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‎2020年浙江省衢州、湖州、丽水三地市联考高考英语模拟试卷(4月份)‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分25.0分)第一节(共3小题;每小题2.5分,满分25.0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.     The jaguars(美洲豹)didn't bother me much during the day.Adonis, our local guide who was leading us deep into the Guatemalan jungle, guaranteed that we wouldn't come under attack from the jaguars.The most recent time he had seen one was more than a year ago. Last week, he had spotted some jaguar tracks,  which was probably about as close to the animals as we would get, he said.     But his guarantee meant little that night as I ________ in my hammock(吊床) under the Central American stars.Now my mind turned every soft sound of waving leaves into a moving big cat full of murderous intent(probably to get back at the rude human who had interrupted its life.)And, if it wasn't a jaguar ready to attack, it was a poisonous snake, picking which of my bottoms to sink its long sharp tooth into.     Tiredness calmed my overactive imagination and I slept slightly.Next day,  big surprise: no death by either snake bite or jaguar attack and injury.We packed up our stuff and continued toward our destination, El Mirador, the site of the tallest temple in the Mayan world.     Although we may have questioned why we had left a perfectly nice beach to come here, that night no doubts remained.Just before sunset we took our places at the top of the temple hill.A Mayan astrologer(占星家)had probably sat in the same place 2, 000 years before and improved his knowledge of the Milky Way.     Tonight, as with every night, spectacular pink shades marked the western skyline. The sky darkened and, one by one, the stars shone with a soft light into life. ‎ ‎(1)What did the guide think of the jaguars?________‎ A.They were difficult to find.‎ B.They were aggressive killers.‎ C.They were tough to deal with.‎ D.They had close relations with man..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)What does the underlined word "cowered" in Paragraph 2 most nearly mean?________‎ A.Shrank. B.Skipped. C.Relaxed. D.Danced..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What message is the author trying to convey in the last paragraph?________‎ A.We should show respect to nature.‎ B.Traveling in the jungle can be dangerous.‎ C.The ecology problem requires urgent attention.‎ D.The universe is lasting while human life is short.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.     Some people may think that students who study abroad have more time for relaxation and less homework.But as a matter of fact, Grade 12 students in Canada are just as busy and pressured as students in China.In Canada, students have to pay equal attention to all the tests and assignments, as every little evaluation will directly affect their final grades.     To ease some of the stress from the important courses, like mathematics and English, students will often choose one or two fun courses in the last year of high school.Those classes can give students a fairly excellent final grade.     Take me as an example﹣the classes I am attending this semester include advanced functions, graphic design and history.All of them are really important to me, which means I have to pay more attention to them.     In order to get enough elective credits to grade, I chose a relatively easy course, nutrition and health.This course is aimed at helping students develop a healthy lifestyle and diet.The biggest highlight of this course is that students can experience cooking and baking, which I believe is the reason why there're a large number of students on the waiting list Usually, there are one or two food labs every month.Teachers always let students decide what they want to cook or bake. Students are divided into four groups with six people, and teachers are given the recipe beforehand.     After attending this class for more than three months, I believe it's not as easy as others think it is because it's an interdisciplinary(跨学科)course that requires basic knowledge of science, humanity and even culinary.     Despite these kinds of courses not being as demanding as others, we can still learn a lot from them.Some people might think they're "mark﹣boosting(促进分数的)" courses that don't need to be taken seriously.But I consider them to be a unique way to ease the tension or other schoolwork. ‎ ‎(1)Why do Grade 12 students in Canada take fun elective courses?________‎ A.To pass the free time.‎ B.To put theory into practice.‎ C.To adopt a healthy lifestyle.‎ D.To get relief from schoolwork..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)It can be learned from paragraph 4 that Canadian elective classes are________.‎ A.easy but boring B.diverse but stressful C.practical and beneficial D.interesting and inspiring. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)Which of the following might be the best title for the text?________‎ A.School Life in Canada B.Canada's Elective Classes C.Educational System in Canada D.Tips for Choosing Elective Classes.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.     Before she leaves home in San Francisco, California, Jennifer Schaefer,  puts on long sleeves and a big hat she calls her "personal umbrella." With her fair skin, red hair, memories of bad childhood sunburn, and a family history of skin cancer, Schaefer is painfully aware of the danger of exposure to ultraviolet(紫外线radiation, which accounts for the vast majority of skin cancers. ‎ 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 ‎    So she finds it unbelievable how few people bother with sun safety, with most preferring sun worship to sun protection."In our culture, it's almost funny to be too protected, " she says, highlighting the way her friends tease her when she puts on her bathing suit﹣a protective 'rash guard' top and knee﹣length board shorts."We're slowly starting to become aware of the long﹣term effects of the sun, but it's like global warming﹣people are not going to make serious changes until they feel a direct impact."     That impact has helped push Australians, who are famous for sun loving, into changing their behavior.With its high solar ultraviolet levels and mostly fair﹣skinned population, Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.But after decades of increase, the melanoma(黑色瘤)rate began to stay at a steady level in the mid 1990s.The incidence of melanoma among young people's is now falling, as national surveys show that most Australians﹣more than 70% of adults and 55% of adolescents﹣no longer prefer a tan(棕褐色).     A 2013 study shows that, in addition to Australia, a handful of countries﹣notably New Zealand, Canada, Israel, Norway, the Czech Republic(for women)and the United States(for white men)﹣have melanoma rates that are declining or stabilizing among young people.     Back in San Francisco, Jennifer Schaefer is doing her best to educate the next generation.Her eldest daughter automatically puts on a hat to go outside."Habits really start in children﹣it is like brushing your teeth, " she says. ‎ ‎(1)By describing Schaefer's bathing suit,the author suggests that Schaefer________.‎ A.does not mind the teasing by her friends B.attaches great importance to sun protection C.goes to extreme measures to avoid the sun D.is more interested in surfing than sunbathing.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)What do New Zealand and Canada have in common?________‎ A.Sun protection programs are developing quickly.‎ B.Their citizens prefer to be pale rather than get tanned.‎ C.Skin cancer rates are not increasing among the young.‎ D.Women and white men have the lowest rates of melanoma..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What function does the final sentence have?________‎ A.It makes the conclusion more meaningful.‎ B.It makes a complex concept easier to understand.‎ C.A serious topic is made more cheerful and attractive.‎ D.A familiar example supports the point made by the author..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What's the purpose of the text?________‎ A.To help individuals know how to make medical decisions.‎ B.To call for more research into ultraviolet radiation effect.‎ C.To draw the public's attention to ultraviolet radiation effect.‎ D.To honor a mother for her research into ultraviolet radiation.‎ 第二节(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项 中有两项为多余选项.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Expect More From Your Memory How many African countries can you remember?Try to say as many as you can before reading on… There are 54 countries in Africa.If you got them all,well done!Hardly anyone does,of course.But most people could have gotten more than they did.Motivation is a big part of memory.Be honest:if there had been a big prize of this task,wouldn't you have pushed yourself a bit more? (1)_______ And,since most people don't expect much from their memory,they limit their chances of success from the word go. Not everyone,though.When people get competitive about memory,they do amazing things.Back in the 1980s,I broke a world record by memorizing six packs of playing cards.(2)_______Psychologist Carol Dweck popularized the "growth mindset"﹣the belief that you can keep improving your abilities,with commitment.Here are four ways to use that approach. Step 1:Admit what you're good at.Think about the things that you remember with ease.There's no reason why your memory can't work that well all the time. Step 2: (3)_______Notice people who seem to have a clever trick for names,or manage to hold their to﹣do list in their head.See if you can spot some of their secrets. Step 3:Find ways to get better.Any information can be made more memorable by organizing it effectively,and using your imagination.(4)_______ Step 4:Practise:Take every opportunity to use your memory.Stretch it a little each day by setting yourself challenges. Now,go back to the challenge at the beginning.(5)_______ A.Practice more! B.Watch how others do it. C.But self﹣belief is often an even bigger factor. D.Now, the record is 37 packs﹣in just one hour. E.Experiment with a range of creative memory techniques. F.People always limit their abilities for lack of confidence. G.Push yourself to do better,and really believe that you can. ‎ 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎     Body confidence means having a light of contentment that no one can turn off and being okay with who you are completely.I have that﹣and I know that I'm perfectly me.     I was born with a(n)(1)_______forearm and three fingers on my right (2)_______. Once when I was younger, I got my (3)_______ done at the salon, but people there reacted (4)_______ to me, so I never went back.Recently, my mom painted my nails for me, and I (5)_______ a picture of my manicure(修指甲)on Facebook.I didn't think it would get that much positive attention, but it (6)_______, and I'm really happy about it.     Doing new things (7)_______ my confidence.I want to be a (8)_______, and I started a YouTube channel 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 ‎ to (9)_______ my comfort zone.When I was growing up,  it would have been (10)_______ to see somebody like me on TV, to let me know that it's okay that I am the way that I am.Now I(11)_______ good comments from other people(12)_______how I sing and just get positive feeling.Recently, I went to a group event (13)_______ by Lucky Fin, which is devoted to body differences, and it felt (14)_______ to meet other people like me.I was so inspired by everyone, (15)_______ Rebekah Marine.She's a model and speaker, and she was born without a forearm. She (16)_______ me that when she was young, it was(17)_______ for her and it took her a while to accept (18)_______.It made me cry because I could (19)_______.She's really inspirational, and that's (20)_______ I want to be too. ‎ ‎(1)‎ A.normal B.artificial C.shortened D.strong ‎ ‎ ‎(2)‎ A.hand B.foot C.body D.ankle ‎ ‎ ‎(3)‎ A.nails B.hairs C.eyebrows D.fingers ‎ ‎ ‎(4)‎ A.kindly B.negatively C.angrily D.politely ‎ ‎ ‎(5)‎ A.drew B.removed C.downloaded D.posted ‎ ‎ ‎(6)‎ A.existed B.faded C.did D.disappeared ‎ ‎ ‎(7)‎ A.builds B.damages C.affects D.limits ‎ ‎ ‎(8)‎ A.photographer B.singer C.painter D.reporter ‎ ‎ ‎(9)‎ A.try out B.slide into C.get out of D.put up with ‎ ‎ ‎(10)‎ A.strange B.nice C.funny D.tough ‎ ‎ ‎(11)‎ A.ignore B.reject C.delete D.hear ‎ ‎ ‎(12)‎ A.in B.on C.at D.by ‎ ‎ ‎(13)‎ A.celebrated B.designed C.attended D.organized ‎ ‎ ‎(14)‎ A.great B.upset C.embarrassed D.depressed ‎ ‎ ‎(15)‎ A.actually B.obviously C.possibly D.especially ‎ ‎ ‎(16)‎ A.warned B.told C.reminded D.promised ‎ ‎ ‎(17)‎ A.hard B.easy C.valuable D.unusual ‎ ‎ ‎(18)‎ A.itself B.themselves C.herself D.ourselves ‎ ‎ ‎(19)‎ A.remember B.stand C.relate D.dream ‎ ‎ ‎(20)‎ A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分15分)第二节(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ It's an acknowledged (1)________(true)that young people have their own cultures,lifestyles and attitudes.They are(2)________(constant)connected on social media,creating and sharing their own cultures.This is why Chinese director Zhu Lexian has tapped into youth trends,(3)________ (bring)out a documentary series titled Generational Gravity. The documentary has four key (4)________(subject)of interest to the global young generation﹣street culture,beauty and makeup,hairstyles and party culture.: Zhu noticed that more and more young people,despite different (5)________ (culture)﹣backgrounds,welcomed and shared similar lifestyles. Sun Yu,director of the documentary's first two episodes,also (6)________ (grow) up listening to hip﹣hop music and developed (7)________ thorough understanding of street culture."You can see lots of young people in Los Angeles lean against the walls and snap(快拍)photos of their clothes to put on social media while waiting for hours outside the shops(8)________(buy)clothes.It's a scene (9)________ could also be seen in Beijing.It's an inevitable(必然的)evolution of the world."he said. Wherever they come(10)________, young people around the world share the desire to express themselves. ‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 40分)第一节:应用文写作(满分 15分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 最近,某国际学校很多学生由于用眼过度或用眼不当,视力下降很快.假如你是该校学生李华,请你用英文向全校同学发起以"爱护眼睛"为主题的倡议书,内容包括: 1.用眼存在的问题; 2.爱护眼睛的意义; 3.提出倡议. 注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. ‎ 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ________ frowned as she helped her mother and father set out the cooking supplies in the shiny steel kitchen.Her family had just moved here from San Francisco,having bought a small ________,which was set to open in the next few days. "Moving here was a stupid idea.I have lost all my friends in San Francisco. What should I do now?"Mei Mei grumbled,mostly to herself. "What's that?"Her ________ asked,opening a box and lifting out several pots and a wok. "Nothing,"Mei Mei mumbled.The girl had been complaining about the move,but her parents had made the decision and were now too busy getting ready for the grand opening to listen to her complaints. The first few days at her new school hadn't been easy,either.She found it hard to talk to people she didn't know,and it seemed like the students hadn't even ________ her.Mei Mei sighed and got back to washing dishes. On the day of the grand opening,Mei Mei's parents were all ________, welcoming customers into the restaurant,brightly decorated in gold and red.Even Mei Mei was in a good mood as she rushed around,seating guests,handing out menus,and pouring tall glasses of water.This was a big day for her family. At one of the tables ________ a family with two daughters who were about Mei Mei's age.As she ________ their glasses,Mei Mei realized the________ were in her class.Mei Mei ducked her head down so her long hair covered her ________,and she turned away from the table. Mei Mei's mother ________ her soon after,in the kitchen loading the dishwasher. "Honey,what are you doing back here?We need you out front with the customers." 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语. Paragraph1: "Mom,I don't want to be out there!"___________ Paragraph2: Mei Mei put a handful of cookies into a small plate and left the kitchen._____________ ‎ 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2020年浙江省衢州、湖州、丽水三地市联考高考英语模拟试卷(4月份)‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分25.0分)第一节(共3小题;每小题2.5分,满分25.0分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎1.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A A D ‎【考点】‎ 日常生活类阅读 议论文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 本文介绍作者在危地马拉丛林冒险,他感慨宇宙的无限,人生的短暂.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)A.细节理解题.根据第一段的Adonis,our local guide who was leading us deep into the Guatemalan jungle,guaranteed that we wouldn't come under attack from the jaguars.阿多尼斯,我们当地的向导,带领我们深入危地马拉丛林,保证我们不会受到美洲虎的攻击.可知,向导认为美洲狮很难找到.故选A.‎ ‎(2)A.词义猜测题.根据划线词下文Now my mind turned every soft sound of waving leaves into a moving big cat full of murderous intent(probably to get back at the rude human who had interrupted its life.)现在我的脑子把每一个轻轻的挥舞树叶的声音都变成了一只充满杀戮意图的移动的大猫(可能是为了报复那个打断它生活的粗鲁的人)可知,作者有点害怕,蜷缩在吊床上.A.Shrank收缩;B.skipped跳过;C.relaxed放松;D.danced跳舞.故选A.‎ ‎(3)D.推理判断题.根据最后一段的句子Tonight,as with every night,spectacular pink shades marked the western skyline. The sky darkened and,one by one,the stars shone with a soft light into life.今晚,就像每一个夜晚一样,壮观的粉红色阴影在西方的天际线上留下了印记.天空变暗了,星星一个接一个地用柔和的光线照射着生命.可知,作者在最后一段想要传达的是:宇宙永恒,人生短暂.故选D.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎【答案】‎ D C B ‎【考点】‎ 社会文化类阅读 议论文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,主要介绍了加拿大的选修课.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)D. 推理判断题.根据第二段"To ease some of the stress from the important courses,like mathematics and English,students will often choose one or two fun courses in the last year of high school.Those classes can give students a fairly excellent final grade.为了减轻数学、英语等重要课程的压力,学生在高中最后一年经常会选择一两门有趣的课程,这些课程可以给学生一个相当好的期末成绩."可知加拿大12年级的学生要选修有趣的选修课是为了从功课中解脱出来.故选D.‎ ‎(2)C. 推理判断题.根据第四段"In order to get enough elective credits to grade,I chose a relatively easy course,nutrition and health.This course is aimed at helping students develop a healthy lifestyle and diet.The biggest highlight of this course is that students can experience cooking and baking,which I believe is the reason why there're a large number of students on the waiting list Usually,为了得到足够的选修学分,我选择了一门相对简单的课程,营养与健康. 本课程旨在帮助学生建立健康的生活方式和饮食习惯. 这门课程最大的亮点是,学生们可以体验烹饪和烘焙,我相信这就是为什么有那么多学生在等待名单上的原因,"可知加拿大的选修课实用有益的.故选C.‎ ‎(3)B. 标题归纳题.阅读全文可知本文主要介绍了加拿大的选修课.所以"B.Canada's Elective Classes"作为题目最合适.故选B.‎ ‎3.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B C D C ‎【考点】‎ 科教类阅读 说明文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇科教类阅读,主要讲述了紫外线对澳大利亚等国家造成的影响,目的是引起公众对紫外线辐射效应的关注.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B. 推理判断题.根据第二段"So she finds it unbelievable how few people bother with sun safety,with most preferring sun worship to sun protection."In our culture,it's almost funny to be too protected," she says,highlighting the way her friends tease her when she puts on her bathing suit﹣a protective 'rash guard' top and knee﹣length board shorts."因此,她觉得不可思议的是,很少有人会为防晒而烦恼,因为大多数人更喜欢太阳崇拜,而不是防晒."在我们的文化中,太过保护几乎是件有趣的事,"她说,并强调了朋友们在她穿上泳衣时取笑她的方式﹣﹣一种保护性的"皮疹防护"上衣和及膝长的板裤."可知通过描述谢弗的泳衣,作者表明谢弗高度重视防晒.故选B.‎ ‎(2)C. 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段"A 2013 study shows that,in addition to Australia,a handful of countries﹣notably New Zealand,Canada,Israel,Norway,the Czech Republic(for women)and the United States(for white men)﹣have melanoma rates that are declining or stabilizing among young people.2013年的一项研究显示,除澳大利亚外,新西兰、加拿大、以色列、挪威、捷克共和国(女性)和美国(白人男性)等少数国家的黑色素瘤发病率在年轻人中呈下降或稳定趋势."可知新西兰和加拿大的共同点是年轻人的皮肤癌发病率没有增加.故选C.‎ ‎(3)D. 句意理解题.根据最后一段"Back in San Francisco,Jennifer Schaefer is doing her best to educate the next generation.Her eldest daughter automatically puts on a hat to go outside."Habits really start in children﹣it is like brushing your teeth," she 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 ‎ says.回到旧金山,詹妮弗•谢弗正在尽最大努力教育下一代.她的大女儿会自动戴上帽子出门."习惯其实是从孩子身上开始的,就像刷牙一样,"她说."可知最后一句的作用是一个熟悉的例子支持了作者的观点.故选D.‎ ‎(4)C. 目的意图题.阅读全文可知本文主要讲述了紫外线对澳大利亚等国家造成的影响,目的是引起公众对紫外线辐射效应的关注.故选C.‎ 第二节(共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项 中有两项为多余选项.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C,D,B,E,G ‎【考点】‎ 说明文七选五 ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇选句填空阅读,主要讲述了通过记忆力记住更多非洲国家的名字.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(7)﹣(6)CDBEG (7)C.推理判断题.句意:但是自信心往往是一个更大的因素.根据下文And,since most people don't expect much from their memory,they limit their chances of success from the word go.可知,而且,由于大多数人对他们的记忆期望不高,因此他们一口气获得成功的机会有限.故选C. (6)D.推理判断题.句意:现在,记录在一个小时内就达到了37包.根据上文Back in the 1980s,I broke a world record by memorizing six packs of playing cards.可知,早在1980年代,我通过记住六包扑克牌打破了世界纪录.故选D. (7)B.推理判断题.句意:注意别人是怎么做的.根据下文Notice people who seem to have a clever trick for names,or manage to hold their to﹣do list in their head.可知,注意那些似乎巧妙地使用名字的人,或者设法将待办事项放在脑子里的人.故选B. (6)E.推理判断题.句意:用各种创造性的记忆技术进行实验.根据上文Find ways to get better.Any information can be made more memorable by organizing it effectively,and using your imagination.可知,寻找改善方法.有效地组织信息并利用您的想象力,可以使任何信息都更加令人难忘.故选E. (6)G.推理判断题.句意:促使自己做得更好,并真正相信自己可以做到.根据上文Now,go back to the challenge at the beginning.可知,现在,回到开始时的挑战.故选G.‎ 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节:完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C A A B D C A B C B D B D A D B A C C D ‎【考点】‎ 人生感悟类阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 文章讲述了作者身体有残缺,她是如何战胜困难,慢慢接受自己并不断自我发展,希望通过自己鼓励其他的人.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)C.考查形容词.A.normal正常的;B.artificial人造的;C.shortened缩短的;D. strong强壮的;我天生前臂短,右手有三根手指.根据下文可知作者身体有残缺.故选C.‎ ‎(2)A.考查名词.A.hand手;B.foot脚;C.body身体;D. ankle脚踝;我天生前臂短,右手有三根手指.根据下文I got my nailsdone at the salon手受到歧视,可知是手有残疾.故选A.‎ ‎(3)A.考查名词.A.nails指甲;B.hairs头发;C. eyebrows眉毛;D. fingers手指; 我年轻的时候,有一次在沙龙修指甲,但那里的人对我反应不好,所以我再也没有回去过.根据下文Recently,my mom painted my nails for me可知是指甲.故选A.‎ ‎(4)B.考查副词.A.kindly好心地;B. negatively消极地;C. angrily愤怒地;D.politely礼貌地;我年轻的时候,有一次在沙龙修指甲,但那里的人对我反应不好,所以我再也没有回去过.故选B.‎ ‎(5)D.考查动词.A. drew画;B.removed删除;C.downloaded下载;D.posted发布;最近,我妈妈给我涂指甲,我在Facebook上贴了一张我修指甲的照片.根据I didn't think it would get that much positive attention可知是发布.故选D.‎ ‎(6)C.考查动词.A.existed存在;B. faded褪色;C.did做;D. disappeared消失;我不认为它会得到那么多积极的关注,但它确实得到了,我真的很高兴.故选C.‎ ‎(7)A.考查动词.A.builds建筑;B.damages损害;C. affects影响;D.limits限制;做新的事情能增强我的信心.故选A.‎ ‎(8)B.考查名词.A.photographer摄影师;B.singer歌手;C.painter画家;D.reporter记者; 我想成为歌手.根据下文from other people on how I sing 可知是歌手.故选B.‎ ‎(9)C.考查动词短语.A.try out试穿;B.slide into滑入;C.get out of离开;D.put up with忍受;我在YouTube上开设了一个频道来走出舒适区.故选C.‎ ‎(10)B.考查形容词.A.strange奇怪的;B. nice好的;C.funny有趣的;D.tough强硬的;当我长大的时候,在电视上看到像我这样的人会很高兴.故选B.‎ 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 ‎(11)D.考查动词.A.ignore忽略;B.reject拒绝;C.delete删除;D. hear听;现在我听到别人的好评.故选D.‎ ‎(12)B.考查介词.A.in在…里面;B.on关于;在…上面;C. at在;D. by通过;现在我听到了别人对我唱歌的好评,我得到了积极的感觉.comment on:对…的评论.故选B.‎ ‎(13)D.考查动词.A.celebrated庆祝;B.designed设计;C.attended出席;D.organized组织;最近,我参加了一个由Lucky Fin组织的团体活动.故选D.‎ ‎(14)A.考查形容词.A. great好的;B.upset心烦意乱的;C. embarrassed尴尬的;D. depressed压抑的;很高兴认识像我这样的人.故选A.‎ ‎(15)D.考查副词.A. actually实际上;B. obviously显然;C.possibly可能;D. especially尤其是;我深受大家的鼓舞,尤其是丽贝卡•马琳.故选D.‎ ‎(16)B.考查动词.A.warned警告;B.told告诉;C.reminded提醒;D. promised答应;她告诉我她小的时候事情对她来说很困难.故选B.‎ ‎(17)A.考查形容词.A.hard困难的;B. easy容易的;C.valuable有价值的;D. unusual不寻常的;她告诉我她小的时候事情对她来说很困难.根据后面it took her a while to accept herself可知是困难的.故选A.‎ ‎(18)C.考查代词.A. itself本身;B.themselves他们自己;C.herself她自己;D. ourselves我们自己; 花了好久才接受自己.指代Rebekah Marine.故选C.‎ ‎(19)C.考查动词.A.remember记住;B. stand站立;C.relate关联;D. dream梦想; 我哭了因为我能理解.relate这里表示能产生心理上的联系,也就是共鸣.故选C.‎ ‎(20)D.考查代词.A.everything一切;B.anything任何东西;C.nothing什么都没有;D.something一些东西.这是我想成为的样子.故选D.‎ 第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分15分)第二节(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式.‎ ‎【答案】‎ truth,constantly,bringing,subjects,cultural,grew,a,to buy,that/which,from ‎【考点】‎ 说明文语法填空 ‎【解析】‎ 本文介绍了纪录片《我们的浪潮》来展示年轻人自己的文化、生活方式和态度.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)truth.考查名词的数.作表语,前面有不定冠词an,所以用单数名词,故填truth. (2)constantly.考查副词.修饰动词,所以用副词,故填constantly. (3)bringing.考查现在分词.句意为:这就是为什么中国导演朱乐贤深入研究了青年潮流,推出了一部名为 《我们的浪潮》的纪录片.指代前面句子的直接结果,所以用现在分词作结果主语,故填bringing. (4)subjects.考查名词的数.前面有数字four,所以用复数名词,故填subjects. (5)cultural.考查形容词.作定语修饰名词,所以用形容词,故填cultural. (6)grew.考查时态.and连接两个谓语动词,和developed并列,故填grew. (7)a.考查冠词.句意为:纪录片前两集导演孙宇也是听嘻哈音乐长大的,对街头文化有了透彻的了解.泛指一个,所以用不定冠词,故填a. (8)to buy.考查不定式.做目的状语,所以用不定式,故填to buy. (9)that/which.考查定语从句.先行词为scene,在定语从句中做主语,所以用which或that引导. (10)from.考查介词.come from来自于,表示不管他们来自哪里,故填from.‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 40分)第一节:应用文写作(满分 15分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ Dear fellow students, Currently,many students suffer from poor eyesight due to excessive or improper use of eyes.Thus,I'm advocating"Protect Our Eyes".(用眼存在的问题) Eyes are the window to the soul.Having good eyesight means we can not only see things clearly but also appreciate beautiful scenes better.【高分句型一】Anyway,only when we form a good habit of protecting eyes,such as doing regular eye﹣exercises and reading in right light,can we really enjoy our life.【高分句型二】(爱护眼睛的意义) See well,live well.So don't hesitate to act at once!(提出倡议) Yours, Li Hua ‎【考点】‎ 提纲类 ‎【解析】‎ 高分句型一:Having good eyesight means we can not only see things clearly but also appreciate beautiful scenes better. 译文:好的视力意味着我们不仅能看得清楚,而且能更好地欣赏美丽的景色. 分析:这句话使用not only…but also…意为"不但…而且…". 高分句型二:Anyway,only when we form a good habit of protecting eyes,such as doing regular eye﹣exercises and reading in right light,can we really enjoy our life. 译文:总之,只有养成保护眼睛的好习惯,比如经常做眼保健操,在适当的光线下看书,我们才能真正享受生活. 分析:这句话使用only+when引导时间状语从句置于句首,后面用部分倒装.‎ ‎【解答】‎ Dear fellow students, Currently,many students suffer from poor eyesight due to excessive or improper use of eyes.Thus,I'm advocating"Protect Our Eyes".(用眼存在的问题) Eyes are the window to the soul.Having good eyesight means we can not only see things clearly but also appreciate beautiful scenes better.【高分句型一】Anyway,only when we form a good habit of protecting eyes,such as doing regular eye﹣exercises and reading in right light,can we really enjoy our life.【高分句型二】(爱护眼睛的意义) See well,live well.So don't hesitate to act at once!(提出倡议) Yours, Li Hua 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事.‎ ‎【答案】‎ Mei Mei,restaurant,mother,noticed,smiles,sat,filled, twins,face,found ‎【考点】‎ 读后续写 ‎【解析】‎ 高分句型一:What her mother said really comforted her and motivated her to take the first step. ‎ 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页 译文:她母亲的话真的安慰了她,激励她迈出了第一步. 分析:使用what引导主语从句. 高分句型二:She went straight towards the twins' table and put the plate on their table, saying the cookies were specially prepared for friends by her parents' restaurant. 译文:她径直走向双胞胎的桌子,把盘子放在他们的桌子上,说这些饼干是她父母餐厅专门为朋友准备的. 分析:使用现在分词作伴随状语.‎ ‎【解答】‎ Paragraph 1: Mom.I don't want to be out there!"Mei Mei murmured, headdrooping, Feeling Mei Mei in a bad mood, her mother asked her what was wrong softly. At that moment, Mei Mei couldn't help pouring out her troubles,"Without a friend,I'm isolated here."Realising they failed to care about Mei Mei's feelings in entirely new surroundings, her mother felt her heart sink. Holding her daughter in her arms, she apologized for her ignorance and suggested she make new friends by taking action first. What her mother said really comforted her and motivated her to take the first step. 【高分句型一】 Suddeny, an idea popped into her head.(梅梅向妈妈说出自己的苦恼,妈妈建议梅梅多交一些朋友) Paragraph 2: Mei Mei put a handful of cookies into a small plate and left the kitchen. She went straight towards the twins' table and put the plate on their table, saying the cookies were specially prepared for friends by her parents' restaurant. 【高分句型二】Amazed, the twins had their mouths open, for they had never seen Mei Mei as a friend. Mei Mei added that she was new here and wondered if they could be her tour guides on weekends. 【高分句型二】The twins nodded sincerely inviting her to join them. Over chatting, Mei Mei found they shared the same interest﹣making pots. She pictured three little girls making pots, her face lit up and lips curving into a smile.(梅梅和双胞胎成为好朋友)‎ 第13页 共16页 ◎ 第14页 共16页

