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备战2018年高考英语大题冲关秘笈 专题05 冲关模拟训练 题组一 Passage 1( 2018届山东省烟台市高三上学期期中考试)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 阅读狄更斯著作的原因 ‎ 275‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 Why we still need to read Dickens Walk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens’ works still sell well today. 1 ‎ As someone who teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 2 One day nearly 10 years ago, however, when I was giving a lecture, I was telling the students that for Victorian readers, Dickens’s writing was a “tune-in-next-week” type of thing that generated crazes. 3 “But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked. The answer I gave was only acceptable, “Because he teach you how to think,” I said.‎ The question annoyed me for years, for years, and for years I told myself answers, but never with complete satisfaction. We read Dickens because he is not just a man of his own times, but also a man for our times. We read Dickens because we can learn from experiences of his characters almost as easily as we can learn from our own experiences.‎ ‎ 4 But these are not exactly the reason why I read Dickens. My search for an answer continued until one day a text message came from a student of mine. “We still read Dickens’s novels,” she wrote, “because they tell us why we are what we are.” Simple as it was, that’s the explanation I had sought for years.‎ Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and wrote of times. 5 If you have time, go to pick up one of his many novels, read it and enjoy what it has to tell you about yourself.‎ A. Then a hand shot up.‎ B. I know that wasn’t really the reason.‎ C. And they are placed on outstanding shelves.‎ D. That question was never more troubling.‎ E. That’s why we still need to read him today.‎ F. I already know who it is I’ll meet in those novels.‎ G. These are all wonderful reasons to read Dickens.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文对为什么我们今天依然要阅读狄更斯著作的原因进行了分析。‎ ‎1.C 【解析】根据Walk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens’ works still sell well today. 可知这里意思是它们被放在很显眼的书架上,选C。‎ ‎2.D 【解析】根据As someone who teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 可知这里意思是那个问题不再困扰我,选D。‎ ‎3.A 【解析】根据“But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked.可知有一个学生举手提问,选A。‎ ‎5.E 【解析】由Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and wrote of times. 可知这里意思是那就是为什么我们今天依然要阅读狄更斯著作的原因,选E。‎ Passage 2(2018届山东省菏泽市七县一中(郓城一中、曹县一中等)高三模考)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 在外国生活指南 ‎ 242‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 I have been living in Toulouse for over four months now and I can safely say that my ability to talk to French people has improved in an unbelievable way. I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living abroad would be the making of me.____1____ Here is my four-step guide to living in a foreign country:‎ ‎1.Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness. ____2____ Until recently, I did not believe that a friend made on a year abroad is a friend for life but now I do.‎ ‎2. ____3___ I joined a church in Toulouse and as a result I now have a place to go to practice my faith. If you are a religious person this point could really help you. If you enjoy your exercise, joining a gym is also a good idea.‎ ‎3.Speak the language. Even if you can’t speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve____ 4____ ‎ ‎4.Travel. ____5____ More importantly, it gives you memories that allow you to tell others of your experiences.‎ These are four things that allowed me to safely integrate into a totally foreign culture. Trust me, you don’t know how young and inexperienced you are until you live abroad for the first time.‎ A. Travelling around the country passes the time B. I can tell you that his words proved to be true C. Share with others some of the things you have D. Get into organizations that help you meet people E. Good luck to anyone who reads this and goes abroad F. The best thing to do is to go out and meet people everywhere G. This helps you become a more fluent speaker and more people will talk to you ‎【文章大意】作者针对如何在外国生活这一问题给出了四步指南。‎ ‎1.B 【解析】根据I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living abroad would be the making of me.可知选B。(我可以告诉你,他的话被证明是正确的,)‎ ‎2.F 【解析】根据Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness. 可知选F。(最好的事情就是外出,遇见不同的人。)‎ ‎4.G 【解析】根据Speak the language. Even if you can’t speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve.可知选G。(这帮助你能成为一个更流利的说话者并且更多人会和你说话。)‎ ‎5.A 【解析】Travel.这里提到了旅游,所以选A。(在这个国家到处旅游来打发时间。)‎ Passage 3(2018届山东省师大附中高三第三次模拟考试 )‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 迟到的原因 ‎ 216‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 We all have one, don’t we? A friend who’s always late. The one who turns up for coffee a full half hour after the appointed time.  1 . Or just maybe, if you’re really honest, this tardy (拖延的) individual is actually you yourself. Either way, 1ateness can be extremely annoying to the receiving end.‎ How on earth can people be so inconsiderate?‎ Recent research suggests that there might be more to this than simple rudeness. Psychologists ‎ from Washington University believe people view time differently. Their study gave participants a specific amount of time to complete a task.  2 . Despite this, some people became so absorbed in the activity that they completely forgot to check the clock.‎ Our personality also plays a role. The less punctual among us often share characteristics such as “optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety”  3 . Optimists tend to overestimate how much they can achieve and underestimate problems. It means they don’t account for the long traffic jam on the way for that coffee.‎ ‎ 4 . The English phrase “to be fashionably late” is used to describe the proper time to arrive at an event. The problem is, what one person regards as fashionably late, another may view as impolite.  5 .‎ A. Why optimism, you ask?‎ B. Maybe language is to blame C. It even provided them with a clock D. Different people vary from each other E. Next time you have coffee, do try to be on time F. The one who seems to be forever “stuck in traffic”‎ G. The one that might always be later than the agreed time ‎【文章大意】主要讲述一些人约会总是迟到的原因。‎ ‎1.F 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据前一句“一个因买咖啡迟到了一个小时的朋友”可知,此处还是解释朋友会迟到的原因。F选项一个“永远被堵在路上的朋友”符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎2.C 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据后一句可知,一些人太专注于活动而忘记核对时间。所以给他们提供了钟表。故选C。‎ ‎4.B 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。此句为该段主题句。根据下文可知,根据后一句“The English phrase…to be fashionably late”可知,此处应和语言有关。B选项符合语境。故选B。‎ ‎5.E 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据前面的解释,不同的人对于“to be fashionably late”的理解不同。所以,后面一句应为还是按时的好。构成顺承关系。E选项下次喝咖啡还是尽量按时的好,符合语境。故选E。‎ Passage 4(2018届安徽省江淮十校高三第二次联考)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 女主角简爱身上有很多值得我们学习的地方 ‎ 191‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 ‎ “Jane Eyre” was published in 1847. It is not just a romance novel, but an educational story. Women can learn so much from this great Victorian heroine. This is not to suggest that Jane didn’t have shortcomings.  1 ‎ You can overcome your past, however bad it is. Jane Eyre is made miserable as a child by her horrible relatives.  2 He constantly reminds her that she’s an orphan(孤儿). But she learns a lot about letting go when she is sent to a boarding school and makes friends with Helen.‎ ‎ 3 Jane notes, “The world was a varied field of hopes and excitement waiting for those who had the courage to go forth.” If Jane hadn’t been brave, she might have returned to the cruel woman who raised her.‎ Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. She is not scared to voice her opinions when necessary. It is much better to talk about things than to hide unspoken anger.  4 ‎ Be positive. When Jane was younger, she had a tendency to feel sorry for herself.  5 But as she gets older, she learns to be happy despite her past.‎ A. You can decide your life.‎ B. The possibilities for life are endless for those who take risks.‎ C. Talking also helps heal relationships as well.‎ D. Her cousin, John, is the worst.‎ E. It is weak and silly to say you can’t bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.‎ F. Still, there’s much to be learned from the way she chooses to live.‎ G. Her life was miserable.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文主要介绍了《简爱》的女主角简爱身上有很多值得我们学习的地方。‎ ‎2.D 【解析】根据本空前的“Jane Eyre is made miserable as a child by her horrible relatives.”可知,此处将提到一个可怕的亲戚,同时又与本空后的He一致,D项中的Her cousin符合这一点。‎ ‎3.B 【解析】根据本空后的“The world was a varied field of hopes and excitement waiting for those who had the courage to go forth.”可知,此处是说对于敢于冒险的人来说,生活充满了各种可能性。‎ ‎4.C 【解析】根据本空前的“It is much better to talk about things than to hide unspoken anger.”可知,此处承接上文,讲的是交谈的好处。‎ 题组二 ‎ Passage1(2017届江西师范大学附属中学高三第三次模拟考试)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 保持积极乐观的方法 ‎ 258‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 Four simple ways to stay positive Trying to stay positive, both in good times and bad, is a great way to improve your quality of life. Try these four methods on a daily basis.‎ Don’t think a lot about negativity.‎ Of course, staying positive 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a bit difficult. Letting things get to you is normal, and it’s actually healthy to cry or express frustrations once in a while.‎ It’s when those negative moments control your life that your emotional balance is at risk.    1   However, don’t give that sadness another second in your day.‎ ‎  2   ‎ What you put into your body directly affects how you feel on the outside. Fill yourself with good, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and limit snacking. Exercise is equally of great importance. Take a few days out of your week for at least a half an hour of activity, and try to stick to a routine.   3  ‎ Be kind to others.‎ ‎  4   Making someone’s day a bit brighter not only puts a smile on his or her face, but also yours as well. Remember to smile and treat each person with pity and respect. Good deeds are contagious (传染的), and your positive attitude may spread among others.‎ Take it one day at a time.‎ Being positive isn’t an instant thing. It’s a steady effort that we follow every hour of every day.   5   Instead, focus on living in the moment and doing what you can to make each moment better.‎ A. Eat healthy and stay fit.‎ B. Take your lunch breaks outside.‎ C. Don’t worry about what the future may bring.‎ D. Gratefulness helps you appreciate life in bad times.‎ E. Good feelings come from acts of kindness and selflessness.‎ F. Take a few minutes to feel sad and accept what happened.‎ G. Even going outside for a walk and enjoying the sunshine improves your mood.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是每天保持积极乐观的四种方法。‎ ‎1.F 【解析】根据下文However, don’t give that sadness another second in your day.可知此处表示你可以花几分钟感觉难过,然后接受发生的事情,但是在你的一天里不能再难过了,故选F。‎ ‎2.A 【解析】根据本段内容可知本段表示的是要吃得健康并保持健康,故选A。‎ ‎4.E 【解析】本段讲述的是要对别人和善,要尊重和同情每一个人,你做的好事也会影响别人效仿你,由此可知此处表示"好的感觉来自于善意和无私的行为",故选E。‎ ‎5.C 【解析】根据下文Instead, focus on living in the moment and doing what you can to make each moment better.(集中注意力活在当下,尽你所能地使每一个都变得更好)可知此处表示"不要担心未来可能会带来什么",故选C。‎ Passage2((2017届北京市西城区高三二模)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 社交恐惧症的危害和解决办法 ‎ 310‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 Social Phobia It’s natural to feel nervous, or shy in front of others at times. Most people manage to get through these moments when they need to.   1  It’s probably more than shyness. It may build ‎ up into a powerful fear. As a result, people feel uncomfortable participating in everyday social activities. This is called social phobia (also called social anxiety).‎ ‎  2  It prevents them from chatting with friends in the lunchroom, joining an after-school club, or going to a party. Sometimes, they even feel too nervous to ask a question in class or go to a teacher for help. Social phobia not only prevents people from trying new things. It also prevents them from making the normal, everyday mistakes that help people improve their skills still further.‎ It is really sad, isn’t it? But the good news is that people with social phobia can learn to manage fear, develop confidence and communicating skills and stop avoiding things that make them nervous. Of course it’s not always easy. Dealing with social phobia takes patience, courage to face fears and the willingness to practice.   3  ‎ Therapists (治疗师) can help people create a plan for facing social fears and build the skills and confidence to overcome it. And family or friends are especially important for them.  4 Friends and family can encourage them to pick a small goal to aim for, remind them to go for it, and be there when they might feel discouraged. Good friends and family are there to celebrate each small success along the way.‎ Little by little, someone who decides to deal with extreme shyness can learn to be more comfortable.   5  As shyness and fears begin to melt, confidence and positive feelings build. Pretty soon, the person is thinking less about what might feel uncomfortable and more about what might be fun.‎ A. Friends can overcome their fears.‎ B. But for some, the anxiety can be extreme.‎ C. They are not able to make eye contact with classmates.‎ D. Social phobia makes people lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities.‎ E. It also takes a commitment to go forward rather than back away when feeling shy.‎ F. Each small step forward helps build enough confidence to take the next small step.‎ G. The support from those key people helps them gather the courage to try something new.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是社交恐惧症的危害和解决办法。‎ ‎1.B 【解析】根据上文可知此处表示"对于某些人来说,这种焦虑可能是极端的。",故选B。‎ ‎2.D 【解析】根据本段的内容可知,本段表示的是社交恐惧症的不良影响,与D项(社交恐惧症使人孤独或对错过的机会感到失望)一致,故选D。‎ ‎4.G 【解析】根据上文可知此处表示家人和朋友的支持在帮助克服社交恐惧症时的重要性,与G项一致,故选G。‎ ‎5.F 【解析】根据上下句可知此处表示"每一步的成功帮助建立足够的信心进行下一步",故选F。‎ Passage3(2017届山西省太原市高三第三次模拟)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 三项中国传统文化 ‎ 238 ‎ ‎★★★☆☆‎ ‎7分钟 Traditional Chinese Culture Chinese culture is over 5000 years old.  1 ‎ The spirit of the tea ceremony Xi Hu Long Jing (West Lake Dragon Well) and Yunnan Pu’er have long been world famous.  2 The spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony captures the Chinese attitude towards life and spirituality. These are the things that people all over the world can benefit from.‎ A handful of good tea leaves with some boiling water and a set of lovely tea ware is the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon and gain some insight into the wisdom of this ancient civilization.‎ ‎ 3 ‎ During the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, many different flavors, styles, and cuisines(烹饪)have developed based on traditional philosophy and culture. This ancient food culture has had a direct impact on the countries, such as Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. It has benefited billions of people around the world through such innovations as Chinese vegetarian culture, tea culture, vinegar, pasta medicated diets, ceramic tableware, and the use of soybeans in the diet.‎ Confucianism has flourished during the last 2,500 of China’s 5,000-year history.  4 This school of thought has had the most profound and long lasting influence in China’s history. Seventy-four Nobel Prize winners and many other highly respected scholars have stated that for the benefit of mankind’s livelihood and development into the next century, these teachings should be promoted and adopted worldwide.  5 ‎ A. Chinese cuisine B. Traditional Chinese culture C. It has been the mainstay of this ancient civilization.‎ D. They are pretty popular due to their superior color and flavor.‎ E. The following three items of traditional Chinese culture have had a worldwide impact.‎ F. This wonderfully rich food culture has also had an impact on Europe, America and Oceania.‎ G. This would provide long lasting benefits for man, helping to ensure a peaceful and happy life.‎ ‎【备注】文章介绍了三项在世界范围内产生了重要影响的中国传统文化。‎ ‎1.E 【解析】‎ 考查上下文理解和逻辑推理。前面叙述到“中国传统文化有5000多年的历史”,后文具体讲述了三个方面,所以“以下三项中国传统文化在世界范围内产生了影响”是承上启下的作用。故选E。‎ ‎2.D 【解析】考查上下文理解和逻辑推理。前一句提到“西湖龙井和云南普洱早就闻名世界了”,下面要具体说明这两种茶叶因何而出名。故选D。‎ ‎3.A 【解析】考查上下文理解和逻辑推理。本段主要介绍了中国的烹饪。所以,A是段落主题。故选A。‎ ‎5.G 【解析】考查上下文理解和逻辑推理。根据前面的内容可知,七十位四位诺贝尔奖获得者和许多其他德高望重的学者都表示,为了造福人类的生存和发展,儒家学说应该在世界范围内得到推广和采用。所以,此处要说明其好处,做总结。故选G。‎ Passage 4(2017届河北省衡水中学高三下学期第三次摸底考试)‎ 话题 词数 难度 参考用时 正确率 ‎ 控制生气的措施 ‎ 289‎ ‎★★★★☆‎ ‎8分钟 Controlling Anger Becoming angry is something beyond the control of people  1 Becoming angry can do a lot of damages, both mental and physical. However, there are methods for discovering how to control anger and not suffer later.‎ ‎●  2 The moment you feel there are chances of you becoming angry, get away from those circumstances. In fact, there can be no better a judge than you, for discovering what it is or who it is that makes you become angry, and then at that moment choose to think about something else that can lighten your feelings.‎ ‎●Keep a check on your breathing.  3 By controlling the process of breathing, you can actually slow down your anger greatly. You can count till the number three as you breathe in, hold it for 3 seconds and again count till three while breathing out. You have to concentrate on the count as you do this and repeat for as many times as is required.‎ ‎●  4 For example, if you're experiencing road anger while driving, you can choose to tell yourself that the person who overtook you by a vehicle was in a hurry as a result of some emergency and appreciate the fact that nothing major had happened to your car. Repeat this form of self-talk to yourself every time you are in the middle of such an angry situation.‎ ‎●Look for a support in other people.  5 It needs to be clear right at the beginning as to why you are discussing your concerns with that individual. Let the other individual know what you want from the other person. After you're done with your part of discussing about the circumstances, chances are that you'll feel much better than before.‎ A. Talk to yourself positively.‎ B. Come to a stop as soon as you are angry.‎ C. Try to see the situation in a different light.‎ D. You can also ask for help from the one you rely on.‎ E. What you can do when you become angry is to breathe deeply.‎ F. In fact, almost all people at one point of time or the other become angry.‎ G. You can imagine going to a place you consider to be calming as well as relaxing.‎ ‎【文章大意】生气伤身,但是每个人不可避免地会生气。如何控制生气呢?本文给出了四项有效措施:生气时停一停;生气时深呼吸;生气时自嘲;寻求别人的帮助等。‎ ‎1.F 【解析】根据下文Becoming angry can do a lot of damages, both mental and physical.可知,生气对精神和身体都有很大坏处,接着讲述了控制生气的方法,因此推断F项“实际上,几乎所有的人都有可能在某一时刻会生气”符合语境。故选F。‎ ‎3.E 【解析】根据段落标题和空格下文By controlling the process of breathing, you can actually slow down your anger ‎ greatly.可知,生气时调整呼吸,通过控制呼吸的过程,减慢生气,根据关键词“breathe”可知E项“生气时你可以做深呼吸”符合语境。故选E。‎ ‎4.A 【解析】空格处为段落标题。本段通过一个例子,当你开车路怒的时候,你可以告诉自己超过你的那个人可能有紧急事情感激你的车没有发生什么大事,生气的情况下多重复几遍这个过程。因此推断本段建议生气时积极的自言自语。故选A。‎ ‎5.D 【解析】根据段落标题Look for a support in other people.可知,本段建议生气时寻求别人的支持,support与D项中提到的“help”一样相近,因此推断D项“你可以尝试向你信赖的人寻求帮助”符合语境。故选D。‎

