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上学期高二英语11月月考试题01‎ ‎(考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)‎ 第一卷(选择题部分,共100分)【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】第一部分 听力,共两节,满分20分 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项 ‎( )1.What does the man think of the woman’s job? ‎ ‎ A.Boring B.Interesting C.Difficult ‎( )2.Where does the conversation probably take place? ‎ ‎ A.At a parking lot B.In a garage C.On a road ‎( )3.Why is the man so happy? ‎ ‎ A.Because he’ll get money from the bank ‎ ‎ B.Because he’s earned a lot of money ‎ ‎ C.Because he’s got a new better job ‎( )4.How was the man yesterday? ‎ ‎ A.He got a stomachache B.He got a headache C.He got a fever ‎( )5.How much should the man pay for stamps? ‎ ‎ A.5 dollars 64 cents B.2 dollars 14 cents C.1 dollar 14 cents ‎ 第二节 听第6段材料,回答第6-7题 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】( )6.Where are the two speakers? ‎ ‎ A.In the broadcasting room B.At the traffic lights C.On the highway ‎( )7.What will the two speakers do next? ‎ ‎ A.Get off at the Capitol exit B.Listen to some music C.Drink some water 听第7段材料,回答第8-9题 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】 ( )8.How much discount(打折) can the bike Tom wanted to get? ‎ ‎ A.30% B.20% C.10% ‎ ‎( )9.What does the woman want to buy?‎ ‎ A.Trousers B.Skirts C.Shoes ‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10-12题 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】( )10.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? ‎ ‎ A. Couple B.Colleagues C.Friends ‎( )11.What does the man like? ‎ ‎ A.Saving money B. Reading C.Shopping ‎ ‎( )12.How much did the woman spend on a T-shirt this month? ‎ ‎ A$15 B.$‎50 C.$300‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13-16题 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】 ( )13.Where does the conversation probably take place?‎ ‎ A.In Billy’s house B. In the woman’s house C.In the teacher’s office ‎( )14.What are the two speakers mainly talking about? ‎ ‎ A.Billy’s study B.Billy’s brother C.Billy’s homework ‎( )15.In which grade is Billy’s brother now?‎ ‎ A.Junior Two B.Junior Three C.Senior Two ‎( )16.What can we learn from the conversation?‎ ‎ A.Billy’s brother is bad at English ‎ ‎ B.Billy is very good at biology ‎ ‎ C.Billy never did his homework ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17-20题 【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】( )17.Which is one of the famous institutions mentioned in the text? ‎ ‎ A. Oxford B.London C.Edinburgh ‎ ‎( )18.How many students attend British universities in total? ‎ ‎ A.Over 25,000 B.About ‎15,000 C.About 12,000‎ ‎( )19.What does “public schools”really mean in the text?‎ ‎ A. Famous schools ‎ ‎ B.State-owned schools ‎ ‎ C.Independent and private schools ‎( )20.What is the percentage of boys and girls who go to a public school?‎ ‎ A25% B 2.5% C.0.25%‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】第一节 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)‎ ‎( )21.Everyone assumes John is ________but they don’t know the other side ‎ ‎ of the coin. ‎ ‎ A.blamed blame C. blaming D. to be blamed ‎( )22.The police are searching the town for Mr Smith, who they think ‎ ‎ is _______to the murder. ‎ ‎ A.concerned B.linked C.united D.mixed ‎ ‎( )23.After reading her writing, every teacher came to the ______ that she was a very careful and promising girl.‎ ‎ A.conclusion B.decision C.impression D.opinion ‎ ‎( )24.You should _______the facts related to this problem which can make ‎ ‎ others know you are innocent. ‎ ‎ A.clarify B.judge C.explain ‎ ‎( )25 We tried to settle the argument but_______ nothing. ‎ ‎ A. accomplished B.finished C. ended D.managed ‎ ‎( )26.Jane,____her credit, did not believe his story. ‎ ‎ A.on B.for C. to D. in ‎ ‎( )27.The group________three women and four men.‎ ‎ consisted of B.makes up C.consists of making up of. ‎ ‎( )28.--Helen, I hate to say this, but the TV has been on for the whole morning. ‎ ‎ ---Oh,Mum, I’ll________it off. ‎ ‎ A.shut B. fold C.switch D.remove.‎ ‎( )29.I recognized he was the man who helped me out of trouble in the street ‎ the ______I saw him. ‎ ‎ A.instant B.sight C.occasion D.route ‎ ‎( )30.Harry, why are you driving so slowly? Do________a bit or we’ll be late. ‎ ‎ A.turn up up C.speed up up ‎ ‎( )31.If________more care and attention, the boy would not have gone that far ‎ ‎ on the wrong path, I’m sure. ‎ ‎ A.give C.given give ‎ ‎( )32.---Why did you take no notice of me? ‎ ‎ ----Oh, ________in a book, I didn’t notice you get into my room. ‎ ‎ A.lost B.losing C. being lost D. to be lost ‎ ‎( )33.---Why didn’t that superstar appear in the match? ‎ ‎ ---Because he had his left leg ______during the training yesterday.‎ ‎ be injured B.injuring C.injured D.being injured.‎ ‎( )34.It is one of the funniest things _______on the Internet so far this year. ‎ ‎ A.finding B.being found C. to find D.found ‎( )35.Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints_________. ‎ ‎ A.handle B.handled C.are handled D. were handled ‎ ‎( )36.If it is quite_______to you, I will visit you next Tuesday. ‎ ‎ A.convenient B.fair C.easy D.comfortable ‎ ‎( )37.Always read the________on the bottle carefully and take right amount ‎ ‎ of medicine.‎ ‎ A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptions D.introductions ‎( )38.John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work ________, ‎ ‎ he gladly accepted it. ‎ ‎ A. finished B. finishing C. having finished D. was finished ‎( )39.While watching television, __________.   A. the doorbell rang                B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell ring       D. we heard the doorbell rings ‎( )40.Judging from his look, I can say Mr. Li is at our arrival ‎ ‎ at this time.‎ ‎ A. annoying, annoyed B. annoying, annoying ‎ C. annoyed, annoyed D. annoyed, annoying 第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎( )41. A.invented B. found C. gained D. showed ‎( )42. A. mountains B. landscapes C.valleys D. forests ‎( )43. A.response B. attitudes C.emotions D. experience ‎( )44. A.Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever ‎ ‎( )45. A. probably B. occasionally C.unwillingly D. always ‎( )46. A.traveler B. teacher C. trainer D. climber ‎( )47. A. hot B. proper C. special D. ordinary ‎( )48. A.vacation B. trip C. journey D. voyage ‎( )49. A. settled B. lay C. located D. Stood ‎( )50. A. tour B. travel C. ride ‎ ‎( )51. A. continued B. wanted C. seemed D. stopped ‎( )52. A. place B. rest C. pause D. breath ‎( )53. A troubles B. hotness C. difficulties D. failure ‎( )54. A. manage B. tolerate C. change D. try ‎( )55. A. praise B. inform C. train D. encourage ‎( )56. A. more closely B. closely C. closer D. close ‎( )57. A. think about B. care for C. find out D. think out ‎( )58. A. might B. would C. can D. need ‎( )59. A. sure B. excited C. proud D. certain ‎ ( )60. A. going down B. going out C. going over D. going off 第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A ‎ ‎ Shakespeare's life can be divided into three periods: the first 20 years in Stratford, which includes his schooling,early marriage, and fatherhood;the next 25 years as an actor and playwright (剧作家) in London; and the last five in retirement back in Stratford where he enjoyed the wealth gained from his theatrical (戏剧的) successes. The years linking the first two periods are marked by a lack of information about Shakespeare, and are often referred to as the “dark years”. ‎ Shakespeare probably left school at 15, and took some sorts of jobs, especially since this was the period of his father’s financial difficulty. A great number of references in his plays suggest that William may have in fact worked for his father, thus gaining specialized knowledge.‎ At some point during the “dark years”, Shakespeare began his career with a London theatrical company — perhaps in 1589 — for he was already an actor and playwright in 1592. Shakespeare apparently wrote and acted for Pembroke’s Men, as well as a lot of others, in particular Strange’s Men, which later became the Chamberlain’s Men. ‎ When, in 1592, the theaters were closed for about two years, due to a terrible disease. Shakespeare turned to writing book-length poetry. Most notable were Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece, both of which have been translated into many languages and even been included in students’ textbooks. During this same period, Shakespeare was writing his sonnets (十四行诗), which are more likely signs of the time’s fashion rather than actual love poems detailing any particular relationship. He returned to play writing when theater reopened in 1594, and published no more poetry. His sonnets were published without his permission in 1609, shortly before his retirement. His final play was Henry VIII, two years before his death in 1616.‎ ‎( )61. Why did Shakespeare take some sorts of jobs at the age of 15 and didn’t ‎ ‎ go on studying?‎ ‎ A.Because he wanted to be an actor in London. ‎ ‎ B. Because he liked his job more than studying. ‎ ‎ C. Because his family was badly off at that time.‎ ‎ D. Because he wanted to open his own company.‎ ‎( )62 Which of the following words can take the place of the underlined ‎ ‎ word “notable” in the last paragraph?‎ ‎ A.famous B. fashionable C. long D. educational ‎( )63. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?‎ ‎ A. Shakespeare didn’t write any plays between1592 and1594. ‎ ‎ B. Shakespeare published his sonnets in 1609.‎ ‎ C. After writing Henry VIII, Shakespeare wrote nothing.‎ ‎ D. Shakespeare’s sonnets were written between 1592 and 1594.‎ ‎ B The porter(搬运工人) brings your bags to your room and helpfully explains all you want to know. Then he points to the phone and says: “If there's anything else you need, just call.” All this time you have been thinking one thing: “How much should I tip(付小费)him?” To make your next trip a little easier, here's a guide to tipping across some Asian countries.‎ Bangkok In general, the more Westernized (西方化的)the place is, the more likely you will be expected to leave a tip. Some top-end restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appreciate you tacking on(附加)the 10% yourself. However, if you're eating at a lower-end(低档的)restaurant a tip is not necessary. If you're staying at one of Bangkok's many five-star hotels, expect to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(泰国货币单位), depending on how many bags you have. Taxis are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare(车费)up to the nearest five baht.‎ Hong Kong Tipping is customary in this money-mad metropolis(大都市). Most restaurants add a 10% service charge to the bill, but the extra money often ends up in the pocket of the owner. If the service is good, add another 10% to the bill, up to HK $‎100 in an especially nice restaurant. For HK $10 hotel porters should do it at all but the nicest hotels where a new HK $20 bill may be more acceptable. When in a taxi, round up(凑整数)to the nearest dollar.‎ Kuala Lumpur Tipping in Malaysia is limited to the expensive Westernized hotels, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room. If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge. But at local restaurants, there's no need to add a tip. At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(马来西亚货币单位)will content a porter. At lower-end buildings don't feel you have to tip. Like Bangkok, many taxis are now metered so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit.‎ Seoul Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has become a matter of course in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added. If you're at a Korean barbecue joint(烧烤处), there's no need to add anything extra. But a nice Italian restaurant may require a 10% contribution. If you're at a top-end hotel, so expect to pay 500~1,000 won per bag. Taxi drivers don't accept a tip. Keep the change for yourself.‎ ‎( )64. In which of the following cities is it unnecessary to tip ‎ ‎ the taxi-drivers?‎ ‎ A. Bangkok. B. Seoul. C. Kuala Lumpur. D.Hong Kong.‎ ‎( )65. Which of the following is NOT the unit of money?‎ ‎ A..Won. B. Baht. C. Charge D. Ringgit.‎ ‎( )66. From the text, we can infer tipping comes from _______.‎ ‎ A. Hong Kong B.Bangkok C. Asian countries D. the west ‎( )67. If you stay at a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur, how much will ‎ ‎ you pay the porter at least?‎ ‎ A. 10% of service charge.B. half a ringgit C. one ringgit D.two ringgit.‎ ‎ C Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy's little girl”. While I grew up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children's lives. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel(优秀), so I could accomplish my work outstandingly among my people. Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others' needs ahead of your own, but you should make sure you are not taken advantage of by others. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and he is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on, no matter how tiny it is. I highly respect him for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion(同情) for people,‎ ‎ and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved(保守的) man, but to everybody's surprise, he has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on the faces of his wife, his children and his friends. ‎ Living in his affection(爱) and instruction, I am very proud of my father. He also professes(声称) how proud he is of his children, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.‎ ‎( )68. What is the best title for the passage?‎ ‎ A. How my father loved me B. My father--the person I admire most ‎ ‎ C. I am the apple of my father's eye D. My father—the one who influenced me most ‎ ‎( )69. Which of the following could not be used to describe the author's father?‎ ‎ A. Considerate and humorous. B. Affectionate and open-minded.‎ ‎ C. Learned and fashionable. D. Energetic and helpful.‎ ‎( )70. According to the underlined part, the father was telling the author ‎ ‎ to . ‎ ‎ A. try to be good to those who were worth making friends with ‎ ‎ B. try to take advantage of those who were friendly to her ‎ ‎ C. think about others and help them, so that she could make them serve her ‎ ‎ D. think about others and help them, but not to be made use of in a negative way ‎( )71. What can we infer about the author?‎ ‎ A. She appreciated her father because he solved all the problems for her.‎ ‎ B. She considered her father humorous and was often made to laugh by him.‎ ‎ C. She had compassion for the fatherless.‎ ‎ D. She was outstanding in work because her father pushed her hard.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ D Reading‎ is the key to success in all school subjects. With a bit of creativity, you can help your child enjoy reading more, and encourage him to do more!‎ ‎ Buy or borrow a lot of “fun” books. Choose books that are slightly below his level of reading ability. Don’t forget what your child likes to do when choosing books for him. Don’t comment about the books. Simply leave the books lying on the table where your child is sure to see them. Computer games are not as harmful as most parents usually think them to be. Instead, you should take advantage of your child’s love of computer games to purchase those that require a lot of reading and avoid those that are simply computerized video games.‎ Buy your child a bedside reading lamp, or a tiny book light. Tell him that from now on, he must be in bed by a specific time (say 8:30) and that he can either sleep or read. Most kids will do anything else rather than go to sleep, so there’s a chance you’ll create a new bedtime reading habit.‎ Many children will read when they are sitting alone having a snack, or when they have a few minutes of unplanned free time. Put a box of books and magazines near the kitchen table so that reading material is accessible. ‎ Often, once children learn to read independently, parents stop reading to them. This change of routine causes great sadness to a child who has come to love falling asleep as you read. Even a teenager will enjoy being read to if you pick books that interest him.‎ ‎ Select books together, and make sure they’re ones you enjoy as well, so your enjoyment will come through as you read to them.‎ ‎( )72. To make children become interested in reading, parents ‎ ‎ should _______. ‎ ‎ A. tell them what they can learn from these books ‎ B.choose the easiest books for them to read ‎ ‎ C. choose books based on their interest ‎ D. always read books together with them ‎ ‎( )73. Which of the following is NOT what parents are advised to do? ‎ ‎ A.Have reading material available. B.Pick the right computer games. ‎ ‎ C.Reduce children’s sleeping time. D. Read to children when possible ‎( )74. What attitude do most parents hold towards children playing ‎ computer games? ‎ ‎ A. Supportive. B. .Neutral(中立的) C. Negative. D. Doubtful.‎ ‎( )75. The main idea of the passage is to ________. ‎ ‎ A. help children succeed in school subjects ‎ B. give parents advice on how to educate children ‎ C. remind parents of the importance of reading ‎ ‎ D. teach parents how to encourage children to read ‎ 第二卷(共四节,满分50分)‎ ‎ 第一节 根据提示,写出单词的正确形式。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)‎ ‎ 1.Our school________(打败)that school at football yesterday afternoon.‎ ‎ 2.Can I_________(安排)an appointment for Monday?‎ ‎ 3.I applied for a job as a teacher in a local school, but I was r________.‎ ‎ 4.Though John and Andrew look exactly a_________, they act differently.‎ ‎ 5.The rural environment has a(n)________(积极的)effect on the ‎ ‎ children’s health.‎ ‎ 第二节 句子翻译(每空一词,满分10)‎ ‎ 6.这种药可以治好你的头痛。‎ ‎ This medicine will _______you _______your headache.‎ ‎7.他们在伦敦有一座房子,此外在西班牙还有一座别墅。‎ ‎ ________ _______their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎8 .他话不多,但言之有理。‎ ‎ He doesn’t talk much, but what he says____________ ____________.‎ ‎ 9.父母总是对我们孩子们要求很严格。‎ ‎ Mom and Dad are always very _________ ________us kids.‎ ‎ 10.抄这份论文时,注意别漏掉任何一字。‎ ‎ In copying this paper, be careful not to___________ ________any word.‎ ‎ 11.在大多数办公室, 电脑已经取代了打字机。‎ ‎ Computers have ________ _______ ______ _______typewriters in ‎ ‎ most offices.‎ ‎ 12.我还是无法相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。‎ ‎ I still cannot believe that I am ________ _________this prize that I won ‎ ‎ last year.‎ ‎ 13.但当他一想到要帮助受到霍乱威胁的普通百姓,他就感到很兴奋。‎ ‎ He became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary ‎ ‎ people ________ _________ cholera.‎ ‎ 14.上学路上,我的自行车坏了,我不得不去修理一下。‎ ‎ On my way to school, my bike ____________ ___________ and I had ‎ ‎ to have it repaired..‎ ‎ 第三节 短文填词(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ Alice, ‎ ‎ I have just got some good news to tell you that ‎ I w_______ a national prize for painting last week. 15.____________‎ ‎ My father was so h_______ that he suggested 16.__________ ‎ ‎ I go to England _______ a holiday. I’d like to stay there 17. __________‎ ‎ for half a month, _______(拜访) places of interest 18. ____‎ ‎ ______practising my English as well. We’ve been 19.____________‎ ‎ writing to each other for n__________ a year now. 20.____ __‎ ‎ I have often dreamed of _______(谈话) face to face with you 21.___ ___‎ ‎ I _________(想象)you’ll be on vacation yourself by that time. 22.___________‎ ‎ I am looking f____________ to seeing you. 23._____ _‎ ‎ Perhaps we could go out to do some ______(观光) together. 24.___ __‎ ‎ Best,‎ ‎ Lily 第一节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 现为高二学生的你肯定经历过多次考试,体验过成功,也遭遇过失败。请你根据下面的提示内容,简要概述中学生普遍存在的对考试失败的两种态度,并结合自身实际,说明你的观点。‎ 态度一 态度二 你的观点 当考试结果不尽人意时,情绪低落,丧失信心,不再继续努力。‎ 当考试失败时,分析并找出失败的原因,鼓励自己,增强自信,避免再犯同样的错误。‎ ‎?‎ 注意:词数:120左右; 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ We middle school students have many tests or exams.___________ _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 书面表达:‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

