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马鞍山二中2019-2020学年度第二学期开学检测 高二年级 英语试题 时间:120分钟 满分:150分 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置, 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟 的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题, 每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.Why does the man come home?‎ A.To give the woman a surprise.‎ B.To have some lunch.‎ C.To get papers.‎ ‎2.What does Nancy plan to do at Christmas?‎ A.Have dinner at home.‎ B.Do volunteer work.‎ C.Visit some friends.‎ ‎3.What relation is most probably the woman to John?‎ A.His mother. B.His teacher. C.His coach.‎ ‎4.Where is the bookstore now?‎ A.On Lear Road. B.On Nelson Street. C.On Huntington Road ‎5.What is the man going to do?‎ A.Make breakfast. B.Do some shopping C.Pickup the woman.‎ 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、‎ B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,‎ 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答 时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ ‎6.Why does the woman charge the man?‎ A.He returned a book late.‎ B.He damaged a book.‎ C.He lost a book ‎7.How does the man find the fine?‎ A.It's too much.‎ B.It's acceptable.‎ C.It'sun necessary.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。‎ ‎8.What is the man?‎ A.A doctor.‎ B.A nutritionist.‎ C.A teacher.‎ ‎9.What is the matter with Susie?‎ A.She has a fever. B.She has a cough. C.She has a headache.‎ ‎10.What can we learn about Susie?‎ A.She doesn'teat breakfast B.She's been ill for a week.‎ C.She is a littlebit thin.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。‎ ‎11.What is the woman doing?‎ A.Telling a story. B.Hosting a program. C.Having a job interview.‎ ‎12.Why was Todd late for the interview?‎ A.His bike was broken.‎ B.He was busy with work.‎ C.He was stuck in a traffic jam.‎ ‎13.Where did Todd change his clothes?‎ A.At McDonald's.‎ B.At an office.‎ C.At home.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第14至第17四个小题。‎ ‎14.What is Amy's original plan for tonight?‎ A.To have a good rest.‎ B.To study for an exam.‎ C.To celebrate her birthday.‎ ‎15.What does Stewart intend to do with friends at 6:30?‎ A.Watch a movie B.Hold a party.‎ C.Have dinner.‎ ‎16.When will the party probably end?‎ A.At10:00. B.At10:30. C.At11:00.‎ ‎17.How does Stewart sound?‎ A.Enthusiastic. B.Impatient. C.Hesitant.‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。‎ ‎18.What is the talk mainly about?‎ A.English couplets.‎ B.Different festivals.‎ C.Chinese culture.‎ ‎19.What do we know about Yu Run run?‎ A.He writes great couplets.‎ B.He teaches English.‎ C.He owns a shop.‎ ‎20.What will Wolken consider doing?‎ A.Making his own couplets.‎ B.Going to college in China C.Celebrating the festival with colleagues.‎ 英语试题 第2页/共10页 ‎ ‎ 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A The Origins of Famous Brands Our lives are full of brandnames and trademarked products that we use everyday.‎ Although many brandnames are simple acronyms(首字母缩略词) or versions of their founders names, some of the companies we trust everyday actually have fascinating and surprising back stories.‎ Starbucks It seems fitting that the most famous coffee brand in the world would take its name from one of the world's greatest works of literature.The inspiration for the name of the coffeehouse came from Herman Melville'sMoby Dick.The founders'‎ original idea was to name the company after the Captain Ahab's ship, but they eventually decided that Pequot was n'ta great name for coffee, so they chose Ahab's first mate, Starbucks, as the name instead.‎ Google Google was originally called Backrub, for it searched for links in every cornerofthe Web.In 1997, when the founders of the company were searching for a new nameshowing a huge amount of data for their rapidly improving search technology, a friendsuggested the word “googol”.When a friend tried to register the new domain(域)name, he misspelled “googol” aS “google”.‎ Nike Originally founded as a distributor for Japanese running shoes, the company was originally named BRS, or Blue Ribbon Sports.In 1971, BRS introduced its own soccer shoe, a model called Nike, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of victory.In 1978, the company officially renamed itself as Nike, Inc.‎ The right name is essential to a company's success, and a great origin story is justas important as a great product.An attractive origin story is one more thing that keepscustomers guessing, wondering, and buying its products.‎ ‎21.What is the name of the Captain Ahab's ship?‎ A.Pequot. B.Starbucks.‎ C.Moby Dick. D.Herman Melville.‎ ‎22.Why did the founders of the Google want to change its name?‎ A.They mistook their name.‎ B.They wanted new customers.‎ C.The company's original name was too long.‎ D.The company's search technology was improving rapidly.‎ ‎23.Where does the importance of the origin story of one company lie in?‎ A.It can add myth to the company.‎ B.It can change the company's image.‎ C.It makes customers imagine and purchase its goods.‎ D.It explains the development of the company to customers.‎ 英语试题 第3页/共10页 ‎ ‎ B What I am writing is in English.You can read and understand because you are Englishlanguage learners.But when you say people in England or the English people speak English, you would be wrong, or atleast inaccurate in your remark.Ah yes, youmight correct yourself, the Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealandersspeak English too.That is true, but apart from that, what you really have in mind, orshould say is people in Britain or the British speak English.‎ The words England and English are perhaps the two most misused words in the Englishlanguage.The English themselves一I beg your pardon, I am making the same mistake!The Bri ih themselves often say England and Engl sh when they really mean Britain and British.The Chinese words“英国”is even more misused than not because the term “不列颠” is hardly ever used What's the difference, you may ask.To understand the question we have to know something about the history of the country and its people.‎ Before there was a country there were the people.And before there were people,‎ there was land.So let us start off from here and take the land first.‎ We all know that Britain(though we often say England by force of habit) is an island country separated from the European continent by the English Channel.‎ Actually there are two main islands.The larger one is called Britain, or Great Britain,and the smaller one is called Ireland, and these two, together with many small islandsmakeup what is called the British Isles.‎ The Bri is hIs les is a geographical term.It is not the name of any country.At present it is made up of two countries, the larger of which is the one we very often inaccurately call England.The full official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland, but people call it Britain or Great Britain for that.It consists of England, Scotland, Wales and a small part(about one-sixth) of Ireland, thenortheastern part.‎ People still tend to call Britain England not only because England is the largest inarea and the most populous but mostly because England is the strongest and also themost influential country in every respect before it absorbed the other threecountries(The whole of Ireland was apart of the United Kingdom at one time) .Call itnational chauvinism if you like, but people in England call Britain England out ofhabit rather than conscious sense of superiority, though it annoys the Welsh andespecially the Scots who are proud of their separate national tradition.‎ ‎24.According to the passage the correct order of the following terms is A. land, people, country B. land, country, people C. people, land, country D. country, people, land ‎25.The British Isles is made up of A. one country B. two countries C. two and a half countries D. three countries ‎26.People call Britain England because of all of the following except A.people in England do so out of habit.‎ B. England is the nearest to the European continent.‎ 英语试题 第4页/共10页 ‎ ‎ C. England is the largest in area and has the largest population.‎ D. England is the strongest and also the most influential in every respect.‎ ‎27.The author wrote this article mainly to A. explain the geographical state of Britain B. express his heartfelt affection for English C. explain a common misunderstanding many may share D.show the advantages of England over the other three countries C Americans use many expressions with the word dog.People in the United States love their dogs and treat them well.They take their dogs for walks, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care.However, dogs without owners to care for them lead a different kind of life.The expression, to lead a dog's life,‎ describes a person who has an unhappy existence.‎ Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world.That means many people are competing for the same things, like good jobs.To be successful, a person has to worklike a dog.Such hard work can make people dog-tired, or sick as a dog.‎ Still, people say every dog has its day.This means that every person enjoys a successful period during his or her life.To be successful, people often have to learn new skills.Yet.some people say that you can never teach all old dog new tricks.They believe that older people do not like to learn new things and will not change the way they do things.‎ Some people are compared to dog sinbad ways.People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog.Junkyard dog live in places where people throwaway things they do not want.But mean dogs are often used to guard this property.They bark or attack people when those people try to enter the property.However, sometimes a person who appears to be mean and threatening is really not so bad.We say his bark is worse than his bite Dog expressions are also used to describe the weather.The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year.A rainstorm may cool the weather.But we do not want it to rain too hard.We do not want it to rain cats and dogs.‎ ‎28.What does the passage mainly discuss?‎ A.Dogs in our daily lives.‎ B.Expressions with dogs.‎ C.The role dogs take in America.‎ D.Attitude of the American citizens to dogs.‎ ‎29.What does“dog-tired”describe in the passage?‎ A.Describe avery successful person.‎ B.Describe a rainy and cloudy weather.‎ C.Describe the dogs are very tired after along walk.‎ D.Describe the exhaustion of people after long-time work.‎ ‎30.How are people compared to dog sinbad ways?‎ A.By mean dogs and junkyard dogs 英语试题 第5页/共10页 ‎ ‎ B.By sick dogs and tired dogs.‎ C.By lazy dogs and bad dogs.‎ D.None of them is right.‎ ‎31.What can we learn from the text?‎ A.Junkyard dogs are careful in money arrangement.‎ B.Everyone can be successful if he learns from the old C.It might be difficult for the young to learn new skills.‎ D.Fierce persons are n'tso awful as their appearance sometimes.‎ D Technology is constantly evolving, and it's essential to stay uptodate with the top trends(趋势) in senior living, one of which is wearables that can be worn on oraround some part of our body, such as a smart watch.It is technology that individualscan feel, touch, and use everyday.Wearables can provide a great health benefit forseniors, with the ability to monitor their vital signs(生命特征) or help predict when afall or other adverse health incident may occur.Research conducted by the NationalInstitute of Health has shown an increase in the risk of falling when seniors don't getadequate amounts of sleep.Being able to monitor specific risk factors in residents(住户) can help reduce accidents and maintain safety.‎ The second top technology trend in senior living is devices and applications.‎ Often when older adults move into a senior living community, they may feel as if control over their own life is being taken away.Devices that are putin the resident'scare can improve their quality of life by giving them some power back and can alsohelp monitor their health levels.Some examples of such devices are tablets,smartphones, and lighting systems.Specific applications that work with devices canhelp residents, even those with Alzheimer'sand other types of dementia(痴呆)accomplish daily tasks and play games.A new app named Timeless will enable(使能够) residents to test memory with images of loved ones.‎ The third top technology trend is telemedicine, which can help improve oldpeople's health.Telemedicine gives healthcare professionals the opportunity toeducate multiple seniors through videoconferences.With physicians available throughvideoconferences, seniors can be saved from making the effort of physically going toa doctor's office, and thus reduce the risk of getting certain illnesses caused byexposure to bad weather.‎ The fourth top technology trend is voice activation(激活) .Many different types of technology are more commonly activated by voice commands.These can be very beneficial and create casco fuse for any rcs ident using it.Scn i or scan conserve theirenergy when they are sick or just tired with lights that can be activated with certaincommands.With voice-activated devices such as Amazon Alexa, a resident cancontrol TV volume, music volume, and countless other in-home devices.This also gives residents a sense of control when they move to an assisted living community.‎ Finally, technology integration(集成) is also a top trend in technology for seniorliving.Each of the previous catc go rics can improve lives, but when they are combined, the greatest benefits can be obtained.With a resident’s wristband(腕 英语试题 第6页/共10页 ‎ ‎ 带) monitoring vital signs and sleep patterns combined with devices that monitor movement, such as room sensors, it can provide much needed data for providers to help prevent accidents and ensure quick response during emergencies ‎32..How can seniors benefit from wearables?‎ A.They can express their feelings freely.‎ B.They can predict potential heath risks C.They can control their health conditions.‎ D.They can improve their communication skills.‎ ‎33.Which trend can help seniors shake off the feeling of being controlled?‎ A.Wearables. B.Telemedicine.‎ C.Technology integration. D.Devices and applications.‎ ‎34.What can telemedicine do for seniors?‎ A.Test their memory regularly.‎ B.Monitor their movements constantly C.Recommend clinical specialists in various fields.‎ D.Give them access to videoconferences with doctors.‎ ‎35.How can the technologies serve seniors best?‎ A.By being made affordable.‎ B.By being combined together.‎ C.By being made more user-friendly.‎ D.By being activated through voice commands.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。‎ Howto get by in a foreign country Not knowing the local language is no reason not to travel.Here are some tips to get by from someone who does it all the time.Download a language translation app Thanks to new inventions, traveling in foreign countries has become much easier.‎ ‎36 .Find an app that works for you.It best to find one that specializes in the language you need to translate especially if the language uses a character set you're not familiar with, or is one you have difficulty pronouncing.‎ ‎37 Body language is an easy way to communicate with locals.Gestures are almostall globally understood. 38 _.In many count rics, for example, nodding means“no”, and shaking your head means “yes”.So, a quick websearch for the countryyou'revisiting and“gestures”or“body language”will turn up anything you need tobe aware of before you go.Hire a local tour guide ‎39 You can always search the web for local tour guides before you go,‎ or find a guide through your hotel or a travel agent(旅行社) .‎ Learn a few keywords 英语试题 第7页/共10页 ‎ ‎ Try learning basic words and phrases like “hello”, “thankyou”and“T'm sorry”‎ ‎40‎ A.Don't speak to strangers B.There are exceptions, however C.Speak with your hands and head D.A guide can always help you with locals E.Many foreign language apps translate words on the spot F.It is a form of respect and will go along way to bring you closer to locals G.Always try searching the internet when you meet some communication problems 第三部分语言知识运用(共三节,满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项 I have eyes that are said to be “cow brown, ” and my long fair hair is my bestfeature (特征) .I'm not overweight, but I'm not too 4l either.I'm relatively happy with my 42 _, but where did I get it?‎ DoI share the same features as some unknown stranger? 43 while walking down the street, I tried to 44 that stranger, imagining that one of the women I passed 45 possibly be my biological mother(生母) .‎ For along time I wondered what life would be like with 46 .I was never 47 with my life.I just never 48 wondering what it would be like to have been raised by my biological mother.And the none day, I 49‎ a poem which compared adoption(收养) 50 _a seed that was planted by one person and then taken care of by another.The second person had 51‎ the seed and made it grow to be tall and beautiful.I found that it compared perfectlyto my 52‎ Gradually I 53 that my mom had made me who I am today.She did my hair for my first dance.She was there for my first heartbreak...She'd been there for 54 that ever mattered.And I started to notice that we had the same silly ‎55 _, the same attitude to life, and the same way of treating people.‎ Sometimes when we're out somewhere, people comment on 56 we lookalike, and we turn to eachother and laugh, _ 57 that she was n't the one who gave birth to me.‎ ‎58 I may not know why I look the way I do, I know why I am who I am.The mom I have now is the 59 one I ever could have hoped for, notonly because she holds a huge amount of unconditional(无条件的) love, but becauseshe has 60 who I am today ‎41.A.thin B.fat C.strong D. weak ‎42.A.c yes B.hair C.weight D.appearance ‎43.A.Still B.Even C.Again D. Often ‎44.A.pick out B.run after C.bring back D.turndown ‎45.A.should B.would C.could D.must ‎46.A.the biologist B.my birthmother 英语试题 第8页/共10页 ‎ ‎ C.The stranger D.my adoptive mother ‎47.A.dissatisfied B.content C.angry D.pleased ‎48.A.enjoyed B.stopped C.escaped D.allowed ‎49.A.wrote down B.put up C.handed out D.came across ‎50.A.with B. for C.to D.as ‎51.A.watered B.harvested C.planted D.buried ‎52.A.thought B.seed C.situation D.history ‎53.A.realized B.guessed C.hated D.expected ‎54.A.something B. everyone C.everything D.someone ‎55.A.problem B.illness C.adoption D.personality ‎56.A.how much B.how far C.where D.why ‎57.A.proving B.noticing c.remembering D.forgetting ‎58.A.As B.Though C.Unless D.Until ‎59.A.happiest B.best C.prettiest D.wisest ‎60.A.saved B.regretted C.shaped D.declared 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)‎ 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或根据括号内提示填入正确的单词形式。‎ ‎61.He really should rid himself__those worries.‎ ‎62.Not until last year____they encourage the development of the tourist-related activities in the rural areas ‎63.A new hospital will be builtin___used to be a village and a huge shoppingmall will be built nearby.‎ ‎64.---What does the sign over there read?‎ ‎---“No person____smoke or carry alighted cigar or pipe in this area.‎ ‎65.It is a good plan in theory, but it____(remain) to be seen whether it works in practice.‎ ‎66.I have checked your homework, and you seem____(make) a mistake here.‎ ‎67.It is a generally____(acknowledge) fact that the virus knows no borders.‎ ‎68.Internet rescue camps in South Korea and China try to save kids____‎ ‎(addict) to the screen.‎ ‎69.Hc has various interests,____(range) from playing chess to swimming ‎70.The first record players had to____(wind) up by hand and only played records that were two minutes long ‎71.One or two glasses of wine a day can be____(benefit)‎ ‎72.We____(finish) our paper if we had been given five more minutes.‎ ‎73.First make an____(提纲) , and then fill in the content ‎74.I assure you my actions will____(符合, 一致) with my words.‎ ‎75.Different____(潜在的, 可能的) vaccines are currently being tested on human volunteers.‎ 英语试题 第9页/共10页 ‎ ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作 文。文中共有10处语言错误、每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的 增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^), 并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。‎ As is known to us, a large number of wild animals has been killed for their meat skins, etc.As a result, thousand of animals have either died out and become endangered.‎ Actually, protect wild animals benefits the animals as well as humans.For an example, if farmers killed too many eagles, their corn and grain will be destroyed byrats.The reason is because with no eagles to hunt rats, their number would increaserapid.‎ Therefore, all of us must do something to protect wild animals.As for me, I havejoined an organization in our town which aim is to call on people to protect wildanimals and I have taken part several activities.‎ 第二节书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你是李华, 你的美国笔友Amy来信询问你对网络教育(Online education)‎ 的看法,请你用英文给她写一封回信,内容包括:‎ ‎1、网络教育的现状;‎ ‎2、你的看法。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Amy,‎ Yours sincerely,‎ LiHua 英语试题 第10页/共10页 ‎ ‎ 马鞍山二中2019-2020学年度第二学期开学检测 高二年级 英语答案 第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎1~5CBACB 6~10BBABC 11~15BBABC 16~20BAACA 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎21-23ADC ‎24-27ABBC ‎28-31BDAD ‎32-35BDDB 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎36-40ECBDF 第三部分语言知识运用(共三节, 满分45分)‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎41一45 ADD AC 46一50 BAB DC ‎51-55 ACA CD 56-60 AD BBC 第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎61.of 62.did 63.what ‎64.shall 65.remains 66.to have made ‎67.acknowledged 68.addicted 69.ranging ‎70.be wound 71.beneficial 72.would have finished ‎73.outline 74.correspond 75.Potential 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎1.has改为have;‎ ‎2. thousand改为thousands ‎3.and改为or;‎ ‎4. protect改为protecting;‎ ‎5. an删除;‎ ‎6. will改为would;‎ ‎7. because改为that:‎ ‎8.rapid改为rapidly;‎ ‎9. which改为whose;‎ ‎10.take part后加in。‎ 第二节书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎(略)‎ Text 1‎ W:Oh, you are back.This is a pleasant surprise.It is not lunchtime yet.Are you through work?‎ M:No, I forgot some papers this mom ing.‎ ‎ ‎ Text 2‎ M:Nancy, are you having a big Christmas dinner at your house this year?‎ W:Actually, I plan to spend Christmas at a homeless shelter with some friends.We just want to do something for the people there.‎ Text 3‎ W:Come on, quick, John!You'll be late for school!Have you got your football clothes?‎ M:It's Tuesday.Swimming day!Football'son Friday.‎ W:And don't be late to get home.You must do some singing practice this evening Text 4‎ M:There used to be a bookstore on the corner of Lear Road and Nelson Street.Is it still there?‎ W:Not anymore.It'sa restaurant now.The bookstore has moved to Huntington Road, just next to the shopping center.‎ Text 5‎ W:Would you pickup some milk and eggs from the supermarket?‎ M:Sure, do you need anything else?‎ W:No, oh, wait!Get some bread too.Wed on't have any for breakfast tomorrow.‎ Text 6‎ W:What can I do for you?‎ M:I'd like to return these books.‎ W:Okay, um, what happened to this book?‎ M:⑥I dropped it and the cover to re off.Sorry!‎ W:Well, I'm afraid you'll have to pay a fine for the damage.‎ M:How much?‎ W:Three dollars.‎ M:⑦That's not too bad W:You can pay it now or at the end of the month.‎ M:I'll pay it now.Here you are.‎ Text 7‎ M:There is n't anything seriously wrong with Susie, Mrs.Smith.Her temperature is normal and so is herp use.The X-ray doesn't show anything either.⑨Here is a prescription for some cough medicine.And give her one children's vitamin every morning after breakfast.Keep her inside for a few days.‎ w:①I hope she will put on some weight now.‎ M:Just make sure she'seating regularly and resting W:I'll make a point of it.‎ M:Call me if that cough doesn't clear up within a week.And you take it easy, too.‎ Don't let yourself get run-down.‎ Text 8‎ w:①Welcome to our program, Todd.Can you talkabout your first job interview?‎ M:Sure, first job interview!It'sa funny story.I took the interview with the TV broadcaster.But I was late for that interview for 30 minutes.②You know, at that time I was a bike rider at a delivery.And then before the interview, carrying a bag full ‎ ‎ of everything I've got for the interview, I was delivering one thing.‎ W:Oh,no!‎ M:As soon as If nished the delivery, 3I rushed into the restroom of McDonald's and changed my clothes and then I rushed to the interview.Actually I got a great interview but since I was late so I couldn't get that job.‎ W:I've done that too!I think we all do that at one point.‎ M:Yeah, I learned alot of things from that experience.‎ Text 9‎ M:Amy, how are you doing?‎ W:Oh, hi, Stewart.School is so crazy these days and when I'm not at school, I'mat work.‎ M:Hey, listen!I'm getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends are going to join us, and we're...well, we're going out to eat and then catch a movie.Why don't you come with us?‎ W:Hey, I'd love to, ①4butI have to prepare for a test next week M:Ah, come on, 5we're planning on having dinner around six thirty and then seeing a movie at seven thirty.Come on!‎ W:I hate...I haven't been feeling well lately.‎ M:Yeah, because you study too much.Come on!Relax!And it's Sara's birthday too.‎ ‎16 And we're throwing her a small birthdayparty after the movie.It wil be over at around ten thirty and you'll be home half an hour later.Come on!‎ W:Oh, okay.Where do we meet for the dinner?‎ M:At the Chinese restaurant on Jackson street.I'll pick you up at six o'clock.‎ Text 10‎ M: 18 Have you heard about Engl ih couplets(对联) ?They have become a new and fashionable way to celebrate the Chinese Spring Festival.On Tao bao, there are many shops selling couplets in English.Atypical one reads“eatwell, sleep well, have fun day by day”and“study hard, work hard, make money more and more”.19YuRunrun,‎ who owns a Beijing shop, expects to sell about 600sets of English couplets during the holiday season.“I began to sell English couplets four years ago, ”said Yu.A set of English couplets in his shop costs 25yuan.The price is much higher than that of a set of Chinese couplets Mo Hao, who teaches English at a college, bought two sets of such couplets from Tao bao, one for himself and the other for his colleague, Benjamin Wolken, whois from the United States.“Foreigners living in China buy English couplets to celebrate the festival.They are very special and actually quite good-looking, ”Mosaid ‎20Wolken said, “I would consider making my own se, so that I can talk more about Chinese culture and language.”‎

