高考英语一轮复习精讲学案:必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement

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高考英语一轮复习精讲学案:必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement

Unit 1 Women of achievement Ⅰ.重点单词聚焦 ‎1.No matter which country you travel to,you should________(遵守) the law of the land.‎ 答案: observe ‎2.Having a large family to________(支撑,养活),he took up two parttime jobs in his spare time.‎ 答案: support ‎3.He is such a great man that all of us show our________(尊敬) for him.‎ 答案: respect ‎4.The little boy’s bad________(行为,举止) at the party made his parents upset.‎ 答案: behaviour ‎5.Her research shows the________(关系) between human beings and chimps.‎ 答案: connections ‎6.Paul Robertson’s________(成就) as both an actor and a concert performer gained his international recognition in the early 1940’s.‎ 答案: achievements ‎7.Everything taken into________(考虑),he has done a good job this time.‎ 答案: consideration ‎8.If you want to help the poor,you can join the________(组织),which usually has some such activities.‎ 答案: organization ‎9.________(激励) by the teacher’s words,he is determined to study harder than before.‎ 答案: Inspired ‎10.He thinks it ________(值得的) to devote all his life to teaching since he has won great respect from his students.‎ 答案: worthwhile Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 ‎1.have sth.in with sb.   与某人有共同之处 ‎2. one’s life to sth.   为……奉献某人的生命 ‎3.move    离开;启程 ‎4.be to do/doing sth.   值得做某事 ‎5.lead a happy    过着幸福的生活 ‎6.crowd    涌上心头 ‎7.give    放弃 ‎8.carry    继续;坚持 common devote off worthwhile life in up on ‎9.by    偶然 ‎10. across   偶遇;碰见 ‎11.refer    查阅;提及 ‎12.be intended    打算……‎ ‎13.can not wait do sth.   迫不及待地做某事 ‎14.look down    蔑视;瞧不起 chance come to for to upon Ⅲ.课文原句突破 ‎1.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。‎ ‎________ after her mother came to help her for the first few months ________ ________ allowed to begin her project.‎ 答案: Only;was she ‎2.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。‎ ‎________I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.‎ 答案: Once ‎3.进一步阅读使我了解到,是苦干、决心和善良的天性使她走进了医学院的大门。‎ Further reading made me realize that________ ________ hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature________ got her into medical school.‎ 答案:  it was;that ‎4.为什么不像林巧稚一样在医学院学习并继续她的美好事业呢?‎ ‎________ ________ ________ at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?‎ 答案: Why not study worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得的;有价值的 教材原句P2:However,the evening makes it all worthwhile.‎ 但这个傍晚让我们觉得这一切都是值得的。‎ ‎①Hangzhou is a beautiful place;it is worthwhile going/to go there.杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。‎ ‎②We decided to give the money to a worthwhile cause (=one that helps people).‎ 我们决定将钱用于对人民有益的事业上。‎ ‎③In my opinion,the book is well worth reading/worthy of being read/worthy to be read.依我看来,这本书很值得读。‎ ‎④I’m afraid the ring is worth quite a lot of money now.‎ 恐怕这枚戒指现在值很多钱。‎ ‎1.(2010·湖北卷)Mistakes don’t just happen;they occur for a reason.Find out the reason,and then making the mistake becomes________.‎ A.favourable          B.precious C.essential    D.worthwhile 解析: 句意为:错误不单单是偶然发生的,它们的发生是有原因的,找出原因,那么犯的错误也就有意义了。A项“有利的”;B项“宝贵的”;C项“必要的,重要的”;D项“值得的”。故选D项。‎ 答案: D behave vt.‎& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现 教材原句P2:Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans.简研究这些黑猩猩家族已经很多年了,她帮助人们了解它们的行为跟人类的是多么的相似。‎ ‎(1)behave oneself举止规矩些 behave well/badly举止良好/糟糕 Do behave!规矩些!‎ ‎(2)wellbehaved表现好的 badlybehaved表现差的 ‎(3)behaviour [U] 举止,行为 ‎①I want you to behave yourself while I am away.‎ 我不在家时你要守规矩些。‎ ‎②I am sorry about what I did last night—I behaved like a child.‎ 对不起,我昨天晚上表现得太幼稚。‎ ‎③Some children could be noisy and badly behaved.‎ 有些孩子会吵闹而且表现差。‎ ‎④Much to my surprise,he behaved as if nothing had happened.In general,I was quite pleased with his behaviour.‎ 使我非常吃惊的是,他表现得好像什么也没发生,总之,我对他的行为非常满意。‎ ‎2.Tom,________yourself.Have you already forgotten the rules I told you?‎ A.behave    B.respect C.consider    D.entertain 解析: 句意为:Tom,规矩点,你忘了我告诉你的那些规矩了吗?behave oneself意为“规矩点”。‎ 答案: A observe vt.观察;观测;遵守;庆祝 教材原句P2:She spent years observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。‎ observe sth.观察某物 observe sb.do sth.观察某人做某事(全过程)‎ observe sb.doing sth.观察某人正在做某事 observe that...观察……‎ ‎①The woman was observed to follow him closely.‎ 有人看到那个女子紧跟着他。‎ ‎②When I was a child,I would observe the night sky.‎ 当我小时,我常常观察夜空。‎ ‎③The police observed that the driver did not observe the traffic rules.警察注意到那位司机没有遵守交通规则。‎ ‎④The police observed the man entering the bank.‎ 警方监视到那个人正走进银行。‎ ‎3.(湖北高考)Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still________the traditional customs.‎ A.perform    B.possess C.observe    D.support 解析: 句意为:许多中国人尽管在国外居住了许多年,仍奉行传统的习俗。perform执行,表演;possess拥有;observe遵守,奉行 (习俗等);support支持。由句意可知C项正确。‎ 答案: C argue vi.& vt.讨论,争论,争辩,说服,用辩论证明 教材原句P2:She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.‎ 她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。‎ ‎①He argued against smoking,and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health.‎ 他反对吸烟并且坚持认为吸烟有害于健康是无可争辩的。‎ ‎②It’s no use arguing about the question with him for he won’t change his opinion.关于这个问题和他争论是没有用的,他不会改变自己的观点的。‎ ‎③The speaker argued that more foreigners should be admitted to the country.演讲者主张应该允许更多的外国人入境。‎ ‎④We argued her into attending the party.‎ 我们说服她参加了宴会。‎ ‎4.—What happened over there?‎ ‎—They argued________the waiter________the price of the meal.‎ A.to;for    B.against;over C.for;at    D.with;about 解析: argue with sb.for sth.因某事与某人争论。 ‎ 答案: D ‎5.They argued________the matter the whole afternoon,and at last agreed________the date for the next meeting.‎ A.with;with   B.on;on C.about;on   D.over;over 解析: 本题考查点之一是短语argue about就……争论,其二是agree on(双方)就……达成共识。‎ 答案: C intend vt.计划;打算 教材原句P6:I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.‎ 我仔细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。‎ ‎①My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year.‎ 女朋友和我打算明年结婚。‎ ‎②I intend Tom to go to the concert with me.‎ 我打算让汤姆跟我一块去听音乐会。‎ ‎③I intend that John should go and help them with their work.‎ 我的意思是要约翰去帮助他们工作。‎ ‎④The programme intended for children turned out to be welcome by people of different ages.‎ 为孩子准备的节目结果被证明各个年龄段的人都欢迎。‎ ‎6.完成句子 如果我伤害了你,我向你道歉;但说实话,我没想伤害任何人。‎ I will make an apology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I __________________anyone.‎ 答案: didn’t intend to hurt deliver v.投递;发表,宣布;接生,生(小孩)(仅限于被动语态)‎ 教材原句P6:There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi,tired after a day’s work,went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.数不胜数的故事讲述着林巧稚如何在劳累一天之后,又在深夜去为贫困家庭的产妇接生,而这些家庭是不可能给她报酬的。‎ deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传送某物(给某人)‎ deliver a speech发表演说 be delivered of a baby=give birth to a baby生孩子 deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把……移交给某人 ‎①Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.‎ 我们办公室的邮件每天投递两次。 ‎ ‎②She was delivered of a healthy baby girl in the hospital last night.昨夜她在医院里产下一健康女婴。‎ ‎③President Hu Jintao delivered an important speech on National Day.胡锦涛总书记在国庆节上发表了重要讲话。‎ ‎7.The shop owner will get all these goods ordered________to the customers today.‎ A.to deliver   B.delivering C.delivered   D.deliver 解析: goods与deliver是被动关系,用过去分词作补语,get sth.done使某事完成/被做。ordered为后置定语,修饰goods。‎ 答案: C look down on/upon蔑视;轻视;瞧不起 教材原句P4:Many people look down upon poor people.‎ 许多人瞧不起穷人。‎ ‎①We shouldn’t look down upon the disabled,on the contrary,we should help them.‎ 我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。‎ look forward to盼望;期待 look into调查;观察;窥视 look on/upon...as...把……看作……‎ look out (for...)注意;留意;留神 look through浏览;仔细查看 look up to尊敬;仰视 ‎②I’m looking forward to visiting the art gallery next week.‎ 我盼望着下周去艺术馆参观。‎ ‎③I looked through today’s newspaper but I found nothing important.我翻阅今天的报纸,但没有发现重要消息。‎ ‎④Look out for cars while crossing the road.‎ 过马路时当心车辆。‎ ‎⑤I look up to him because he’s a real artist.‎ 我尊敬他,因为他是个真正的艺术家。‎ ‎8.(2010·安徽卷)No matter how low you consider yourself,there is always someone________you wishing they were that high.‎ A.getting rid of   B.getting along with C.looking up to   D.looking down upon 解析: 句意为:无论你把自己看得多么的低微,总是有人仰慕你并希望(像你)那么高大。本题考查动词词组辨析。 look up to仰视、尊敬;get rid of除掉;get along with相处、进展;look down upon轻视、看不起。‎ 答案: C refer to提到,说到;参考,参阅 教材原句P5:If the word group refers to different members,use a plural verb.如果group指不同的成员,谓语动词用复数。‎ ‎①Please refer to the dictionary if you don’t know how to pronounce the word.‎ 如果你不知道这个单词如何发音,请查词典。‎ ‎②I promised not to refer to the matter again.‎ 我答应再也不提及此事了。‎ ‎③While giving the English speech,no one is allowed to refer to the notes.英语演讲时,不允许任何人看稿子。‎ ‎9.完成句子 主席在大会上发言近一个小时,没有参考演讲稿。‎ The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour ‎ ______________________________.‎ 答案: without referring to his notes Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.‎ 她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。‎ ‎(1)only在句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短语时,句子要倒装。‎ ‎ (2)only在句首修饰状语从句时,主句要用倒装语序,从句 不用倒装语序。‎ ‎ (3)only在句首修饰句子的主语时,不用倒装语序。‎ ‎①Only in this way can we improve our English.‎ 只有以这种方法,我们才能提高英语水平。‎ ‎②Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.只有当你问了许多问题的情况下,你才能够得到你所需要的所有信息。‎ ‎③Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize how much I loved him.只有当我离开父母去意大利时我才意识到我是多么的爱他们。‎ ‎④Only he can answer the question.‎ 只有他能回答这个问题。‎ 含有否定意义的副词或连词,如never,not,not only,little,seldom,hardly,not until,neither,nor,no sooner等放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,即把助动词、情态动词或连系动词置于主语之前。需要注意的是,在no sooner...than...和hardly...when...引导的句子中,倒装部分常用过去完成时。‎ ‎①Not only did he read the book,but also he remembered what he had read.他不仅看了这本书,而且他还记住他所读的内容了。‎ ‎②Hardly had the bell rung when the students rushed out of the classroom.铃一响学生们就冲出了教室。‎ ‎③Never will I forget the days when we stayed together in the countryside.我永远也不会忘记我们在农村一起呆过的日子。‎ ‎10.(江苏高考)________you eat the correct foods________be able to keep fit and stay healthy.‎ A.Only if;will you   B.Only if;you will C.Unless;will you   D.Unless;you will 解析: 句意为:只有正确饮食,你才能保持身材和健康。从句意可知,unless不符合题意,若选D的话,应当在you will后加上not。only if表条件,意为“只有”。当only if置于句首时,主句要部分倒装,故选A。‎ 答案: A ‎11.(2010·成都第一次诊断)Wang Lin failed to be admitted by Hong Kong University last year,and only then________the importance of English.‎ A.he finally realized    B.he had realized C.had he realized    D.did he realize 解析: 考查倒装句。only+状语置于句首时,采用部分倒装。句意为:王林没被香港大学录取,到那时他才意识到英语的重要性。由语意可知应用一般过去时,故D项正确。‎ 答案: D She is leading a busy life but she says:“Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.It’s terrible.It affects me when I watch the wild chimps...”‎ 她的生活是忙忙碌碌的,然而,正如她所说的:“我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头。我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩,太可怕了。每当我看着野生黑猩猩时,这个念头总是萦绕着我。”‎ once此处用做连词。意为“一旦……就”,用于连接时间状语从句,类似于as soon as。‎ ‎①You will be successful in the interview once you have confidence.在面试时你一旦有了自信心,一定会成功。‎ ‎②Once I’ve found somewhere to live,I’ll send you my new address.一找到住的地方我就会把我的新住址告诉你。‎ ‎③Remember that you won’t be able to change the contract once you’ve signed.请记住一旦你签了合同就不能更改了。‎ ‎12.完成句子 ‎(1)一旦你养成了坏习惯,你发现很难去掉。‎ ‎____________________________,you will find it hard to get rid of it.‎ ‎(2)一旦你许下诺言,你应该遵守。‎ ‎____________________________,you should keep it.‎ 答案: (1)Once you get into a bad habit (2)Once you have made your promise Ⅰ.选词填空 ‎1.It’s suggested that we should do the reading comprehension within the time limit without________________the dictionary.‎ 答案: referring to ‎2.It was in the restaurant where he worked that he________________the girl he fell in love with at first sight.‎ 答案: came across carry on;refer to;crowd in;come across;look down upon;be intended for ‎3.The book which____________________children was popular with children of different ages.‎ 答案: was intended for ‎4.Whatever difficulty we meet with,we will________________with the project.‎ 答案: carry on ‎5.At that time,teachers were not respected.Instead,they were________________.‎ 答案: looked down upon ‎6.When he finally sat in the sofa after a whole day’s search for his lost child,everything about his child________________.‎ 答案: crowded in Ⅱ.巧思妙解 ‎1.—This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for our course.‎ ‎—But I think this latest one is________worth reading.‎ A.better           B.more C.most    D.very 解析: 表示“很值得”时,worth前面要加修饰语well,其比较级是better。‎ 答案: A ‎2.Is it________sparing some time for your hobby while your classmates are concentrating on their lessons?‎ A.worth    B.worthy C.worthwhile    D.valuable 解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为“你花时间在业余爱好上值得吗?你的同学都集中精力学习功课”。worth和worthy一般都用来表示主语值得……,而worthwhile则表示做某事是值得的。‎ 答案: C ‎3.Now that you’re grown up,you’d better spend your time just on the things you find________.‎ A.worth doing them    B.worth being done C.worthy of doing them   D.worthy of being done 解析: 句意为:尽量把时间用在你觉得值得做的事情上。worthy作宾补,后接of being done形式,表示与宾语things是被动关系。‎ 答案: D ‎4.Though the radio seems a bit too expensive,it is well______.‎ A.worth to buy   B.worthy of buying C.worth buying   D.worth being bought 解析: 也可以说:It is worthy of being bought或it is worthy to be bought。又如“电影值得一看”可译为: (1)The film is worth seeing.(2)The film is worthy of being seen. (3)The film is worthy to be seen.‎ 答案: C Ⅲ.语法专练 本单元语法——主谓一致 ‎1.(2011·成都第一次诊断)The city government is planning to build a factory to deal with the industry waste,but when and where to build it________.‎ A.haven’t been decided    B.aren’t decided C.hadn’t been decided    D.hasn’t been decided 解析: 考查时态语态及主谓一致。句意为:市政府正计划修建工厂处理工业废物,但是何时何地修建还没有确定。语意表明谓语用现在完成时的被动语态。疑问词作主语时谓语动词用单数。‎ 答案: D ‎2.Nowadays many a student________the importance of learning a foreign language.‎ A.have realized    B.has realized C.have been realized    D.has been realized 解析: many a用来修饰单数名词,故谓语动词应该用单数形式。‎ 答案: B ‎3.The League secretary and monitor________asked to make a speech at the meeting last week.‎ A.is    B.was C.are    D.were 解析: 先从时态上考虑,这是过去发生的事情,应用过去时,先排除A、C;monitor前没有定冠词the,在英语中,当一个身兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词,所以应选B。‎ 答案: B ‎4.(2011·龙岩毕业班质检)—Hi,what did our monitor say just now?‎ ‎—Every boy and every girl as well as teachers who are to visit Water Cube________asked to be at the school gate before 6∶30 in the morning.‎ A.is    B.were C.are    D.was 解析: 考查主谓一致。every...and every...结构作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,由此可以排除B、C两项;根据前面的are to visit Water Cube的时态可知,A项正确。‎ 答案: A ‎5.(2011·苏锡常镇四市教学调查)________of the people on the Net________China’s economy is among the strongest in the world.‎ A.Fourfifth;believes   B.Fourfifth;believe C.Fourfifths;believe   D.Fourfifths;believes 解析: 考查分数表达和主谓一致。4/5→fourfifths。题干主语是(网络上)4/5的人,是复数,故这里谓语动词用believe。‎ 答案: C

