四年级下册英语课件- Unit 2 She went into a shop

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四年级下册英语课件- Unit 2 She went into a shop

Module 3 Unit 2 She went into a shop. go buy eat see is run shout went bought ate saw was ran shouted English, English, I like English. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! What are they doing? What are they doing? Yesterday Last month month three thin mouth thank Let’s read! / θ / months 月份 Last month shop assistant tʃ cheese i: z cheese Cheese, also known as cheese, or cheese, cheese and cheese, is the general term for a variety of dairy foods, with a variety of flavors, flavors and forms. 奶酪,又名乳酪,或译称芝士、 起司、起士,是多种乳制食品 的通称,有各式各样的味道、 口感和形式。 Cheese, raw cheese and ripe cheese. It is suitable for teenagers and people who need calcium supplement, but not more. 奶酪,分生奶酪和熟奶酪两种。 适合青少年及需要补钙人群食 用,但不可多食。 【故事预测篇】 number. ( ) ( ) ( )( ) bought ate Last month went saw ran shouted 12 3 4 a b c d Last month, she went into a shop. Tilly is a mouse. 【故事学习篇】 When did she go into a shop? Where did she go last month? into in • She went into a shop. • She saw a cat in a shop. into “到……里面去” 动态介词 in “在……里面” 静态介词 Yesterday Ms Smart went the classroom.Then she had an English class the classroom. into in into in The boy is running the classroom. But the teacher is the classroom. He's late. into in into in Tilly is a mouse. Last month, she went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese. 【故事学习篇】 Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. Was she happy? She was scared 【故事学习篇】 She was scared . Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared 【故事学习篇】And what did she do? and .ran away The cat shouted, “Come to my shop again!” Tilly is a mouse.Tilly is a mouse. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese.Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared and ran away. The cat shouted, “Come to my shop again” Last month, she went into a shop. Last month, she went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese.Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared ran away. The cat shouted, “Come to my shop again and 连接两个动词时, 前后时态保持一致。 read! and 连接两个动词时, 前后时态保持一致。 She usually plays the piano and (read) books on Sundays. He went to the zoo and (see) some monkeys yesterday. Look! She is singing and (dance). saw dancing reads 用所给词的适当形式填空。 Tilly is a mouse.Tilly is a mouse. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese.Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared and ran away. The cat shouted, “Come to my shop again” Last month, she went into a shop. Last month, she went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese.Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared ran away. The cat shouted, “Come to my shop again Whose shop is this ? A harmonious society, everything is possible. 和谐社会,一切皆有 可能。 Look and say! Reading time. Tilly is a mouse. Last month, she went into a shop. She bought some cheese and she ate the cheese. Then Tilly saw a cat in the shop. She was scared and ran away. The cat shouted,“Come to my shop again!” 【拓展延伸篇】 Continue(继续) the story! 【拓展延伸篇】 Look and write. went skating had got cold went hospital saw doctor took medicines Yesterday 【拓展延伸篇】 Let's say. Yesterday 开头语: Hello,everyone. Look at this girl. Yesterday she... 结束语: That's all. Thank you. Don’t be afraid of others, brave to meet difficulties, you will get stronger and cleverer. 不要惧怕所谓的“强者”勇敢的面对困难,解决 困难,你将变得更强大,更有智慧。 What have you learnt this class? 这节课你学到了什么? • 必做: • 1. read the text. 读课文。 • 2. Write the words. 抄写单词表中单词。 • 选做: • 3.Tell the story. 给家人讲猫和老鼠的故事。 Last week, I went to … I saw …I was very … Then I was very …I bought …I had a good time. 1.Introduce(介绍)Daming. Choose and write. 2.Introduce yourself.(介绍自己的经历) (以上两个任选其一。) 【拓展延伸篇】

