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Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Part B Let’s learn We have a new friend. His name is Fido . climbing / ˈ k laɪ mɪŋ / What is he doing? He is climbing. Fido is climbing. What are they doing ? They are climb ing . Yes, they are . Are they climb ing ? eating /ˈi: tɪŋ / What is he doing? He is eating. Fido is eating. What are they doing ? The ___ is eat ing . What are they doing ? The ___ s eat ing . are Is the dog eat ing ? Yes, it is . Is the dog climb ing ? No, it isn’t. It’s eating. drinking /ˈdrɪŋk ɪŋ / What is he doing? He is drinking. Fido is drinking. What are they doing ? The ___ is drink ing . What are they doing ? They are drinking . No, they aren’t. They are climb ing . Are they drink ing ? Yes, they are . Are they drink ing ? Then, they go to the zoo. There are many rabbits at the zoo. playing /ˈpleɪ ɪŋ/ What are these rabbits doing ? These rabbits are playing. play ing with each other . Are these rabbits eating? No, they aren’t. They are Is the boy drink ing ? No, he isn’t. He is playing . Jumping /'dʒʌm pɪŋ / What are they doing ? They are jumping. What is the rabbit doing? It is jump ing . What are these rabbits doing ? They are jump ing . Sleeping /'s li: pɪŋ / What are these rabbits doing ? They are sleeping. What is the pig doing ? It is sleep ing . What are they doing ? They are sleep ing . Listen and repeat. Bomb Game What is missing? playing sleeping eating drinking climbing jumping What is missing? playing sleeping eating drinking climbing jumping What is missing? playing sleeping eating drinking climbing jumping jumping What is missing? playing sleeping eating drinking climbing I say you do Guessing game( 猜一猜 ) Is it _____? Is it ______? Is it ______? Is it ______? What is …doing? It 's ...... What are … doing? They 're ...... Pair work Make sentences( 造句 ) 动词 ing 变化规则 1 )一般情况下直接加 ing  如: drink---drinking     sleep---sleeping 2 )以不发音的字母 e 结尾的单词,去掉字母 e ,再加 ing 如: have---having dance---dancing 3 )以重读闭音节结尾 ( 辅音 + 元音 + 辅音 ) ,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加 ing  。 如: run ---run n ing s hop ---shop p ing s wim ---swim m ing get ---get t ing Climbing,climbing,the dog is climbing. Eating,eating,the dog is eating. Drinking,drinking,it is drinking. Playing,playing,the rabbits are playing. Jumping,jumping,the rabbits are jumping. Sleeping,sleeping,they are sleeping. Let’s chant 达标检测   仿照示例写句子。 1. 例 : The girl is listening.    .  2. 例 : The bears are sleeping.   .  The boy is reading The elephants are drinking Goodbye!

