高中英语必修2教案:Wildlife protection-period2学案

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高中英语必修2教案:Wildlife protection-period2学案

‎ PeriodII Warming-up ,Pre-reading and reading Teaching aims: 1. Understand the general meaning of the new text to train the reading ability of the students ‎2. 德育目标: 使学生了解野生动物在西藏、津巴布韦和热带雨林的遭遇;通过恐龙的灭绝和渡渡鸟的故事使学生进一步意识到野生动物保护的重要性和紧迫性。‎ Teaching important and difficult points:‎ ‎1.Understang the whole reading.‎ ‎ 2.Train Ss’ablitily of fast-reading,careful reading and understanding the text Teaching methods: Make a thorough enquiry (Ss alone, Ss-Ss, Ss-teacher)‎ Teaching procedures:‎ STEP 1. Warming up【合作探究】‎ ‎1.What problems are some wild animals in China facing?‎ ‎2.What has China done to solve the problem?‎ ‎3.How have things changed since China took action to protect wild animals?‎ 以大熊猫作为范例,模仿着完成麋鹿和华南虎的表述。‎ 大熊猫的文字表述如下:‎ The problem the pandas face in China is that they do not have enough food because of the loss of bamboo growing areas.To solve this problem, China has set up a protection zone in Sichuan Province for the pandas.It is called Wolong Nature Reserve.Thanks to the effort, things have changed for the better.The number of pandas has risen from very few to around 70 after the growth of bamboo areas for the pandas.‎ STEP2. Pre-reading ‎⑴Are you concerned about animals and plants disappearing? Why?‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎⑵What will you do to protect wildlife?‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ STEP3. Reading Fast reading:‎ ‎ Read the passage silently and quickly and answer the following questions, You’ll be given 5 minutes.‎ ‎1.Which animal is being protected? ‎ ‎2.Which animal is likely to disappear altogether? ‎ ‎3.Which animal is unhappy with the way humans are dealing with environmental problems?‎ Careful reading Task1:Ask and answer—EX1 on p27‎ Task2:Fill in the form---EX2 on p27‎ STEP4 Extensive Reading PART I READING (SB, P30)‎ Fast reading The topic sentence of the passage:__________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________‎ The topic sentence of the first paragraph:_____________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ The topic sentence of the second paragraph:_____________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ Translation ‎1.千百万年前恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。‎ ‎2. 科学家是根据恐龙骨骼的连接方式来作出这种判断的。‎ ‎3. 另外一些科学家则认为,地球变得太热,因此恐龙不能在地球上生活了。‎ ‎ PART II Listening text (p30)‎ Once upon a time I lived on earth too.I was called “dodo”. My home was an island called Mauritius.I was curious and kind-hearted and quite different from most of the other animals there.I liked to make friends with the other animals and never quarreled.I had no enemies.My best friends were the other birds, the monkeys and all the other dodos of course.There were many of us.We were birds too but we were large and only had small wings.My favourite activity was to wander along the beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten.‎ One day a new animal came to my island.It was called man and at first we seemed to be good friends.Man followed me everywhere and I gave him some of my insects to eat.But one day I wondered where my other dodo friends were.Several of them seemed to have disappeared.I asked the other birds and the monkeys.They all said the same thing.“Your friends are being hunted and killed while you are walking on the beach.”Had man eaten them? I could not believe it.So I asked my friend, man, if it was true.He seemed surprised.“I have not seen the other dodos lately, ”he said, “perhaps they are being killed and eaten by some other animals.”When more dodos disappeared, I set a trap.I pretended to go for my walk but instead I hid in the forest and waited.Sure enough man came along.He ran after the last of my dodo friends and I saw him kill her.I felt so angry that I rushed out straight at man's spear.He killed me too.I was the last of my species.After that there were no more dodos in the world.My advice is: be careful who you trust.‎ Fast reading/listening to grasp the main idea.‎ The story is about_____________________________________________________‎ PART III READING TASK(P65)‎ Fast reading to grasp the main idea.‎ The story is about_____________________________________________________‎ STEP 5.Homework ‎ ‎1.Preview the second text (SB,P30)‎ ‎2.Reading task(WB,P65)‎ 全 品中考网

