高中英语Unit 4 Listening 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

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高中英语Unit 4 Listening 优秀教案(人教版必修4)

Period 4 Listening The General Idea of This Period This period aims at getting the students to train their ability to get the key information with body language. Teaching Important Points Listen to the materials about a traffic accident and retell the story after finding the correct order of the six pictures. Teaching Difficult Points Work in groups of four and act out the actions. Teaching Methods Task-based method Listening and cooperative learning Teaching Aids ‎ A projector,some slides and a multiple-media computer Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Get the students to improve their skills to get the key information and key words. Help them to learn more about body language. Process and Strategies Train the students’ listening skills. Feelings and Value After the study of this period the students are sure to understand the body language better and know how to use it in our daily life,thus avoiding some misunderstanding with others in communication. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision ‎ Check the students’ homework and ask some students to retell the reading text of SHOWING OUR FEELINGS.‎ Step 2 Pre-listening ‎ Ask the students to look through the six pictures in Ex.1 on Page 31 and ask them to guess what happen. T:Now,open your books and turn to Page 31.Look through the six pictures.The pictures are not in the correct order.Your task is to listen to the tape and rearrange the picture according to the listening material.But before we listen to the tape,I would like some of you to guess what happen in the pictures. S:I guess there is an accident.Maybe the car hit the cyclist who carries a box of apples. S:Then the policeman comes to settle down the matter. Step 3 Listening ‎ T:Your guess maybe right.Now we are going to listen to the tape.While listening,pay attention to these important points and you are asked to take notes of the actions that show the story in the passage. a)What Lin Pu says and does? b)What the cyclist says and does? c)What the policeman says and does? Now,I will play the tape twice.Please listen carefully.After listening to it twice,you will be given three minutes to find out the correct order of the pictures. After listening to the tape twice,ask the students to give their answers. T:So have you got the right order? S:2,1,3,4,6,5 T:Good job.‎ Step 4 Acting ‎ T:Have you also taken down some notes while listening?Get prepared to act out the story using both spoken and ‎ body language.I will give you 5 minutes to work in groups of three to act out the dialogue.One will be Li Pu,one will be the cyclist and one will be the policeman.You may use the following function items when you act it out.You may use the following functional structures to help you. You may not    Always stay    Be careful when  He must       You must       Never  Do not       You should never       Watch out  After five minutes,ask some groups to act out their dialogues.‎ Step 5 Further listening task ‎ T:Just now we have listened to a passage about an accident.Now we are going to a dialogue between two persons.One is a Chinese and the other is a Canadian.First,look over the six pictures.While you listen to the tape,number the pictures in the correct order as they happen in the story. After listening to the tape twice,ask the students to number the pictures in the correct order. T:Who have worked out the correct order? S:1,6,2,4,3,5, T:Well done!‎ Step 6 Discussion ‎ T:Discuss with your partners the differences between Chinese and Western gestures and body languages.You are required to point out the differences in the dialogue to the class. After 5 minutes. T:Who have found out the differences? S1:The body language in the text consists mainly of hand gestures.For example,to show the number 38,Shen Lei holds his fingers like this—three fingers for the three,and a pointing finger for eight.Julie uses first three fingers for three,then two hands holding up eight fingers. S2:In picture 5,Julie pats her hand at her throat to show she is very full.She means to say:“I am stuffed.” T:Good job!‎ Step 7 Extension ‎ T:What other examples of western body language have you seen,perhaps in films or on TV?Can you show them to the class and then show the way that Chinese people would express? S:For example:In western films,we often see people hugging and kissing when they greet each other in public.This does not happen as often in China.We might just shake hands.‎ Step 8 Homework ‎ ‎1.Give more examples of what you have observed in the body language of others. ‎2.Suggest some jobs in which body language is very important. ‎3.Write down five different kinds of body language used in our daily life. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Body language Period 4 Listening ‎1.Revision ‎2.Pre-listening—prediction ‎3.Listening—questions: What Lin Pu says and does? What the cyclist says and does? What the policeman says and does? ‎4.Acting ‎5.Further listening tasks on Workbook ‎6.Discussion Record after Teaching Activities and Research ‎ The students are encouraged to take the notes down while they are listening.After that they are to act out the story they hear using both spoken language and body language.The teacher may offer the students some functional structures. Reference for teaching Learning Tips 高考英语听力测试的技巧与训练 一、把握听力技巧,强化判断能力。 良好的听力技巧是听力测试取得理想结果的催化剂。把握好听力技巧能增强听的判断力,达到事半功倍的效果。听力技巧贯穿于听的自始至终的全过程,在时间上可分为听前、听中、听后三个阶段的处理技巧。在内容上可分为对整体、细节、特征三个方面的判断技巧。  在时间上,应注意下述要点: ‎(1)听前预估。高考听力测试规定在听每段对话或独白前,考生有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。要指导学生充分利用这5秒钟的时间浏览试题题干及备选答案,预估听力材料的可能内容与体裁,根据题干中的有关信息做到有所侧重,有的放矢地听。如高考听力试题:Why are many roads closed in the north?A.Because of heavy rain.B.Because of strong winds.C.Because of fallen stones from mountains.根据题中所问why 与供选的三个原因,可预估听力材料会涉及到造成许多道路关闭的原因,而heavy rain,strong winds 和fallen stones from mountains 三个原因中肯定有一个是应选的。通过听前预估,听时就可有的放矢地去捕捉相关的信息。一般来说,题干中的特殊疑问词who/whose/which/what/when/where/why/how(many,much,often,soon,long,far) 等往往能提示预估的方向和目标。  ‎(2)听中辨认。在听的过程中,往往会出现应选信息与干扰信息交叉并存在听力材料中这种情况。面对听力材料中丰富的信息,必须进行由浅到深,由此及彼,由表及里的辨认,从中选出有用的信息。辨析可以是词语性的,也可以是段落性的;可以是内容性的,也可以是逻辑性的。如听力材料关于订购音乐会门票的事情。其间一男士说:I’d like to need tickets left for the Chinese Music Concert on the twenty-eighth,please.售票房中的女士答道:Just a moment please.No,I think you’ve made a mistake.It’s on the thirtieth.男士接着说:Really?I read about it on the paper today.I am sure it is the Chinese Music on the twenty-eighth.女士接着答道:Oh,Sorry.I found you said the Japanese Music Concert.The Chinese Music Concert is on the twenty-eighth...对话中有关日期28号与30号,日本音乐会与中国音乐会等信息交叉同步呈现,而题目是 On which day will the Japanese Music Concert be held?A.The 28th.B.The 30th.C.The 15th.对日本音乐会的举办日期的确定,需要在听的过程中对不同的音乐会内容与不同的日期进行仔细的分辨后,才能对号入座,选出正确的B项。 ‎(3)听后推断。根据说话人的语音语调,用词造句时所使用的代表不同情感的词语,可推断说话人的主观意图;从说话人的语调变化或对话、独白的上下文关系,可推断出正确的结论。如从happy,glad,nice,wonderful,sad,surprised,disappointed,angry 等词的使用可推断出说话人高兴、赞扬、伤心、惊讶、失望、愤怒等情绪,从sure,believe,agree,disagree,like,dislike,hate,wonder,doubt,oppose等词的使用可推断出说话人的肯定、相信、同意、不同意、喜欢、不喜欢、讨厌、纳闷、怀疑、反对等个人意向。推断既可借助有代表性的词语来作出,也可根据上下文关系来决定。在听力材料夫妻商谈如何度周末的对话中,妻子说:I usually go shopping and have my hair done during the weekends and you usually watch football games on TV.丈夫接着说:Yes,you often have tea with your friends and I sometimes play cards with my friends.We seldom do anything together.It’s quite unlike when we were first married.试题是:Why is the man unhappy about their weekends?A.They seldom invite friends over.B.They seldom go out for a picnic.C.They seldom spend the weekends together.针对问题中why和unhappy等词,要从三个选项中判断原因。根据对话中We seldom do ‎ anything together.所表述的信息,对照三个选项可推断出do anything together与spend the weekends together有着内在联系,所以应选项是C。 对听力材料内容的判断应着眼于以下三个方面: ‎(1)捕捉主题。通过关注听力材料的起始、发展与结局等主要环节,可捕捉听力材料的主要内容与中心思想,获取整体信息。如听力材料对话:M:Well,I’d better be getting home now.W:Oh,it’s nice to see you too.试题:What are the two speakers doing?A.Enjoying meeting each other.B.Saying good-bye to each other.C.Planning to see each other again.上述对话中的be getting home 和nice to see you too 等对话内容表明该段的主题是告别而不是见面与安排重逢,所以该选B项。  ‎(2)弄清细节。在听的过程中,要听懂每个词语,抓住所有的细节是难度较大的。但根据题干的设计,弄清材料中的有关细节则是必不可少的。例如:时间、地点、年代、国家、人名以及有关数据,都可能是答题时必不可少的细节。听深听透材料中的必要细节,以作出正确判断,是听力测试取得成功的重要环节之一。例如听力材料对话是这样开始的:W:Excuse me,how can I get to the station,please?M:The station?The station,let me see.试题中与上述内容有关的第9题是:Where is the woman going?A.Bridge Street.B.The cinema.C.The station.根据女士问路时提到的the station 这一细节,可判断答案为C。  ‎(3)辨识标志。听力材料中往往有一些明显的特殊标志,如for example,however,one thing,the other thing 等,这些标志往往提示上下文的逻辑关系,如:转折、条件、让步、因果、比较、并列等。如在听力的独白内容中有如下的报道:In the north many roads are closed because of the strong winds.Two main roads near the grass road are blocked by trees.In the south,too,heavy rains and storms are reported.Near Dover fifty houses have been flooded.试题是:In which part of the country have fifty houses been flooded?A.In the south.B.In the north.C.In the east.报道中说到In the south,too,heavy rains and storms are reported.Near Dover fifty houses have been flooded.其中too这一标志词表明南部也有狂风暴雨,接着举例说到多佛附近50幢房屋被淹。由此可推断,50幢房屋被淹发生在南部,由此可选出A项。  二、确立训练体系,科学设计练习。  系统的听力体系是培养学生良好的听的能力的前提。现行高英语教材的每个单元中都设置安排了听力训练,但其操练量欠足,内容欠广,题型欠全。所以扩大听力训练材料的输入渠道,强化高考英语听力题型训练是必不可少的。听力训练材料的增选应该遵循下列原则: ‎(1)真实性。选用的听力材料一定要真实自然,题材为学生所熟悉并感兴趣,贴近学生的日常生活,具有交际意义。在可能的情况下,采用原籍人士在自然场合的声音。注意采用不同年龄、不同性别人士在不同场合的交际材料。  ‎(2)可理解性。材料的选择应该做到循序渐进、梯度展开。适当的难度与速度是必要的,但必须以学生能听懂理解为前提。材料中的生词应按考纲的词汇表加以控制。  ‎(3)多样性。为了适应日后多样化的交际需要,听力训练应让学生接触多元化的题材。除广泛的生活题材外,社会热点与自然科学题材也应纳入所选材料的范围之中。听力材料的体裁应具有多样化。对话、独白、新闻广播、故事、讨论、座谈歌曲等语言材料均是听力训练材料的可选体裁。此外,由于英式英语与美式英语在语音、口音、语调上均有一定的不同,所以多样性还应体现在所选听力材料中应该美国英语与英国英语并存。 在听力训练中,按照教学大纲对听的教学的要求,结合高考听力题型的难度与模式,根据不同层次的学生的实际情况,为不同程度的学生提供不同的符合他们胃口的听力菜单,可使每个学生都听有所得,学有所获。听力材料的内容与难度应由浅到深,循序渐进。听力材料的体裁应围绕考纲,丰富多样。除课本上的listening practice 的听力内容外,还可增添与教材配套的同步听力训练材料,“New Concept English”“Family Album USA”和VOA、BBC广播中有关节目板块都可根据需要补充列为听力材料。  精听与泛听是听力训练中不可忽视的一个重要环节。精听的内容应该是这些年的高考听力试题或高考听力样题。精听时让学生反复听这些精品材料,直到完全听懂,甚至能逐句复述为止。泛听则让学生听有相当篇幅和一定难度的材料,培养学生听懂材料大意,把握语调语感的能力。泛听是精听的基础,精听是泛听的深化。听力训练中的练习设计对提高学生的听力有着直接的影响。高考听力试题的模式是日常听力训练的首选练习题型,但是平日操练不能只停留在较单一的题型上,训练性练习的题型必须多于高考听力测试题型。除单项选择题外,正误判断、回答问题、听前设问、听后提问、完成句子、短文填空、填写表格、听力画图、归纳信息等题型都应该穿插安排在日常听力训练练习之中。对教科书中的听力训练材料,可结合高考设计针对性题型,做到题型与高考相符,难度与高考吻合。 三、注重综合训练,发展全面素质。 良好的听力的形成不能只局限于单一地听这一训练形式,听必须与说、读、写有机结合,听力训练必须课内课外科学地安排进行。  ‎(1)以说促听,听说结合。听与说是不可分割的整体,只有听懂了,才能接着说。多题材、大容量的口语练习,师生间、学生间的对话操练都必须建立在听懂的基础上才能进行。教师应该积极组织学生充分利用一切机会进行会话操练,融听于说之中,用说来促动听,让听说结合,相辅相成。  ‎(2)以读带听,听读结合。朗读与阅读是听读结合中读的两个方面 。对文字材料的跟读、听读、同步读,有助增强语感,识别语流,强化听力。扩大阅读面,增加阅读量,加快阅读速度,有利于培养快速思维,熟练理解技巧,丰富知识领域。因此,阅读中的快节奏、大容量与多信息能带动良好听力的形成。  ‎(3)以写拉听,听写结合。听写练习是提高听力水平的重要一步。限时性强、输入量大的听写能充分调动与集中人的注意力。听写时只有完整地接受、记忆所获得的信息,才能写下所听到的内容。如果学生能较完整地写下所听到的信息,那么在理解上肯定不会有什么大问题。因此,以写拉动听,听和写结合同样不可忽视。  ‎(4)必修选修,双管齐下。与听有关的英语选修课是听力训练的重要补充手段。每周一次的与英语听力有关的选修活动包括:VOA,BBC听力,学唱英语歌曲,英语多媒体视听,英语诗歌名篇朗诵,英语短剧表演,英语角等。英语听力选修活动应紧紧围绕听说开设,造就良好的听说氛围,及时辅助听说教学,提高学生的听说能力。  对英语教学中听这一最基本的交际能力,学生通过在真实或仿真实语言情景中,探索其内在的规律与技巧,认真体会,不断实践,是完全能够达到英语教学大纲所提出的要求的。

