2019版高考英语一轮复习:第二周+星期五 阅读理解(应用广告类+生活故事类)+七选五+语法填空

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2019版高考英语一轮复习:第二周+星期五 阅读理解(应用广告类+生活故事类)+七选五+语法填空

Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2018·河北故城高级中学期中)‎ BUILD FOR THE FUTURE BY BRINGING YOUR PENSIONS TOGETHER NOW.‎ LET’S TALK HOW.‎ EARN £100‎ TO £1,000‎ CASHBACK.‎ Pensions with a number of different providers?You could plan ahead more effectively if you bring them together in a Fidelity SelfInvested Personal Pension (SIPP).‎ ‎•Transfer your pensions,ISAs and other investments to us and manage them all in one secure online account.‎ ‎•Earn £100 to £1,000 cashback if you apply by 9 June 2017 (exclusions and T&Cs apply).‎ ‎•We will not charge you to transfer to us.‎ ‎•If your current providers charge exit fees,we will reimburse you up to £ 500 (T&Cs apply).‎ The value of investments can go down as well as up,so you may not get back the amount you originally invest.You cannot normally access money in a SIPP until age 55.Pension transfers can be complex and some types of pension,in particular those with guaranteed benefits,are not eligible ‎ for this offer.Please read our pension transfer fact sheet,and the cashback offer and exit fees terms and conditions,at fidelity.co.uk/cashback.‎ Apply online at fidelity.co.uk/cashback or call us for more information on 0800 358 0752.‎ ‎1.What is the main purpose of this advertisement?‎ A.To introduce an organization.‎ B.To introduce tips on making money.‎ C.To spread the knowledge of dealing with accounts.‎ D.To promote a platform for money management.‎ ‎2.Which of the following statement is TRUE with the Fidelity SIPP?‎ A.It will guarantee the benefits you get.‎ B.It will help you deal with the possible exit fees from other pension providers.‎ C.You can earn cashback whenever you apply for SIPP.‎ D.You can at least get back the money you originally invest whatever happens.‎ ‎3.In which part of a newspaper can you most probably find this advertisement?‎ A.Voices & Views B.Science & Technology C.Art of Living D.Entertainment B ‎(2018·安徽六安第一中学月考)‎ I was about 5 when I first heard the word “Greenland”,and my interest grew from there.Finally,after decades,I decided to go.‎ When I finally arrived,the place,at first glance,was clearly misnamed:The east coast of Greenland was an expanse(宽阔的区域) of ice and snow,with no sign of human habitation.‎ One of my purposes of going to Greenland was to make contact with some native Greenlanders.I didn’t know I would achieve this,but success came in an unexpected way.‎ When I arrived at the Illunnguujuk Hostel,where I had reserved a bed,a young couple and their baby were out front,enjoying the sun and unusual warmth.Greenlanders speak their own Inuit language and learn Danish in school,and many also speak English well.The young woman,however,was not one of these.Her English turned out to be anticlimactic.‎ When I identified myself,her eyes widened.Another traveler had arrived earlier and,mistaking him for me,they had given him my bed.There was no more space in the hostel.“But don’t worry,” she said,as she threw herself into cleaning a tiny house the family owned.“This is for you,” she said.And as if that weren’t enough,she invited me to eat supper with her family.That evening I sat down to a dinner of fresh fish with a loving,happy native family.‎ When I first set foot in Greenland I found myself all but shocked by the emptiness,the vastness,and the silence.I had decided that I would probably never return.And then I was taken into ‎ this Greenlandic home.I can now say that even cold,empty,and silent scenery is worth visiting,so long as one has a warm and welcoming place to go to.‎ ‎4.What did the author intend to do in Greenland?‎ A.Get a parttime job.‎ B.Live with a native family.‎ C.Make some native contact.‎ D.Do business with the natives.‎ ‎5.What does the underlined word “anticlimactic” in Paragraph 4 mean?‎ A.Simple. B.Modern.‎ C.Outstanding. D.Disappointing.‎ ‎6.The author lost his bed in the hostel because of .‎ A.the language barrier B.a misunderstanding C.a wrong address D.the high price ‎7.What made the author’s visiting Greenland worthwhile?‎ A.Tasting the local food.‎ B.Helping a local family.‎ C.Meeting friendly people.‎ D.Enjoying the great scenery.‎ Ⅱ.七选五 ‎(2018·广东阳春一中月考)‎ Stop Negative Talk ‎“I’m so fat,” one of your friends says.The girl next to her joins in.“Well,I hate my hair today.” Without thinking,you respond,“No,you are not fat!I am fat.And my hair is flat and boring.” 8 ‎ It is easy for people to engage in selfcritical conversations,and once it starts there is often pressure for you to join in. 9 Maybe it is because “just talking” feels harmless.But before you know it,those opinions flow out of your conversations and into your life,where they start eating away at your selfrespect.‎ ‎ 10 When you start talking about yourself in a negative way,you are not only affecting your selfrespect,but your friends’!When you criticize yourself,your friends might think you have the same standards for them.You have heard that it is important to treat others the way you want to be treated,but there is also value in treating yourself like you treat your friends.If you wouldn’t criticize your friend for the same thing,chances are that you are being too hard on yourself.So,don’t start it.‎ But what if someone else starts?For example,your friend feels insecure about how well he played in his soccer game,so he puts himself down.“I suck at soccer.” 11 Ask him,“Do you really think that?Why?” Maybe he is actually upset about a comment someone made,or is just getting down on himself over one bad play.Whatever it is,talking through the real issue will help him more than slipping into another negative talk.‎ It is important to talk to your friend about your insecurities,but make sure you are not talking about them just to put yourself down. 12 Instead of just focusing on the negative,talk about what makes you and your friends beautiful and unique—including what you love about your body and what you have accomplished.When you show yourself love,you set yourself as an example,and everyone benefits from you positively.‎ A.Negative talk affects selfrespect.‎ B.Criticizing yourself helps nobody.‎ C.But why do we hesitate to praise ourselves?‎ D.But why is it acceptable to talk so negatively?‎ E.All it takes is just one comment and the negative talk starts.‎ F.It is better to resist negative conversations and create more balanced ones.‎ G.Before everyone puts himself down,see if you can get to the root of the problem.‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎(2018·广东湛江调研)‎ Do you like traveling?13. (stay) healthy while traveling can help to ensure your trip is a happy and enjoyable one.If you are traveling abroad,here are the tips you need to make your trip much 14. (easy).‎ Make sure you have got a signed passport and a visa.Also,15. you go,fill in the emergency information page of your passport!Make two copies of your passport identification page.This will help a lot if your passport 16. (steal).Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives.Carry the other 17. you in a separate place from your passport.‎ Read the Public Announcements or Travel Warnings for the countries you plan to visit.Get ‎ ‎18. (you) familiar with local laws and customs of the countries to 19. you are traveling.‎ Leave a copy of your itinerary(旅行计划) with your family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of 20. emergency.‎ Do not accept packages from strangers.Do not carry too much money or 21. (necessary) credit cards.If we make enough preparations,we will 22. (success).Have a good time!‎ 答案精析 Ⅰ.‎ ‎1.D [写作目的题。根据文章第一段“Pensions with a number of different providers?...in a Fidelity SelfInvested Personal Pension(SIPP).”可知,这则广告的目的是为了推广一个资金管理平台。故选D。]‎ ‎2.B [推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“If your current providers charge exit fees,we will reimburse you up to£500 (T&Cs apply).”可知这将有助于你处理其他养老金提供者可能收取的离职费。故选B。]‎ ‎3.C [文章出处题。本文是一则广告,目的是为了推广一个资金管理平台。再根据“You could plan ahead more effectively...”可推知本文是讲述如何更有效地管理金钱,属于“生活的艺术”。故选C。]‎ 语篇解读 作者因小时候对“Greenland”一词产生兴趣,于是,几十年后,作者最终去了格陵兰,最初感到那是一个寒冷、空旷、寂静的地方,后来遇到了当地热情、友好的人,使作者感到格陵兰之行是值得的。‎ ‎4.C [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“One of my purposes of going to Greenland was to make contact with some native Greenlanders.”可知作者去格陵兰的目的之一是为了和当地人接触一下。故选C。]‎ ‎5.D [词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“...many also speak English well.The young woman,however,was not one of these.”很多人英语说得很好。然而,这位年轻女士不是他们当中的一个。可知她的英语不好。however然而,表示转折,在这里起关键作用。故选D。disappointing令人失望的。]‎ ‎6.B [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一、二句可知作者因为宾馆人员误将早到的另一位男士当成了他,失去了宾馆的床位。故选B。]‎ ‎7.C [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句“That evening I sat down to a dinner of fresh fish with a loving,happy native family.”和最后一段最后两句“And then I was taken into this Greenlandic home.I can now say that even cold,empty,and silent scenery is worth visiting,so long as one has a warm and welcoming place to go to.”‎ 可知遇到了友好的人使作者的格陵兰之行变得很值得。故选C。]‎ Ⅱ.‎ 语篇解读 自我否定的谈话“损己”也不“利人”,所以停止这样的谈话,积极地评价自己和朋友。‎ ‎8.E [根据前文内容可知,一句负面的自我评价引发了一场负面的谈话。故选E。]‎ ‎9.D [由“Maybe it is because‘just talking’ feels harmless.”可知,前文应该是一个问题,故选D项。]‎ ‎10.B [根据“When you start talking about yourself in a negative way,you are not only affecting your selfrespect,but your friends’!”自我否定的谈话不光影响自己,也影响朋友的自尊,故选B。]‎ ‎11.G [根据该空前后几句可知,当你的朋友对他在足球赛中的表现表示不安,说自己很讨厌足球时,你应该刨根问底找出原因。故选G。]‎ ‎12.F [根据“Instead of just focusing on the negative,talk about what makes you and your friends beautiful and unique...”。Instead of后面的行为应与前句内容相反,故选F。]‎ Ⅲ.13.Staying/To stay 14.easier 15.before 16.is stolen ‎17.with 18.yourself 19.which 20.an 21.unnecessary ‎22.succeed

