牛津译林版七年级下册《Amazing things》(Period 6)课时训练

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牛津译林版七年级下册《Amazing things》(Period 6)课时训练

7B Unit 5 Amazing things Period6(Task & Self-assessment) 一、词组翻译 1. 喜欢和我打牌____________________ 2. 吃相同的食物______________________ 3. 停下来吃饭______________________ 4. 将肉放在两片面包之间_______________ 5. 在使用中________________________ 6. 有 152 英寸那样大__________________ 7. 至少____________________________ 8. 请求帮助__________________________ 二、词汇检测 1. _______(突然), a big dog came out and barked (吠) at me. 2. When she reads the stories of ghosts, she is so______ (害怕的). 3. This cake is too______ (干的). Who made it? 4.______ (没有人) wants to see this new film. 5. I was______ (惊奇的) to see him here this morning. 6. I like______(三明治)very much. I eat them for breakfast every day. 7. I planned everything______ (仔细地) for our trip to Hong Kong. 8. -How did you go to school this morning? -I went there by bus______ usual. 9. -Can we live______ air or water? -Of course not. 10. -Who taught your brother English? -He learned it______. He is very clever. 三、动词填空 1. We______ (try) to open the box but failed(失败). 2. There______ (be) many trees in this area three years ago. 3. Without______ (say) anything, my mother left my bedroom. 4. They______ (have) a great meal in their grandparents' home the day after tomorrow. 5. Millie ______ (put) the English book on the desk and opened the book to read. 6. The policeman______ (stop) the woman's car and asked her name. 7. Sandy is in her room. She______ (write) a letter to her friend. 8. Liu Yang is the first woman______ (walk) in space in China, 9. I______ (make) a chocolate cake for my sister the day before yesterday. But she______ didn't like it at all. 10. -______ we______ (go) to the cinema this Friday? -Sorry, I have no time. 四、句型转换 1. He leaves home. But he doesn't say goodbye to his mum.(合并为一句) He leaves home_______ _______ _______ to his mum. 2. Isn't that young man amazing?(作肯定回答) _______, _______ _______. 3. Lucy can sing well. Lily can sing well, too.(合并为一句) Lily can sing_______ _______ _______ Lucy. 4. He came back late from work as he often did. (改为同义句) He came back late from work_______ _______. 五、单项选择 ( ) 1. I often _______ a strange man on my way _______ last month. A. meet; to home B. met; home C. met; to home D. meet; home ( ) 2. The little cat miaowed all night. It _______ a baby's cry. A. sounds like B. sounds C. sounded like D. sounded ( ) 3. I knocked on the door but _______ answered. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody ( ) 4. When the wonderful film began, all the students stopped _______. A. talk B. say C. talking D. saying ( ) 5. We all think the trip to Beijing was so _______ and we all had great _______. A. interesting; funny B. interested; fun C. interested; funny D. interesting; fun ( ) 6. He asked _______ some information about dancing classes. A. on B. of C. from D. for ( ) 7. Now a computer can be _______ a book. A. as smaller as B. as smaller than C. as small as D. as small than ( ) 8. -Help yourself to some fish. - _______. I'm not hungry. A. Yes, Thank you B. No, thanks C. No D. OK, I will 六、完形填空 When I took my baby daughter to the supermarket for the first time,I 1 her in orange from head to 2 .At the shop,I put 3 in the shopping cart,and put what I bought 4 her, walked to the desk to 5 . A little boy and his mother were 6 me.The child was crying and 7 for something.‘He wants some cakes or sweets and his mother 8 let him have any,’I thought.Then I 9 his mother’s answer.‘ 10 ,she said and looked behind.‘you may not have a baby sister today.That woman got the last one.’ ( )1.A.drew B.pulled C.dressed D.wore ( )2.A.head B.foot C.nose D.ground ( )3.A.things B.myself C.him D.her ( )4.A.around B.above C.except D.between ( )5.A.bring B.sell C.post D.pay ( )6.A.in front B.afraid of C.in front of D.kind to ( )7.A.looking B.asking C.sending D.waiting ( )8.A.don't B.has C.will D.won’t ( )9.A.made B.gave C.heard D.1istened ( )10.A.All right B.No C.Not D.Yes 七、阅读理解 Have you ever heard the old saying, “Never judge a book by its cover”?This is a good rule to follow when trying to judge the intelligence(智力)of others. Some people have minds that stand out only in certain situations. A young man with an unusual gift in creative writing may find himself speechless in the presence of a pretty girl. He fumbles for (摸索)words and talks in a halting (踌踏的)manner. But don’t make the mistake of thinking him stupid. With a pen and paper, he can express himself eloquently (雄辩地,有说服力 地). Other people may fool you into overestimating (过高估计)their intelligence by putting up a good front(举止). A student who listens attentively and takes notes is bound to make a favorable impression on his teachers. But when it comes to exams,he may score near the bottom of the class. It all boils down to this—you can’t judge someone by appearances. The only way to determine a person’s intelligence is to get to know him. Then you can observe(观察)how he reacts to different situations. The more situations you observe, the more accurate( 正 确 的 ) your judgement is likely to be. ( )1. The best title for the passage is “_______”. A.Judging Intelligence B.Choosing a Book C.A Speechless: Young Man D.Putting Up a Good Front ( )2. The main idea of this passage is ______. A.don’t judge a book by its cover B.don’t judge a person’s intelligence by appearances C.don’t make the mistakes of thinking the young man stupid D.people may fool you by putting up a good front ( )3. The young man mentioned in the passage ______. A.was stupid B. was a good student C.was a talented writer D. was successful with girls ( )4. According to the passage, true knowledge of a person’s intelligence comes from _____. A.the testimony of his teachers B.the grades he gets in school C.how he behaves in different situations D.his outward appearance ( )5. The passage suggests that in judging a person’s intelligence we should _______. A.use caution (小心) B. be creative C.rely on intuition (直觉) D. give him an IQ test 八、完成句子 1. 我们生活在一个有许多滑稽事件的精彩世界。 __________________________________________________________________________ 2. 到 2012 年为止,在中国平均每 100 人有 60 台电脑。 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. 现在大多数家庭至少有一辆车。 __________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你知道有关这种食物的任何事情吗? __________________________________________________________________________ 5. 那里至少有 4 个坏人,所以她请求警察帮助。 __________________________________________________________________________ 6. 我们的学校比他们的大三倍。 __________________________________________________________________________ 7. 他们搜查得很仔细,但是什么也没找到。 __________________________________________________________________________ 九、书面表达 你在报纸上读到了有关一个怪男孩的文章,想把他的事告诉大家。请写一篇题为“A Strange Boy”的短文。内容包括: 1. 他小时候和其他小孩一样很健康。 2. 十岁时,生了一场病。 3. 病愈后就喜欢吃石头(stone),没有人知道为什么。 4. 三天前他去世(die)了。 A Strange Boy I read about a strange boy in the newspaper yesterday. ____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ How amazing! 参考答案 一. 1. love playing cards with me 2. eat the same food 3. stop for meals 4. put meat between two pieces of bread 5. be in use 6. as large as 152 inches 7. at least 8. ask for help 二. 1. Suddenly 2. afraid 3. dry 4. Nobody 5. surprised 6. sandwiches 7. carefully 8. as 9. without 10. himself 三. 1. tried 2. were 3. saying 4. will have/are going to have 5. put 6. stopped 7. is writing 8. to walk 9. made 10. Shall, go 四. 1. without saying goodbye 2. Yes, he is 3. as well as 4. as usual 五. BCBCD DCB 六. CBDAD CBDCB 七. 1. A 通读全文可知,本文主要探讨如何判断一个人的智力水平。 2. B 文章主要告诫我们请勿以貌取人,更不能仅凭外貌来判断一个人的智力。 3. C 阅读文章第二段可知,这个在写作上很有天赋的年轻人,一遇到漂亮女孩便会缩头缩脑, 笨嘴拙舌。然而这并不能说明他不聪明。 4. C 由文章最后一段“Then you can observe how he reacts to different situations. ”可知,判 断一个人的智力需要多观察他对于不同情形的反应。 5. A 文章告诫我们不得以貌取人,需要多加观察,正确判断一个人的智力。故答案为 A。 八. 1. We live in a wonderful world with a lot of funny things. 2. By 2012, there were 60 computers per 100 persons in China. 3. Now most families have at least one car. 4. Do you know anything about this kind of food? 5.There were at least four bad men, so she asked the police for help. 6. Our school is three times larger than theirs. 7. They searched very carefully, but found nothing. 九. A Strange Boy I read about a strange boy in the newspaper yesterday. When he was young, he was as healthy as the other Children. But when he was ten, he was sick. After he got well, he liked eating stones. Nobody knows why. He died three days ago. How amazing!

