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英汉互译 一 My name is Mike.1. I went to Beijing with my parents on vacation .2.天气非常晴朗.We spent five days in Beijing.3.我们参观了天安门广场。We also went to the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.Of course,We went shopping.The shops were crowded.We ate in some Chinese restaurant,too.4.The food was cheap and delicious.The Chinese people were very friendly.5.We had a good time in Beijing.‎ ‎1._______________________________________________‎ ‎2._______________________________________________‎ ‎3._______________________________________________‎ ‎4._______________________________________________‎ ‎5._______________________________________________‎ 二 ‎6. 我得承认我对历史一点儿也不感兴趣。‎ I must admit I’m _____________________ interested in history.‎ ‎7. 她在巴黎呆了一年多。‎ She stayed in Paris for _____________________ a year.‎ ‎8. 我认识他们当中的很多人,比如约翰和汤姆。‎ I know many of them, _____________________ John and Tom.‎ ‎9. 你弟弟每天上网吗,凯特?‎ Does your brother _____________________ every day, Kate?‎ ‎10. 米勒先生每天早上6点半开始锻炼。‎ Mr. Miller _____________________ at 6:30 a.m. every day. ‎ 三 ‎11.那个老师和孩子们相处得好。‎ The teacher_______ ________ _________ children.‎ ‎12.我不做与她相同的事。‎ I don’t do the ________ ________ ________ she.‎ ‎13.刘英真正地关心她的妈妈。‎ Liu Ying truly_______ _______ her mother.‎ ‎14.安娜比贝蒂努力得多。‎ Anna is _____ ______ ______ _______ than Betty.‎ ‎15.她与她的姐姐很像,她俩都很友好。‎ She is _______ _______ her sister. They are both friendly.‎ 四 ‎16. 世界上最受欢迎的运动项目是什么?‎ What’s              sport in the world?‎ ‎17. 这是我看过的最令人激动的电影。‎ This is the         movie that I’ve seen.‎ ‎18. 玛丽认为这首曲子是世界上最优美的。‎ Mary thinks this piece of music is              in the world.‎ ‎19. 阳光旅馆里的房间是附近最大最干净的。‎ The rooms in Sunshine Hotel are the     and     around here.‎ ‎20. 离我家最近的超市步行需5分钟。‎ ‎         supermarket from my home is              .‎ 五 My name is Linda. I’m a fifteen-year-old girl. I have three good friends at school. They are Judy, Alice and Dave. All of us like watching TV.‎ I watch TV three times a week. My favorite TV shows are sitcoms.21 I think they are very funny and can help me relax.‎ Judy can only watch TV on weekends. She loves talk shows best. 22She thinks they’re educational and she can learn a lot from them.‎ ‎23Alice enjoys watching soap operas, because she thinks they’re interesting. She watches them four times a week.‎ Dave watches TV every evening. 24大卫喜欢看什么? He likes the news.25 他想弄清世界各地正在发生的事情。‎ ‎21.____________________________________‎ ‎22.____________________________________‎ ‎23.____________________________________‎ ‎24.____________________________________‎ ‎25.____________________________________‎ 六 ‎26.学习一门新语言是不容易的 For many of us, speaking it is the hardest part! Here are some tips (advice)to help you become more comfortable speaking English. ‎ ‎ Tip 1 When you study, make your mouth do what your mind is learning. 27.If you read aloud, you make your mouth and your mind work. This will help you with both speech and pronunciation(发音).‎ ‎ Tip 2 28Talk to yourself as much as possible. You need to be comfortable making sounds in English. All over the day, talk to yourself in English! 29This will help you feel comfortable thinking in English. Then write down what you are saying and read it aloud again. ‎ Tip 3 Have a “study buddy(partner)”. Get together with him or her at least once a week and study together. Speak as much English as you can whenever you meet. 30之后,你们可以相互帮助. ‎ ‎26.____________________________________‎ ‎27.____________________________________‎ ‎28.____________________________________‎ ‎29.____________________________________‎ ‎30.____________________________________‎ 七 ‎31. 在这个镇上每个人都应该参与到清扫的工作中!‎ Everyone in this town ___________ ____________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________it up!‎ ‎32. 他们一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。‎ They do simple jobs ___________ _____________ _____________ ______________. ‎ ‎33. What happened? There are     (数百) people crowding round there.‎ ‎34. 那时警察在找那个失踪的孩子。‎ At that time, the police were     the lost child.‎ ‎35. 如果继续下雨,那个房子说不定会倒塌。‎ That house might     if it continues to rain.‎ 八 ‎ Do you like popular music? If you like it, you must know Yuquan. Perhaps it is the most successful pop duo (成对的表演者) in China. There are two big boys in this band. 36They wrote many beautiful songs by themselves. The two-man-band was founded in 1999. They were famous for “Most Beautiful”. It was their first album (专辑). It made them get the Best Group Award of Chinese Original Music Chart (原创音乐) that year. 37这使得他们很兴奋。 38许多年轻人喜欢他们的音乐, and most of them are girls and college students. Yuquan like to give concerts at colleges or universities(大学). And39 they want to write more and more beautiful songs for people. They said, 40“Music is our best language”.‎ ‎36. ‎ ‎37. ‎ ‎38. ‎ ‎39. ‎ ‎40. ‎ 九 Have you ever heard of the surprise party?‎ ‎41惊喜派对在美国非常受欢迎。 Most of the Americans think it is very exciting to have surprise parties for their friends or family members. It is quite possible to plan a surprise party when one's birthday is coming. 42Do you want to know what a surprise party is like?Look at the following example.‎ It's Saturday night. Bob's wife asks him to go to the kitchen and bring her a glass of milk. Bob walks to the kitchen and opens the door.Suddenly ,43.he_hears_a_strange_sound_and_then ‎_sees_a_bear_standing_in_front_of_him!‎ Bob is very scared and falls backwards.Just then the bear takes off his costume(戏服).It's Bob's friend Charles!There are also some other people behind him.All of them say to Bob,“Surprise!” Bob is puzzled,44.and_he_does_not_know_what_it_is_until_his_friends_say_“Happy_birthday!”_to_him.‎ ‎45事实上,有许多类型的惊喜派对。 A successful surprise party always makes people excited and surprised.‎ ‎41_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎42_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎43_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎44_______________________________________________________________‎ ‎45_______________________________________________________________‎ 十 ‎46组织一场派对对一些人来说不是非常容易的事。There are so many things to think about.I will give you some advice you can take when organizing a dinner party.‎ ‎47First you should decide the date of the party and who you are going to invite.Then send the invitations two or three weeks earlier.So your friends will have time to plan their activities.The best way of inviting them is calling.It is easy and quick.‎ ‎48The second thing is to decide the menu.Make a list(清单)of the food and drink.Please remember to ask your friends about their likes and dislikes.Some of them may be vegetarians(素食主义者).‎ Then don't forget to clean your room.You should do the cleanup at least a week before.The kitchen and bathroom(洗手间) are two most important places.49你也可以买一些花并把他们放在桌子上。.Your house will look beautiful with them.50If_you_do_so,your_friends_will_have_a_great_time_at_your_party!‎ ‎46____________________________________________________________‎ ‎47____________________________________________________________‎ ‎48____________________________________________________________‎ ‎49____________________________________________________________‎ ‎50____________________________________________________________‎ ‎1.我和我的父母亲去北京度了假。‎ ‎2. It was sunny.‎ ‎3. We visited Tian’anmen Square.‎ ‎4. 食物很便宜并且美味。 c可圈可点组卷cooco.net.cng ‎5. 我们在北京玩得很开心。‎ ‎6. not at all  ‎ ‎7. more than / over ‎ ‎8. such as  ‎ ‎9. go online ‎ ‎10. starts to exercise /exercising ‎11.is good with 12.same things as 13.cares about 14.a lot more hard-working 15.similar to ‎ ‎16. the most popular 17. most exciting ‎18. the most beautiful 19. biggest; cleanest ‎20. The closest; five minutes’ walk ‎21.我认为他们非常有趣并且能帮助我放松。‎ ‎22.她认为他们有教育意义并且她能从中学到很多。‎ ‎23.爱丽丝喜欢看肥皂剧,因为她认为他们很有趣。‎ ‎24.What does Dave like to watch?‎ ‎25.He wants to find out what’s going on around the world.‎ 26. Learning a new language isn’t easy.‎ 27. 如果你读得大声,,你就能让你的嘴巴和你的思想真正发挥作用 28. 尽可能多地与你自己交谈。 ‎ 29. 这会帮助你更舒适的用英语思考。‎ 30. Then, you can help each other.‎ ‎31.should play a part in cleaning ‎32.over and over again ‎33. hundreds of ‎34. looking for ‎35.fall down ‎36. 他们自己写了很多好听的歌。‎ ‎37.It made them very excited.‎ ‎38.Many young people enjoy their music ‎39.他们想给人们写更多好听的歌。‎ ‎40.音乐是我们最好的语言。‎ ‎41The surprise party is very popular in America.‎ ‎42你想知道惊喜派对是什么吗?‎ ‎43他听到一个奇怪的声音,接着看到他的前面站着一只熊。‎ ‎44直到他的朋友们对他说“生日快乐!”时,他才知道是怎么回事。‎ ‎45In fact,there are many kinds of surprise parties.‎ 46. It is not very easy for some people to organize a dinner party.‎ 47. 首先你应该确定派对的日期。‎ 48. 第二件事就是确定菜单。‎ 49. You can also buy some flowers and put them on the desk.‎ ‎50.如果你这样做的话,你的朋友们在晚会上会玩得愉快的!‎ ‎1. 每次乘飞机时, 我感觉我就像一只鸟儿飞翔在天空。‎ I___________ ___________a bird flying in the sky every time when I take a plane. ‎ ‎2. 这是一座多么美丽的校园呀!‎ ‎___________ ___________ ___________ ___________it is!‎ ‎3. 因为下大雪, 他只好待在家里。‎ He had to stay at home___________ ___________the heavy snow. ‎ ‎4. 最后大卫决定再尝试一次。‎ David finally___________ ___________ ___________it again. ‎ ‎5. 我希望有足够的钱为父母买一所大房子。‎ I hope to have___________ ___________ ___________ ___________a big house ‎     my parents. ‎ 答案: 1. feel like 2. What a beautiful school 3. because of 4. decided to try ‎ ‎5. enough money to buy; for

