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‘When Can We Go to School?’ Nearly 300 Million Children Are Missing Class. 近三亿学生停课:“我们什么时候能上学?” Only a few weeks ago, China, where the coronavirus outbreak began, was the only country to suspend classes. But the virus has spread so quickly that by Wednesday, 22 countries on three continents had announced school closures of varying degrees. 就在几周前,新冠疫情的始发地中国还是唯一停课的国家。但由于病毒传播过于迅速,截至周三,全球三大洲已有22个国家宣布实施不同程度的停课政策。 The speed and scale of the educational tumult — which now affects 290.5 million students worldwide, the United Nations says — has little parallel in modern history, educators and economists contend. 根据联合国的数据,全世界受影响学生达2.905亿之多。教育工作者和经济学家们认为,此次教育动荡的速度和规模在现代历史上可谓史无前例。 The effect of closing them for days, weeks and sometimes even months could have untold repercussions for children and societies at large. 各地学校有的关闭数日、数周,还有的甚至关闭数月,这些都可能对学生乃至整个社会产生难以估量的影响。 In some countries, older students have missed crucial study sessions for college admissions exams, while younger ones have risked falling behind in reading and math. 在一些国家,高年级学生错过了备战大学入学考试的重要学习环节,低年级学生则面临落下阅读和数学课业的风险; Parents have lost wages, tried to work at home or scrambled to find child care. Some have moved children to new schools in areas unaffected by the coronavirus. 家长们有的收入下降,有的试图在家办公或是手忙脚乱地寻找儿童看护;还有一些家长把孩子转到了未受新冠疫情影响地区的新学校。 School and government officials have sought to keep children learning — and occupied — at home.The Italian government created a web page to give teachers access to videoconference tools and ready-made lesson plans. Iran’s government has made all children’s internet content free. 各地学校和政府官员们试图让孩子们在家里继续学习,并且有事可做。意大利政府创建了一个网页,可以让教师使用视频会议工具和现成的教案;在伊朗,所有的儿童互联网内容都由政府免费提供。 The offline reality, though, is challenging. Technological hurdles and unavoidable distractions pop up when children and teenagers are left to their own devices — literally. 然而,现实中的线下生态挑战重重。当儿童和青少年真的能不受管束地自行使用设备时,技术障碍和不可避免的分心状况就会出现。

