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www.ks5u.com 英 语 试 卷 ‎(考试时间:120分钟  满分:150分)‎ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分 7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1.What does the man mean?‎ A.Open the window. B.Go to another room. C.Get out of the room.‎ ‎2.How does the man feel?‎ A.Nervous. B.Upset. C.Happy.‎ ‎3.Why does the man come to the woman?‎ A.To check out. B.To find his phone. C.To ask his room number.‎ ‎4.What did the woman learn as a second language in high school?‎ A.English. B.Chinese. C.Spanish.‎ ‎5.What are the speakers most probably talking about?‎ A.An air conditioner. B.The weather. C.The town center.‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5 分)‎ 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 ‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。‎ ‎6.What does the woman say about the teenagers in her country? ‎ A.They live traditional lives.‎ B.They want to have their own lifestyles.‎ C.They are more successful than their parents.‎ ‎7.What do parents offer their children in the man's country?‎ A.Freedom. B.Criticism C.Encouragement.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。‎ ‎8.Where is the woman going?‎ A.New York. B. Los Angeles. C. Chicago.‎ ‎9.What does the woman care most about?‎ A.The position of the airport. B.The departure time. C.The air ticket price.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10.Where does the man work?‎ A.In a hotel. B.In a tailor's. C.In a restaurant.‎ ‎11.What is the man?‎ A. A manager. B.A receptionist. C.A waiter.‎ ‎12.Why does the man wear a long overcoat?‎ A.To look good. B.To keep warm. C.To protect his suit.‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13.What is the woman doing?‎ A.Making a reply. B. Getting some advice. C.Asking for information.‎ ‎14.What sport is the most popular at the camping center?‎ A.Horse-riding. B. Sailing. C. Boating ‎15.When do groups always arrive at the camping center?‎ A.On Friday. B. On Saturday. C.On Sunday ‎16.What is the cost for a child?‎ A.$425. B. $450. C. $480.‎ 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20,四个小题。‎ ‎17.How old can the participants be?‎ A.12. B.15. C.20.‎ ‎18.What subject is added this year?‎ A.Comedy. B.Mystery. C.World travel.‎ ‎19.What do we know about the first prize winner?‎ A.He will have a chance to travel. ‎ B.A£2,000 prize will be given to him.‎ C.His story will be published in a magazine.‎ ‎20.When is the deadline?‎ A.September 1st. B.September 25th. C.October 1st 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)。‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A To the book lovers, nothing beats walking through a bookshop and looking at all the covers, picking large heavy books up and turning them over, the smell of ink on paper, conversations with strangers about authors. With the coming of the online book buying and e-books, many have predicted(预测) that the bookstores will disappear. And we’re grateful that there are plenty of beautiful bookstores still out there.‎ El Ateneo Grand Splendid Designed for Max Glucksmann, a pioneer of the music and film industries, this wonderful ‎ theater space was opened in 1919. The former theater now serves as a flagship store; more than 1 million people visit El Ateneo Grand Splendid every year.‎ The Book Barge The Book Barge is a 60-foot canal boat bookshop. Inspired by the Slow Food movement, the operator Sarah Henshaw says, “We hope to help develop a less hurried lifestyle of leisurely (慢悠悠的) pleasures, cups of tea, conversations, culture and something like these.”‎ Selexyz Dominicanen For those who regard bookstores with great respect, welcome to Selexyz Dominicanen, which now offers many kinds of books. The big space was used to store bicycles not long ago. But then the building was given interior (内部的) decoration, and the result is really a great surprise.‎ La Caverne aux Livres Few things make as romantic a pairing as books and trains. At La Caverne aux Livres in Auvers-sur-Oise, northwestern of Paris, an old postal train station and several train cars have become home to used books for sale. Visitors often spend hours looking at them, surrounded by an atmosphere (氛围) of old letters and dreams of faraway places.‎ ‎21.What do the book lovers care much about in bookstores?‎ A.Getting certain experiences. B.Having many more choices. ‎ C.Getting the best service. D.Finding the latest bestsellers.‎ ‎22.Which of the following encourages a slow lifestyle?‎ A. El Ateneo Grand Splendid. B.La Caverne aux Livres.‎ C. The Book Barge. D.Selexyz Dominicanen.‎ ‎23.What is special about La Caverne aux Livres?‎ A.It is set up on a boat. B.It is a car-themed bookstore.‎ C.Its decoration style is modern. D.It mainly sells second-hand books.‎ B A big challenge facing children who are seriously ill is keeping up with schoolwork. One mom’s high-tech solution: having kids being treated in hospital attend classes via robots (the robot’s screen displays a live video to feed the child’s need), allowing them to almost join in discussions, go on field trips, and generally feel connected.‎ After Leslie Morissette lost her son, Graham, to cancer of the blood in 1997, she honored him by founding Grahamtastic Connection, a non-profit organization that provides free electronic equipment for other sick kids. Since its foundation she’s helped over 1,600 kids. “He was really into communication and keeping in touch, always asking the doctors and nurses for their e-mail addresses,” she says.‎ Though Leslie was an art director for 12 years and ran Grahamtastic Connection on the side, she now puts her mind into her organization full-time. Offering sick children free technology ―whether it’s a robot, an iPad, a laptop, or Internet access ―helps first and best ‎ with education.‎ ‎“When a child is in hospital, parents want to do anything to allow him or her some normalcy (常态),” she says. “We connect kids to their normal world when it’s out of reach.” Some kids who have missed an entire school year can now go by robot and actually pass onto the next grade level without stepping foot inside the building. The equally important thing, though, is the social connection. “It stops the feeling of loneliness not just from the classroom, but from friends and family too,” she adds.‎ ‎24.What problem do children have to do with when in hospital?‎ A.They may fall behind in learning. B.They have no friends to play with.‎ C.They need more money for treatment. D.They have no chance to go on field trips.‎ ‎25.For what purpose did Leslie Morissette found Grahamtastic Connection?‎ A.To cure the sick kids. B.In memory of her son.‎ C.To communicate with doctors. D.In search of the cause of blood disease.‎ ‎26. What is Leslie Morissette’s job now?‎ A.She works as an art director. B.She focuses on preschool education.‎ C.She devotes herself to helping others. D.She helps look after patients in hospital.‎ ‎27.What is the main idea of the text?‎ A.The story of a strong mom after she lost her son.‎ B.The report of kids unable to keep up with school.‎ C.The history of the development of children groups.‎ D.The introduction of a kind mom and her organization.‎ C Glancing at the large room through her blue eyes, four-year-old Nicole in her oversize short skirt began to cry. "It's okay: honey.” I tried to encourage." Come and play with the other children.” But the more I persuaded, the more tears flowed.‎ Every week for the past eighteen years, I've spent Tuesdays with a dozen kids dressed in satin ribbons, feathers, butterfly wings and plastic jewelry. These afternoons are free flowing and non-threatening but for some strange reason, Nicole saw this as the final kiss of death.‎ In her mind, she was going to be left all alone with a strange woman and several other children. Uncontrollable tears rapidly started to flow and there wouldn't be enough tissues in the whole building to mop up the flood.‎ Tip toeing quickly to the door, I gently called to her father." Just sit in here for a while until she warms up.” I said. Standing next to his first born, Rich took his daughter's hand and led her to the centre of the room. Slowly he pushed, but again the damn broke. "Daddy, don't leave me!" Nicole cried. "Don't make me do this." Bending down on his knees until they were nose-to-nose, Rich gently whispered in her ear, “I'll do it with you. There's nothing to be afraid ‎ of." Holding her entire young hand around his middle two fingers, the pair went on to skip around the floor.‎ ‎“Wow!" I cheered. "You deserve a prize. I've never seen a dad do that before.”‎ For a brief second, Rich paused, and then with a smile, he replied, "Isn't this part of the job?"'‎ That wonderful moment was two years ago and I've thought of it often, especially when I see how well Nicole performs in class. More importantly, however, I've remembered it because it takes me back to my own dance beginnings with my father.‎ From the moment I was born, music spoke to me. The moment the radio or record player was turned on, I moved my arms and legs about the room in wild fashion. Most of the time, I was fine to perform alone, but the minute my dad walked into the room, I'd jump into his arms, hug him tight and place my tiny feet on top of his highly shined shoes.‎ While this memory is sweet, the real reason I hold it dear to my heart is because of what went behind his action. My father was not the most gifted creature on two legs when it came to dancing, but he'd stepped out of his comfort zone(区域)and danced because he knew how much I loved it. For him, helping his only daughter develop, despite how uncomfortable it made him feel, was part of his job.‎ As a child, my father did what he was told and lived as expected But when it came to his own children, he allowed us the chance to follow our own path and we were never forced to be like him, live like him or think like him. He provided an environment where my three brothers and I were permitted to explore our own jungle until we found the life that was right for us.‎ To all the fathers who've influenced your children's lives by stepping out of your comfort zones to dance, whether it is in mind, body or soul--this one's for you! You give a child the courage to stand on the center stage of life.‎ ‎28.Why was Nicole so sad at her first dancing class?‎ A.She was asked to mop up the floor.‎ B.She had to be left with the strangers.‎ C.She didn't like the oversized dress.‎ D.She was threatened by the older boys.‎ ‎29.What does the father mean by saying "Isn't this part of the job?” in Paragraph 6?‎ A.Dancing with their daughter is a father's part-time job.‎ B.It's a father's job to force her daughter to learn dancing.‎ C.Fathers are always there to help their daughter if necessary.‎ D.Fathers are required to accompany their daughter in dancing classes.‎ ‎30.What do we know about the author's father?‎ A.He was fond of dancing.‎ B.He liked to make choices for his children.‎ C.He required his children to follow his path.‎ D.He tried to live up to his parents' expectations.‎ ‎31.Why did the author treasure the memory of dancing with her father when she was a child?‎ A.It was her father who taught her to dance.‎ B.Her father encouraged her to dance when she was unwilling to do so.‎ C.Her father tried to please her although he was not comfortable about dancing.‎ D.Her father was patient enough when he was dancing with her. ‎ D Most children have ever heard their parents yell “sit up straight!” or “don’t slouch(脑袋耷拉)!” when they eat dinner. Nowadays, it is also heard around another activity — video games. Ten-year-old Owaish admits it takes him three to four hours a day to play games on his tablet computer. In addition, he plays for about two hours on the smart phone every day. As a result, he started suffering a severe pain in the neck around June or July. What’s worse the pain has spread to the hand and back gradually, which makes his mother Mehzabin become concerned.‎ The doctors note the number of young children with the chronic pain(慢性病) in their necks, arms and shoulders is on the increase sharp in recent years . They are not aging, they haven’t had an accident, the blood reports are fine, their X-rays are fine, and their MRIs are fine. Facts have proved that the pain is from the poor posture while they are playing video games on smart phones or other electronic devices. 19-year –old student Nida feels pain in the finger which holds the weight of her smart phone most of the day. Nida almost uses her smart phone 24/7, which means 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or all the time. ‎ Health experts predict there will be not only physical but psychological and emotional problems resulting from the overuse of electronic devices (电子设备). They encourage people to often take breaks and exercise from using computers, smart phones or other devices. Stand up! Stretch(伸展) the legs, back, shoulders and arms in all the possible directions. That’s the most effective way and maybe the key to solving the problem completely. After all, the medication doesn’t help sometimes.‎ ‎32.What is Mehzabin worried about?‎ A.Her son has no table manners. B.Her son’s physical problems get worse.‎ C.Her son doesn’t work hard at school. D.Her son spends much money on games.‎ ‎33.What do we know about the chronic pain(慢性病)? ‎ A.It is caused by the wrong body position. ‎ B.Adults don’t have the problem.‎ C.Using a heavy smart phone will cause it. ‎ D.Children with it often have other diseases.‎ ‎34.According to health experts, _______.‎ A.People should stop using smart phones. ‎ B.People must take medicine to cure the chronic pain.‎ C.best treatment for the chronic pain is exercising. ‎ D.the chronic pain has nothing to do with one’s mental health.‎ ‎35.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.To Play Games Well, Sit Up Straight ‎ B.Too Much Gaming Is A Pain In The Neck C.How To Avoid The Pain In The Neck ‎ D.How To Be More Fit By Playing Games 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Since the end of 2019, a terrible disease has been spreading all over the world. It’s caused by a virus that has not been found before in humans. 36._____________.‎ What are the symptoms(症状)?‎ The virus is from a family called the corona viruses. The symptoms of this illness are pretty ordinary on the face of it: it’s dry cough, fever and then breathing problems. 37.___________. However, as for the more severe cases, people have gone on to develop viral(病毒性的) pneumonia, and all the deaths have been among those people.‎ Who does this virus attack?‎ As we can see, older people are ending up in hospital with the virus. Most of the affected people are usually over 40 years old. 38._____________. Basically their immune(免疫) systems are not very strong, and they’re going to find it very hard to fight off a virus.‎ ‎39.___________________.‎ We’ve only just discovered that the new corona virus is actually spread from one person to another. It was hoped at first actually that it just came from animals as all corona viruses do. 40._______________. ‎ A.It seems quite mild(温和的)in lots of people.‎ B.How is this virus spread?‎ C.So the disease is called a "novel" or new virus. ‎ D.People affected by viral pneumonia will die.‎ E.Signs of the virus may appear between 2 and 14 days after being near someone who is affected.‎ F.Those who have died tend actually to have other diseases already.‎ G.Now it has been confirmed that it is actually passed from one human being to another, however.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1分,满分 20 分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ At the age of eighteen I couldn't wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood. ‎ But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the ____41.____, where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk ____42._____ by myself.‎ Then the doctor began the ___43.____. He looked into my eyes with a bright light. “I ____44._____your parents take you to an eye specialist,” he said, “I suspect(怀疑) you have a retinal(视网膜)disease. If you do, you'll never____45.__ a day in your life..."‎ My parents did take me to specialists. After much time and money spent seeking an 46._____ result, it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly ____47.____ a person of sight. But still, during daylight, I could walk without ___48.___. I could read, but not for hours. My eyes began to tear when I read more than a few pages. However, no matter how____49.____ my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the __50.__of great writers as well as I knew the most popular music stars. Their words were powerful, which ___51.___me to try writing. Soon writing brought me a lot of 52. each time I completed a paper. ‎ Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life. An article I ___53._______ appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my ___54.______, continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of my essays. I got interested in writing and ____55.___up with each acceptance. On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness ___56._____ I chose to present it. For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I____57._____ so many years ago. Now, I have numerous(大量的) essays and articles in ____58._____.‎ ‎ Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I could never work a day, he fueled (给…助力)my ___59.______ into success. He set the bar too ____60.____ and focused on what I wouldn't be able to do. Yet I proved what I could do.‎ ‎41.A.station B.hospital C.company D.lab ‎42.A.silently B.suddenly C.proudly D.easily ‎43.A.operation B.examination C.adventure D.treatment ‎44.A.require B.order C. suggest D.command ‎45.A.work B.live C.rest D.sleep ‎ ‎46.A.logical B.obvious C.painful D.accurate ‎47.A.robs B.warns C.reminds D.cures ‎48.A.medicine B.permission C.balance D.assistance ‎49.A.excited B.secure C.tired D.hopeless ‎50.A.houses B.names C.addresses D.habits ‎51.A.asked B.forced C.encouraged D.allowed ‎52.A.trouble B.pleasure C.pressure D.concern ‎53.A.admitted B.wanted C.described D.penned ‎ ‎54.A.delight B.admiration C.relief D.disappointment ‎55.A.gave B.came C.lit D.put ‎56.A.unless B.although C.since D.after ‎ ‎57.A.feared B.brought C.sought D.refused ‎58.A.print B.time C.use D.mind ‎59.A.imagination B.motivation C.responsibility D.personality ‎60.A.far B.long C.close D.low 第二节 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A lot of people have dreamed 61.________ becoming a singer . The reason why many people meet and form a band is 62._______ they like to write and play their own music . 63.__________( practice) their music is the first step to fame. Sometimes they may play to 64._______ (passer-by) in the street and later they may give performances in pubs or clubs. 65.______, Monkees started in a different way. They began 66.________ a TV show. The TV organizers put 67.________ advertisement in a newspaper to look for four musicians but they could only find one. So they had to use actors. The actors couldn't sing well and they just pretended 68.________ (sing). Anyhow their performances were popular. 69.____________‎ ‎(unlucky), the band broke up in 1970, but they reunited in the mid-1980s. They produced a new record in 1996, with 70.________ they celebrated their former time as a real band .‎ 第三节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 根据所给单词的汉语意思或首字母提示写出该单词的正确形式。‎ ‎71.The sudden_____________(出现)of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run away.‎ ‎72.This kind of drug can p______________ children from mosquitoes.‎ ‎73.Everyone knows the h________________ effect of smoking.‎ ‎74.We should f__________ the habit of keeping everything tidy and clean.‎ ‎75.Jenny is very ___________(敏感的) about being short, so don’t mention it.‎ ‎76.The coach said that they needed more ___________ (精力充沛的) players on their basketball team.‎ ‎77.I’m going on a d_________ and hope to lose two kilos before Christmas.‎ ‎78.If you place orders now, we will give you a 5% d___________.‎ ‎79.A person with good ____________(礼貌) never laughs at people when they are in trouble.‎ ‎80.All the waiters ______________ (鞠躬) together when the guests turned up.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Wang Peng, a owner of a restaurant, felt frustrated when seeing his restaurant was empty. When his old customer didn’t come into his restaurant, he realized something terrible must happened. He found his old customer entered a new restaurant in where simple food was served. The owner of the restaurant, Yong Hui, promised that she would help customers lose weight and kept fit in two weeks. Wang Peng decided to do some researches, for he couldn't have Yong Hui get away with telling a lie. That he found at the library made him feel hopefully and he decided to win back his customers. One day Yong Hui came to his restaurant and talked about the idea to combine her menu in Wang Peng’s. Their business cooperation was so a success that before long they got married.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是在宁夏学习的英国留学生Mike,最近从《新消息》上得知有大量的红嘴鸥(gulls )落户银川的湖泊,请你给该报报社写一份信, 内容包括: ‎ ‎ 1. 表达自己的喜悦心情 ; 2.对保护红嘴鸥提出一些建议并说明理由。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Sir/Madame,‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours sincerely Mike 高一英语试题参考答案 听力: 1-5: CBBCA 6-10: BAACA 11-15: BBCAB 16-20: ABCCB 阅读: 21-23: ACD 24-27: ABCD 28-31: BCDC 32-35:BACB 篇章结构:36-40: CAFBG 完型填空:41-45: B D B C A 46-50: D A D C B 51-55:C B D A C 56-60: A C A B D 语法填空 :61. of/ about 62.that 63. Practicing 64. passers-by 65. However ‎ 66. as 67.an 68. to sing 69. Unluckily 70. which 单词拼写: 71.appearance 72.protect 73.harmful 74. form 75.sensitive ‎ 76. energetic 77.diet 78.discount 79.manners 80.bowed 短文改错:‎ Wang Peng, a owner of a restaurant, felt frustrated when seeing his restaurant was empty. When ‎ ‎ an ‎ his old customer didn’t come into his restaurant, he realized something terrible must∧ happened. ‎ ‎ have He found his old customer entered a new restaurant in where simple food was served. The ‎ owner ‎ of the restaurant, Yong Hui, promised that she would help customers lose weight and kept fit in ‎ ‎ keep two weeks. Wang Peng decided to do some researches, for he couldn't have Yong Hui get away ‎ ‎ research getting with telling a lie. That he found at the library made him feel hopefully and he decided to win ‎ ‎ What hopeful back his customers. One day Yong Hui came to his restaurant and talked about the idea to ‎ combine her menu in Wang Peng’s. Their business cooperation was so a success that before long ‎ ‎ with such ‎ they got married.‎ 写作:‎ Dear Sir/Madame,‎ ‎ I am Mike, a British student studying in Ningxia. Knowing from your newspaper that a large number of gulls have chosen the lakes in Yinchuan as their habitats, I am writing to offer some suggestions to make their stay here safe and comfortable.‎ First, I advise we should protect the lakes where the gulls live. A favorable environment can attract more gulls to settle. Second, it would be a great idea if we don't spray pesticides on the plants around the lakes. Not only can the pesticide kill pests, but also it can do great harm to these birds. Third, we had better raise people's awareness of protecting the birds through TV, newspaper and radio. After all, many hands make light work. If everyone can protect the gulls consciously, their number will definitely increase. ‎ As a foreigner, I still feel it my responsibility to call on all people to do something for the gulls. I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration. ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely ‎ ‎ Mike ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 听力原文 Text 1‎ W: Shall I open the window?‎ M: No, please don’t. I’m not hot. Are you all right?‎ W: Well, this room is very small. I don’t feel very well in a small room.‎ M: Let’s go outside then. ‎ Text 2‎ M: I’ve failed the exam. What shall I do?‎ W: Don’t be so sad. What about going to a dance party or to the movies? That would cheer you ‎ ‎ up.‎ Text 3‎ W: Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?‎ M: Hello, I’m Peter Brown. I just checked out this morning, but I left my mobile phone in my ‎ ‎ room. ‎ W: What’s your room number, please?‎ Text 4‎ W: How long had you studied English before you came here?‎ M: For three years in high school, but I didn’t learn much, because most time I spoke Chinese ‎ ‎ with others. It was kind of like the Spanish you learnt here in high school. ‎ Text 5‎ W: You mean it’s still not fixed?‎ M: Not yet. Too bad it broke down on the hottest day of the year. And the really bad news is that I ‎ ‎ still have to buy a part in town before I can fix it.‎ Text 6‎ M: Is there a big generation gap between parents and their children in your country?‎ W: Yes, there is. Teenagers do not want to live traditional lives. They want to go out to have fun ‎ ‎ and explore the world. They want to develop their own views of life. Parents usually try to ‎ ‎ discourage them, but they don’t often succeed.‎ M: Parents usually give their children more freedom in my country. But sometimes they give them ‎ ‎ too much freedom. ‎ W: You are probably right.‎ Text 7‎ W: I need to make a plane reservation. I need to fly to New York City. ‎ M: When will you leave?‎ W: I need a flight on July 4th.‎ M: You can fly out of Los Angeles International or Burbank Airport. Which do you prefer?‎ W: I will fly out of whatever airport has the cheapest price. ‎ M: If you have a choice, what time of day would you prefer to fly?‎ W: Any time is OK. I would like to be booked on the least expensive flight. ‎ Text 8‎ W: So Chris, tell me something about your job.‎ M: I like my job very much. I don’t have to wear a uniform — you know, with a cap and all, like ‎ ‎ they do at some of the other hotels or restaurants, but I do wear a suit. A tailor-made one, not ‎ ‎ just any old suit.‎ W: That sounds wonderful. You must look smart in it.‎ M: Inside, at the front desk, they think I look smarter than the boss. I’m not so sure about that, ‎ ‎ but I do like to look good for the guests.‎ W: That’s great.‎ M: I’m the first person they see when they go into the hotel. And I’ve got this long black overcoat, ‎ ‎ as well, because it can get pretty cold standing here in winter, I can tell you.‎ Text 9‎ M: Good morning, Lake‎ Camping ‎Center. Can I help you?‎ W: Oh, yes. I am interested in bringing a group of children to your center this summer and I’d ‎ ‎ like some information about your center. ‎ M: Good. We’re a place where you can come and enjoy great fun.‎ W: I think we would like to have an educational visit and some fun. I was thinking of some of the ‎ ‎ children who failed exams and need to retake them next year.‎ M: I see. Well, we have really good teachers in different subjects. And we offer sailing, volleyball, ‎ ‎ boating and quite a few other sports. Most children have never tried horse-riding, so we offer ‎ ‎ courses in that, too. It is the most popular with children. ‎ W: That sounds good. And how many days could the children stay here?‎ M: For one week. Groups always arrive on a Saturday evening, and leave on the following Sunday ‎ ‎ morning. ‎ W: That would be fine. Now, about prices?‎ M: The cost would be $425 per child and $480 per adult. ‎ W: Okay. I’ll speak to my headmaster and get back to you as soon as possible.‎ M: Good. I look forward to hearing from you.‎ Text 10‎ W: We have the exciting news to give to you today. Our yearly Young Person’s Short Story Competition is open now. The competition is open to anyone aged between 13 and 18. Your story should be between 3,000 words and 10,000 words long. It must have a title. This is the fourth year of the competition and this year there is an extra subject. The regular subjects of “comedy” and “mystery” are still choices, but this year we have added the theme of “world travel”. This year’s judges are the successful writer of travel books, Bob Johnson, children’s author, Jenny Paige and short story writer, Alan Dobson. There are some amazing prizes: first prize is £5,000; second prize is £2,000 and third prize is £1,000. The winning stories will be published in the major literature magazine, New Authors. So get your thinking hats on. The deadline is Friday, 25th September. And a week after that on October 1st, we will read out the results. For more information, visit our website, www.youngwriters.competition.co.uk.‎ ‎ ‎

