2020届二轮复习语法专项突破专题四2第二讲 定语从句课件

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2020届二轮复习语法专项突破专题四2第二讲 定语从句课件

英语 [ 第二部分 语法专项突破 ] 专题四 各具特色的句法 —— 并列句、三大从句及特殊句式 第二讲 定语从句 01 感悟高考 明确考向 02 考点突破 针对提能 04 跟踪检测 迁移应用 03 解题指导 触类旁通 which who that/which that/which which who where → when what → that/which 在 which 前加介词 in 或 which → where that → which they → that/which which which whom which where who whose who/that when where that → as 或在 visiting 后加 it that → which 第一个 that → where which → where 或在 which 前加 in what → that what → that/which what → where 在 think 前加 who 或 think → thinking It → As that → which 本部分内容讲解结束 按 ESC 键退出全屏播放

