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‎2019届一轮复习英语北师大版选修六Unit 17 Laughter单元学案设计 一、刷黑板—— Ⅰ.阅读词汇(英译汉)‎ ‎[第一屏听写] ‎ ‎1.anecdote n.        轶事,趣闻 ‎2.ridiculous adj. 荒谬的,可笑的 ‎3.sunburnt adj. 晒黑的 ‎4.thriller n. 惊险小说(戏剧、电影)‎ ‎5.psychology n. 心理学 ‎6.being n. 人;人物;生物 ‎7.comedy n. 喜剧                          ‎ ‎[第二屏听写] ‎ ‎8.comedian n.        喜剧演员 ‎9.seal vt. 封,密封 ‎10.saucer n. 茶托,茶杯碟 ‎11.compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿 ‎12.string n. 绳,线 ‎13.loaf n. (面包的)一条 ‎14.yawn vi. 打哈欠                          ‎ ‎[第三屏听写] ‎ ‎15.crosstalk n.       相声 ‎16.component n. 成分,组成部分 ‎17.agency n. 代理处,经销处 ‎18.agent n. 代理人,经销商 ‎19.authority n. 权威;权力 ‎20.mature adj. 成熟的 ‎21.counter n. 柜台                          ‎ ‎[第四屏听写] ‎ ‎22.tension n.        紧张,焦虑 ‎23.identification n. 身份 ‎24.unbelievable adj. 不可置信的,极其惊人的 ‎25.presence n. 存在;到场,出席 ‎26.my goodness 天哪,哎呀 ‎27.cash a cheque 兑换支票 ‎28.tournament n. 锦标赛,联赛                          ‎ ‎[第五屏听写] ‎ ‎29.campaign n.       运动 ‎30.boarding school 寄宿学校 ‎31.put on 假装;穿上 ‎32.turn sb. off 令人讨厌 ‎33.pull faces 做鬼脸 ‎34.*giggle vi. 咯咯地傻笑 ‎35.black eye (打得)鼻青眼肿                          ‎ ‎[第六屏听写] ‎ ‎36.*nap n.         小睡,打盹 ‎37.*genius n. 天才 ‎38.fool around 胡闹,瞎弄 ‎39.*imitate vt. 模仿 ‎40.*steak tartare 鞑靼牛肉末 ‎41.play around 四处游戏 ‎42.*pool n. 台球                          ‎ Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)‎ ‎[第七屏听写] ‎ ‎1.amuse vt.         逗乐,使(某人)笑 ‎2.burst_out_laughing 突然笑起来 ‎3.convince vt. 使相信 ‎4.harmony n. 协调,和谐 ‎5.forgetful adj. 健忘的 ‎6.scare vt. 使恐惧 ‎7.profession n. 职业,专业 ‎8.universal adj. 通用的,普遍的;全世界的                          ‎ ‎[第八屏听写] ‎ ‎9.astonish vt.        使惊讶,使惊骇 ‎10.starve vi. 饿死,挨饿 ‎11.desperate adj. 不顾一切的 ‎12.caution n. 谨慎,小心 ‎13.accomplish vt. 取得(成功),完成(任务)‎ ‎14.regardless_of 不管,不顾 ‎15.run_into 撞上 ‎16.resist vi. & vt. 抵(反)抗,抵制                          ‎ ‎[第九屏听写] ‎ ‎17._clarify vt.        澄清,讲清楚 ‎ ‎18.withdraw vt. 收回,撤回 ‎19.forbide_vt. 禁止 ‎20.border n. 国界,边境 ‎21.wait_in_line 排队 ‎22._respond n. 回答,答复 ‎23.overlook vt. 忽略,忽视 ‎24.result_in_ 导致,造成                          ‎ ‎[第十屏听写] ‎ ‎25 swiftly adv.       迅速地 ‎26.delay n. 延误 ‎27.acknowledge vt. 承认 ‎28.figure n. 人物 ‎29.scold_ vt. 斥责,责备 ‎30.obtain vt. 获得,得到 ‎31.tough adj. 艰难的,困难的 ‎ ‎32.get_rid_of 处理掉,摆脱                          ‎ ‎[第十一屏听写] ‎ ‎33.from_time_to_time     不时地 ‎34.rarely adv. 很少 ‎35.thanks_to 多亏,由于 ‎36.raw adj. 生的,未煮过的 ‎37.depth n. 深(度),纵深 ‎38.queue vi. 排队 ‎39.scratch n. 痕迹或划伤 vt. 划(破)                          ‎ ‎[第十二屏听写] ‎ ‎40.disgusting adj.      厌恶的 ‎41.yell vi. 叫喊,叫嚷 ‎42.visa n. 签证 ‎43.politician n. 政治家 ‎44.messy adj. 凌乱的,肮脏的 ‎45.purely adv. 完全地,仅仅 ‎46.partly adv. 部分地 ‎47.scared adj. 惊恐的,担惊受怕的                          ‎ 二、刷清单—— ‎(一)核心单词 阅读单词 ‎1.anecdote n.   轶事,趣闻 ‎2.ridiculous adj. 荒谬的,可笑的 ‎3.sunburnt adj. 晒黑的 ‎4.thriller n. 惊险小说(戏剧、电影)‎ ‎5.psychology n. 心理学 ‎6.being n. 人;物;生物 ‎7.comedy n. 喜剧 ‎8.comedian n. _喜剧演员 ‎9.seal vt. 封,密封 ‎10.saucer n. 茶托,茶杯碟 ‎11.compensate vt. 补偿,赔偿 ‎12.string n. 绳,线 ‎13.loaf n. (面包的)一条 ‎14.yawn vi. _打哈欠 ‎15.crosstalk n. 相声 ‎16.component n. 成分,组成部分 ‎17.agency n.   _代理处,经销处 ‎18.agent n. 代理人,经销商 ‎19.authority n. 权威;权力 ‎20.mature adj. 成熟的 ‎21.counter n. 柜台 ‎22.tension n. _紧张,焦虑 ‎23.campaign n. 运动 ‎24.identification n. 身份 表达单词 ‎1.clarify vt. 澄清,讲清楚 ‎2.withdraw vt. 提取;撤退 ‎3.forbid vt. 禁止,不准 ‎4.border n. 国界,边境 ‎5.overlook vt. 忽略,忽视 ‎6.swiftly adv. 迅速地 ‎7.delay n. 延误,延期 ‎8.acknowledge vt. 承认,认可 ‎9.figure n. 人物 ‎10.scold vt. 斥责,责备 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.In some Middle Eastern countries, exposing your flesh is forbidden (禁止), especially women.‎ ‎2.The newspaper withdrew (收回,撤回) the words about the film star the next day.‎ ‎3.It was abnormal for ‎ ‎11.obtain vt. 获得,得到 ‎12.tough adj. 艰难的;不幸的;强壮的 ‎13.rarely adv. 很少,难得 ‎14.visa n. 签证 ‎15.yell vi. 叫喊,叫嚷 ‎16.queue vi. 排队 n. 队列,长队 ‎17.purely adv. 完全地,仅仅 ‎18.raw adj. 生的,未煮过的 ‎19.depth n. 深(度),纵深 him to overlook (忽略,忽视) such an important detail.‎ ‎4.He clarified (澄清) his stand on the issue of Syria on behalf of the government.‎ ‎5.They had to delay (推迟) having children, for the usual reason, to establish their careers.‎ ‎6.Western countries acknowledged (承认) that in the past 30 years China has made great contributions to the peace and development of the world.‎ ‎7.You should always pay attention to your behavior as a public figure (人物).‎ ‎8.As a kid, I was always getting scolded (斥责,责备) by my father for being ‎ naughty.‎ ‎9.She decided to pursue her study after obtaining (获得) her first degree.‎ 拓展单词 ‎1.amuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑→amusement n.娱乐,消遣;快乐的事→amused adj.娱乐的,觉得好笑的→amusing adj.逗人笑的,好笑的 ‎2.convince vt.使相信→convincing adj.令人信服的→convinced adj.相信的,信任的 ‎3.harmony n.协调,和谐→harmonious adj.和谐的,协调的 ‎4.scare vt.使恐惧→scared adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的→scary adj.可怕的,(某人)吓得发抖的 ‎5.profession n.职业,专业→professional adj.职业的 ‎6.universal adj.通用的,普遍的;全世界的→universe n.宇宙 ‎7.astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇→astonishing adj.令人惊讶的→astonished adj.惊讶的→astonishment n.惊奇 ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.The cautious boy looked around cautiously and then walked across the road with caution.(caution)‎ ‎2.Seeing the scary film, Mary was almost scared to death.(scare)‎ ‎3.It is reported that the famous star didn't respond to her divorce while her friends had different responses to it.(response)‎ ‎4.Mr. Wang is an amusing person who often amuses us with amusing stories. So staying with him is really a kind of amusement.(amuse)‎ ‎5.To our ‎ ‎8.caution n.谨慎,小心→cautious adj.谨慎的,小心的→cautiously adv.谨慎小心地 ‎9.respond v.回答,答复→response n.回应,应答 ‎10.messy adj.凌乱的,肮脏的→mess n.混乱 astonishment,_the famous star died.That's to say, we were astonished at the news of her death, and it was really astonishing.(astonish)‎ ‎6.If everyone can live in harmony with others, our society will become more harmonious.(harmony)‎ ‎7.His convincing words finally convinced me, and I was convinced that he was innocent.(convince)‎ ‎(二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.burst_out_laughing  突然笑起来 ‎2.cash_a_cheque 兑现支票 ‎3.wait_in_line 排队 ‎4.get_rid_of 处理掉;摆脱 ‎5.fool_around 胡闹,瞎弄;虚度光阴,闲荡 ‎6._result_in 导致,造成 ‎1.In order to keep healthy, you should_get_rid_of the bad habit of smoking.‎ ‎2.He serves the people heart and soul, regardless_of his personal gain or loss.‎ ‎3.He didn't expect to run_into so many of his friends in this party.‎ ‎4.She burst_out_laughing when she ‎7.from_time_to_time 不时地 ‎8.run_into 撞上;陷入 ‎9.put_on 假装;穿上;上映 ‎10.turn_sb.off_ 令人讨厌 ‎11.regardless_of 不管,不顾 ‎12.pull_faces_ 做鬼脸 ‎13.thanks_to 幸亏;由于 ‎14.do_sb.good 对某人有益 ‎15.play_around 四处游戏 ‎ heard the good news that she was admitted into her ideal university.‎ ‎5.Not working hard enough resulted_in his failure.‎ ‎6.Thanks_to your help, we finished the work ahead of time.‎ ‎7.It's good manners to wait_in_line_ in public places.‎ ‎8.It will not do_you any good if you drink large amounts of water after heavy exercise without any rest.‎ ‎(三)经典句式 原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写 ‎1.Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?‎ 你有没有拼不出单词的时候?‎ have trouble (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”。‎ 学汉语有困难时不要担心,慢慢来。‎ Don't worry if you have_any_trouble_(in)_studying_Chinese,_and just take your time.‎ ‎2.He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him ...‎ 最后他不顾一切,甚至把一些(生肉)藏在坐在旁边的一位女士的钱包里……‎ ‎“so ...that ...”引导结果状语从句。‎ ‎(福建高考书面表达)结果,孩子们变得如此依赖他们的父母以至于他们没有独立的想法或创意。‎ As a consequence, children become so_reliant_on_their_parents_that they have no independent thoughts or creative ideas.‎ ‎3.While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.‎ 还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋。‎ while引导的省略句。‎ 在北京时,我参观了颐和园。‎ While_in_Beijing,_I paid a visit to the Summer Palace.‎ ‎4.I felt at least forty more of the same kind following ‎“of+名词”结构。‎ ‎(2014·四川高考写作)‎ ‎ the first.‎ 跟着第一个,我又感觉到了至少40多个同样的(人)。‎ 况且,我感到紧张是正常的,因为这次考试对我来说非常重要。‎ Besides, it is normal for me to feel nervous, because the exam_is_of_great_importance to me.‎ ‎(四)初中考点再回顾 高频考查类——记熟 文化差异类——辨清 易忘易错类——勤览 ‎1.late adj.  迟到的 ‎2.lately adv. 最近 ‎3.later adv. 后来 ‎4.latest adj. 最新的 ‎5.lantern n. 灯笼 ‎6.lay out 布置 ‎1.Great_changes_have_taken_place_in_my_hometown.‎ 我的家乡发生了很大变化。‎ ‎2.keep teenagers away from the Internet阻止青少年上网 ‎3.lift sb. up 举起某人 ‎4.serious enough 足够认真 ‎5.at the picnic 在野餐 ‎6.run through the field 跑过田野 ‎1.some time一段时间 ‎2.some times 几次 ‎3.sometime adv. 某个时间(过去或将来)‎ ‎4.sometimes adv. 有时 ‎5.everyday adj. 日常的;每天的 ‎6.every day 每天(时间状语)‎ 一、过重点单词—— ‎1.forbid (forbade, forbidden) vt.禁止,不准 ‎[教材原句] They know their dad's going to scold them and forbid them to ever use the car again ...‎ 他们知道爸爸会责备他们并禁止他们再使用汽车……‎ ‎(1)forbid doing sth.     禁止做某事 forbid sb. sth.  禁止某人某事 禁止某人做某事 ‎(2)forbidden adj. 禁止的;不准的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He was forbidden to_leave (leave) the house, as a punishment.‎ ‎②We should take measures to forbid returning (return) illegal cooking oil to dinner tables.‎ ‎③He forbade me from meeting my friends online at the Internet cafe!‎ 一句多译 她母亲不准她午夜不归。‎ ‎④Her mother forbids_her_from_staying out after midnight.‎ ‎⑤Her mother forbids_her_staying out after midnight.‎ ‎⑥Her mother forbids_her_to_stay_out after midnight.‎ ‎2.astonish vt.使惊讶,使惊骇 ‎[教材原句] When he looks at the menu, an astonished look swiftly appears on his face.‎ 当他看着菜单时,一种惊讶的表情骤然出现在他的脸上。‎ ‎(1)It astonishes sb. that ...  令某人惊讶的是……‎ ‎ (2)astonished adj. 感到惊讶的 be astonished at/by ... 对……感到惊讶 be astonished to do ... 因做……而感到惊讶 astonishing adj. 令人惊讶的 ‎(3)astonishment n. 惊奇,惊异 to one's astonishment=to the astonishment of sb.‎ ‎ 让某人感到惊讶的是 in astonishment 惊讶地 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①We were astonished_to_hear (hear) the news that her daughter had left home.‎ ‎②I was astonished at/by the news that he got the first prize in the National English Competition for Middle School Students.‎ ‎③After hearing the news, she stared at me in astonishment.‎ ‎④China is developing at an astonishing (astonish) speed,and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑤To_our_great_astonishment,_she accepted the challenging position.‎ 使我们非常吃惊的是,她接受了这个具有挑战性的职位。‎ ‎⑥It_astonishes_me_that he should be so thoughtless.‎ 我真没料到他竟然如此轻率。‎ ‎3.acknowledge vt.认可,承认;对(某人所做的事)表示感谢 ‎[经典例句] The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it.(朗文P19)‎ 对于目前的情况,政府必须承认其存在并对此采取措施。‎ ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中acknowledge的含义 ‎①I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.感谢 ‎②I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong._‎ 承认;认为 ‎[系统考点]‎ ‎(1)acknowledge sb./sth. to be/as ...‎ ‎    认为某人/物是……;承认某人/物是……‎ acknowledge doing sth.      承认做某事 It is universally/widely acknowledged that ...……是大家公认的 ‎(2)acknowledgement n. 承认;感谢 ‎[练通重点]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎③With no solid evidence, he refused to acknowledge stealing (steal) the lady's purse.‎ ‎④The flowers were a small acknowledgement (acknowledge) of your kindness.‎ ‎⑤It's universally acknowledged (acknowledge) that Professor Hawking is one of the world's greatest physicists.‎ 句型转换 ‎⑥People widely acknowledge that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.‎ ‎→It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.‎ ‎⑦It's universally acknowledged that he is one of the best players in the world.‎ ‎→He is universally acknowledged as/to be one of the best players in the world.‎ ‎4.delay n. & v.延误,延期 ‎[教材原句] Heavy snow last winter caused long delays at Heathrow airport.‎ 去年冬天的一场大雪导致希思罗机场的航班长时间延误。‎ delay doing sth. =put off doing sth.  推迟/延迟做某事 without delay 毫不耽搁;立刻 ‎[题点全练] 完成句子 ‎①Her teacher delayed_telling_her_the_news,_waiting for the right moment.‎ 老师没有马上把消息告诉她,等有了适当的时机再说。‎ ‎②My doctor advised me to give up smoking without_delay.‎ 我的医生劝我立即戒烟。‎ ‎③They should have arrived at lunchtime but their_flight_was_delayed.‎ 他们本该在午饭的时候到达,但是他们的航班延误了。‎ ‎5.amuse vt.逗乐;使(某人笑)‎ ‎[教材原句] Someone might be amused when they understand a joke.‎ 当听懂一个笑话时,人们可能会很开心。‎ ‎(1)amuse sb./oneself by/with sth. 通过……来取乐某人/自己 ‎(2)amusement n. 消遣,娱乐 to one's (great) amusement  令人感到(极)好笑的是 ‎(3)amused adj. 感到快乐的 be amused at/by 对……感到好笑 be amused to do sth. 做某事而感到好笑 amusing adj. 有趣的,逗乐的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①He stopped and watched with amusement (amuse) to see the child so absorbed.‎ ‎②She was so amused (amuse) with the comedian's performance that she burst into laughter.‎ ‎③We were greatly amused to_hear_ (hear) about him sitting on the wet paint.‎ ‎④The movie we saw last night was very amusing (amuse),wasn't it?‎ 完成句子 ‎⑤To_our_great_amusement,_the teacher sang a funny English song during the class.‎ 令我们感到极好笑的是,老师在课堂上唱了一首滑稽的英文歌。‎ ‎⑥The little boy was_amused_at_what_he_saw in the zoo.‎ 小男孩对他在动物园里所看到的感到兴奋不已。‎ ‎⑦It was too rainy to play outside, so she amused_herself_by/with_a_book.‎ 雨太大了,不适合在外面玩,所以她看书消遣。‎ ‎6.convince vt.使相信;说服 ‎[经典例句] You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.(牛津P438)‎ 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。‎ ‎(1)convince sb. to do sth.   说服某人做某事 convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 convince sb. that ... 使某人相信……‎ ‎(2)convinced adj. 确信的,深信的 be convinced of/that ... 坚信/确信……‎ convincing adj. 信服的;有说服力的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①That was the most convincing (convince) words I had ever heard.‎ ‎②You need to convince the interviewers of your ability to do the job well.‎ ‎③It took me many hours to convince the poor boy to_go (go) to school again.‎ 完成句子 ‎④We_finally_convinced_them_of_our_honesty and they decided to cooperate with us.‎ 我们终于使他们相信了我们的诚信,他们决定与我们合作。‎ ‎⑤The picture convinces_me_that it is even more important to be a good daughter than a good student.‎ 这幅图画让我深信做一个好女儿甚至比做一个好学生更重要。‎ ‎7.desperate adj.绝望的;拼命的;铤而走险的,不顾一切的;非常需要的 ‎[经典例句] His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures.‎ 不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走险的办法。‎ ‎(1)be desperate for sth.     渴望某物 be desperate to do sth. 渴望做某事 in desperate need (of) 非常需要(……)‎ ‎(2)desperation n. 拼命;不顾死活;绝望 ‎(3)desperately adv. 绝望地;拼命地;非常地 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①After ten years of hard study, he is desperate to_pass (pass) the college entrance examination and enter an ideal university.‎ ‎②He was in desperation (desperate) when he found all his belongings lost.‎ ‎③I was so frightened that I closed my eyes and desperately(desperate) threw myself at that guy like a bullet.‎ 完成句子 ‎④It hasn't rained for several months and this place is in_desperate_need_of_water.‎ 好几个月没下雨了,这一地区急需水。‎ ‎⑤Judging from what he said and did, he is_desperate_for_fame.‎ 从他的所说所做来判断,他很渴望出名。‎ ‎8.scare vt.使恐惧;使害怕;惊吓 n.恐慌;恐惧 ‎[经典例句] It scared me to think I was alone in the building.‎ 想到楼里只有我一个人,怪害怕的。‎ ‎(1) scare sb. into doing sth.  恐吓某人做某事 scare sb. to death 使某人大受惊吓,吓得要死 scare ... away/off 把……吓跑 ‎(2)scared adj. 受惊吓的;感到害怕的 be scared of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某物 be scared 害怕做某事 scaring adj. 令人害怕的;吓人的 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①The rising prices of oil have scared the customers_away/off.‎ ‎②They were scared (scare) that the ship would be wrecked.‎ ‎③To tell you the truth, the movie is too scaring (scare).‎ 完成句子 ‎④I was nearly scared_to_death when hearing that big noise.‎ 听到那巨大的声音,我几乎被吓死。‎ ‎⑤Some parents try to scare_their_children_into_behaving_well.‎ 有些父母试图用吓唬的办法使孩子守规矩。‎ ‎⑥He was_scared_to_stay/of_staying outside late at night because he was_scared_of_being_robbed/to_be_robbed.‎ 深夜他不敢待在外面,因为害怕被抢劫。‎ ‎9.caution n.谨慎,小心;警告vt.警告,告诫;提醒 ‎[经典例句] Sam cautioned him against making a hasty decision.‎ 萨姆告诫他不要草率作出决定。‎ ‎[练牢基点] 写出下列句中caution的词性和含义 ‎①Another part of the body that needs special caution is the eyes. n.谨慎,小心 ‎②I received a caution from the doctor about fat in my diet. n.警告,告诫 ‎③I cautioned the children that the river was dangerous to swim in.vt.警告,告诫 ‎[系统考点]‎ ‎(1)with caution           小心地,谨慎地 ‎(2)caution sb. not to do sth./against doing sth. ‎ ‎            警告某人不要做某事 caution sb. about .../that ... 警告某人……‎ ‎(3)cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的 be cautious about/of/with ... 对……很小心 ‎[练通重点]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎④He is a cautious (caution) person, so whatever he does, he is not only thoughtful but careful.‎ ‎⑤The nurse was told that the patient needed to be treated with caution.‎ 句型转换/完成句子 ‎⑥The guidebook cautions us not to walk alone at night.‎ ‎→The guidebook cautions us against walking alone at night.‎ ‎⑦We are advised to be_cautious_about_making_friends on the Internet.‎ 我们被建议在网上交朋友时要小心谨慎。‎ ‎10.resist vt.抵抗,抵制 ‎[教材原句] Putting a red nose on while you are stuck in a traffic jam can be a good way of resisting the tension caused by the jam.‎ 当你遇到交通阻塞时,戴上一个红鼻子是抵抗交通阻塞带来的紧张感的好办法。‎ ‎(1)resist doing sth.     反对做某事 can't resist doing sth.=can't help doing sth.‎ ‎ 忍不住做某事 ‎(2)resistant adj. 抵抗的;有抵抗力的 be resistant to sth. 对某物有抵抗力 ‎(3)resistance n. 抗拒;反对 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①She couldn't resist showing (show) off her new skirt the moment she entered the classroom.‎ ‎②Among them are special windows that are resistant (resist) to dirt and water.‎ ‎③There has been a lot of resistance (resist) to this new law.‎ 句型转换/完成句子 ‎④The little girl couldn't help asking her parents to buy the beautiful skirt.‎ ‎→The little girl couldn't resist asking_her parents to buy the beautiful skirt.‎ ‎⑤Many young girls aren't_resistant_to_the_delicious_food,_so they become fat.‎ 许多年轻女孩抵制不住美食的诱惑,因此就变胖了。‎ ‎11.harmony n.协调,和谐,融洽 ‎[经典例句] I believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.‎ 我相信不同民族融洽地生活在一起是可能的。‎ ‎(1)in (out of) harmony with ... 与……协调一致(不协调)‎ live in harmony 和睦相处,和谐共处 ‎(2)harmonious adj. 协调的;和睦的,友好的 ‎[题点全练] 完成句子 ‎①Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to_live_in_harmony_with_nature.‎ 人类的生活被认为是大自然的一部分,严格说来,我们生存的唯一方法就是与自然和谐相处。‎ ‎②You should create_a_harmonious_environment to get along with others, which can help you greatly.‎ 你应该创建一种和谐的环境和他人相处,这会对你有很大的帮助。‎ ‎③The piano was out_of_harmony_with the rest of the instruments.‎ 钢琴弹得与其他乐器不协调。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.For the benefit of health, people forbid smoking (smoke) in the office.‎ ‎2.We were astonished to_hear (hear) that their football team had won the champion.‎ ‎3.The boy acknowledged stealing (steal) his neighbor's peaches.‎ ‎4.There is convincing (convince) evidence that smoking causes lung cancer now.‎ ‎5.You might feel confused, scared (scare), or shocked by the news.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.Never delay do something you should finish today.do→doing ‎2.Local businesses were scared from paying protection money.from→into ‎3.However amused it is, I have to put the storybook away to concentrate on my lessons._amused→amusing ‎4.I was feeling very well, not too proud, but in harmony to the time and place.to→with ‎5.The government is trying to convince the public its determination to get tough on corruption.public后加of Ⅲ.翻译句子 ‎1.普遍认为,学好英语对我们大家都有益处。(acknowledge. be of+n.)‎ It_is_universally_acknowledged_that_learning_English_well_will_be_of_great_benefit_to_us_all.‎ ‎2.让我们吃惊的是,这个小男孩根本就不害怕惩罚。(astonishment, be scared of/to do sth.)‎ To_our_astonishment,_the_boy_wasn't_scared_of_being_punished/to_be_punished_at_all.‎ ‎3.汤姆讲的这个故事是如此的好笑以至于我们每个人都禁不住笑了起来。(so ... that, amuse, resist)‎ The_joke_told_by_Tom_was_so_amusing_that_every_one_of_us_couldn't_resist_laughing.‎ ‎4.这位父亲渴望得到这份工作来养活他的三个孩子。(be desperate to do)‎ The_father_was_desperate_to_get_the_job_to_feed_his_three_children.‎ 二、过短语、句式—— ‎1.regardless of 不管,不顾 ‎[教材原句] He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture.‎ 他常常陷入尴尬而荒唐的情境中,尽管观众的民族和文化背景各异,却都会被逗得开怀大笑。‎ regardless of=without considering  不管 in spite of/despite 尽管(表示让步)‎ ‎[题点全练] 完成句子 ‎①Regardless_of whether he is right or wrong, we have to follow his decisions.‎ 不论他是对还是错,我们必须听从他的决定。‎ ‎②In_spite_of great efforts, he failed to earn enough money to decorate the house. However, he decided to decorate it regardless of the cost.‎ 尽管付出了很大的努力,他还是没能挣到装饰房子的钱。然而,不管花费多少,他都决定装修。‎ ‎2.run into 撞上;偶遇(困难、问题等);偶然碰到 ‎[经典例句] The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.(牛津P1751)‎ 公共汽车失控,撞了一排人。‎ ‎[归纳拓展]‎ ‎①run across          偶然碰见 ‎②run out (of) 用完;耗尽 ‎③run away (from) 逃避;逃跑;离开 ‎④run after 追赶;追求 ‎⑤run over (撞倒并)碾压,压过 ‎[应用领悟]‎ ‎①We have already run out of our money and I don't know what to do next.‎ 我们的钱已经用完了并且我也不知道下一步做什么。‎ ‎②Mary was fond of running after every new fashion when she was young.‎ 玛丽年轻时喜欢赶时髦。‎ ‎3.result in 造成,导致,结果是 ‎[经典例句] The earthquake resulted in more than 2,000 persons' death.‎ 那次地震造成2 000多人死亡。‎ ‎(1)result from       由于……而引起 ‎(2)as a result 结果(在句中作状语,常用逗号与句子隔开)‎ as a result of ... 由于……‎ without result=in vain 没有结果;白费 ‎[多角练透]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①I've been trying to open the box, but without result/in vain so far.‎ ‎②The weather was bad, as a result, we had to put off our hiking.‎ ‎③As a result of the bad weather, the football match was put off.‎ 句型转换 ‎④His failure in the exam resulted from his carelessness.‎ ‎→His carelessness resulted in his failure in the exam.‎ ‎4.while引导的省略句 While_still_at_primary_school,_Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.‎ 还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋。‎ ‎(1)while still at primary school为状语从句的省略,完整形式为while he was still at primary school。‎ ‎(2)在由while, when, if, as if, even if/though, though, although, until, once, unless ‎ 等引导的状语从句中,当从句中的主语与主句的主语一致或从句中的主语是it,且从句中含有be的某种形式时,从句中的主语连同be可同时省略。‎ ‎①So while sitting (sit) in the classroom and doing my papers, I felt confident and was full of energy.‎ 因此,当我坐在教室做试卷时,我感到精力旺盛、信心十足。‎ ‎②If chosen (choose), Mr. Brown, who is rich in experience, will turn out to be an excellent manager.‎ 如果被当选,经验丰富的布朗先生会成为一名优秀的经理。‎ ‎③If_(it_is)_necessary,_you should turn to your parents for help.‎ 如果有必要,你应该向你的父母求助。‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.While climbing (climb) the mountain, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.‎ ‎2.In the near future, some of the earth's natural resources will run out.‎ ‎3.Our club is open to everyone regardless of age, sex or educational background.‎ ‎4.I find it hard for me to make a speech in public.‎ ‎5.The manager felt relaxed with the problem solved (solve).‎ ‎6.Large crowds of tourists will result in traffic jams.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.You can't imagine the trouble I had persuaded him to change his mind._persuaded→persuading ‎2.He continued to work regardless the fact that it was raining.regardless后加of ‎3.When asking why he was so sad, the student said he had been ‎ robbed of the opportunity of going abroad.asking→asked_‎ ‎4.A cook will be immediately fired if he is found smoked in the kitchen.smoked→smoking ‎5.They have run over trouble while designing the new machine.over→into Ⅲ.翻译句子 ‎1.我在大学里学习时,认识了许多外国朋友。(while引导的状语从句的省略)‎ While_studying_at_college,_I_knew_a_lot_of_foreign_friends.‎ ‎2.他不顾及我在此事上的感情继续往下说。(regardless of)‎ He_continued_speaking,_regardless_of_my_feelings_on_the_matter.‎ ‎3.当你有信心地去做某事,结果就会成功。(result in)‎ When_you_do_something_with_faith,_it_will_result_in_success.‎ 三、过语法、写作—— ‎(一)单元小语法——过去完成进行时;‎ ‎  进行时态和非进行时态 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.(2017·天津高考) I was_driving_(drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.‎ ‎2.(2017·北京高考) People have better access to health care than they used to, and they_are_living (live) longer as a result.‎ ‎3.(2016·北京高考)—Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?‎ ‎—The new Star Wars. We have_been_waiting (wait) here for more than two hours.‎ ‎4.(2016·江苏高考)Dashan, who has_been_learning (learn) crosstalk, the Chinese comedic tradition, for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western standup tradition.‎ ‎5.(2015·福建高考)To my delight, I was_chosen (choose) from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.‎ ‎6.She had_been_suffering (suffer) from a bad cold before she took the exam.‎ ‎7.—Hi, let's go skating.‎ ‎—Sorry, I'm busy now. I am_filling (fill) in an application form for a new job.‎ ‎8.I had_been_looking (look) forward to the singer's coming before the news arrived that he was delayed by the bad weather.‎ Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.I have been looking for a job for six months before I got this one.have→had ‎2.He hurried home, never once looking back to see if he was followed.was后加being ‎3.I had been wearing glasses since I was in primary school and I hate them. They make me look like a bookworm.had→have ‎4.I don't understand why you don't go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.第二个don't→didn't ‎5.On Monday mornings it usually took me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.took→takes Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.Jack was_working_in_the_lab_when_the power cut occurred.‎ Jack正在实验室工作的时候突然停电了。‎ ‎2.He's been informed that he_doesn't_qualify_for_the_scholarship because of his academic background.‎ 他已经被告知由于教育背景的原因而没有资格获得奖学金。‎ ‎3.Since the time humankind started gardening, we have_been_trying_to_make_our_environment_more_beautiful.‎ 自人类开始园艺的时期起,我们就一直努力把我们的环境变得更加美好。‎ ‎4.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers_are_repairing_one_of_the_main_pipes.‎ 暂时断水了,因为工人在修一个主管道。‎ ‎5.The politician_had_been_waiting_for_his_visa for days before he got it.‎ 这个政治家在拿到他的签证之前,等了好多天。‎ ‎(二)课堂微写作 ‎  练缩写——让语言更凝练 ‎[题目要求]‎ 某英语报社拟成立“微笑俱乐部”,现向全球招募会员,作者以申请者的身份提交一篇题为“I want to smile”的英语短文。请你把下面的文章缩成70词左右。‎ 注意:保留关键词,关键词已在文中加黑。‎ ‎[缩写提示]‎ I want to smile ‎ Smile is a universal language, which is a powerful tool to smooth away misunderstandings. It is necessary to smile because the advantages are obvious. Not only can it keep us happy, but also give others pleasure. So I want to smile every day.‎ I'd like to smile at my parents who have taken great pains to bring me up. It is with their help and guidance that I have made progress in life. I hope to show my gratitude to them with a smile. Then I'd like to smile at myself in order to encourage myself to be confident in dealing with the coming difficulties and put myself in a good mood in life.‎ ‎ It is well known that if we smile at life, life will smile on us in return. I hope to see smiling faces wherever I go.‎ ‎[答案示例]‎ I want to smile ‎ Smile is a tool to smooth away misunderstandings. It can keep us happy and give others pleasure. So I want to smile.‎ First, I'd like to smile at my parents. I have made progress with their help and guidance. Then I'd like to smile at myself to encourage myself to be confident and put myself in a good mood.‎ ‎ If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return. ‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A We are only a week into our Summer Pix 16 competition and we have already had hundreds of entries. Keep the entries coming in: the ‎ contest runs for three more weeks. So seize the moment and join us now!‎ How to enter We want your best photographs of the summer. Send highresolution (高分辨率的) pictures to summerpix16@ irishtimes. com to be in with a chance of winning our prize, a Canon EOS 100D Digital SLR Camera at a recommended retail price of 549. Each Friday, we'll display the best photos sent in that week, and at the end of August we'll print the winning photograph. The photos can be taken with any kind of camera or phone. We regret we cannot respond to each entry, but we will be in touch with you if your photograph is going to be published.‎ Terms & conditions ‎·The photos must be taken this summer.‎ ‎·5 photographs may be submitted by any individual person at most.‎ ‎·Employees or agents of The Irish Times and their families or other persons connected with the organizer are not suitable to enter.‎ ‎·All entries without a valid email address are disqualified.‎ ‎ ·By submitting your photograph, you grant (授予) The Irish Times a license to use your photograph for the purpose of promoting the competition within the newspaper and online in printed and electronic formats. The Irish Times may also use the photograph for the promotion of any other photographic competition with The Irish Times both in print and online.‎ ‎·The Irish Times reserves the right of final interpretation of Terms & conditions.‎ ‎21.How long does the contest last in all?‎ A.Only a week.      B.Two weeks.‎ C.Three weeks. D.Four weeks.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“We are only a week into our Summer Pix 16 competition”和“Keep the entries coming in: the contest runs for three more weeks.”可知,摄影比赛已开始一周,且参赛者仍然可以投送参赛作品,因为比赛还要再持续三周。故此次摄影比赛总共持续四周。‎ ‎22.What will a winner of the competition enjoy?‎ A.549.‎ B.The latest digital camera.‎ C.His photo being printed.‎ D.A job offer from the newspaper.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“we'll print the winning photograph”可知,获奖者的照片会被刊登出来。‎ ‎23.Which may meet Terms & conditions?‎ A.Anyone has access to the competition.‎ B.You can send pictures taken at any time.‎ C.Entries without email addresses are invalid.‎ D.Over 5 photos can be submitted by groups.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据Terms & conditions部分中的“All entries without a valid email address are disqualified.”可知,所有的参赛作品都要包含一个有效的电子邮箱,否则会被取消参赛资格,即没有电子邮箱的参赛作品就是无效的。故选C。‎ ‎24.What can The Irish Times use participants' photos to do?‎ A.Promote itself as a better newspaper.‎ B.Advertise other photographic competitions.‎ C.Display all of the photos each Friday.‎ D.Apply for literary property for participants.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Terms & conditions部分中的“By submitting your photograph, you grant (授予) The Irish Times a license to use your photograph for the purpose of promoting the competition ...The Irish Times may also use the photograph for the promotion of any other photographic competition with The Irish Times both in print and online.”可知,参赛者把照片提交给The Irish Times后,The Irish Times将有权使用参赛者的照片宣传这项比赛,也可能用其为它的其他摄影比赛作宣传,故B项正确。‎ B ‎(2018·合肥模拟)Recently, I've found an increasing number of coffee shops don't offer WiFi. I know what they're trying to do. They want people to talk to each other without being consumed by technology. They would rather hear many voices having deep discussions than see a keyboard or eyes staring at a cell phone. However, their good intentions are often mistaken by consumers, me included.‎ One snowy day, a friend and I found ourselves working from home and decided it would be a great idea to go to a local coffee shop and work there. We found a place that had unique coffee flavors and great reviews. It was a long walk from where our subway dropped us off, but we decided it was worth it.‎ We walked through the snow and my feet slowly worked their way toward being frostbitten (被冻伤的) because the boots I had worn were wet. Well, about 10 minutes later, we found the place under a brick building and our blue lips were eagerly looking forward to that warm drink. As we walked up to the door, we saw the sign, “No WiFi.” In anger, we looked at each other and said “Starbucks?”‎ Of course, this was a loss for them. They lost our business. People who come to coffee shops to work do come to be on their computers. But they also go there so that they can still have communication. They want to work around other people, not in a room by themselves. What's more, even if the shops don't have WiFi, people will still use their phones, unless all the phone service is blocked out. ‎ So, my friend and I spent the day working together in the biggest chain coffee shop. We completed our task perfectly and that wasn't the case in the coffee shop without WiFi.‎ Therefore, there is no need to shut WiFi to customers. With it, the shop will get more people and there might even be more laughter and better relationships than before.‎ 语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的切身体会,在文章中表达了自己对咖啡店关闭WiFi的看法,他认为这样的举措是完全错误的。‎ ‎25.Why do many coffee shops shut WiFi?‎ A.To keep people drinking coffee quietly.‎ B.To cut down the unnecessary expense.‎ C.To get people to communicate closely.‎ D.To make people concentrate on their work.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的第三、四句可知,咖啡店关闭WiFi的目的是让顾客面对面地用心交流。‎ ‎26.What did the author and his friend want to do on that snowy day?‎ A.Walk back home from work.‎ B.Finish their work at a coffee shop.‎ C.Get some help from a coffee shopkeeper.‎ D.Express their anger to the coffee shopkeepers.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句可知,作者和朋友想去一家咖啡店完成剩下的工作。‎ ‎27.Why does the author think the coffee shops' measure is wrong?‎ A.They are not at customers' convenience.‎ B.They can't block out all the phone service.‎ C.They don't provide computers for customers.‎ D.They don't allow customers to communicate freely.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。根据第四段可知,咖啡店不仅是顾客消遣和放松的地方,也应该是顾客工作的地方,关闭WiFi会给人们带来不便,而且关闭WiFi后,人们照样可以玩手机。‎ C A friend and I decided to go for a vegetarian dinner today. We went to a nearby restaurant run by a beautiful lady, who is really warm and kind. We ordered our food, which turned out to be delicious and light as usual, and we enjoyed our meal so much. We were being kind to ourselves by eating simple, nutritious food cooked with care and love.‎ However, there happened to be SMILE cards on my person and another greeting card, so we decided that this was a great opportunity to be kind to someone else, too. We had a hush chat with one of the lovely people who were serving us, and pointed, winked, gestured at the couple sitting at the next table, and told him that we wanted to pay their bill. He agreed, and my friend wrote out a beautiful card for them, and we attached a SMILE card as well. We finished our meal, and both our bill and their bill were given to us, and we paid the money and left. They were to receive the card in place of the bill.‎ We walked out of the restaurant, and my friend wanted to see their ‎ reaction without getting noted. So, we hid from view, and watched as they were smiling with so much joy, and that just made our day. We hugged each other in gratitude, for having each other.‎ We later found out that the couple were both software engineers and had experienced a hectic day! This bit of information made it even more special. We couldn't stop smiling.‎ A beautiful end to a long day.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。记述了作者和朋友一次在外就餐之后,帮另一对夫妇付账,给他们带来惊喜和传递祝福、传递微笑的故事。‎ ‎28.Which one is the best title for this passage?‎ A.A Vegetarian Dinner B.Smile Card C.For Us and Them D.The Engineers Couple 解析:选C 标题归纳题。根据全文内容可知,本文记述了作者和朋友一次在外就餐之后,帮另一对夫妇付账,给他们带来惊喜和传递祝福、传递微笑的故事。可知C项正确。‎ ‎29.What's the meaning of the underlined word in Paragraph 2?‎ A.Noisy.         B.Loud.‎ C.Long. D.Quiet.‎ 解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句“We had a hush chat with one of the lovely people who were serving us, and pointed, winked, gestured at the couple sitting at the next table”可知,“我们”和为“我们”服务的人安静地交谈,而不是嘈杂的、大声的、长时间的。所以D项正确。‎ ‎30.After the author and his friend finished their meal, they paid ________.‎ A.only their bill and some tips for the waiter B.both their bill and the couple's bill C.a lot of money for all of the customers there D.less money than before 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“We finished our meal, and both our bill and their bill were given to us, and we paid the money and left.”可知,“我们”吃完饭,付了“我们”的和他们的账单后就离开了。所以B项正确。‎ ‎31.After the couple finished their meal, they will receive ________.‎ A.their bill for a lot of money B.their bill and the SMILE card C.only a SMILE card for surprise D.the author's kind letter 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“They were to receive the card in place of the bill.”可知,邻桌的那对夫妇的账单“我们”已经付了, 他们只会收到“我们”的微笑卡以传递惊喜和善行。所以C项正确。‎ D The concept of intelligent robots, as friends or enemies, dates back to ancient times. Reports of people admiring human likenesses and building humanlike robots date back to the days of ancient Greece and Egypt. AI has also featured prominently in pop culture, for example: the computer HAL 9000 in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey and Arnold Schwarzenegger's robot character in The Terminator films.‎ Since the field of AI was officially founded in the mid1950s, people have been predicting the rise of conscious machines. Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil refers to a point in time known as “the_singularity”, when machine intelligence beats human intelligence. Based on the exponential (指数的) growth of technology according to Moore's Law (which states that computing processing power doubles approximately every two years), Kurzweil has predicted the singularity will occur by 2045.‎ Nevertheless, a number of prominent science and technology experts have expressed worry that human beings are not doing enough to prepare for the rise of artificial general intelligence, if and when it does occur. Earlier this week, Hawking issued a serious warning about the threat of AI. “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,” Hawking told the BBC, in response to a question about his new voice recognition system, which uses artificial intelligence to predict intended words. And Hawking isn't alone. Elon Musk told an audience at MIT that AI is humanity's “biggest existential threat”. He also once posted, “We need to be super careful with AI. Potentially more dangerous than nuclear weapons.”‎ In March, Musk told CNBC that he'd like to “keep an eye on what's going on with artificial intelligence,” adding, “I think there's potentially a dangerous outcome there.” ‎ But despite the fears of noticeable technology leaders, the rise of conscious machines — known as “strong AI” or “general artificial intelligence” — is likely a long way off, many researchers argue. “I don't see any reason to think that as machines become more intelligent ... which is not going to happen tomorrow — they would want to destroy us ‎ or do harm,” said Charlie Ortiz, head of AI at the Burlington. “Lots of work needs to be done before computers are anywhere near that level,” he said.‎ 语篇解读:人工智能对人类来说是好还是坏?不同的专家提出不同的观点:人工智能可能意味着人类的终结;人工智能未必会毁灭或伤害人类。‎ ‎32.The underlined part “the singularity” in the second paragraph refers to _________.‎ A.a point in the history B.the machine intelligence will go beyond human intelligence C.computing processing power doubles every two years D.the power of technology will double by 2045‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“Inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil refers to a point in time known as ‘the singularity’,when machine intelligence beats human intelligence.”可知,singularity指的是时间(物理学意义上)的一个点,在这个点上,机器智能会击败人类智能。故选B项。‎ ‎33.Experts like Hawking worry that ________.‎ A.artificial intelligence is approaching in the near future B.artificial intelligence is bound to arise in the near future C.human beings are not prepared for the coming of AI D.human beings are the biggest existential threat to AI 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Nevertheless, a number of prominent science and technology experts have expressed worry that human beings are not doing enough to prepare for the rise of artificial general intelli gence, if and when it does occur.”‎ 可知,许多享有声望的专家,包括霍金,表达了他们的担忧:人类并未准备好应对人工智能的崛起。因此选C项。‎ ‎34.What is the Charlie Ortiz's attitude toward AI's threat?‎ A.Critical.        B.Tolerant.‎ C.Doubtful. D.Approving.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据最后一段查利说的话“I don't see any reason to think that as machines become more intelligent ... they would want to destroy us or do harm”可知,查利的观点是:没有理由认为,当机器变得更加智能时,它们就会毁灭或伤害人类。因此,查利对人工智能会对人类造成潜在威胁是持怀疑态度的。故选C项。‎ ‎35.What is the best title of the passage?‎ A.AI, Friend or Competitor?‎ B.AI, Friendly or Frightening?‎ C.AI VS. Human Beings!‎ D.AI, Frightening or Worrying?‎ 解析:选B 标题归纳题。通过文中不同专家对于人工智能的态度可知,有些人担忧人工智能会对人类造成潜在的威胁,而有些人却比较乐观。因此,B项作为文章标题最佳。 ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎(2018·南昌调研)How can you smile when you feel like you can't smile? Whether you are feeling too sad to look happy, or cannot smile because you don't feel well, you can still show others your wonderful character.__36__‎ Force that smile on your face, no matter how upset you are. Even if you hate the person you are looking at, try to look pleasant. A simple smile will do.‎ Even if you physically cannot smile because of an injury, you can still make a smile through body language!__37__‎ Wear clothes that smile. Add the color of happiness to your positive body language. Yellow is the color for dependability (可信赖性). __38__Warm colors are welcoming if they're from the yellow family. Brown and goldenorange are also colors of friendship.‎ ‎__39__Every color, shape, and form has a meaning that speaks to everyone and every creature. Learn the meanings of communication and you can smile without even moving a lip.‎ When you smile, others will smile back.__40__Sometimes you need to change the mood from sad to happy. A simple smile can change a lot! Think of something happy. Focus on it until whatever is bothering you is in the background. This will help you smile. Clean yourself up, brush your hair, and put on something good and clean. A positive selfimage can be just started with a fresh look. A smile is sure to follow.‎ A.Why not smile a lot?‎ B.A soft yellow is friendly.‎ C.Learn the art of communication.‎ D.We want more and more smiles in our life.‎ E.Stand up straight, hold your head up, and smile with your eyes.‎ F.The more people smile back at you, the more you will want to smile.‎ G.Show your smile in a different way so that your friends can know how happy you feel.‎ 语篇解读:微笑能给人带来快乐,使人心情愉快。但是,当你不开心的时候,你应该如何对他人微笑呢?‎ ‎36.解析:‎ 选G 结合文章第一句提出的问题(不开心时,你应该怎样微笑呢?)及下文可知,此处指出用不同的方式展示你的微笑,以使你的朋友感受到你很快乐。因此,G项符合语境,并引出下文。‎ ‎37.解析:选E 本段提出了运用肢体语言来微笑,故E项符合语境。‎ ‎38.解析:选B 根据语境可知,黄色系暖色调的衣服能给人友好的感觉,因此B项符合语境。‎ ‎39.解析:选C 根据下文可知,每个颜色、形状和类型都传达着特殊的意义,因此了解这些有助于你了解交流的含义与交流的艺术。C项符合语境。‎ ‎40.解析:选F F项承接上一句。你对他人微笑,他人就会对你微笑。人们对你微笑得越多,你就越想微笑。‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ One day, Miss Ellis gave her students a new task — a task on happiness. Her students would be “happiness__41__”, and were to see what would__42__when they tried to bring happiness to those around them. What Carla Chalmers did left everyone__43__.Several days after the task had been handed out, Carla__44__carrying a big bag.‎ ‎“Here in this bag I have all the happiness I've collected so far,” she said, __45__.‎ On seeing this, everyone was filled with expectation, but Carla didn't want to__46__ anyone what was in the bag.__47__,she pulled out a small box and gave it to her__48__. When Miss Ellis had taken the box, Carla took an instant__49__ out of her own pocket and stood with it at the ready.‎ ‎“__50__it, Miss Ellis.”‎ The teacher slowly opened the box and looked__51__.A big smile shone on her face, and at that__52__Carla took a photo. Carla's photo popped out the camera, and she__53__ it to Miss Ellis. Miss Ellis pointed at the bag and said, “Oh, so it's ...”‎ ‎“Yes!” interrupted Carla. “It's a great big pile of smiles!”‎ She opened the bag and hundreds of photos__54__, all of different smiles, and each one of them was__55__. Everyone who had seen it had felt__56__being transmitted (传递) to them, and in return, __57__ even thinking about it, every person had responded with a smile of their own. With all her__58__ now smiling, Carla took a photo of each one of them. She gave them their own photos and asked them to do the__59__ with other people.‎ And so every time you smile, you are sending a__60__ to the world.‎ 语篇解读:老师让同学们去收集快乐,学生Carla却带回来一个大袋子,里面装了很多人微笑的照片。Carla认为快乐就是对别人微笑,给别人带去快乐。‎ ‎41.A.creators         B.collectors C.receivers D.researchers 解析:选B 由第二段中的“I have all the happiness I've collected so far”可知,老师让学生做快乐“收集者”。‎ ‎42.A.disappear B.go C.have D.happen 解析:选D 此处指他们将看到当他们努力把幸福带给周围的人时会“发生”什么。‎ ‎43.A.worried B.pleased C.surprised D.excited 解析:选C 根据下文可知,Carla 收集快乐的方式很独特,因此这让每个人都很“吃惊”。‎ ‎44.A.turned up B.picked out C.put away D.held on 解析:选A 在任务布置完几天后,Carla“出现”了。‎ ‎45.A.crying B.waving C.smiling D.shaking 解析:选C 由下文可以看出,Carla 胸有成竹,因此她说话的时候是微笑着的。‎ ‎46.A.ask B.order C.buy D.show 解析:选D Carla 不想在一开始就把自己收集的东西“展示”给别人。‎ ‎47.A.Together B.Instead C.Sometimes D.Again 解析:选B 由上文可知,Carla没有直接给同学们看袋子里有什么,“相反”,她拿出了一个盒子。‎ ‎48.A.mother B.sister C.teacher D.friend 解析:选C 由该空后的“When Miss Ellis had taken the box”可知,Carla把那个小盒子给了“老师”。‎ ‎49.A.photo B.camera C.bag D.phone 解析:选B 由下文中的“Carla took a photo”可知,Carla 拿出了一台“照相机”。‎ ‎50.A.Open B.Make C.See D.Close 解析:选A 由下一段第一句中的“The teacher slowly opened the box”可知,Carla是想让老师“打开”盒子。‎ ‎51.A.away B.outside C.up D.inside 解析:选D 打开盒子后,老师会向盒子里面看。‎ ‎52.A.room B.moment C.day D.station 解析:选B 在老师笑的那一“瞬间”,Carla 拍了一张照片。‎ ‎53.A.gave B.threw C.aimed D.pointed 解析:选A 照片出来后,Carla 把照片“给”了老师。‎ ‎54.A.came in B.ran up C.fell out D.showed off 解析:选C 打开袋子后,大量的照片“掉了出来”。‎ ‎55.A.beautiful B.clean C.honest D.dirty 解析:选A 由上文中的“It's a great big pile of smiles!”可知,袋子里装的是很多人微笑的照片,因此这些照片都很“美”。‎ ‎56.A.spirit B.sadness C.happiness D.strength 解析:选C 每一个看到照片的人自己也笑了,这说明“快乐”传递给了他们。‎ ‎57.A.on B.over C.under D.without 解析:选D 他们看到他人微笑的照片后自己也微笑了,这是本能的反应,“没有”经过思考。‎ ‎58.A.classmates B.friends C.persons D.brothers 解析:选A Carla 在教室里展示照片,因此此处应指她的“同学们”在微笑。‎ ‎59.A.right B.wrong C.same D.ordinary 解析:选C Carla 给自己的同学拍了照片,并且请他们对别人做“同样的”事情。‎ ‎60.A.gift B.success C.wish D.laugh 解析:选A 你对别人微笑,别人受到你的感染,也会微笑,就相当于你送出了一份“礼物”。‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ It seems that everyone has caught the Pokémon Go craze. But just don't allow anyone __61__ (play) Pokémon Go while driving. Doing this while driving is __62__ (danger).‎ That conclusion makes people __63__ (surprise). “Most people would say it's not a good idea, but __64__number of people do play the game while driving. They can be seen driving and __65__ (throw) cartoon balls at cartoon creatures on the screen,” says David Strayer of the University of Utah.‎ Strayer __66__ (study) how cell phones could distract drivers. He found that playing a video game such as Pokémon Go while driving may ‎ be even __67__ (dangerous) than reading a text message while driving. That's __68__ it pulls attention away from the road longer and with more lasting effects.‎ For the new study, his team searched the socialmedia site Twitter for messages __69__ contained the words “Pokémon”and “driving”, “drives”, “drive” or “car”. They turned up more than 345,000 pieces during just one 10day period in July. “This is an __70__ (unbelievable) large number,”says Strayer.‎ ‎ ‎61.to play 根据 allow sb.to do sth.结构可知,此处需要填动词不定式。‎ ‎62.dangerous 该空在句中作表语,因此填 danger 的形容词形式。‎ ‎63.surprised 根据句子意思可知,此处需要填过去分词作补语。‎ ‎64.a a number of表示“一些”。‎ ‎65.throwing 根据空格前的and可知,该空需要填现在分词,与driving并列。‎ ‎66.studied 根据上下文可知,此处需要填动词的一般过去时。‎ ‎67.more dangerous 根据该空后的than可知,空格处需要填dangerous的比较级形式。‎ ‎68.because 根据句子意思可知,此处需要填一个表示因果关系的连词。‎ ‎69.which/that 本句是一个定语从句,需要填一个关系代词。‎ ‎70.unbelievably 该空修饰large,因此需要填 unbelievable的副词形式。‎ Ⅰ.写作规范增分练 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keep healthy.Without a health body, they can do nothing.For me, there were three main ways to keep healthy.Firstly, it is necessary to keep balanced diet, what is the basis of good health.That is better for us to have more fruit and vegetables every day.Secondly, it is important to take regular exercises, such as swimming, jogging and so on.Thirdly, it is essential to stay on a good mood.If people follow these three ways to keep fit, and they'll great improve their health.‎ 答案:第一句:keep→keeping 第二句:health→healthy 第三句:were→are 第四句:balanced前加a; what→which 第五句:That→It 第六句:exercises→exercise 第七句:on→in ‎ 第八句:去掉and; great→greatly 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 如今,随着智能手机和电子设备的普及,“低头族”现象兴起,人们沉溺于手机、平板电脑等电子设备,因而忽略了自己和他人的沟通交流,甚至在家庭聚餐时也只顾玩手机而不和长辈聊天,老人感到失落万分,请根据下图写一篇英语短文。‎ 内容要点如下:‎ ‎1.描述图画内容;‎ ‎2.对图中现象加以分析;‎ ‎3.针对这个现象提出建议。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ As can be seen from the picture, a big family get together to have a splendid dinner. But when they sit down to table, the young just bury themselves in playing with their cellphones, tablet PCs and other electronic devices, totally ignoring their parents, who feel very lonely and sad.‎ There is no doubt that cellphones have a negative effect on our lives. Heavy use of cellphones actually widens the distance between teenagers and their elders, leaving the elders more lonely. Worse still, addiction to cellphones might also lead to teenagers' poor performance at school, which adds to elders' worries. As far as I'm concerned, it's necessary to ‎ limit the time we spend using cellphones. And I think it important to communicate with our family members face to face, which helps build a harmonious family atmosphere. ‎ Ⅱ.单元基础回扣练 ‎(一)单句语法填空 ‎1.We decided to delay going (go) on our holiday until next month.‎ ‎2.I'm always cautious about what I say because some careless remarks are likely to hurt others' feelings.‎ ‎3.The man lost in the desert was desperate for water.‎ ‎4.The watch that was 50% off was beautiful, so I couldn't resist buying (buy) it.‎ ‎5.When asked (ask) about the secret of his success, he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.‎ ‎(二)单句改错 ‎ ‎1.I found it astonished that the young player beat the chess master in the game. astonished→astonishing ‎2.If give another chance, I will do it much better. give→given ‎3.We are still dealing with problems resulting in errors made in the past.in→from ‎4.The edictionary my father bought me is of great important to my English study.important→importance ‎5.The boy walked out of the teacher's office with tears came out.came→coming ‎(三)完成句子 ‎1.(2014·天津高考书面表达)In addition, every student can be in_harmony_with_foreign_friends,_which makes it easy for you to get ‎ along with them. ‎ 此外,每位学生都能与外国朋友和谐融洽,这会使你容易与他们相处。‎ ‎2.I had_no_trouble_(in)_finding_her_house,_because it was the third time that I had come here.‎ 我毫不费劲地找到了她的家,因为这是我第三次来这里。‎ ‎3.Parents are advised to_forbid_their_children_to_play/from_playing_computer_games for a long time at home.‎ 建议家长禁止孩子们长时间在家玩电脑游戏。‎ ‎4.To_my_astonishment,_he finished the job in such a short time.‎ 令我吃惊的是,他在如此短的时间内完成了工作。‎ ‎5.We finally convinced_them_of_our_honesty and they decided to cooperate with us.‎ 我们最终使他们相信了我们的诚信,他们决定与我们合作。‎

