2019-2020学年新疆石河子第一中学高二上学期期末英语试题 Word版含答案

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2019-2020学年新疆石河子第一中学高二上学期期末英语试题 Word版含答案

新疆石河子一中2019-2020学年高二上学期 期末英语试题 考试时间:120分钟;满分:150分 一、听力题(共9题;共30分)‎ ‎1.What will the woman probably do today? ‎ A. Go camping.                         B. Review lessons.                         C. Take an exam.‎ ‎2.What did Jason think of his trip to Africa? ‎ A. Exciting.                                     B. Boring.                                     C. Tiring.‎ ‎3.Where are the speakers probably going? ‎ A. A theater.                          B. A stadium(体育场).                          C. A classroom.‎ ‎4.What are the speakers mainly talking about? ‎ A. A teacher.                                     B. A test.                                     C. A job.‎ ‎5.How long does it usually take the woman to drive home? ‎ A. Fifteen minutes.                           B. Forty minutes.                           C. An hour.‎ ‎6.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 ‎ ‎(1)What's the probable relationship between the speakers? ‎ A. Couple.                           B. Colleagues.                           C. Doctor and patient.‎ ‎(2)How often does the woman take medicine? ‎ A. Every day.                         B. Every two days.                         C. Every three days.‎ ‎(3)How will the woman solve the problem? ‎ A. By reporting it to the police. B. By calling her neighbors first. C. By leaving her neighbors a message.‎ ‎7.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 ‎ ‎(1)What is the woman's favorite subject? ‎ A. Spanish.                                      B. Art.                                      C. History.‎ ‎(2)How does the woman feel about her future career? ‎ A. Hesitant.                                  B. Certain.                                  C. Hopeless.‎ ‎(3)What is the woman planning to do straight after leaving school? ‎ A. Work as a journalist.                      B. Start university.                      C. Go travelling.‎ ‎8.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 ‎ ‎(1)What is the matter with the cooker? ‎ A. It can't be turned on.                 B. It can't be turned off.                 C. It can't get hot.‎ ‎(2)What does the man offer to do with the cooker? ‎ A. Change it for a new one.        B. Try to fix it himself first.        C. Take it to the repair shop.‎ 二、完形填空(共1题;共30分)‎ ‎9.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ‎ Worth the pain in the end ‎    I used to hate running. It seemed too hard and pushing outside my comfort zone was not something I was raised to do.‎ ‎    In fact, I wouldn't have become a 1 if it weren't for my husband Charles. He had been a serious competitive runner for many years. After our marriage, he wouldn't stop talking about how much he missed it.‎ ‎    "So start running again, why don't you?" I was getting 2  of hearing about it.‎ ‎    So he picked it up again, and after about a year, I started to join him at the track (跑道). Just a few weeks later, Charles signed us both up for a five-kilometer race. I 3 about doing it. It was too soon.‎ ‎    But on 4  day, there I was.‎ ‎    The gun went  5 . Thousands of runners pushed forward.‎ ‎    The first kilometer was 6 .‎ ‎    "I don't think I'm going to make it." I was already breathing heavily and painfully aware of the group of runners  7  past me.‎ ‎    "No, you're doing 8 ", said Charles. He was trying to encourage me, to get me focused on something other than my  9 .‎ ‎    "I can't, " I said, 10  audibly (听得见地).‎ ‎    He tried a different way to 11  me. "Just make it to that house and let's see how you feel."‎ ‎    After another minute I saw the three-kilometer  12 . All I could think of was that I was dying and that my husband was torturing (折磨) me.‎ ‎    Miserable doesn't even begin to describe  13  I felt. And there was so much 14 .‎ ‎    "You'll be fine. You've got less than a kilometer to go."‎ ‎    I rounded a corner and saw both sides of the street thick with people watching the race, all cheering the runners on. I 15  my legs to keep going.‎ ‎    Then I looked up and saw the clock. The seconds ticking away (一分一秒地过去) gave me an incentive (助力). I knew that if I finished this race, I would have achieved something. So, I straightened up, and kicked it.‎ ‎    I had my arms held higher when I passed 16 the finish line. A volunteer put a 17  around my neck.‎ ‎    "You did great! I'm so 18  of you!" Charles was thrilled that I'd 19  it.‎ ‎    "That was AMAZING! I want to do another race. This running stuff is amazing!" I proudly hugged my medal as we started to walk to the post-race festivities.‎ ‎    My lungs and my comfort zone both 20 .‎ ‎1. A. runner ‎ B. traveler C. racer D. cheerleader ‎2. A. afraid B. tired C. aware D. confident ‎3. A. thought B. dreamed C. hesitated D. cared ‎4. A. race B. sport C. show D. task ‎5. A. on B. off C. up D. down ‎6. A. long B. short C. easy D. tough ‎7. A. brushing B. walking C. pounding D. sliding ‎8. A. wrong B. right C. great D. bad ‎9. A. disability B. dishonor C. disgrace D. discomfort ‎10. A. barely B. nearly C. merely D. roughly ‎11. A. advise B. persuade C. order D. force ‎12. A. signal B. symbol C. point D. mark ‎13. A. how B. what C. when D. why ‎14. A. sweat B. anger C. pain D. pleasure ‎15. A. willed B. dragged C. pulled D. supported ‎16. A. by B. over C. at D. through ‎17. A. ring B. necklace C. medal D. scarf ‎18. A. ashamed B. guilty C. sure D. proud ‎19. A. done B. made C. taken D. caught ‎20. A. developed B. expanded C. changed D. progressed 三、阅读理解(共3题;共22分)‎ A ‎    You can either travel or read, but either your body or soul must be on the way. The popular saying has inspired many people to read or go sightseeing. Traveling just like reading, is a refreshing journey from the busy world. Books, brain food, can keep you company on your travel.‎ On the Road, 1957, by Jack Kerouac ‎    The book is a globally popular spiritual guide book about youth. The main character in the book drives across the US continent with several young people and finally reaches Mexico. After the exhausting and exciting trip, the characters in the book begin to realize the meaning of life. The book can be a good partner with you to explore the United States.‎ ‎    Life is Elsewhere, 1975, by Milan Kundera ‎    Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said, "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains." The book tells a young artist's romantic but miserable life, about how he reads, dreams, and has a relationship. Experience the artist's passionate life in the book during a trip to Central Europe. The book invites you to deeply reflect on your current life.‎ ‎    The Stories of Sahara, 1967, by Sanmao ‎    The book narrates the author's simple but adventurous life in the Sahara Desert, which seems a desolate and dull place. The fancy natural scenery and life there, along with the author's romantic and intensive emotion, will inspire you to explore the mysterious land. Reading the book is like participating in a dialogue with the author, who is sincere and humorous.‎ ‎    Lotus, 2006 by Annbaby ‎    This novel set in Tibet, tells three people's stories, each with their unique characteristics. It reveals modern people's emotions and inner life, their confusion about love, and exploration of Buddhism. The book is a good partner to bring you to the sacred land Tibet.‎ ‎(1)Which book is about the exploration of life value through a journey? ‎ A. On the Road.               B. Life is Elsewhere.               C. The Stories of Sahara.               D. Lotus.‎ ‎(2)Whose book could be the most suitable for your trip to Germany? ‎ A. Jack Kerouac's.                  B. Sanmao's.                  C. Annbaby's.                  D. Milan Kundera's.‎ ‎(3)What can we learn from the text? ‎ A. Lotus is a religious book exploring Tibetan Buddhist culture. B. On the road advises a classic route for driving across the US. C. The stories of Sahara records its authors' own life in the desert. D. Life is Elsewhere demonstrates Jean-Jacques Rousseau's own life.‎ B ‎    The great-grandmother is learning English with the help of her family when she is at the age of 91. She hopes to use the language at next year's Olympic Games in Tokyo. Takamizawa was one of the more than 200, 00 people who requested to volunteer for Tokyo's 2020 Games. English is not required for service, but it is a useful skill for volunteers to have.‎ ‎    But Takamizawa had not been able to learn the language when she was young. Takamizawa said that she was in high school when World War Two started. She said, "In my second year there, English was banned because it was the enemy language."‎ ‎    Takamizawa said her grandchildren helped persuade her that she was not too old to learn. "When I talked to my grandchildren about my wish, they said, 'It's not too late. We will teach you one word a day' ". Natsuko is Takamizawa's granddaughter and main English teacher. Natsuko sends a new English word to her grandmother's phone every day. They also often work together directly on phrases that Takamizawa will need for the Olympics. "Welcome to Tokyo, this is the Olympic stadium, how can I help you?" Takamizawa answers when asked to say an English phrase she has learned. Natsuko explains that she wanted to give her grandmother something to enjoy. "I can clearly see her English is getting better. It's my joy now."‎ ‎    The EF English Proficiency Index is a measure of the level of English spoken in a country. Japan ranks 49th among countries where English is not the first language. This situation is slowly ‎ changing as younger generations welcome English. However, Takamizawa believes real change will not happen unless Japanese people become more open to the rest of the world. With around 500 days to go until the games begin, the whole Takamizawa family is ready to welcome the world to Tokyo.‎ ‎(1)Why couldn't Takamizawa learn English when she was young? ‎ A. Because English was useless.                          B. Because she was too young to learn English. C. Because English was forbidden to learn.       D. Because she was unwilling to learn English.‎ ‎(2)What can we know from the third paragraph? ‎ A. Takamizawa gets strong support from her family. B. Takamizawa's grandchildren love her a lot. C. Natsuko is Takamizawa's granddaughter and only English teacher. D. Natsuko teaches Takamizawa English mainly by talking with her.‎ ‎(3)What does the underlined phrase "This situation" in Paragraph 4 refer to? ‎ A. English is not the first language in Japan. B. The level of English spoken in Japan is relatively low. C. Younger generations in Japan welcome English. D. Japanese people become open to the rest of the world.‎ ‎(4)What is the main idea of the passage? ‎ A. Where there is a will, there is a way. B. It is never too late to learn. C. The early bird catches the worm. D. Two heads are better than one.‎ C ‎    A robot created by Washington State University (WSU) scientists could help elderly people with dementia (痴呆) and other limitations live independently in their own homes.‎ ‎    The Robot Activity Support System or RAS, uses sensors installed in a WSU smart home to determine where its residents are, what they are doing and when they need assistance with daily activities. It navigates (定位) through rooms and around obstacles to find people on its own, provides video instructions on how to do simple tasks and can even lead its owner to objects like their medication or a snack in the kitchen.‎ ‎"RAS combines the convenience of a mobile robot with the activity detection technology of a WSU smart home to provide assistance in the moment, as the need for help is detected," said Bryan Minor, a postdoctoral researcher in the WSU School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.‎ ‎    Currently, an estimated 50 percent of adults over the age of 85 need assistance with every day activities such as preparing meals and taking medication and the annual cost for this assistance in the US is nearly $2 trillion. With the number of adults over 85 expected to triple by 2050, researchers hope that technologies like RAS and the WSU smart home will relieve some of the financial strain on the healthcare system by making it easier for older adults to live alone.‎ ‎    RAS is the first robot researchers have tried to incorporate into their smart home environment. They recently published a study in the journal Cognitive Systems Research that demonstrates how RAS could make life easier for older adults struggling to live independently.‎ ‎    "While we are still in an early stage of development, our initial results with RAS have been promising," Minor said. "The next step in the research will be to test RAS' performance with a group of older adults to get a better idea of what prompts, video reminders and other preferences they have regarding the robot."‎ ‎(1)How does RAS serve elderly people? ‎ A. Through sensors.                                               B. Through objects. C. Through a mobile robot.                                  D. Through their daily activities.‎ ‎(2)What can we know about RAS? ‎ A. It is the first robot used in daily life. B. Its function remains to be tested. C. It can locate people and do any task. D. It can cook for owners on its own.‎ ‎(3)What's Minor's attitude toward the future of RAS? ‎ A. Doubtful.                         B. Negative.                         C. Optimistic.                         D. Uncertain.‎ ‎(4)What can be a suitable title for the text? ‎ A. Elderly people leave the nursing home. B. Smart Home Tests first elder-Care robot. C. RAS, the first robot to make home smart. ‎ D. Older adults have benefited from RAS.‎ 四、任务型阅读(共2题;共18分)‎ ‎13.以下文章节选自《夏洛特的网》,阅读并回答问题。 ‎ ‎    Fern loved Wilbur more than anything. She loved to stroke him, to feed him, to put him to bed. Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him.  Every afternoon, when the school bus stopped in front of her house, she jumped out and ran to the kitchen to fix another bottle for him. She fed him again at suppertime, and again just before going to bed.  Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day, when Fern was away in school. Wilbur loved his milk, and he was never happier than when Fern was warming up a bottle for him. He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes.‎ ‎    For the first few days of his life, Wilbur was allowed to live in a box near the stove in the kitchen. Then, when Mrs. Arable complained, he was moved to a bigger box in the woodshed. At two weeks of age, he was moved outdoors. It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer. Mr.  Arable fixed a small yard specially for Wilbur under an apple tree, and gave him a large wooden box full of straw, with a doorway cut in it so he could walk in and out as he pleased.‎ ‎    "Won't he be cold at night?" asked Fern.‎ ‎    "No," said her father.  "You watch and see what he does."‎ ‎    Carrying a bottle of milk, Fern sat down under the apple tree inside the yard. Wilbur ran to her and she held the bottle for him while he sucked. When he had finished the last drop, he grunted and walked sleepily into the box. Fern peered through the door. Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout. In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw. He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight, completely covered with straw.‎ ‎    Fern was enchanted. It relieved her mind to know that her baby would sleep covered up, and would stay warm.‎ ‎(1)How many times did Wilbur get fed every day? ‎ ‎(2)Where did Mr. Arable finally build a small "house" for Wilbur? ‎ ‎(3)How did Fern feel when Wilbur first moved to his new "house"? ‎ ‎(4)What do you think of Fern? ‎ ‎14.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ‎ ‎    Our world is more connected than ever before thanks to technology. ________ Indeed, it is becoming increasingly important that we all learn how to deal with this painful feeling.‎ ‎    You should be determined to actively end your loneliness. We often end up passively waiting for someone else to make us feel less lonely. You may feel that your loneliness indicates that nobody is willing to connect with you. And there is nothing you can do about it. But that is far from the truth. ________‎ ‎    You should find reasons why you are lonely. We all feel lonely for different reasons. Some of us have no one to interact with on a consistent basis and that's why we feel lonely. You may feel that the people in your life don't share your thoughts and ideas. ________ you need to identify it. And you know exactly how to handle your loneliness.‎ ‎________ People who are lonely tend to fall into destructive mental habits. They try to avoid the pain of not being understood and being disconnected by not giving people an opportunity to understand and connect with them. So the solution is to share your thoughts and feelings with others and to do so openly and fearlessly.‎ ‎    You should find people who share your interests. ________ everybody is interested in something. And just as there are many interests, there are many people who share those interests. Find what interests you and connect with others on that basis.‎ A. Whatever the reason is,‎ B. When you feel really lonely,‎ C. If you want to make friends with them,‎ D. Whether it's coin collecting or video games,‎ E. You should be open about your thoughts, ideas and desires.‎ F. Ending loneliness is something that you can and should pursue actively.‎ G. However, more and more of us find ourselves having to stand loneliness.‎ 五、语法填空(共1题;共15分)‎ ‎15.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 ‎ ‎    Mochi (年糕) is a traditional food popular in Chinese and Japanese cooking, made from ________ (special) treated rice. It is often presented in the form of a round cake, and is traditionally exchanged at the New Year.‎ Mochi is made by ________ (put) sticky rice into water overnight, cooking it and pounding it into a sticky paste. The paste is made into shapes ranging from simple to complex rounds, some of ________ are stuffed with sweet fillings. Mochi is often decorated with ________ (flower) or fruits, especially when it is exchanged as ________ gift at celebrations like birthdays and the New Year.‎ ‎    Traditionally, wooden mortars (臼) and pestles (杵) ________ (use) to pound mochi rice. Fresh mochi is usually cooked and served warm ________ a variety of sauces. Steaming and boiling are both popular preparations in Japan, along with cooking. Fresh mochi is soft but it________ (hard) quickly. Prepacked mochi blocks, flattened and cut into square pieces or shaped into rounds, are available at grocery stores. Mochi can go bad easily, so it's ________ (good) to cook soon than to keep it in your fridge.‎ ‎    Hard mochi pieces can be cooked, deep-fried, boiled, and more. Cooked mochi is very sticky, so be careful not ________ (choke) on it.‎ 六、改错题(共1题;共10分)‎ ‎16.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词;‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉;‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1)每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2)只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎    Last Friday, we went to Beijing Survival Island to go on an outing, that left us with a deep impression.‎ ‎    ‎ Early in the morning, we gathered the school gate and the school bus takes us there. In the way, we talked and laughed, ‎ full of excitement. Upon arrive, we were attracted by various activities and got involved immediate. The monkey bars ‎ were really challenging. One of the boys managed to make it with the encouragement of her classmates. I was interested ‎ in making cakes. I was being taught to make my first cake on my own! At lunchtime, we sat around, enjoying the ‎ delicious food. Everyone had the good time.‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ We really enjoyed our stay there. Before we left, we had a photo taken to record the unforgettable days.‎ 七、书面表达(共1题;共25分)‎ ‎17.假设你叫李华,是你班上的英语课代表。为了弘扬中国传统文化,你校艺术俱乐部准备举办一次关于“国画(Chinese painting)”的讲座。你班外籍教师Peter对国画很感兴趣,给你发来邮件询问本次讲座的情况。请给Peter回复一封邀请信,内容包括: ‎ ‎1)讲座目的;‎ ‎2)讲座内容;‎ ‎3)讲座时间和地点;‎ ‎4)邀请Peter参加。‎ 注意:1)词数80左右(信的开头与结束语已为你写好,但不计入总词数);‎ ‎2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:弘扬 promote;‎ Dear Peter,‎ 答案 一、听力题 ‎1. B ‎ ‎2. A ‎ ‎3. B ‎ ‎4. B ‎ ‎5. A ‎ ‎6. (1)B (2)B (3)C ‎ ‎7. (1)A (2)B (3)C ‎ ‎8. (1)C (2)B ‎ 二、完形填空 ‎9. (1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)D;(7)C;(8)C;(9)D;(10)A;(11)B;(12)D;(13)A;(14)C;(15)A;(16)D;(17)C;(18)D;(19)B;(20)B; ‎ 三、阅读理解 ‎10. (1)A (2)D (3)C ‎ ‎11. (1)C (2)A (3)B (4)B ‎ ‎12. (1)A ‎ ‎(2)B (3)C (4)B ‎ 四、任务型阅读 ‎13. (1)Five times. (2)Under an apple tree. (3)She felt worried. (4)She is caring/kind/gentle/lovely/loving/… ‎ ‎14. G;F;A;E;D ‎ 五、语法填空 ‎15. specially;putting;which;flowers;a;are used;with;hardens;better;to choke ‎ 六、改错题 ‎16. ①... that left us ... that → which ②... gathered the school gate ... gathered后加at ③... the school bus takes ... takes → took  ④In the way ... In → On  ⑤Upon arrive ... arrive → arrival / arriving   ⑥ ... got involved immediate. immediate → immediately  ⑦... her classmates. her → his  ⑧I was being taught ... 去掉being ⑨... had the good time. the → a  ⑩... unforgettable days. days → day ‎ 七、书面表达 ‎17. Dear Peter, ‎ ‎    How is it going these days? Hearing that you are interested in Chinese paintings, I'm writing to invite you to attend the lecture on Chinese painting to be organized by the Art Club in our school, whose purpose is to promote Chinese traditional culture.‎ ‎    As an excellent art form, Chinese painting is one of the major parts of China's tradition. Therefore, the lecture will help us understand the history and the main techniques of Chinese painting. It will be held in our school lecture hall and will start at 3 pm next Friday afternoon, lasting 2 hours. I'm sure it will be a good opportunity for you to experience the charm of Chinese painting.‎ ‎    I would be really delighted if you can come to attend it. I'm looking forward to your coming.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

