黄金押题02 七选五阅读-2019年高考英语黄金押题(解析版)

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黄金押题02 七选五阅读-2019年高考英语黄金押题(解析版)

‎【高考考纲】‎ ‎1.以说明文为主,文章结构清晰,内容完整,适合考查文章标题、主题句和过渡句等,从而达到考查对文章结构的理解的目的。‎ ‎2.篇章结构通常为:提出问题→解决问题。‎ ‎3.词数300左右,正文词数200左右,选项词数100左右。‎ ‎4.宣扬正能量。体现一种人文关怀,突出情感体验,能够非常好地帮助考生建立正确的世界观和价值观。‎ ‎【命题规律】‎ ‎1.探究位置主要在句首或者句中,也有在句尾的情况。‎ ‎2.挖空内容以考查上下文逻辑关系为主,考查段落主题句为辅。‎ ‎3.间或考查段尾的结论概括性语句。‎ ‎4.七个选项意义都与文章内容相关。‎ ‎【真题感悟】 ‎ 例1、(2018·全国Ⅰ)‎ Color is fundamental in home design—something you’ll always have in every room.A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you’ll love to live in.Do you want a room that’s full of life?Professional?Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day? __1.B__ ,color is the key to making a room feel the way you want it to feel.‎ Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers approach this important point. __2.A__ ,they can get a little complex.But good news is that there’re really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home:the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones.‎ ‎ __3.D__ .They’re the little spots of color like throw pillows,mirrors and baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms.Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa,small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.‎ Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as sofas,dinner tables or ‎ bookshelves. __4.G__ .They require a bigger commitment than smaller ones,and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space.‎ The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls,ceilings,and floors.Whether you’re looking at wallpaper or paint,the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant. __5.F__ .‎ A.While all of them are useful B.Whatever you’re looking for C.If you’re experimenting with a color D.Small color choices are the ones we’re most familiar with E.It’s not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces F.So it pays to be sure,because you want to get it right the first time G.Color choices in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways 文章大意:颜色是房间设计的基本要素之一。这篇说明文介绍了大、中、小三种规模物品的颜色选择及各自的优点。‎ ‎(2)解析:解本题可用词汇锁定法。空格后的they指代上文中的techniques,且与A项中的all of them相呼应,代入A项“尽管它们都很有用”,符合语境,故为答案。本设空类型属于细节理解类。‎ ‎(3)解析:解本题可用设题位置法。上一段最后提到the small ones,the medium ones,and the large ones,再结合最后两段首句中的medium color choices和the large color decisions可判断,本段介绍small color choices,故选D项。本设空类型属于段落主题句类。‎ ‎(4)解析:解本题可用关联逻辑法。根据空后的require a bigger commitment than smaller ones,and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space可知,这里讲述两个方面,这与G项中的in two major ways相照应。本设空类型属于细节理解类。‎ ‎(5)解析:解本题可用关联逻辑法。根据空前的the time,effort and relative expense put into it are significant可知,大型物品的颜色选择所需要的时间、精力、费用很大,这恰与F项构成因果关系。本设空类型属于细节理解类。 ‎ ‎【黄金押题】‎ A A daily multivitamin may give your well-being an extra benefit,but if you’ve ever swallowed one and felt sick right after,you know it’s hardly a pleasant experience. __1.B__ ‎ ‎◆You’re taking vitamins on an empty stomach.‎ Vitamins that are more acid in nature,like vitamin C,may cause nausea(恶心)if they’re consumed on an empty stomach.Vitamins A,D,E and K,unlike some others,may be better absorbed when not taken with food.‎ ‎◆ __2.A__ ‎ Vitamins are like medicines in that they can act on each other and other medicines you’re taking. __3.G__ Some research suggests that multivitamins could cause side effects when taken at the same time with high estrogen(雌激素)levels.‎ ‎◆There’s a lot of iron in your pill.‎ Multivitamins that contain a lot of iron or iron supplements themselves can cause nausea.This is especially true if you’re taking them outside of a meal.Iron is interesting in that it’s best absorbed on an empty stomach,but it’s hardest to take on an empty stomach because of the nausea. __4.E__ It might decrease the absorption a little bit but it’s better than nothing.‎ ‎◆Allergic reaction side effects.‎ Since multivitamins contain so many vitamins and minerals,allergic reactions are certainly possible.Mild allergic reactions can include itchiness(痒) and a few hives(荨麻疹). __5.F__ Should you experience more advanced signs of an allergic reaction,such as trouble breathing,chest pain,widespread hives or a swollen facial region,visit the closest emergency room immediately.‎ The lable on your vitamins should provide directions for taking them.Check the information before taking them to see what else you should know.‎ A.You’re taking vitamins with other medicines.‎ B.Below are a few reasons why multivitamins may be making you ill.‎ C.It’s important to discuss with an expert the timing of these vitamins.‎ D.These stomach issues can be extremely disturbing.‎ E.It’s better to take it with food than trying taking it on an empty stomach.‎ F.If you experience these side effects,stop use and contact your doctor.‎ G.Please review the combinations to make sure there are no harmful interactions.‎ 文章大意:本文主要讲述了服用多种维生素可能让人感到不适的几种原因。‎ ‎(1)解析:本句出现在第一段的段尾。从第二段开始一直到第五段都是在分析让人感到不适的原因,所以B项符合语境。B项的意思是“以下是多种维生素可能会使你感到不适的几个原因”。‎ ‎(2)解析:本空是段落的主题句。本段落讲的是各种维生素之间以及维生素与其他药物之间会相互作用,所以A项作为本段小标题合适。A项的意思是“你是与其他药物一起服用了维生素”。‎ ‎(4)解析:本句出现在段落中间,起到承上启下的作用。上文讲的是,多种维生素中的铁在空腹时服用吸收效果是最好的,但空腹服用会让人恶心;下文讲的是,这可能会吸收得少一点,但总比一点也不吸收要好,所以E项符合语境。E项的意思是“比起试图空腹服用来说,跟食物一起服用多种维生素更好一些”。‎ ‎(5)解析:本句出现在段落中间,起到承上启下的作用。上文讲的是,轻微的过敏反应症状;下文讲的是较重的过敏反应症状,所以F项“如果你感受到了这些副作用,就不要服用了,要联系你的医生”符合语境。‎ B Whether they’re for a teenager or not,all great stories have certain elements: they have interesting characters we enjoy reading about; they show these characters in a world we can recognize and understand.‎ ‎ __1.B__ The main character faces a problem,usually quite a serious one.The thing that most draws us to reading the story is the way the character deals with the problem—whether the character gets the better of it,or it gets the better of the character.‎ Characters in a book for young adults are generally young adults themselves. __2.A__ On the one hand,they’re not children anymore.They’re growing up and want to stretch their wings.On the other hand,they’re not yet adults.They can’t do certain things,as they’re not yet able to do them ‎ or because the world tells them that they can’t.‎ To make things even more complicated,almost all young adults feel at some point that the whole growing-up process is happening too quickly. __3.E__ ‎ This year,TEENS has selected seven of the ten books; nominated(提名) for the US 2017 National Book Awards in the categories of Young People’s Literature.‎ Some stories are specifically written for teenagers or young adults,meaning that their authors are very sensitive to the “in-between” nature of teenage life.They’re about problems that appear for young people because of tensions between them and their parents and teachers,their siblings(兄弟姐妹),or wider society.Often,these problems are presented very seriously by writers. __4.D__ ‎ At the same time,fiction isn’t supposed to be just about the challenges people face in life,but also about how people overcome those problems. __5.C__ They discover something about themselves that they never knew before,and which enables them to succeed.And the solution that they find opens the future up to them,setting them on the path to adulthood.‎ A.And they are in a challenging period of life.‎ B.But most importantly,great stories have a central drama.‎ C.To some degree,challenges bring out the best in characters.‎ D.But that’s what young adults want in fiction:to be taken seriously.‎ E.They want to hold back a little and remain a child a little longer.‎ F.These are stories that someone of any age could pick up and enjoy.‎ G.When closing a good book,we feel we’ve learned something about ourselves.‎ 文章大意:本篇文章是文学艺术类说明文。作者主要分析了优秀的小说的特点,着重分析了写给年轻人看的小说。‎ ‎(1)解析:本空出现在段首,起承上启下的作用。第一段讲了好的故事都共有的两个因素,空后主要讲了小说中的主人公通常都要面临一个相当严重的问题,并且讲到最吸引人们读小说的是主人公处理问题的方式。这里主要谈的是小说的情节,所以答案是B。‎ ‎(2)解析:本空出现在段落中。根据后面的“On the one hand,they’re not children anymore.They’re growing up and want to stretch their wings.On the other hand,they’re not yet adults.They can’t do certain things,as they’re not yet able to do them or because the world tells them that they can’t”‎ 可以看出,这个时候的年轻人有着非常矛盾的心理感受,一方面想去做一些事情,另一方面又有一些事情不能做,所以答案是A“他们处于人生中一个很有挑战性的阶段”。‎ ‎(3)解析:本句出现在段尾。根据上文中的“To make things even more complicated,almost all young adults feel at some point that the whole growing-up process is happening too quickly”可知,几乎所有的年轻人都会在某个阶段感觉整个成长过程发生得太快了,所以,他们希望时光能倒回一点,让他们再当一段时间的小孩子,所以答案是E。‎ ‎(4)解析:本句出现在段尾。根据上文中的“Often,these problems are presented very seriously by writers”可知,作者通常会很认真地展现这些问题,而D项“但这正是年轻人在小说中想要(看到)的——被认真对待”能很好地承接上文,所以答案是D。‎ ‎(5)解析:本句出现在段落中。根据上文中的“At the same time,fiction isn’t supposed to be just about the challenges people face in life,but also about how people overcome those problems”可知,小说不只是要写人们生活中遇到的挑战,所以答案是C,“在某种程度上,挑战能够激发人物最优秀的品质”。‎ C Last week the electricity in my flat went out.I had just got home from work and was happily making my tea,when all of a sudden I was surrounded by complete darkness.I tried to fix it but failed.I had to wait for an electrician to come in the morning. __1.D__ ‎ I sat down to eat my half-cooked dinner.And then I wasn’t really sure what to do.My typical evening is spent watching the TV and looking through social media. __2.A__ So for me it was an early night.And I couldn’t help but think,do we rely too much on electricity? That night,losing our electricity felt like losing a basic necessity.As basic as running water. __3.F__ I use electricity all the time,even when it’s not really necessary.‎ ‎ __4.C__ It contributes to global warming.It is harming our environment and we need to do what we can to stop it.Not only that,but if we continue to use the same large amount of energy we will soon run out.‎ So,shouldn’t we start preparing for it now? Cutting back on our use of electricity would make losing it slower,and also save energy resources so that they could last for longer. __5.G__ And if everyone does the same,we can make a big difference.‎ A.Tonight this wasn’t possible.‎ B.Obviously,we can’t survive without it.‎ C.Our overuse of electricity is a big problem.‎ D.This left me a whole night without any electricity.‎ E.Electricity brings us convenience and trouble.‎ F.But really,electricity is a luxury that we’ve grown to take for granted.‎ G.I know for sure that I could cut down on my use of electricity.‎ 文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。下班回家正准备泡茶时,“我”突然遭遇了停电。这次停电经历让“我”反思:我们习惯于使用电,即使在不必要的时候;过度用电导致全球变暖、环境破坏;节约用电,从我做起!‎ ‎(2)解析:根据空处前一句“My typical evening is spent watching the TV and looking through social media”可知,“我”一般习惯在晚上看电视以及浏览社交媒体;结合上文停电的叙述可知,今晚(做这些)是不可能了,故A项正确。‎ ‎(3)解析:根据空前两句可知,停电让人感觉像是失去了自来水一样的必需品;根据空处后一句“I use electricity all the time,even when it’s not really necessary”可知,即使在没有必要的时候,“我”也在使用电。据此可知,F项“但事实上,电是一种奢侈品,我们将它视为理所当然的东西”,符合语境。此处luxury和necessity形成对比关系。‎ ‎(4)解析:结合空后两句“It contributes to global warming.It is harming our environment and we need to do what we can to stop it”可知,过度用电导致全球变暖,破坏了我们的环境;据此可以判断,空处介绍过度用电这个问题,故C项与此处匹配。‎ ‎(5)解析:根据空处前一句“Cutting back on our use of electricity would make losing it slower,and also save energy resources so that they could last for longer”可知,节约用电将会减缓资源损失速度;结合空处后一句“And if everyone does the same,we can make a big difference”可知,如果每个人都做同样的事情,那么我们将起到很大的作用;G项承上启下,故G项与此处匹配。‎ D What to Do When Someone Doesn’t Like You When someone tells me “I don’t care if people like me”,they are showing me the emotional ‎ wall they use to block the hurt of rejection.‎ As humans are social animals,all of us care if people like us.Based on the need for social connection,your reactions to rejection and negative judgment can range from minor hurt to outbreaks of depression. __1.F__ ‎ The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction.Ask yourself,“What am I feeling?” __2.B__ Any betrayal (背叛) or embarrassment in your heart? Identify what feeling has shown up in your body,so you can choose what to do next.‎ ‎ __3.C__ When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive,ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you.Did they truly mean to offend you,or make fun of you? Your brain works very hard to keep you safe,so it will judge a situation as threatening if there is any possibility of social harm.‎ When our brains sense a possible threat,we react as if we were personally attacked.Take a breath to relieve the stress. __4.G__ ‎ Finally,if you believe the person doesn’t like you,ask yourself if this matters. __5.E__ If not,what can you do to release your need to be liked by this person? And,what can you do to stay neutral and not return the dislike? The more you can come to accept others as who they are,the more you can move forward with your goals regardless of if someone likes you or not.‎ A.If you can,look the person in his eyes.‎ B.Do you feel any fear or anger in your head?‎ C.Ask yourself what is true about the situation.‎ D.Often people do not realize the impact of their words.‎ E.Will the person’s judgment of you impact your work or life?‎ F.The ability to let a show of dislike roll off your back is a learned skill.‎ G.This will ground you in the present and take you out of your trembling mind.‎ 文章大意:本文主要介绍了摆脱不受别人喜欢的情况的方法和策略。‎ ‎(1)解析:由空处承接下文“The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction”可推知,本空是一个承上启下的过渡句,即应对别人的拒绝和负面评价是一种可以学习的技能,下文具体阐述如何达成这种技能,所以选F项。‎ ‎(2)解析:由空处承接上文“Ask yourself,’What am I feeling?’”可推知,此处表示个人的感情倾向,与下文“Any betrayal(背叛)or embarrassment in your heart”呼应,所以选B项。‎ ‎(3)解析:由空处承接下文“When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive,ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you”可知,本段讲的是要搞清楚真实的状况,然后再具体地应对,故选C项。‎ ‎(4)解析:由空处承接上文“Take a breath to relieve the stress”可推知,空处应进一步讲这样做的好处,所以选G项。‎ ‎(5)解析:由空处承接上文“Finally,if you believe the person doesn’t like you,ask yourself if this matters”可推知,搞清楚他人的不喜欢对自己是否有影响对接下来的应对很重要,这种影响可能是工作或生活上的,所以选E项。‎ E How to Be Productive in a Challenging Environment A lot of organizations deal with challenges like maintaining productivity and quality of work. __1.G__ In this article,we’ll share with you a few essential tips on staying focused at work.‎ Prepare a to-do list.‎ Half the battle is won once you prioritize (优先处理)your tasks.Make a list of what need to be done.Plan your day through these lists and set realistic deadlines to accomplish each one of them. __2.E__ ‎ Schedule your work.‎ Don’t overstretch yourself with your work. __3.C__ To avoid burnout,take a walk to renew your brain,allowing it to concentrate better.Though breaks are essential for a healthy workday,you must learn to take them with a pinch of salt.Frequent breaks can be addictive and can affect your work.‎ ‎ __4.A__ ‎ Nowadays,being online on various social media platforms is a trend.Several notifications (通知) pop up every now and then,commanding your attention.If you are constantly attending to such notifications,how are you supposed to do meaningful work? While working on an important project,set your phone to silent mode or switch it off.If you really want to stay updated with your social media accounts,you can set specialized time slots to check your phone.‎ Cut outside noise.‎ Until you do away with noise,you won’t be able to focus.Limiting auditory distractions is crucial in increasing your attention span.You can use noise-canceling headphones for that.‎ ‎ __5.F__ In case that doesn’t solve the problem,choose remote work for a day or two to regain your lost focus.‎ Keep on practicing these positive habits and you’ll surely see a noticeable improvement in your productivity level at work.‎ A.Avoid distractions.‎ B.Take regular exercise.‎ C.Rather,split your work into parts.‎ D.Changing your working environment may have unexpected benefits.‎ E.When you start prioritizing tasks,you won’t just be focused but efficient,too.‎ F.If you still can’t concentrate,move to a quieter place,such as a conference room.‎ G.Managers are pressed to motivate their team members while boosting their productivity.‎ 文章大意:本文主要介绍了在工作中保持专注的一些建议。‎ ‎(2)解析:根据本段中的“Half the battle is won once you prioritize(优先处理)your tasks”可知,一旦你优先处理你的任务你就胜利了一半了。本题中的“prioritize(优先处理)”为关键词,故选E项。‎ ‎(3)解析:根据本段小标题Schedule your work及本空前的句子“Don’t overstretch yourself with your work”可知,要学会安排你的工作,不要过长时间工作,因此C项(而要把你的工作分成几部分)与本段主旨相照应,故选C项。‎ ‎(4)解析:根据上下文可知,本空为本段小标题,根据本段中的“While working on an important project,set your phone to silent mode or switch it off”可知,在做重要工作的时候要把手机调成静音或者关掉。因此本段主要讲的是在工作的时候要专心,不要分心,故选A项。‎ ‎(5)解析:根据本段小题Cut outside noise及本空前的句子“You can use noise-canceling headphones for that”和空后的句子“In case that doesn’t solve the problem,choose remote work...”可知,前面讲了你可以使用消音耳机来消除外界的噪音,后面又讲了如果那也解决不了问题的话可以采用的方法。故本空应与上下文一致,介绍远离噪音的方法,F项(‎ 如果你仍然不能集中精力的话,搬到更安静的地方,比如会议室)符合题意。 ‎ ‎【答案】 C K What to Do When Someone Doesn't Like You When someone tells me “I don't care if people like me”, they are showing me the emotional wall they use to block the hurt of rejection.‎ As humans are social animals, all of us care if people like us. Based on the need for social connection, your reactions to rejection and negative judgment can range from minor hurt to outbreaks of depression.__11__‎ The first step to handle a negative situation is to recognize your reaction. Ask yourself,“What am I feeling?”__12__ Any betrayal(背叛) or embarrassment in your heart? Identify what feeling has shown up in your body,so you can choose what to do next.‎ ‎__13__ When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive,ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you. Did they truly mean to offend you, or make fun of you? Your brain works very hard to keep you safe,so it will judge a situation as threatening if there is any possibility of social harm.‎ When our brains sense a possible threat,we react as if we were personally attacked.Take a breath to relieve the stress.__14__‎ Finally,if you believe the person doesn't like you, ask yourself if this matters. __15__If not, what can you do to release your need to be liked by this person? And, what can you do to stay neutral and not return the dislike? The more you can come to accept others as who they are,the more you can move forward with your goals regardless of if someone likes you or not.‎ A.If you can,look the person in his eyes.‎ B.Do you feel any fear or anger in your head?‎ C.Ask yourself what is true about the situation.‎ D.Often people do not realize the impact of their words.‎ E.Will the person's judgment of you impact your work or life?‎ F.The ability to let a show of dislike roll off your back is a learned skill.‎ G.This will ground you in the present and take you out of your trembling mind.‎ ‎【解析】 本文主要介绍了“摆脱不受别人喜欢的情况”的方法和策略。‎ ‎【答案】 F ‎12.【解析】 由空处承接上文“Ask yourself, ‘What am I feeling?’”可推知,此处表示个人的感情倾向,与下文“Any betrayal(背叛) or embarrassment in your heart”呼应,所以选B项。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎13.【解析】 由空处承接下文“When you sense yourself shutting down or feeling defensive, ask yourself what the person actually meant to do to you”可知,本段讲的是要搞清楚真实的状况,然后再具体地应对,故选C项。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎14.【解析】 由空处承接上文“Take a breath to relieve the stress”可推知,空处应进一步讲这样做的好处,所以选G项。‎ ‎【答案】 G ‎ 15.【解析】 由空处承接上文“Finally, if you believe the person doesn't like you,ask yourself if this matters”可推知,搞清楚他人的不喜欢对自己是否有影响对接下来的应对很重要,这种影响可能是工作或生活上的,所以选E项。‎ ‎【答案】 E L A daily multivitamin may give your wellbeing an extra benefit, but if you've ever swallowed one and felt sick right after,you know it's hardly a pleasant experience.__16__‎ ‎◆You're taking vitamins on an empty stomach.‎ Vitamins that are more acid in nature, like vitamin C, may cause nausea(恶心) if they're consumed on an empty stomach. Vitamins A,D,E and K, unlike some others, may be better absorbed when not taken with food.‎ ‎◆__17__‎ Vitamins are like medicines in that they can act on each other and other medicines you're taking.____18__Some research suggests that multivitamins could cause side effects when taken at the same time with high estrogen(雌激素) levels.‎ ‎◆There's a lot of iron in your pill.‎ Multivitamins that contain a lot of iron or iron supplements themselves can cause nausea. This is especially true if you're taking them outside of a meal. Iron is interesting in that it's best absorbed on an empty stomach,but it's hardest to take on an empty stomach because of the nausea.____19__It might decrease the absorption a little bit but it's better than nothing.‎ ‎◆Allergic reaction side effects.‎ Since multivitamins contain so many vitamins and minerals, allergic reactions are certainly possible. Mild allergic reactions can include itchiness(痒) and a few hives(荨麻疹).__20__ Should you experience more advanced signs of an allergic reaction, such as trouble breathing, chest pain, widespread hives or a swollen facial region, visit the closest emergency room immediately.‎ The label on your vitamins should provide directions for taking them. Check the information before taking them to see what else you should know.‎ A.You're taking vitamins with other medicines.‎ B.Below are a few reasons why multivitamins may be making you ill.‎ C.It's important to discuss with an expert the timing of these vitamins.‎ D.These stomach issues can be extremely disturbing.‎ E.It's better to take it with food than trying taking it on an empty stomach.‎ F.If you experience these side effects,stop use and contact your doctor.‎ G.Please review the combinations to make sure there are no harmful interactions.‎ ‎【解析】 本文主要讲述了服用多种维生素可能让人感到不适的几种原因。‎ ‎16.【解析】 本句出现在第一段的段尾。从第二段开始一直到第五段都是在分析让人感到不适的原因,所以B项符合语境。B项的意思是“以下是多种维生素可能会使你感到不适的几个原因”。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎ ‎17.【解析】 本空是段落的主题句。本段落讲的是各种维生素之间以及维生素与其他药物之间会相互作用,所以A项作为本段小标题合适。A项的意思是“你是与其他药物一起服用了维生素”。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎18.【解析】 ‎ 本句出现在段落中间,起到承上启下的作用。上文讲的是,各种维生素之间以及维生素与其他药物之间会相互作用;下文讲的是,当雌激素水平高时服用多种维生素可能引起副作用,所以G项符合语境。G项的意思是“请检查一下混合物(多种维生素),确保它们之间没有有害的相互作用”。‎ ‎【答案】 G ‎【答案】 E ‎ ‎20.【解析】 本句出现在段落中间,起到承上启下的作用。上文讲的是,轻微的过敏反应症状;下文讲的是较重的过敏反应症状,所以F项“如果你感受到了这些副作用,就不要服用了,要联系你的医生”符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 F M Do teenagers know how to sleep? If you're the parent of teens, you might be laughing to yourself. That's all they know how to do. In truth, teens might not know enough about how to sleep, when to sleep and why.__1__‎ Just as we focus on our diets and exercise for health, we need to consider sleep necessary to our mental, physical and psychological health.“Good” sleep is sleep that is long enough to allow your brain to remove the side effects of daytime brain activity.Consistent bed times and wake-up times are the key to keeping our sleep cycles.__2__‎ Teens are social creatures, and the most attractive social“gathering” place these days is on their digital devices.__3__Ideally,we should avoid blue light for at least half an hour before bed. But social media and homework that requires screen time mean too many kids are powering up their devices when their bodies should be powering down for the night.‎ ‎__4__ Equally contributing to sleep issues are eating too late, taking naps, and failing to get enough exercise. In other words, these people never learned how to sleep.‎ Over time,poor sleep leads to a decline in mood.__5__Significantly,when I speak to my adult patients who are struggling with sleep issues,nearly all of them say their sleep problems started in high school.‎ Therefore,I recommend sleep education.Otherwise,we won't necessarily solve the health, safety and economic issues of sleepy teens.‎ A.When they are disturbed, our sleep is affected.‎ B.Going to bed too late is only one part of sleep problems.‎ C.Being exposed to blue light from our screens delays sleep.‎ D.Current school schedules allow for about seven hours of sleep a night.‎ E.It also contributes to a lot of medical issues,from being fat to heart disease.‎ F.Later school start time really contributes to more sleep and improved health.‎ G.As far as I'm concerned, one important element is missing:sleep education.‎ ‎【解析】 本文主要介绍了要对青少年进行睡眠教育。‎ ‎1.【解析】 本句位于段落末尾句,要么是段落主题句或是承上启下的过渡句。段落首句提出问题,第二句介绍父母的反应,第四句介绍孩子们的情况,故可推知,空处所在句是提出本段的观点也就是对首句问题的回答,所以选G项。‎ ‎【答案】 G ‎2.【解析】 A项中的代词they指代前句中的“Consistent bed times and wakeup times”,前后意思连贯,所以选A项。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎3.【解析】 C项中的screens是空前“digital devices”的列举,同时句中的blue light在空处后句再次出现,这是同义复现。C项“接触来自我们屏幕的蓝光推迟了睡眠”与空后“理想情况下,我们应该在睡前至少半小时避免蓝光”构成了因果关系,所以选 C项。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎4.【解析】空后列举了造成睡眠不好的几个方面,由此可见此段主要介绍导致睡眠不好的主要表现形式,所以B项中的“Going to bed too late(睡觉太晚)”也是之一,所以选B项。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎5.【解析】 E项中的“contributes to”与前句中的“leads to”是相同的表达,同时also一词更好地体现二者之间的连贯。所以选E项。‎ ‎【答案】 E N Choices Contribute to Success The direction of our lives is determined by the choices we make every day. The following ‎ choices will contribute to personal success along with the ability to achieve financial freedom.‎ Choose to be positive A positive mental attitude will put you miles ahead of your peers.__6__. It is more valuable than skills. Choose a positive attitude and things will start to work for you.‎ ‎__7__‎ If you don't know what your bad habits are,your friends and family can always tell you.Take the big ones first, then make every effort to break them and always replace them with new positive ones.‎ Choose to work smarter Many people think their lives are out of balance and that they don't have enough time to do everything they want to.__8__.Therefore,learning some good time management techniques,such as setting up a schedule and sticking to it, will make your life flow better.‎ Choose to give your work a sense of purpose Helping and encouraging other people will not only make your life be more meaningful,but it will also make you more money. If you put your efforts into helping others,then the financial part of life takes care of itself.__9__.‎ Choose to sow more than you harvest ‎__10__,but our lives will be better as we become givers and serve the world as givers.You want to learn to become unselfish with yourself and learn to give your time,your money,and,of course,your love.‎ A.Choose to break a bad habit B.Choose to treat friends right C.There are many takers in this world D.Your attitude determines your altitude E.Not all the people in the world are selfish by nature F.Spend your time helping others grow and your finances will grow with it G.Above all, you need to be aware of the time that you might be wasting by doing fruitless activities ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一些有助于获得成功的选择。‎ ‎6.【解析】 根据本段的小标题可知,本段的主题是“选择积极乐观”。再根据空前一句“‎ 积极乐观的心态会让你超越你的同伴”可知,D项“你的态度决定你的高度”与上下文语意衔接且承接下文,故选D。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎【答案】 A ‎8.【解析】 本段主要讲选择更聪明地工作。空处前一句说很多人认为他们的生活失去了平衡,并且他们没有足够的时间去做他们想做的事情。G项“最重要的是,你需要知道你可能做了些无意义的活动从而浪费了自己的时间”与空后一句衔接紧密,故选G。‎ ‎【答案】 G ‎9.【解析】 上文提到“帮助并且鼓励别人不仅使你的生活更加有意义,而且也会使你赚更多的钱”。F项“花时间帮助别人成长,那么你的收入也会随之增加”与之呼应。故F项符合语境。 ‎ ‎【答案】 F ‎10.【解析】 根据本段的小标题可知,本段主要讲要选择播种而不是收获。C项中的takers与空后的givers形成鲜明的对比,且衔接紧密,故选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎ O How to Set Goals Whether you have small dreams or high expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life.Some achievements can take a lifetime to attain,while others can be completed in a day.__11__‎ ‎·Determine your life goals. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life. What do you want to achieve today,in a year, and in your lifetime?The answers to this question can be as general as “I want to be happy” or “I want to help people”.__12__‎ ‎·Set specific goals. Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to achieve.Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it.__13__ For example,“Be healthier” is too big and vague to be a helpful goal.“I want to eat more ‎ vegetables,and I want to run a marathon” is better.‎ ‎·Write out your goals.Be detailed, be clear, and include your steps.__14__ Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently. This will help keep you motivated.‎ ‎·__15__You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals, but take the time to re-evaluate your smaller goals. Are you accomplishing them according to your timeline? Are they still neccessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals? Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goals.‎ A.Adjust your goals.‎ B.Track and measure your progress.‎ C.Having deadlines will keep you motivated.‎ D.Consider what you hope to achieve in 10,15,or 20 years.‎ E.Here are some important ideas that you may find helpful.‎ F.Writing them down tends to make them become a little more real.‎ G.Remember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals.‎ ‎【解析】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了设定目标的四种方法。‎ ‎11.【解析】 根据空处所在位置可知,空处承上启下;结合下文各段的主题句可知,空处引出设定目标的有用方法,故E项符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 E ‎12.【解析】 根据该段的主题句“Determine your life goals”可知,该段主要建议“确定你的终身目标”;据此可知,该目标属于长期目标,故D项符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎13.【解析】 根据下文中的“For example,‘Be healthier’ is too big and vague to be a helpful goal.‘I want to eat more vegetables,and I want to run a marathon’ is better”可知,该处举例说明要把大目标分解成小目标,故G项符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 G ‎14.【解析】 根据该段的主题句“Write out your goals”可知,要写下你的目标;据此可以判断,空处解释“写下目标”的原因,故F项符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 F ‎15.【解析】 根据空处所在位置可知,空处是该段的主题句;结合该段内容尤其是该段尾句“Allow yourself the flexibility to make some small changes to your goals”‎ 可知,该段主要讲可以灵活地对你的目标做一些改变,故A项符合语境。 ‎ U We accomplish our goals one step at a time, doing a little each day. So, starting your day on the right foot is most important. __1__‎ ‎■Get up an hour early.‎ People who get up early in the morning have a jump on the day. In American English, We like to say, “The early bird gets the worm.” __2__ This expression means that people who rise up early have a head start and, therefore, are more likely to succeed.‎ ‎■Don't answer email or jump into social media as soon as you get up.‎ We've all done it. You see a Facebook post from a friend you haven't seen for a long time. He is angry about some political issue and the heated discussion pulls you in. __3__ You hurry out the door so as not to be late for work. This is not the best way to start your day.‎ ‎■Exercise!‎ Physical fitness experts and trainers often suggest some form of exercise in the morning because the middle of the day is a busy time for most people. By the day's end, you may not have the time or energy to exercise. __4__‎ ‎■Think about your day at night.‎ Take time at the end of the day to think back on all the things that have happened. __5__ It may help you to prepare if you take a few minutes to think about what you need to do the next day.‎ A.And spend a little time to think about tomorrow.‎ B.Here, if you're a bird, the worm is the reward.‎ C.In fact, the morning may be the most productive part of your day.‎ D.Exercising in the morning prevents that from happening.‎ E.Avoid jumping into social media as soon as you get up.‎ F.Here are four ideas on how to start your day off right.‎ G.Before you know it, an hour has passed.‎ ‎【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。目标是通过每天努力,一步步实现的。每天有一个好的开始十分重要。文章主要介绍了如何正确开始每一天的四条建议。‎ ‎【长难句分析】This expression means that people who rise up early have a head start and,‎ ‎ therefore, are more likely to succeed.(第二段最后一句)‎ 分析:这是一个主从复合句。that引导宾语从句,作means的宾语;who引导定语从句,修饰先行词people。‎ 译文:这个表达意味着早起的人有一个领先的开始,因此也更有可能成功。‎ 词汇积累:accomplish v.实现 political adj.政治的 physical adj.身体的 energy n.精力,力量 ‎1.答案与解析:F 根据上一句“So, starting your day on the right foot is most important.”和下文的四个小标题可知,此处应是一个承上启下的句子。F项“这是关于如何正确开始你的一天的四条建议”符合语境。故选F项。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:B 根据上一句“The early bird gets the worm.”可知,此处应具体解释“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”的意义。B项“也就是说,如果你是一只鸟,虫子就是你的奖励”承接上文,符合语境。故选B项。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:G 根据上一句中的“pulls you in”和下一句“You hurry out the door so as not to be late for work.”可知,你在Facebook上看到一位久未谋面的朋友的帖子,他对一些政治问题感到愤怒,你也加入这一激烈的讨论中,等你意识到时,一个小时已经过去了,由此导致的结果就是你怕上班迟到,匆匆地出门。G项符合语境。故选G项。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 上文解释了中午和晚上无法进行身体锻炼的原因,所以此处建议晨练。D项“晨练会避免这种情况发生”承接上文,符合语境。故选D项。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:A 根据下一句“It may help you to prepare if you take a few minutes to think about what you need to do the next day.”可知,A项中的“tomorrow”与此处的“the next day”相匹配,表示花点时间规划一下明天,它可以让你准备得更加充分。故选A项。‎ V Living in society of high pace, faced with so much work and so many challenges, you may find it more and more stressed. __1__.‎ ‎·Spend some time with the little people in your life Studies show that being with their families is what children like best. Hang out with your kids, grandchildren, nieces, or nephews to cheer yourself up and bring them happiness too.‎ ‎·Take a chance ‎__2__, but fear of rejection prevents you from taking the courage. Sound familiar? According to Working Mother magazine, if being afraid of disappointment keeps you from taking ‎ chances, you're actually making yourself less happy by holding back. Next time, go for it. If you get what you wanted, you'll be thrilled.‎ ‎·__3__‎ It's not simply having money that matters, it's how you choose to spend it. If you enjoy baking, buying yourself that fancy mixer you've always wanted will certainly cheer you up. But spending your money on other people, research suggests, might make you even happier.‎ ‎·Doodle (涂鸦)‎ This one may sound nonsense, but making those little stars, flowers, and smiling faces on your notebook actually makes you happier. __4__, channel your inner Charles Schulz (the creator of Snoopy) and entertain yourself.‎ ‎·Take a quick holiday ‎__5__. What's new, however, is that the length of the vacation doesn't necessarily matter. According to a recent article in the Journal of Happiness Studies, the pleasure we obtain from getting away from it all isn't measurably different whether we take off for a week or a weekend.‎ A.Take money seriously B.Buy some happiness C.Dreaming of taking a chance D.The next time you're stuck in a boring meeting E.It's not surprising that vacations help us build up happiness F.You've been dying to ask your boss for a raise and a promotion G.Now, I will show you several tips to help you build up happiness ‎【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,告诉我们如何在快节奏的社会中释放压力并增强幸福感。‎ 译文:研究表明,孩子们最喜欢和家人们待在一起。‎ 词汇积累:challenge n.挑战 measurably adv.明显地 cheer up振奋起来 ‎1.答案与解析:G 根据下文每段的小标题可知,空格处为过渡句。G项意为“现在,我会给你几个帮助你增强幸福感的建议”,承上启下,符合语境。故选择G项。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:F 根据空格处后的“but fear of rejection”及下文可知,本段介绍要尝试做一些事情,抓住机会;这和F项“你一直渴望向你的老板提出涨工资和升职的要求”逻辑一致。故选择F项。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 根据本段小标题“Doodle(涂鸦)”可知,D项作为前提假设更为合理,指下次遇到无聊的会议时,就可以涂鸦,使自己快乐起来。故选择D项。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:E 根据本段小标题“Take a quick holiday”可知,E项“假期能帮助我们增强幸福感,这并不使人惊讶”与上下文衔接紧密。故选择E项。‎ W The benefits of taking on a summer internship (实习) or an overseas internship program are extensive. Not only will you gain the experience you need to carry out a fulltime position, but your confidence will improve. You'll build up your connections, and you may even land yourself a job if you are really impressive. However, simply showing your face every day is not enough. __1__‎ Record your experience throughout.‎ You should take the time to record your experience while interning. __2__ The choice is yours. This is important for selfreflection and progression. It can also serve as a collection of your work experience for potential employers.‎ ‎__3__‎ You're not going to become a master in your field overnight, and a lot of interns make the mistake of trying to develop as many skills as possible. Instead, focus on one or two key ones and perfect them.‎ Ask for a reference letter.‎ You should always seek a reference letter from your internship placement. You'll be able to use it when you apply for a job in the future. __4__‎ Have a positive attitude.‎ It is normal to feel nervous or even a little bit shy during your first internship. After all, you're taking a step into the unknown. __5__ You should be enthusiastic and willing to take on any task that is thrown your way, no matter how dull it may seem.‎ A.But it is important to be optimistic.‎ B.Choose 12 skills you want to develop the most.‎ C.You could either keep a diary or write regular blog posts.‎ D.Besides, it'll prove you are a good candidate for the position.‎ E.You'll meet key individuals that can potentially help your career.‎ F.Instead, learn to be professional and stay focused on what you want to do.‎ G.You need to ensure you make the most of your internship if you're to experience the benefits.‎ ‎【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了充分利用实习的好处。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:G 根据上文以及空格前的“However, simply showing your face every day is not enough.”可推知,此处表示如果想体验这些好处,你需要确保自己充分利用实习。故选G。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:C 根据空格前的“You should take the time to record your experience while interning.”以及空格后的“The choice is yours.”可推知,此处表示你可以记日记或定期写微博,来记录自己的实习经历。故选C。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:B 空格处为本段的主旨句。根据本段第二句“Instead, focus on one or two key ones and perfect them.”可知,集中精力于一两个关键问题,并完善它们。由此可推知,此处表示选择你最想发挥的一到两个技能。故选B。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 根据空格前的“You'll be able to use it when you apply for a job in the future.”可推知,此处介绍了推荐信的好处及用途。D项“除此之外,它还会证明你是这个职位的优秀人选”也是推荐信的用途之一,符合语境。故选D。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:A 根据本段主旨句和空格后的“You should be enthusiastic and willing to take on any task that is thrown your way, no matter how dull it may seem.”可推知,乐观很重要。故选A。‎ X More and more people are working remotely. Here are some tips to keep in mind to stay focused on your work when working at home:‎ Set and keep regular office hours.‎ ‎__1__ Then try your best to leave work at the “office” and turn your phone on silent and enjoy the rest of your day. Give yourself some time to recharge so you can be as productive as possible.‎ Plan and structure your workdays.‎ Structure your workdays to maximize (使最大化) efficiency. Take advantage of your body's natural rhythms. __2__ If you know you focus best in the morning, resist the temptation to check email until ‎10 a.m. or later.‎ Set aside a designated (指定的) work area.‎ Try to work at the same spot every day. __3__ And make it a place you enjoy going to each day, an area where you can focus and do your best work.‎ Take breaks.‎ Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day. Rise from your desk, stretch or walk around the house or down the street. __4__ If you need social activities, go out to lunch with friends or clients.‎ Avoid distractions (使人分心的事).‎ One challenge of working at home is distraction. With no colleagues or partners nearby, it's easy to become distracted. Stay focused on work throughout the day to maintain consistent productivity. __5__‎ A.It could be a spare bedroom that you've turned into a home office.‎ B.Plan your work around your most productive hours.‎ C.Do your best to set work hours and stick to them.‎ D.Take a lunch break and enjoy a midday meal.‎ E.It is more comfortable to stay at home.‎ F.Some interruptions can't be avoided.‎ G.Avoid online distractions as well.‎ ‎【解析】 本文主要介绍了五种在家工作时如何保持注意力集中的方法。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:C 根据本段的小标题“Set and keep regular office hours”可知,此处与工作时间的设定有关,所以选C项。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:A 根据本段的小标题“Set aside a designated (指定的) work area”‎ 可知,此处表示家庭办公区的设定和安排,所以选A项。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 根据本段第一句“Schedule time for frequent breaks throughout the day”并结合小标题“Take breaks”可推知,工作期间适当休息一下有助于集中注意力,所以选D项。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:G 根据本段小标题“Avoid distractions (使人分心的事)”可推知,网上使人分心的内容也是集中注意力所需要避免的,所以选G项。‎ Y We eat in our cars, at our desks, on the go, and in front of the TV. We eat takeout, packaged and prepared meals. Why? Because it fits our notenoughtimeintheday lifestyles. __1__ Well, I'm certainly not the first one to think it or say it, but we all need to slow down.‎ Consumer trends around the globe show that over the past three decades people are purchasing more prepared foods at groceries and eating out more than ever before. It's predicted that we'll spend more at restaurants in the coming years. __2__ However, we're getting less healthy.‎ While debates can be seen in different media over the food industry's contribution to our growing waistlines and our health problems, the bottom line is this:__3__ We can choose to eat a fastfood lunch on the go. We can throw a frozen meal in the microwave and call it dinner. We can eat without thinking, in front of the tube, at our computers, and while driving a car.‎ ‎__4__ Studies have shown meaningful links between family meals and kids' mental and physical wellbeing. Eating sensibly doesn't take much time or money, but it does require you to make a conscious decision to do so. Wrapped up in endless work, appointments and social activities, we often fail to enjoy a relaxing meal with our families.‎ While it can be a challenge to always put healthy eating first, just do your best. Remember that the food you eat has a more significant effect on your health, weight and wellbeing than almost any other activities you do. __5__ Every meal made at home — even just once or twice a week — is a step closer to a healthier body and a slower eating style.‎ A.Lunch is the biggest calorie intake when it comes to eating out.‎ B.Treat it with the importance that it deserves, but start small.‎ C.Our food matches our lives.‎ D.Purchase food locally and skip as many packaged items as you can.‎ E.What we eat, where we eat and how we eat are all under our control.‎ F.We're consuming an increasing number of calories.‎ G.We can devote an hour of the day to enjoying a meal with our families.‎ ‎【解析】 本文是一篇议论文。因为生活节奏加快,许多人习惯于吃快餐。事实上,快餐并不健康,并且消费很大;为此作者呼吁人们远离快餐,重视饮食习惯。 ‎ D How to Retain (保存) More of Every Book You Read In recent years, I have focused on building good reading habits and learned how to read more. For most people, the final goal of reading a nonfiction book is to actually improve their life by learning a new skill, understanding an important problem, or looking at the world in a new way. __1__ With that in mind, I'd like to share three reading comprehension skills that I use to make my reading more productive.‎ ‎1.Make all of your notes searchable.‎ Having searchable book notes is important for returning to ideas easily. __2__ An idea is only useful if you can find it when you need it. There is no need to leave the task of reading comprehension merely up to your memory.‎ ‎2.__3__‎ When you go to the library, all of the books will be divided into different categories. In the real world, of course, knowledge is not separated into neatly defined boxes. __4__ For that reason, I try to consider how the book I'm reading is connected with all of the ideas that are already inside my head. Whenever possible, I try to combine the lessons I'm learning with previous ideas.‎ ‎3.Summarize the book in one paragraph.‎ ‎__5__ It forces me to review my notes and consider what is really important about the book. In many cases, I find that I can usually get just as much useful information from reading my oneparagraph summary and reviewing my notes as I would if I read the entire book again.‎ A.Combine thoughts as you read.‎ B.All knowledge is interconnected.‎ C.Describe the book to your friends.‎ D.Read widely if you want to practice the skills.‎ E.It increases the chances that you will apply what you read in real life.‎ F.Once I finish a book, I challenge myself to summarize the text in just three sentences.‎ G.It's important to read books, but it is just as important to remember what you read and use it.‎ ‎【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,分别从记笔记、边阅读边思考以及归纳三方面说明如何提高阅读效率。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:G 根据空前的内容可知阅读能改善人们的生活,再根据后面一句中的“to make my reading more productive”(使得阅读更有效率)可知,G项“阅读很重要,而记住所阅读的东西并利用它同样重要”符合语境。另外,后面With that in mind中的that指代G项内容。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:E 根据语境可知,有可查阅的读书笔记对于轻松地回想起书中的思想很重要,这增加了你将读到的东西运用到现实生活中的可能性。E项中的It指代Having searchable book notes。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:A 根据此段的最后一句“Whenever possible, I try to combine the lessons I'm learning with previous ideas”可知,作者建议读书的过程中要学会整合思想,故A项与此处匹配。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:B 根据空前一句“In the real world, of course, knowledge is not separated into neatly defined boxes”可知,现实生活中,知识当然不是独立地安放在各种整齐、清晰界定的箱子里,所有的知识都是交融的,故B项与此处匹配。空后的“connected with”也是暗示。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:F 根据本段标题句Summarize the book in one paragraph中的关键词Summarize可知,F项中的“I challenge myself to summarize the text in just three sentences”与标题信息相吻合。‎ E Culture shock is the emotional and mental reaction to being in a completely new cultural environment. __1__ It generally consists of several stages of feelings.‎ The “honeymoon stage” is usually the first stage that people go through when surrounded by different cultural values and lifestyles. During this stage, people have positive images of their new cultural surroundings. They tend to view these in an idealistic way and ignore problems. __2__ This stage is usually quite short and quickly replaced by the second stage called “the frustration stage”.‎ During the “frustration stage”, newcomers begin to act negatively. __3__ Visitors tend to exaggerate (夸大) problems in the new culture. They may feel isolated (孤立的) during this stage. Depending on one's situation, this stage can last days, months, or even years.‎ With the frustration stage ending, the adjustment stage begins. This marks the time when newcomers try their best to accept the differences of the new culture and the challenges of everyday life.‎ ‎__4__ Some newcomers enter the “mastery stage” and are completely accustomed to the values and beliefs of the new culture. They are able to handle the new culture like a native while keeping some of their own original cultural values. Some choose the “rejection stage” and decide against fitting in with the new culture. __5__ Other newcomers completely adopt the identify of the new culture and give up the values and beliefs of their home culture.‎ A.Meeting new people is seen as fascinating.‎ B.The new cultural surroundings are no longer novel.‎ C.They regain their sense of balance and become confident.‎ D.This process opens the door to three possible outcomes.‎ E.For many people this is often a very difficult experience.‎ F.A person experiencing culture shock may display many symptoms.‎ G.They usually permanently withdraw from the culture through isolation or returning home.‎ ‎【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了文化冲击在不同阶段的表现。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:E 根据前一句“Culture shock is the emotional and mental reaction to being in a completely new cultural environment.”可知,文化冲击是在一个全新的文化环境中产生的情感和心理反应。由此可推断,此处指对许多人来说,这往往是一段非常艰难的经历。故答案选E。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:B 根据前一句“During the ‘frustration stage’, newcomers begin to act negatively.”可知,在“挫折阶段”,新来者开始表现消极。由此可推断,此处指新的文化环境不再是新奇的。故答案选B。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 上文提到文化冲击的三个情感阶段,即蜜月阶段、挫折阶段和适应阶段;根据空格后的内容可推断,这一过程为三种可能的结果打开了大门。故答案选D。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:G 根据前一句“Some choose the‘rejection stage’and decide against fitting in with the new culture.”可知,一些人选择了拒绝阶段,决定不适应新的文化。由此可推断,他们通常是通过与世隔绝或回归家乡来永久地退出新的文化。故答案选G。‎ F How to Be Productive in a Challenging Environment A lot of organizations deal with challenges like maintaining productivity and quality of work. __1__ In this article, we'll share with you a few essential tips on staying focused at work.‎ Prepare a todo list.‎ Half the battle is won once you prioritize (优先处理) your tasks. Make a list of what need to be done. Plan your day through these lists and set realistic deadlines to accomplish each one of them. __2__‎ Schedule your work.‎ Don't overstretch yourself with your work. __3__ To avoid burnout, take a walk to renew your brain, allowing it to concentrate better. Though breaks are essential for a healthy workday, you must learn to take them with a pinch of salt. Frequent breaks can be addictive and can affect your work.‎ ‎__4__‎ Nowadays, being online on various social media platforms is a trend. Several notifications (通知) pop up every now and then, commanding your attention. If you are constantly attending to such notifications, how are you supposed to do meaningful work? While working on an important project, set your phone to silent mode or switch it off. If you really want to stay updated with your social media accounts, you can set specialized time slots to check your phone.‎ Cut outside noise.‎ Until you do away with noise, you won't be able to focus. Limiting auditory distractions is crucial in increasing your attention span. You can use noisecanceling headphones for that. __5__ In case that doesn't solve the problem, choose remote work for a day or two to regain your lost focus.‎ Keep on practicing these positive habits and you'll surely see a noticeable improvement in ‎ your productivity level at work.‎ A.Avoid distractions.‎ B.Take regular exercise.‎ C.Rather, split your work into parts.‎ D.Changing your working environment may have unexpected benefits.‎ E.When you start prioritizing tasks, you won't just be focused but efficient, too.‎ F.If you still can't concentrate, move to a quieter place, such as a conference room.‎ G.Managers are pressed to motivate their team members while boosting their productivity.‎ ‎【解析】 本文主要介绍了在工作中保持专注的一些建议。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:G 根据本空前的句子“A lot of organizations deal with challenges like maintaining productivity and quality of work”可知,许多组织要应对既要保持生产效率又要保证工作质量的挑战。本题中的“productivity and quality of work”为关键词,故选G项。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:E 根据本段中的“Half the battle is won once you prioritize (优先处理) your tasks”可知,一旦你优先处理你的任务你就胜利了一半了。本题中的“prioritize (优先处理)”为关键词,故选E项。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:A 根据上下文可知,本空为本段小标题,根据本段中的“While working on an important project, set your phone to silent mode or switch it off”可知,在做重要工作的时候要把手机调成静音或者关掉。因此本段主要讲的是在工作的时候要专心,不要分心,故选A项。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:F 根据本段小标题Cut outside noise及本空前的句子“You can use noisecanceling headphones for that”和空后的句子“In case that doesn't solve the problem, choose remote work...”可知,前面讲了你可以使用消音耳机来消除外界的噪音,后面又讲了如果那也解决不了问题的话可以采用的方法。故本空应与上下文一致,介绍远离噪音的方法,F项(如果你仍然不能集中精力的话,搬到更安静的地方,比如会议室)符合题意。 ‎

