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‎2019-2020学年新疆乌鲁木齐市第四中学高一上学期期末考试英语试题 ‎(考试时长:100分钟 满分:120分)‎ 第一部分 单项选择(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1. We all hold the belief that ________ 2012 London Olympic Games will be ________ success.‎ A./;a B.the;/ C.a;a D.the;a ‎ ‎2. — Is this book familiar ______ you?‎ ‎— Sure. I am also familiar _______ its writer.‎ A. to; to B. with; with C. to; with D. with; to ‎ ‎3. A series of pictures ______ back to Earth two hours after the explorer Phoenix landed on Mars.‎ ‎ A. sent B. had been sent C. has sent D. was sent ‎4.I am very grateful for your assistance, and hope that one day I may be able to do something for you          .‎ A. in turns   B. in case   C. in return   D. in use ‎5.________ water will make fish in it ________ .‎ ‎ A. Polluting; die away B. Being polluted; die off ‎ C. polluted; die out D. pollution; die down ‎6. You should teach your son how to _______ himself from fire.‎ ‎ A. do B. care C. protect D. make ‎7. He doesn’t enjoy _______jokes ______by others.‎ A. playing; on B. being played; on C. playing; to D. making; of ‎8. Villagers here depend on the fishing industry, ____ _ there won’t be much work.‎ A.without which B.with which C.to which D. in which ‎9. I’m afraid you can't park your car here - it is ___ ___, and you may be fined if you don't move it.‎ ‎ A. in a way B. in the way C. by the way D. on the way ‎10. Tom ______ by a dog last year and he ______ afraid of dogs ever since. ‎ A. was bitten; was B. was bitten; has been ‎ C. had been bitten; has been D. had been bitten; was 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)‎ A Visitor Information How to Get to Holker ‎  By Car: Follow brown signs an A590 from JB6, M6. Approximale travel times: Windermere — 20 minutes, Kendal — 25 minutes, Lancaster — 45 minutes, Manchester — 1 hour 30 minutes ‎  By Rail: The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth, Lancaster Preston for connections to major cities & airports.‎ Opening Times ‎  Sunday — Friday (closed on Saturday) 11:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m., 30 March — 2nd November.‎ Admission Charges Hall & Gardens Gardens ‎ Adults: £12.00 £8.00‎ Groups: £9 £5.5‎ Special Events ‎ Producers’ Market  13th April ‎   Join us to taste a variety of fresh local food and drinks. Meet the producers and get some excellent recipe ideas.‎ ‎  Holker Gard0en Festival  30th May ‎     The event celebrate its 22nd anniversary with a great show of the very best of gardening, making it one of the most popular events in gardening.‎ ‎ National‎ ‎Garden Day  28th August ‎     Holker once again opens is gardens in aid of the disadvantaged. For just a small donation you can take a tour with our garden guide.‎ Winter Market  8th November This is an event for all the family. Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.‎ ‎11. How long does it probably take a tourist to drive to Holker from Manchester?‎ A. 20 minutes. B. 90 minutes. C.25 minutes. D.45 minutes.‎ ‎12. How much should a member of a tour group pay to visit to Hall & Gardens?‎ A. £9.00. B. £12.00. C. £8.0. D.£5.50.‎ ‎13. Which event will you go to if you want to see a live music show?‎ A.Producers’  Market. B. Holker‎ ‎Garden Festival.‎ C. National‎ ‎Garden Day. D.Winter Market.‎ B March 3rd is wildlife protection day. The United Nations wanted everyone to know that the world is in danger. They hoped that governments would go into action (采取行动) quickly in order to conserve nature. Here is one example of the problems. At one time there were l,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 860 remain. The others have been destroyed by modern man and his technology (技术). We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and lives. We can't live without these plants. lf we continue like this, we will destroy ourselves.‎ What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?" ‎ The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees, build bridges across rivers in forests, and so on. In a small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conversation through a record called “No one’s going to change our world”. It was made by the Beatles, Cliff Richard and other singers. ‎ The money from it will help to conserve wild animals.‎ ‎14. If we change the earth we live in we shall _______in the end.‎ A. destroy the air and water B. destroy everything that grows and lives C. destroy the outer space D. destroy ourselves ‎ ‎15. What will happen in the future is decided by ________.‎ A. the young of today B. the young of tomorrow C. what we do today D. how much we know about the earth ‎16. No one's going to change our world is ________.‎ A. a call given by the Beatles B. the name of a popular record C. the name of a popular book D. the name of a radio station ‎17. Some of the world famous singers made a record to collect money for ________.‎ A. the United Nations B. saving the living things C. the conservation of the nature D. the poor people of the world C Computer technology is increasingly developing. The computer of the future will continue to increase in value and performance while decreasing in cost.It will become smaller,but faster and more powerful. ‎ It is possible to make some guesses about what the future of the computer will look like, based upon the types of technologies that are being developed now. A lot of progress has already been made in some of these new technologies,but some are still in their earliest stages and may not be ready for use for years. Two of the most interesting areas of computing that are currently being developed are quantum computing(量子计算) and nanotechnology(纳米技术).‎ Quantum computing is one possibility for the future of the computer that could make computers run far faster than even the quickest computers do today. Quantum computers could be able to do what modern supercomputers are unable to do by using transistors that are able to take on many states at the same time. ‎ Nanotechnology could also change the face of computing, by creating computers that could be very powerful,though they are tiny in size.These computers could be incorporated(并入) into everyday objects, including electrical appliances(电器), clothes and even the human body. We will be able to use computers in new and unimaginable ways. They will become a part of our lives rather than simply being a box that is used only for specific purposes, such as work.‎ Quantum computing and nanotechnology will be able to play new roles, which will make us live greener lives,as well as enjoy better health and happier lives. ‎ ‎18.Which of the following can NOT describe the computer of the future properly? ‎ A.Much smaller. B.Much faster. C.More powerful. D.Less valuable. ‎ ‎19.According to the text, quantum computing _______ .‎ A.has been put in use so far B.can make computers run by themselves ‎ C.can reduce the cost of computers D.will work by using transistors ‎ ‎20.The text is mainly about ________.‎ A.what nanotechnology is B.what quantum computing is ‎ C.what the future of the computer is ‎ D.what future computers can bring us.                     ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.‎ ‎__ _21 __ They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.‎ ‎____ 22 _ Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! ____23 _ Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan,Norway or Canada. ‎ Some sports or game go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. ____24 _ Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.‎ People from different countries may not be able to understand each other,but after a game together they often become good friends. ___ 25 __ One learns to fight hard but fight fair,to win without pride and to lose with grace. ‎ A.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them. ‎ B.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.‎ C.And think of people in cold countries. ‎ D.Sports help to train a person’s character. ‎ E.Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves. ‎ F.Many people like to watch others play games. ‎ G.People aren't inventing new sports or games. ‎ 第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。    It was a cool October evening. Excitement and family members __26__the hall. I was only a 7 years old girl, but I was the center of __27__. Finally, after weeks of preparation, I would __28__all my hard work in a dance performance. Everything would be__29 — so I thought. I waited backstage all __30 _in my black tights with a golden belt. In a loud and clear voice,  the master of ceremonies __31__that my class was next.‎ ‎  My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet, facing the _32__. All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my box. It really was an __33__move.I was concentrating so much on __34__the huge smile on my face and holding my head up that I did not look __35__I was going. I missed my partner's box altogether and _ 36__.‎ There I was standing on the stage floor when my classmates were on top of their boxes. I could hear giggles(咯咯笑) coming from the audience,  and I felt the __37__rush to my face. I remembered my dance teacher had told us, “If you make a mistake,  keep smiling so the audience will not __38__.” I did my best to follow her __39__as I continued with the routine.‎ ‎ When the curtain dropped, so did my __40__for the evening. I __41__bitterly, tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face. I ran backstage, but no one could__42__me down.‎ ‎  Recently I realized I had been a__43__that night. I was __44 _ ,  but I fought the urge to run off the stage. __45__,  I finished the routine with a smile on my face. Now when friends and family laugh about the time I slipped during a dance performance, I can laugh too.‎ D. attended    ‎ D. debate      ‎ D. look after  ‎ D. obvious     ‎ D. covered up  ‎ D. announced   ‎ D. curtain     ‎ D. adventurous ‎ D. sharing     ‎ D. where       ‎ D. waved       ‎ D. pride       ‎ D. believe     ‎ D. advice      ‎ D. voice       ‎ D. begged      ‎ D. let         ‎ D. loser       ‎ D. embarrassed ‎ D. In total    ‎ C. visited    ‎ C. impression ‎ C. show off   ‎ C. suitable   ‎ C. folded up  ‎ C. explained  ‎ C. audience   ‎ C. active     ‎ C. hiding     ‎ C. whether    ‎ C. slipped    ‎ C. pleasure   ‎ C. cheer      ‎ C. example    ‎ C. hopes      ‎ C. shouted    ‎ C. calm       ‎ C. pioneer    ‎ C. moved      ‎ C. Instead    ‎ B. decorated      ‎ B. attention      ‎ B. give up        ‎ B. perfect        ‎ B. mixed up       ‎ B. predicted      ‎ B. stage          ‎ B. extra          ‎ B. keeping        ‎ B. what           ‎ B. skipped        ‎ B. tear           ‎ B. notice         ‎ B. plan           ‎ B. patience       ‎ B. sobbed         ‎ B. put            ‎ B. fool           ‎ B. confused       ‎ B. In return    ‎ ‎(     )26. A. filled    ‎ ‎(     )27. A. pressure  ‎ ‎(     )28. A. take over ‎ ‎(     )29. A. reasonable ‎(     )30. A. dressed up ‎(     )31. A. suggested ‎ ‎(     )32. A. music     ‎ ‎(     )33. A. easy      ‎ ‎(     )34. A. containing ‎(     )35. A. why      ‎ ‎(     )36. A. wandered ‎ ‎(     )37. A. blood    ‎ ‎(     )38. A. leave    ‎ ‎(     )39. A. gesture  ‎ ‎(     )40. A. doubts   ‎ ‎(     )41. A. argued   ‎ ‎(     )42. A. turn     ‎ ‎(     )43. A. star     ‎ ‎(     )44. A. satisfied ‎(     )45. A. However 第三部分 写作 第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。      Last week, our yearly school sports meeting 46 (hold) and the students of our class took 47 active part in it. On the first day, we watched the impressive opening ceremony 48 (perform) by energetic teachers and students. Soon, the games formally began. Some of my classmates ran to the track to cheer for the 49 (athlete) while others remained 50 (seat), watching them from a distance. I was 51 (excite) because I would compete 52 the 100-meter dash with my classmates cheering. Unfortunately, I fell on the ground, 53 (miss) the chance to win. What a pity! Although I failed, I was still looking forward to a 54 (good) performance the next day. However, as a result of the rain, we had to put off the sports meeting, 55 made us disappointed.‎ 第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎  Since I was a kid, I've considered different job I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a ‎ fireman, whose uniform looked so coolly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a ‎ teacher because I liked my English teacher too much. When I studied chemistry high school, ‎ I reconsidered my goal or decided to be a doctor. They were two reasons for the decision. One ‎ was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick person could feel much more better after seeing a ‎ doctor. And the other is that I wanted to help people in need.‎ 第三节 书面表达(满分25分) 假设你是高中生李越,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写和乱丢垃圾的行为,请用英语给校长写一封信.信中应包括以下内容:  1.说明写信目的;  2.对这些行为进行批评;  3.提出建议.  注意:‎ ‎1.信的抬头、落款及信的第一句已给出(不计词数) ‎ ‎2.词数100左右 Dear Mr. Headmaster, ‎ I am Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior 2 ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours faithfully, ‎ Li Yue 参考答案 一.单项选择(1*10=10分)‎ ‎1、 D 2、 C 3、 D 4、 C 5、 C ‎ ‎6、 C 7、 A 8、 A 9、 B 10、 B ‎ 二.阅读理解(21-35题,2*15=30分,总分30分)‎ ‎11、 B 12、 A 13、 D 14、 D 15、 C ‎ ‎16、 B 17、 C 18、 D 19、 D 20、 C ‎ ‎21、 B 22、 A 23、 C 24、 B 25、 D ‎ 三. 完形填空(1.5*20=30分)‎ 四. ADBDA CBADC BADCB DBACB 26. ‎ A 27、 C 28、 D 29、 C 30、 A ‎ ‎31、 B 32、 D 33、 A 34、 C 35、 B ‎ ‎36、 D 37、 A 38、 C 39、 B 40、 D ‎ ‎41、 C 42、 D 43、 A 44、 D 45、 B ‎ 四.语法填空(1.5*10=15分)‎ ‎46. was held 47. an 48.performed 49. athletes 50.seated ‎51. excited 52. in 53. missing 54. better 55.which 五.短文改错:(1*10=10分)‎ 书面表达(1*25=25分)‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Mr. Headmaster,‎ I am Li Yue,a student from Class 1,Senior II.I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students:litter and scribbling.(写信的目的) ‎ It makes our school dirty and unpleasant,and does harm to the image of our school.I always feel ashamed whenever I see this.【高分句型】It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about.【高分句型】(对不良行为进行批评) ‎ ‎ I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specified rules against such behaviour.【高分句型】At the same time,students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves.I believe that,with the joint efforts of both teachers and students,our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.Thank you for your consideration.(提出建议) ‎ ‎ ‎ Yours faithfully ‎ Li Yue

