2021届新高考英语人教版一轮考评训练::话题十九 历史与地理(B)

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2021届新高考英语人教版一轮考评训练::话题十九 历史与地理(B)

www.ks5u.com 话题十九 历史与地理(B)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎[2020·辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期联考] In a longsleeved shirt and jeans, Dieudonne Twahirwa looks nothing like the traditional African farmer. The 30yearold owner of Gashora Farm knows what a difference that makes.‎ ‎ “You need more role models,”he said, standing among kneehigh rows of chilli(辣椒) plants. “If you have young farmers, they have land and they drive to the farm, others may think, ‘Why can't I do that?’”‎ Mr.Twahirwa, a university graduate, bought a friend's tomato farm six years ago for $150. He made $1,500 back in two months. “You have to link farming with entrepreneurship and real numbers,” he said.‎ Many young Africans are abandoning areas in the countryside, choosing not to work hard and for a long time in the fields — a job made tougher by climate change.‎ But Twahirwa is one of the growing band of successful farmers working to make agriculture's image on the continent more attractive. Some 1,000 farmers now produce chillies for him. He is starting a fourth farm of his own, and exports fresh and dried chillies and oil to Britain, the United States, India, and Kenya.‎ Africa has the world's youngest population and 65 percent of its uncultivated arable land(耕地后备资源). Yet accessing land and loans is difficult, and African productivity is low with crop yields just 56 percent of the international average.‎ ‎“Agriculture is mainly associated with suffering and no young person wants to suffer,” said Tamara Kaunda. She believes African agriculture needs a change to get rid of its oldfashioned image of very hard and tiring work with a hoe. “Show young people tractors, green fields, nice irrigation systems and smartphones,” she said.‎ Getting young people involved in agriculture does not mean they have to work on a farm. For example, in coffee production, the beans go from the farm to the washing station, then to be separated from the husks(外壳).‎ ‎1.What does “Why can't I do that?” in Paragraph 2 mean?‎ A.Why can't I drive to the farm?‎ B.Why can't they farm?‎ C.They follow the example of those farmers.‎ D.They bought a friend's tomato farm.‎ ‎2.What makes it harder for farmers to work?‎ A.Poor land. B.Climate.‎ C.Low income. D.Long working hours.‎ ‎3.What can we learn about Twahirwa according to Paragraph 5?‎ A.He made a fortune by growing chillies.‎ B.His chillies are superb in the world.‎ C.Farmers working for him live a simple life.‎ D.The locals aren't willing to buy his chillies.‎ ‎4.When it comes to agriculture in Africa, what do people think about it?‎ A.Loans are difficult.‎ B.Most land is uncultivated. ‎ C.Crop yields are rather low.‎ D.Farming methods are out of date.‎ B ‎[2020·成都第一次诊断] For six hundred years, the Tower of London's most exotic (异国风情的) prisoners were animals.‎ ‎ The Royal Menagerie(动物园) began as a result of kings exchanging rare and strange animals as gifts. In 1235, Henry Ⅲ was delighted to be presented with three wildcats by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Ⅱ. These inspired him to start a zoo at the Tower. Henry's “wildcats”, although described as leopards, were probably lions. These are the ancestors of the three lions that still appear on the England football team's shirts today.‎ ‎ In 1251 the lions were joined by a “white bear” probably a polar bear — given by the King of Norway. In 1255, the King of France sent the first elephant ever seen in England and “people flocked together to see the novel sight”. Sadly, the elephant died in 1258.‎ ‎ Poor treatment and cramped conditions meant many of the animals did not survive for long. But the Royal Menagerie continued to grow. Edward I created a permanent new home for the Royal Menagerie at the western entrance to the Tower, which became known as the Lion Tower. The terrifying sounds and smells of wild animals must have both impressed and scared visitors.‎ ‎ By 1622, the collection had been extended to include three eagles, two pumas, a tiger and a jackal, as well as lions and leopards, who were the main attractions.‎ ‎ However, the end of the Royal Menagerie came in the 1830s. Campaigners had begun to raise concerns, and the animals were expensive,‎ ‎ occasionally dangerous and a nuisance to the guardsmen. The Duke of Wellington sent 150 of the beasts to a new zoo in Regent's Park, today's London Zoo.‎ ‎ Despite Alfred Cops's best efforts to carry on, several further incidents including an escaped wolf and a monkey that bit a guardsman's leg convinced King William Ⅳ to shut down the Royal Menagerie for good in 1835. The remaining animals were sold to zoos and travelling shows and the Lion Tower was later demolished.‎ ‎5.What do we know about the elephant presented in ‎1255?‎ A.It caused big trouble.‎ B.It received much attention.‎ C.It lived painfully in the Lion Tower.‎ D.It died before the polar bear came in.‎ ‎6.How many types of animals at the Royal Menagerie are mentioned in the text?‎ A.Eight. B.Nine. ‎ C.Ten. D.Eleven.‎ ‎7.For what reason was the Royal Menagerie closed at last?‎ A.Security concerns. ‎ B.The decline of tourism.‎ C.Pressure from campaigners.‎ D.The financial burden to raise the animals.‎ ‎8.Which is the best title for the text?‎ A.The Royal Menagerie B.Gifts Presented to the King C.Tourist Attractions in London D.Miserable Life in the Lion Tower Ⅱ.七选五 ‎[2020·青岛市质量检测] People worldwide are living longer. Today, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond. By 2050, the world's population aged 60 and older is expected to total 21 billion, up from 901 million in 2015.‎ ‎ While this shift in the proportion (比例) of a country's population toward older ages-known as aging-started in highincome countries. For example, in Japan, 30% of the population are already over 60 years old. It is now low and middleincome countries that are experiencing the greatest change. __1__‎ ‎ At the biological level, aging results from molecular(分子的) and cellular damage over time. This leads to a growing risk of disease and ‎ death eventually. __2__ That's why we say there is no “typical” older person. While some 70yearolds enjoy extremely good health, other 70yearolds are weak and require a lot of help from others.‎ ‎ __3__ Retirement, relocation and the death of friends and partners are some of the possible reasons. For example, moving older people to a better house, which seems admirable behavior, may do harm to their health eventually.‎ ‎ __4__ Some people believe older people can be active and productive. A longer life brings opportunities, both for older people themselves and for society. They can pursue new activities such as further education or a new career. They also contribute in many ways to communities. __5__ This can lead to discrimination against older people. Therefore, society as a whole needs to address the ageist attitude by developing sound policies and offering various opportunities so that older people can experience fulfilling aging.‎ A.Nobody can ever escape from the aging process.‎ B.But these changes are only loosely linked to a person's age.‎ C.Yet the extent of their contribution depends heavily on their health.‎ D.Beyond biological changes, aging is also related to other life changes.‎ E.Although aging is a universal trend, views toward older people is different.‎ F.However, to others, older people are weak, dependent, and a burden to society.‎ G.By 2050, many countries like Chile and China will have a similar rate of older people to Japan.‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 ‎[2020·山西八校第一次联考]Most of us are familiar with the “Silk Road”, a network of land trading routes which connected northwestern China to Europe since the Han dynasty. With its recent 1.________ (popular), you may have heard of the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” as well, another network of land trading routes that connected China to various 2.________ (part) of Asia and Europe before sailing became common. Historically, the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” is no less 3.________ (value) than the “Silk Road”. And because of their respective locations(位置), sometimes the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” 4.________(refer) to as the “Southern Silk Road”.‎ ‎ The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” got its name as Chinese tea and horses were the main products 5.________ (buy) and sold along the route. Historians have traced the origins of the “Ancient Tea Horse ‎ Road” back to the Tang dynasty, 6.________ tea was being transported out of Yunnan to Beijing, Tibet, and other places. The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” was 7.________ (far) developed during the Song and Ming dynasties, and remained 8.________ busy trading route all year round until the Qing dynasty.‎ The “Ancient Tea Horse Road” served 9.________ not only a trading route, but also a bridge connecting different races-such as Han and the Tibetan people. It is located near the “Roof of the World”, and is where many minority groups are located, 10.________ (make) it a spot of many attractions.‎ 话题十九 历史与地理(B)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——社会发展——非洲农业 ‎【文章大意】 非洲青年Dieudonne Twahirwa从事农业生产,他通过自己的努力,获得了巨大的回报;非洲有世界上最年轻的人群与大量的耕地后备资源,但是由于气候与农业技术的落后,很多年轻人都不愿意从事农业;Dieudonne Twahirwa则为非洲青年树立了榜样。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:C 考查句意理解。根据第二段中的“If you have young farmers,they have land and they drive to the farm, others may think,‘Why can't I do that?’”‎ 可知,此处表示如果你有年轻的农民,他们有土地,而且开车去农场,其他人可能会想,为什么“我”不能那样做?该句意在表明其他人认为他们可以效仿这些农民的做法。故选C。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:B 考查细节理解。根据第四段“Many young Africans are abandoning areas in the countryside...a job made tougher by climate change”可知,在非洲,让农民的劳动难度更大的原因在于气候变化。故选B。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:A 考查推理判断。根据第五段中的“Some 1,000 farmers now produce chillies for him.He is starting a fourth farm of his own”可推知,Twahirwa通过种植红辣椒赚了很多钱。故选A。B项中的superb意为“质量极高的”。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 考查推理判断。根据第七段中的“African agriculture needs a change to get rid of its oldfashioned image of very hard and tiring work with a hoe”可知,非洲农业需要改变,以摆脱其传统的形象:使用锄头的非常辛苦和累人的工作。由此可推知,当谈及非洲的农业时,人们想到的是落后的耕作方法。故选D。A、B、C三项均为非洲农业的实际情况,不是人们对其的看法。‎ B 体裁:记叙文 题材:历史故事 主题:伦敦塔中的皇家动物园 ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了著名的伦敦塔中皇家动物园的历史。‎ ‎ 【难句分析】 These are the ancestors of the three lions that still appear on the England football team's shirts today.‎ ‎ 分析:该句为主从复合句。句中“that still appear on the England football team's shirts today”为that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词“the three lions”,引导词在从句中作主语。‎ ‎ 译文:这些是现今仍出现在英格兰足球队的衬衫上的三只狮子的祖先。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:B 考查细节理解。根据第三段第二句“In 1255,the King of France sent the first elephant ever seen in England and ‘people flocked together to see the novel sight’”可知,1255年,法国国王送给英国一头大象,英国人第一次见到大象,人们成群结队地去观看;据此可知,1255年被赠送的这头大象引起了很大的关注,故B项正确。‎ ‎6.答案与解析:C 考查细节理解。根据第二段第二句可知,该处提及“野猫”,很可能就是狮子;根据第三段第一句可知,该处提及“白熊”;根据第三段第二句可知,该处提及“大象”;根据第五段可知,到1622年,收藏范围扩大至包含三只鹰、两只美洲狮、一只老虎和一只胡狼、狮子和豹子;根据尾段第一句可知,该处提及狼和猴子;据此可知,该动物园中一共提及十种动物,故C项正确。‎ ‎7.答案与解析:A 考查细节理解。根据尾段第一句“Despite Alfred Cops's best efforts to carry on,several further incidents including an escaped wolf and a monkey that bit a guardsman's leg convinced King William Ⅳ to shut down the Royal Menagerie for good in 1835”可知,由于发生了危险事件,包括逃跑的狼和猴子咬人,故威廉四世终于决定永久关闭这家动物园,故A项正确。‎ ‎8.答案与解析:A 考查标题判断。通读全文可知,文章第一段为全文的主题句,结合全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了伦敦塔中的皇家动物园的历史,故A项最能概括文意。‎ Ⅱ.七选五 体裁:说明文 题材:社会文化 主题:世界人口老龄化 ‎【文章大意】 本文介绍了世界人口老龄化问题,以及人们对于人口老龄化的不同看法。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:G 根据上文内容可知,人口老龄化现象起源于高收入国家,但是目前中低收入的国家也正经历此次转变。G项“By 2050, many countries like Chile and China will have a similar rate of older people to Japan.”(截至2050年,许多像智利和中国这样的国家也会有和日本相似比例的老年人)承接上文,符合语境。故选G项。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:B 空后讲到这就是为什么我们说没有典型的老年人的原因。一些70岁的人身体非常好,而另一些70岁的人身体却很虚弱,需要别人很多帮助。B项“But these changes are only loosely linked to a person's age.”(但是这些变化与一个人的年龄没有太大的关系)中的changes指代上文中的随着时间的推移所产生的分子损伤和细胞损伤,语义上引出下文,过渡自然,符合语境。故选B项。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:D 设空处位于段首,有对本段内容进行总结的作用。D项“Beyond biological changes, aging is also related to other life changes.”(除了生理变化,老龄化与其他的生活变化也有关系)符合语境;另外,D项中的Beyond biological changes也对应了第三段第一句中的At the biological level(在生物层面上),承上启下。故选D项。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:E 设空处位于段首,有对本段内容进行总结的作用。本段内容主要讲述了人们对于老年人的不同态度。E项“Although aging is a universal trend, views toward older people divide.”“虽然老龄化是一个全球的趋势,但是(不同的人)对于老年人的看法是不同的”符合语境。故选E项。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:F 本段主要讲述了人们对老年人的不同态度,空前是一些人的正面看法,故本空应是另一些人的反面看法。F项“However, to others, older people are weak, dependent, and a burden to society.”‎ ‎(但是,对于另一些人来说,老年人是虚弱的,有依赖性的,是社会的负担)符合语境。故选F项。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 体裁:说明文 题材:历史文化 主题:茶马古道 ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了茶马古道的相关情况。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:popularity 考查词形转换。空前是形容词,且形容词前是形容词性物主代词its,后面应接popular的名词形式。popularity“受欢迎”。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:parts 考查名词复数。空处无限定词修饰,且part“区域,地区”为可数名词,故填parts。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:valuable 考查词形转换。根据空前的the “Ancient Tea Horse Road” is no less和空后的than可知,空处应填形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示茶马古道的重要性并不低于丝绸之路,故填valuable“很重要的”。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:is referred 考查动词时态和语态。此处描述的是现在的客观情况,应该用一般现在时,主语与refer to之间是被动关系,故要用被动语态。注意:refer的过去式和过去分词应双写r再加ed。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:bought 考查非谓语动词。动词buy与前面的名词products构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用过去分词形式作后置定语,表示被动。注意:and后的sold也是暗示。‎ ‎6.答案与解析:when 考查非限制性定语从句。when为关系副词,在此引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面表示时间的先行词the Tang dynasty,并在从句中作时间状语。‎ ‎7.答案与解析:further 考查副词比较级。根据语境可知,此处说的是茶马古道的进一步发展情况,而far的比较级有两种形式:farther和further。在指距离的远近时,两者都可用,但是当用来表示“进一步”的意义时,只能用further。‎ ‎8.答案与解析:a 考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处说的是直到清代为止,茶马古道都是一条全年繁忙的贸易路线。此处表泛指,又busy的发音以辅音音素开头,故填不定冠词a。‎ ‎9.答案与解析:as 考查介词。serve as sth.表示“可用作,可当……使”,故填介词as。as表示“作为”。‎ ‎10.答案与解析:making 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处的非谓语动词短语作结果状语,表示自然而然的结果,故用现在分词making。‎

