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选修8‎ ‎[话题素材]‎ 好词 ‎1.adventure n. 冒险,奇遇 ‎2.adventurous adj. 有冒险精神的 ‎3.attractive adj. 吸引人的 ‎4.continent n. 大陆 ‎5.penguin n. 企鹅 ‎6.the South Pole 南极 ‎7.be covered with/by 被……覆盖 ‎8.in the wild 在野外 ‎9.freezing cold 极冷的 ‎10.be surrounded by 被……所围绕 ‎11.scientific investigation 科学考察 ‎12.green house effect 温室效应 ‎13.global warming 全球变暖 ‎14.a world of ice and snow 一片冰天雪地 ‎15.be unfavourable to human survival 不利于人类生存 佳句 ‎1.Antarctica is_covered_with solid thick ice and deep snow.‎ 南极被厚厚的冰雪覆盖。‎ ‎2.Are there any animals in the polar circles?‎ 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?‎ ‎3.Antarctic is the_earth's_coldest landmass.‎ 南极洲是地球上最冷的大陆。‎ ‎[精美语篇]‎ Welcome to the Bottom of the World 南极大陆——世界最后的净土 Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth. It is also the remotest, which accounts for its unspoiled environment. It is difficult for people to get there, and not a comfortable place for people to stay once they arrive. It is widely described as the last true wilderness on our planet.‎ Though no human population isnative to Antarctica, about 1,000 people work there in the summer months, and another 12,000 tourists visit it every year. They come to enjoy the unspoiled environment, the bright blue skies, and the fresh white snow fields.‎ Yet, Antarctica's fragile and complicated eco-system is threatened by its human visitors. Damage to the environment occurs as people come looking for resources beneath the ice, or carelessly leave their garbage behind. Currently, countries are working to ensure that the damage to Antarctica's environment is minimized, and that the last wilderness on Earth will remain an unspoiled place.‎ ‎ 高频单词 ‎1.balance (n.& v.) (使)平衡→balanced (adj.) 平衡的 ‎2.trap (v.) 储存,留存→trapped (过去式)→trapped (过去分词)‎ ‎3.privilege (n.) 荣幸,特权 ‎4.extreme (adj.) 极端的,极度的→extremely (adv.) 极其 ‎5.voyage (n.) (乘船的)旅行,航行 ‎6.severe (adj.) 艰难的,艰巨的→severely (adv.) 严重地 ‎7.state (n.) 状态;状况 (v.) 陈述,声明→statement (n.) 陈述,声明→statesman (n.) 政治家 ‎8.promote (v.) 促进,增进→promotion (n.) 晋升;晋级→promotive (adj.) 增进的;提升的 ‎9.discourage (v.) 阻止;打消……的念头→encourage (反义词)(v.) 鼓励→courage (n.) 勇气→discouraged (adj.) 感到泄气的→discouraging (adj.) 令人泄气的 ‎10.depth (n.) 深度→deep (adj.) 深的→deeply/deep (adv.) 深深地→shallow (反义词)(adj.) 浅的 ‎11.abnormal (adj.) 不正常的,反常的→normal (反义词) (adj.) 正常的 ‎12.absence (n.) 缺乏;没有→absent (adj.) 缺席的,不在场的→present (反义词) (adj.) 在场的,出席的→presence (n.) 出席 ‎13.depressing (adj.) 令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的→depressed (adj.) 忧伤的,沮丧的→depress (v.) 使沮丧→depression (n.) 沮丧,(意志)消沉 ‎14.reliability (n.) 可靠性→rely (v.) 依靠,依赖→reliable (adj.) 可靠的;可信赖的 ‎15.inspiration (n.) 鼓舞;启示;灵感→inspire (v.) 鼓舞,鼓励→inspiring (adj.) 令人鼓舞的→inspired (adj.) 受鼓舞的;有灵感的 ‎ 重点短语 ‎1.set_foot_on      进入,到达 ‎2.stand_out突出 ‎3.in_the_form_of以……的形式 ‎4.in_case_of如果;假使 ‎5.adapt_to(使)适应 ‎6.as_a_result结果;因此 ‎7.keep_one's_promise信守诺言 ‎8.come_up_with想出 ‎9.take_a_risk冒险 ‎10.in_particular特别,尤其 ‎ 热点句型 ‎1.the+序数词+(n.)+to do...“是第……做什么的……”‎ France was one of the_first_countries_to_sign the Antarctic Treaty.(教材P2)‎ 法国是第一批签《南极洲公约》的国家中的一个。‎ ‎2.It is+ adj. + to do “it”是形式主语,to do是真正的主语 It_is_difficult_to_imagine a more inhospitable place.(教材P2)‎ 想象一个更荒凉的地方是很难的。‎ ‎3.only+n.不用倒装句 Only_two_types_of_flowering_plants are found.(教材P2)‎ 只有两种开花植物被发现。‎ ‎4.not until 置于句首,主句采用倒装 Not_until the late 18th century did the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land.(教材P3)‎ 直到18世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯·库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却始终未发现任何陆地。‎ ‎5.It takes/took sb. +some time + to do sth. “做……花费某人多长时间”‎ It_took_Shackleton_17_days_to_reach_South_Georgia.(教材P7)‎ 到达南佐治亚洲花费了沙克尔顿17天的时间。‎ ‎ 教材复现 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎1.It's ________ extremely dangerous place.‎ 答案:an ‎2.France was one of the first countries ________ (sign) the Antarctic Treaty.‎ 答案:to sign ‎3.Antarctica holds 90% of the world's ice, and most of ________ fresh water (70%) is in a ________ (freeze) state, of course.‎ 答案:its; frozen ‎4.Gases and minerals can tell us a lot about ________ the world's climate was like in the past ages.‎ 答案:what ‎5.Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in colour, they stand out ________ the white background and are easy to identify and collect.‎ 答案:against ‎6.Today countries ________ (represent) 80% of the world's population have signed the treaty.‎ 答案:representing ‎7.When Europeans discovered the continent of America in the 15th century, the great age of ________ (explore) began.‎ 答案:exploration ‎8.We discourage you from ________ (smoke) except in specific areas.‎ 答案:smoking ‎9.It's ________ privilege, not a right ________ (come) to this extraordinary place.‎ 答案:a; to come ‎10.It's ________ (possible) the calmest place on Earth.‎ 答案:possibly ‎1  state n. 状态;状况;国家;政府;州 v. 陈述;声明 Antarctica holds 90% of the world's ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course.(P2)‎ 南极洲拥有世界90%的冰,当然其大部分淡水(70%)都处于一种冰冻状态。‎ ‎(1)in a...state=in a state of... 处于……的状态 a good state of health/mind良好的健康状况/心态 ‎(2)statement n. 声明;陈述 issue/make a statement 发表声明 ‎(3)It is stated that... 据称……‎ state one's views 陈述自己的见解 ‎①[牛津双解]He was in_a_state_of permanent depression.‎ 他一直处于消沉状态。‎ ‎②[外研⑤]The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.‎ 证人说他以前并未见过那个女人。‎ ‎③[2015·课标全国卷Ⅰ]We will have a report on the_present_state of play.‎ 关于活动的现状我们会有报道。‎ ‎④[2013·陕西高考]The governor of a_state has great power, but he or she may not belong to a corresponding (相应的) economic class.‎ 一个州的州长有很大的权力,但他或她可能不属于相应的经济阶层。‎ ‎2  balance vt. 使平衡;权衡 n. 平衡;平稳;秤,天平;余额 But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balanced the land in the north.(P3)‎ 但是在二千多年以前,希腊地理学家认为在(地球)南端有一大块陆地与北方陆地保持平衡。‎ ‎(1)balance...against... 将……与……权衡 balance...with/and...使……与……平衡 ‎(2)keep/lose one's balance(使某人)保持/失去平衡 break the balance打破平衡 in the balance未定的,不确定的 on balance全面考虑之后,总的来说 keep a balance between A and B 保持……与……之间的平衡 off balance没站稳的;失去平衡的 bank balance银行余额 ‎(3)balanced adj.平衡的;均衡的 a balanced diet均衡的饮食 ‎①[牛津双解]She tries tobalance home life and career.‎ 她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。‎ ‎②[外研③]Nature is perfectly balanced.‎ 大自然是非常平衡的。‎ ‎③[2015·湖北高考]When he was running after his brother, the boy lost_his_balance and had a bad fall.‎ 男孩在追赶他哥哥时失去了平衡,狠狠地摔了一跤。‎ ‎④[2014·天津高考]It was then that I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on balancing family and work.‎ 直到那时我才开始欣赏她在平衡家庭和工作时所作出的艰难的抉择。‎ ‎⑤[2013·北京高考]Over the past twocenturies, the Industrial Revolution has broken this balance_between the city and the country.‎ 在过去的两个世纪,工业革命已打破了城市与乡村之间的平衡。‎ ‎3  discourage v. 阻止;打消……的念头 We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas.(P11)‎ 除了在一些特殊的区域,我们劝你不要抽烟。‎ ‎(1)discourage sb. from doing sth.劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心 discourage sth./doing sth. 防止/劝阻(做)……‎ discouraged adj. 沮丧的,灰心丧气的 be discouraged at/by 对……感到气馁 discouraging adj. 令人泄气的,令人沮丧的 ‎(2)discouragement n.灰心丧气;挫折;阻止 ‎(3)courage n. 勇气 have the courage to_do sth. 有勇气做某事 ‎(4)encourage vt. 鼓励 encourage sb. to_do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 encouragement n. 鼓励 ‎①[外研⑧]The results were discouraging.‎ 结果让人泄气。‎ ‎②[2015·福建高考]The failure was a big blow to him, but he wasn't_discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever.‎ 这次失败对他来说是一次很大的打击,但他并没有泄气,很快就变得和以往一样有热情了。‎ ‎③[2014·课标全国卷Ⅱ]Don't let a busyschedule discourage you from making some great changes in the wayyou eat and live!‎ 不要让忙碌的日程表阻碍你在饮食和生活方式上做大的改变。‎ ‎④[2013·湖南高考]Don't let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell how close you may be to victory.‎ 别为任何失败泄气,因为你永远不知道你离胜利有多近。‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·福建高考]Spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get ________ (discourage) easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.‎ 答案:discouraged ‎2.[2015·四川高考]More expressways will be built in Sichuan soon ________ (promote) the local economy.‎ 答案:to promote ‎3.[2015·广东高考]After entering the business world, the author foundhis father's fishing advice ________ (inspiration).‎ 答案:inspiring ‎4.[2014·重庆高考]The key is to develop a ________ (balance) and varied programme that's fun as well as progressive.‎ 答案:balanced ‎5.[2014·福建高考]Music like Mozart's andBach'sshouldn't be ________ (absence).‎ 答案:absent ‎6.[2014·辽宁高考]Consider frequency and urgency. Is this a onetime thing or ________ emergency?‎ 答案:an ‎7.When land came into sight, the Endurance became ________ (trap) in the ice and began to break up.‎ 答案:trapped ‎8.They thought his behaviour was ________ (normal), for he didn't behave as usual.‎ 答案:abnormal ‎9.Looking for a job these days can be very ________ (depress).‎ 答案:depressing ‎10.I saw the letter ________ (pure) by chance.‎ 答案:purely ‎1  in case of 如果;假使;万一 Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.(P11)‎ 在紧急情况下可以得到医疗救助。‎ ‎①[牛津双解]You probably won't need to call-but take my number, just in_case.‎ 你很可能无需打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。‎ ‎②[外研⑤]In_any_case,_I'm going to try.‎ 不管怎样我要试试。‎ ‎③In_this_case,_several solutions could be tried.‎ 遇到这种情况,可以尝试几种解决办法。‎ ‎④[2015·福建高考]It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his delay in_case we got worried.‎ Michael通知我们他要迟一会儿以防我们担心,想得真周到。‎ ‎⑤[2014·江西高考]The traveller may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in_case he is attacked.‎ 旅行者可以射击野兽来保护自己以防被野兽袭击。‎ ‎⑥[2013·陕西高考]As is often the_case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.‎ 医生到来时,Amy好多了,孩子们经常是这样。‎ 过关演练 选词填空 in case of; set foot on; adapt to; stand out; a state of; keep one's promise; in particular; set up ‎1.The overseas are very glad to ________ their homeland.‎ 答案:set foot on ‎2.________ fire, ring the alarm bell.‎ 答案:In case of ‎3.[2015·课标全国卷Ⅰ改编]The best part—________ to my taste, was a 7 a.m. adventure ‎ to the Sarasota farmers' market.‎ 答案:in particular ‎4.She ________ to visit her aunt regularly.‎ 答案:kept his promise ‎5.[2014·福建高考]It was the culture, rather than the language, that made it hard for him to ________ the newenvironment abroad.‎ 答案:adapt to ‎6.[2013·安徽高考]Aristotle once wrote that “happiness is ________ activity.”‎ 答案:a state of ‎7.[2015·湖北高考]As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters ________ above the rest.‎ 答案:stand out ‎8.They ________ many branches throughout the country.‎ 答案:set up ‎1  Antarctica was the_last continent to_be_discovered.(P3)‎ 南极洲是最后一个被发现的大陆。‎ sb./sth. be the first/second/last...to do...“第几个做……的”,用动词不定式作后置定语。序数词/最高级或由序数词/最高级修饰的名词常用不定式作后置定语。‎ ‎-特别提醒-‎ 本句型中,可用不定式的主动形式、完成形式或被动语态作后置定语。‎ ‎①[2015·福建质检]Li Na, the first to_achieve a ranking of world No.2 in Asia, retired from tennis in September.‎ 亚洲第一个获得世界排名第二的网球选手李娜在九月份退役了。‎ ‎②[2015·甘肃诊断]His first book to_be_punished next month is based on a true story.‎ 他下个月要出版的第一本书是根据一个真实的故事写的。‎ ‎③He was the best man to_do the job.‎ 他是做这份工作的最佳人选。‎ 过关演练 完成句子 ‎1.She was ________ woman ________ the gold medal in the Olympic Games.‎ 她是第一个在奥运会上赢得金牌的女性。‎ 答案:the first; to win ‎2.You are the only person ________.‎ 你是唯一迟到的人。‎ 答案:to be late ‎3.Is this the best way ________ the problem?‎ 这是解决问题最好的办法吗?‎ 答案:to solve Grammar Review of subjects——主语 主语是句子要说明的人或物,也是执行句子的行为或动作的主体。一般放在句首。主语可用词、短语或句子表示。‎ 用法 例句 名词作主语 Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.‎ 代词作主语 It happened so quickly and everyone was in a state of shock.‎ 数词作主语 Ten will be enough.‎ 动词不定式作主语 It took Shackleton 17 days to reach South Georgia.‎ 动词-ing形式(短语)作主语 Smoking is harmful to health.‎ 从句作主语 What you have to do is (to) study hard. ‎ It doesn't matter whether he will come or not.‎ ‎-特别提示-‎ ‎  1.当动词不定式和动词ing形式作主语时,句子的主语和表语要一致。即当表语是动词-ing形式时,主语也用动词-ing;当表语是不定式时,主语也用不定式。‎ To see is to believe.‎ Seeing is believing.‎ 眼见为实。‎ ‎2.有些形容词与the连用表示“一类人”也可作主语。‎ The rich are not always happy.‎ 有钱人未必总是快乐。‎ ‎3.当动词不定式短语、动词-ing或从句作主语时,常用it作形式主语,位于句首,真正的主语(不定式短语、动词ing或从句)放在句子后面。‎ It is said that he has gone abroad.‎ 据说他已经出国了。‎ It is obvious that the answer to this question is wrong.‎ It is a pity that you can't come to the party.‎ Itoccurred to me that I would have two lessons.‎ It is no use quarrelling with him.‎ It is good manners to respect others.‎ 过关演练 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式 ‎1.[2015·安徽高考]________(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will ‎ be one of the worst mistakes you make.‎ 答案:To ignore/Ignoring ‎2.[2015·浙江高考]________ (listen) to music at home is one thing, going to hear it being performed live is quite another.‎ 答案:Listening ‎3.[2014·陕西高考]________ is quite hot today. Do you feel like going for a swim?‎ 答案:It ‎4.[2014·北京高考]________is so nice to hear from her again.‎ 答案:It ‎5.[2014·安徽高考]________we expect from you is working hard rather than hardly working.‎ 答案:What ‎

