外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 9

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外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 9

Module 9   Great inventions Unit 1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? 外研版九年级上 根据短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式 ( 每空限填一词 ) 。 Tony wants to b 1( 借 ) his father’s camera to take some photos. He plans to put up the photos on the w 2( 网站 ). orrow ebsite With the development of electronic t 3 ( 科技 ), people all over the world can see all kinds of information on the Internet. But his father says that the memory card may be f 4( 满的 ). echnology ull Tony thinks he can f 5( 修补 ) it according to the i 6( 说明书 ). And he promises to use it p 7( 合适地 ). In the end, his father l 8( 借给 ) him the camera. ix nstructions roperly ends 一、 听 activity 2 对话 , 选择正确答案 。 1. Why doesn’t Daming need a notebook ? ________ A. Because he has a good memory. B. Because he keeps all the numbers in his phone. C. Because he doesn’t have money. B 2. What is the difference between today’s cameras and old cameras ? ________ A. They are bigger. B . They don’t need film. C. They are more expensive. B 3. What does Lingling think is the most important invention? ________ A. Mobile phones. B . Cameras. C . Computers. C 二、听 activity 3 对话 , 完成下列信息表。 In the past Today Ways of communication waited for 1. _________to hear from pen friends abroad send and receive photos and 2. _________ on the Internet really 3. _________ Ways of getting information mainly got information from 4. ________ books easier to get information on the 5. ________ weeks mails fast paper Internet 一、单词拼写 。 1. Jim advised me to buy a new m ( 存储器 ) card. 2. Don’t worry, you can find the answer in your t ( 课本 ). emory extbook 3. It is difficult for kids to read books with thousands of p ( 页 ). 4. My parents m ( 主要地 ) eat vegetables and rice for lunch. 【 核心素养:节约资源,倡导健康绿色生活方式 】 5. The dictionary is available in e ( 电子的 ) form. ages ainly lectronic 二、单项选择。 6. As all the seats were ________, he had to stand up during the trip. A. free B . full C . open D . wide B 7 . He is a(n) ________ thinker . His ideas have influenced many people. A. boring B . careless C. powerful D . honest C 8. [ 中考 · 广东 ] It is said that one Greater Bay Area university ________ in Guangdong in the future. A. will be built B . build C . will build A 9 . [ 中考 · 大庆 ] ________ volunteers will be needed for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A. Two thousand of B . Two thousands of C. Thousand of D . Thousands of D 10. [ 中考 · 海南 ] Families usually _________ new pictures of flowers or fish before the Spring Festival. A. give up B . put up C . set up B 三、按要求完成句子 。 11. We can see the pictures on the Internet . ( 改为 被动 语态 ) The pictures _________ _________ __________ by us on the Internet . can be seen 12. I received a letter from my pen pal last week . ( 改为同义句 ) I _________ _________ my pen pal last week. heard from 13. [ 中考 · 黔南 ] I borrowed an English book from my classmate. ( 改为 同义 句 ) My classmate _________ an English book _________ me. lent to 14. ( 易 错 题 ) Here is the camera .( 用 it 替换 camera) Here _________ _________. it is 15. ( 原创题 ) The problem will be talked about at the meeting by us next Monday . ( 改为 主动 语态 ) We __________ _________ _________ the problem at the meeting next Monday. will talk about 四、 补全对话。 A: Have you ever heard of e-books? B: Yes, but I know little about it. ________16 A: OK. An e-book has a screen and is smaller than a book. B: ________17 A. Then how does it work? B. That’s enough. C. And as many as I like? D. Can you tell me more? E. Then you can read them on the screen. D A A: You have to download( 下载 ) new books from the Internet. ________18 B: Do you mean that I can get new books any time? ________19 A. Then how does it work? B. That’s enough. C. And as many as I like? D. Can you tell me more? E. Then you can read them on the screen. C E A: No, you can download a certain number of books every time. B: _________20 I can carry it everywhere. A. Then how does it work? B. That’s enough. C. And as many as I like? D. Can you tell me more? E. Then you can read them on the screen. B Unit 2   Will books be replaced by the Internet? 外研版九年级上 Module 9   Great inventions 根据短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式 ( 每空限填一词 ) 。 Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China. After its i 1( 发明 ), people started to write on paper to make books. A t 2( 贸易 ) in books makes knowledge s 3( 传播 ) faster than ever before. nvention rade pread In a way, we can c 4( 比较 ) the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet. The Internet has many advantages. A much larger a 5 ( 数量 ) of information can be stored in v 6( 各种各样的 ) f 7 ( 种类 ) on the Internet than in books. ompare mount aried orms So what d 8 ( 方向 ) will traditional printing take in the future? Let’s wait and see. irection 一、快速阅读 activity 2 课文,划分文章的结构 。 __________ A. ①② / ③④ / ⑤ B . ① / ②③④ / ⑤ C. ① / ②③ / ④⑤ D . ①②③ / ④⑤ B 二、快速阅读 activity 2 课文,匹配正确段落大意 。 A. Paper was created. B . Printing was invented. C. The Internet and books. D. Life with paper and printing. E. The future of books . Para.1______ Para.2_______ Para.3_____ Para.4______ Para.5_______ D A B C E 三、认真阅读 activity 2 课文,回答下列问题。 1. How did people make books before printing was invented? ( 不 超过 10 个 词 ) ___________________________________ They wrote on paper to make books. 2. What made it possible to produce books cheaply and quickly? ( 不 超过 5 个词 ) ______________________________________ Developments in printing. 3. Why does the writer say “We can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century .”? ( 开放式问题 ) ____________________________________________ 答案不唯一。 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 。 1. There is something wrong with our ____________ (connect ) to the Internet this afternoon. 2. Information can be ___________ ( store) on the computer . connection stored 3. __________ (print) is one of the greatest inventions. 4. The _____________ (introduce) of the Internet has changed our life a lot. 5. With the ____________ (develop) of our country, people’s lives are getting better and better.【 核心素养:对国家有强烈的归属感,热爱和认可自己的祖国 】 Printing introduction development 二、单项选择。 6. —How is the new company? —It goes in the right _________. I’m happy with it. 【 核心素养:能认识自我,依据自身个性潜质 选择适合自己发展的方向,合理规划人生 】 A. direction B . shape C. place D . colour A 7. —I found my sister ________ my things and took my new magazines. What should I do? —I guess you should tell her it is not right. A. looking through B . looking up C. looking for D . looking with A 【 点拨 】 look through 浏览。 8 . You don’t need to ________ yourself _________ others . A. be compared; to B . compare; to C. compare; with D . be compared; with C 9 . ( 原创题 )— Dad, will books _________ by computers in the near future? —No, they won’t, my dear boy. A. are replaced B. replaced C. will be replaced D . be replaced D 10. ( 原创题 ) Last night the great noise upstairs made __________ hard for me to sleep, so I feel sleepy today . A. it B . this C . that D. / A 11 . —It’s hard to get a taxi on such bad weather. —________. There is nothing we can do at the moment . A. Hurry up B . Here it is C. Sounds great D . Let’s wait and see D 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 12. [ 中考 · 天津 ] 在那个年代,书籍是靠手工制作的。 In those days, books were produced __________ ___________. by hand 13. 从某一角度来讲,它是一件好事。 __________ _________ ___________, it’s a good thing . In a way 14. 这个项目需要大量的资金。 The project needs ___________ _________ __________ _________ money . a large amount of 15. 我一次只能带两个。 I can just carry two __________ _________ ___________. at a time 16. 他学习非常努力。结果取得了第一名。 He studied very hard. __________ __________ __________, he got the first prize. As a result 四、完形填空 。 These days, cars are designed by using computers. Let’s look at how a new car is created. First, several ________17 talk about the new car and any good ideas that they have. 17. A. drivers B . designers C . workers D . salesmen B Then they sit down at their computers and ________ 18 many sketches. The best two or three drawings are chosen and then more detailed drawings of _______19 are developed on the computer. 18 . A. draw B . order C . type D. enjoy 19 . A. bicycles B . trains C . cars D . buses A C You can change the size, shape or colour of any part on the computer to see _________20 the car would look and then you can choose the best design. 20. A. how B. if C. why D. that A Both the inside and the outside of the car have to be designed. Part of the inside of the car is _________21 so that the designers can sit in it. 21 . A. covered B . painted C . locked D . built D They can feel if there is enough ________22 inside and if they can reach _________23 . 22. A. metal B. glass C. leather D. room 23. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything D C 【 点拨 】 此处是说“他们能感觉到里面是否有足够的空间 ……” 。 room 作不可数名词,指“空间,地方”。 Then some cars are built—there are more than 15,000 parts of a car to _________24 . 24. A. choose B. test C. show D. repair B When everything is known to be _________25 , the cars are made in the factory. 25. A. safe B. easy C. cheap D. fast A Again, computers are used to make sure that all the parts are _________26 as they are needed. The factory usually stays open all through the night so that the car production never stops. 26. A. rare B. electronic C. comfortable D. ready D Unit 3   Language in use 外研版九年级上 Module 9   Great inventions 一、用所给词的适当形式填空 。 1. The dancing party ____________ ( hold) tomorrow evening. 2. I _____________ ( not allow) to bring the telephone to school. 3. The medicine should __________ ( take) twice a day . will be held am not allowed be taken 4. This is our new teaching building. It ___________ (build) last year. 5. ( 易错题 ) He will be made ___________ (work) for 12 hours a day. was built to work 【 点拨 】 make sb. do sth. 的被动结构为: sb. be made to do sth. 。 二、单项选择 。 6. [ 中考 · 扬州 ] The 2021 International Horticultural Expo __________ in Yangzhou. A. holds B . will hold C. is held D . will be held D 7. The villagers expect that the building of the bridge __________ before the rainy season comes. A. is completed B . was completed C. will be completed D . has been completed C 8. [ 中考 · 镇江 ] Have you heard that the 2022 Winter Olympics _________ in Beijing? A. held B . are held C. were held D . will be held D 三、按要求完成句子。 9. [ 中考 · 海南 ] China is going to send another spaceship into space . ( 改为 被动 语态 ) Another spaceship is going to __________ _________ into space . be sent 10. Linda bought a nice scarf for her mother . ( 改为被动语态 ) A nice scarf __________ __________ by Linda for her mother. was bought 11 . A new building will be built in our school this year. ( 对画 线部分 提问 ) ___________ __________ _________ __________ in your school this year? What will be built 12. Trees are planted in the garden .( 改为 一般 将来时 ) Trees __________ _________ __________ in the garden . will be planted 13. The poster will be put up on the wall . ( 改为 否定 句 ) The poster __________ _________ _________ put up on the wall. will not be 一、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 结果我们每个人都将有一个单人的房间。 ___________ __________ ___________, each one of us will have a __________ room. As a result single 2. 许多外国人喜欢中国的手工作品。 Many foreigners like things that are made in China _________ __________? by hand 3. 我保证会尽快修好这台电视机的。 I ___________ I will ___________ the TV as soon as possible. promise fix 4. ( 易混题 ) 你能把你的手机借给我吗 ? Can you _________ your mobile phone _________ me? lend to 5. 我们能通过电子邮件发送邮件。 We can send __________ _________ __________. mails by email 二、 综合填空。 [ 中考 · 福建 ] Before paper was invented, people wrote or drew on materials such as bamboo __________6[sɪlk ], animal hide, and wooden blocks. Writing materials were _________ 7(real) expensive and few people learned to read. Therefore , few people wrote. This all changed, thanks to a man named Cai Lun . silk really Paper had already existed( 存在 ) in China , but the process for ____________8(produce) it was difficult and the paper was of low quality. Cai Lun began experimenting with many different materials and different ____________9 (method) to turn those materials into paper. producing methods In the year 105, he made it from tree bark, bamboo, cloth rags, and fishing nets. His paper was ____________10 (strong) and cheaper than any paper that had been made before. stronger With Cai Lun’s papermaking method, Chinese culture __________11[ɡruː] more rapidly over the next several centuries. That’s because ideas were much easier to share and more people learned to read. grew The use of paper spread abroad, helping _________12 ['ʌðə] cultures record and spread their ideas. Today, Cai Lun is considered a national hero in China. But the whole world should remember the clever Chinese papermaker forever. other 外研版九年级上 写作素养提升练 Module 9   Great inventions 本模块以“伟大的发明”为话题,使同学们更多地了解关于发明的历史。要求学生能够介绍一种发明或谈论某些发明对我们的生活造成的影响。 外研版九年级上 invent, invention, technology, computer, introduction, information, development, useful, important, properly, advantage, disadvantage, influence, change 单 词: a history of ..., be invented by, be used for/to/in, in one’s daily life , play an important role in, not only... but also, on the one hand, on the other hand 短 语: 1. With the invention of the computer and electronic technology, it is easy to get information on the Internet. 2. The Internet is more powerful than books. 句 型: 3. It plays an important role in our daily life. 4. Every coin has two sides. 5. In my opinion, we shouldn’t use WeChat for too long. 上周你们班举行了一场“初中生使用微信的利与弊”的主题班会 , 同学们各抒己见。请你根据表格内容 , 以 “The opinion of using WeChat” 为题写一篇英语短文 , 说明使用微信的利弊并谈谈自己的看法。不少于 80 词。 利 弊 提供交流的平台 过度沉溺 , 影响学习 认识更多的朋友 交友不慎 , 容易受骗 学习更多的知识 长期玩耍 , 影响视力 要求 : 1. 文章必须包括所提示的内容 , 可适当发挥 , 不要 直译。 2. 开头已给出 , 不计入总词数。 参考词汇 : platform (平台) , affect (影响) , trick (欺骗) , eyesight (视力) The opinion of using WeChat Last week, we had a discussion about using WeChat. Here are the results. __________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 体裁: 议论文 2. 人称: 第一人称和第三人称 3. 时态: 一般现在时 【 审题指导 】 【 思路构建 】 The opinion of using WeChat Last week, we had a discussion about using WeChat. Here are the results. Some students think WeChat is a very useful tool. ① It can provide a platform to communicate with their friends. Besides, they can ② make more friends and learn more knowledge by WeChat. 【 范文赏析 】 However, some students think WeChat will affect their study if they spend too much time using it. And they may be tricked by strange net friends. ③ Last but not least , it will also do harm to their eyesight to use WeChat for a long time. In my opinion, we can use WeChat properly. But we shouldn’t use it for too long. ④ In addition , never add strangers casually or meet net friends without our parents’ permission. 点评:本文行文流畅,要点齐全,是一篇值得学习的佳作。其中①用动词不定式表目的 , communicate with 为常用典型短语 , 体现了微信的功能。② make more friends and learn more knowledge 诠释了微信的作用。③ Last but not least 和④ In addition 起到了递进的作用 , 使文章有层次感。 网络的发明有利也有弊,请你根据以下提示写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 优点: 1. 快速获得大量的信息; 2. 正确运用网络有助于学习; 3. 广交朋友。 缺点: 1. 上网打游戏聊天,浪费时间,不利于学习; 2. 可能上当受骗。 你的看法和做法 …… _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Today many students are interested in going online. But it has both advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, it allows us to get a lot of information quickly. And it's a useful learning tool if we can use it properly. What's more, it can help us make more friends online. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ However, every coin has two sides. Playing online games and chatting online can waste our time and money. And they are not good for our study. Sometimes we can even be cheated when we go online. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ I think going online is good for me. I plan to go online for an hour every day. We can use the Internet to broaden our minds and get more knowledge, but we must use it properly.

