2018-2019学年山西省忻州市第二中学高一上学期11月月考试卷 英语 (word版)

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2018-2019学年山西省忻州市第二中学高一上学期11月月考试卷 英语 (word版)

‎2018-2019学年山西省忻州市第二中学上学期11月月考试卷 高一英语 ‎ 一.单选题(每题2分,共30分)‎ ‎1.- What is the ____of graduate students going to university in your school?‎ ‎-About 98 percent.‎ A. numberB. size C. percentage D. amount ‎2. Today the students in the countryside should have easy_____‎ computers to keep up withthe modern times.‎ A way ofB way toC. access ofD. access to ‎3. Xinjiang is not only nationally known ____its fruit, especially its seedless grapes, butis also known ____a tourist attraction.‎ A. as: asB. for: forC. for. AsD. as: for ‎4. My father ____his little store rapidly into a big department store in the past ten years.‎ A has developedB developedC is developingD. develops ‎5. Computer-buyers are very happy because the price of computers has ‎___a lot since lastmonth.‎ A gone downB. brought up C. gone up D. brought down ‎6.--- What a beautiful picture!‎ ‎---It's years ___I painted a picture as beautiful as thisone.‎ A. thatB. sinceC before D when ‎7. You must get a good night sleep first, ____much work you have to do. A. although B. no matterC however D. whatever ‎8.--- Why don't you buy the necklace since you like it so much?‎ ‎---I___, but I don't have the money A. would B will C should D may ‎9. ___our earth, or else it will be no longer for us to live on.‎ A Protected B To protect C protecting D. Protect ‎10. They have ____signs in some places to remind(提醒)the visitors not to step on the grass。‎ A put on B put upCput down D put out ‎11.____,people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is. ‎ A .Fortunate B. Fortunately C .Being fortunate D. Being fortunately ‎12. This is the third time I____ Hong Kong. The second time I____ here was on Christmas Daylast year. ‎ A have visited; came B have visited; have come ‎ C visit; came D visited; had come ‎13. The dog was approaching_____ the garden when she ran out.‎ A. to B. towards C. for D./‎ ‎14. ____students are required to take part in the boat race A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Young strong ten Chinese ‎15. ____of the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and____ of them are men teachers.‎ A.The number; the small number B A number; a small number C.The number; a small number D A number; the small number 二 单词拼写:(每题3分,共30分)‎ ‎1. The internet is one of the biggest ________(来源)of information in the world. ‎ ‎2. It is said that kites were originally made for _______(军事)use in our country. ‎ ‎3. We are owners of the house, so I personally think they shouldn’t get into our house without _______(允许). ‎ ‎4. I’m sorry to tell you that we are unable to give you a _______ (明确)date of the meeting for the time being. ‎ ‎5. The average _______(百分比)of women village officials is now higher than 16% all over China. ‎ ‎6 The internet is _______(可用)through both computers and mobile phones. ‎ ‎7. As students, we must _______(集中)our attention on our lessons. ‎ ‎8. There are many ________(优点)in making computers as small as one can. ‎ ‎9. According to the latest _______(统计), the mainland has become the largest export market for Taiwan. ‎ ‎10. Children should be encouraged to be _______(独立)thinkers. ‎ 三.阅读理解(每题4分,共40分)‎ ‎【A】‎ Lao Yang was born in a small town. He liked reading when he studied at school. He thought the writers were respected(尊敬) and could get a lot of money. He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments (编辑部) but didn't receive any answers.‎ Now he works in a factory. He's busy at work. When he's free, he always reads something. He always remembers he hoped to be a writer when he was young. One day, Xiao Ping, his ten-year-old daughter, came back. She looked worried and didn't eat anything. She said Miss GAO, her Chinese teacher, told them to write a solicit article(征文) "My Father" that evening. But she did not know what to write.‎ ‎"That's easy," said Lao Yang. "Let me help you."‎ Then he sat down to write the solicit article at once. He easily finished it on time. He was sure Miss GAO would like it. But one afternoon he asked his daughter if the article had been chosen to post to the editorial department.‎ ‎ "My teacher said your article digressed from the subject(离题)," said the girl.‎ ‎ "I don't think so," Lao Yang shouted angrily. "I described(描写) just my father!"‎ ‎1. Lao Yang wrote a lot of stories because _______.‎ A. he likes reading ‎  B. he learned much at school ‎  C. he wanted to be a writer ‎  D. he wanted to help others ‎  2. Lao Yang posted the stories to the editorial departments, _______.‎ ‎  A. and he got a lot of money B. and he became a famous man ‎  C. and he was respectedD. but he failed ‎  3. As _______, Lao Yang decided to help his daughter.‎ ‎  A. he was a writer ‎  B. he was free ‎  C. he wanted to realize his ideal(理想)‎ ‎  D. he wanted to make his daughter happy ‎  4. Lao Yang hoped _______.‎ ‎  A. his article could surprise the teacher ‎  B. his article could be chosen ‎  C. the children could like his article ‎  D. everyone could soon know him ‎  5. Lao Yang's solicit article digressed from the subject _______.‎ ‎  A. because he couldn't write it at all ‎  B. because he didn't know his father well ‎  C. because it was too bad to be chosen ‎  D. just because he described his father ‎【B】‎ Here is a story: A man sees a butterfly(蝴蝶). The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis(蛹). Feeling sorry for it, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly. If the butterfly doesn’t struggle(挣扎;奋斗) to leave the chrysalis, it can’t fly! The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly. Similarly, the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make the fly.‎ When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we look at successful people, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle. One famous businessman, who now owns many big supermarkets, used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young. Another successful man is Dennis. His father died when he was only twenty. His father’s death forced him to mature fast. He had to bring up a family of nine people. He took up the challenges and overcame them. Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives.‎ Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them. So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges. They might organize some activities for young people ‎ which provide them with challenges, like rock-climbing, camping, volunteer work and so on. However, just passing exams will not prepare a person for life. We must meet and overcome challenges. The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow. For countries to continue to become successful, it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.‎ ‎6. From the story we know that the butterfly can’t fly because ________.‎ A. it gets out by itself B. the man feels sorry for it C. it tries to challenge itself D. the man helps it come out ‎7. Dennis’s example shows that successful people should ________.‎ A. overcome the difficulties B. take up business early C. become the leaders of tomorrow D. sell clothes from door to door ‎8. The meaning of the underlined word “mature” in the passage is “________”.‎ A. wake upB. give up C. grow upD. bring up ‎9. What is the writer trying to do in this passage?‎ A. Describe where a butterfly comes from.‎ B. Encourage young people to face challenges.‎ C. Suggest how to become a successful businessman.‎ D. Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.‎ ‎10. What is the best title for this passage?‎ A. Successful People Have a Sense of Achievement B. Young People Must Develop Their Energy Actively C. Countries Should Continue to Become Successful D. Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in Young People 高一英语答案:‎ 一.单选1-5CDCAA 6-10BCADB 11-15BADAC 二.单词填空1. sources 2. military 3. permission 4. definite 5. Percentage 6. accessible 7. concentrate 8. advantages 9. statistics 10. independent 三.A篇 ‎  Lao Yang 是个文学爱好者,但没能实现他的作家梦,他帮他的女儿写 my father,本来他应该描写他自己的,但他却写成了他的父亲。‎ ‎1. C。细节题。根据 …he thought the writers were respected and could get a lot of money. He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments but didn't receive any answers 可知答案为 C。‎ ‎2. D。细节题。根据 He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments but didn't receive any answers 可知答案为D。‎ ‎3. C。推断题。Lao Yang 很早就喜欢写作,多次投稿却没有回音,于是他认为帮他女儿写作文是个很好的实现理想的机会,因此选 C。‎ ‎4. B。细节题。根据第4段最后一句 …he asked his daughter if the article had been chosen to post the editorial department 可知答案为 B。‎ ‎5. D。细节题。文章中说 I described just my father,但根据老师的要求他应该描写他自己。因此应该选择 D。‎ B篇 ‎【解析】本文论述了挑战在人生经历中的重要性,最终告诉人们:年轻人学会面对挑战并战胜挑战非常重要。‎ ‎6. D,细节判断题。问题:从文章中我们知道,蝴蝶不能飞是因为_____。根据问题主句“the butterfly can’t fly”定位答案在第一段。根据文章叙述“Feeling sorry for it, the man decides to help. He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily. Surprisingly enough, the butterfly is unable to fly.”(人因为蝴蝶痛苦而感到遗憾,决定帮助它,人切断茧,蝴蝶很容易的出来,但吃惊的是不能飞);选项A. it gets out by itself它自己出来;B. the man feels sorry for it人因此感到遗憾;C. it tries to challenge itself它试图挑战自己;D. the man helps it come out人帮助它出来;结合文章语境及选项内容可知,正确答案是D。‎ ‎7. A,综合判断题。问题:Dennis的例子说明成功的人应该_____。根据Dennis的例子,定位答案在第二段。根据第二段结构,举例是为了说明本段第一句的主题句,即“When people are young, meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life. When we look at successful people, we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle.”(人们年轻时遇到并战胜挑战使他们强壮并准备面向生活,成功的人最成功之处是他们不得不挣扎);选项A. overcome the difficulties战胜困难;B. take up business early早早地开始生意;C. become the leaders of ‎ tomorrow成为明天的主人;D. sell clothes from door to door挨家挨户的卖衣服;根据语境及选项判断可知,选项B,C和D与文章论述不符,故正确答案是A。‎ ‎8. C,语义推理题。问题:文章中划线单词“mature”的意思是_____。根据黑体位置定位答案需重点理解第二段,根据文章对Dennis 的叙述,上文“父亲在他20岁时去世,父亲的去世迫使他_____迅速。”联系上下文及选项A. wake up起床;B. give up放弃;C. grow up成长;D. bring up提出;养育;可知,正确答案是C。‎ ‎9. B,主旨理解题。问题:文章中作者试图做什么?首先分析选项:A. Describe where a butterfly comes from.描述蝴蝶来自哪;B. Encourage young people to face challenges.鼓励年轻人面对挑战;C. Suggest how to become a successful businessman.建议如何成为成功的商人;D. Explain what will happen if a person fails the exam.解释如果一个人考试失败将会发生什么。文章的主旨英语主旨句密切相关,分析文章结构可知,文章的中心句在最后一句“it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them.”可知,中心句与选项B相一致,故正确答案是B ‎10. D,主旨理解题。问题:文章最好的题目是什么?选项分析:A. Successful People Have a Sense of Achievement成功的人有成就感;B. Young People Must Develop Their Energy Actively年轻人必须积极开发他们的能量;C. Countries Should Continue to Become Successful国家应该继续变得成功;D. Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in ‎ Young People年轻人人生中的挑战成就最美人生;根据文章结构及中心理解,结合选项对比可知,正确答案为D ‎

