百校联盟2021届高三11月普通高中教育教学质量监测全国卷(新高考)英语试题 Word版含解析

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百校联盟2021届高三11月普通高中教育教学质量监测全国卷(新高考)英语试题 Word版含解析

- 1 - 百校联盟 2021 届普通高中教育教学质量监测考试 全国卷(新高考) 英语 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 略 第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A Best Science Fiction The Sprawl Trilogy by William Gibson This classic trilogy from william Gibson consists of Neuromancer, Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive. The book that started the entire concept of Cyberpunk, the Hugo Award-, Nebula Award-and Philip K. Dick Award-winning Neuromancer remains one of the best sci-fi books ever written and the entire trilogy is worth a read, even if it’s the original that gets all the praise. Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons This series by Dan Simmons consists of Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, End ymion and The Rise of Endymion. Truly one of the great works in science fiction history, the Hugo Award-winning Hyperion Cantos is an absolutely excellent story of extreme terror, character-building and wild-world-building that is almost without equal in the type. How we haven’t gotten a proper onscreen adaptation of this series yet, I have no idea, but Perhaps it’s best left in its original, amazing book form. Ender’s Game Quartet by Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game is often read in schools, but it has incredibly mature themes like isolation, loneliness, competition and fear- many of which are more relevant now than when Orson Scott Card first began the series in 1985. If you love Ender’s Game, it’s worth reading the whole series to follow the sci-fi adventures of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin: Ender’s Game, Ender in Exile, Xenocide and Children of the Mind. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson This is the only stand-alone book on this list, as the rest are all in a series, so if you don’t feel - 2 - like investing in 300, 000 pages of content, Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash is for you. This book is the heir ( 继 承 人 ) to Neuromancer’s Cyberpunk throne and an absolutely excellent read from Stephenson. The author uses virtual reality as his setting, and the main character is a pizza deliveryman in one world and a warrior prince in another. 1. Which book won the most awards? A. Neuromancer. B. Hyperion. C. Ender’s Game. D. Snow Crash. 2. What do we know about Ender’s Game Quarte? A. It consists of three books. B. It is popular among students. C. It has been adapted into a film. D. It focuses on children’s problems. 3. What is special about Snow Crash? A. It’s the longest story. B. It’s about the solar system. C. It’s not a series. D. It’s not a real story. 【答案】1. A 2. B 3. C 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章介绍了四本科幻小说。 【1 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 The Sprawl Trilogy by William Gibson 部分“the Hugo Award-, Nebula Award-and Philip K. Dick Award-winning Neuromancer”可知 Neuromancer 获得过至少三项大奖,比本文提到的其他小说都多。故选 A。 【2 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Ender’s Game Quartet by Orson Scott Card 部分“Ender’s Game is often read in schools”( Ender’s Game 这本书在学校经常被阅读)可知 Ender’s Game Quarte 在学生中很受欢迎。故选 B。 【3 题详解】 细节理解题。根据 Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson 部分 “This is the only stand-alone book on this list, as the rest are all in a series”(Snow Crash 是 这些作品中唯一一本独立的书,其余的都是一个系列)可知 Snow Crash 的特别之处在于它不 是一个系列。故选 C。 B - 3 - Isaac Newton is one of the greatest geniuses in history, though in his younger years, nobody would have guessed that he would grow up to become one of the world’s most brilliant minds. He was born prematurely (早产) and quite small. He hated his step family. He went to a school that did not teach mathematics, and then later he was removed. His mother was widowed twice. She urged him to become a farmer, and he hated that too. He was a working student in college, doing odd jobs to pay for his education. And he graduated from Cambridge without honors. He didn’t look outstanding at all, and neither was his story. But his mind saw more complex, and fascinating stories in the concepts of mathematics and physics. His plain life did not bother him at all. Though he went through his Cambridge years with barely any honors, the inside of his study was found to have some of the most groundbreaking discoveries in physics and mathematics. He went on to discover many of his famous theories, including the generalized binomial theorem, power series, and infinite sums. He also observed the way light is refracted ( 折 射 ) by lenses and developed his own Newtonian telescope. Through his discovery of the Laws of Universal Gravitation and Laws of Motion, the field of physics was forever transformed. If there was anything constant about the life of Isaac Newton, it wasn’t merely that his brain was large,but that it was continuously filled with wonder. Isaac Newton’s life was brilliant, not because of his wondrous adventures, but because he saw wonder in everything- from the minute details of mathematical philosophy, to how the world works. Truly, there is nothing boring or ordinary about a mind that seeks adventure in all things. 4. Which word can describe Issac Newton as a young man? A Ordinary. B. Diligent. C. Happy. D. Intelligent. 5. What can we infer about Issac Newton from the third paragraph? A. His life experience was extraordinary. B. He had a gift for math and physics. C. He was good at making up stories. D. He didn’t care about his grades at school. 6. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 5? A. Newton’s life was full of adventures. B. Nothing Is impossible to a willing heart. C. A brain good at discovery is never boring. - 4 - D. Newton had a brain larger than any other’s. 7. What can be the best title of this text? A. The Achievements of Isaac Newton B. The Brilliant Life of Isaac Newton C. Interest Is the Best Secret of Success D. Hard Work Makes up for Lack of Intelligence 【答案】4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 【解析】 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了牛顿平淡的学校生活,以及后来的伟大成就。 【详解】1.推理判断题。结合第二段的内容“He was born prematurely (早产) and quite small. He hated his step family. He went to a school that did not teach mathematics, and then later he was removed. ”他是个早产儿,个子很小。他恨他的继父母。他去了一所不教数学的学校,后来他 被开除了。”和“ He was a working student in college, doing odd jobs to pay for his education. And he graduated from Cambridge without honors.”他大学时是个打工的学生,靠打零 工来支付学费。他从剑桥大学毕业,没有获得任何荣誉。据此可推断,牛顿和其他的孩子一 样,年轻时很普通。故选 A。 2.推理判断题。根据第三段中“But his mind saw more complex, and fascinating stories in the concepts of mathematics and physics.”在他的头脑中能看到数学和物理概念中复杂迷人的故事。 说明他对数学和物理有与众不同的天赋。故选 B。 3.主旨大意题。结合第五段“If there was anything constant about the life of Isaac Newton, it wasn’t merely that his brain was large,but that it was continuously filled with wonder. Isaac Newton’s life was brilliant, not because of his wondrous adventures, but because he saw wonder in everything- from the minute details of mathematical philosophy, to how the world works. Truly, there is nothing boring or ordinary about a mind that seeks adventure in all things.”如果说牛顿的 一生中有什么永恒不变的东西的话,那不只是他的大脑很大,而且他的大脑还不断地充满了 奇迹。牛顿一生辉煌,不是因为他的奇妙冒险,而是因为他能在一切事物中看到奇迹——从数 学哲学的微小细节,到世界是如何运作的。事实上,一个追求冒险的头脑,没有什么是无聊 或平凡的。据此可知,作者想告诉读者的内容体现在最后一句总结中,即,善于发现的大脑 永远不会无聊。故选 C。 - 5 - 4.主旨大意题。根据最后一段“Isaac Newton’s life was brilliant, not because of his wondrous adventures, but because he saw wonder in everything- from the minute details of mathematical philosophy, to how the world works. ”(艾萨克·牛顿的一生之所以辉煌,并不是因为他奇妙的冒 险经历,而是因为他看到了一切事物的奇妙之处——从数学哲学的细微细节,到世界是如何运 转的)结合全文内容,本文首先介绍了牛顿的童年时期,然后介绍了他后来的成就以及取得 成就的主要原因。故 B 选项“艾萨克·牛顿辉煌的一生”能够概括本文内容,最适合作文章标题。 故选 B。 C The health benefits of staying active are already well-known. It can help you manage weight keep blood sugar levels down and reduce risk factors for heart disease. Now, a new study suggests that regularly playing sports, especially badminton or tennis, is not only healthy but also reduces your risk of death, at any age, by approximately 50%. This is a big scale population study to explore the health benefits of sports in terms of death rate. The study evaluated responses from 80, 306 adults aged 30 and above in England and Scotland, who were surveyed about their health, lifestyle and exercise patterns. After adjusting factors such as age, sex, weight, smoking habits, alcohol use, education and other forms of exercise besides the named sports, the researchers compared the risk of death among people who took part in a sport to those who didn’t. The percentage of reduced risk of death was found to be: 47% for racket(球拍)sports, 28% for swimming and 15% for cycling. In addition to this, the study didn’t find any significant reduction in the risk for sports like running and football. The findings also exposed that over 44% of the participants met the guidelines for the recommended exercise levels to stay fit and healthy, which amounts to 150 minutes of moderate(适度的) physical activity in a week. Does this mean you stop running or playing football and switch to tennis instead? Every kind of sport and physical activity has different physical, social and mental benefits attached to it. The apparent lack of benefits of running and football could result from several variables that were not taken into account. Being active helps you feel happier and live longer. So, the most important step is to take part in any kind of sport that you are likely to enjoy and follow in the long term. 8. How is the study conducted? - 6 - A. By doing comparative experiments. B. By analyzing previous data. C. By evaluating survey information. D. By tracking participants for a long time. 9. What does the underlined part “the named sports” refer to? A. Ball sports. B. Racket sports. C. Individual sports. D. Traditional sports. 10. What can we infer from paragraph 5? A. Few people will play football. B. Tennis will become more popular. C. The result of this study is wrong. D. The study needs to be further improved. 11. What does the author advise people to do? A. Stick to any sport that you like. B. Play badminton and tennis only. C. Stop running and playing football. D. Do any sport according to guidelines. 【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A 【解析】 【分析】 本文为说明文。研究表明,羽毛球和网球这样的球拍类运动最有助于减少死亡率,只要长期 坚持喜欢的运动,保持积极心态,都会使你感到幸福。 【8 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段中“The study evaluated responses from 80,306 adults aged 30 and above in England and Scotland, who were surveyed about their health, lifestyle and exercise patterns.”(这 项研究评估了英格兰和苏格兰 80306 名 30 岁及以上成年人关于他们的健康,生活方式和运动 模式的调查反馈。)由此可知,这个研究是通过评估调查问卷来进行的。故选 C。 【9 题详解】 词义猜测题。第二段开头提到打羽毛球和网球对减少死亡率的巨大作用,接下来的介绍用调 查研究来证明这个结论。根据“ After adjusting factors such as age, sex, weight, smoking habits, alcohol use, education and other forms of exercise ”可知,研究中评估了参与实验人员的年龄、 性别、体重、吸烟习惯、饮酒、受教育程度以及包括指定运动在内的其他运动形式等因素。 由此可知指的是段首提到的羽毛球和网球,再根据下文“47% for racket sports,”可 知,the named sports 指的就是羽毛球和网球。故选 B。 【10 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第五段中“The apparent lack of benefits of running and football could result - 7 - from several variables that were not taken into account.”(跑步和足球明显缺乏益处可能是由于 没有考虑到几个变量造成的。)可知,这个研究没有发现跑步和足球明显的好处,可能是由于 几个没有考虑到的变量造成的。这说明,这个研究还是有不足之处的地方,研究需要进一步 改善。故选 D。 【11 题详解】 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“the most important step is to take part in any kind of sport that you are likely to enjoy and follow in the long term”(最重要的一步是参加任何一种你可能喜欢并长期 追随的运动。)可知,作者建议人们喜欢什么运动项目就参与什么项目,只要长期坚持就好。 故选 A。 【点睛】 D A new study found that some methods for measuring a species’ generation time might underestimate (低估) the likelihood that some species will die out. A species generation time is how long it takes for a generation to be replaced by its mature offspring. This is different for every specie and dramatically impacts how quickly a species can respond to changes in their environment. The generation time of a mouse is only a few months, whereas the African elephant has a generation time of 22 years. The longer the generation time, the slower a species can adapt to environmental changes and may, therefore, be more likely to go extinct. In some risk assessment models, population reduction is measured on the scale of three times a species generation time. If a species is believed to mature and produce offspring in five years, then how much its population has declined will be measured over a 15-year interval. But if a species generation time is underestimated, so is the threat status of the species. We tested the influence of errors in different measures of generation time, including those used by the IUCN Red List assessments and found that these errors could potentially lead to an overly optimistic assessment of extinction risk for some species. To overcome this, we compared different types of errors in seven commonly used measures of generation time. We propose a new estimate which predicts a species’ generation time from its body mass and reproductive lifespan. Still, the lack of data is a thorny problem for making accurate calculations. We’re planning to - 8 - explore how to fill some of these knowledge gaps by comparing survival and reproduction data from wild and captive populations, using data from nearly 1, 200 zoos and aquarium over 40 years, on more than 21,000 species. 12. What can we know from the second paragraph? A. Elephants are less endangered than mice. B. Mice have a longer generation time than elephants. C. Mice are more adaptable than elephants. D. Elephants are more advanced than mice. 13. What is the time range some assessment models use to measure the elephant population. A. 15 years. B. 22 years. C. 44 years. D. 66 years. 14. What is the result of underestimating the generation time of some species? A. Overestimating their survival. B. Causing them to die out quickly. C. Ignoring their danger to humans. D. Accelerating their reproduction. 15. What will the researchers do next? A. Doing experiments. B. Analyzing more data. C. Counting animals in zoos. D. Popularizing animal knowledge. 【答案】12. C 13. D 14. A 15. B 【解析】 本文为说明文。文章介绍了人们对濒危幼物的世代间隔估计存在错误,并介绍了如何改进评 估办法。 【12 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段中“The generation time of a mouse is only a few months, whereas the African elephant has a generation time of 22 years. The longer the generation time, the slower a species can adapt to environmental changes and may, therefore, be more likely to go extinct.”可知, 老鼠的发育期只有几个月,而非洲象的发育期是 22 年。一个物种的世代时间越长,适应环境 变化的速度就越慢,也就越有可能走向灭绝。由此可知,老鼠的世代时间比大象少很多,说 明世代时间越短,对环境变化的适应能力越强,因此老鼠的适应能力比大象强。故选 C。 【13 题详解】 细节 理解题 。根据 第三 段第一 句“In some risk assessment models, population reduction is measured on the scale of three times a species generation time.”可知,在一些风险评估模型中, - 9 - 种群数量的减少是一个物种世代时间的三倍。由此可知,有些评估模式在三倍于物种世代时 间范围内测量一个种群减少的数量。由此算出,测量大象的时间范围是 22×3=66 年。故选 D。 【14 题详解】 细节理解题。根据第四段中“these errors could potentially lead to an overly optimistic assessment of extinction risk for some species.”可知,这些错误(低估它们的世代间隔)会导致对这些物种 灭绝风险的评估过于乐观,也就是高估了它们的存活能力。故选 A。 【15 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Still, the lack of data is a thorny problem for making accurate calculations.(然而,缺乏数据仍然是进行准确计算的棘手问题)”及“We’re planning to explore how to fill some of these knowledge gaps by comparing survival and reproduction data from wild and captive populations, using data from nearly 1, 200 zoos and aquarium over 40 years, on more than 21,000 species.(我们正计划探索如何通过比较野生和圈养种群的生存和繁殖数据来填补这 些知识空白,这些数据来自近 1200 家动物园和水族馆 40 年来对 21000 多种物种的数据)”可 推知,接下来研究人员要做的是比较分析更多的数据。故选 B。 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项 为多余选项。 You may think that learning how to draw can be very difficult, but with several tips, you can do it easily. Start by drawing basic lines and curves(曲线). ___16___, start by carefully drawing the pencil over the page in a straight line. Practice holding your hand at different angles to see what gives you the most control over the pencil, along with what feels most comfortable. Once you feel comfortable drawing a straight line, practice turning your wrist as you draw which should create a curve. ___17___ Draw a simple shape and add an imaginary light source to your page. Use a pencil to lightly shade in the areas farthest from your light source, while leaving the area closest to the light source unshaded.___18___. Make an object seem grounded in reality by adding cast shadows. Picture your light source then draw a shadow on the opposite side of the object from the light. - 10 - ___19___. It, though, may be longer or shorter than the object itself, depending on how far away the light source is and the angle of the light. Draw a grid(网格) on the paper if you need help with proportions(比例). If you’re drawing something from a source image, draw several evenly-spaced vertical and horizontal lines on your paper to make a grid.___20___. Look at each individual square on the source image and copy it into the corresponding (对应的) square on our paper. Your finished picture should be proportional to the original! A. Build an object out of different shapes B. If you learn to draw from the very beginning C. Create a sense of depth by shading in a shape D. Then, draw the same lines on your source image E. The shadow should be the same shape as the object F. Once you grasp the basic skills of drawing a proper shape G. Keep building up the shading until it looks as if it was real 【答案】16. B 17. C 18. G 19. E 20. D 【解析】 本文是说明文。介绍了几个初学绘画的技巧。 【16 题详解】 根据文章结构,本段主题是“Start by drawing basic lines and curves(曲线).(从绘制基本直线和 曲线开始)”。根据下文“ start by carefully drawing the pencil over the page in a straight line(先 用铅笔认真的在纸上画一条直线。) ”可知,选项 B“If you learn to draw from the very beginning(如果你刚开始学画画)”中的关键词“from the very beginning”与下文中的“start by carefully drawing”呼应,且符合本段主题。故选 B 项。 【17 题详解】 根据文章结构,本题考查段落主题句。根据本段句子“Draw a simple shape and add an imaginary light source to your page. Use a pencil to lightly shade in the areas farthest from your light source, while leaving the area closest to the light source unshaded.(在一个简单形状的某一侧加上想象中 的光源,也就是画出影子来,使其看起来有深度。 )”,再结合本段内容可知,本段主要介 绍怎么创建深度感。C 选项“Create a sense of depth by shading in a shape(通过在形状中着色来 创建深度感)”符合题意。故选 C 项。 - 11 - 【18 题详解】 由上文“Use a pencil to lightly shade in the areas farthest from your light source, while leaving the area closest to the light source unshaded.(用铅笔在离光源最远的区域轻轻地着色,同时使离光 源最近的区域不着色。)”可知,句中“shade in the areas farthest from your light source.”与选 项 G“Keep building up the shading until it looks as if it was real(继续建立阴影直到看起来像是真 的)”中的关键信息“Keep building up the shading”呼应,都是说建立阴影层次。故选 G 项。 【19 题详解】 根据文章结构,本段主题是“Make an object seem grounded in reality by adding cast shadows. (通过添加投射阴影,使对象看起来像是在现实中扎根。)”。根据上文 “Picture your light source, then draw a shadow on the opposite side of the object from the light.(画出你的光源,然 后在物体的另一边从光线中画一个阴影。)”和下文“It, though, may be longer or shorter than the object itself, depending on how far away the light source is and the angle of the light.(不过, 它可能比物体本身长或短,这取决于光源的距离和光线的角度。)”可知,均是谈论物体与阴影 的关系。E 选项 “The shadow should be the same shape as the object.(阴影应该与物体的形状 相同)”能承上启下,且符合本段主题。故选 E 项。 【20 题详解】 根据文章结构,本段主题是“Draw a grid(网格) on the paper if you need help with proportions(比 例).(如果你需要比例方面的帮助,在纸上画一个网格。)”。根据上文“If you’re drawing something from a source image, draw several evenly-spaced vertical and horizontal lines on your paper to make a grid.(如果要从源图像中绘制内容,请在纸上画几条等距的垂直和水平线以形 成网格。)”可知,D 选项“Then, draw the same lines on your source image(然后,在源图像上 绘制相同的线条)”中的“the same lines ”与上文中“draw several evenly-spaced vertical and horizontal lines”语义衔接,符合语境。故选 D 项。 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分 ) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 I grew up very poor and with a single mom. Often there was no money for_____21_____, and I was hungry a lot. On my fifth birthday, some close family members were_____22_____to go - 12 - to a park to celebrate my birthday. No birthday cake, No present. Except for my auntie, who had a(n)___23___in her hand. Before everyone sang happy birthday, I saw a little boy and a woman, _____24_____in the park dustbin for food. Something occurred to me. I ___25___ my mom to invite them to my party. But my mother was not a fan of _____26_____, so she said no. I watched them as everyone sang. I watched them when my _____27_____handed me the envelope. I watched them as I opened it until I saw the ___28___, a brand-new 100-dollar bill. We were _____29_____and I had a very hard childhood. But I had never dug in a _____30_____for food. I had never _____31_____anyone else struggle. My auntie kept talking over my mother, ___32___ me that I can do ANYTHING I want with that _____33_____. So I did. I walked to the boy and his mother. I _____34_____to the boy that it was my birthday and my only one present was a$100, and Iwanted to give it to them. There were so many tears and thank you. I _____35_____that boy and his mother often. 21. A. food B. presents C. clothes D. travel 22. A. believed B. Invited C. shocked D. forced 23. A. flower B. envelope C. bag D. note 24. A. working B. cleaning C. digging D. diving 25. A. allowed B. persuaded C. forbade D. begged 26. A. stars B. strangers C. cake D. movies 27. A. friend B. neighbor C. auntie D. mom 28. A. letter B. paper C. notice D. content 29. A. hopeless B. helpless C. poor D. kind-hearted 30. A. park B. dustbin C. restaurant D. box 31. A. felt B. known C. made D. seen 32. A. telling B. warning C. urging D. treating 33. A. money B. boy C. donation D. help 34. A. declared B. explained C. admitted D. introduced 35. A. think of B. help out C. care for D. call on - 13 - 【答案】21. A 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. A 34. B 35. A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者小时候家里很穷,姑姑给了他 100 美元作为生日礼物,但他却把这钱 送给了在垃圾箱捡食物吃的另一家人。 【21 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:经常没有钱买食物,我经常挨饿。A. food 食物;B. presents 礼物; C. clothes 衣服;D. travel 旅游。根据下文“I was hungry a lot”可知,作者经常挨饿,所以应 该是缺乏食物。故选 A。 【22 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我五岁生日的时候,一些亲密的家庭成员被邀请去公园庆祝我 的生日。A. believed 相信;B. invited 邀请;C. shocked 使震动;D. forced 迫使。根据上文“On my fifth birthday, some close family members were”再结合常识可知过生日时,邀请(invite)亲 朋好友来聚会。故选 B。 【23 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:除了我阿姨,她手里拿着一个信封。A. flower 花;B. envelope 信 封;C. bag 包;D. note 笔记。由下文“handed me the envelope”可知,当时阿姨手里拿着的是 一个信封。故选 B。 【24 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在大家唱生日快乐之前,我看到一个小男孩和一个女人,在公园 的垃圾箱里翻找食物。A. working 工作;B. cleaning 清理;C. digging 挖掘;D. diving 潜水。 由下文“But I had never dug in”可知,当时作者看到一个小孩和他的母亲在公园的垃圾箱里翻 找食物。dig“挖;掘”此处指在垃圾箱里翻找。故选 C。 【25 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我求我妈妈邀请他们来参加我的聚会。A. allowed 允许;B. persuaded 说服;C. forbade 禁止;D. begged 恳求。根据下文“so she said no.”可知,作者恳求了妈妈让 他们参加自己的派对,妈妈没答应。故选 D。 【26 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我妈妈不喜欢陌生人,所以她拒绝了。A. stars 明星;B. strangers 陌生人;C. cake 蛋糕;D. movies 电影。此处解释妈妈没有答应的理由,是因为妈妈不喜欢与 - 14 - 陌生人交往,not a fan of strangers“不喜欢陌生人”。故选 B。 【27 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我的阿姨递给我信封时,我看着他们。A. friend 朋友;B. neighbor 邻居;C. auntie 阿姨;D. mom 妈妈。根据上文“Except for my auntie”可知,给作者信封的是 阿姨。故选 C。 【28 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我一边看一边打开,直到看到里面的内容,一张崭新的 100 美元 钞票。A. letter 信;B. paper 纸;C. notice 通知;D. content 内容。根据下文“a brand-new 100-dollar bill”可知,信封里装的是一张崭新的百元钞票,所以,此处指作者打开信封时看到的是里边 的内容(content)。故选 D。 【29 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们家很穷,我的童年很艰难。A. hopeless 绝望的;B. helpless 无助的;C. poor 贫穷的;D. kind-hearted 好心的。根据上文“I grew up very poor and with a single mom.”可知,作者小时候很穷,此处复指这种情况。故选 C。 【30 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我从来没有在垃圾桶里翻找过食物。A. park 公园;B. dustbin 垃 圾箱;C. restaurant 餐厅;D. box 盒子。根据上文“in the park dustbin for food”可知,此处指 虽然穷,但也没有像那对母子那样在垃圾箱翻找食物。故选 B。 【31 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从未见过其他人为生活如此的挣扎。A. felt 感觉;B. known 知道; C. made 制作;D. seen 看见。此处复指上文作者看到的一幕,强调从来没看到过(seen)人们 为生活如此的挣扎。故选 D。 【32 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我阿姨一直在说服我妈妈,告诉我,我可以用这些钱做任何我想 做的事情。A. telling 告诉;B. warning 警告;C. urging 催促;D. treating 治疗。根据下文内容, 作者把钱给了那对母子,应该是得到了大人们的许可。由此可推测姑姑允许(告诉)作者可 以用这笔钱做任何事。故选 A。 【33 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我阿姨一直在说服我妈妈,告诉我,我可以用这些钱做任何我想 做的事情。A. money 钱;B. boy 男孩;C. donation 捐赠;D. help 帮助。由空格前的 that 可知, - 15 - 此处指上文提到的某个事物,根据故事内容,此处应指上文提到的“a brand-new 100-dollar bill”也就是 that money。故选 A。 【34 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我向男孩解释说那天是我的生日,我唯一的礼物是 100 美元,我 想把它送给他们。A. declared 宣称;B. explained 解释;C. admitted 承认;D. introduced 介绍。 根据下文内容“that it was my birthday and my only one present was a $100, and I wanted to give it to them”可知,这是作者说明赠送钱的情况和原因,属于解释的内容。故选 B。 【35 题详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我经常想起那个男孩和他的母亲。A. think of 想起;B. help out 帮 助;C. care for 关心;D. call on 号召。根据语境及常识,事情过去过后,作者经常想起(think of)那对母子。故选 A。 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 On the first day of Winter Solstice (冬至), the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and he longest night of the year. From then on, the days become longer and the nights become ___36___(short). The Winter Solstice also marks the _____37_____(arrive) of the coldest season in the year. As early as the Zhou Dynasty, people worshipped the gods on the first day of the Winter Solstice, _____38_____was also the first day of the new year. The Winter Solstice became a winter festival during the Han Dynasty. The celebratory activities were _____39_____(official) organized. On this day, both officials and ordinary people would have _____40_____rest. During Winter Solstice in North China, eating _____41_____(dumpling) is essential to the festival. People in the south are accustomed to _____42_____(eat) wontons in midwinter. According to legend, the King of Wu was disgusted with all kinds of costly foods and _____43_____(want) to eat something different. Then, the beauty Xishi came into the kitchen to make “wontons” to honor the king’s wish. He ate a lot _____44_____liked the food very much. To honour Xishi, the people of Suzhou made wontons the official food _____45_____(celebrate) the festival. 【答案】36. shorter 37. arrival - 16 - 38. which 39. officially 40. a 41. dumplings 42. eating 43. wanted 44. and 45. to celebrate 【解析】 本文为说明文。介绍了中国传统节气——冬至。 【36 题详解】 考查形容词比较级。句意:从那时起,白天变长,夜晚变短。根据上文 the days become longer 可知,此处指晚上变得更短。故填 shorter。 【37 题详解】 考查词性转换。句意:冬至也标志着一年中最冷的季节的到来。根据空格前面的定冠词 the 可 知,此处要用名词形式。故填 arrival。 【38 题详解】 考查定语从句。句意:早在周朝,人们在冬至的第一天,也就是新年的第一天祭神。此处为 非限制性定语从句,关系词代替 the Winter Solstice,在从句中作主语。故填 which。 【39 题详解】 考查词性转换。句意:庆祝活动正式组织起来了。空格位于 were organized 之间,应该用副词 修饰动词 organized,意为这些庆祝活动正式组织起来。故填 officially。 【40 题详解】 考查冠词。句意:在这一天,无论是官员还是普通百姓都可以休息一下。have a rest 休息一下, 为固定搭配。故填 a。 【41 题详解】 考查名词复数。句意:在中国北方的冬至,吃饺子是节日必不可少的。dumpling 是可数名词。 此处用复数泛指饺子。故填 dumplings。 【42 题详解】 考查动名词。句意:南方人习惯在仲冬吃馄饨。be accustomed to(习惯于)中的 to 为介词, 后面要跟名词,动名词等。故填 eating。 【43 题详解】 考查动词时态。句意:相传武王厌恶各种名贵食品,想吃些与众不同的东西。由空格前的 and 可知,此处动词与前面的 was disgusted with 为并列谓语,所以都用一般过去式。故填 wanted。 - 17 - 【44 题详解】 考查并列连词。句意:他吃了很多,非常喜欢这食物。根据空格两边的内容可知,此处应该 为并列关系。意为:他吃了很多(馄饨)并且非常喜欢这种食物。故填 and。 【45 题详解】 考查不定式。句意:为了纪念西施,苏州人把馄饨作为庆祝节日的官方食品。根据句子结构, 此处要用不定式表示目的。故填 to celebrate。 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(满分 15 分) 46. 假定你是李华。你班定于本周六去郊区河边植树。请你给交换生 Alan 写一封邮件,邀请 他参加,内容包括: 1. 时间、地点; 2. 必要装备。 注意:1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【答案】Dear Alan, This Saturday, our class has scheduled to plant trees on the river banks in the suburbs. I’m writing to invite you to take part in this meaningful activity. We will gather at the school gate at seven and then take a bus there. All we need to do is wearing sports shoes and loose trousers. Please bring a towel as we are certainly going to sweat a lot. Please don’t be late and we will set off on time. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 【分析】 本篇书面表达是应用文,要求写一封书信。 【详解】第 1 步:根据提示可知,假定你是李华。你班定于本周六去郊区河边植树。请你给 交换生 Alan 写一封邮件,邀请他参加,内容包括:1. 时间、地点;2. 必要装备。 第 2 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):plant trees (植树);suburb(郊外);invite sb. to do sth.(邀 请某人做某事);take part in(参加);meaningful(有意义的);the school gate(学校门口);take a bus(坐公交);sports shoe(运动鞋);loose trousers(宽松的裤子);set off(出发)等。 - 18 - 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要 应用一般将来时和一般现在时。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 【点睛】范文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表 达方式,如 Please bring a towel as we are certainly going to sweat a lot.运用原因状语从句;Please don’t be late and we will set off on time.运用“祈使句+and+简单句”结构。全文中没有中国式英 语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然, 为文章增色添彩。 第二节(满分 25 分) 47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 An old saying goes, “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back. “But I don’t think curiosity is limited to a cat. And who would ever imagine that, in my lifetime. I would have two dogs who wanted to know, “What’s in the bag? Every year, my parents went on vacation to Longview, Washington, where my mother’s uncle lived. Their purpose was to go fishing, but one time. they returned with another animal -a live one. My father had fallen in love with a Cocker Spaniel puppy that we named Tammy. This was our first dog, and Tammy and I became great friends. She also spent a lot of time with my mother, who would take her along when she went shopping. One day, my mother returned to the car after grocery shopping. She put her grocery bags in the back seat of the car and entered another store, leaving the dog in the car. Finally, when they arrived home, Mom opened the back door of the car, and found all the bags torn to pieces. Mom came into the house, shouting. “Your stupid dog tore all the grocery bags,” she told Dad. “I’m sure he ruined all the meat packages.” I helped Mom bring her purchases into the house a few pieces at a time. With each trip out to the car, Mom scolded Tammy, who hung her head in shame. However, as we brought the things into the house, we noticed there wasn’t even a tooth mark on a single item. Even the meat was untouched. Tammy was not allowed to go shopping with Mom for a long time after that. After another - 19 - break, Mom decided to give Tammy one more chance. But this time Mom handled it differently. Yet nothing was damaged. When she returned to the car, Mom took each item out of the bag and showed it to Tammy. Then she put everything back in the bags and went to another store. 注意 1 . 续写词数应为 150 左右; 2 . 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Paragraph 1: When Mom returned to the car, everything was just as she had left it. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Paragraph 2: I was wrong when I thought Tammy was the only dog to have such a strange curiosity. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ 【答案】One possible version: Paragraph 1: When Mom returned to the car, everything was just as she had left it. The bags were still sitting on the car seat. None had the slightest tear. So, this became the rule with everyone in the family. If Tammy was along, we would always show her what we had bought by letting it know what’s in the bag. Once she had seen what we received, she was satisfied and went about her business. We never again had to clean up torn bags. Paragraph 2: I was wrong when I thought Tammy was the only dog to have such a strange curiosity. About ten years ago, my wife and I got another new dog. We call it Smoky. We do quite a bit of shopping on the Internet, so we often have boxes delivered to our door. Whenever one arrives and we bring it - 20 - inside. Smoky waits with excitement for us to open it. Her interest is not limited to the boxes delivered. She also wants to know what’s in our grocery bags, too. 【解析】 【分析】本文以引用俗语“好奇心杀死猫,但是只要好奇心被满足就没事”为线索,讲述了在我 生活中出现的有着好奇心的狗的故事。小时候,爸爸度假回来带回一只叫 Tammy 的小狗,每 次妈妈购物都会带着它。在一次购物时,妈妈把它和买的东西放在后座,之后去了另一家店, 返回后妈妈发现 Tammy 把所有的包已经弄碎了。回家后,我帮妈妈分多次把车里的东西往家 里拿,每次出去妈妈都呵斥 Tammy。然而,在我们把所有东西搬进屋子后发现,Tammy 这次 一个东西都没动。之后,妈妈买了东西都会给 Tammy 看,然后她才去商店买东西。 【详解】1.段落续写:①由第一段首句内容“当妈妈回到车上时,一切都还是她离开时的样子。” 可知,第一段可描写我们把给 Tammy 看买的东西作为一个规则,这样它就不好奇袋子里的东 西。我们也就再也不用清扫碎袋子了。②由第二段首句内容“我错了,我以为 Tammy 是唯一 一只,有这种奇怪好奇心的狗。”可知,第二段可描写作者生活中遇见的另外的有着同样好奇 习惯的狗。 2.续写线索:返回车内----东西保持原样----制定规则----免除打扫----认识错误----同样好奇心的狗 3.词汇激活 行为类:①返回:be back ;②保持原样:remain the same;③制定规则:make it a rule ; ④免除打扫:free from cleaning;⑤同样好奇心:same curiosity 【点睛】[高分句型 1]If Tammy was along, we would always show her what we had bought by letting it know what’s in the bag.使用条件状语从句和宾语从句。 [高分句型 2]Once she had seen what we received, she was satisfied and went about her business. 使用时间状语从句。

