外研版7年级下册Module 1单元练习题

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外研版7年级下册Module 1单元练习题

外研版英语七年级下Module 1单元测试题 一. 单项选择:选择最佳答案(重点难点全在这,看你的本领了)(30分)‎ ‎( )1. I have a new ______ . I can put my money in it.‎ ‎ A. glove B. wallet C. eraser. D. camera.‎ ‎( )2. -----I have to go now. -----It is raining . Don' t ______ until(直到) the rain stops.‎ A. run B. stay C. come D.leave.‎ ‎( )3. Li Ming and Jenny are in the same class. They are _________.‎ A. friends B. classmates C. teachers D. little babies ‎( )4. – Our English teacher looks ________ Lucy. – Yes. They are sisters.‎ A. on B. for C. at D. like ‎( )5. Miss Li teaches _______ English. A. our B. we C. us D. ours ‎( )6.I have two new markers. One is red, and _________ is green.‎ A. one B. other C. the one D. the other ‎( )7.―― ______ schoolbag is this ?‎ ‎――― I guess it is Lily' s.A.Who B.What C.Whose D.How ‎ ‎( )8. There ______ about 16  people in the park.‎ A. is B. are  C. have D. has ‎( )9. Is the yellow pen ________ ? No , it is ________.‎ A.hers, his B.her,mine C.hers, my D.her, his ‎( )10. This is my camera. Is that ________ ?‎ A. you B. your C.yours D.her.‎ ‎( )11.Is Lucy’s bike the same as ________?‎ A. yours B. my C. your D. me ‎ ‎( )12. Her gloves are red. And ________ is black.‎ ‎ A.my B.our C.hers D.mine.‎ ‎( )13.----Do you want ________ cake ? ----thank you,but I am full.‎ A. the other B. Others C.another D.the others ‎( ).14. This is ________ classroom. Where is ________ ?‎ A.our,them B. us ,they C.our, theirs D.ours, theirs ‎( )15. I want to buy ________ oranges.‎ A.three kilo of B.three kilos of C.three kilo D.three kilos ‎( )16. ----Can you ________ a name for the picture?‎ A.think of B. think on c. think for D.think at ‎( )17.Listen ! Jim ________ the music. ‎ A. listening to B.is listening to C.listen D.listens ‎( )18. ---________ are you going? ---I am going to the theatre.‎ A. Who B. What C. How D. Where ‎ ‎( )19. Would you like ________ table tennis with me ?‎ Sure , I like ________ table tennis very much.‎ A.to play, playing B.playing,play. C.to play,play D.playing,to play ‎( )20. Do you enjoy ________ TV?‎ A. watch B.watching C.is watching D.watches ‎( )21. We do our homework ________ an hour a day.‎ A.for B.of C.in D.at ‎( )22. Can your mother help you? ‎ ‎________. She is at work. A. No ,she is not . B. Yes,she is.‎ C. Yes, she can. D. No, she can not.‎ ‎( )23. I like reading and ________ music. ‎ A.listen to B.listens to C.listening D.listening to ‎( )24. Mike often helps me ________ English .‎ A.with learning B.learns C.to learn D.to learns ‎( )25. ----They are my pencils. Thank you very much. ---- ________.‎ A.Do not thank me B.You are welcome C. The same to you D. Do not say that ‎( )26. We are having a good time.________, we have to go home now.‎ A. Really B. Someway C. anyway D. And ‎( )27. Some girls ________ the classroom now.‎ A.clean B. cleans C. is cleaning D. are cleaning ‎( )28. The little girl takes ________ photos in the park.‎ A. a lot B. a lot of C. a lots of D.much ‎( )29. Now it is seven o' clock in the morning. Jim is ________.‎ A. shopping B.getting up C.going to bed D.play football ‎( )30.---- Do you like ________ English teacher,miss Wang? ‎ ‎――Yes,we like ______very much.‎ ‎ A.our,him B.our,her c.us,him D.ours,she.‎ 二. 阅读理解 (30分) ‎ ‎              A.‎ ‎ Lost A green parrot goes missing on 17th March. It is very smart.(聪慧的)。And it can say “hello” “thank you” and “ goodbye”.‎ Owner: Mr. Azman Address: ‎168 Rosyth Road Singapore 543321‎ Telephone: 97310032‎ ‎1. What colour is the parrot?‎ A. White B, Black C. Red D. Green ‎2. The underline word(划线词)“missing” means ________.in Chinese.‎ A. 可爱的 B. 丢失的 C. 找到的 D.愚笨的 ‎3. The parrot can not say “________.”。‎ A. Hello B. Thank you. C. Good morning D. Goodbye ‎ ‎4. After reading the passage, we can know that 97310032 is ________.‎ A. The parrot 's phone number B.Mr. Azman 's phone number ‎ C. Mr. Azman 's QQ number. D. The parrot 's ID card number ‎ ‎5. Which of the following is not true ?‎ A. .Mr. Azman is the the owner of the parrot B. .Mr. Azman finds a parrot.‎ C..Mr. Azman lives in Singapore D. The parrot is lost.‎ B Maria: I’m in Grade Seven. After school I like listening to music or watching TV at home. I also go dancing with my friends. We always have much fun.‎ Jack: I’m a student in Grade Eight. I do many different things after school. I play on the computer, watch a movie, play football, do homework, read or play outside with some friends. ‎ Tom: I’m in Grade Nine. After school I love to have football practice. It is very fun. During the weekend, I always spend time with my friends. We listen to music and watch movies together. ‎ Helen: I am a student of Grade Eight. After school I usually go with my friends to the park and then we all play volleyball there. After that we like to rest by the river in the park.‎ Peter: I’m a student in Grade Nine. After school, I can do a lot of things. Having fun with my friends, riding a bike, going to the beach, watching TV, playing on the computer, swimming or walking around. My favourite is going to the beach.‎ 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 ‎ ‎( )6. Maria likes to ______ with her friends after school.‎ ‎ A. watch TV B. listen to music C. dance D. ride ‎( )7. Jack is in Grade ______ this year.‎ ‎ A. Seven B. Eight C. Nine D. Ten ‎( )8. ______ like to play football after school.‎ ‎ A. Jack and Tom B. Jack and Helen ‎ ‎ C. Tom and Peter    D. Tom and Helen ‎(  )9. Helen usually goes to ______ after school.‎ ‎ A. the cinema B. the park C. her friend’s home D. the beach ‎( )10. Which one is TRUE? ‎ ‎ A. Helen and her friends enjoy fishing by the river.‎ ‎ B. Tom and Peter are students of Grade Eight.‎ ‎ C. Tom and his friends like to watch movies on the weekend.‎ ‎ D. Peter never plays with his friends after school.‎ ‎           C.‎ Today we have a new teacher in our class. She is a woman. She comes from Australia. She asks us to call her Miss Smith. She isn’t married(结婚). She is our English teacher. In our English class, she wants us to talk to her about our English. We want to talk to her. But we are scared.(害怕的) Because our English isn’t very good. We can’t speak a lot. She is surprised(吃惊的). She asks us to read English every morning. And she wants us to speak English loudly. When we speak English, she listens carefully(仔细地), and she usually tells us our English is quite good. She usually smiles(微笑) to us. She plays games with us and sings English songs to us. English class is lovely. We like to have her class. We like English.‎ ‎( )11. Why does she ask us to call her Miss Smith?‎ A. Because she is a woman. B. Because she is from Australia.‎ C. Because she is not married. D. Because she is good to us.‎ ‎( )12. Why are we scared? ‎ A. Because we don’t know her. B. Because she is from Australia.‎ C. Because she doesn’t love us. D. Because our English is poor(差).‎ ‎( )13. Why is she surprised? ‎ A. Because we don’t speak English loudly. B. Because we can’t speak a lot.‎ C. Because she doesn’t love us. D. Because our English is poor.‎ ‎( )14. When we speak English, she ____________.‎ ‎ A. plays games and sings songs B. wears a pair of jeans ‎ C. wants us to speak loudly D. listens carefully ‎( )15. How is her English class? A. Quiet. B. Lovely. C. Loud. D. Hard. ‎ 三.任务型阅读: 根据短文内容,按要求完成文后任务。(10分)‎ ‎ There is a man and he calls the police when he loses a pet. He always asks the police to help him look for it. “ I lost my pet bird ,” he tells the police one day. “ she can sing songs. Can you help me find it?” ‎ ‎“ I am sorry,” the policeman says, “ it is not our job to look for birds. If (如果)you leave a window open in your house, the bird may come back .”‎ Another time( 又一次),the man calls the police and says , “ I lost my cat. (A.)你能帮我找到他吗? He can talk.” “ I am sorry. ” the policeman says, “ ( B.) it is not our job to look for cats. . You should put the telephone down quickly. Maybe he is calling you now and tells you ‎ where he is.‎ ‎1.( )选择正确答案: The underline word(划线词)“pet” means ________.in Chinese.‎ A 宠物 B. 玩具 C. 工具 D.钥匙 ‎2. 将文中(A.)处划线句子译成英语。 ‎ ‎3.将文中(B.)处划线句子译成英汉语。 ‎ 判断下列句子正误:填T, F.‎ ‎( )4. The man says his pet bird can sing .‎ ‎( )5. The policeman agrees(同意) to help the man look for his cat.‎ 四. 补全对话(10分) (从方框中找适当选项补全对话,填字母标号)‎ ‎ A. What about you?‎ B. No, we go to school earlier than you.‎ C. How many terms are there in a school year?‎ D. American school begins in September too.‎ E. We must study hard this term.‎ F. Yes, the same as in China.‎ B: New term begins. 1 By the way, when do you start school after the summer holiday in the US?‎ A: The same as in China. 2 ‎ B: 3 ‎ A: Two. An autumn term and a spring term.‎ B: Do you begin school at the same age as Chinese?‎ A: 4 At five years old.‎ B: How many subjects do you have in your school?‎ A: Four or five. My favourite subject is physics. 5 ‎ B: English. I think it’s fun. Oh, it’s time for class. Let’s go to the classroom.‎ 五.用方框内所给的单词的适当形式填空,使短文正确通顺,每次只用一次。(10分)‎ teacher ,friend, work, English, take , China, go, have, grade, be ‎ I1.________  a classmate, Daniel. He is an 2.________ boy. He is in Class One, 3. ________ Seven. He is now in Shanghai. His  parents 4. ________ in Shanghai, too. They 5.________both(两者都) English 6.________ . Every day his mother 7.________ him to school by car. Sometimes he 8.________ to school by bike.‎ ‎ They like China and 9. ________ food. We are good 10.________.‎ 六.根据汉语完成句子:(10分)‎ ‎1.他想买两副手套。He wants to buy ________ ________ ________ gloves.‎ ‎2.首先,你要帮他学英语。________ ________ ________, you should ‎ help her with her English ‎3.那辆黑色的自行车不是我的。That black bike is not ________.‎ ‎4.从现在开始,你必须努力学习。________ ________ ________, you must study hard.‎ ‎5.小心那些玻璃杯。________ ________  ________ those glasses.‎ ‎6.那是谁的包?________ ________ is that?‎ ‎7.不要把你的钥匙落在家里。Don't_______ yourkeys________ ________. ‎ ‎8.当他们匆忙时,总是丢东西。When they are ________ ________ ________,they often ________ things.‎ ‎9.山上有好几百只绵羊。There are ________ ________ sheep on the hill.‎ ‎10.现在目前,许多人在睡觉。________ ________ ________, many people are sleeping.‎ 七.书面表达:(共两篇,1题5分, 2题15 分。)‎ A.假如你是Jane,你捡到一个黑色的书包,请你写一个招领启事,希望失主尽快认领。你的电话号码是5468973.‎ ‎  B.假如你叫小露,将于本周六上午和你的同学去公园打篮球。你的好朋友Jimmy也喜欢打篮球,请给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起去。注意格式。‎ ‎__________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________‎ 参考答案 一.1――5BDBDC 6――10.DCBAC  11――15ADCCB.‎ ‎16――20ABDAB 21――25ADDCB 26――30CDBBB 二.1――5DBCBC 6-10CAABC 11――15CCBDB 四.1――5EDCBA 五.1.have,2.English 3.Grade4.work5.are,‎ ‎6.teachers.7.takes 8.goes 9.Chinese ‎ ‎10.friends 七.(A)       Found ‎ hello,my name is Jone.Ifound a schoolbag. It is black. Is it your schoolbag? If you lost a black schoolbag, please call me. My phone number is 5468973. I am from Class Seven ,Grade Seven .‎ ‎(B.)‎ To: Jimmy Subject: Play basketball Dear Jimmy,‎ Would you like to play basketball on Saturday morning? My classmates and I are going there to play basketball in the park. If you want to join us, please get to the park at seven.‎ Best wishes,‎ Xiaolu ‎

