2020版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (1)讲义+练习(必修1,含解析)

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2020版高考英语写作基础 Unit 3 (1)讲义+练习(必修1,含解析)

Unit3‎ 李仕才 一、词汇讲解 ‎1.flow vi. 流;垂;流出;(谈话、文体等)流畅 n. 流动~ (of sth/sb);滔滔不绝;涨潮;连贯 vt. 使泛滥;淹没;排出 ‎【习语】go with the flow (informal) 随大溜 to be relaxed and not worry about what you should do ‎2.persuade vt.‎‎& vi. 说服;劝说;使相信;使信服 persuade sb (into sth/into doing sth)(out of sth/out of doing sth)‎ ‎【近义词辨析】‎ persuade 说服、劝说:‎ I tried to persuade her to see a doctor. 我极力劝她去看医生。‎ convince (~ sb/yourself (of sth)) 使确信、信服:‎ He convinced me he was right. 他使我相信他是正确的。‎ advise 给某人出主意:‎ I will do as you have advised. 我会照你说的去做。‎ ‎3.graduate vi. 渐变;渐渐变为(与 into 连用);渐渐消逝(与 away 连用);取得资格(与 as 连用);‎ vt. 授予学位或毕业证书;从…接受学位;分成等级;标以刻度;‎ n. <美>毕业生;<英>大学毕业生;(已经取得学士学位正在攻读高级学位的)研究生;量筒; adj. <美>毕业了的,研究生的;有(学士)学位的;‎ I have strong education, degree from the university, graduate school and the law school.‎ 我有较强的教育,从大学学位,研究生院和法学院。‎ ‎【派生词】graduation n. 毕业;毕业典礼;刻度,分度;分等级 ‎【派生词】gradual adj. 渐进的,渐(升)降的;倾斜度小的;逐次的,逐渐的;平缓的 n. 弥撒升阶圣歌;弥撒圣歌集 ‎【派生词】gradually adv. 逐步地,渐渐地;按部就班地;日趋;冉冉 ‎4.schedule 10‎ n. 时刻表,进度表;清单,明细表;预定计划;目录 = timetable vt. 排定,安排~ sth (for sth);将…列表~ sth (as sth);为…作目录 The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon. 会议安排在星期五下午。‎ The substance has been scheduled as a poison.‎ 这种物质已被列为毒物。‎ ‎【派生词】scheduler noun ‎ ‎ ‎5.fond adj. 喜欢的;多情的;溺爱的,宠爱的;盲目轻信的 ‎【短语】be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 词汇练习 ‎ 一、单词拼写 1. As day drew near, the students were all anxiously preparing for their final exams.‎ 2. Waves of emotion across his huge face.‎ 3. His interest in this subject decreases.‎ 4. Others may titles and honors, but I am not.‎ 5. It's easy to him if you go the right method.‎ 6. We want to privilege them because without the top students, we can't remain a top university 7. I am painfully aware that staff have a heavy work .‎ 8. In 1973, the first Open University received their degrees.‎ 9. I have no definite idea, it's a process, including many factors.‎ 10. Only by presenting facts and reasoning things out can we people.‎ 翻译练习 ‎ 练习一:根据所给中文提示填写空白处 1. His words (说得更加流利了).‎ 2. There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might . (顺其自然好了)‎ 3. Massage may help to increase ( 身体特定部位的血 液流量).‎ 4. No matter how ,(任我们怎样劝说) he wouldn't listen.‎ 5. He ( 很 可 能 会 试 图 说 服 )his colleagues to change their minds 6. We were able to ( 让 学 生 们 认 识 … … 的 必 要 性 )wider reading.‎ 7. He landed a place on the (毕业生培训计划).‎ 10‎ 1. ‎ ( 我 是 … … 的 毕 业 生 )Harvard‎ ‎University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.‎ 2. ‎ I chose a small game development ‎ 目)‎ ‎‎ 10‎ 作为本次毕业设计的题 1. ‎ He (他的手逐渐松开了)on the arms of the chair.‎ 2. ‎.I was (渐渐开始面对这个事实)with the fact that I had very little success.‎ 3. To learn a language we must follow (遵循循序渐进的原 则)‎ 4. The establishment of the system is ( 一个逐步演 进的过程)‎ 5. ‎.It will be completed several weeks (比原计划晚).‎ 6. Thanks to your help, (我们才提前完成了任务).‎ 7. ‎ We should give this project every support so that (它能按 计划完成).‎ 8. ‎ ( 他 的 工 作 日 程 表 上 还 包 括 )speaking engagements and other public appearances.‎ ‎18. (我已经慢慢喜欢上了我们的小屋)and felt sad to leave it ‎19. (我一直喜爱诗歌)and one piece has always stuck in my mind.‎ 练习二:中译英 ‎1.一条小溪潺潺流进山谷。‎ ‎2.最终他们被警方劝服,同意投案自首。‎ ‎3.你能劝她放弃那些愚蠢的计划吗?‎ 10‎ ‎4.虽然你讲了真话,你还是没有说服我。‎ ‎5.他们使你确信,你和你的工作都是至关重要的。‎ ‎6.他需要再修 3 个学分才能毕业。‎ ‎7.我妹妹中学毕业了,昨晚举行了毕业典礼。‎ ‎8.毕业典礼上外教和我们都哭了,我不会忘记你们的,我的外教老师!‎ ‎9.你中学毕业了,恭喜恭喜!‎ 10‎ ‎10.她脸上渐渐现出了笑容。‎ ‎11.那孩子的抽搭声渐渐消失了。‎ ‎ 12.减肥是一个缓慢而渐进的过程。‎ ‎13.但是,手术的愈合是一个缓慢和逐步的过程。‎ ‎14.他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。‎ ‎15.总统选举原计划在去年 12 月举行。‎ 10‎ ‎16.任务已如期完成。‎ ‎17.他给了他一个深情的微笑。‎ ‎18.我对乡村生活有着十分美好的回忆。‎ ‎19.她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。‎ 参考答案 ‎ 一、单词拼写 graduation; flowed; gradually; be fond of; persuade; graduate; schedule; graduates; gradual; convince 二、中译英 练习一 1. His words flowed more readily.‎ 他说得更加流利了。‎ 10‎ 1. There's nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow.‎ 关于这个问题我无能为力,所以我不如就顺其自然好了。‎ 2. Massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body 按摩有助于增加身体特定部位的血液流量。‎ 3. No matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he wouldn't listen.‎ 任我们怎样劝说,他也不听。‎ 4. He will doubtless try and persuade his colleagues to change their minds 他很可能会试图说服同事们改变主意。‎ 5. ‎ We were able to convince the students of the need for wider reading.‎ 我们能让学生们认识到广泛阅读的必要性。‎ 6. He landed a place on the graduate training program 他在毕业生培训计划中赢得了一个位置。‎ 7. I'm a graduate of Harvard‎ ‎University. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree.‎ 我是哈佛大学的毕业生。我取得了文学学士学位。‎ 8. I chose a small game development, as a graduation project of this topic.‎ 我选择了一个小游戏的开发,作为本次毕业设计的题目。‎ 9. He gradually relaxed his grip on the arms of the chair.‎ 他紧握椅子扶手的手逐渐松开了。‎ 10. I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success.‎ 我渐渐开始面对这个事实,那就是我几乎一事无成。‎ 11. To learn a language we must follow the principle of gradual improvement.‎ 学习语言必须遵循循序渐进的原则。‎ 12. The establishment of the system is a gradual process of development.‎ 这个系统的建立是一个逐步演进的过程。‎ 13. It will be completed several weeks behind schedule.‎ 这将比原计划晚几个星期完成。‎ 14. Thanks to your help, we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.‎ 亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。‎ 15. We should give this project every support so that it may be completed on schedule.‎ 对该项工程应予大力支持,俾能按期完成。‎ 16. His work schedule still includes speaking engagements and other public appearances.‎ 他的工作日程表上还包括演讲安排和在其他公开场合的露面。‎ 17. I'd grown fond of our little house and felt sad to leave it 我已经慢慢喜欢上了我们的小屋,要离开它让我很伤心。‎ 18. I've always been fond of poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.‎ 我一直喜爱诗歌,有一首诗总是牢记在我心间。‎ 10‎ 练习二、‎ 1. A stream flowed gently down into the valley 一条小溪潺潺流进山谷。‎ 2. They were eventually persuaded by the police to give themselves up.‎ 最终他们被警方劝服,同意投案自首。‎ 3. Can you persuade her out of her foolish plans?‎ 你能劝她放弃那些愚蠢的计划吗?‎ 4. Although you tell the truth, you still fail to convince me.‎ 虽然你讲了真话,你还是没有说服我。‎ 5. They convince you that you and what you are doing actually matter.‎ 他们使你确信,你和你的工作都是至关重要的。‎ 6. He needs three more credits to graduate.‎ 他需要再修 3 个学分才能毕业。‎ 7. My sister just graduated from high school graduation was held last night.‎ 我妹妹中学毕业了,昨晚举行了毕业典礼。‎ 8. ‎ At the graduation ceremony, we all cried. I will never forget you, my foreign teachers!‎ 毕业典礼上外教和我们都哭了,我不会忘记你们的,我的外教老师!‎ 9. Congratulations on your graduation from middle school!‎ 你中学毕业了,恭喜恭喜!‎ 10. Gradually, a smile appeared on her face.‎ 她脸上渐渐现出了笑容。‎ 11. The child's sobs gradually died down.‎ 那孩子的抽搭声渐渐消失了。‎ 12. Losing weight is a slow, gradual process 减肥是一个缓慢而渐进的过程。‎ 13. Still, healing is a slow and gradual process.‎ 但是,手术的愈合是一个缓慢和逐步的过程。‎ 14. He has been forced to adjust his schedule 他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。‎ 15. A presidential election was scheduled for last December 总统选举原计划在去年 12 月举行。‎ 16. The task has been accomplished according to schedule.‎ 任务已如期完成。‎ 17. He gave him a fond smile.‎ 他给了他一个深情的微笑。‎ 18. I have very fond memories of living in our village.‎ 我对乡村生活有着十分美好的回忆。‎ 10‎ 1. She is very fond of Chinese classical literature and has spent some time reading Tang and Song poetry, etc.‎ 她很喜欢中国古典文学,诸如唐诗、宋词等都涉猎过。‎ ‎ ‎ 10‎

