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‎ 小学英语复习资料整理 一、字母 字母大小写:‎ Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz ‎ 元音字母大小写:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu ‎ 二、词汇:‎ ‎1、特殊名词复数 ‎ ‎(1)一般情况加s。‎ ‎(2)以-s -sh -x -ch结尾的单词加es 。 如:peach---peaches bus---buses box---boxes fox---foxes ‎(3)以-f或-fe结尾的单词变-f或-fe为v再加es。如:knife---knives wolf--wolves ‎(4)以o结尾的单词除tomato(西红柿)、potato(马铃薯)、hero(英雄)、Negro(黑人)〖两人加两菜〗加es外其余均加s。 如:zoo--zoos photo(照片)---photos radio(收音机)---radios ‎(5)以y结尾的单词若y前为元音字母直接加s,若y前为辅音字母变y为i加es。 如: strawberry---strawberries family ---families body ---bodies boy---boys ‎ ‎(6)不规则名词复数 ‎ 改变中间元音 man—men woman---women foot----feet goose---geese ‎ ‚加en或ren child---children ‎ ƒ单复数相同 deer---deer fish---fish ‎ 特殊名词 mouse---mice is---are I—we ‎ 2、 反义词(对应词)‎ 名词 boy---girl teacher---student day---night father---mother mom---dad man---women grandmother---grandfather grandma----grandpa sister---brother Miss---Mr queen---king afternoon---morning 人称代词 I---you my----your she---he 动词 open---close go---come ask---answer sit---stand stand---down push—pull stand up---sit down 介词 In---out on---under up---down 副词 here---there yes---no ‎ 形容词 ‎ big---small long----short short---tall fat—thin expensive—cheap this----that red---green white---black new---old right---wrong right---left hungry---full ‎ ‎3、 缩略形式:‎ I’m=I am let’s=let us who’s=who is where’s=where is he’s=he is she’s=she is that’s=that is you’re=you are name’s=name is can’t=can not don’t=do not is not =isn’t It’s=It is ‎ ‎ 4、其它: ‎ I (人称代词第一人称主格)↔ my(形容词性物主代词) you(人称代词第二人称)↔your(形容词性物主代词) we(人称代词第一人称复数)↔ our (形容词性物主代词复数) I(主格)↔me (宾格) you(主格)↔you (宾格) we(主格)↔us (宾格) they(主格)--them(宾格)‎ ‎ 同音词: I↔eye too↔two to no↔know dear↔deer four↔for right↔write ‎ ‎ 同义词: nice↔beautiful thank↔thanks have↔has sure↔certainly many↔much sorry↔excuse me ‎ case---box father↔dad mother↔mom grandma↔grandpa picture↔photo ‎ 三、短语:‎ ‎ guess 猜一猜 gteat 太好了 welcome 欢迎 good idea 好注意 watch out=look out 小心,留神 come in 进来 I’m sorry 对不起 It’s ok 好的; 没关系 look and see 看一看 drink some tea 喝一些茶 wait a minute=wait a moment 等 一会儿 Women’ s Day 妇女节 come on 过来,加油 draw a tree 画一颗树 have a seat 坐下;休息一会儿 read after me 跟我读 line up 集合 count from one to twenty 从一数到二十 jump thirteen times 跳十三次 bounce fifteen times拍十六次 raise your leg 抬起你的腿 certainly=sure 当然可以 clap with me 和我一起拍手 open your eyes 睁开你的眼睛 listen to me 听我说 no way 没门;不行 no problem 没问题 Children’s Day 儿童节 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 in the middle 在中间 A.M(a.m) 早晨 P.M(a.m.)下午 CAN 加拿大 PRC 中国 UK 英国 USA 美国 TV电视 CCTV 中央电视台 ‎ 四、基本句型:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 五、重点句子:‎ I am Wu Yifan 我是吴一凡。‎ Show me your pencil-case .出示你的铅笔盒。‎ Open your book .打开你的书。‎ Close the door .关上门。‎ Carry your bag .背上你的书包。‎ Go to school .去上学 I have an eraser .我有一块橡皮。‎ Who is there ?谁在那儿?‎ Let’s play !让我们玩吧!‎ Look at me .看看我。‎ This is my nose .这是我的鼻子。‎ Let’s go to school !让我们一起去上学。‎ Touch your mouth .摸摸你的嘴。‎ Don’t run away .不要跑开。‎ I like red .我喜欢红色。‎ Look at my monkey.看我的猴子。‎ It is lovely .它很可爱。‎ Act like an elephant .扮作头只大象 Follow me , please .请跟着我。‎ Pass me the French fries .把炸薯条递给我。‎ Cut the bead .切面包。‎ Eat the hot dog .吃热狗。‎ Smell the chicken .闻鸡肉。‎ Make the cake .做蛋糕。‎ Can I have a Coke ,please .请问我可以喝一罐可乐吗?‎ Happy birthday to you !祝你生日快乐!‎ This is for you .这个给你。‎ Let’s eat the birthday cake .让我们吃生日蛋糕吧。‎ I have two gifts .我有两个礼物。‎ This cake is for you .这个蛋糕给你。‎ I have gifts for you .我有礼物给你。‎ Where are they ?他们在哪儿?‎ Welcome back to school .欢迎回到学校。‎ This is my friend .这是我的朋友。‎ We have a new friend today .今天我们有一位新朋友。‎ Can you read this ?你会读这个吗?‎ This is my family .这是我的家庭。‎ Let’s watch TV . 让我们一起看电视。‎ What a big fish !好大的一条鱼啊!‎ She is beautiful .她很漂亮。‎ How beautiful !真漂亮!‎ Let’t fly a kite !让我们一起放风筝吧!‎ Let’s draw a picture ! 让我们一起画画吧!‎ I have a new kite .我有一个新风筝。‎ Let’s fiy it !让我们放飞它吧!‎ The black one is a bird .那只黑色的是。‎ Look at my new crayons !看我的新蜡笔!‎ Open it and see !打开看一看吧!‎ That;s right !对了!‎ So many apples !好多的苹果呀!‎ Let’s pick up the apples .让我们一起摘苹果吧。‎ Let’s have a race 让我们进行一个比赛吧。‎ Show me , please .请给我看。‎ I have only one .我只有一个 I won . 我赢了。‎ What’s in the box .盒子里面有什么?‎ Let’s count !让我们数一数。‎ Let’s share .让我们尝一尝。‎ I am hungry .我饿了。‎ What about grapes ?葡萄怎么样?‎ Let’s have some peaches and pears .让我们吃一些桃和梨。‎ Draw an orange . Colour it orange .画一个橙子,把它涂成橙色。‎ Have some fruits .吃一些水果。‎ Can I have some orange juice , please ?我可以喝一些橙汁吗?‎ I don’t like bananas .我不喜欢吃香蕉。‎ Close your eye .闭上你的眼睛。‎ I can say from A to T .我能从A说到T。‎ I want some bread .我想要一些面包。‎ I am full.我饱了。‎ Just wait and see. ‎ Where are you ?你在哪儿?‎ Let’s play a game .让我们做一个游戏。‎ I can’t find you .我找不见你。‎ Put on your new dress .穿上你的新裙子。‎ Let’s go to the park 让我们一起去公园吧。‎ They are so cute .他们真可爱。‎ Don’t feed the animals .不要喂动物。‎ It’s so big !它好大!‎ The giraffe is tall .长颈鹿很高。‎ The deer is short .鹿很矮。‎ The monkey has a long tail .猴子有一个长尾巴 It’s so funny !他好滑稽。‎ You are right .你说对了。‎ How many animals do you know ?你认识多少动物?‎ I know all the animals .我认识所有的动物。‎ I can carry the fruit .我能搬动水果。‎ Snap your fingers .摩擦你的手指 Wave your arms .挥挥你的胳膊。‎ Cross your legs .交叉你的腿。‎ Shake your body .晃动你的身体。‎ Stamp your foot .跺跺你的脚。‎ Let’s make a puppet .让我们做一个木偶。‎ Let’s play with the puppet .让我们和木偶玩吧。‎ Colour the face red .把脸涂成红色 Touch the ground .摸摸地板。‎ Tuur around .转过身来。‎ I can see a ranbow . How about you ?我能看见一条彩虹。你呢?‎ Here is your ticket .这是你的罚款单。‎ Hunt like a mouse .像老鼠一样寻找。‎ Walk like an elephant .像大象一样行走。‎ Climb like a bear .像熊一样爬。‎ Fly like a bird .像鸟一样飞。‎ Jump like a squirrel .像松鼠一样跳。‎ Pour the water .倒水。‎ Taste the tea .品茶。‎ Drink the juice .喝果。‎ Bounce the ball .拍球。‎ Fly the kite .放风筝。‎ Throw the plane .扔飞机。‎ Hold the doll .抱洋娃娃。‎ Drive the car .开小车。‎ Blow up the balloons .吹炸气球。‎ Say it again .再说一次。‎ Our lucky number is eight .我们的幸运数字是8.‎ My mom is an actress . 我的妈妈是一位女演员。‎

