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‎2019年高考一轮复习语法综合训练(十五)‎ 一 语法填空 A 篇 ‎ ‎【2019届湖南长沙市雅礼中学、河南实验中学高三联考】‎ Our parakeet (长尾鹦鹉) Chip and Goldie, a stray tortoiseshell kitten we took in, 42. (grow) to be best friends, eating and playing together. I was a member 43. a bird conservation organization at the time, so we often took care of injured 44. (bird). Goldie helped raise dozens of injured and orphaned native birds,45. (act) as a watchful guardian. One day, it was Chip who needed Goldie’s supervision. I had left a large bowl of pancake batter (面糊)46. (cover) in the kitchen. But while I was out of the room, Chip climbed onto the bowl to have 47. taste but soon fell in and sank.48. (luck), Goldie was on hand and stuck her face in the bowl to fish Chip out. She cleaned his face and beak so he could breathe before running to alert me with a loud meow. I followed Goldie,49. was also covered in batter, back into the kitchen 50. found a battered budgie on the floor. After being washed, dried and warmed, Chip made a full 51. (recover). Bowls were always covered in future and Goldie and Chip remained the best of friends.‎ ‎【解析】本文是一篇记叙文。作者家里养了两只宠物,Chip 和 Goldie,有一次Chip掉进碗里被Goldie捞了上来。他们逐渐成长为最好的朋友,一起吃饭,一起玩耍。‎ ‎42.考查时态。句意:我们的长尾小鹦鹉Chip 和 Goldie,我们收养的一只龟甲色的流浪猫,后来成长为最好的朋友,一起吃饭,一起玩耍。讲述过去发生的事情用一般过去时态,故答案为grew。‎ ‎43.考查介词。句意:当时我是一个鸟类保护组织的成员,所以我们经常照顾受伤的鸟类。此处表示所有,“……的”,故答案为of。‎ ‎44.考查名词复数。句意:当时我是一个鸟类保护组织的成员,所以我们经常照顾受伤的鸟类。此处用名词复数,故答案为birds。‎ ‎45.考查现在分词。句意:Goldie帮助饲养了几十只受伤的和孤立的本土鸟类,充当了一名警惕的守护者。此处Goldie和act之间是一种主动关系,做自然的结果状语,故答案为acting。‎ ‎46.考查过去分词做宾语补足语。句意:我在厨房里留了一大碗露在外面的煎饼面糊。根据后文Chip偷吃面糊可知,面糊是没盖,故用uncover,再根据与pancake batter是被动关系,故用过去分词做宾语补足语,故答案为uncovered。‎ ‎47.考查不定冠词。句意:Chip爬上了碗,尝了一口,但很快就掉进去并沉了下去。结合句意,可知答案a。‎ ‎48.考查副词。句意:很幸运,Goldie就在身边,把脸贴在碗里把Chip捞上来。此处是副词修饰整个句子,故答案为Luckily。‎ ‎49.考查定语从句。句意:我跟着Goldie回到厨房,他也被覆盖上了面糊,在地板上发现了一个弄脏了的小鹦鹉。此处Goldie是先行词,拟人手法,后面的非限制性定语从句缺少引导词和主语,故答案为who。‎ ‎50.考查并列连词。句意:我跟着Goldie回到厨房,他也被覆盖上了面糊,在地板上发现了一个弄脏了的的小鹦鹉。此处是并列的谓语,故用连词and。‎ ‎51.考查名词。形容词修饰名词,再根据前面的a,可知此处用名词单数,故答案为recovery。‎ B篇 ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 2019届吉林省长春市高三年级四模考试】‎ No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. Some of us are good at it—planning and doing things ahead of time, 42.others are always trying to beat the clock and do things at the eleventh hour.‎ Tardiness (拖拉) can be serious. If you 43. (be) one minute late for work, would you resign? It may sound extreme, but that is exactly 44. occurred in the UK upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, in January 2019. International development minister Lord Bates arrived one minute late, and, as a result, was unable to answer a 45. (schedule) question. Instead of trying 46. (make) up for lost time, as many might do, he resigned on 47. spot. He apologized for his discourtesy (无礼) and stated that he was ashamed. His resignation, though. 48. (reject) by the UK prime minister.‎ So, how late is too late? Many cultures take punctuality very seriously. In contrast, others seem to view tardiness 49. just the normal way of things. What is considered acceptable is based on culture. That is, if you don’t mind waiting, it might be best to attend your 50. (appoint) in good time. And if the worst comes to the worst, remember the old English proverb, “ 51. (well) late than never.”‎ ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讨论了不同文化中人们对迟到的不同看法。‎ ‎42.考查连词。该空的前一句说“我们中的一些人擅长提前计划和做事情”,后一句说“其他的人总是试图在最后一刻赶时间,做事情”,两句话之间存在转折关系,所以这里应该填转折连词while。‎ ‎43.考查动词虚拟语气。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,即非真实条件句。表示的是假设或实际可能性不大的甚至完全不可能发生的情况,故采用虚拟语气。句意:如果你上班迟到一分钟,你会辞职吗? 与将来事实相反。所以采用“if+主语+动词一般过去式”的结构,所以这里be动词改为were。‎ ‎44.考查连接代词。本句是表语从句,从句中缺少的成分是主语,这里的主语指代的是事情,所以用what。‎ ‎45.考查形容词。在冠词a和名词question之间应该用形容词,所以把schedule变成形容词形式scheduled预定的。‎ ‎46.考查动词不定式。固定搭配try to do sth 试图干某事,所以这里填to make。‎ ‎47.考查定冠词。固定短语on the spot 在现场。句意:他并没有像许多人那样,试图弥补失去的时间,而是当场辞职。所以这里应该填冠词the。‎ ‎48.考查时态和语态。根据本段时态和句意可知,主语resignation和reject为动宾关系,故用过去时的被动形式。句意:尽管他的辞呈被英国首相拒绝了。故用was rejected。‎ ‎49.考查介词。固定搭配view…as…把…看作….。句意:相比之下,其他人似乎认为迟到是正常的事情。所以这里填as。‎ ‎50.考查名词。形容词性物主代词后面应该跟名词。句意:如果你不介意等的话,最好在合适的时间去参加你的约会。所以这里填appointment(s)。‎ ‎51.考查副词比较级。英语谚语“Better late than never”迟做总比不做好。所以这里应该填Better。‎ C篇 ‎【重庆市第一中学2019届高三11月月考】‎ As a saying goes, he who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. The Great Wall in China ___41___ (impress) everyone who sees for the first time ___42___ the general tourists to scholars. The vastness of the structure helps children grasp the great ___43___ (achieve) in human history and can help inspire them ___44___ (learn) more about human success over one thousand years.___45___ (construct) over a period of 2,000 years, the stone solider ___46___ (actual) consists of many great walls, some of ___47___ date back to the fifth century B.C. The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, ___48___ (order) these earlier long wall sections linked and extended with watchtowers to protect the new empire from northern tribes. Succeeding emperors and dynasties continued the construction.___49___ (spread) westward into the Gobi desert to guard ___50___ Silk Road. All together, the walls may have stretched more than 30,000 miles.‎ ‎【解析】文章讲述了世界奇迹长城的起源、建设过程和深远影响。‎ ‎41. impresses考查动词。此处指长城给每个第一次看到它的人深刻印象,与主语一致用第三人称单数,故填impresses.‎ ‎42. from考查介词。此处表示从普通游客到学者,from…to…“从…到…”,故填from.‎ ‎43. achievements考查名词。此处由great修饰用名词,指伟大的成就。故填achievements.‎ ‎44. to learn考查动词不定式。inspire sb.to do sth.激发某人做某事,inspire后用不定式,故填to learn.‎ ‎45. Constructed考查过去分词。句中主语the stone和动词construct是被动关系用过去分词,指被建造。此处是过去分词作状语,故填Constructed.‎ ‎46. actually考查副词。此处修饰动词consist用副词,指实际组成,故填actually.‎ ‎47. which考查关系代词。句中包含定语从句,先行词是walls指物,放在介词of后用关系代词which,故填which.‎ ‎48. ordered考查动词时态。根据The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang,可知是叙述秦始皇时期的事,指秦始皇命令把各段长城连接起来,用一般过去时。故填ordered.‎ ‎49. spreading考查动词形式。此处指随后的皇帝和朝代继续建设长城,使它向西延伸到戈壁沙漠。此处是现在分词作宾补,补充说明the construction.故填spreading.‎ ‎50. the考查冠词。此处表示特指丝绸之路the Silk Road,用定冠词the表特指,故填the.‎ 二 短文改错 A篇 ‎【2019届湖南长沙市雅礼中学、河南实验中学高三联考】‎ Many of us were raised with the saying “Waste not, want not”. None of us, therefore, can completely avoid waste in our lives.‎ Any kind of waste was thoughtless, whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our limited natural resource, our money, or other people’s time. Each of us can become more aware of and careful. The smallest good habits can make the big difference. It’s a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our best in a world what is in serious trouble. By focusing on oil, water, paper, food or clothing, we are playing a part in cutting down on waste.‎ We must keep reminding us that it is easier to get into something than it is to get out of it. Actually, severe damage done to our land is fair recent in the history of our evolution. It’s time for us to say no to waste so that our grandchildren’s children will able to develop well.‎ ‎【解析】试题分析:本文讲述的是关于生活中的浪费问题及应该采取的措施。‎ ‎1.考查连接副词。句意:我们中的许多人都是这样说的:“不浪费,不需要”。 然而,我们没有人能完全避免生活中的浪费。前后句是一种转折关系,故把therefore改成however。‎ ‎2.考查时态。句意:任何一种浪费都是轻率的,无论我们是在浪费我们的潜能,我们自己的时间,我们有限的自然资源,我们的金钱,还是其他人的时间。这里在讲述一种客观事实,所以句子用一般现在时态,故把was改成is。‎ ‎3. 考查名词复数。句意:任何一种浪费都是轻率的,无论我们是在浪费我们的潜能,我们自己的时间,我们有限的自然资源,我们的金钱,还是其他人的时间。resource(资源),是可数名词,这里要用名词复数形式,故把resource改成resources。‎ ‎4.考查形容词作表语。句意:我们每个人都能变得更加清醒和谨慎。become是连系动词,后面用形容词做表语,故把of去掉。‎ ‎5.考查固定搭配。固定搭配:make a big difference产生很大的不同,有很大影响。故把the改成a。‎ ‎6.考查定语从句。句意:在我们的心中,我们在一个陷入严重困境的世界里尽了最大的努力,这是一种很好的感觉。此处a world是先行词,指物,后面的定语从句缺少主语和引导词,故把what改成that/which。‎ ‎7.考查并列连词。句意:通过关注石油、水、纸张、食品和服装,我们在减少浪费方面发挥了作用。此处表示并列关系,故把or改成and。‎ ‎8.考查反身代词。句意:我们必须不断提醒自己,进入某件事比摆脱它更容易。这里是“提醒我们自己”,用反身代词做宾语,故把us改成ourselves。‎ ‎9.考场副词。副词修饰形容词,故把fair改成fairly。‎ ‎10.考查固定结构。固定搭配:be able to do sth.能做某事;will后跟动词原形,故在will后面加be。‎ B篇 ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 2019届吉林省长春市高三年级四模考试】‎ Dear Joy.‎ How are you doing? Here is an exciting news for you. There will be an invention competition in our school in the 20th of October. However, there is a rule the participants shall be in a group. But I’d like to invite you to be my partners.‎ I know that you have been longed to design a tiny cooler that people can wear around the wrist. I think it will be a wonderfully idea for the competition. We can make a small air conditioner to controlling the temperature of the wearer.‎ How do you think of my suggestion? Looking forward to you reply.‎ Yours,‎ Zhang Xin ‎【解析】这是一封邮件。邮件内容是张鑫想邀请Joy做搭档一起参加学校的发明比赛,设计一个小型空调。‎ 第一处:考查冠词。news是不可数名词,不可以用冠词。所以把冠词an删掉。‎ 第二处:考查介词。the 20th of October是具体时间,所以介词用on。‎ 第三处:考查关系代词。这是一个定语从句,从句不缺成分,先行词是物,所以用关系代词that。‎ 第四处:考查连词。前一句说“有一个规则是参与者应该在一个组中”,后一句说“我想邀请你做我的搭档”,前后句存在因果关系,所以要把But改为So。‎ 第五处:考查名词。句意:所以我想邀请你作为我的搭档。Joy是一个人,所以搭档应该是单数partner。‎ 第六处:考查动名词。固定短语be longing to do sth渴望干某事,且这里没有被动的意思。句意:我知道你一直渴望设计一个可以戴在手腕上的微型冷却器。所以应该把longed改为longing.‎ 第七处:考查形容词。冠词a和名词idea之间应该用形容词,所以要把wonderfully改为形容词wonderful。‎ 第八处:考查动词不定时。这里用动词不定式to do表目的。句意:我们可以做一个小型空调来控制穿戴者的温度。所以应该把controlling改为control。‎ 第九处:考查疑问代词。固定句型what do you think of….你认为…怎么样?所以这里把How改为What。‎ 第十处:考查物主代词。名词reply前面应该是形容词性物主代词,所以把you改为your。‎ C篇 ‎【此卷只装订不密封 班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 ‎ 重庆市第一中学2019届高三11月月考】‎ So happy am I to learn that you are coming to China and would stay at my home during the Chinese New Year. My parents and I am very pleased to have them with us. Now please allow me to tell you that we have arranged for you. My family will arrange large number of things for you to do in the morning. After that, I’ll show you around and take you to some places of interests. At night,‎ ‎ we’ll most stay at home watch the Spring Festival Gala, playing mahjong, and chatting with people. I firmly believe in that we’ll have a wonderful time but enjoy each other’s company.‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎【解析】春节时外国朋友要来作者家居住,作者介绍了期间的活动安排和表达了期盼之情。‎ ‎1. would—will.考查动词时态。根据you are coming 可知此处指你将要来中国住在我家,用一般将来时,不用过去时。故would—will.‎ ‎2. am—are.考查主谓一致。主语是My parents and I 是复数,谓语动词与之一致,也用复数。故am—are.‎ ‎3. them—you.考查代词。此处指我和父母都很高兴你来我家,表示“你”,故them—you.‎ ‎4. that—what.考查代词。此处指我告诉你我们为你安排了什么,表示所做的事,故that—what.‎ ‎5. arrange后加a.考查冠词。a large number of表示“大量的,许多”,是固定短语。故arrange后加a.‎ ‎6. interests—interest.考查名词。place of interest“名胜古迹”,表示复数时place后加复数,interest后不加。故interests—interest.‎ ‎7. most—mostly.考查副词。most表示大部分的,最多的,mostly表示主要的,通常。此处指晚上我们主要是呆在家里,用mostly. 故most—mostly.‎ ‎8. watch—watching.考查非谓语动词。此处指我们呆在家里看春晚,打麻将,聊天。此处是现在分词作状语,故watch—watching.‎ ‎9. 删除in.考查介词。believe 后加句子,believe in后加名词,代词,动名词等词语。此处后面是句子用believe ,故删除in.‎ ‎10. but—and.考查连词。句意:我坚信我们将会度过一段美好的时光,享受彼此的陪伴。have a wonderful time和enjoy each other’s company.是并列关系,不是转折。故but—and.‎

