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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 第五课时 Section B (2a2e) 一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1 . The weather is cool in _________ ( 秋天 ) and it's nice to take a trip then. 2 . They would like to try some ___________ ( 传统的 ) food , such as dumplings. 3 . Emily is going to the supermarket.She wants to buy some _________ ( 胡椒粉 ) and tomatoes. 4 . Bring me a clean _______ ( 盘子 ) and take the dirty one away. 5 . We are going to have a party to __________( 庆祝 ) my mother's birthday next week. autumn traditional pepper plate celebrate 二、根据句意 , 选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 6 . I'm hungry.I want some French fries and an apple ____ . 7 . Cut up these fruits and then ____them together. 8 . Let's ____the large box with old books and newspapers. 9 . When we got home , Mom was busy _______dinner. 10 . OK , the turkey is ready.Please _____it to your friends. pie mix fill preparing serve 三、根据所给的中文意思完成句子。每空一词。 11 . 这顿饭的主菜是鱼。 The _____________of this meal is fish. 12 . 你应该感谢家人给予的爱。 You should __________________the love of your family. 13 . 把树放进坑里 , 然后用土盖上它。 Put the tree into the hole and then ______________earth. main dish give thanks for cover it with 14 . 你需要把鸡肉切成碎片。 You need to _____the chicken ___________ . 15 . 她把那只玩具熊看作是她最好的朋友。 She ______the toy bear ____her best friend. 16 . 最后 , 让它在高温下煮十分钟。 Finally , cook it ________________________for ten minutes. cut into pieces sees as at a high temperature 四、短文填空:选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空 , 使短文完整、通顺。 traditional , autumn , w ill , interesting , acti v ity , temperature , luck , v isit , ser v e , celebrate It is September now.The summer is over and the 17._________ begins. The weather is fine and the 18._____________ is comfortable. It is the best time to travel! Some friends and I 19.____ go to Arendtsville next month. It is a small town , and it has a 20._____________ festival : the National Apple Harvest Festival ( 全国苹果丰收节 ) . autumn temperature will traditional People in Arendtsville 21.__________ the festival during the first weekend in October.Many 22._________ come to play at the festival every year. There are many interesting 23._______ people can do at the festival.They can listen to music in the street.They can try their 24._____ at square dancing ( 广场舞 ) . They can also enjoy fresh apple juice and delicious food that restaurants 25._______ to the visitors. Are you 26.__________ in the festival ? Come and join us! celebrate visitors activities luck serve interested

