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2018 届二轮复习 短文语法填空模拟试题 10 篇训练之二 【1】 My doorbell rings at 11 a.m.On the step, I find an elderly Chinese lady holding the hand of a little boy.In her other hand __1__ (be) a paper bag.She is the little boy’s grandmother, and her daughter, Nicole, bought __2__ house next door last October.Nicole has __3__ (obvious) told her mother that I am having a heart operation shortly, and the result is that her mother has decided __4__ (supply) me with meals. I know what is inside the paper bag — a bottle of hot soup and a __5__ (contain) with a meal of rice, vegetables and meat.It’s become a daily occurrence. Communication __6__ us is somewhat difficult because she doesn’t speak English and all I can say in Chinese is hello.Once, she brought an iPad as well as the food.She pointed to the screen, __7__ showed a message from her daughter telling me that her mother wanted to know __8__ the food was all right for me. So here we are, two grandmothers, neither of __9__ (we) being able to speak the other’s language but communicating one way or another (with some help from technology) . The doorbell keeps __10__ (ring) and there is the familiar brown paper bag, handed smilingly to me. 语篇解读:本文描述了两位异国的老太太,虽然语言不通,但是在现 代技术的帮助下互相交流,彼此关心,让人再次想起“远亲不如近邻” 这句古语。 1.is 表示方位的介词短语位于句首,谓语动词是 be, stand, sit, lie 等时,用完全倒装形式。本句真正的主语 a paper bag 是第三人称 单数,全文的基本时态是一般现在时,故填 is。 2.the 根据后面的 next door 可知,此处应特指隔壁的那所房子, 故填定冠词 the。 3.obviously 设空处作插入成分描述整个句子的状态,要用副 词,故填 obviously。 4.to supply decide 后跟动词不定式作宾语,意为“决定做某事”。 故填 to supply。 5.container 句意:我知道纸袋里面是什么——一瓶热汤和一 个装有米饭、蔬菜和肉的容器。冠词后面应是名词,根据句意可知, 设空处指“盛饭菜的容器”,故填 container。 6.between 根据设空后的内容可知,此处指作者和老太太之间 的交流,两者之间应用介词 between。 7.which 分析句子结构可知,此处应是非限制性定语从句的引 导词,先行词是表示物的 the screen,而且在从句中作主语,故填关 系代词 which。 8.if/whether 分析句子结构可知,此处应是宾语从句的引导词, 根据上下文逻辑可知,该空应是“是否”之意,故填 if 或 whether。 9.us 介词 of 后面要用代词的宾格作宾语,故填 us。 10.ringing keep 后面用动名词作宾语,意为“一直做某事”。故 填 ringing。 【2】 Years ago, when I was a poor artist trying to sell my paintings in local galleries, I __1__ (live) in the heart of a city.The rent for my apartment was really cheap __2__ it was in the middle of one of the busiest neighborhoods in town.People who visited me used to ask me __3__ I could sleep.“Doesn’t the sound of the traffic bother you? How can you get used to so much noise?” You see, there were also rows and rows of shops and bars __4__ (play) loud music day and night and my apartment was above a(n) __5__ (real) loud and noisy one.But I found it all fascinating.If I were ever short of cash and couldn’t afford to do anything much, which in those days was usually the case, I could always go outside and take __6__ look around.You see, there __7__ (be) always a great number of tourists visiting the shops, so I could always find someone __8__ (interest) to talk with.And Joe, the owner of the bar below me, could always give me a little money to survive on in exchange for __9__ (do) a few odd jobs for him.At the time, I suppose, I thought I was poor.Sometimes, we don’t realize how __10__ (fortune) we are, do we? 语篇解读:作者在最贫困时曾经居住在闹市。那时虽然在物质上很穷, 但作者依然觉得自己很幸运。 1.lived 根据时间状语 Years ago 可知,应用一般过去时,故填 lived。 2.because 句意:我公寓的租金很便宜,因为这套公寓位于城 镇中最繁忙的一个街区的中间。根据句意可知,空格处引导原因状语 从句,故填 because。 3.how 句意:来看望我的人们通常会问我怎么睡得着。空格 处引导宾语从句,作 ask 的宾语,根据句意可知从句中缺少方式状语, 故填 how。 4.playing 句中已有谓语动词 were,故空格处应用非谓语动词, 且 play 与 shops and bars 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故应用现在分词 作后置定语。 5.really 空格处修饰形容词 loud 和 noisy,应用副词形式,故 填 really。 6.a take a look 意为“看一看”,为固定搭配,故填 a。 7.were there be 句型中,be 动词的数与其后的名词的数要保持 一致,本句中应与 tourists 一致,故 be 动词应用复数形式;全文的主 体时态为一般过去时,故填 were。 8.interesting someone interesting 意为“有趣的人”。空格处为形 容词作后置定语修饰 someone。 9.doing in exchange for ...意为“作为对……的交换”,for 为介 词,后应接动名词作宾语。故填 doing。 10.fortunate 句意:有时,我们没有意识到自己是多么幸运, 不是吗?how ________ we are 为感叹句,在句中是宾语从句,how 后应用形容词。故填 fortunate。 【3】 I can well remember that I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in My Life” before the whole class at the age of 9! You can imagine how __1__ (terrible) shy I was with so many eyes __2__ (fix) on me.I had no choice but to prepare for it, though.First of all, I was to draft the speech, which __3__ (be) just a piece of cake for me, a good writer.But the hardest part __4__ (lie) in my oral presentation from my memory — for to read from the paper was not allowed.The real moment began __5__ I stood on the platform with my legs trembling and my mind blank.But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me.Gradually I found myself back, __6__ (deliver) my speech with difficulty.After what seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding — I made __7__! From then on, my fear of talking before a big audience disappeared.Actually with my__8__ (confident) building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker.Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way __9__ success is our fear.Overcome it __10__we will be able to achieve our goals. 语篇解读:本文主要讲述了作者第一次公开演讲的故事。 1.terribly 修饰形容词应用副词,故填 terribly。 2.fixed fix 和 eyes 之间构成动宾关系,故用过去分词 fixed 作 宾补。 3.was which 指代 to draft the speech,表示单数概念,且此处 叙述的是过去的事情,故谓语动词用 was。 4.lay 此处是在叙述过去的事实情况,故用一般过去时,主语 与 lie 之间为主谓关系,故此处应用 lie(存在,在于)的一般过去式, 即 lay。 5.when when 引导时间状语从句,在从句中作时间状语,与“The real moment”相呼应。 6.delivering deliver 和句子主语 I 之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 故用现在分词的一般主动式作伴随状语。 7.it make it 意为“获得成功,做到”,为固定搭配。 8.confidence 由形容词性物主代词 my 可知,此处应用名词形 式,即 confidence。 9.to on one’s way to ...意为“在去……的路上”,为固定搭配, 故用介词 to。 10.and 空格所在句为“祈使句+and+陈述句”结构,故填连词 and。 【4】 On the first day of her work, Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her.She was told six teachers __1__ (quit) before her.When she walked into the classroom, it was chaos: two boys were fighting in a corner, yet __2__ rest of the class seemed not to notice them; some girls were chatting and some were running about with paper, food packages and other garbage __3__ (leave) everywhere. Sally walked onto the platform, __4__ (pick) up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: “Rule 1: We are family!” All students stopped __5__ (look) at her.And she continued with Rule 2, Rule 3 ...In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them __6__ the wall of the classroom.She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them. __7__ (surprise), Sally was not driven out like the former teachers; __8__, she won respect from the students.Over the years, she has witnessed gradual changes in the class.At the graduation ceremony, just __9__ she expected, she was very proud to stand with a class of care, manners and __10__ (confident). 语篇解读:本文讲述了一名老师通过努力制定课堂规则,最终感化学生的故事。 1.had quit 根据语境,quit 的动作发生在 was told 之前,即“过 去的过去”,应用过去完成时。故填 had quit。 2.the the rest of 为固定短语,意为“其余的”。故填 the。 3.left 此处为“with+宾语+宾补”的复合结构,逻辑主语为 paper, food packages and other garbage,与动词 leave 之间是被动关系, 故用过去分词作宾补。故填 left。 4.picked 分析句子结构可知,设空处与 walked 和 wrote 为并 列的谓语动词,因此,应用一般过去时,故填 picked。 5.to look 此处指学生停下正在做的事情来看她,stop to do sth. 意为“停下来去做某事”。故填 to look。 6.on/onto post ...on/onto ...意为“把……张贴在……上”,故填 on 或 onto。 7.Surprisingly 句意:令人惊讶的是,萨莉并没有像之前的老 师那样被赶走,反而赢得了学生们的尊重。设空处在句中作评注性状 语,修饰整个句子,应用副词。故填 Surprisingly。 8.instead 句意见上一题解析。根据句意可知,上下文是对比 关系,设空处表示“而不是;相反”。故填 instead。 9.as 句意:在毕业典礼上,正如她所期待的那样,她非常自 豪地与一个细心、礼貌并且自信的班级站在一起。本句是一个非限制 性定语从句,修饰整个句子,且位于句首,根据句意可知,设空处表 示“正如”。故填 as。 10.confidence 句意见上一题解析。设空处与 care, manners 并 列作介词 of 的宾语,应用名词,故填 confidence。 【5】 I was not excited when I learned I was going to Germany.I had been hoping for France or England.Why Germany? The language is unpleasant and there aren’t any tourist __1__ (attract) like France’s Louvre or England’s Buckingham Palace.I begged my parents to reconsider, __2__ before I knew it, we were boarding our flight to Munich. On arriving there, we found the houses and roads somehow looked oldfashioned.In January, the snowwhite scenery __3__ (be) breathtaking.Every morning we __4__ (serve) a satisfying breakfast buffet in German style.Almost every day we went to a ski resort and learned how to ski.It took us __5__ couple of days to get the hang of it.We visited Germany’s highest mountain peak, __6__ the weather was perfect above the clouds. I found __7__ interesting that we had to pay for grocery bags.Because my mom and I didn’t know this (and we didn’t want to pay extra), we made two trips to carry groceries from the store to the car.I realized that I was being exposed __8__ a different culture where certain behavior that may be __9__ (accept) in America was not here. Since the trip, I have studied German for years and learned more about the world culture.I began __10__ (appreciate) new things from a different perspective and with an open mind. 语篇解读:一次不情愿的德国之旅让作者体会到文化风俗的差异,促 使作者从不同的角度去了解世界文化,以一种开放的心态去欣赏新的 事物。 1.attractions tourist attraction 为固定搭配,意为“旅游景点”, 该句中的谓语动词是 aren’t,所以此处要用复数形式,故填 attractions。 2.but 根据上下文可知,设空处前后两个句子之间是转折关系, 所以此处应填表示转折的并列连词,故填 but。 3.was 根据上一句中的 found 可知,作者描述的是过去发生的 事情,所以应用一般过去时,故填 was。 4.were served 主语 we 和谓语动词 serve 之间是被动关系,而 且是描述过去发生的动作,所以要用一般过去时的被动语态,故填 were served。 5.a a couple of ...为固定搭配,意为“几个……”,故填 a。 6.where 分析句子结构可知,该空应是非限制性定语从句的引 导词,先行词是表示地点的名词 mountain peak,引导词在定语从句中 作地点状语,故填 where。 7.it find it+adj./n.+that ...为固定句型,it 是形式宾语,that 引导的从句是真正的宾语,故填 it。 8.to be exposed to ...为固定搭配,意为“面临……;体验……; 暴露于……”,故填 to。 9.acceptable/accepted be 动词后面多用形容词作表语,故填 acceptable,意为“可接受的”。此处也可理解为“被接受”,故用被动语 态,填 accepted。 10.to appreciate/appreciating begin to do/doing sth.意为“开始做 某事”,故填 to appreciate 或 appreciating。 【6】 Anyone who has had a longterm disease knows that recovering at home can be lonely.This can be __1__ (especial) true of children.They may feel __2__ (leave) out.Now, these children may have a hightech friend to help feel less alone.A small robot may help children who are recovering from longterm __3__ (ill).The robot like human beings takes their place at school.And their school friends must help carry the robot between classes and place the robot on their desks. Through the robot, a child can hear his or her teachers and friends.He or she can also attend class from wherever they are recovering — whether at home __4__ from a hospital bed.Dolva, one of the scientists who __5__ (be) concentrating on developing the robot, explains __6__ the robot AV1 works.She says from home, the child uses a tablet or phone to start the robot.__7__ (use) the same device, he or she can control the robot’s movements.Inside the robot, there is a small computer linked __8__ a 4G network.The robot is __9__ (equip) with speakers, microphones and cameras, which makes communicating __10__ (easy).So it’s the eyes and the ears and the voices at school.Hopefully AV1 will help some children feel less lonely while they are absent from class. 语篇解读:病人由于长期患病在家,可能会感觉很孤独,对于孩子更 是如此。本文介绍了一种机器人,可以帮助患病的孩子减少孤独感。 1.especially 设空处修饰形容词 true,要用副词,故填 especially。 2.left feel 作连系动词,leave out 表示“遗漏;忽略”,与主语 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词形式作表语。故填 left。 3.illness(es) longterm 为形容词,意为“长期的”,后应接名词。 故填 illness(es)。 4.or 根据句中的 whether 可知应填 or,whether ...or ...为固定 搭配,意为“无论……还是……”。 5.are 句意:多尔瓦作为潜心研究机器人的科学家之一,解释 了机器人 AV1 是如何工作的。本句中,who 引导定语从句,先行词 为 scientists,故从句谓语动词应用复数形式;全文主体时态为一般现 在时,此处也应用一般现在时。故填 are。 6.how 句意见上一题解析。设空处引导宾语从句,作 explains 的宾语,根据句意,句中缺少状语,表示“方式”,故用 how 引导该从 句。 7.Using 句中已有谓语 can control,因此,设空处应用非谓语 动词;use 与其逻辑主语 he or she 之间为主动关系,且在句中作方式 状语。故填 Using。 8.to/with be linked to/with ...为固定搭配,意为“与……连接”。 故填 to/with。 9.equipped be equipped with ...为固定搭配,意为“装配有……”。 故填 equipped。 10.easier 设空处在定语从句中作 makes 的宾语补足语,而且 本句暗含比较意义,应用形容词的比较级。故填 easier。 【7】 I was in the ninth year when I began to suffer depression.My parents noticed, but felt that since I’d always been __1__ good child, this was temporary. __2__ (fortunate), it was not to be so.I didn’t have friends.Hardly could I share my problems.Deep worry began to destroy my __3__ (confident).Finally I refused to attend classes, __4__ (shut) myself in my room for hours. The examination was approaching, but I simply didn’t care.My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance.One morning, __5__ a particularly severe lecture from my father, I stood at the school gate, __6__ (depress) . Then as the other students marched to their classrooms, our headmaster called me.The next fortyfive minutes was one __7__ the most precious moments in my life.She said she __8__ (notice) a big change in me and wondered why.At first she took my hands in __9__ (she) and listened patiently as I mentioned my worries.Then she hugged me as I wept.Months of frustration and loneliness disappeared in her motherly hug. No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster, __10__ helped me out simply by listening and hugging. 语篇解读:本文讲述了作者小时候患抑郁症后得到了校长的关爱而走出阴影的故事。 1.a child 是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠 词修饰,表示“一个”好孩子。 2.Unfortunately 不幸的是,情况并非如此。根据逗号的提示可 知,此处应用所给词的副词形式,修饰整个句子,作状语。再根据句 意可知,应用 Unfortunately。 3.confidence my 是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,作定语, 故填 confidence。 4.shutting shut 和句子主语 I 之间构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故 用现在分词作状语。 5.after 根据语境可知,此处应用连词 after,表示“在……之后”。 6.depressed 由句子的主语 I 和该空前的逗号可知,应用形容 词 depressed 在句子中作状语。 7.of 此处表示“最珍贵的时刻之一”,故用 of。 8.had noticed notice 的动作发生在 said 之前,表示过去的过去, 故用过去完成时。 9.hers 介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,且由空格前的“my hands”可知,此处用名词性物主代词 hers, 表示她的手。 10.who who 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰 先行词 the headmaster。 【8】 How do native speakers truly feel when speaking with nonnative English speakers? It seems that __1__ (break) English annoys them.However, they keep being really nice when speaking with nonnative speakers.I wonder how they really feel when doing so. I think it would depend __2__ the native English speakers.Some people are just __3__(easy) annoyed. Personally, I study Spanish.When I hear someone __4__ (attempt) English, I am patient with them because I know __5__ difficult it is to talk in a nonnative tongue.I also know English is very difficult __6__ (learn), and that increases my respect for their efforts.I’m a patient person by nature. The situation matters too.If I were waiting __7__ (table) on a super crowded day and really __8__ (need) to do about a dozen different things, I might become upset at having to wait for someone to struggle while ordering his meal. There also exists the __9__ (possible) that what is considered as annoyance is not true annoyance.I might frown (皱眉) while listening to a nonnative speaker, __10__ that would be because I am concentrating and listening hard to understand him.It wouldn’t mean I’m at all annoyed. 语篇解读:当一个母语是英语的人听到一个人说着蹩脚的英语时是什么感受?厌烦还是耐心倾听?本文就此问题进行了讨论。 1.broken 修饰名词用形容词,故填动词 break 的形容词形式 broken,意为“蹩脚的;不流利的”。 2.on/upon depend on/upon 是固定搭配,意为“依赖;取决于”。 故填 on/upon。 3.easily 设空处修饰动词,要用副词,故填 easily。 4.attempting 此处为“hear+宾语+宾补”结构,attempt 与宾语 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,且此处指听到有人正在努力说英语,故用 现在分词作宾补。故填 attempting。 5.how 此处为感叹句用作宾语从句,用于加强语气。设空处 修饰形容词 difficult,故填 how。 6.to learn 在“it is+adj.+to do ...”句型中,it 是形式主语,动 词不定式(短语)作真正的主语,故填 to learn。 7.tables wait tables 是固定短语,意为“招待顾客”。故填 tables。 8.needed 根据并列连词 and 可知,前后时态应该一致,故填 过去式 needed。 9.possibility 定冠词 the 后接名词形式,且根据谓语动词 exists 可知,应填 possibility。 10.but/yet 句意:听非母语的讲话者说话时,我可能紧皱着眉 头,但那是因为我在聚精会神地努力去听懂他。根据句意可知,前后 文是转折关系。故填 but/yet。 【9】 The young artist and potter Allan had a wife and two fine sons.One night, his older son developed a severe stomachache.Neither Allan nor his wife took the condition very __1__ (serious), but the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the death could __2__ (avoid) if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, he always felt he was guilty.Worse still, his wife left him a short time later, __3__ (leave) him alone with his 6yearold younger son.Unable to stand the hurt and pain, he turned to alcohol and became __4__ alcoholic. As the alcoholism __5__ (progress), Allan began to lose everything he possessed and finally died alone in a small bar.Hearing of his death, I thought, “__6__ a complete failure!” As time went by, I began to revalue my __7__ (early) rough judgment.I knew Allan’s now adult son, Ernie, one of the kindest and most caring men I’ve ever known.I hadn’t heard him talk much about his father.One day,I worked up my courage to ask him what __8__ earth his father had done so that he became such a special person.Ernie said quietly, “As a child until I left home at 18, Allan came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ’love you, son’.” Tears came to my eyes as I realized that I had been a fool to judge Allan __9__ a failure.He had not left any material __10__ (possess) behind.But he had been a kind loving father, and left behind his best love. 语篇解读:一位叫艾伦的父亲虽然没有给孩子留下任何物质财产,但留下了他最好的爱。 1.seriously take ...seriously 为固定短语,意为“重视……;认真 处理……”,此外还可通过分析结构来判断词性,took 为动词,应用 副词修饰,故填 seriously。 2.have been avoided 根据语境及“if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation”可知,本句为虚拟条件句,表示与过去事 实相反,从句用过去完成时,主句可用 could have done 结构,又因为 death 与 avoid 之间为被动关系,故填 have been avoided。 3.leaving 句中已有谓语 left,因此设空处应用非谓语动词;leave 的逻辑主语为 his wife,两者之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词作结 果状语。故填 leaving。 4.an alcoholic 作名词讲有“酗酒者”之意,且以元音音素开头, 故填 an。 5.progressed 句意:随着酗酒行为的发展,艾伦失去了他所拥 有的一切,最后独自一人死在了一个小酒馆里。根据句意及句子结构 可知,as 引导时间状语从句,又根据 began 可知,从句应用一般过去 时,故填 progressed。 6.What 句末为感叹号,a complete failure 为名词性短语,故填 What。 7.earlier 根据后文可知,通过艾伦小儿子的话,“我”改变了对 艾伦的看法,因此不确切的评价应是“较早时候”作出的,故填 earlier。 8.on on earth 为固定短语,意为“究竟;到底”,此处表现出作 者的好奇。 9.as as 意为“当作”,通常出现在 see/judge/regard sb.as ...等结 构中。 10.possessions 根据空前的 material 可知,设空处应用名词形 式,表示“财产”,possession 一般用复数形式,故填 possessions。 【10】 Scientists have discovered that __1__ (stay) in the cold could help us lose weight.Researchers at the University of California found that exposure to the cold increases levels of a protein that helps form brown fat — the type of fat that produces heat and keeps us warm.Brown fat burns energy, __2__ helps us lose weight.White fat stores extra energy, which results __3__ weight gain.The researchers said that because air conditioning and heating give us constant, __4__ (comfort) temperatures, our body’s need for brown fat has decreased.They found that: “Outdoor workers in northern Finland who __5__ (expose) to cold temperature have a significant amount of brown fat when __6__ (compare) to sameaged indoor workers.” The research was conducted on two different control groups of mice.__7__ group was injected with the protein that helps create brown fat.This group later gained 30% less weight after both groups were fed highfat diets.The researchers say this could be good news in the fight against obesity.People who are obese have __8__ (low) levels of brown fat than thinner people.Head researcher Hei Sook Sul said, “This protein could become an important target for research into the treatment and __9__ (prevent) of obesity and obesityrelated diseases.” She added, “If you can somehow increase levels of this protein, you could __10__ (possible) lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.” 语篇解读:要美丽,先“冻”人——美国研究人员发现,适度寒冷有助于减肥。这项发现对研究治疗和阻止肥胖症及相关疾病有重要意义。 1.staying 空格处在 that 引导的宾语从句中作主语,所以要用 动名词形式,故填 staying。 2.which 分析句子结构可知,空格处引导非限制性定语从句, 先行词为前面一整句话,故用 which 引导该定语从句。 3.in result in 为固定短语,意为“造成,导致”。 4.comfortable 空格处同 constant 并列,修饰名词 temperatures, 故用形容词形式,因此填 comfortable,意为“使人舒服的,感到舒服 的”。 5.are exposed expose ...to ...为固定短语,意为“使……暴露 于……”。当该结构中的宾语提前作主语时,要用被动形式 be exposed to;此处 be 的形式应与前面的主语 workers 一致,且本文主体时态为 一般现在时,故填 are exposed。 6.compared 此处是 when 引导的时间状语从句的省略形式, compare 与其逻辑主语 outdoor workers 之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故 用过去分词形式。完整的从句为 when they are compared to ...。 7.One 根据语境可知,有一组老鼠被注射了促进褐色脂肪生长 的蛋白质。此处表示“……其中之一”,故填 One。 8.lower than 是比较级的标志词,故填 lower。 9.prevention 空格处与 treatment 并列,且前有定冠词 the 限定, 后有介词 of,所以要用 prevent 的名词形式,故填 prevention。 10.possibly 空格处修饰动词 lose,要用副词,故填 possibly。

