2018-2019学年内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版

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2018-2019学年内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校高二下学期期中考试英语试题 Word版

‎ 乌兰察布分校 ‎ ‎2018-2019学年第二学期质量调研二 高二年级英语试题 ‎(命题人:李文刚 审核人:马占军 分值:120分 时间:100分钟)‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。‎ ‎2.将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。‎ ‎3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。‎ 第I卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (共15题:每小题2分,满分30分) ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A We can take online joyful learning experiences to a new level by combining the best practices in education with inspiring hands-on lessons that parents and children can enjoy together.‎ ‎◆◇Starting a Writer’s Notebook June 13th—June 17th This workshop is to inspire children to see themselves as true authors. The writing activities in this workshop are meant to help young authors develop their sense of voice and enthusiasm for writing. Participants will learn a variety of strategies and techniques for generating ideas and producing meaningful writing.‎ PRICE: $27.00($22.00 cash payment)   AGE: 6—10‎ ‎◆◇Backyard Science  June 20th—June 24th By sharing what we discover in our own backyards, our children will be able to ‎ experience firsthand how wildlife, climate, and geographic landscapes differ across the globe. Through this workshop we have the ability to create eye-opening explorations for our children.‎ PRICE: $27.00    AGE:4—10‎ ‎◆◇Be a Peacemaker  June 27th—July 1st By practicing mindfulness we discover how to find that peaceful place within ourselves, even during the most difficult times. This online class offers families a way to explore beneficial techniques together in an effort to develop a shared language and common understanding of what it means to be fully present in our lives.‎ PRICE: $27.00   AGE: 4—10‎ ‎◆◇Poetry Makers  June 11th—July 15th When sharing poems with our children, we not only teach them how to appreciate the beauty of language but also that our words have the ability to affect others in deep and meaningful ways. In this four-week online workshop, we will strengthen our children’s understanding of themselves, each other, and the world around them through the power of writing poetry.‎ PRICE: $27.00   AGE:6—10‎ ‎1.What can we learn about Starting a Writer’s Notebook?‎ A. It offers a discount.‎ B. It lasts four weeks.‎ C. It is suitable for all ages.‎ D. It encourages children to write poetry.‎ ‎2.What can we learn about Backyard Science?‎ A. It encourages the kids to get close to nature.‎ B. It offers the kids various outdoor explorations.‎ C. It fills the kids with confidence in their future.‎ D. It enriches the kids’ life experience and knowledge.‎ ‎3.Which workshop can help kids make a good balance in their daily life?‎ A. Starting a Writer’s Notebook. B. Backyard Science. ‎ C. Be a Peacemaker. D. Poetry Makers.‎ ‎4.What can kids learn at Poetry Makers?‎ A. Take more interest in their studies.‎ B. Have a strong desire to be successful.‎ C. Show much enthusiasm for literature.‎ D. Be aware of the power of words.‎ ‎ ‎ B When my father married my mother in 1943, he gave my mother a 1937 crown coin and told her to keep it in the back of her purse and not to spend it. This would mean that she always felt that she was protected and would always have money if she really needed it.‎ When I was married in 1970 my husband who had heard this story, obtained a 1937 crown coin for me and I have always kept it in my wallet, and I have always had enough for my needs.‎ A friend recently fell on hard times, partly through external (外部的)circumstances and partly through poor planning. Friends and I have loaned her money, paid her bills, given her food, and even tried to teach her budget techniques, but none of them has been a solution. She has just slipped deeper and deeper into financial trouble and depression.‎ Last week she looked pale and unwell, very depressed and hopeless, very sad for a friend to see and I then thought about how the crown coin, a physical reminder of another's care and love had protected me, so I went to the bank for a $ 100 dollar-bill.‎ I told my friend the story and asked her to keep the $ ‎100 in the back of her wallet. It turned out that she didn't have a wallet, so she put the money in a little pencil case where she kept her coins. She immediately felt better—“I feel rich, and thank you for being a good friend,” she said, and we were both a bit teary.‎ I went home and remembered a little wallet I had that I’d never used, and thought, “I’ll give that to my friend. ” I opened it, and inside, found $ 100.‎ ‎5.What did the 1937 crown coin from the author’s father mean to her mother?‎ A. His concern for her. ‎ B. His pity and protection for her.‎ C. His care and love for her. ‎ D. His pride and respect for her.‎ ‎6. Where did the author’s friend keep the $ 100 dollar-bill?‎ A. In the back of her wallet. ‎ B. In a little pencil case.‎ C. In the pocket of her raincoat. ‎ D. In the layer of her suitcase.‎ ‎7. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?‎ A.The author became rich all of a sudden.‎ B.The author's friend would receive a wallet as a gift.‎ C.The author's friend was not touched by her story.‎ D.The author felt uncomfortable when receiving the bill.‎ ‎8.What can be the best title for the text?‎ A. A Crown Coin ‎ B. The Help to a Friend C. A Hard Life ‎ D. A Gift from My Father C In China,chain restaurants-especially the big multinational ones-are cool.Going to Starbucks,for example,is a status symbol.It not only says,"I'm rich enough to buy this overpriced coffee,"but also,"I'm cosmopolitan (见多识广的) enough to be part of globalization." ‎ ‎ Where I come from in the UK,however,chains are neither fashionable nor gourmet(美食的).Chains are where you go on New Year's Day when nowhere else is open,or when you are 5 years old and your parents can't stand hearing,"I'm huuungry!"any ‎ longer.In my own case (with regards to McDonald's),a chain is where you are taken on your first"date".Even at the age of 13,I knew to give the guy the"let's just be friends"phone call the next day. ‎ ‎ In the UK,independent cafes and restaurants are making a comeback on the fashion scene.Nowadays,a Londoner who says"let's meet for a coffee at Monmouth"(an independent cafe) is much cooler than one who says"let's go to Starbucks".Even if Monmouth's coffee is a little more expensive,there's a satisfaction in knowing your pounds aren't going straight to the big corporations. ‎ ‎ Of course,there are chain stores all over the UK;you can't go five minutes without spotting a Costa Coffee.But numbers do not add up to good taste. ‎ ‎ I do,however,have a confession (坦白).After moving to China I had moments when all the rice and Kung Pao Chicken became too much.I,too,have retreated to McDonald's.‎ ‎9.Many Chinese people like to go to multinational chain restaurants because ______.‎ A. the restaurants give customers a taste of foreign culture B. the restaurants offer different food and drinks from other restaurants C. they believe that eating there will show their wealth and social status D. these restaurants are perfect places for a romantic date ‎10. Which of the following statements is TRUE? ‎ A. The author has grown tired of Chinese food.‎ B. Branches of Monmouth's cafe can be found all over the UK.‎ C. Most independent stores are closed on New Year's Day in the UK.‎ D. It is cool in the UK to take your first date to a chain restaurant.‎ ‎11.We can infer from the article that ______.‎ A. the author doesn't like food from Pizza Hut B. the author doesn't like to follow fashion trends C. many Britons think that numbers mean poor quality D. many Britons don't like big corporations D Moscow city authorities have begun using comics(漫画) with characters from Russian fairy tales to explain to migrants(移民) how they should behave. They say a 100-page guide is needed to "keep a positive image" of the city and could help reduce "tensions" between natives and migrants. But critics have pointed out that foreign migrants and natives may be regarded as antagonists in the manual(手册).‎ Russians and migrants have repeatedly flooded in Moscow recently. Many migrants from ex-Soviet republics in Central Asia, the Caucasus(高加索) and North Caucasus, arrive in Moscow every year, attracted by the capital’s job opportunities and relatively high salaries. A significant number of them work in the Russian capital illegally.‎ The new guide in Russian seeks to explain the "dos" and "don’ts" to migrants. They are urged not to cause trouble, by staring at women, or eating or talking loudly on the streets. They are also warned that the police may routinely(例行公事) stop them to check their documents.‎ In the manual, Russia’s famous "three warriors" are meant to represent the city’s law enforcement agencies(执法机关), while Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (a historical character) is used for tours around Moscow. Meanwhile, Vasilisa the Wise and The Snow Maiden test the reader on Russia’s language and history. A special section of the book explains the importance of following Moscow’s strict residency and employment rules, stressing that migrants could otherwise be deported(驱逐出境) or banned from entry.‎ The manual was written primarily for illegal migrants, Alexander Kalinin, who heads the group Support for Working Migrants in Moscow, told BBC Russian.‎ ‎"We want to raise their level of law awareness," he added.‎ Migrant characters had initially(最初) been identified as representatives of different nationalities, but the book’s authors later decided to drop this idea so as "not to offend anyone", said Mr. Kalinin.‎ ‎"The old conflict between Russian heroes and non-Slavic invaders is being revived," Yevgeny Varshaver, a migration expert told BBC Russian. He also suggested that the language used in the book would be "difficult" to understand for some migrants ‎ who were not native Russian speakers.‎ ‎12.The underlined word "antagonists" in Paragraph 1 can probably be replaced by ""_____". ‎ A. friends B. acquaintances ‎ C. cooperators D. opponents ‎13.People from other countries come to Moscow "_____". ‎ A. to find well-paid jobs B. to have a new lifestyle C. to enjoy the fine climate D. to experience a new culture ‎14.The third paragraph is mainly about "_____".  ‎ A. consequences the migrants may suffer B. the purpose of publishing the handbook C. the measures to attract foreign migrants D. characters and their functions in Russian fairytales ‎15.Which of the following would be the best title of the text?‎ A. Ways to Help Foreign Migrants to Settle in Russia B. Characters from Russian Fairy Tales Have New Jobs C. More and More Foreign Migrants to Work in Moscow D. Moscow Fairy Tale Comics to Help Migrants Behave 第二节 ‎(共5小题, 每小题2分, 满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ While it may seem that a cab driver has only one responsibility—to drive customers to and from certain destinations, this is not the case. Instead, a cab driver must be ready to take on a number of different tasks. 16 Taxis have been around in various forms for many centuries, and the many duties of a cab driver increase as time goes on.‎ ‎ 17 Not only do cab drivers have to pick up all kinds of people, but many of them have to interact with their customers. Frequently, cab drivers are hired by ‎ tourists or business people for an entire day, and this can mean making unavoidable contact with different people with different personalities. ‎ Taxi drivers must also be able to operate different types of vehicles. 18 The vehicles have ramps (斜面) that can be raised and lowered. This type of vehicle requires a special license that most cab drivers must get before obtaining a position as a taxi driver.‎ ‎ Generally, cab drivers are not required to repair vehicles. 19 For example, almost all taxi drivers know how to change tires(轮胎), lights, and other small vehicle parts. Many drivers are also responsible for checking the taxi on a regular basis.‎ ‎ Perhaps the most important task that a cab driver must be aware of is how to charge a customer for each trip. While the prices of some trips have been predetermined(商定), such as airport fares, other trips must be calculated using taximeters(计价器) and fee charts. 20 ‎ A. One of them is cleaning the inside of cabs.‎ B. Being a taxi driver can be emotionally rewarding.‎ C. A cab driver must have excellent communication skills.‎ D. There are some taxis specially made for disabled people.‎ E. However, some drivers may be asked to make small repairs.‎ F. These prices must be calculated before the driver sets off on the trip.‎ G. Taxi drivers should have a basic knowledge of a country’s spoken language.‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ For many, finding an unattended wallet filled with £‎400 in cash would be a source (来源) of temptation (诱惑). But the 21 would no doubt be greater if you were living on the streets with little food and money. All of this makes the actions of the homeless Tom Smith 22 more remarkable.‎ After spotting a 23 on the front seat inside a parked car with its window down, he stood guard in the rain for about two hours waiting for the 24 to return.‎ After hours in the cold and wet, he 25 inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact (联系) the driver, only to 26 it contained £‎400 in notes, with another £‎50 in spare change beside it.‎ He then took the wallet to a nearby police station after ‎27 a note behind to let the owner know it was safe. When the car’s owner John Anderson and his colleague Carol Lawrence returned to the car—which was itself worth £35,000—in Glasgow city centre, they were 28 to find two policemen standing next to it. The policemen told them what Mr. Smith did and that the wallet was 29 .‎ The pair were later able to thank Mr. Smith for his 30 .‎ Mr. Anderson said: “I couldn’t believe that the guy never took a penny. To think he is sleeping on the streets tonight 31 he could have stolen the money and paid for a place to stay in. This guy has nothing and 32 he didn’t take the wallet for himself; he thought about others 33 . It’s unbelievable. It just proves there are 34 guys out there.”‎ Mr. Smith’s act 35 much of the public’s attention. He also won praise from social media users after Mr. Anderson 36 about the act of kindness on Facebook.‎ Now Mr. Anderson has set up an online campaign to 37 money for Mr. Smith and other homeless people in the area, which by yesterday had received £8,000. “I think the faith that everyone has shown 38 him has touched him. People have been approaching him in the street; he’s had job 39 and all sorts,” Mr. Anderson commented.‎ For Mr. Smith, this is a possible life-changing 40 . The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another.‎ ‎21. A. hope B. aim C. urge D. effort ‎22. A. still B. even C. ever D. once ‎23. A. wallet B. bag C. box D. parcel ‎24. A. partner B. colleague C. owner D. policeman ‎25. A. turned B. hid C. stepped D. reached ‎26. A. discover B. collect C. check D. believe ‎27. A. taking B. leaving C. reading D. writing ‎28. A. satisfied B. excited C. amused D. shocked ‎29. A. safe B. missing C. found D. seen ‎30. A. service B. support C. kindness D. encouragement ‎31. A. when B. if C. where D. because ‎32. A. rather B. yet C. already D. just ‎33. A. too B. though C. again D. instead ‎34. A. honest B. polite C. rich D. generous ‎35. A. gave B. paid C. cast D. drew ‎36. A. learned B. posted C. cared D. heard ‎37. A. borrow B. raise C. save D. earn ‎38. A. of B. at C. for D. in ‎39. A. details B. changes C. offers D. applications ‎40. A. lesson B. adventure C. chance D. challenge ‎ ‎ ‎ 第II卷 第二节 ‎(共10分;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Fu Xuewei, a 25-year-old girl from Chengdu, China 41 (recent )shared a beautiful set of wedding photos on the Internet. However, there's a debate on the photographs, 42 no groom(新郎) seems to be found in the photos. In fact, the only people 43 (feature) in the photos are Ms. Fu and her 87-year-old grandfather.‎ Despite having no plans of getting married anytime soon, Fu decided 44 (wear) the wedding dress for her grandfather. The man fell seriously ill last September, with doctors warning that he could pass away 45 any time. Fearing he might never get to fulfill the dream of walking her down to the Mr. Right, Fu arranged the surprise photoshoot. She took 46 (she ) grandfather for a regular hospital check-up, only to reveal that they were going to take pictures later and he agreed。‎ Ms Fu 47 (raise) by her grandparents from the age of ten, 48 makes them ‎ mean a lot to her. She insists that she takes care of them in return. The young woman even 49 (have) a tattoo of her grandfather. "I had my grandfather’s appearance tattooed on my arm because I want all my new 50 (friend) to know what he looks like in the future, "she said。‎ 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(﹨)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。‎ ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I still remember a embarrassing experience last month. That day, I was overslept. I was running around my apartment quickly because there was something scarier for me than be late for work. I called a taxi, put on a dress, put all the necessary things into my bags, and closed it without even looking into it. Then I took my wallet, and run out. It didn't take much time to get to work because I was hurrying the driver at every traffic light. At last, I was in the office. Surprising, when I opened my bag, I saw the 2 yellow or scared eyes of my cat looking me. She seemed to be just as shocking as I was.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎ 假定你是李华,了解到你的美国笔友Tom对中国文化有浓厚兴趣,想邀请他一起参观中国画画展(Chinese Ink Painting )。请你写封邮件,内容包括:‎ ‎1.展览时间、地点。‎ ‎2.展览内容。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数:100左右,开头和结尾已写好,但不计入总词数;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 乌兰察布分校 ‎2017-2018学年第一学期期中考试 高二年级英语试题 参考答案 阅读理解:‎ ‎1-4 ABCD 5-8 CBBA 9-11 CCD 12-15 DABD 16-20 ACDEF 完形填空:‎ ‎21-25 CBACD    26-30 ABDAC 31-35 ABDAD  36-40 BBDCC 语法填空:‎ ‎41. recently 42. because 43. featured 44. to wear 45.at ‎ ‎46.her 47. was raised 48. which 49.has 50. friends 短文改错:‎ ‎1. a 改an 2.Was删除 3. something改为 nothing 4.be改为 being ‎ ‎5.bags改为bag 6.run改为ran 7. Surprising改为 Surprisingly ‎ ‎8.or改为and 9. looking后添加at 10. shocking改为 shocked ‎ 书面表达:‎ One possible version :‎ Dear Tom,‎ How is it going? I'm vey glad to invite you to pay a visit to the Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition ,which is to be held at nine o'clock next Friday afternoon in the lecture hall of our school.‎ On the exhibition, you can not only enjoy many excellent works of various styles, but also can communicate with some famous artists who will give a live performance of their painting skills. Furthermore, there will be a lecture, from which you can learn the history of Chinese Ink Painting.‎ I know you have great interest in Chinese traditional culture, and I believe it’s well worth a visit. Please call me and I'll meet you at the station.‎ looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua can provide precious opportunities for the young to express themselves and to perform their talents of singing, dancing and so on. On the other hand, they may also mislead the youth and make them believe that they can make easy money or become famous overnight, ignoring the fact of “No pains, no gains.”‎ ‎ Therefore, it is of vital importance for us, especially young people and their parents, to think twice before attending them.‎

