冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Unit 8 Countries around the World

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Unit 8 Countries around the World

单元整合与拔高 冀教版 七年级 Unit 8 Countries around the World 一、语法整 合真 题 练 1. —_________ will you ask for help when you are in trouble( 麻烦 )? — My parents, I think. 【 中考 · 孝感 】 A . Who B . What C . Where D . When A    【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 你遇到困难时将向 ________ 寻求帮助? —— 我想是我的父母吧”。表示“谁”用疑问词 who 。故选 A 。 2. —_________ does it take you to get to school by bike? — About fifteen minutes. 【 中考 · 苏州 】 A. How soon B . How often C . How long D . How far C 3. —Do you know ________ a 5-day trip to Hong Kong costs( 花费 )? — I guess it’s about ¥ 4,000. 【 中考 · 上海 】 A. how fast B . how long C . how soon D . how much D 4. Andy learns English by joining the language club . ( 对画 线部分 提问 ) 【 中考 · 新疆 】 __________ __________ Andy learn English? How does 5. That amusement park has lots of tourists during the holiday .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) 【 中考 · 上海 】 _________ __________ that amusement park have lots of tourists? When does 6. The girl in red is my friend . ( 对 画线部分 提问 ) 【 中考 · 绥化 】 _________ __________ is your friend? Which girl 7. 新加坡 (Singapore) 一年 有几个季节 ? 【 中考 · 威海 】 __________________________________________________________________________ How many seasons are there in Singapore in a year? 二、高频考点真题练 8. Look, our library is _________ ( 东 ) of the classroom building. It looks modern. 【 中考 · 南京 】 east 9. Australia is a(an) ________________ ( 讲英语的 ) country. 【 中考 · 绥化 】 English-speaking 10. This is a __________ ( 地图 ) of China. 【 中考 · 贺州 】 map 11. Can you invite our teachers __________ (come) to the party? 【 中考 · 绥化 】 to come    12. Huai’an is a city with a long history and it lies in the east of ___________ (Chinese). 【 中考 · 淮安 】 China 13. —Alice, which season do you like best? —Autumn . The fallen ________ are like a thick blanket on the ground. What beautiful scenery it is! 【 中考 · 哈尔滨 】 A . leaf B . leafs C. leaves C 14. Kaili is one of the most beautiful _________ in Guizhou. 【 中考 · 黔东南 】 A . place B . cities C . town D . county B 15. 成千上万的人们每天早上去天安门广场看升旗。 【 中考 · 达州 】 Thousands of people go to Tian’anmen Square and watch the ___________ _________ go up every morning. national flag

