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中考英语易错集锦大全50道题 ‎1.Because he was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (×)‎ Because he was ill yesterday, he didn’t go to work. (√)‎ He was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to work. (√)‎ ‎[析] 用though, but表示“虽然……,但是…… ”或用because, so 表示“因为……,所以……”时,though和but 及because和so 都只能择一而用,不能两者同时使用。‎ ‎2.The Smiths have moved Beijing. (×) ‎ The Smiths have moved to Beijing. (√)‎ ‎[析] 不及物动词后接名词或代词作宾语时,要在动词之后加上适当的介词;但不及物动词后接home, here, there等副词作宾语时,动词之后不必加任何介词。‎ ‎3.The box is too heavy for him to carry it. (×)‎ The box is too heavy for him to carry. (√)‎ ‎[析] the box既是这句话的主语, 也是不定式to carry的逻辑宾语,若句末再加上it,就和the box重复了。‎ ‎4.Each of the boys have a pen. (×) ‎ Each of the boys has a pen. (√)‎ ‎[析] 复数名词前有表个体的each of, one of, every,either of等词组修饰,或有表否定的neither of, none of 等词组修饰时,谓语动词要用单数形式。‎ ‎5.例:那是你心软!我不就是一个例子吗?‎ Neither he nor you is good at English. (×) ‎ Neither he nor you are good at English. (√)‎ ‎[析] either... or..., neither... nor..., not only..., but also... 等词组连接句子的两个主语时,谓语动词遵循“就近一致原则”, 即由靠近谓语的那个主语决定谓语的人称和数用何种形式。‎ ‎6.Ten minus three are seven. (×) ‎ Ten minus three is seven. (√)‎ ‎[析] 用英语表示加(plus)、减(minus)等数学运算时,谓语动词也用单数形式。‎ ‎7.The number of the workers in this factory are about 5,000. (×)‎ The number of the workers in this factory is about 5,000. (√)‎ ‎[析] the number of表示“……的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式;a number of 的意思是“若干”或“许多”,相当于some或a lot of,和复数名词连用,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ ‎8. 例. Hello! I have important something to tell you. (×)‎ Hello! I have something important to tell you. (√)‎ ‎[析] 形容词或动词不定式修饰不定代词作定语时,修饰成分要置于不定代词之后。‎ ‎9. His son is enough old to go to school. (×)‎ His son is old enough to go to school. (√)‎ ‎[析] enough作形容词修饰名词时,可以放在名词前,也可放在名词后;作副词修饰形容词或副词时,只能放在形容词或副词之后。‎ ‎10.. Here is your sweater, put away it.(×)‎ Here is your sweater, put it away. (√)‎ ‎ [析] put away, pick up, put on等“动词+副词”构成的词组后接代词作宾语时,代词只能放在动词和副词之间。‎ ‎11. Look! Here the bus comes.(×)‎ Look! Here comes the bus.(√)‎ ‎ [析] 在以here, there引起的陈述句中,若句子的主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即用“Here /There+动词+名词”结构;但主语若是代词时,则不用倒装语序, 即用“Here/There +代词+动词”结构。‎ ‎12. I do well in playing football, _______. (我妹妹也行。)‎ A. so my sister does(×)B. so does my sister(√)‎ Li Lei is really a football fan. --- _______. (确实这样.) ‎ A. So is he(×) B. So he is(√)‎ ‎[析] “so+be动词/助动词+主语”的倒装结构表示前面所述情况也适用于后者,意为“……也是这样”;“so+主语+be动词/助动词”的陈述结构表示对前述情况的肯定,意为“……确实如此”。‎ ‎13.重庆比中国的其他城市都大。‎ Chongqing is larger than any city in China. (×)Chongqing is larger than any other city in China. (√) ‎ ‎ [析] “any city in China”包括了重庆这座城市, 同一事物自己与自己不能做比较,只有在city 前加上other才能表示重庆和中国的其它城市比较大小。‎ The weather in Guangzhou is warmer than Beijing. (×)‎ The weather in Guangzhou is warmer than that in Beijing . (√)‎ ‎[析] 表示比较时,句子中的两个比较对象必须一致,不同的比较对象不能做比较。错误句的比较对象分别为the weather in Guangzhou和Beijing,这两个不同类的事物之间不能做比较。‎ ‎14, His sister married with a teacher last summer.(×)His sister married a teacher last summer. (√)‎ ‎[析] 表达“A和B结婚”,要用A married/will marry B。这时务必要避免受汉语影响使用A married/will marry with B。‎ ‎15. 例There is going to have a film tonight. (×) There is going to be a film tonight. (√)‎ ‎ [析] 一般将来时用在 There be 句式中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,也就是说要用There is (are) going to be.... / There will be....。‎ ‎16. 例I’ll go hiking if it won’t rain next Sunday. (×)I’ll go hiking if it doesn’t rain next Sunday.(√)‎ ‎[析] 习惯上在含有时间状语从句和条件状语从句的复合句中,如果主句的谓语动词用了一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。‎ ‎17.例 Teacher told us yesterday that the earth went around the sun. (×)‎ Teacher told us yesterday that the earth goes around the sun. (√)‎ ‎[析] 习惯上在含有宾语从句的复合句中,主句的谓语动词用了一般过去时,从句的谓语动词要用过去的某种时态。但如果从句表述的是一客观事实或客观真理时,则不受主句时态的影响,而用一般现在时。‎ ‎18. All the balls are not round. 翻译成汉语:‎ 所有的球都不是圆的。(×)并不是所有的球都是圆的。(√)‎ ‎[析] all, every, both等词和not连用时,not通常放在all, every, both的后面,一般情况下表示部分否定,意为“并非……都……”。‎ ‎19. 例--- He didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?-- _______, though he didn’t feel very well.‎ A. No, he didn’t (×) B. Yes, he did (√)‎ 例--- Don’t you usually come to school by bike?-- _______. But I sometimes walk.‎ A. No, I don’t (×) B. Yes, I do (√)‎ ‎ [析] 习惯上英语中的yes意为“是的”,no意为“不”,但在“前否后肯”的反意疑问句或否定疑问句中,yes意为“不”,no意为“是的”。‎ ‎20.---- Excuse me, is the supermarket far from here?---- No,it's about _______.‎ ‎  A. 7 minutes walk B. 7 minute walk C. 7 minutes' walk D. 7 minute's walk 答案为C。本题考查名词所有格用法。当名词的复数以-s结尾时,则只需要加“'”即可,则“7分钟的距离”为“7 minutes' walk”。‎ ‎21. You can not imagine how much I ______ on this dress. Is it beautiful?‎ ‎  A. paid B. took C. cost D. spent ‎[剖析] 答案为D。本题考察四个表“花费”的动词辨析。主语为人,且和介词on搭配的动词是spend。‎ ‎22. ---- Do you know _____ university student who is talking with Joe?---- Yes, she,s my cousin, Kate.‎ ‎ A. a B. an C. the D. /‎ ‎[剖析] 答案为C。university虽然以元音字母u开头,但其前若使用不定冠词时,则要用a.不过此题中不能使用不定冠词,而是特指和Joe说话的那个大学生,故要选the。‎ ‎23. The number of giant pandas is getting ______ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.‎ ‎  A. less and less B. larger and larger C. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer ‎[剖析] 答案为C。句意为“大熊猫的数量越来越少因为他们的生存空间正逐渐变成农场”‎ ‎。本题中四个选项都是“比较级+ and + 比较级”的结构,表示“越来越……”。主语为number,只能和large或small搭配。而结合句意可判断答案为C。‎ ‎24. Be careful when you come _______ the street,because the traffic is very busy ‎ at the moment.A. across B. behind C. between D. over ‎[剖析] 答案为A。本题考察方位介词的用法。“过马路”一般为表面横穿,因此要用across。‎ ‎25. ---- Do you often clean your classroom?---- Yes, our classroom ______ every day.‎ ‎  A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. Cleaned ‎[剖析] 答案为C。句中有every day,主语为our classroom,故要用一般现在时的被动语态。‎ ‎26. Lucy usually cleans the cage every two days. (对画线部分提问)_ _______ Lucy usually clean the cage?‎ ‎[剖析] 答案为How often does。对every two days提问要用how often。‎ ‎27. I didn't understand __________,so I raised my hand to ask...‎ A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher say ‎ C. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say ‎[剖析] 答案为C。本题为宾语从句,由于需要用陈述语序可排除B、D;另外,主句时态为一般过去时,则从句也要用对应的过去时态,故还可排除A。‎ ‎28. ---- How much ______ the shoes? ---- Five dollars ______ enough.‎ ‎  A. is;is B. are;is C. are;are D. is;are ‎[剖析] 答案为B。shoes作主语时,谓语动词应用复数形式;five dollars是一个整体,应按单数对待。‎ ‎29. 误〕 We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak. 〔正〕 We got to the top of the mountain at day break. ‎ ‎〔析〕 at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。 ‎ ‎30. 〔误〕 Dont sleep at daytime 〔正〕 Dont sleep in daytime. ‎ ‎〔析〕 in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / ‎ year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。 ‎ ‎31. 〔误〕 He became a writter at his twenties 〔正〕 He became a writter in his twenties ‎ ‎〔析〕这句话应译为:他在20多岁时就成了作家。在某人的一段生活时间段中要用介词in来表示,而在具体岁数时用at来表示。 ‎ ‎32. 误〕 We went to swim in the river in a very hot day. 〔正〕 We went to swim in the river on a very hot day. ‎ ‎〔析〕 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Years Day ‎ ‎33. 〔误〕 Im looking forward to seeing you on Christmas. 〔正〕 Im looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas. ‎ ‎〔析〕在节日的当天用on,而全部节日期间用at,Christmas是圣诞节期间,一般要有两周或更长的时间。 ‎ ‎34. 误 I havent see you during the summer holidays. 正 I havent seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays. ‎ ‎〔析〕 during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I havent see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为"整整,全部的时间"。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。 ‎ ‎35. 〔误〕 At entering the classroom, I heard the good news. 〔正〕 On entering the classroom, I heard the good news. ‎ ‎〔析〕 On 加动名词表示"一……就"。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing… 一听见, on arrival 一到达就……(on表示动作的名词) ‎ ‎36. 〔误〕 In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. 〔正〕 At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. ‎ ‎〔析〕 at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"之意。 ‎ ‎37. 〔误〕 Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work. 〔正〕 By the end of next week. I will have finished this work. ‎ ‎〔析〕 by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为"不迟于某一时刻将工作做完",所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:Ill be there by five oclock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I wont finish this work till(until) next weekend. ‎ ‎38. 〔误〕 He came to London before last weekend. 〔正〕 He had come to London before last weekend. ‎ ‎〔正〕 He came to London two weeks ago. ‎ ‎〔析〕 before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。 ‎ ‎39. 〔误〕I have studied English for three years gince I had come here.正 I have studied English for three years since I came here.‎ ‎〔析〕since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态 ‎ ‎40. 〔误〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours. 〔正〕 I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours. ‎ ‎〔析〕中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。 ‎ ‎41.误〕 Three days after he died. 正〕 After three days he died. 〔正〕 Three days later he died. ‎ ‎〔析〕 after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。 ‎ ‎42.〔误〕 She hid herself after the tree. 〔正〕 She hid herself behind the tree. ‎ ‎〔析〕 after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。 ‎ ‎43.〔误〕 There is a beautiful bird on the tree. 正〕 There is a beautiful bird in the tree. ‎ ‎〔析〕 树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree. ‎ ‎44.〔误〕 Shanghai is on the east of China. 〔正〕 Shanghai is in the east of China. ‎ ‎〔析〕 在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to。 in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China. ‎ ‎45.〔误〕 I arrived at New York on July 2nd. 〔正〕 I arrived in New York on July 2nd. ‎ ‎〔析〕 at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village。 ‎ ‎46.〔误〕 He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road. 〔正〕 He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road. ‎ ‎〔析〕 在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。 ‎ ‎47.〔误〕 There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall. 〔正〕 There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall. ‎ ‎〔析〕 在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street. ‎ ‎48. 〔误〕 Do you know there is some good news on todays newspaper? 〔正〕 Do you know there is some good news in todays newspaper? ‎ ‎〔析〕 在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。 ‎ ‎49. 〔误〕 The school will begin on September 1st. 〔正〕 School will begin on September 1st. ‎ ‎〔析〕这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Toms home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。 ‎ ‎50. 〔误〕 Ill leave Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow. 〔正〕 Ill leave Beijing for Shanghai. 〔正〕 Ill leave for Shanghai. ‎ ‎〔析〕 leave for 是离开某地去某处的固定搭配,不可将for改为别的介词。这样的搭配还有:start for 动身前往某处,set out for, sail for。 ‎

