山东临沂实验学校2020届高三高考模拟卷11英语试题 Word版含解析

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山东临沂实验学校2020届高三高考模拟卷11英语试题 Word版含解析

‎2020年山东临沂实验学校高考模拟卷(十一)‎ 英 语 ‎(考试时间:100分钟 )‎ 注意事项:‎ ‎1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。‎ ‎2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。‎ ‎3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)‎ 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Indonesia has said the country would be removing its capital city, in part because it's sinking into the Java Sea. Jakarta is one of the fastest sinking cities in the world, according to the World Economic Forum, due to rising sea levels and the over-extraction of groundwater. But it isn't the only city in trouble. Here's a look at some others that are also at risk.‎ Houston Houston has been sinking for decades and, like Jakarta, the over-extraction of groundwater is partly to blame.‎ The Houston Chronicle reported that parts of Harris County, which contains Houston, have sunk between 10 and 12 feet (about 3 meters), since the 1920s, according to data from the US Geological Survey. Areas have continued to fall as much as 2 inches per year, an amount that can quickly add up.‎ Lawmakers have tried to address the issue, creating a special purpose district meant to regulate the withdrawal of groundwater in 1975. But the problem has persisted, with privately owned wells and water suppliers continuing to pull from aquifers (蓄水层).‎ Lagos The city of Lagos sits on the coast of Nigeria, constructed partly on the mainland, partly on some - 21 -‎ ‎ nearby islands. It's also Africa's most populous city. Its geography makes Lagos especially easily flooded, and the coastline has already been eroding. As sea levels rise due to global warming, the city is increasingly at risk.‎ One study from 2012 revealed that, because Nigeria's coastline is so low, a sea level rise of just 3 to 9 feet (about 1 to 3 meters) "will have a catastrophic effect on the human activities in these regions."‎ Washington Washington is one of the most important cities in the US — and it's also sinking. Research from 2015 showed that America's capital will drop more than 6 inches (15 centimeters) in the next 100 years.‎ But unlike Jakarta, Washington's sinking has nothing to do with aquifers or rising sea levels — it's actually because of an ice sheet from the last ice age. A mile-high ice sheet pushed land beneath the Chesapeake Bay upward. When the ice sheet melted, thousands of years ago, the land settled back down. The researchers now believe that the area is gradually sinking, a process that could last thousands of years.‎ ‎1. What is the common reason for the sinking between Houston and Jakarta?‎ A. the soft land B. rising sea level C. the eroding coastline D. over-extraction of groundwater ‎2. What does the writer’s attitude towards the result of Huston lawmakers addressing the sinking problems?‎ A. positive B. indifferent C. unknown D. negative ‎3. Which of the following sinking cities has a striking different reason with others?‎ A. Houston B. Lagos C. Washington D. Jakarta ‎【答案】1. D 2. D 3. C ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了根据世界经济论坛的数据,由于海平面上升和地下水过度开采,雅加达是全球下沉速度最快的城市之一。但它并不是唯一陷入困境的城市,文章还说明了Houston、Lagos以及Washington三个城市下沉的原因。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ - 21 -‎ 细节理解题。根据Houston部分中Houston has been sinking for decades and, like Jakarta, the over-extraction of groundwater is partly to blame.可知,数十年来,休斯顿一直在下沉,与雅加达一样,地下水的过度开采也是部分原因。由此可知,休斯顿和雅加达之间下沉的共同原因是地下水过度开采。故选D。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据Houston部分中 But the problem has persisted, with privately owned wells and water suppliers continuing to pull from aquifers (蓄水层).可知,但问题依然存在,私人拥有的水井和供水商继续从含水层抽水。由此可推知,作者对休斯顿立法者解决下沉问题的结果持反对态度。故选D。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Washington部分中But unlike Jakarta, Washington's sinking has nothing to do with aquifers or rising sea levels — it's actually because of an ice sheet from the last ice age.可知,但与雅加达不同的是,华盛顿的下沉与含水层或海平面上升没有任何关系——事实上,这是由于上个冰河时代形成的冰原。由此可知,华盛顿的下沉原因与其他城市明显不同。故选C。‎ B Daban town is famous for girls and windmills, while Loulan is a myth (神话) in the desert. Two thousand years ago, beside the beautiful Luobu Lake, there lay Loulan ancient city of the Silk Road. Businessmen from every country gathered here and there were lots of dancing parties. Everything shows that people in Loulan lived a rich life then.‎ However, two thousand years later, this rich land suddenly disappeared from the map of China. It became an area covered with sand and dead tree trunks.‎ Loulan was first “discovered” by a Swedish man named Sven Hedin in 1900, and people from America, Britain, Japan and Sweden all set foot here. Then in the 1930s, a Chinese named Huang Wenbi came to Loulan for the first time. He visited and studied this area and found many relics that were beautifully and carefully made. It is recorded that the ancient city of Loulan was the capital of the Loulan Kingdom during the Han and Jin Dynasties, and covered an area of some 10,000 square kilometres. Inside the city, there are the ruins of government offices, temples and other old buildings. Outside the city there are some driedup rivers and much farmland. In the past century many things have been dug up there including Han Dynasty coins, mirrors and many others of Greek and Roman times. All these things show that a lot of business between the East and the West once took place there.‎ - 21 -‎ Lying on the northwest of the Lop Nur area, the Loulan Kingdom is now a lifeless area with endless “forests” of mounds (小丘) which aren't easily seen in other parts of the world. Its mystery has been attracting many people from many countries.‎ ‎4. The first person setting foot in Loulan in the 20th century was ________.‎ A. a European B. an American C. a Chinese D. a Japanese ‎5. Before Loulan disappeared, ________.‎ A. there was no government in that area B. people from America and Japan had been there C. a lifeless area with lots of mounds could be easily seen there D. much business between the East and the West had taken place there ‎6. What can be inferred from the text?‎ A Loulan was destroyed by the terrible weather there.‎ B. Wars between the countries made Loulan disappear.‎ C. Too many people gathered in Loulan and destroyed it.‎ D. How Loulan ancient city disappeared is still unknown to us.‎ ‎7 What makes so many people visit the Loulan Kingdom now?‎ A. Its pretty girls.‎ B. Its developing business.‎ C. Its mystery.‎ D. Its beautiful scenery.‎ ‎【答案】4. A 5. D 6. D 7. C ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了沙漠中的楼兰古国的历史文化。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第三段第一句中的“Loulan was first ‘discovered’ by a Swedish man named Sven Hedin in 1900”可知,20世纪第一个踏入楼兰的是一个瑞典人,属于欧洲。故选A项。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“All these things show that a lot of business between the East and the West once took place there.”‎ - 21 -‎ 可知,出土的文物表明楼兰古国内的东西方贸易往来很频繁。故选D项。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 推理判断题。由第二段中的“this rich land suddenly disappeared from the map of China”可知,楼兰古国两千年后突然从地图上消失;再由最后一段最后一句“Its mystery has been attracting many people from many countries.”可知,它的神秘性吸引了许多来自许多国家的人。由此可推知,楼兰古城是如何消失的,我们还不清。故选D项。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句“Its mystery has been attracting many people from many countries.” 可知,它的神秘性吸引了许多来自许多国家的人。故选C项。‎ C Your colleague’s sharp comment keeps replaying in your mind. Two of your students are trapped in a “he said/she said” battle. When you reflect on your emotional reactions, you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings, which can make you feel even worse. If so, the answer may lie in a skill called “self-distancing”,the ability to take a step back and view yourself more objectively. According to a research, when people adopt self-distancing while discussing a difficult event, they make better sense of their reactions, experience less emotional suffering, and display fewer signs of stress.‎ But what might self-distancing look like in action? Consider a typical “he said/she said” student conflict where they are each focusing on their own feelings. One is thinking,“I can’t believe he did that to me.” And another insists, “She really hurt my feelings.” However, if you ask them to take the self-distancing, they might step outside of themselves and ask broader questions: “Why was he so hurt in this situation?” or “How did her anger affect him?”‎ Although this approach may sound too simple to be effective, studies indicate that a change in point of view can have a powerful effect on the way people think, feel, and behave. Here are several different techniques you can try.‎ First,consider how a thoughtful friend might respond after quietly observing their situation. Besides, avoid using the pronoun “I”. Focus on using third-person pronouns, he, she, they, and they were able to see the stressful event as challenging rather than threatening. Finally, ask yourself, “How would I feel about this one week from now or ten years from now?” This form of mental time travel may be effective because our attention is directed away from our immediate, concrete circumstances.‎ - 21 -‎ ‎8. What is self-distancing?‎ A. Getting stuck in negative emotions. B. A stressful situation.‎ C A study on relieving emotional stress. D. Reflecting on yourself objectively.‎ ‎9. Paragraph 2 is developed by____.‎ A. example B. definition C. classification D. process ‎10. Which of the following statement uses the techniques of self-distancing?‎ A. I’m angry with him.‎ B. How I wish I could go back to the past!‎ C. How did these two people get to this point?‎ D. He grabbed my notes, and then, and then...‎ ‎11. What is the best title for the passage?‎ A. Why Self-distancing Matters B. The Application of Self-distancing C. Breaking the Cycle of Negative Reflection D. Ways to Reflect on Emotional Reactions ‎【答案】8. D 9. A 10. C 11. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是一种有助于打破消极循环的技巧——自我疏远。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the ability to take a step back and view yourself more objectively”可知,自我疏远指的是客观地反思自己,故D项正确。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Consider a typical “he said/she said” student conflict where they are each focusing on their own feelings.”及“However, if you ask them to take the self-distancing, they might step outside of themselves and ask broader questions: “Why was he so hurt in this situation?” or “How did her anger affect him?””可知,本段以学生冲突为例说明了自我疏远在实际行动中的应用,因此本段是通过举例的手法展开的,故A项正确。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ - 21 -‎ 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Besides, avoid using the pronoun “I”. Focus on using third-person pronouns, he, she, they,”可知,避免使用代词“我”,专注于使用第三人称代词他、她或他们,故C项(这两个人是怎么走到这一步的?)正确。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。结合本文内容,尤其是根据第一段中的“When you reflect on your emotional reactions, you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings, which can make you feel even worse. If so, the answer may lie in a skill called “self-distancing””可知,当你反思自己的情绪反应时,你有时会陷入消极情绪的循环,如果是这样,答案可能是一种叫自我疏远的技巧,由此可知本文介绍的是打破消极循环的技巧——自我疏远,故C项正确。‎ ‎【点睛】说明文的主旨大意题的难度较大,抓住文章第一段是关键,例如本篇第4题,根据第一段中的“When you reflect on your emotional reactions, you sometimes get caught up in cycles of negative feelings, which can make you feel even worse. If so, the answer may lie in a skill called “self-distancing””可知,当你反思自己的情绪反应时,你有时会陷入消极情绪的循环,如果是这样,答案可能是一种叫自我疏远的技巧,由此可知本文介绍的是打破消极循环的技巧——自我疏远,而不是自我疏远的应用或自我疏远的重要性。‎ D Music is not just a set of sounds and rhythms. Its influence on the brain is much deeper than any other human experience. Keep on reading to know all those amazing powers of music.‎ A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music. Experts led by Dr. Manoj Kumar of the University of Alberta, Canada, found that music had a beneficial effect on reducing pain for preterm babies experiencing painful medical tests. It also appeared to benefit full-term babies during operations.‎ Many people experiencing brain damage have speech and movement-related problems. Music can help recover from brain injuries. As a different and effective treatment, doctors often advise such patients to listen to good music to improve the parts of the brain responsible for these two functions. When people with neurological (神经的) disorders hear a musical beat, it helps them to regain a balanced walk.‎ Though music cannot make deafness disappear, it really can stave off the loss of hearing. There was an experiment involving 163 people where 74 were musicians. Participants were asked to pass some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians, and this difference gets - 21 -‎ ‎ clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year-old non-musician, even in a noisy environment.‎ Besides, music mends a broken heart. It is not about a thrown-away love, but about a heart attack. The matter is that music can help people recover from a heart attack or heart operation by reducing blood pressure, slowing down the heartbeat rate, and reducing anxiety. Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood, and expands blood vessels, thus, promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular (心血管的) system.‎ ‎12. How does music affect preterm babies?‎ A. It helps reduce their pain.‎ B. It helps develop their potential in music.‎ C. It helps improve their hearing systems.‎ D. It helps repair their neurological systems.‎ ‎13. What does the underlined phrase “stave off” in Paragraph 4 mean?‎ A. Lead to B. Increase C. Prevent D. Break into ‎14. Why can music mend a broken heart?‎ A. It has a positive effect on human body systems’ work.‎ B. It can help people prevent diseases caused by anxiety.‎ C. It helps make a person feel optimistic about life.‎ D. It can help patients recover in a slow way.‎ ‎15. What may be the best title for the text?‎ A. Who can benefit from music B. The best time to listen to music C. The way to choose quality music D. How music affects our mind and body ‎【答案】12. A 13. C 14. A 15. D ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文,主要说明了音乐对人大脑和心理的所能够产生的积极影响。‎ - 21 -‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 细节理解题。第二段第一句“A recent study suggests that preterm (早产的) babies appear to experience less pain and feed more when listening to music.”可知最近的一项研究表明,早产儿在听音乐时,似乎经历的痛苦更少,吃得更多。故音乐可以帮助早产儿减少痛苦,故选A。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。划线部分第四段第一句“Participants were asked to pass some listening tests. Musicians heard the sounds better than non-musicians, and this difference gets clearer with age. This means that a 70-year-old musician hears better than a 50-year-old non-musician, even in a noisy environment.”可知,音乐家比非音乐家听到的声音好,而且这种差异随着年龄的增长而越来越明显。这意味着,即使在嘈杂的环境中,70岁的音乐家的听觉也比50岁的非音乐家强。所以通过下文语境可以判断出,stave off意思为“预防;阻止”。故选C。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 细节理解题。最后一段最后一句“Listening to the quality music produces positive emotions, improves the movement of blood, and expands blood vessels, thus, promoting quick recovery of the whole cardiovascular (心血管的) system.”可知听高质量的音乐可以产生积极的情绪,促进血液运动,扩张血管,从而促进整个心血管系统的快速恢复。所以为什么音乐能治愈一颗破碎的心 是因为它对人体系统的工作有积极的影响。故选A。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,主要说明了音乐对人身体和心理的影响。所以短文的最佳标题为“音乐如何影响我们的身心”。故选D。‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Lavender essential oil (熏衣草精油) is obtained mostly from the flowers of he lavender plant. It has not only been used in making perfumes for many years but also has various health benefits.‎ ‎___16___ Lavender essential oil is known as an excellent treatment for various types of pains including those caused by sore and tense muscles, muscular aches, backache, and So on. A study on postoperative pain relief showed that combining lavender essential oil vapor with the oxygen significantly reduced the amount of pain experienced.‎ Induce (引起) sleep. Frequent studies on elderly patients have shown an increase in their sleep ‎ - 21 -‎ regularity when their normal sleep medication is replaced with some lavender essential oil being placed on their pillows. ___17___Therefore, it often replaces modern medicines for sleep issues.‎ Reduce mental stress and anxiety Lavender essential oil has a calming scent which makes it an excellent treatment for the nerve and anxiety issues. The refreshing aroma removes nervous exhaustion and restlessness while also increasing mental activity. ___18___‎ Provide hair care. ___19___A Scottish study reported that more than 40% of alopecia(脱发)patients in the study reported an increase in hair growth when they regularly applied lavender essential oil to the skin under their hair. Therefore, lavender oil is sometimes recommended as a preventative measure for male pattern hairlessness.‎ ‎___20___There is a significant research on the effects of lavender, in combination with other essential oils, as a way to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer in mice. However, this could be an indication of an increased chance of lavender battling the presence of other cancers.‎ A. Prevent cancer.‎ B. Relieve muscle pain.‎ C. It has a relaxing impact on people.‎ D. Promote muscle strength and health.‎ E. It has a well-researched impact on the automatic nervous system.‎ F. Lavender essential oil is very helpful in the treatment of hair loss.‎ G. Therefore, it can be helpful in treating depression, nervous tension and emotional stress.‎ ‎【答案】16. B 17. C 18. G 19. F 20. A ‎【解析】‎ 本文讲述了熏衣草精油的提炼、以及因为有镇静、止痛、抗沮丧、预防脱发、预防癌症等功效而广泛使用于医疗中。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 根据空格后Lavender essential oil is known as an excellent treatment for various types of pains including those caused by sore and tense muscles, muscular aches, backache, and So on.熏衣草精油有止痛的药用功效,得知本段主旨大意是熏衣草精油可以缓解肌肉酸痛。故选B。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 空格前说到研究表明Frequent studies on elderly patients have shown an increase in their sleep regularity when their normal sleep medication is replaced with some lavender essential oil being - 21 -‎ ‎ placed on their pillows.把熏衣草精油放在枕头上可以帮助老年人入睡,得知这是因为它有放松的功效。故选C。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 根据空格前的内容得知本段讲述了熏衣草精油可以使人镇静、抗沮丧的效果。G项中的帮助治疗沮丧正好起到上下呼应的作用。故选G。‎ ‎19题详解】‎ 根据空格前的Provide hair care.可以护发以及苏格兰的研究可知熏衣草精油在治疗脱发方面有帮助。故选F。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 根据空格后There is a significant research on the effects of lavender, in combination with other essential oils, as a way to prevent the occurrence of breast cancer in mice.熏衣草精油用于小老鼠身上的实验发现它有阻止乳腺癌发生的作用,得知本段主旨大意是熏衣草精油可以预防癌症。故选A。‎ 第二部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Scientists in Norway have some good news for coffee drinkers. Researchers have already found evidence that the drink or the beans can help with weight loss, ___21___ one’s risk of developing some diseases, promote muscle growth, protect against certain types of cancers and can even reduce one’s risk of premature(早于预期的) death, among many other ___22___. Now it is said that a cup of ___23___ reduces physical pain. ‎ The surprising finding is ___24___ a study involving 48 volunteers who agreed to spend 90 minutes performing computer tasks meant to finish office work. The tasks were known to ___25___ pain in the shoulders, neck, forearms and wrists. The researchers wanted to ___26___ how people with pain and those who were pain-free tolerated(忍受) the pain of such tasks. As a matter of convenience, the scientists allowed people to drink coffee before taking the test “to avoid ___27___ effects of caffeine lack, e.g. decreased vigor, sleepiness, and exhaustion.” they reported. ‎ When it came time to analyze the data, the researchers from Norway’s National Institute of ‎ Occupational Health and Oslo University Hospital noticed that the 19 people who drank coffee ‎ - 21 -‎ reported a ___28___ intensity(强度) of pain than the 29 people who didn’t. In the shoulders and neck, ___29___ the average pain was rated 41 (on a 100-point scale) among the coffee drinkers and 55 for the non-coffee drinkers. Similar gaps were found for all pain sites measured, and coffee’s obvious pain-reduction effect ___30___. ‎ However, the authors of the study, which was published this week in the journal, BMC Research Notes, warn that the results of the study come with many ___31___. For starters, the researchers don’t know how much coffee the coffee drinkers consumed(消耗) before taking the computer tests. ___32___, they doubt whether the coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers were ___33___ in all aspects except for their coffee consumption. Problems like these tend to ___34___ the importance of the findings. But those doubts are ___35___ to trouble the coffee drinkers looking for any reason not to cut back on their daily caffeine habit.‎ ‎21. A. take B. reduce C. increase D. face ‎22. A. trends B. advice C. benefits D. promotions ‎23. A. milk B. water C. coke D. coffee ‎24. A. based on B. fond of C. different from D. regarded as ‎25. A. cause B. indicate C. ease D. relieve ‎26. A. warn B. compare C. cure D. treat ‎27. A. unpleasant B. modest C. significant D. positive ‎28. A. lower B. higher C. shorter D. longer ‎29. A. in addition B. as a result C. for example D. in one word ‎30. A. turned up B. took up C. put up D. gave up ‎31. A. satisfaction B. uncertainties C. attention D. response ‎32. A. Moreover B. However C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless ‎33. A. guilty B. similar C. different D. proper ‎34. A. realize B. observe C. measure D. weaken ‎35. A. unlikely B. orderly C. jealous D. capable - 21 -‎ ‎【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文。研究人员发现咖啡这种饮料或咖啡豆有助于减肥,降低患某些疾病的风险,促进肌肉生长,预防某些类型的癌症,甚至可以降低过早死亡的风险,还有许多其他好处。同时文章说明了这项研究的过程以及研究结果,然而这项研究的作者警告说研究仍有许多不确定性。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究人员已经发现证据表明,这种饮料或豆类有助于减肥,减少患某些疾病的风险,促进肌肉生长,预防某些类型的癌症,甚至可以降低过早死亡的风险,还有许多其他好处。A. take带走;B. reduce减少;C. increase增加;D. face面对。结合下文promote muscle growth, protect against certain types of cancers and can even reduce one’s risk of premature death可知是这种饮料的优点,故此处指减少患某些疾病的风险。故选B。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:研究人员已经发现证据表明,这种饮料或豆类有助于减肥,降低患某些疾病的风险,促进肌肉生长,预防某些类型的癌症,甚至可以降低过早死亡的风险,还有许多其他好处。A. trends趋势;B. advice建议;C. benefits好处;D. promotions升职。结合上文promote muscle growth, protect against certain types of cancers and can even reduce one’s risk of premature death可知是这种饮料的优点好处,故选C。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:现在据说一杯咖啡可以减轻身体的疼痛。A. milk牛奶;B. water水;C. coke可乐;D. coffee咖啡。根据上文Scientists in Norway have some good news for coffee drinkers.可知是咖啡。故选D。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查形容词短语辨析。句意:这一惊人的发现是基于一项涉及48名志愿者的研究,他们同意花90分钟执行电脑任务来完成办公室工作。A. based on基于;B. fond of喜欢;C. different from不同于;D. regarded as认为是。结合下文a study involving 48 volunteers who agreed to spend 90 minutes performing computer tasks meant to finish office work.可知此处指这项发现是基于一项研究。故选A。‎ - 21 -‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些任务会造成肩膀、脖子、前臂和手腕疼痛。A. cause造成;B. indicate表明;C. ease缓解;D. relieve解除。结合下文pain in the shoulders, neck, forearms and wrists可知这些任务会造成肩膀、脖子、前臂和手腕疼痛。故选A。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究人员想要比较有疼痛感的人和那些没有疼痛感的人是如何忍受这类任务的疼痛的。A. warn警告;B. compare比较;C. cure治愈;D. treat对待。结合下文how people with pain and those who were pain-free tolerated the pain of such tasks可知是将有疼痛感的人和那些没有疼痛感的人进行比较。故选B。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:为了方便起见,科学家们允许人们在测试前喝咖啡,“以避免咖啡因缺乏的不良影响,如活力下降、嗜睡和疲惫。”A. unpleasant不愉快的;B. modest谦虚的;C. significant意义重大的;D. positive积极的。结合下文decreased vigor, sleepiness, and exhaustion可知活力下降、嗜睡和疲惫都是不良影响。unpleasant effects“不良影响”。故选A。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:职业健康和奥斯陆大学医院注意到,喝咖啡的19名受试者报告的疼痛强度低于不喝咖啡的29名受试者。A. lower更低的;B. higher更高的;C. shorter更短的;D. longer更长的。结合下文average pain was rated 41 (on a 100-point scale) among the coffee drinkers and 55 for the non-coffee drinkers可知喝咖啡的19名受试者报告的疼痛强度低于不喝咖啡的29名受试者。故选A。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查介词短语辨析。句意:例如,在肩部和颈部,喝咖啡的人的平均疼痛程度为41分(满分100分),而不喝咖啡的人为55分。A. in addition此外;B. as a result结果;C. for example例如;D. in one word总之。结合上文可知测试的身体部位有肩膀、脖子、前臂和手腕,此处只列举了肩部和颈部作为例子,故选C。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查动词短语辨析。句意:在所有测量的痛觉部位都发现了类似的差异,结果发现咖啡有明显的止痛效果。A. turned up出现;B. took up接受;C. put up提供;D. gave up放弃。结合上文可知测试中都表现出了咖啡的止痛效果,故选A。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ - 21 -‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,本周发表在BMC Research Notes杂志上的这项研究的作者警告说,这项研究的结果存在许多不确定性。A. satisfaction满足;B. uncertainties不确定性;C. attention注意;D. response响应。结合下文For starters, the researchers don’t know how much coffee the coffee drinkers consumed before taking the computer tests.可知研究人员不知道喝咖啡的人在接受电脑测试前喝了多少咖啡,故这项研究的结果存在许多不确定性。故选B。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 考查副词辨析。句意:此外,他们怀疑喝咖啡的人和不喝咖啡的人除了喝咖啡外,其他各方面是否相似。A. Moreover此外;B. However然而;C. Otherwise否则;D. Nevertheless然而。此处承接上文For starters, the researchers don’t know how much coffee the coffee drinkers consumed before taking the computer tests.表示进一步说明,故选A。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:此外,他们怀疑喝咖啡的人和不喝咖啡的人除了喝咖啡外,其他各方面是否相似。A. guilty内疚的;B. similar相似的;C. different不同的;D. proper适当的。结合下文in all aspects except for their coffee consumption可知喝咖啡的人和不喝咖啡的人除了喝咖啡外,其他各方面是否相似对研究结果也会有影响。故选B。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这类问题往往会削弱研究结果的重要性。A. realize意识到;B. observe观察;C. measure测量;D. weaken削弱。根据上文Problems like these tend to可知这些类似的问题往往会削弱研究结果的可信度,故选D。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这些疑虑不太可能困扰那些寻找任何理由不减少日常咖啡因习惯的咖啡饮用者。A. unlikely不可能的;B. orderly有序的;C. jealous嫉妒的;D. capable有能力的。结合下文trouble the coffee drinkers looking for any reason not to cut back on their daily caffeine habit可知这些疑虑不太可能困扰那些寻找任何理由不减少日常咖啡因习惯的咖啡饮用者。故选A。‎ ‎【点睛】完形填空主要考查学生对语篇的全面理解,要求学生在做题时能够做到“身临其境,感同身受”准确把握作者写作意图,同时“瞻前顾后,左顾右盼”,充分考虑前后文的逻辑关系,仔细推敲,最后还原整体和细节。例如小题7,结合下文decreased vigor, sleepiness, and exhaustion可知活力下降、嗜睡和疲惫都是不良影响。unpleasant effects“不良影响”。故选A。‎ - 21 -‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ On Oct. 16, 2018, one of the two co-founders of Microsoft, Paul G. Allen, ___36___ (die)at age 65 from cancer. ‎ When ___37___ comes to Microsoft, the first person we think of was Bill Gates, the other co-founder of the firm. ___38___, Allen was just as important to the ___39___ (create)of the company. Allen was, many people say, a much quieter person. He was content with the science side of things, while Gates has the ___40___ (good)head for business. ‎ When the pair started Microsoft in the mid-1970s, they focused on the microcomputer industry. Microcomputers were small computers ___41___ (design)to be used in the home. ___42___ they lacked, though, was an operating system, which is where Microsoft came in. The company’s big break came in 1980, ___43___ Microsoft created the MS-DOS operating system. Later came Windows. ‎ After Allen passed away, Bill Gates made a statement ___44___ (praise)Allen, “Even in high school, before most people knew what a personal computer was, Paul predicted that chips would get super-powerful and would ____45____(eventual)give rise to a whole new industry. ”‎ ‎【答案】36. died ‎ ‎37. it 38. However ‎ ‎39. creation ‎ ‎40. better 41. designed ‎ ‎42. What 43. when ‎ ‎44. to praise ‎ ‎45. eventually ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要悼念了过世的微软创始人之一--Paul G. Allen,讲述了他和Bill Gates之间的创业经历,同时提到了Bill Gates对他的赞赏。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 考查时态。句意:2018年10月16日,微软两位联合创始人之一保罗·g·艾伦(Paul G. Allen)因癌症去世,享年65岁。根据语境On Oct.16, 2018可知,应是一般过去时。故填died。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ - 21 -‎ 考查固定句式。句意:说到微软,我们首先想到的是该公司的另一位联合创始人比尔·盖茨。when it comes to… 固定句式,意为“当谈及……”。故填it。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 考查副词。句意:然而,艾伦对公司的创立同样重要。分析可知,本句与前一句为转折关系,应用转折副词however。故填However。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:然而,艾伦对公司的创立同样重要。to 为介词之后应用名词形式。故填creation。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 考查形容词比较级。句意:他对科学方面的东西很满意,而盖茨更擅长商业。分析可知,本句中将Allen与Gates进行对比,前一句中的形容词“quieter”暗指比较含义,因此所填空应用比较级。故填better。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 考查非谓语。句意:微型计算机是设计用于家庭的小型计算机。分析可知,___6___ (design)to be used in the home应是之前名词small computers 的后置定语,动词design与其之间为被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故填designed。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 考查名词性从句。句意:不过,他们缺少的是一个操作系统,而这正是微软的切入点。分析可知,___7___ they lacked为主语从句,从句中动词lacked缺少宾语,应用引导词what。故填What。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 考查定语从句。句意:微软的重大突破出现在1980年,当时微软开发了MS-DOS操作系统。分析可知,___8___ Microsoft created the MS-DOS operating system. Later came Windows 应是之前时间名词1980的定语从句,先行词在从句中作时间状语,应用关系副词when引导。故填when。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 考查动词不定式。句意:艾伦去世后,比尔·盖茨发表声明赞扬了艾伦。分析可知,此空应是动词不定式表目的。故可填to praise。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 考查副词。句意:甚至在高中时,在大多数人还不知道个人电脑是什么之前,保罗就预言芯片将变得超级强大,并最终催生出一个全新的产业。分析可知,副词修饰动词短语“give rise - 21 -‎ ‎ to”,在句中作状语。故填eventually。‎ ‎【点睛】语法填空之非谓语好判断 非谓语形式在语法填空题中考查多为作定语或作状语形式比较多。判断方法如下:第一步,首先判断句中已经存在谓语;第二步,根据位置判断非谓语的句子成分;第三步,判断主被动关系,选择现在分词形式还是过去分词形式。比如文章第6小题:‎ Microcomputers were small computers ___6___ (design)to be used in the home.‎ 第一步,句中存在谓语“were”;第二步,“___6___ (design)to be used in the home”结构在名词之后,应是后置定语;第三步,与名词small computers之间为被动关系,应用过去分词。因此答案为designed。‎ 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 (满分15分)‎ ‎46. 第二节 写作 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:‎ ‎1. 表示歉意;‎ ‎2. 解释原因;‎ ‎3. 另约时间。‎ 注意:1. 词数120~150; ‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节。‎ ‎【答案】Dear Tom,‎ I was far too happy that we made an appointment to visit Beijing together next weekend. How I appreciate the opportunity to be your guide in Beijing! But I’m afraid we’ll have to make it another time, because I’ll be meeting my uncle at the airport. He is on business from Australia, and will be home for only two days. It’s a rare chance for our family to get reunited since he left home ten years ago. I hope you’ll forgive me for not keeping my word. If it’s convenient for you, we can make it the weekend after next, or you may make the choice, OK?‎ By the way, my family and I will be overjoyed to have your company when my uncle is home. If you have no plan, please let me know, and I’ll fetch you upon my uncle’s return. Have a happy weekend.‎ Sincerely yours ‎ - 21 -‎ Li Hua ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本书面表达是一篇提纲类作文。‎ ‎【详解】这是一篇电子邮件写作,写作缘由是因为自己因故,而不能赴与在上海上学的英国朋友Tom下周末去北京旅游的约定。邮件内容主要包括表达歉意,解释原因,以及另约时间。在结构上面,文章使用了三段式,第一自然段首先真诚地表达自己的歉意,第二自然段,仔细说明自己失约的缘由,第三自然段,再次主动真诚的邀请Tom一起去北京旅游。文章结果层次分明,调理清晰。动笔前,一定要认真分析要点,不能遗漏要点。时态:用一般现在时。使用一些高级句型和词汇提升作文档次。‎ ‎【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多主从复合句和固定句型:How I appreciate the opportunity to be your guide in Beijing!这句话运用了感叹句。If it’s convenient for you, we can make it the weekend after next, or you may make the choice, OK?运用了条件主语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式,显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。‎ 第二节 (满分25 分)‎ 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。‎ ‎47. Mr. Plumbean lived on a street where all the houses were the same. He liked it that way. So did everybody else on Mr. Plumbean's street. Then one day a seagull flew over Mr. Plumbean's house and made a big orange splot(斑块) on Mr. Plumbean's house.‎ ‎“Oh! Too bad!” everybody said. “Mr. Plumbean will have to paint his house again.”‎ So Mr. Plumbean got some blue paint and some white paint, and that night he got busy. He painted at night because it was cooler. When the paint was gone, the roof was blue. The walls were white. And the big orange splot was still there. Then he got some more paint. He got red paint, yellow paint, green paint, and purple paint.‎ In the morning the other people on the street came out of their houses. Their houses were all the same. But Mr. Plumbean's house was like a rainbow. It was like a jungle. It was like an explosion. There was the big orange splot. And there were little orange splots. There were stripes. There were - 21 -‎ ‎ pictures of elephants and lions and pretty girls and steam-shovels. That day Mr. Plumbean bought carpenter's tools. That night he built a tower on top of his roof, and he painted a clock on the tower.‎ At night the next day Mr. Plumbean got a truck full of green things. He planted palm trees, baobabs , bushes, and onions. When the other people came out of their houses, they saw Mr. Plumbean swinging between two palm trees and Mr. Plumbean was drinking lemonade.‎ Plumbean has gone too far! “Plumbean, what have you done to your house?” the people shouted.‎ ‎“My house is me and I am it. My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” Mr. Plumbean said.‎ The people went away. They asked the man who lived next door to Mr. Plumbean to go and have a talk with him. "Tell him that we all liked it here before he changed his house. Tell him that his house has to be the same as ours so we can have a neat street."‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。‎ Paragraph 1‎ The man went to see Mr. Plumbean that evening.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Paragraph 2‎ Then, one by one, they went to see Mr. Plumbean, late at night. ‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【答案】读后续写 Paragraph 1‎ The man went to see Mr. Plumbean that evening. They sat under the palm trees drinking lemonade and talking all night long. Early the next morning the man went out to get rope and nails and paint. When the people came out of their houses they saw a red and yellow ship next door to the house of Mr. Plumbean. “What have you done to your house?” they shouted at the man. “My house is where I like to - 21 -‎ ‎ be and it looks like all my dreams,” said the man, who had always loved ships.‎ Paragraph 2‎ Then, one by one, they went to see Mr. Plumbean, late at night. They would talk about their dreams. Whenever anybody visited Mr. Plumbean's house, the very next day that person would set about changing his own house to fit his dreams. Whenever a stranger came to the street, the stranger would say, “This is not a neat street.” Then all the people would say, “Our street is us and we are it. Our street is where we like to be, and it looks like all our dreams.”‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇读后续写作文。‎ ‎【详解】通过阅读所给文章可知,这篇文章主要讲了Plumbean先生按照自己的想法设计和改造房子,使得街道看起来很不整洁,人们让Plumbean先生的邻居去劝说他。‎ 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:那天晚上,这个人去见了Plumbean先生,所以后文应该是讲述这个人见到了Plumbean先生后,发生的事情,并且第二天这个人对自己的房子进行了改变。第二段开头是:然后,他们一个接一个地在深夜去见Plumbean先生。本段应该写同样的故事继续上演着,所有人都对自己的房子进行了改变。当有陌生人问起时,所有的人都会异口同声地回答Plumbean先生经常说的话。 最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。‎ ‎【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:“My house is where I like to be and it looks like all my dreams,” said the man, who had always loved ships.表语从句和非限制性定语从句的运用;Whenever anybody visited Mr. Plumbean's house, the very next day that person would set about changing his own house to fit his dreams.时间状语从句的运用。‎ - 21 -‎

