Day? —Yes,I drew a picture for my mom. A.something special B.special something C.anything special D.special anything 4 (C)30.—Does your brother like playing soccer? —________.He never does sports. A.No problem B.Sounds good C.Not really D.All right 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) My sister and I were on vacation at Iberostar Ensenachos from April 9 to 16, 2019.That was our __31__ time there because we loved it so much last year.We __32__ to try the spa (温泉) this time.It was enjoyable. We __33__ in Room 2124 of the hotel.And our room had a lovely balcony (阳台) with a table and two chairs.We talked about our vacation at the table before going to bed. You could __34__ everything you want in Cuba.They had all kinds of food.I still remember I ordered __35__ one morning.They remembered my order __36__ gave me one glass of milk every morning.What excellent service (服务)! We started each morning with a walk __37__ a road.We enjoyed the __38__ singing in the trees.We went to shows and enjoyed dancing with __39__.We never got __40__ there.It was really a wonderful vacation.And we hope to go there next year. (B)31.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth (D)32.A.disliked B.wondered C.waited D.decided (B)33.A.left B.stayed C.played D.stopped (C)34.A.bring B.take C.try D.sell (D)35.A.water B.porridge C.juice D.milk (A)36.A.and B.if C.because D.or (C)37.A.below B.for C.along D.with (A)38.A.birds B.people C.ducks D.hens (C)39.A.nothing B.something C.someone D.nobody (D)40.A.wet B.happy C.fun D.bored 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Hello,everyone!It's good to see you again at school.Where did you go for your summer holiday?I went to a farm with my parents.It was wonderful!Here is some information about the farm. Welcome to Kids' Farm Our farm is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday. What you can do: Feed animals. Make cheese. Pick vegetables and fruits. Go fishing in the river. Enjoy the food at a farmhouse (农舍) restaurant. What you can't do: Don't feed animals with your own food. Don't go fishing by yourself.An adult (成年人) should be with you. NEVER swim in the river. You should pay: 5 $5.00 for an adult $10.00 for a child (over 3 years old) Tel:(480)8925874 Email:kidsfarm@hotmail.com (C)41.The writer went to Kids' Farm with his ________. A.classmates B.friends C.family D.teachers (B)42.You cannot ________on Kids' Farm. A.make cheese B.go swimming C.pick fruits D.feed animals (C)43.If a child wants to go fishing on the farm,he should ______. A.go with his classmates B.go to the river in the afternoon C.go with an adult D.buy the food for the fish (B)44.How much should the writer's family pay for their trip to Kids' Farm? A.$10. B.$20. C.$15. D.$25. (D)45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.For more information,we can write a letter to the farm. B.We can cook at the farmhouse restaurant. C.Kids' Farm is open to only small children. D.The farm is open for eight hours on Tuesday. B Last winter,I went to Moscow myself.My children worried about me a lot.I was in my 70s.But I still wanted to have a vacation in Moscow.It's my dream place. I flew there.It was really cold in Moscow.I waited for the bus with my heavy bag.At that time,a man came to me. “May I help you?” he asked. “Yes,thank you,” I said.“Is it OK to help me?I think you are busy making money.” He seemed a taxi driver. “It's OK.I like helping old people.Hope you have a good time in Moscow,” he said.I couldn't say anything.I met a good Russian. His English was not good,but we had a great talk on the way to the hotel.When we arrived,I thanked him again and gave him some money.But he didn't take. “I helped you not for money.I just hope my mom can get help someday,” he said and went away. That's why I love traveling (旅行).I enjoy visiting beautiful places and meeting kind people. (B)46.Last year,the writer went on a trip to ________. A.China B.Russia C.Australia D.America (B)47.The writer's family felt ________ when she went on a trip. A.interested B.worried C.bored D.happy (D)48.The writer went there ________. A.by car B.by bus C.by taxi D.by plane (D)49.Why did the man help the writer? A.To make money. B.To make friends. C.To have a great talk. 6 D.To hope someone can help his mom one day. (A)50.What's the best title of the passage? A.Cold Weather,Warm Heart (心) B.Moscow,a Beautiful City C.It's Never Too Old to Travel D.Little Things Make a Big Difference C Last autumn,my family and I went to England and we spent two weeks in Cornwall.It took us five hours to get there by car.51.__D__ We took part in (参加) a lot of different activities.We went for long walks,played games,rode bicycles and swam in the lake. We played happily at first,but then something terrible happened (发生).52.__A__ I walked,and then I heard some birds singing in the trees and took some photos of them.When I got hungry,I wanted to go back to the hotel for food,but I couldn't find the way back.53.__E__ “Oh,what should I do?”I said.Later it started to rain.54.__C__ I decided to stay under a tree and waited for my parents.After a few hours they found me.55.__B__ I'll never go to the forest by myself again. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.One morning I went to the forest near the hotel by myself. B.It was dark and I felt cold,hungry and scared. C.I didn't take an umbrella,so I got all wet. D.We stayed in a hotel near a lake. E.I tried different ways,but I was still in the same place. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.There are lots of hens (母鸡) on my uncle's farm. 57.I don't know Bill's sister.I really wonder (想知道) what she looks like. 58.Sorry.I don't have enough (足够的) money for the nice bag. 59.I lost my pen.I can't find it anywhere (在任何地方). 60.Bill asked his mother for some food because he was hungry (饥饿的). B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Did you watch the movie The Captain (《中国机长》) yourself (you),Lucy? 62.We students should try to_eat (eat) more vegetables and fruit. 63.These old buildings (building) in the city look very special. 64.They spent an enjoyable (enjoy) afternoon on the beach yesterday. 65.The two books are not the same.There are many differences (different) between them. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.别担心,我当然会帮助你。 Don't worry.Of course I'll help you. 67.由于大雨他们没有踢足球。 7 They didn't play soccer because of the heavy rain. 68.她五岁时开始写日记。 She began to keep a diary when she was five. 69.似乎要下雨了,你最好打车回家。 It seems to rain.You'd better take a taxi home. 70.坐在飞机上,我感觉自己像一只鸟儿。 Sitting on the plane,I felt like I was a bird. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:How was your May Day holiday? B:71.__C__ A:What did you do for the holiday? B:I went to the city park with my family.72.__G__ A:Wow!You really did something nice.73.__D__ B:From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A:74.__B__ B:We took some food and water. A:75.__E__ I want to help. B:Sure!I'm glad you can join us. A.Did you go there with anyone? B.What about your lunch? C.It was great. D.How long did you stay there? E.Can I join you next time? F.It tasted really good! G.We helped the cleaners clean the park. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 bird,China,dislike,different,diary, activity,sun,try,umbrella,practice Wang Yue was from Guangzhou.She moved to London last year with her parents.She found there were so many 76.differences between the two cities.It was 77.sunny when Wang Yue first got to London,but she saw quite a few people taking 78.umbrellas with them.People in Guangzhou never did this on such a good day.The next morning, Wang Yue woke up early.She could hear 79.birds singing outside the window.In Guangzhou,there was noise (噪声) from day to night.Wang Yue and her parents 80.tried English food in a restaurant.She felt she 81.disliked English food.She thought food in Guangzhou tasted much better. When Wang Yue started her new life in London,her English was not very good.She kept 82.practicing with her new classmates and she kept a 83.diary in English.That helped her a lot.Wang Yue loved her new school.There were so many interesting 84.activities every day and it had different kinds of food for students,including (包括) 85.Chinese food! 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 8 暑假生活往往是丰富多彩,姿态万千的。假设你的暑假英语作业是写一篇日记记录你的 暑假生活,请你根据以下提示,完成英语作业。 提示:1.Where did you go? 2.What did you do there? 3.What did you eat? 4.How did you feel about the visit? 要求:1.语句通顺、逻辑连贯; 2.不少于 70 词。日记格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Tuesday,August 15thSunny I went somewhere interesting today.The weather was hot so my father decided to drive us to the beach. Along the way,we saw the sea and some beautiful mountains.We swam in the sea.When I swam,I felt like I was a fish.In the afternoon,we played volleyball on the beach.It was really exciting!For dinner,we had something delicious,like shrimps and noodles.We enjoyed the vacation very much.And we hope to go there again. 9 Unit 2 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.The Negotiator is my favorite program and I watch it every week. 2.I like playing pingpong when I am free. 3.Jack often goes swimming on weekends. 4.My brother Dave uses the Internet twice a week. 5.Eating too many candies is bad for your teeth. (C)1.A. B. C. (A)2.A. B. C. (A)3.A. B. C. (C)4.A. B. C. (A)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.M:How often do you go to the library? W:I go there once a week. 7.M:Did you go shopping last Sunday? W:No,I didn't.I helped with housework at home. 8.W:What activities do you enjoy doing,Jack? M:I enjoy swimming and playing basketball.But I don't like singing. 9.W:Frank,how often do you drink milk? M:Every day.But I never drink tea.Sometimes I drink juice. 10.M:Can you tell me something about your classmates' free time activities, Alice? W:Yes.Only a half exercise every day,seventy percent use the Internet every day and eightyfive percent watch TV every day. (C)6.How often does the girl go to the library? 10 A.Twice a week. B.Once a month. C.Once a week. (C)7.What did the girl do last Sunday? A.She went shopping. B.She watched TV. C.She helped with housework. (C)8.What does Jack dislike? A.Swimming. B.Playing basketball. C.Singing. (B)9.What does Frank never drink? A.Milk. B.Tea. C.Juice. (A)10.What percent of Alice's classmates exercise every day? A.50%. B.70%. C.85%. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:How often do you play the piano,Jane? W:Twice a week. M:How many hours do you play the piano each time? W:I play it for at least two hours. M:Who teaches you to play the piano? W:My mother. (B)11.How long does Jane play the piano each time? A.For at least one hour. B.For at least two hours. C.For at least three hours. (A)12.Who teaches Jane to play the piano? A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her teacher. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:M:Emma,how often do you eat rice? W:Twice a day.I eat it for lunch and dinner. M:Do you eat it for breakfast? W:No.For breakfast I usually have eggs,bread and milk.Sometimes I drink juice. M:Do you usually drink milk before going to bed? W:No,I drink milk once a day,only in the morning. M:What about juice? W:No,never.I usually have some water before going to bed. (B)13.How often does Emma eat rice? A.Once a day. B.Twice a day. C.Three times a day. (C)14.What doesn't Emma have in the morning? A.Bread. B.Eggs. C.Rice. (C)15.What does Emma usually drink before going to bed? A.Milk. B.Juice. C.Water. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: Linda,Jenny and Anna are good friends.They study in the same school.An eightyyearold woman lives near their school.She is a writer.She has a son and a daughter,but they don't live with her.Her son is an artist and he works in Australia.Her daughter is a teacher and she works in Canada. Linda,Jenny and Anna go to the old woman's house to help her with the housework 11 every Wednesday and Sunday.Linda helps her clean her rooms,Jenny helps her wash her clothes and Anna helps her do the dishes.The old woman feels very happy and she teaches the girls to read and write. (B)16.How old is the woman? A.75. B.80. C.85. (A)17.Where does the old woman's son work? A.In Australia. B.In Canada. C.In America. (C)18.What does the old woman's daughter do? A.A writer. B.An artist. C.A teacher. (B)19.How often do Linda and her friends go to the old woman's house? A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. (A)20.What does Jenny help the old woman do? A.Wash her clothes. B.Do the dishes. C.Clean her rooms. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.—Hi,Jack!Do you often go ________ online on Sundays? —Yes.I like to learn English on ________ Internet. A.the;the B.an;an C./;the D./;an (D)22.My sister didn't tell me the news.I got it ________ my good friends. A.on B.with C.across D.through (A)23.—Why do you go to the ________? —For teeth cleaning. A.dentist B.writer C.musician D.artist (C)24.—How is Sally? —I don't know because I ________ see her. A.always B.sometimes C.hardly ever D.usually (C)25.________ it was difficult,________ Xia Boyu got to the top of Qomolangma in 2018. A.Because;/ B.Because;so C.Although;/ D.Although;but (B)26.________ of the students were late for school because of the heavy rain.Their teacher was happy to see that. A.All B.None C.Both D.Every (B)27.—Why did so many trees here ________? —Because there was a big fire last week here. A.practice B.die C.follow D.save (C)28.Twenty percent of people here ________ living in the countryside because they would like to enjoy clean air there. A.dislike B.dislikes C.like D.likes (B)29.It's good ________ by ________ the Internet,but don't spend too much time on it. 12 A.relax;using B.to relax;using C.relax;to use D.to relax;to use (D)30.—Lily is sad because she got a C for English. —________ She is so good at English! A.Why not? B.No way! C.So what? D.How come? 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) How often should we exercise?Five times a week?Four times a week?Is twice a week enough?The answer __31__ the question is not difficult to find. We asked Shawn Arent,a scientist,this question.He said that people should __32__ every day,such as running and swimming.If people don't have time,they can just walk in the room.It is really a great __33__ to our bodies and health. Shawn also told us __34__more interesting.“There is a big __35__ between exercising twice a week and three times a week,”he said.“With three times a week, your body gets enough exercise and you want to do more __36__ to be healthy.__37__, with twice a week,you don't get much change (改变).You just don't do it often enough, so you can't completely (完全地) __38__ the fun of exercising.” “For children and old people,it is a __39__ start to exercise twice a week at first.__40__ I still want them to exercise more after some time.Three to four times a week will be wonderful for them,” he said. (B)31.A.of B.to C.on D.in (D)32.A.work B.talk C.sleep D.exercise (A)33.A.help B.job C.vacation D.study (C)34.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything (A)35.A.difference B.mind C.dream D.answer (C)36.A.homework B.rules C.activities D.problems (B)37.A.Then B.However C.Also D.Again (C)38.A.dislike B.decide C.enjoy D.wait (A)39.A.good B.noisy C.high D.lucky (A)40.A.But B.And C.Or D.So 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Kate I'm a student.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I have lots of homework every day.I watch TV twice a week.I do exercise three times a week. Jack I'm a worker.I'm free in the evening.I watch TV every day.I use the Internet three times a week.I go to the movies with my friends twice a month.I do exercise every day. Tom I'm a teacher.I use the Internet every day for my teaching.I like reading and I often read books.I watch news on TV twice a week and I also do exercise twice a week. 13 Alice I'm a housewife.I do the cooking every day.I go shopping three times a week.I have lots of free time,so I watch TV and do exercise every day. (C)41.What is Kate? A.She is a teacher. B.She is a worker. C.She is a student. D.She is a housewife. (C)42.How often does Jack use the Internet? A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week. D.Three times a month. (A)43.What does Tom like doing? A.Reading books. B.Doing exercise. C.Using the Internet. D.Going to the movies. (A)44.Alice ________ every day. A.watches TV B.goes shopping C.uses the Internet D.goes to the movies (C)45.What does the table tell us? A.When they do exercise. B.Why they all do exercise. C.How often they do something. D.What they do in their houses. B Can you sleep well at night?If you don't,here's some advice for you. ◆Try to go to bed at the same time every night.It helps your body get into a routine.Keeping this routine will help you get better sleep. ◆ Don't eat or drink anything with caffeine ( 咖 啡 因 ) before you go to bed.Chocolate and icecream with caffeine are also bad for your sleep. ◆Don't put a TV set in your bedroom.According to a survey,kids usually sleep less with a TV set in their bedrooms.If you have one,turn it off when it's time to sleep. ◆Don't watch scary TV shows or movies before bedtime.They can make it hard for you to fall asleep.But you can take a hot shower or listen to light music. ◆Don't do much exercise before going to bed.Do exercise earlier in the daytime, and it helps you sleep better. ◆Use your bed just for sleeping.Don't do your homework,read books or play games on the phone when you are in bed. (B)46.The passage mainly talks about ________. A.kids' food B.sleeping C.kids' beds D.music (C)47.What does the underlined word “routine” mean in Chinese? A.循环 B.程序 C.常规 D.更新 (A)48.You should only use your bed for ________ according to the passage. A.sleeping B.playing chess C.reading books D.doing your homework (D)49.The writer advises (建议) kids to ________. 14 A.do their homework in bed B.put a TV set in their bedrooms C.do exercise before going to bed D.take a hot shower before bedtime (B)50.You can't ________ before you go to bed according to the passage. ①watch scary movies ②take a shower ③play basketball ④drink a cup of coffee ⑤listen to light music A.①②③ B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①④⑤ C We know health and happiness (快乐) are important to our life.Here are some ways to get them. ●51.__D__ Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and less meat.Don't eat too much junk food. ●52.__E__ You should exercise at least twice or three times a week. ●53.__A__ It is best to get about eight hours of sleep a day.It is very bad for our health if we don't have enough sleep. ●54.__B__ It stops you from having bad habits.To keep yourself busy,you can walk around the house,spend time with your pet,write letters to your friends, do a sport,or do anything you enjoy. ●55.__C__ Spend time and have fun with them.Talk with them,but don't talk about anything bad.You should stay with the people who are healthy and happy. Remember that nothing is more important than health and happiness. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.Have enough sleep. B.Keep yourself busy. C.Go out and make friends. D.Eat healthy food. E.Remember to exercise. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.It's too cold.I'd like a cup of hot coffee (咖啡). 57.We lived in that village for almost (差不多) 10 years. 58.Maybe (或许) Danny is in the school library now. 59.It's too late.Let's go home together (一起). 60.Tony wants to join the basketball club.However (然而),Mr. Black doesn't think he's tall enough. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Jane drinks milk twice (two) a week. 62.Han Han and Guo Jingming are popular writers (write) in China. 63.Doing (do) morning exercises is very important for students. 64.Tomorrow is (be) quite full for me,Mary.I can't go there with you. 65 . Mr. Green made some money from writing short stories for magazines (magazine). 15 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.我们在动物园等了杰克至少一个小时。 We waited at least an hour for Jack at the zoo. 67.今天莉莉上学迟到了二十多分钟。 Today Lily was late for school for more than twenty minutes. 68.我的姐姐喜欢运动,比如跑步和游泳。 My sister loves sports,such as running and swimming. 69.我叔叔有良好的生活习惯。他几乎从不熬夜。 My uncle has good living habits,and he hardly ever stays up late. 70.她昨晚睡了不到五个小时。 She slept for less than five hours last night. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hello,Tom.71.__E__ B:I usually play sports with my friends after school. A:72.__A__ B:I love playing soccer best. A:Oh!I like it,too.73.__G__ B:About once a week. A:I see.74.__D__ B:No,I usually read in the evening. A:When do you usually go to bed? B:At nine.75.__B__ A:What a healthy life! A.What is your favorite sport? B.And I always get up early. C.Would you like to play soccer with me? D.Do you often watch TV at night? E.What do you usually do after school? F.I always watch TV for an hour. G.How often do you play soccer? 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余) like,they,wait,although,hardly,actor, show,in,lovely,problem,swing,but My name is David Smith.In my free time I usually do sports,and I also like swing dance.It is fun 76.although it is difficult to learn.I find if I 77.swing fast, I just feel like I am flying.And I spend at least one afternoon every weekend on a video (视频) website.I 78.show what I often do on it.I often watch videos about making cakes because I love eating 79.them so much. I also like an app called iMovie.There I can make my movies.I have a 80.lovely pet dog named Hedgy.Hedgy is one of the 81.actors in my movies.Every day I record what we do in life.Do you know why I love him so much?That's because he is 82.like 16 my best friend.Every morning,when I go to school,he follows me to the door.In the afternoon,he 83.waits for me to finish school.When I feel unhappy,I will tell him my 84.problems.He just listens to me quietly.I like eating hamburgers and he likes eating them,too,but they are not healthy.To keep healthy,we 85.hardly eat them now.When I grow up (长大),I want to write a book called Diary of Hedgy to tell our story. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) Gina 是一名中学生,她有一些不好的生活习惯。请你写一篇短文,针对 Gina 的不良生 活习惯给她提一些建议。 Habits How often Watch TV Every day (at least two hours) Stay up late to read books Often Eat junk food Four times a week 参考词汇:should 应该 要求:1.包括表格信息,语言流畅,语意连贯; 2.词数:70 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Gina has some bad habits.She watches TV for at least two hours every day.She often stays up late to read books.Also,she eats junk food four times a week.They are too bad for her health. I think Gina should spend less time watching TV.Then she will have more time to read.Gina should eat less junk food,because too much junk food is bad for her health.To keep healthy,Gina should also go to bed early.Good habits can help her keep healthy and happy. 17 Unit 3 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Do you study English harder than your brother? 2.Who is your best friend? 3.Do your sister and you look the same? 4.Who do you think should get the job? 5.Is Tom shorter than Sam? (C)1.A.Yes,I am. B.No,he isn't. C.Yes,I do. (A)2.A.Peter. B.The skirt. C.Geography. (B)3.A.Yes,we are different. B.No,I'm taller than her. C.No,we are the same. (B)4.A.The dog. B.Jim. C.The newspaper. (C)5.A.Yes,they are. B.No,she doesn't. C.Yes,he is. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Are you as outgoing as your brother,Paul? M:No,I'm much quieter than him. 7.W:I spent 30 dollars on my shoes.What about you? M:Oh,my shoes are 7 dollars cheaper than yours. 8.M:Why do you want to buy a green skirt?I think the red one is better. W:This year red isn't as popular as green. 9.W:Is your friend Peter good at singing? M:Yes,he is.But my brother can sing better than him. 10.M:Jenny,your history teacher is really funny. W:Yeah!Because of this I like him very much. (A)6.Who is more outgoing? A.Paul's brother. B.Paul. C.Paul's sister. (B)7.How much are the boy's shoes? A.30 dollars. B.23 dollars. C.37 dollars. (A)8.What color is more popular this year? A.Green. B.Red. C.Blue. (B)9.What is the boy's friend good at? A.Playing tennis. B.Singing. C.Dancing. (A)10.Why does Jenny like her history teacher? A.Because he is funny. B.Because he is friendly. C.Because his classes are interesting. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:Hi,Anna.Is Eliza your sister? W:No.She is my cousin. M:Oh,you look the same.How old are you? W:I'm thirteen years old.I'm one year younger than Eliza. 18 (C)11.Who is Eliza? A.Anna's sister. B.Anna's friend. C.Anna's cousin. (C)12.How old is Eliza? A.12 years old. B.13 years old. C.14 years old. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Dale,is the basketball game next Friday? M:Yes.But we still need one more player.Wendy,who do you think is the right man,Bruce or Eric? W:Well,I think Bruce is. M:Why? W:Bruce is much taller and he runs more quickly. M:But Eric is also very talented! W:Yes,but Eric is shorter and a little heavier. M:Maybe you're right. (A)13.When is the basketball game? A.Next Friday. B.Next Saturday. C.Next Sunday. (C)14.What does Bruce look like? A.He is short. B.He is heavy. C.He is tall. (B)15.Who will be the right man to play the basketball game? A.Dale. B.Bruce. C.Eric. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: My name is Lisa.I'm an American girl.I'm 14 years old.I like making friends.I have many friends.Jill is one of them.She is from Canada.She is the same age as me.But she is much taller than me.We both like tennis,but Jill plays it better than me.I'm more outgoing than Jill.I'm better at physics than her,too.Sometimes, I go to the movies with my classmates.But Jill doesn't like to do that.She likes to stay at home and listen to music. (B)16.How old is Lisa? A.12. B.14. C.15. (C)17.Where is Jill from? A.America. B.Australia. C.Canada. (A)18.What do Lisa and Jill both like? A.Tennis. B.Soccer. C.Baseball. (A)19.Who is more outgoing? A.Lisa. B.Jill. C.Jill's cousin. (B)20.How often does Lisa go to the movies? A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.—Hey,Jack!Do you know ________ girl with glasses over there? —Yes!She's my cousin Lucy.She's ________ outgoing girl. A.a;the B.the;a C.the;an D.a;an 19 (C)22.—Is Jim's bike similar ________ yours? —No,his bike is quite different ________ mine. A.from;from B.from;to C.to;from D.to;to (C)23.—How can I get any ________ about the old town? —Why not use the Internet? A.competition B.grades C.information D.price (D)24.Our parents love us very much ________ they hardly ever say,“I love you.” A.however B.or C.so D.though (A)25.—Hi,Jim!Did you go to Linda's party last night? —Yes.________ my brother and I went there and we had fun. A.Both B.All C.None D.Either (A)26.—________ way is ________ from Zhengzhou to Beijing,by plane or by high speed train? —Of course,by plane. A.Which;faster B.Which;good C.What;great D.What;well (C)27.To ________ the basketball game,Dave and his players spend lots of time practicing in the sports club every day. A.touch B.order C.win D.reach (B)28.—Do you like Sam? —No,I don't.He only thinks about himself and never ________ others. A.looks like B.cares about C.puts up D.shouts at (C)29.—Many boy students think math is ________ geography. —I agree.I'm not good at geography. A.much difficult than B.as difficult as C.less difficult than D.more difficult than (B)30.—That's your new bike,________? —Yes,it was a birthday gift from my uncle. A.is it B.isn't it C.is that D.isn't that 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) I have two good friends,Wang Jun and Zhou Bing.Wang Jun is my classmate.He is similar to me in some ways.__31__ of us are shy and quiet,and we never talk __32__.At school,Wang works harder than me and he can always get good __33__ in exams.Last week he went to an English __34__.He did so well that he __35__ first prize (奖) in the end. Zhou Bing came to our school two years ago.He's __36__ and funny.When we play games together,he always jokes (说笑话) and laughs.When he does something funny, he __37__ it with me.But sometimes he is careless (漫不经心的).Yesterday he __38__ my cup.I thought he would say sorry to me.But he just shook hands (握手) with me, saying,“We are friends.Don't __39__ it too much.I'll buy you a new one.”Zhou is very different __40__ me,isn't he? (A)31.A.Both B.All C.Either D.None (B)32.A.clearly B.loudly C.truly D.quietly (C)33.A.food B.sleep C.grades D.jobs 20 (D)34.A.club B.class C.school D.competition (A)35.A.won B.touched C.gave D.asked (C)36.A.quiet B.serious C.outgoing D.hardworking (B)37.A.fights B.shares C.leaves D.plays (C)38.A.used B.bought C.broke D.found (D)39.A.feel like B.shout at C.find out D.care about (A)40.A.from B.with C.as D.on 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Mike I like to make friends.Victor is one of my best friends.He is as outgoing as me.We became friends when I was ten years old.We both like sports very much.We play tennis three times a week and play basketball twice a week. Monica I'm a little quiet.My best friend Grace is different from me.She is very outgoing and funny.She likes going to parties and dancing very much.She likes swing dance best. Tara My best friend is Lisa.She is very outgoing and friendly.I'm similar to her.We became friends three years ago.Lisa is also hardworking.She studies better than me and she always helps me with my math. Eric My best friend is Ben.He is two years older than me.He is quiet.He is good at drawing.He joined an art club a week ago.I'm different from him.I'm outgoing and I like singing and swimming. (B)41.When did Mike and Victor become friends? A.When Victor was ten years old. B.When Mike was ten years old. C.Three years ago. D.Ten years ago. (D)42.From the above information,we know Lisa ________. A.likes swing dance best B.plays basketball twice a week C.is good at drawing D.is good at math (B)43.Eric's best friend Ben ________. A.is two years younger than him B.joined an art club a week ago C.likes singing and swimming D.is the same as Eric (C)44.________ are quiet according to the above information. A.Mike and Monica B.Victor and Ben 21 C.Monica and Ben D.Monica and Tara (A)45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Mike and Victor play tennis three times a week. B.Grace doesn't enjoy dancing at all. C.Tara is different from Lisa. D.Eric is a quiet boy. B A small boy tried to move a heavy box out of his room.The box was much bigger than the boy.He tried his best to move it,but the box would not move at all.After resting (休息) for a short time,the boy tried to move it again.He pushed (推) very hard,but he couldn't even move the box a bit.He was too tired to go on,and he lost_heart. The boy's father came home from work around that time.He stopped to watch what his son did.The father asked the boy,“Son,did you try your best and do everything you can?” “Yes,I did!” the boy cried. “No,” his father said quietly,“you didn't.You didn't ask me to help you.” Asking for help isn't a weakness (弱点).At some point,even the best of us need help.It's important to know when to ask for help and why you need it.Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in trouble (困境). (A)46.What did the boy try to move out of his room? A.A large heavy box. B.A small heavy box. C.Two heavy boxes. D.Two big boxes. (D)47.The boy tried to do the thing ________. A.with his parents B.with his father C.with his friends D.all by himself (B)48.The underlined phrase means “________” in Chinese. A.增强信心 B.失去信心 C.心跳加速 D.心力衰竭 (B)49.The father wanted his son to ________. A.find a right way to push B.ask someone for help C.stop doing everything D.move something else first (C)50.What can we learn from the passage? A.People feel sad when they're in trouble. B.People should always ask others for help. C.People shouldn't be afraid to ask others for help. D.It's possible (可能的) for anyone to get into trouble. C There is a new student in my class this term.His name is Jack.Jack is tall and has short curly hair.And he sits next to me.At first,he didn't talk to anyone.He always played basketball alone (单独地) after class.Most of us thought he was not an outgoing boy. A month later,he started to talk with others.And sometimes he told jokes to make us laugh.I knew that he played basketball well.So I asked him to teach me.With his help,I got much better at basketball.And I found he was really different from 22 me.He is more outgoing and funnier than me,but he isn't as hardworking as me.So I always get better grades.We both love music and we often share our CDs.Now we are in the school basketball club and we go there together twice a week. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 51.What does Jack look like? He_is_tall_and_has_short_curly_hair. 52.What is Jack good at? He_is_good_at_(playing)_basketball. 53.Who is more hardworking,Jack or the writer? The_writer. 54.What do they often share with each other? CDs. 55.How often do they go to the basketball club? Twice_a_week. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Don't you think food is necessary (必要的) for life? 57.Doing sports helps make the heart (心脏) strong. 58.Please don't touch (触摸) the flowers.You can just look at them. 59.Let's share (分享) the pizza with other kids. 60.Please don't laugh and be serious (严肃的) for a minute.Here is a piece of important news for you. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Mark is as hardworking (hardworking) as his brother. 62.I truly (true) want to know what you think of me. 63.There is an old saying (say),“Time is money.” 64.If you can exercise once a week,that's better (good) than nothing. 65.Molly plays basketball better than her classmates.She's a talented (talent) player. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.事实上,我五分钟前就到达火车站了。 In fact,I arrived at the train station five minutes ago. 67.作为一名小学教师,我能做些什么呢? As a primary school teacher,what can I do? 68.你可以出去,只要你能在 11 点前回来就行。 You can go out as long as you can be back before 11 o'clock. 69.陈巧是我的好朋友,她总能帮我展现最好的一面。 Chen Qiao is my good friend and she always helps to bring out the best in me. 70.他昨天把手臂摔断了,现在还在医院里。 He broke his arm yesterday,and now he is still in hospital. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hi,Bill.Who do you like better,Ms. Brown or Ms. Smith? 23 B:Well,it's hard to say.71.__B__ A:Really?Can you tell me what they're like? B:Sure.72.__F__ She is like our friends after class. A:That sounds good.Is she as outgoing as Ms. Smith? B:No,she isn't.73.__A__ A:Does Ms. Brown teach as well as Ms. Smith? B:Yes,she does.74.__C__ A:Are there any other differences between them? B:Yes.75.__E__ However,she doesn't play pingpong as well as Ms. Smith. A:I see. A.Ms. Smith is more outgoing than her. B.I think they're quite different from each other. C.She always teaches us in an interesting way. D.Ms. Smith has shorter hair than Ms. Brown. E.Ms. Brown runs faster than Ms. Smith. F.Ms. Brown is friendlier than Ms. Smith. G.Who jumps higher,Ms. Brown or Ms. Smith? 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 talent,photo,often,share,but,because,outgoing,luck,young,touch My good friend Mary is my cousin.She is three years 76.younger than me.I am fourteen years old and she is eleven now.She is taller than me.She is very friendly and 77.outgoing,so she has many friends.She is 78.talented in music and wants to be a singer when she grows up. When she was six years old,she started to learn singing.She wants to be a great singer,79.but she says it's difficult.She practices singing every day.She 80.often sings in shows and I enjoy listening to her songs.We talk about everything together and we always 81.share something interesting with each other.My favorite saying is “A true friend reaches for your hand and 82.touches your heart”.Mary is a friend like this. Mary is very busy 83.because she also studies photography (摄影) in her free time.She takes lots of 84.photos.They are all very wonderful.I am 85.lucky that I have so good a friend. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 一个月前你很高兴结识了一位新朋友,通过和他/她相处你发现了你们之间的异同。你 迫不及待地想和你的网友 Dave 分享此事。请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文并通过 QQ 发给 Dave。 提示:1.What's your new friend's name? 2.In what ways are you similar? 3.In what ways are you different? 要求:70 词左右,可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Hi,Dave!I am happy to say that I made a new friend a month ago. Her_name_is_Liu_Li.She_is_similar_to_me_in_some_ways.We_are_both_talented_i n_music.Both_of_us_like_caring_for_others_and_we_are_both_good_listeners.But_we 24 _have_some_differences.She_often_wears_cooler_clothes_than_me.At_school , she_is_not_as_hardworking_as_I , but_she_is_more_popular_than_me_because_she_is_funnier_than_me.Also , she_likes_to_do_some_reading_in_her_free_time,but_I_like_climbing_mountains. 25 Unit 4 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Danny can't find his ticket to the film. 2.I went to the nearest theater with my friends last Saturday. 3.In this restaurant you can enjoy the best food. 4.Mrs. Black's son is talented in the guitar. 5.I thought Steve and his dog were the funniest in the show. (A)1.A. B. C. (B)2.A. B. C. (A)3.A. B. C. (A)4.A. B. C. (C)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Tony sings very well. M:Yes,he is the best singer in our city. 7.W:I want to buy some meat and vegetables. M:Let's go to Sam's.It's the nearest market. 8.W:Which is the best radio station? M:I think 97.9 FM.I like all the songs that the DJs choose. 9.W:Bill,are you older than Sue? M:No.I'm younger than her,but I'm older than Tara. 10.W:Can I have a look at the menu? M:Sure.Here you are. (B)6.What does Tony do? A.A dancer. B.A singer. C.A player. (C)7.Why do they go to Sam's market? 26 A.It's the cheapest. B.It's the biggest. C.It's the nearest. (B)8.Which is the best radio station according to the boy? A.79.9 FM. B.97.9 FM. C.99.7 FM. (C)9.Who is the youngest? A.Bill. B.Sue. C.Tara. (B)10.Where are they? A.In a clothes store. B.In a restaurant. C.In a bookstore. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:Are you free tomorrow night,Lisa? W:Yes,I am. M:Would you like to have dinner with me? W:Yes,I'd love to.Do you have a special restaurant in mind? M:Yes,I know a great place.It has the best food in town. W:OK.I'll be happy to go there with you. (C)11.What does the boy want to do? A.He wants to go to the library with Lisa. B.He wants to go shopping with Lisa. C.He wants to have dinner with Lisa. (B)12.What does the special restaurant have? A.The best service. B.The best food. C.The best music. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Who's that girl in a red skirt? M:She is Bob's cousin.Her name is Linda.She is really talented. W:What can she do? M:She can sing well and she can dance well.She won the first prize in our school's talent show last year. W:Well,when is the talent show in your school this year? M:On October 18th. W:Can I go there with you this year? M:Sure. (B)13.Who's Linda? A.Bob's sister. B.Bob's cousin. C.Bob's friend. (C)14.What can Linda do well? A.She can play the piano well. B.She can play the guitar well. C.She can sing and dance well. (A)15.When is the talent show in the boy's school this year? A.On October 18th. B.On September 8th. C.On December 28th. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: There are many stores around Eliza's house.Mr. Lee's store is far from her house,but it is the cheapest.Eliza often shops there after work.Last night, Eliza bought some milk from Mr. Lee's store.When she got home,she found it was bad.So 27 Eliza walked back to the store with the milk.Mr. Lee said sorry to Eliza and asked his son to get fresh milk for Eliza.Mr. Lee also gave Eliza some apples.Eliza thanked Mr. Lee and went back home happily.She said Mr. Lee's store had the best service. (B)16.Why does Eliza often shop at Mr. Lee's Store? A.Because it's the closest. B.Because it's the cheapest. C.Because it's the freshest. (A)17.What did Eliza buy at Mr. Lee's store last night? A.Some milk. B.Some meat. C.Some fruit. (B)18.Eliza found it was bad ________. A.when she paid B.when she got home C.when she cooked (A)19.Who gave some apples to Eliza? A.Mr. Lee. B.Ms. Lee. C.Mr. Lee's son. (C)20.What did Eliza think? A.She thought that Mr. Lee was serious. B.She thought that the food was nice. C.She thought that the service was good. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.—Did you watch ________ TV program The Chinese Poetry Competition? —Of course.I think it's ________ most interesting TV program of all. A.a;the B.the;a C.the;the D.a;/ (D)22.With so many activities,there is something ________ everyone at Greenwood Park. A.in B.on C.of D.for (C)23.—Water and air are very important to ________. —Yes!________ play an important role in our life. A.anybody;Either B.something;None C.everybody;Both D.everything;All (A)24.Daniel is a ________ man.He thinks ________ before he works. A.careful;carefully B.carefully;carefully C.careful;careful D.carefully;careful (A)25.—I think the play yesterday was fantastic. —So it was.The actors all ________ well in it. A.acted B.waited C.chose D.ate (A)26.—________ is always exciting to travel to new places. —Yes.It's a way ________ about the outside world. A.It;to learn B.It;learning C.That;to learn D.That;learning (B)27.—How tall the tree is! —Yes,it is ________ than any other one I saw before. A.tall B.taller C.the tallest D.tallest 28 (C)28.The story is not true.The girl ________. A.made up it B.put up it C.made it up D.put it up (D)29.—Dannis got to school first again. —That's because he lives ________ to school. A.the close B.closer C.the closer D.the closest (C)30.—How will we get to the park,on foot or by bike? —________.Both are good for our health. A.Let's walk B.I'm afraid I can't C.It's up to you D.Sounds like a good idea 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Dear Amar, How are you?Hope you are doing well.I just read your __31__.And I know that you are interested in my town.You have so many __32__ that you need my help. I will not wish you to come this month,__33__ it is winter now.The best time for a trip is __34__ February.It is the end of winter and the start of spring.And the weather is __35__ most of the time.There are lots of places that you can __36__.First and the best is the Ocean Park.It has all kinds of activities such as the Dolphin and Fire show.And then,you can visit Sky Deck Tower.There,you can __37__ the most exciting things. As for living places,a service apartment (服务式公寓) is one of the __38__ places here—a nice way to save money.And one great thing about it is that it __39__ you cooking facilities (设施) and free Internet. I hope I answer most of __40__ questions.Do write to me soon. Yours, Sunil (D)31.A.magazine B.newspaper C.book D.email (B)32.A.trips B.questions C.tests D.subjects (B)33.A.but B.because C.if D.and (A)34.A.in B.on C.with D.by (D)35.A.bad B.rainy C.cold D.comfortable (C)36.A.draw B.watch C.visit D.look (B)37.A.make B.try C.dream D.decide (A)38.A.cheapest B.nicest C.smallest D.newest (C)39.A.reaches B.finds C.gives D.breaks (D)40.A.his B.our C.my D.your 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A 29 (C)41.The New Student Talent Show is on ________. A.Monday B.Thursday C.Friday D.Sunday (B)42.How long will the show last? A.For an hour. B.For one and a half hours. C.For two hours. D.For two and a half hours. (C)43.Students can join the audition on ________. A.September 16th,9:00 a.m. B.September 18th,1:30 p.m. C.September 17th,10:00 a.m. D.September 17th,4:00 p.m. (D)44.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Students can watch the show on September 17th. B.Students can call (028)4961420 to join the audition. C.getconnected@byui.edu won't answer questions about the show. D.There are two ways to get more information about the show. (A)45.The passage is about a ________. A.school activity B.TV program C.singing competition D.dance party B I live in Gwalior,Madhya Pradesh.It is a beautiful and special city.It is a mixture (融合) of old and new. There are lots of palaces and buildings from the past.They tell the wonderful past of the city.The wellmaintained museums and streets make it the loveliest place for visitors.People are friendly in Gwalior.They always follow rules in their life.They care about the old.They give a helping hand to those who need help.When you go to a post office or shop,the service is always good.So life is comfortable there. The most important thing about the city is that it is green everywhere.There are beautiful parks with all kinds of flowers and trees.They make it a healthy living place.Pollution (污染) is not a problem in Gwalior as it is in other parts of the 30 country.After a day's hard work,walking in a park is relaxing.It takes away all the worries.The city has so many things that make it a city of my choice (选择).I love my city. (B)46.What is special about Gwalior? A.There are lots of visitors. B.It is old and new. C.It is a big city. D.There are the most beautiful flowers. (B)47.The underlined word “wellmaintained” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________” in Chinese. A.装修精美的 B.保存完好的 C.历史悠久的 D.举世闻名的 (A)48.The writer thinks living there is ________. ①comfortable ②healthy ③relaxing ④worrying A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④ (D)49.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.Old buildings. B.Friendly people. C.Clean air. D.Delicious food. (C)50.What's the passage mainly about? A.Where Gwalior is. B.Living in Gwalior. C.Why I love Gwalior. D.How to get to Gwalior. C There are many great places to have fun in our town.51.__E__ Perfect Restaurant It is the most popular restaurant in our town.It plays the most beautiful music.52.__C__ The waiters and waitresses are very nice and friendly. Omnijoi International Cinema Many people like to watch movies there.It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.53.__A__ Fortune Shopping Center I always shop in this shopping center because it's very close to my home.54.__D__ The shop assistants (店员) there are also very friendly. Green Park For most people , Green Park is the best place to enjoy themselves on weekends.There are beautiful trees and flowers in the park.55.__B__ So many people would like to come to this park,and sometimes it is too crowded. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.What's more,it's cheaper than most movie theaters. B.The most important thing is that it is free. C.The food there is the most delicious. D.I can buy things the most cheaply there. E.Let me tell you some wonderful places. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 31 A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.His uncle is a news reporter (记者) from China Daily. 57.She looks more beautiful than on the screen (屏幕). 58.We think the game is pretty (相当) good for children. 59.The fruit in that store is fresh (新鲜的) and delicious,so many people go there to buy some. 60.Amy is from a poor (贫穷的) family and she had a hard life in the past. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.The boy is the winner (win) of the English competition. 62.When Paul gave (give) the book to Mike,Mike said thanks to him. 63.You can buy these socks cheaply (cheap).They're only two dollars a pair. 64.Annie feels sad because her grandma's health is getting worse (bad). 65.I think one of the easiest (easy) ways to make you strong is to exercise more. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 66.到目前为止,一切顺利。 Everything is OK so far. 67.不是每一个人都会编故事。 Not everyone can make up stories. 68.他和他的朋友有很多共同之处。 He and his friend have a lot in common. 69.我们的国家变得越来越美丽了。 Our country is getting more and more beautiful. 70.你应该认真对待这次测验。 You should take the test seriously. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Welcome to Thailand!How are you? B:71.__F__ A:Where are you from? B:England.72.__D__ A:England is one of the coldest countries in Europe,isn't it? B:73.__A__ A:Is your family in England? B:Yes.My parents live in England.74.__C__ A:I see.By the way,are you feeling hungry? B:A little. A:75.__E__ They all have great food. B:Thank you very much! A.No,but it is one of the wettest. B.I took a plane to come here. C.My grandparents live in England,too. D.It's a lot hotter in Thailand than in England. 32 E.There are a few restaurants around our hotel. F.I'm very tired,but it's good to be here. G.There is a movie theater near our hotel. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 cheap,free,performer,theater,store,crowded,kind,shop,special,best Our town is a great place to live in and spend our 76.free time.There are three movie 77.theaters and one of them is near my house.I think it is the 78.best of the three.The most popular place in the town is the Gourmet Street.There are all 79.kinds of foods and it's always 80.crowded. It is also convenient(方便的) to do some 81.shopping in our town.There are many clothes stores and the clothes are much 82.cheaper than those in big cities.There are also a lot of music 83.stores.They are very popular with students. Sometimes there are a few street 84.performers . Some people think their performances are boring,but I think they're quite 85.special.How do you like our town? 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 上周,你们学校举办了一次“城市好场所”的问卷调查。请你根据下面表格中的提示信 息写一篇短文。70 词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Place The best Reason Movie theater Modern Cinema best sound,shortest waiting time Middle school No. 8 High School best teachers,beautiful Hospital People's Hospital comfortable beds,friendly service Clothes Store Xinxin Clothes Store cheap,good,popular In our city , Modern_Cinema_is_the_best_movie_theater_because_it_has_the_best_sound_and_the_s hortest_waiting_time.No._8_High_School_is_the_best_of_all_the_schools.It_has_th e_best_teachers_and_it's_the_most_beautiful.People's_Hospital_is_the_best_of_al l.It_has_the_most_comfortable_beds_and_the_friendliest_service.For_clothes_stor es , the_best_is_Xinxin_Clothes_Store.It_has_the_cheapest_and_the_best_clothes.And_i t's_also_very_popular. 33 Unit 5 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择相对应的图片(有一项多余)。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.I often go to see Chinese action movies on weekends. 2.My brother likes to watch talk shows.He thinks they are educational. 3.Comedies make people laugh because they are funny. 4.I just watched a game show.It was so interesting. 5.Many young people like love movies very much. 1.__E__ 2.__A__ 3.__D__ 4.__B__ 5.__C__ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.M:Does your sister like action movies,Jill? W:No,she likes cartoons and comedies. 7.M:Where did Lin Tao go yesterday? W:To the movie theater.He goes to the movies every Saturday. 8.W:I love game shows.What about you,Tom? M:Oh,I don't love them,Lily.But my sister Tina loves them. 9.M:Do you know Mr. Zhang is in the action movie? W:Yes.He plays a very important role in it. 10.M:Susan,it's time for cartoons.Let's watch Tom and Jerry. W:No,I don't like watching it.It's boring. M:What about Superman? W:Sounds good!It's exciting. (A)6.What doesn't Jill's sister like? A.Action movies. B.Cartoons. C.Comedies. (B)7.How often does Lin Tao go to the movies? A.Never. B.Every Saturday. C.Three times a week. (C)8.Who loves game shows? A.Lily and Tom. B.Tom and Tina. C.Lily and Tina. (A)9.What does Mr. Zhang do? A.He's an actor. B.He's a doctor. C.He's a teacher. (B)10.What does Susan think of Superman? A.Difficult. B.Exciting. C.Boring. 34 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:You look tired,Tina.What happened to you? W:I didn't sleep well last night. M:Why? W:Because I watched a scary movie yesterday evening. M:Did you watch it in the City Cinema? W:Yes.How do you know that? M:I went there yesterday evening,too. (C)11.What kind of movie did Tina watch yesterday evening? A.An action movie. B.A comedy. C.A scary movie. (A)12.Where did Tina watch the movie? A.In the cinema. B.At her home. C.At the boy's home. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:M:Hello!Welcome to our talk show,Miss Walt. W:Thank you very much.I'm happy to be here. M:I want to ask you some questions.What's your job? W:I'm a doctor.I work in the People's Hospital. M:Do you watch TV shows? W:Yes,I like the news best. M:Can you tell me why you like it? W:Because it makes me know what happens around the world. (A)13.What TV show is on? A.A talk show. B.A news report. C.A talent show. (C)14.What is Miss Walt's job? A.A singer. B.An actress. C.A doctor. (A)15.Why does Miss Walt like the news? A.Because she wants to know what happens around the world. B.Because she thinks news is interesting. C.Because she hopes to be a TV reporter. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: My classmates are having a discussion about their favorite TV shows.Kate likes cartoons and Snow White is her favorite one.Tony likes cartoons, too.But he likes Mickey Mouse.Danny is different from them.He likes action movies.And he watches them once a week.Lisa likes soap operas and she hopes to be an actress one day.Billy likes comedies.He wants to write some comedies and show them to his friends.What about you?Can you tell me? (A)16.What TV shows does Kate like? A.Cartoons. B.Sitcoms. C.News. (C)17.Which cartoon does Tony like? A.Snow White. B.Kung Fu Panda. C.Mickey Mouse. (B)18.What kind of movies does Danny like? A.Scary movies. B.Action movies. C.Comedies. (C)19.What does Lisa want to be? 35 A.A writer. B.A teacher. C.An actress. (B)20.Who does Billy want to show his comedies to? A.His parents. B.His friends. C.His teachers. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (A)21.—How is ________ movie you saw last night? —Operation Red Sea?It's ________ action movie.It's very exciting. A.the;an B.an;the C.the;the D.an;an (A)22.Meimei likes wearing her brother's clothes and dressing up _______ a boy. A.like B.about C.from D.with (A)23.—Why didn't Dave go to the party? —I don't know.He didn't give a(n) ________ for that. A.reason B.message C.result D.idea (D)24.The girl knows ________ is hard to be a top tennis player in the world, but she'll try ________ best. A.this;your B.this;her C.it;your D.it;her (D)25.—What do you think of the book? —It's ________.It teaches me a lot and makes me think. A.simple B.meaningless C.famous D.educational (D)26.—How will the weather be next Sunday? —It ________ be rainy or windy.Who knows? A.should B.must C.would D.might (D)27.—A new kind of robot dog ________ in Shanghai not long ago. —Really?Tell me about it. A.happened B.waited C.reached D.appeared (B)28.I hope ________ first place in the drawing competition this afternoon. A.get B.to get C.make D.to make (A)29.—Nick,help me ________ who the girl is and where she comes from. —OK.She is Emma and comes from London. A.find out B.dress up C.cut down D.care about (C)30.—What do you think of soap operas? —I think they are OK.I ________ them. A.love B.dislike C.don't mind D.can't stand 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Can you cut an apple with a playing card?Can you write with one __31__ and draw with the other?Well,some people can,and they show their __32__ talents on the TV program,China's Got Talent. The TV program is getting more and more __33__ in China.Many people watch it every week because they __34__ how talented one can be.They also want to relax themselves by watching these shows. Talent shows __35__ in England.And now there are similar shows in lots of __36__ around the world. China's Got Talent is a new one,but it is special and __37__ 36 others.When people show their talents,they also __38__ their stories.Some of them don't want to be __39__ or popular.They just want to make their family and others happy. Everyone has his or her __40__.It may be big or small.What's your talent?Maybe you can be the next star on China's Got Talent. (A)31.A.hand B.ear C.eye D.nose (C)32.A.serious B.scary C.special D.slow (D)33.A.boring B.necessary C.beautiful D.popular (B)34.A.take B.wonder C.hope D.want (A)35.A.began B.became C.won D.lived (D)36.A.farms B.houses C.stores D.countries (B)37.A.afraid of B.different from C.across from D.good for (C)38.A.enjoy B.read C.share D.write (A)39.A.famous B.bored C.sad D.poor (A)40.A.talent B.family C.question D.heart 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A What did Bill watch today? Miranda Type:sitcom Channel (频道):BBC 6 Time:16:35 Duration (时长):35 minutes Wonders of Nature Type:educational program Channel:BBC 3 Time:11:05 Duration:8 minutes Breakfast Type:program about news,sports,weather and traveling Channel:BBC Radio Foyle Time:7:00 Duration:30 minutes Mike the Knight Type:cartoon Channel:BBC 5 Time:18:20 Duration:45 minutes (A)41.Miranda is a(n) ________. A.sitcom B.cartoon C.action movie D.scary movie (D)42.The program Wonders of Nature ends at ________. A.10:57 B.11:05 C.11:08 D.11:13 37 (B)43.We can't get any information about ________ from the program Breakfast. A.sports B.cooking C.weather D.traveling (B)44.Bill watched a cartoon on ________ today. A.BBC 3 B.BBC 5 C.BBC 6 D.BBC Radio Foyle (C)45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Bill watched Miranda on BBC 3. B.The program Wonders of Nature is scary. C.The program Breakfast is half an hour long. D.Mike the Knight is a soap opera. B Do you know The Readers?It was a very popular TV program.Many famous people came here to read.You could watch it every Saturday on CCTV1.It was first broadcast(播出) at 8:00 p.m. on February 18th,2017.In the fourth program,a special woman came.She was Ni Ping. Ni Ping was an actress and one of the country's TV anchors (顶梁柱).She is 59 years old.On that day,she shared some parts of her book Quotations of Grandma.It's all about her grandmother's words in life with Ni Ping and her family. From the program,we can know that Ni Ping's son was badly ill (生病的) when he was a baby.So she often took him to see doctors.That was a really difficult time for her.She was unhappy most of the time.Her grandmother knew it.She said,“If you give up (放弃) and let yourself fall,nobody can help you to stand up.If you are not the one to save your kid,nobody can.I'm sure you can.” She listened to her grandma and made it in the end.After ten years,her son recovered (痊愈). (C)46.The Readers in the passage is the name of a(n) ________. A.book B.movie C.TV program D.actor (A)47.When did Ni Ping share her stories? A.On March 11th,2017. B.On the fourth Saturday in February,2017. C.At 8:00 a.m. every Saturday in April. D.At 8:00 p.m. on February 18th,2017. (B)48.We can see ________ in Quotations of Grandma. A.many pictures of Ni Ping's son B.Ni Ping's life with her grandma and her grandma's words C.some stories of Ni Ping's grandma when she was young D.how Ni Ping's son recovered (D)49.From the passage,we know that ________. A.people could watch The Readers twice a month B.it took Ni Ping's son five years to recover C.Ni Ping enjoyed herself when her son was a baby D.Ni Ping's grandma lived with her and helped her a lot (C)50.What can we learn from the passage? A.Watching TV a lot can help us with reading. B.With parents' love,children can grow well. 38 C.Old people's words and love can help us to go on. D.We should listen to the old and live with them. C Different people like different movies.Let's look at what kind of movies the students in Class 3 like: (A)For_most_girls,they_like_comedies.They think comedies are interesting.Some like action movies.They like Detective Dee:The Four Heavenly Kings very much, but they don't like scary movies because they are scary. (B)________ Most boys like action movies.They think action movies are exciting.Some like scary movies.Some also like comedies.For example,they like Lost in Russia very much. (C)________ Most students don't like cartoons.They think cartoons are boring.For me,(D)我对它们并不介意。Only three students like them because their little brothers or sisters watch them on TV.Only five students watch documentaries (纪录片) because they expect to learn a lot from them. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 51.将画线部分(A)处翻译成汉语。 对于大多数女孩来说,她们喜欢喜剧电影。 52.What kind of movies don't girls like? Scary_movies. 53.句子 But things are different for boys.可以还原到(B)处还是(C)处? (B)处 54.将画线部分(D)处译成英语。 I_don't_mind_them. 55.Why do the five students see documentaries? Because_they_expect_to_learn_a_lot_from_them. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Although the man is rich (富裕的),he doesn't live a happy life. 57.The old city is a center of art and culture (文化). 58.Lu Han is a famous (著名的) actor and singer.Many people like him. 59.I heard a very scary thing happened (发生) last night. 60.This kind of animal is common (常见的) in the forest. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Both of us are ready to_take (take) a trip to Shanghai now. 62.Mike was late and missed the discussion (discuss) of the school trip. 63.My brother wants to be a successful (success) trader when he grows up. 64.He became (become) worried and walked around. 65.The young man got lost (lose) when he went through the forest. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.王明在篮球比赛中表现很好。 Wang Ming did a good job in the basketball game. 67.我们能从情景喜剧中学到很多东西。 39 We can learn a lot from sitcoms. 68.这部电影初次上映的时候,我只有五岁。 When the movie first came out,I was only five years old. 69.安娜不在的时候,将由我代替她。 When Anna is away,I'll take her place. 70.你还太小,不能面对生活中的危险。 You are too young to face danger in your life. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hello,Yang Li. 71.__C__ B:Today is Friday,so I plan to watch Keep Running at home.I never miss it. A:72.__E__ B:Because it's relaxing and enjoyable.What kind of TV show do you like? A:73.__G__ B:I see.What is your favorite? A:Who's Still Standing? 74.__D__ B:I like it,too!Do you like sitcoms? A:Yes,but my parents don't like them. 75.__B__ B:I don't mind them. A.Let's watch it in my house then. B.What do you think of them? C.What do you plan to do tonight? D.I watch it every Monday evening. E.Why do you like to watch it? F.Do you like to watch talent shows? G.I like game shows because they're exciting. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余) mind,but,watch,from,stand,educational, joke,also,plan,good,free,to Lin Hui is a high school student.She likes to read books and watch TV in her 76.free time.77.But her parents only let her watch TV on weekends. Today is Saturday.It's eight twenty in the evening.Lin Hui is watching a sitcom.It's a very funny one.For her,78.watching sitcoms is a great way to relax.She can also learn some great 79.jokes through them.However,her friend,Sally can't 80.stand them.Sally is 81.also a high school student.She likes to watch the news and talk shows because they are 82.educational.She thinks even game shows are 83.better than sitcoms.In a game show,she can try to guess the answers 84.to the questions.She loves watching soap operas,too.And she 85.plans to watch one tonight. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 假设你是李华。请参考以下信息写一封英文邮件,向你的英国笔友 Lisa 介绍你和朋友 对不同节目的态度及理由,并询问对方的相关情况。 提示: Wang Lei Li Hua 40 Talent shows Talk shows News Soap operas love/like don't mind don't like can't stand 要求:1.包含所有内容,可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整; 3.70 词左右(格式和开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Dear Lisa, There are all kinds of TV shows today.My friend Wang Lei and I have our opinions (观点) about them.Both Wang Lei and I love talent shows.We think they are very interesting.Wang Lei loves to watch talk shows and the news on TV.He thinks he can learn a lot from them.I don't mind watching the news,but I don't like talk shows because they're boring.Wang Lei and I can't stand soap operas and we both think they are meaningless. What kind of TV show do you like?Write to me soon. Yours, Li Hua 41 Unit 6 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.My brother is going to be a cook. 2.Sorry,I don't know that English teacher. 3.This afternoon I'm going to write an article. 4.She is going to learn the piano. 5.My New Year's resolution is to do lots of exercise. (B)1.A. B. C. (B)2.A. B. C. (C)3.A. B. C. (A)4.A. B. C. (A)5.A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Are you going to be an artist,Tony? M:I'm not sure.My parents want me to be a doctor.But I want to be an actor. 7.W:What are you going to be when you grow up,Tom? M:I like science,so I want to be an engineer. 8.W:Peter,I'm going to the park.Would you like to go with me? M:Sorry,Kate.I'm going to the zoo with Ann. 9.W:Are you going to take acting lessons with us this Sunday,Jim? M:Oh,sorry.I'm going to take piano lessons,Ellen. 10.W:I'm going to finish reading this book next week.What's your weekly plan? M:Er...I'm going to learn a foreign language. (B)6.What do Tony's parents want him to be? A.An artist. B.A doctor. C.An actor. (B)7.What subject does Tom like? A.English. B.Science. C.Chinese. 42 (A)8.Where is Kate going? A.To the park. B.To the school. C.To the zoo. (A)9.What is Jim going to do this Sunday? A.Take piano lessons. B.Take dancing lessons. C.Take acting lessons. (A)10.What are they talking about? A.Weekly plans. B.Study plans. C.New Year's resolutions. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:Do you have a dream,Lisa? W:Yes,I want to be a doctor.It's really cool. M:That's a really great job.How are you going to do that? W:I'm going to work hard and study medicine at a university. M:Sounds interesting!Hope your dream can come true. W:Thank you. (B)11.What is Lisa going to be? A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A violinist. (C)12.How is Lisa going to do that? A.To work hard and study education at a university. B.To work hard and study music at a university. C.To work hard and study medicine at a university. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Tomorrow is Sunday.What are you going to do tonight,Ben? M:I have to do my homework. W:Can't you do it tomorrow? M:Why? W:There is going to be a football game this evening.Peter and I are going to watch it.Would you like to go with us? M:OK.When will it start? W:It will start at half past seven.Let's meet at six at my house. M:OK.See you then. (B)13.What day is it today? A.Sunday. B.Saturday. C.Friday. (B)14.What are they going to do this evening? A.To watch a movie. B.To watch a football game. C.To do homework together. (C)15.When will they meet? A.At 7:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 6:00. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: It's time for our class meeting.The students are talking about what they want to be when they grow up.Tina wants to be a teacher,but her parents want her to be a doctor.Amy is good at singing and dancing.She wants to be a singer or dancer.William's uncle has a big farm.He is going to help his uncle on the farm 43 after he leaves school.Peter is from New York.He is going back to America to find work there.Dick likes playing basketball.He wants to be a basketball player when he grows up.What about Danny and Mike?They don't say anything at all. (B)16.What do Tina's parents want her to be? A.A teacher. B.A doctor. C.A nurse. (A)17.What is Amy good at doing? A.Singing and dancing. B.Reading and writing. C.Running and jumping. (B)18.Where is William going to work when he leaves school? A.In a hotel. B.On a farm. C.In a school. (C)19.Where is Peter going to find work? A.In China. B.In Canada. C.In America. (A)20.Who wants to be a basketball player? A.Dick. B.Mike. C.Danny. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (A)21.My sister is ________ university student,and she wants to be ________ engineer when she leaves school. A.a;an B.a;a C.an;a D.an;an (C)22.I'm going to visit Chongqing,but I'm not sure ________ the time. A.at B.for C.about D.to (D)23.No one helped them do the work,so they had to do it ________. A.him B.himself C.them D.themselves (B)24.When my sister was only four years old,she ________ dress herself. A.need B.was able to C.would D.has to (C)25.—Can I ask you a ________ question,Lily? —Sure.But don't ask me my age. A.famous B.weekly C.personal D.physical (D)26.—What can I do to ________ my health? —Eat healthy food and take more exercise. A.bring B.mind C.stand D.improve (C)27.—What do you plan to do this weekend? —We ________ soccer.We ________ it once a week. A.play;play B.play;played C.are going to play;play D.play;are going to play (B)28.—Tom,if you promise ________ quiet in my office,you can stay here. —OK,Dad. A.keep B.to keep C.to keeping D.keeping (A)29.—Susan ________ painting as a hobby two months ago. —Yes,but now she isn't interested in it. A.took up B.grew up C.made up D.dressed up (D)30.—To be a good tennis player,I'm going to practice tennis every day. 44 —________. A.No problem B.Have a good day C.Here you are D.Sounds like a good plan 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) The New Year is often a time for celebration (庆祝).People often celebrate it __31__ parties and special dinners.The New Year is also a time to __32__ resolutions.It is a new __33__. Next year I am going to study harder at school.I'm not __34__ at English.I promise myself to __35__ it by reading it for half an hour every day.I like playing basketball very much,so I plan to join the school basketball __36__ next year.I'm going to ask my brother to practice it with me.And I am going to try __37__ new.Maybe I will __38__ learning a foreign language because I think it's useful.It is going to be a great and interesting year.I know I'll be quite busy. __39__ are your New Year's resolutions?Are you going to keep them?I think you should try to do that.Say to __40__,“I can do that!” You should believe that everything will go well if you work hard. (A)31.A.with B.at C.of D.to (C)32.A.discuss B.write C.make D.expect (D)33.A.end B.first C.center D.beginning (B)34.A.kind B.good C.fine D.nice (C)35.A.help B.choose C.improve D.enjoy (B)36.A.army B.team C.lesson D.grade (D)37.A.anyone B.someone C.anything D.something (C)38.A.take off B.take down C.take up D.take in (B)39.A.Where B.What C.How D.Who (B)40.A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Liu Mei (15) I want to be a scientist.To make my dream come true, I'm going to study very hard to get good grades.Then I can study at a famous foreign university. Su Quan (13) I'm from Jiangsu.When I grow up,I want to be a basketball player.I think playing basketball is exciting.I'm going to practice basketball every day.If possible,I plan to go to the United States to learn to play basketball. Zhao Lei (16) I come from Shandong.I want to be a photographer (摄 影师) in the future.The main reason is that I like taking beautiful photos of nature and people.I started to learn photography from my uncle at the age of seven.My dream is to work in Paris. Gao Ge (12) I would like to be a writer because I like writing.I think it will be an interesting job.I am going to read a lot of books and try to write stories.I am going to work in Beijing.I 45 believe my dream can come true. (D)41.Who wants to be a scientist in the future? A.Su Quan. B.Gao Ge. C.Zhao Lei. D.Liu Mei. (C)42.It is exciting for Su Quan to ________. A.read stories B.take photos C.play basketball D.get good grades (A)43.What is Gao Ge going to do when she grows up? A.To write stories. B.To learn photography. C.To practice basketball every day. D.To work at a foreign university. (B)44.Where is Gao Ge going to work? A.In New York. B.In Beijing. C.In Paris. D.In Henan. (D)45.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Su Quan comes from Shandong. B.Of the four kids Gao Ge is the oldest. C.Liu Mei thinks being a writer is very interesting. D.Zhao Lei started to learn photography about nine years ago. B It's never too late to do what you want to do.Anna Mary,known as Grandma Moses, grew up on a farm.As a child,she loved drawing.But she hardly did it because of the busy farm work. Grandma Moses spent all her life on the farm.When she was old and found farm work difficult,she started to paint at the age of 78. An art lover found Grandma Moses' paintings in a shop in 1938.He bought them, and the next day he went to her farm and bought all her paintings.Soon Grandma Moses became famous.In 1940,at the age of 80,she had her first painting show in New York.Many people loved the bright colors and beautiful farm views in her works. Grandma Moses died in 1961,at age 101.She painted over 1,600 paintings in the late part of her life.“Do your favorite thing,and you will finally be successful,” she once said. (D)46.Why did Grandma Moses hardly paint as a child? A.She didn't love it. B.She couldn't do it. C.No one taught her. D.She had no time. (B)47.Grandma Moses started to paint when she was ________ years old. A.76 B.78 C.80 D.84 (A)48.Where did the art lover find Grandma Moses' paintings? A.In a shop. B.On her farm. C.On TV. D.On her show. (D)49.What do we know about Grandma Moses from the passage? A.She learned from a great painter. B.She was good at drawing people. C.Most of her paintings were expensive. 46 D.Her paintings were bright and beautiful. (B)50.What is the purpose (目的) of the passage? A.To ask people to learn painting. B.To ask people to do what they want to do. C.To ask people to buy Grandma Moses' paintings. D.To ask people to enjoy their happy lives. C The summer vacation is coming.It is the most interesting time of the year.51.__D__ Here are my plans for this summer vacation. My dad got a new camera (相机) last month.I'm planning to try my hand at it.52.__B__ I want to take pictures of people and beautiful landscapes (景色). My parents and I are also planning a family trip to Goa and we are going to stay there for a week.53.__C__ I'm going to the beach in the morning to get wet and then take a sunbath (日光浴).In the afternoon I'm going shopping with my mom. I love reading and writing.So I'm going to read some of my favorite books during the summer vacation.54.__E__ This summer I hope to learn to play the piano,so 55.__A__ I am planning to practice more and become good at it. I can't wait for the summer vacation to come! 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.I am going to take some music classes. B.It is going to be fun to learn to take photos from my dad. C.We are going to the beach in Goa to enjoy the cool air. D.It means no school,no need to wake up early and no studies. E.I also love to write short stories,so I plan to write a few. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.We were happy for Li Hua because he made the soccer team (队). 57.My new classmate comes from a foreign (外国的) country. 58.This is my own (自己的) bike.You can use it. 59.Education (教育) plays an important role in one's life. 60.My sister Jane is going to learn to cook (烹饪) in her free time. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Ken sent (send) an email to his father yesterday. 62.They are going to make weekly (week) plans this year. 63.Usually,an English word may have some different meanings (mean). 64.I met the famous pianist (piano) at the station and he is really nice. 65.Tony is from America,but he's able to speak (speak) Chinese well. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.我的新年计划和我的学业有关。 My New Year's resolution has to do with my studies. 67.你应该在你的笔记本上记下重要的事情。 47 You should write down important things in your notebook. 68.在出发之前,确保每个人都在公共汽车上。 Make sure everyone is on the bus before leaving. 69.人们不应该轻易作出承诺。 People shouldn't make promises easily. 70.在学期初,汤姆发现学中文很难。 At the beginning of the term,Tom found it difficult to learn Chinese. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hi,Andy!Did you make a New Year's plan this year? B:Yes,I did. A:71.__G__ B:I want to make a soccer team. A:Really?It is not easy.72.__C__ B : I decide to practice playing soccer every day after school with my classmates.How about you? A:73.__A__ Maybe I'm going to take the guitar lessons. B:That sounds really interesting.74.__E__ A:Maybe next week. B:Hope you can have a good start. A:Thank you.75.__B__ A.I am not sure yet. B.The same to you. C.How are you going to do that? D.I am going to be a P.E. teacher. E.When are you going to do that? F.Why are you going to do that? G.What are you going to do? 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 pilot,arrive,heart,terrible,as,hobby,share,grow,because,common On this Children's Day , a famous app invited ( 邀 请 ) 7 children from 5 countries.These kids 76.shared their favorite poems with us that day.They may speak different languages and have different 77.hobbies,but they have one thing in 78.common— their dream of living an exciting life.Here are two of the kids. Martin Serrano 79.arrived in China with his parents two weeks ago.He recited (吟诵) Rain,Rain Go Away.He dislikes rainy days 80.because he loves playing sports outside. 81.As a son of a diplomat (外交官),he travels a lot with his parents, but he loves it.He wants to be a 82.pilot one day because he likes flying. 12yearold Zhailaubay Nazerke recited Homework.Doing homework at the end of each holiday is 83.terrible for most children.One line (诗行) from this poem touches her 84.heart,“I'm going to do my homework in the kitchen,” as cooking is one of her favorites.She says she hopes to be a hairstylist (发型师) when she 85.grows up. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 48 Mark 和同学们在一起制订新年的决心和计划。请根据表格中的信息,写一篇 70 词左右 的短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Name New Year's Resolution How are they going to do that? Mark learn to play the violin take violin lessons John get better grades study harder Mary lose weight (减肥) eat healthy food and exercise more Linda learn a foreign language go to the French club Mark is making New Year's resolutions with a few of his classmates.Mark_likes_music_very_much , so_he_is_going_to_learn_to_play_the_violin.He_will_take_violin_lessons_in_a_mus ic_club.John_is_going_to_get_better_grades , so_he_decides_to_study_harder.Mary_is_a_little_fat , so_she_wants_to_lose_weight.She_is_going_to_eat_healthy_food_and_exercise_more. Linda_is_interested_in_foreign_languages_and_she_wants_to_learn_French.She_is_g oing_to_the_French_club. 49 Unit 7 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听小对话,选择正确的图片。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.M:Sally,grandma is coming.I think we should clean the house. W:OK.I will help to clean the floor. 2.W:Can you drive me home? M:Sorry,my car is broken.Let's walk home. 3.W:Will you be free this evening? M:No,I have to meet my friend at the airport. 4.W:Will you see the model plane show in the Science Museum next Sunday? M:No,I will go to a robot show in the Children's Museum. 5.W:Excuse me.Can you show me the way to the nearest hospital? M:Sure,go along this road for about 500 meters and you will see it on your right. (B)1.What will Sally do? A. B. C. (C)2.How will the speakers go home? A. B. C. (A)3.Where will the man go this evening? A. B. C. (B)4.What will the man see in the museum? A. B. C. (C)5.Where will the woman go? A. B. C. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Do you think every home will have a robot in ten years? M:Yes,I think so. 50 7.M:Will you live in Beijing in five years? W:No,I'll buy a big house in Qingdao.I think it's a beautiful city. 8.W:I think more people will ride bikes to go to work soon. M:I disagree with you.I think more and more people will drive cars. 9.W:How cute the robot is!It looks like a ball. M:Yeah.It's able to water trees and flowers. 10.M:Tina,do you like watching movies about the future? W:Yes,and last night I watched one with Linda. (B)6.What does the man think every home will have in ten years? A.A computer. B.A robot. C.A building. (A)7.Where will the woman live? A.In Qingdao. B.In Shanghai. C.In Beijing. (B)8.How does the man think people will go to work? A.By bike. B.By car. C.On foot. (B)9.What can the robot do? A.It can plant trees. B.It can water flowers. C.It can clean the house. (A)10.What did Tina do last night? A.She watched a movie about the future. B.She went to see Linda. C.She saw a scary movie. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:Alice,what's your prediction about the future? W:Well,I think we'll study at home on computers.And we don't have to go to school. M:Anything else? W:We'll take long vacations on the moon. (B)11.Where does Alice think people will study in the future? A.At school. B.At home. C.At teachers' homes. (C)12.Where will people take their vacations in the future? A.In other countries. B.In space stations. C.On the moon. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Hi,Jack.What are you doing now? M:Hi,Mary.I'm writing an article. W:An article?What is it about? M:It is about our life in the future. W:Sounds interesting.How old do you think people will live to be in the future? M:I think people will live to be about 150 years old. W:I hope so.Do you think people will still use money in 100 years? M:No.I think everything will be free in 100 years. W:I disagree with you.I think people will still use money but they will buy 51 most things on the Internet. (A)13.What is Jack doing now? A.He is writing an article. B.He is reading a book about life in the future. C.He is writing an email. (B)14.How old does Jack think people will live to be in the future? A.About 100 years old. B.About 150 years old. C.About 200 years old. (A)15.Who thinks everything will be free in 100 years? A.Jack. B.Mary. C.Both of them. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: Mike,Gary and Zoe are talking about life in the future after school.Mike thinks in the future everyone will have a plane to go to school.Then nobody will be late for school.Gary thinks it's a good idea.But he thinks a plane is very expensive.Mike and Zoe think maybe in the future a plane will be very easy to buy and it will be very cheap.Gary thinks in the future there will be many trains for students to take.They will just take students from home to their schools.Zoe says their ideas are both good,but she thinks in the future students will only study at home.Only on the last day of the month,they need to go to school to have a big party with their teachers. (C)16.How many people are talking about life in the future after school? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. (B)17.How will everyone go to school according to Mike? A.By train. B.By plane. C.By bike. (B)18.What does Gary think of taking a plane? A.Comfortable. B.Expensive. C.Fast. (B)19.What does Zoe think of other people's ideas? A.Not creative. B.Good. C.Impossible. (A)20.Where will the students be on the last day of month according to Zoe? A.At school. B.At home. C.In the library. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.I wish I could buy ________ apartment in ________ future. A.an;a B.a;the C.an;the D.a;a (B)22.The cloud is in the ________ of a flower.It is really beautiful. A.time B.shape C.mind D.heart (B)23.You should ________ yourself.I'm sure you can win the first prize. A.question B.believe C.improve D.promise (D)24.—________ will your father come back,Tony? —In three days. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How soon (A)25.—How many birds can you see in the trees? 52 —I can see ________ birds in them. A.hundreds of B.five hundreds C.hundred of D.five hundreds of (A)26.—There ________ a basketball game in our school next Friday.Would you like to come and watch it with me? —Yes.I'd love to. A.will be B.was C.is going to have D.be (B)27.—Do you like living in the city or in the countryside? —It's hard to say.In the city there is ________ fun,but in the countryside there is ________ pollution. A.less;more B.more;less C.more;fewer D.fewer;more (B)28.—What happened? —I ________ in the soccer game and broke my leg. A.fall down B.fell down C.fall behind D.fell behind (C)29.—I want to know if Eric ________ back tomorrow. —I'll call you when he ________ back. A.will come;will come B.comes;comes C.will come;comes D.comes;will come (A)30.—Is Alan coming to the party? —________.Alan is a funny boy and we all like him. A.I hope so B.I'm afraid not C.I agree D.I don't think so 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Our earth is becoming worse and worse because of serious pollution like land (土地) pollution,water pollution and air pollution.What we did damaged (破坏) our __31__ and we meet serious problems now.__32__ should we humans do to save the earth? First,we __33__ make much rubbish (垃圾).We need more land to deal with rubbish, so there won't be enough __34__ for people to live.The land will also be polluted easily and __35__ plants can grow. Next,we should keep the __36__ and rivers clean.Fish can't live in the polluted water.If we keep polluting the water,it'll be __37__ for us to enjoy so much seafood or swim happily in the sea in the future. Third,everyone should help keep air clean.Polluted air is bad for our physical health,__38__ we must think of plans to reduce (减少) air pollution. To make the earth a better place,we should learn to love our __39__ from now on.And everyone should play a part __40__ saving the earth. (B)31.A.peace B.environment C.weather D.culture (A)32.A.What B.Which C.Why D.When (D)33.A.could B.should C.couldn't D.shouldn't (B)34.A.future B.space C.money D.time (C)35.A.less B.more C.fewer D.many (A)36.A.sea B.sky C.paper D.shape (C)37.A.personal B.necessary C.impossible D.important 53 (A)38.A.so B.but C.or D.if (B)39.A.country B.planet C.apartment D.college (D)40.A.at B.for C.of D.in 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A June 25,2120 Dear Bill, I'm on the moon and everything is great.Now I live in the Moon Hotel.It is so nice!I can see our planet from my room. Today I went to visit the largest meteorite crater (陨石坑) on the moon.It is so cold in the crater.You can't believe how big it is!Tomorrow I'm going to climb Mount Apollo,and then I'll visit Armstrong Museum.Neil Alden Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.Then it's time for me to go home. I will take photos and share them with you when I go back to the earth. Your best friend, Anna (D)41.Who does Anna write the letter to? A.Her cousin. B.Her teacher. C.Her parents. D.Her friend. (A)42.Where does Anna come from? A.The earth. B.The moon. C.The sun. D.Mars. (B)43.It is ________ in the largest meteorite crater. A.warm B.cold C.scary D.bright (C)44.What is the last thing Anna will do? A.Visit the Moon Hotel. B.Climb Mount Apollo. C.Go to the museum. D.Visit a meteorite crater. (D)45.What is the best title? A.The future of the moon B.A letter to the moon C.A girl on the moon D.A trip to the moon B Sarah,aged 10:I think we will find life on other planets. Lisa,aged 11:There is life on other planets.I'd like to take my three cats with me and travel to space by spaceship (宇宙飞船). Ricky,aged 9:I think if we all ride bikes,we will help fight pollution in the world.And maybe we can build a monorail (单轨铁路) to go around the city. Carlos,aged 11:If New York City keeps going the way it is,things will be worse.The city will be more crowded,with more cars,worse air,more litter (垃 圾),fewer open and green spaces.We need to take care of our city and make it better and cleaner. Sabrina,aged 12:In the year 2050,my city,New York City,will be the best living place.People will keep their homes warm in a different but green way.For example,they will make use of solar power (太阳能).Many people will go to space camps to get ready for space living.In short,the future will change (改变) the way people live. 54 (D)46.Both Sarah and Lisa ________. A.are eleven years old B.want to go to space C.hope to travel to the space station D.think there's life on other planets (A)47.What does Ricky think is a good way to fight pollution? A.By riding bikes. B.By taking trains. C.By throwing less litter. D.By going to space camps. (D)48.What does Carlos care about in New York City? A.The life. B.The culture. C.The space. D.The environment. (B)49.Sabrina is ________ the future of New York City. A.worried about B.hopeful about C.afraid of D.interested in (C)50.What is the passage mainly about? A.How we will live in the future. B.What New York City will be like. C.How the children see the future. D.What life in New York City is like. C I often wonder about my future as I'm going to finish secondary school.The number one question on my mind is what job I should choose.I want a job that will satisfy (使满意) me and bring me happiness.I believe that a job should be like a hobby.I will love my work. First of all,before I finish secondary school,I will take the first important exam of life—the final graduation (毕业) exam.I will have an English test,a math test,and a biology (生物) test.After my graduation,I will study at the medical university. But now,I'm trying my best to finish my studies.Also,before I have a family, I would like to travel around the world.I want to go to some countries like China, Finland and travel through Africa.After I finish my education and travels,I plan to get married (结婚) and have a family.I would like to live with my future family in the quiet,natural countryside. 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 (T)51.The writer is a secondary school student. (F)52.He thinks a job should be different from a hobby. (F)53.He will get married soon after he finishes secondary school. (F)54.After he graduates,he will travel to the countryside. (T)55.The writer is talking about his future plans. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Tom's father spent part (部分) of his life in London. 57.Lin Peng keeps running every day even (甚至) when it is rainy. 58.It began to rain,so the children had to go inside (在……里面) the house. 55 59.Last Saturday,we planted (种植) fifty trees on the hill. 60.Everyone would like to do something for the world peace (和平). B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Could you give me some paper (paper),Helen? 62.Water pollution (pollute) is bad for people's health. 63.We want to know if there are any living things on other planets (planet). 64.The big dog looks dangerous (danger).Don't get close to it. 65.Our teacher often tells us,“Nothing is impossible (possible) if you put your heart into it.” 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.他决定离家去大城市找工作。 He decided to leave home and look for jobs in big cities. 67.我反复地告诉他要小心。 I told him to be careful over and over again. 68.他们在多数事情上与父母意见不一。 They disagree with their parents on most things. 69.一百年后人们可能会住在太空站。 People will probably live on space stations in 100 years. 70.书籍在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用。 Books play an important part in our daily life. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:71.__F__ B:I think every home will have a robot in the future. A:72.__A__ B:I think robots will look like humans.They'll help us go shopping and do housework. A:Do you think we will use money when we go shopping? B:73.__D__ I think everything will be free. A:I agree.74.__C__ B:Sure!I think people will live to be 150 years old.And they will be able to travel to space in the future. A:That would be great!75.__G__ B:I'm sure your dream will come true in the future. A.What will robots be like in the future? B.Yes,I hope so. C.Do you think people will live longer? D.No,I don't think so. E.Will there be more pollution in our city? F.What's your prediction about the future,Paul? G.I love traveling and I hope to travel to the moon one day. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余) 56 fly,computer,already,few,tired,save,believe,again,sky, possible,human,robot What will our life be like in the future?We won't use paper to write on.We can study on 76.computers.And there will be 77.fewer cars and less pollution.Everyone will play a part in 78.saving the earth.The sea will be cleaner and the 79.sky will be bluer.So the environment will be better and better. I 80.believe people will even have robots in their homes.They can help with the housework.Of course,there are 81.already robots working in factories now.They do simple jobs over and over 82.again.And they will never get 83.tired. People will be able to 84.fly to the moon for holidays.Perhaps people will live on a space station one day.However , some people disagree.They think it is 85.impossible for humans to live on the moon. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 在科技日新月异的今天,我们的生活时刻发生着变化。若干年后,我们的生活将会是什 么样子?假如下面是你对未来生活的预测,请根据表格内容写一篇题为“Life in the Future”的短文,向大家介绍你所预测的未来生活。 天气 全年气候温和,没有太冷或太热的天气。 工作 更多的机器人会代替人们工作,人们的假期会很长。 出行 每个家庭都会有一架小飞机,乘飞机旅游(travel)很便宜。 要求:1.包括表格中的所有内容,可适当发挥; 2.注意使用本单元所学的 will 来表示一般将来时; 3.70 词左右。 Life_in_the_Future What_will_life_be_like_in_the_future ? First , the_weather_will_be_different.In_the_future_the_weather_will_not_be_too_hot_or_ too_cold.It_will_be_warm_all_year_round.Second , there_will_be_more_robots_in_the_future.They'll_do_lots_of_work_for_people , so_working_hours_will_be_short_and_people_will_have_long_holidays.Third , every_family_will_have_a_small_plane , so_people_will_be_able_to_arrive_anywhere_quickly.And_it_will_be_very_cheap_to_ travel_by_plane. 57 Unit 8 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择相对应的图片(有一项多余)。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.We need three tomatoes to make the soup. 2.Next,you should turn on the blender. 3.Please pour some milk into the cup. 4.Do you know how to make a chicken sandwich? 5.Would you like some lettuce? 1.__C__ 2.__F__ 3.__B__ 4.__A__ 5.__D__ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Can you show me how to make fruit salad? M:Sure.First,we need to cut up two apples. 7.W:Put the turkey in the oven,Paul. M:All right,Mom. 8.M:Can you make chicken soup,Lisa? W:Yes,I can.My grandmother taught me how to make it last year. 9.M:Please cook the tomatoes for 30 minutes. W:OK.We can enjoy the delicious soup at 10:30. 10.M:I'd like a chicken sandwich and my father wants some pancakes.How about you,Mom? W:Fruit salad,please. (A)6.How many apples do they need? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. (C)7.What does Mom ask Paul to do? A.To turn on the oven. B.To eat the turkey. C.To put the turkey in the oven. (C)8.Who taught Lisa how to make chicken soup? A.Her mother. B.Her aunt. C.Her grandmother. (A)9.What time is it now? A.It is 10:00. B.It is 10:30. C.It is 11:00. (C)10.Where are they? A.In the cinema. B.In a fruit shop. C.At a restaurant. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 58 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:Can you tell me how to make fruit salad,Mary? W:Sure.Please cut up three bananas and four apples first. M:What should I do then? W:Then put two spoons of sugar on the bananas and apples.Mix them together. M:And then? W:You can eat it then. (C)11.What are they making? A.Bread. B.Sandwiches. C.Fruit salad. (B)12.How much sugar do they need? A.Three spoons. B.Two spoons. C.One spoon. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:I'm hungry,Bob.What shall we eat for dinner? M:Beef noodles.Do you like them,Ann? W:Yes.Beef noodles are my favorite food.Let's cook together. M:OK.We need two tomatoes and some beef. W:And some salt and vegetables.Oh,we have no salt.I'll go and buy some. M:Well,I'll cut up the tomatoes and the beef. W:But where are the noodles? M:Oh,I think they're in the shop. W:OK.Just wait for me! (A)13.What's Ann's favorite food? A.Beef noodles. B.Rice noodles. C.Tomato and egg noodles. (B)14.How many tomatoes do they need? A.One. B.Two. C.Three. (A)15.Where will Ann go? A.To the shop. B.To the restaurant. C.To the library. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: The apple milk shake is healthy and delicious.Do you like it? Now let me tell you how to make it. You need three apples,some icecream and milk.First,peel the apples and cut them up.Next,put the apple pieces and icecream in the blender.Then pour the milk into the blender.Turn on the blender and it works for about one minute.Finally, pour the apple milk shake into a glass.Now,it's time to enjoy it! (C)16.How is the apple milk shake? A.It's delicious. B.It's healthy. C.A and B. (B)17.How many apples do we need to make the apple milk shake? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. (C)18.What should we do first? A.Pour the milk into the blender. B.Mix up the milk and the icecream. C.Peel the apples and cut them up. (B)19.What should we put in the blender first? 59 A.Apple pieces and milk. B.Apple pieces and icecream. C.Icecream and milk. (A)20.How long does the blender work? A.For about one minute. B.For about three minutes. C.For about five minutes. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (B)21.—What should I do next? —Cut up ________ tomato and ________ onion. A.a;a B.a;an C.an;a D.an;an (A)22.You can cut the bread ________ thin pieces and eat them with vegetables ________ lettuce and tomatoes. A.into;like B.in;for C.to;with D.at;up (C)23.—I'm going to the supermarket to buy some ________. —Can you buy some ________ for me? A.tomatoes;corns B.tomato;corn C.tomatoes;corn D.tomato;corns (D)24.Jiaozi is a ________ Chinese food.We usually eat it on special holidays. A.healthy B.personal C.foreign D.traditional (A)25.—________ sugar do you need to make the cake? —One cup. A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often (C)26.Our parents usually ________ tea and fruit to visitors in the living room. A.add B.send C.serve D.peel (C)27.It's too dark in the room.Please ________ the light. A.turn off B.turning off C.turn on D.turning on (D)28.—We need ________ hour to finish the work. —Are you sure?I think we need two ________ hours. A.another;another B.more;more C.more;another D.another;more (D)29.—What do you need,Alice? —________. A.Two spoon of honey B.Two spoons of honeys C.Two spoon honeys D.Two spoons of honey (B)30.—Let's make chicken soup for Jim's birthday dinner. —________. A.Good luck B.Good idea C.Never mind D.Best wishes 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) When I was young,I enjoyed watching my mother cook.My favorite food was fried egg(煎鸡蛋),so my mother often cooked it __31__ us.Every time she cooked it,I couldn't __32__ to eat it. One day,my mother was not at home.I decided to fry an egg by __33__.Having watched 60 my mother do it many times before,I thought I would make it.__34__,I washed the pan.Next,I poured some oil into the pan.Then,I __35__ the stove.However,when it became hot,the oil splattered (飞溅) all over the stove.Some of it got on my face and arms.I was so __36__ that I cried out and did not even try to go near the pan! After a few minutes,the oil __37__ splattering.I turned off the stove quickly and spent the next hour cleaning the __38__. After that,I __39__ wanted to learn cooking.Now,I still can't try anything.I only help my mother do the dishes __40__ she finishes cooking. (A)31.A.for B.to C.with D.on (C)32.A.plan B.hope C.wait D.try (B)33.A.me B.myself C.my D.mine (A)34.A.First B.Second C.Third D.Finally (C)35.A.got on B.got off C.turned on D.turned off (A)36.A.scared B.bored C.hungry D.excited (D)37.A.enjoyed B.practiced C.minded D.stopped (B)38.A.bedroom B.kitchen C.classroom D.library (D)39.A.always B.usually C.often D.never (B)40.A.before B.after C.although D.but 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Sunny Restaurant Meals————————————————————————— Thai chicken and rice £5.50 Vegetable curry (咖喱) and rice £5.00 Cheese and tomato pizza with salad £5.00 Fish and chips with peas (豌豆) £6.00 Desserts————————————————————————— Apple pie £3.00 Chocolate cake £2.50 Icecream (green tea or strawberry) £2.50 Drinks————————————————————————— Cola £1.50 Orange juice £1.50 Milk shake (banana or chocolate) £2.50 Coffee £3.00 (B)41.In Sunny Restaurant,you can have ________ for lunch. A.noodles B.pizza C.vegetable salad D.tomato soup (A)42.What does the underlined word mean in Chinese? A.甜点 B.主菜 C.前菜 D.汤粥 (C)43.How many kinds of drinks are there in Sunny Restaurant? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Six. 61 (C)44.If you have £10,you can have ________ in the restaurant. A.fish and chips with peas,apple pie and cola B.vegetable curry with rice,apple pie and coffee C.Thai chicken and rice,icecream and orange juice D.vegetable curry with rice,chocolate cake and coffee (D)45.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Cola and orange juice are the cheapest of all. B.The fish and chips with peas are the most expensive of all. C.The prices of the chocolate cake and the milk shake are the same. D.Both the milk shake and the icecream have three flavors (口味). B Good morning!Welcome to Mom's Dish.I'm your old friend,Mary.Today I'll cook yakisoba noodles,a kind of Japanese noodles.My sister taught me how to cook them during our family trip and the noodles really surprised us!Now,let's start! Prepare green onions,a carrot,a cabbage,chicken,yakisoba noodles,salt, pepper and soy sauce (酱油). First,cook the noodles.Follow the instructions (操作指南) on the bag of the noodles and boil (煮) noodles in enough water to cover. Second,cut up all the vegetables and fry (炒) them in one teaspoon of cooking oil.Cook the vegetables at a high temperature for 2 to 3 minutes. Next,cook the chicken until (直到) it turns a little brown. Then,mix all the vegetables and chicken together.Add salt,pepper and soy sauce. Finally,add the noodles and cook them for a few minutes. It's very easy to make yakisoba noodles and it takes only 25 minutes.Thanks for watching.See you tomorrow! (A)46.Mary learned to cook yakisoba noodles ________. A.from her sister B.on the Internet C.from a cookbook D.on TV (C)47.What does Mary need to cook yakisoba noodles? A.Chicken and tomatoes. B.Brown onions and pepper. C.Onion and cabbage. D.Red pepper and soy sauce. (C)48.Which of the following is NOT mentioned (提及) in the passage? A.When to add salt and pepper. B.How to cook the vegetables. C.The temperature to cook the chicken. D.How long it takes to cook vegetables. (D)49.What can we learn from the passage? A.We should prepare two kinds of onions. B.We should cook the chicken until it's dark brown. C.We should follow instructions to cut vegetables. D.We should add the noodles to the mixture at last. (B)50.The passage is most probably from ________. A.a radio program B.a TV show C.a restaurant menu D.a food magazine 62 C Do you think English cooking is only about opening a bag of bread and putting it into an oven?51.__A__ It is true that lots of Englishmen eat fast food like hamburgers and sandwiches for breakfast and lunch.They like fast food because they can finish eating it in ten minutes or less.52.__E__ Parents,especially mothers, think it is important to ask their kids to learn how to cook.Most Englishmen think there is nothing better than a good meal cooked at home. 53.__B__ But there are some skills (技能) that most people use.For example, Englishmen often bake when making food. 54.__D__ Many of them know how to keep the balance (平衡) of meals.In a big meal,there will be some meat,a few vegetables, some soup and often some sweet food. 55.__C__ There are many kinds of foods with different colors,so the meal is healthy and also looks beautiful. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.If you think so,you are wrong (错误的). B.Englishmen have their own ways of cooking. C.Englishmen also like to make the meal colorful. D.It's the most common way of cooking in Britain. E.But some Englishmen think cooking skills are necessary. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.There are more than twenty dumplings on the plate (盘子). 57.Make sure the hole (坑) is big enough for the tree. 58.Cook the meat at a very high temperature (温度) for ten minutes. 59.Autumn (秋天) is my favorite season. 60.Maria celebrated (庆祝) her twelfth birthday by having a party at home last weekend. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.How many sandwiches (sandwich) do you want,Bill? 62.The pizza will taste more delicious if you put some cheese (cheese) on it. 63.Wednesday is the fourth (four) day of a week. 64.I went to the village and dug (dig) potatoes with my grandfather yesterday. 65.When it was time to get up,Mr. Li shook (shake) Li Cui to wake her up. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.请在汤里放两勺糖。 Please put two spoons of sugar in the soup. 67.新娘不喜欢婚礼晚宴的主菜。 The bride disliked the main dish of her wedding dinner. 68.我们应该感恩生活。 We should give thanks for life. 69.听到这个消息,她双手掩面,哭了。 After hearing the news,she covered her face with her hands and cried. 70.把土豆切碎后再放进锅里。 63 Cut up the potatoes before you put them into the pot. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hi,Betty.Do you like Chinese food? B:Yes,of course.71.__D__ A:Can you teach me how to cook it? B:Sure.72.__G__ A:What should we do then? B:It's quite easy.First break the eggs into a bowl and cut up the tomato. A:73.__B__ B:Next,cook the eggs for about two minutes.Then add the tomato pieces into it.74.__E__ Remember to add some salt and sugar.Finally,place it on a plate. A:75.__A__ B:Yes.You can have a try! A.Is that OK? B.What's next? C.How many tomatoes do we need? D.My favorite is eggs with tomatoes. E.Cook them together for a few minutes. F.My mother is good at making beef noodles. G.To cook this dish,we need two eggs and a tomato. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 but,make,one,tradition,they,find,usual,the,on,kind My favorite food is Chinese dumplings.They are a kind of 76.traditional Chinese food in North China.And they're also popular during Chinese holidays and festivals. I like to eat dumplings not because I am from North China 77.but because they're really delicious.My family 78.usually eat dumplings when all the members get together.79.Making dumplings with my family is the happiest thing for me. Chinese dumplings are one of 80.the most important foods at the Spring Festival.On the 81.first day of a new year,the first meal is very important.People in China have different food 82.on this special day according to 83.their own eating habits.In North China,people usually eat dumplings. There are many 84.kinds of Chinese dumplings with different fillings(馅).I'm sure you can 85.find the kind you like,because the fillings can be made with different ingredients. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 近来,各种弘扬中国美食的节目活跃于银幕当中,而中国美食的申遗活动也在进行当中。 你有什么拿手好菜可以拿来征服那些外国人的胃吗?不妨把你的菜简单地教给那些对中国 饮食感兴趣的外国朋友吧! 提示:菜名:Chinese Chive Dumplings(韭菜饺子) 食材:flour,eggs,Chinese chives,salt,pepper,chicken powder(鸡精) 过程:Cut up the Chinese chives...cook the eggs...mix the Chinese chives and eggs...make dumplings...boil the dumplings 64 要求:1.语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥; 2.70 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 参考词汇:stir 搅拌,slice 片,package 包裹 I'm from the north of China.My favorite food is dumplings.And most of my foreign friends also like them.It's very easy to cook dumplings.Now,I'd like to show you how to cook them. First,wash the Chinese chives,dry them and cut them into pieces.Then,break the eggs in a bowl,add some salt,stir and cook it.Next,mix the egg with the Chinese chives,add some salt,pepper and chicken powder.Then,make some flour slices.Next, package the mix with a piece of flour slice.Then a dumpling is OK.Finally,boil the dumplings and enjoy them. 65 Unit 9 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Can you go to the movies with me,Carol? 2.When is your piano lesson,Jeff? 3.Can they go to watch the baseball game? 4.Who will come to prepare for the party? 5.What is your brother going to do the day after tomorrow? (C)1. A.No,I needn't. B.I saw them last week. C.Sure,I'd love to. (A)2.A.On Saturday afternoon. B.Once a week. C.My father bought it. (B)3.A.They are friends. B.No,they can't. C.Yes,they do. (A)4.A.All my friends. B.Tomorrow morning. C.I'm afraid not. (C)5.A.To be a doctor. B.He is 13 years old. C.See the doctor. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.M:Lisa,can you come to my party this Sunday evening? W:Sorry,I can't.I have to do my homework. 7.M:Would you like to go to the zoo with me tomorrow? W:Sure,I'd love to. 8.M:How shall we go to the Science Museum? W:Let's go there by bike. 9.M:Mom,can I go to the concert this evening? W:Of course.But remember to come back before 10 o'clock. 10.M:It's Friday today.The day after tomorrow is Betty's birthday.What will you buy for her? W:I'll buy her a big cake. (B)6.What will Lisa do on Sunday evening? A.She'll go to the boy's party. B.She'll do her homework. C.She'll prepare for the exam. (A)7.Where will they go tomorrow? A.To the zoo. B.To the park. C.To the cinema. (B)8.How will they go to the Science Museum? A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. (A)9.What's the relationship between the two speakers? A.Mother and son. B.Father and son. C.Brother and sister. (C)10.When is Betty's birthday? A.This Friday. B.This Saturday. C.This Sunday. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 66 听力材料:W:Can you go to the zoo with me,Tony? M:Great!How can we get there,Jenny? W:We can ride our bikes. M:We can also take a bus there. W:That's a better idea. (B)11.Where are they going? A.To the park. B.To the zoo. C.To the restaurant. (C)12.How are they going there? A.By bike. B.By taxi. C.By bus. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Hello!This is Annie. M:Hello,Annie!This is John.Can you come to my birthday party? W:Sure,I'd love to.Thank you for inviting me.When is it? M:It's on Sunday,May 19th. W:When will it start? M:At seven thirty. W:Oh,I'm sorry.I'm afraid I will be a little later.I have to go and meet my cousin at the station first. M:That's all right. (A)13.When is John's birthday party? A.On Sunday,May 19th. B.On Saturday,May 19th. C.On Sunday,May 9th. (B)14.What time will the party start? A.At 7:50. B.At 7:30. C.At 7:00. (C)15.Who will Annie have to meet at the station first? A.Her father. B.Her mother. C.Her cousin. 四、听短文,选择最佳答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:Dear Karen, Thanks a lot for your invitation.I'm really sorry I can't go to your housewarming party on Thursday evening.I am really busy.I'm going to my uncle's home this evening.And I have to go to the dentist on Tuesday.On Wednesday,I will be on a work trip to Dalian.And I have to come back on Thursday to have a meeting.On Friday evening,I'm going to the movies with some friends.Can you come to the movies with us on Friday? Write soon, Sonia (C)16.What kind of party does Karen have this Thursday evening? A.A tea party. B.A birthday party. C.A housewarming party. (A)17.What is Sonia going to do this evening? A.Visit her uncle. B.Work in the office. C.Have a meeting. (A)18.When will Sonia go to the dentist? A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Thursday. (B)19.Where will Sonia take a work trip? 67 A.To Kunming. B.To Dalian. C.To Wuhan. (C)20.What does Sonia invite Karen to do this Friday evening? A.To go shopping. B.To do exercise. C.To go to the movies. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (D)21.Lily is worried.She will have ________ exam tomorrow,but she has ________ flu today. A.a;the B.an;a C.a;a D.an;the (A)22.—Excuse me,is the library open on Sunday? —Yes.In fact,it's open both on ________ and weekends. A.weekdays B.daytimes C.vacations D.festivals (C)23.—Sam,is this your dictionary? —Yes.I left the classroom ________ taking it yesterday. A.by B.with C.without D.from (D)24.My father is in America and he isn't coming back ________ next Friday. A.because B.if C.when D.until (B)25.—Sorry,Mr. Green left about ten minutes ago. —Well,I'll visit him ________ time. A.other B.another C.the other D.the another (D)26.________ big event!I didn't expect to see so many people. A.How B.How a C.What D.What a (B)27.—Mr. Li,________ you come to our school show on Friday? —Sorry,but I ________ have to go to the weekly meeting. A.might;can B.can;might C.might;might D.can;can (C)28.—Did you ________ Sally to your birthday dinner yesterday? —Yes,but she ________ my invitation.I don't know why. A.take;accepted B.take;refused C.invite;refused D.invite;accepted (A)29.—I wanted to help Frank with his homework,but he ________. —Don't worry.He wanted to finish it by himself. A.turned me down B.turned down me C.wrote me down D.wrote down me (D)30.—Can you come to my housewarming party? —________.When is it? A.I'm not available B.Sorry to hear that C.I'm glad to help you D.Sure,I'd love to 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) Ms. Jones is our English teacher.She is from England.She began to teach __31__ last year.But now she is leaving for her country.We are so __32__ to see her go because she is a good teacher.We are going to have a __33__ for her.We think it's the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”. 68 We __34__ to have the party this Saturday.Now we are preparing for it.Wang Lei and Wei Wei __35__ all the teachers.Our Chinese teacher Miss Zhang __36__ come.Her family is taking a trip to Beijing this weekend.__37__,the other teachers promised to come.Li Ye is writing a thankyou note.We want to show __38__ we're going to miss Ms. Jones.He asks Wu Shan to read it to Ms. Jones,because Wu Shan __39__ very good English.I am going to play a piano piece for Ms. Jones at the party.And I also __40__ a fun game to play at the party. We hope the party will be very great. (B)31.A.them B.us C.him D.you (B)32.A.glad B.sad C.relaxed D.excited (D)33.A.trip B.meal C.prize D.party (A)34.A.plan B.refuse C.forget D.happen (D)35.A.caught B.believed C.saw D.invited (B)36.A.will B.can't C.has to D.doesn't (C)37.A.Probably B.Usually C.Luckily D.Finally (C)38.A.how B.how many C.how much D.how soon (B)39.A.writes B.speaks C.likes D.shares (D)40.A.hear from B.turn down C.help out D.think of 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A 汈汈汈汈汈 Dear Tara, The skirt you gave me is gorgeous!I can't believe you made it by yourself.It looks like something from a clothes store.I like it so much.If you have free time,please show me how to make it. Susan Dear Laura, Thanks for remembering my birthday.When your gift arrived,I was really happy.I love the cookbook a lot.It seems very interesting.I learn to cook today's dinner from it.Thanks again. Tina Dear friends, Thank you for turning my birthday party into a concert.I like listening to music.And this time when I shared the beautiful music with you, I felt so happy.I'll never forget this special day.I'm very lucky to have you as friends and neighbors! Vince (D)41.The three emails are all ________. A.resolutions B.invitations C.birthday cards D.thankyou emails (C)42.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “gorgeous”? A.传统的 B.必要的 C.漂亮的 D.普通的 (B)43.Tina got ________ on her birthday. A.a skirt B.a cookbook 69 C.a movie ticket D.a concert ticket (D)44.Vince spent his birthday ________. A.in a clothes store B.in the kitchen C.cooking dinner D.listening to music (D)45.Which of the following is NOT true? A.Tina was happy to get the gift. B.Vince's friends are also his neighbors. C.Laura gave Tina a gift on Tina's birthday. D.Tara bought the skirt from a clothes store. B Once there was a prince (王子).His room was not tidy.His parents always asked him to clean it,but he just ignored (置之不理) it. The prince loved the princess (公主) of the neighboring kingdom (邻国).One day, the princess planned to have a birthday party.She invited all the princes from other kingdoms.The untidy prince was excited and prepared himself with great care. However,on the day of the party,his room was so untidy that he couldn't find his invitation anywhere!He decided to clean up his room.Luckily,he found it under the bed. When he finally arrived at the party,he was late.The party was over and everyone had left.The prince was very upset,and he learned his lesson. But not everything was bad luck.The princess didn't find anyone she liked at the party,so she had another party a month later.This time,because he kept everything clean and tidy,the prince didn't lose his invitation.He got to the party on time and met the princess he loved! (C)46.The prince ________. A.liked parties B.cleaned his room weekly C.liked a princess D.helped his mom clean the room (B)47.What happened to the prince on the day of the birthday party? A.He went to the party without any preparation. B.He cleaned his room to look for his invitation. C.He lost his invitation and didn't go to the party. D.He met the princess and they danced together. (D)48.The underlined word means “________” in Chinese. A.幽默的 B.生气的 C.聪明的 D.沮丧的 (A)49.From the last paragraph,we know that ________. A.the prince learned it was important to be tidy B.the prince was late for the big party again C.the princess forgot to invite the prince to the party D.the princess found someone she loved at last (C)50.What is the best title for the story? A.A lucky prince B.An interesting party C.The change of a prince D.A smart princess 70 C A man had a garden around his house.One day when he was working in the garden, an old dog came to his garden.The dog looked at the man and then lay down (躺下) next to him. When the man finished his work and walked to his house,the dog walked behind him.When they were in the living room,the dog jumped on the sofa,closed its eyes and slept.After an hour,it woke up and walked to the door.The man opened the door and let the dog out. The next day the dog came again.It jumped on the sofa and slept for an hour.This happened every day for three weeks.The man wondered why the dog came to his house over and over again.He wrote these words on a piece of paper,“Every afternoon your dog comes to my house and sleeps for one hour on my sofa.” Then the man put the paper on its collar (项圈). The next day the dog came with a different piece of paper on its collar.It said, “The dog lives in a home with four children.It needs some quiet places to relax.Can I come with it tomorrow?” 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 51.Where did the man meet the dog? In_his_garden. 52.How long did the dog sleep every time? For_an/one_hour. 53.Did the dog come to the house once a week? No,it_didn't. 54.How did the man “talk” to the dog's owner (主人)? By_writing_words_on_paper_and_putting_it_on_the_dog's_collar. 55.What were the children of the dog's owner like? They_were_noisy. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.We plan to go to a concert (音乐会) on the evening of New Year's Day. 57.My brother needs a pen and a bottle of glue (胶水). 58.Lucy was sad (难过的) to know that her dog died. 59.Helen hung (悬挂) her bag over the chair just now. 60.They printed (印刷) hundreds of books yesterday. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.I was surprised (surprise) to see Nelly at the party. 62.We are looking forward to seeing (see) our new teacher. 63.The opening (open) of the new school library will be at three o'clock. 64.Can you tell me how to_catch (catch) the main idea of an article? 65.Betty's parents are busy making preparations (prepare) for her birthday party. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.收到你的信总是让人很高兴。 71 It's always glad to hear from you. 67.杰克上午不在家。他去看医生了。 Jack wasn't at home this morning.He went to the doctor. 68.你们打算什么时候去泰山旅行? When do you plan to take a trip to Mount Tai? 69.暑假期间他要在他朋友的工厂帮忙。 He will help out in his friend's factory during the summer vacation. 70.不要为汤姆担心。他能照顾好自己的。 Don't worry about Tom.He can look after himself well. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Hi,Linda.71.__E__ B:Sure,I'd love to.When shall we go? A:72.__G__ B:No,I'm going to visit my uncle.What about Saturday afternoon? A:I'm afraid I won't be available.73.__D__ B:Well,let's make it Sunday.I'll be available that day. A:Me,too!74.__A__ B:He is busy studying for a math exam.We'd better not call him. A:You're right.When and where shall we meet? B:75.__C__ A:OK.Catch you on Sunday! A.Why don't we invite Tom to go with us? B.I'm going to ride my bike there. C.Let's meet at 2:30 pm in front of the cinema. D.I have two piano lessons then. E.Can you go to the movies with me? F.Who are you going to the movies with? G.Are you free this Saturday morning? 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 on,exciting,open,prepare,during,reply,concert,guest,bring,if Dear parents, I want to invite you to the 76.opening of our new library at No. 26 Middle School.You're not only parents but also our 77.guests.The ceremony (典礼) will be 78.on the morning of Sunday,October 13th.It will begin at 9:00.79.During the ceremony,you will enjoy many wonderful performances.Mr. Green and Mrs. White who are teaching in our school are going to give you 80.exciting performances,together with some students.After this,you can enjoy our school 81.concert.Some students will sing and dance.82.If you and your children would like to give a performance, please make careful 83.preparations.At 12:00,you and your children can have lunch in the school hall.I would also like you 84.to_bring one book as a gift for our library.Please 85.reply in writing to this invitation by September 21st.Hope all of you can make it. 72 Jack Smith Headmaster 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 假如你是珍妮,下面是海伦发给你的邀请函。请你根据以下要点提示给海伦发一封电子 邮件回复该邀请函。 Dear Jenny, I'd like to invite you and your sister Mary to my birthday party this Sunday.It will start at 7 p.m.Will you be free?I would be very glad if you could come.Please let me know if you are coming by Friday. Helen 提示:1.你的妹妹玛丽能去; 2.你不能去,原因是…… 要求:70 词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Helen, Thank_you_for_inviting_us_to_your_birthday_party_on_Sunday.Mary_is_availabl e_and_she_is_glad_to_accept_your_invitation.I_wish_I_could_be_there , but_I'm_sorry_I_can't.I_have_to_go_to_the_music_club_to_practice_the_piano.As_y ou_know , our_school_will_have_a_concert_to_celebrate_the_opening_of_the_new_library_next _Monday.But_I'll_make_a_chocolate_cake_for_you_as_a_gift.Happy_birthday! Yours, Jenny 73 Unit 10 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Can you give me some advice? 2.What will happen if you have the party today? 3.What's your problem? 4.When is a good time to have the meeting? 5.What do you think I should do? (B)1.A.It doesn't matter. B.Sure. C.That's right. (A)2.A.Many students won't come to it. B.I'm glad to hear that. C.I don't mind it. (B)3.A.I'm going to be a doctor. B.I always forget things. C.I practice English every day. (A)4.A.Let's have it tomorrow. B.Sounds boring. C.Once a week. (B)5.A.By subway. B.Call Maria. C.Twenty minutes. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? M:Sure.I'm free on Saturday. 7.W:Tom,will you hang out with us today? M:Sorry.If I hang out with you,I won't finish my homework. 8.W:I'm going to wear a skirt to school. M:If you do,the teacher won't let you in. 9.W:Dave,are you going to college or work? M:I'm not sure,Susan. 10.W:If I ride my bike,I will be late for the party. M:Then you can take the bus,Sally. (B)6.When will the girl have a party? A.On Saturday morning. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Saturday evening. (A)7.What does Tom have to do today? A.Do his homework. B.Wash the dishes. C.Hang out with friends. (C)8.What shouldn't the girl wear to school? A.Her Tshirt. B.Her jeans. C.Her skirt. (A)9.What are Dave and Susan talking about? A.Dave's plan. B.Dave's job. C.Dave's college. (C)10.How should Sally go to the party? A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:The weather report says it will rain tomorrow. 74 W:That's too bad.If so,we'll not be able to go camping. M:It doesn't matter.We can watch videos at home.It's relaxing,too. W:You're right. (A)11.How is the weather tomorrow? A.It's rainy. B.It's windy. C.It's cloudy. (C)12.What will they do if it's bad weather tomorrow? A.They will do some housework. B.They will go to the movies. C.They will watch videos at home. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Hello,John.There's a basketball game on TV this evening. M:Really?What time will it start? W:At 8:00.I think you'll like it. M:Yes,I love basketball.I want to be a great basketball player when I grow up. W:If your dream comes true,all of us will be very happy. M:Thanks.Will you watch the game this evening,Lisa? W:No.I have to study for the math test.I'm not good at math,you know. M:Well,my uncle is a math teacher.If he helps you,I believe you'll get better grades. (B)13.When will the basketball game start? A.At 7:00 p.m. B.At 8:00 p.m. C.At 9:00 p.m. (A)14.Who wants to be a basketball player? A.John. B.Lisa. C.John's uncle. (C)15.What will Lisa have to do this evening? A.To clean her room. B.To do the dishes. C.To study for her math test. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: Hi,everybody.I am Diana.I come from America.I studied at a high school in Boston.I'll go to college next month.After college,I think I will be a reporter.It's my dream job.If I become a reporter,I'll work for a famous TV station.I will travel around and write some articles about traveling.I like traveling and that's my hobby.When I was at my high school,I worked for my school newspaper.I think I learned a lot from that.I am sure my dream will come true. (B)16.Which city did Diana study at a high school in? A.London. B.Boston. C.Sydney. (B)17.When will Diana go to college? A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year. (A)18.What does Diana think she will be? A.A reporter. B.A host. C.A writer. (B)19.What will Diana do? A.She will travel around and make friends with others. B.She will travel around and write some articles about traveling. C.She will travel around and write some articles about funny things. 75 (C)20.What did Diana work for when she was at her high school? A.Her school TV station. B.Her school's traveling club. C.Her school newspaper. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.—Jim often gets angry and I think he can't do ________ work well. —I agree with you.________ angry man may not solve problems well. A.a;An B.a;The C.the;An D.the;A (D)22.Although the boy is only 5 years old,he can look after ________ well. A.him B.his C.he D.himself (A)23.You shouldn't be angry ________ him.He only wanted to know the fact. A.with B.for C.to D.on (A)24.—Nancy always makes fewer ________ than the others in tests. —How great she is! A.mistakes B.holes C.words D.points (D)25.—What made James so ________? —He couldn't find his ticket anywhere. A.dangerous B.successful C.careful D.upset (B)26.—Can I go to the reading room? —You can't ________ you have a school ID card. A.after B.unless C.when D.if (C)27.—Emma called to say she wouldn't come to your party. —What?Did she say ________? A.else anything B.else everything C.anything else D.everything else (C)28.—I think ________ with your parents can help you a lot. —But I'm not sure how ________ to them. A.talk;to talk B.talking;talk C.talking;to talk D.talk;talking (C)29.—Remember ________ the lights when you ________ the classroom,Maria. —OK,I will. A.turning off;will leave B.turning off;leave C.to turn off;leave D.to turn off;will leave (B)30.—Helen,do you know if Martin ________ to my party next week? —I think he will come if he ________ free.(易错题) A.will come;will be B.will come;is C.comes;is D.comes;will be 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) “The next class is geography.I'm __31__ with it.Let's cut the class and go for a walk!” Grace said to Karen. In fact,Karen liked geography.She had no idea what she __32__ do.“If I __33__ Grace's invitation,she will be angry with me,” she thought.“But if I go with her, 76 I __34__ catch the class.” It was difficult for her to say no to Grace.Then Karen remembered Mom's words,“Remember who you are.And __35__ do the right thing.” “I'm sorry,Grace,”Karen said.She finally made the right __36__.And she __37__ Grace to take the class,too.“We have lots of time for a __38__ after school, don't we?We'd better take the class,__39__ we will probably fail (不及格) the final exam.I don't want the teacher to call our parents.” Finally,the two girls sat in the geography classroom and listened to the teacher __40__. Did you ever have the experience like Karen?What did you do? (B)31.A.glad B.bored C.sad D.surprised (C)32.A.must B.need C.should D.could (A)33.A.refuse B.accept C.choose D.disagree (B)34.A.will B.won't C.can D.may (A)35.A.always B.hardly C.never D.almost (D)36.A.invitation B.discussion C.plan D.decision (D)37.A.expected B.sent C.promised D.advised (C)38.A.meeting B.game C.walk D.movie (D)39.A.though B.if C.unless D.or (B)40.A.beautifully B.carefully C.comfortably D.probably 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Dear Robert, I am a big fan of your radio program.Your program is interesting and you give great advice to many people.Now I really need your help. Last night,I argued (吵架) with my mother.A boy student called me to talk about our homework and my mother was angry with me for that.She stopped me from making friends with the boy.But I think it is normal to make friends with boys.Am I wrong? What should I do? Kelly Dear Kelly, Thanks for trusting me.I'd like to share my thought with you.You should always remember that your mother loves you.Your mother might misunderstand you and the boy because she doesn't know your school life much.If you can talk more about your friends and experiences at school with her,she will understand you better. Robert (D)41.From the passage,we know Robert is a ________. A.teacher B.student C.TV reporter D.radio host (C)42.Kelly's mother was angry with her because ________. A.she didn't finish her homework B.she listened to the radio too much C.a boy made a phone call to her D.she talked back to her mother (D)43.Kelly thinks making friends with boys is ________. A.sad B.happy C.surprising D.normal 77 (A)44.The underlined word “misunderstand” means “________” in Chinese. A.误解 B.理解 C.提醒 D.告诫 (B)45.According to Robert,if Kelly talks with her mom more often,________. A.they will argue a lot more B.they will have a better relationship C.she will make more friends at school D.she will get better grades at school B Dear Mom, I don't think you understand me.You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up,but I would like to have a wonderful time,too.You never let me do something fun like listening to music or playing sports. Two days ago,when I was watching a football game on TV,you asked me to stop to do my homework.After finishing my homework,I still wasn't allowed to read my football magazine.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enough,but yesterday was the worst day.I bought some CDs of computer games,and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I knew it was wrong to lie (撒谎) to you,but you told me that Dad would talk to me later.Mom, I don't like what you did to me!I really love you,Mom,but I wish you could try not to be so strict with me. Love, Zhang Shuai (C)46.Zhang Shuai's mother lets him study all the time because ________. A.she doesn't understand him B.she doesn't want him to have a wonderful time C.she wants him to find a good job when he grows up D.she wants him to be the top of his class (B)47.The underlined word “allowed” means ________ in Chinese. A.同意 B.允许 C.听从 D.命令 (D)48.Zhang Shuai knew it was ________ to lie to his mother. A.right B.excited C.happy D.wrong (A)49.Why did he put the CDs in his bag? A.Because he didn't want his mother to see them. B.Because he wanted to do homework first. C.Because he wanted to lie to his mother. D.Because he would talk to his father. (D)50.The passage mainly tells us ________. A.children should try not to have a wonderful time B.children should study all the time C.parents should talk to their children often D.parents shouldn't be so strict with their children C Dear Mr. Hunt, I'm a fifteenyearold girl.And I am a middle school student.51.__B__ I hope 78 you can give me some advice. Three months ago,I knew a boy when I was chatting on the Internet.I found that he had the same hobbies as me,so we chatted for a long time.52.__D__ A few days ago,we began to talk on the phone.We didn't meet until yesterday morning. 53.__A__ We really had a good time yesterday. However , some of my friends say that I shouldn't make friends on the Internet.54.__E__ I don't know what to do.Should I talk about this problem with my parents?55.__C__ So I'm writing to you for some advice.Please help me. Yours sincerely Ferry 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、 内容完整。 A.We went to the park together and talked a lot. B.I have a problem now. C.I'm afraid that they will be angry with me. D.We both felt happy when we talked to each other. E.They also say that the boy may not be a good boy. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Laura is lucky to have such understanding (善解人意的) parents. 57.My brother has rich swimming experience (经验). 58.It's normal (正常的) to meet problems in life. 59.You must be very careful (小心的) when you go across the street. 60.I can't trust (信任) my memory.I'd better write everything down. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Mrs. Brown advises us to_eat (eat) healthy food. 62.They travel(l)ed (travel) 200 miles on the first day. 63.I'm sorry,Mom.It was careless (care) of me to break the cup. 64.We are good friends.You can certainly (certain) use my dictionary. 65.Now we are only halfway to finishing (finish) our homework. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.你能帮我把西瓜切成两半吗? Can you help me cut the watermelon in half? 67.让我给你一条建议。 Let me give you a piece of advice. 68.我们不该逃避问题,而是应该面对它们。 We should not run away from our problems,but face them. 69.如果你不懂,不要害怕问。 Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand. 70.你答应保守秘密,我才告诉你。 I'll tell you if you promise to keep it to yourself. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) 79 A:Why do you look worried? B:71.__F__ A:Can you tell me more about it? B:Yes.72.__A__ But I'm not sure if I should invite Bill and Mike. A:Why?73.__D__ B:Yes,they are. 74.__G__ They don't talk with each other now. A:I think you can invite them and help them make it up (言归于好) at the party. B:75.__B__ Thank you for your advice. A:You're welcome. A.I'm going to have a party this weekend. B.It sounds like a good idea. C.I have some problems with my schoolwork. D.Both of them are your good friends,aren't they? E.Don't they like going to parties? F.I have a problem,but I don't know how to solve it. G.But they had a fight last week. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余) either,trust,with,too,solve,understand,for,travel,angry, activity,teenager,agree My parents always decide things for me.This winter holiday,they took me to a camp.The camp was boring and I didn't want to 76.travel outside.I didn't want to accept this plan.But I couldn't refuse it,77.either,because I knew they loved me, and I didn't want them to be 78.angry with me. Sometimes I want to go skating with my friends.But my mom doesn't 79.trust my friends.She also says that skating is a dangerous 80.activity.When my friend invites me to a party,she will ask me about my friend.She only wants me to make friends 81.with those who are hardworking. As a 82.teenager,I think I need more space to do what I want to.I want to make my own decisions.If I have any problems and I can't 83.solve them,I will ask my parents for help.I can grow up more quickly only in this way.I should have a talk with my parents,but I'm not sure whether they will 84.agree with me.I just wish them to be more 85.understanding and know that I love them,too. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 格林先生由于工作压力大,睡眠出现了问题。下面是他给心理专家 Dr. Smith 写的一封 信,请根据以下提示给他写封回信,提出一些合理的建议,使他重新恢复健康。词数 70 左 右。 提示:1.尽量不想白天的工作; 2.睡前适当做些运动; 3.听一些音乐。 Dear Dr. Smith, I was healthy before,but these days I can't sleep very well.I always can't stop thinking about the work in the daytime.I don't know what I should do.Could you help me,please? 80 Thanks a lot! Yours, Mr. Green Dear_Mr._Green, I'm_sorry_to_hear_that_you_can't_sleep_well.There_are_a_lot_of_things_to_do. They_can_help_you_solve_the_problem_if_you_do_them.First , you_should_try_not_to_think_about_the_work_in_the_day_after_you_go_to_bed.Next, I_think_you_can_do_some_sports_before_you_go_to_bed.Then , it_is_good_for_you_to_listen_to_some_music_when_you_go_to_bed.If_you_do_these, I_think_you'll_feel_better. Yours, Dr._Smith

