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unit 7 人教版七年级英语上册单元全套课件 How much are there socks? Section A 1a-1c 目 录 Section A 2a-2e Section A Grammar Focus-3c Section B 1a-1e Section B 2a-2c Section B 3a-Self Check 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Section A 1a-1c To learn to ask about prices. To learn to talk about clothing. To learn new words: much, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar… Language Goals Learn to choose your own clothes, and ask their price. Emotional Goal Let’s go shopping! clothes store Warming-up clothes T-shirt trouser s short s shoe s sweater skirt hat sock s jacket sweater T-shirt shorts shoes trousers skirt socks hat What's this? 1. socks _____ 2. T-shirt _____ 3. shorts _____ 4. sweater _____ 5 . bag _____ 6. hat _____ 7 . trousers _____ 8. shoes _____ 9 . jacket _____ 10 . skirts _____ i d a c f g j b h Match the words with the things in the picture. e 1a j i h g f e d c b a 1 dollar 5 dollar s 20 dollar s 5 yuan ( ¥ 5 ) ¥ = yuan $ = dollar 100 yuan ( ¥ 100 ) 10 yuan ( ¥ 10 ) This is my favorite skirt. It’s 80 yuan . These are my favorite shoes. They’re 100 yuan . Introduce your clothes Talk about clothes with your partner according to the samples. What's this? This is a shirt. How to spell it? S-H-I-R-T. What are these? These are shoes. How to spell it? S-H-O-E-S. bag shirt T-shirt trouser s shoe s short s sweater sock s $22 $12 $11 $20 $14 $18 $6 Ask and answer $16 — How much is this...? — It’s... dollar s . — How much are these...? — They’re... dollar s . Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a. 1b j i h g f e d c b a Listen again and complete the conversation. Girl: How much is the ________? Woman: It's _____________. Girl: And how much are ______________? Woman: Oh, they're _____________. Girl: And _____________? How much is it? Woman: Let's see. It's ____________. hat six dollars these shorts eight dollars this sweater nine dollars $ 10 dollar A: How much is the sweater? B: It’s ten dollar s . $ 12 $ 6 $ 7 Practice the conversation with your partner. Then make your own conversations. 1c $ 14 A: How much are these trouser s ? B: They’re fourteen dollar s . $ 8 $ 4 $ 11 — How much is this…? — It’s…dollars. $ 4 — It’s $ 3. — It’s $ 7. — Please down. — It’s $ 4. — You are great. — Please up. You only have 3 guesses. ($2-$8) Guess the price ($20-$25) ($15-$20) ($10- $15) — How much is this…? — It’s… dollars. $ 18 — How much are these…? — They’re…dollars . $ 23 $ 2 $ 14 ($1-$5) $ 11 ($7-$12) — How much is this / are these…? — It’s / They’re… dollars. Give a suitable price (Pair work) — Oh, it’s / they’re very cheap/too dear. S1: Look, this is my sweater. S2: How much is your sweater? S1: It’s 100 yuan . S1: Look, these are my trousers. S2: How much are your trousers? S1: They’re 200 yuan . Show your clothes. I. 补 全单词及词义。 1.m__ch ________ 5.T-sh___t ______ 2.sw____ter _______ 6.ja___t _______ 3.sh____ts _______ 7.h__t ______ 4.s____ks ______ 8.tr___sers ______ Exercises u ck ir oc ir ea ou a 多少,大量 毛衣 衬衫 裤子 袜子 T 恤 夹克 帽子 II . 用 is 或 are 补全句子。 — How much ___ this yellow skirt? — It ___ seven dollars. — How much ____ these black pants? — They ____ ten dollars. is is are are . 翻译句子。 1. — 那顶帽子多少钱? — 九美元。 2. — 这些袜子多少钱? — 十美元。 — How much is that hat? — It’s nine dollars. — How much are these socks? — They’re ten dollars. Ⅲ Summary 1. Tell the meaning of the words: sweater, shorts, T-shirt, shirt, pants, socks, shoes, skirt 2.Ask the seller about the price of these things: 1.What do your family members wear today? Write down the clothes. My father wears... My mother wears... 2.Practice the conversations in the class. Homework Section A 2a-2e To learn the words of colors. To learn the following sentences: It's a ...hat. What color is it? It's... How much is it/are these? It's/These are... Language Goals Learn to talk with the shop keepers, and choose your favourite clothes. Emotional Goal Listen and repeat. big small short long 2a green blue brown black orange red white purple yellow COLORS yellow green blue white red What are the colors? Do you know the colors of the rainbow? Have you seen the rainbow? red, green, indigo( 靛蓝色 ) orange, yellow blue, purple( 紫色 ) blue 蓝 grey 灰, white 白的像雪堆; yellow 黄 green 绿, red 红的似血迹; orange 橙 purple 紫, black 黑的如墨汁; brown 意为棕褐色, color 颜色记仔细。 颜色词记忆口诀 big small It’s a big red hat. It’s a small yellow hat. long short small big 冠词 + 大小 + 颜色 + 中心名词 big small Tell the things according to the sample above. It's a small green ball. It's a big blue ball. short long It's a long orange pencil. It's a short brown pencil. Skirt, skirt, a short skirt. Sweater, sweater, a short sweater. Trousers, trousers, long trousers. Let's chant Shorts, shorts, short shorts. Socks, socks, small socks. Shoes, shoes, big shoes. yellow green black blue red grey Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear. 2b Listen again. Fill in the price tags . $6 $8 $5 $7 $9 $2 2c Listen and fill in blanks. —I like ____ ________ hats. Do you have one? —Yes, I have this one here. How much is it? —It's ______ dollars. —How much are those _____ _______? —They're _____ dollars. big purple five red shorts six Ask and answer questions about the things in 2b. A: I like these shorts. How much are they? B: They’re six dollars. 2d You want to buy clothes, and your partner plays the seller. Make a conversation. Role-play Small tip: When you buy clothes,you should ask the size, color and price. Role-play the conversation. Woman: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. Woman: OK. What color do you want? Mary: Blue. Woman: How about this one? Mary: It looks nice. How much is it? 2e Woman: Nine dollars. Mary: I’ll take it. How much are those yellow socks? Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. Mary: Great! I’ll take two pairs. Woman: Here you are. Mary: Thank you. Woman: You’re welcome. Practice the conversation, role-play it and perform in front of your classmates. Can I help you? I need… / I want… What color do you want? Here you are. Useful shopping expressions How much…? It is / They are… Thank you. You’re welcome. 提供帮助的表达法: Can I help you? 回答时直接说要买什么东西: I need / want a red hat . I want to buy a red hat . 决定买时说: I’ll take / buy / get it. I’ll = I will What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? 1) Here you are. 2) Thanks a lot. 3) You are welcome. 4) How much is it? What’s the price of it? Here it is . It is here. Thank you very much. That’s all right. = = = = = = = = That’s OK. Not at all. It’s my pleasure. 1. I need a sweater for school. 我需要一件毛衣上学穿。 介词 “for” 表示目的,译为 “ 为 …… ;去做 ……” ; need…for… 表示“需要……去做…… ” 。 例句: What do you want for your birthday party? We need some fruit for the salad. Language points 2. It looks nice. 它看起来很漂亮。 这句话 的结构 与 That sounds good. 属于同一类型, look 表示“ 看起来;看上去 ”,后面接形容词。 例句: That teacher looks old. 那位老师看上去年长。 This pair of shoes looks nice on you. 这双鞋穿在你脚上很好看。 1 )在此句中,介词 for 用来表示物品的价格,用法为: 价格 +for+ 具体物品 例句: It’s 30 yuan for this bag. 这个包三十元。 How much is it for the two? (买)两个多少钱? 3. Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs . 两美元一双,三美元两双。 2 ) pair 表示“ 双;对;套;副 ”,通常 与介词 of 搭配 , 表示裤子、鞋袜、手套、眼镜等由两个部分组成的 物品的量。 例句: a pair of trousers/shorts 一条长裤 / 短裤 two pairs of soccer shoes/socks 两双足球鞋 / 袜 many pairs of glasses 许多副眼镜 4. — Can I help you? 您想买什么吗? — Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. 是的。我想买一件毛衣上学穿。 Can I help you? 是服务用语 , 在不同的场合意义不同: 1) — Can I help you? 您想吃点什么吗 ? ( 在餐馆 ) — Yes, please. I want a banana pie. 是的。我要个香蕉派。 2) — Can I help you? 您想借什么书吗? ( 在图书馆 ) — Yes, please. I need an English dictionary. 是的。我想借一本英语词典。 3) — Can I help you? 您想买什么吗 ? ( 在商场 ) — Yes. I want to buy a bag. 是的。我想买个包。 【 链接 】 句子 What can I do for you? 和 Can I help you? 同义 , 有时可以互换。 No, thanks. Just have a look. ANSWERS: Yes, please. I need / want … 5. — The shirt is at a good price for only 20 dollars. — OK. ___________ ( 我买它了 ). I’ll take it 【 点拨 】 I’ll take it 是购物时的常用语。 当顾客选定 商品,决定购买时,就可以用这句话表示“ 我要 买下了 ”。 6 . — Excuse me. Is this your dictionary? — Yes, it is. — ____________ . A. Thank you B. Here you are C. Here they are 【点拨】 Here you are 是我们把对方所要的东西递给对方时的常用语,意为 “ 给你 ”。 该表达为 倒 装语序 ,即“ Here+ 主语 ( 代词 )+ 谓语 ”。 Here you are 6. 我买下了 ___________ 7. 看起来真漂亮 __________ 8. 那听起来不错: _________________ 1. 怎么样 __________ 2. 多少钱 __________ 3. 一副眼镜 ______________ 4. 两条裤子 __________________ 5. 给你 _____________ Ⅰ . 翻译下列短语或句子。 how about how much a pair of glasses two pairs of trousers Here you are. I’ll take/get it. It looks nice. That sounds good. Exercises The jacket is too small for me. Please give me a _____ one. 2. — Jane, do you _____ a new schoolbag for school? — Yes, I do. Ⅱ. 用方框中单词的适当形式填空,补全句子。 woman, big, take, need, pair bigger need 3. — Who is the ______ in red? — Oh, she is our English teacher. 4. — The sweater is very nice on you. And it’s only 88 yuan . — OK. I’ll ____ it. 5. I want to buy these two ____ of trousers. They look very nice. woman, big, take, need, pair woman take pairs 中考链接 ―What does your cousin look like? Is he tall or_____? —He is tall. And he is strong. short B. thin C. long D. small 小的 瘦的 短的;矮的 长的 由回答“他很高”可知上句是选择疑问句,问高或矮。 A: Can I help you? 您要点什么吗? B: Yes, please. 是的。 A: How much (is /are...)? 多少钱? B: It is $ 3. 它是三美元。 A: I’ll take / buy / get it. 我买下了。 B: Here you are. 给您。 Summary 1. Make a survey about your parents’ clothes and their prices. 2. Read 2e and role-play the conversation. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c Review the colors and review how to ask prices . Language Goal Be able to dress up and choose your own clothes. Be able to buy things. Emotional Goals $ 7 $ 9 A: How much is this _______? B: It’s _____________. Look and say A: How much is the _______? B: It’s _____________. T-shirt seven dollars sweater nine dollars Review $ 5 $ 8 A: _________ is the _____? B: _______________. How much shirt It’s eight dollars A: ____________________? B: _______________. How much is the skirt It’s five dollars $ 4 $ 6 A: How much ________ trousers ? B: ________ six dollars . are these They’re A: How much ______________? B: ____________________. are these shorts They’re four dollars $ 10 $ 2 A: How much _____________? B: ___________________. are the socks They’re two dollars A: _______________________? B: ___________________. How much are these shoes They’re ten dollars What color is it? It's... black orange red white yellow What color are these? They're... blue red white What color is it? It's... It's black and white. Talk about the color s of these things with your partner. What colors are your clothes? How much are they? How much is the hat? It’s five dollars. How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars. How much is that brown sweater? It’s eight dollars. How much are these socks? They’re two dollars. How much are those black trousers? They’re nine dollars. Grammar Focus Grammer Focus 1. ___________ is this dress? It's ______________. 这件裙子多少钱? 它 20 美元。 2. __________ is that hat? It's _____________. 那个帽子多少钱? 它 5 美元。 3. How much ___________ socks? ___________ eight yuan. 这些短袜多少钱? 它们 8 元。 4. How much ___________ shoes? _________ 50 yuan. 那些鞋子多少钱? 它们 50 元。 How much They're are thoes They're are these five dollars twenty dollars How much Make sentences in the chart with the words in the three boxes. How much is…? How much are…? the yellow T-shirt the this that these those yellow green purple blue brown red white black T-shirt hat trousers skirt sweater socks jacket bag 3a Look at the pictures and write the questions and answers. 1. How much is the hat ? 2 . How much is the bag? 3. How much is the T-shirt? 4. They’re three dollars. 5. It’s nine dollars. 6. It’s eight dollars. It’s five dollars. It’s ten dollars. It’s six dollars. How much are the socks? How much is the sweater? How much is the skirt? $5.00 $10.00 $6.00 $3.00 $9.00 $8.00 3b B: How much are the socks? A: Umm, they’re three dollars. $5.00 $10.00 $6.00 $3.00 $9.00 $8.00 Student A, look at the pictures in 3b for a minute and then close your book. Student B, ask questions. 3c $ 12 $ 14 Quick eyes $ 13 $ 5 $ 2 $ 3 $ 7 $ 6 $ 4 $ 9 $ 8 Best seller (group work) I have only 30 dollars and I want to buy some clothes for a party. Can you offer me some nice clothes? ( 为自己的商店打广告 ) Please come to my shop. In my shop, the sweater is… dollars. The shoes are… dollars. Come and see for yourself. We should buy the right things, not the expensive ones. ( 只买对的 , 不买贵 的。 ) Please save money. Don’t waste money. ( 节约 钱。不 浪费 钱。 ) How much are these socks ? 这双袜子多少钱? 例句: How much is that pen ? 那 支钢笔多少钱? How much is the broccoli ? 花 椰菜多少钱? How much are these tomatoes ? 这 些西红柿多少钱? Language points how much 意为 “多少” , 常用 于询问价格。如果询问 的 是可数名词 单数或不可数名词的价 格 , 后面的 be 动词形 式用 is ; 如果询问的 是可数名词复数的 价格 , be 动词形式用 are 。 【 链接 】how much 也通常用来询问数量 , 后接不可数名词。 例句: How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水? How much salad is there in the bowl? 碗里有多少沙拉? 如修饰 可数名词 问数 量,则用 how many 。 例句 : How many apples are there in the bag? 袋 子里有多少苹果? 2) socks, shoes, shorts, trousers 这类物品常常成对出 现 , 所以它们作主语时 , 和它们搭配的谓语动词用 复数形式。 例句: Are those trousers Jim’s? 那是吉姆的裤子吗? The shorts are 58 dollars. 这条短裤 58 美元。 【 链接 】 如果这类词前面有“ ... pair(s) of ( …… 条 / 双 ) ” 修饰, 谓语动词就要根据 pair 的单复数形式发生相应的变化。  例句: This pair of trousers is 98 yuan . 这条裤子 98 元。 Two pairs of blue shoes are 200 dollars. 两双蓝鞋 200 美元。 Ⅰ . 按要求写出下列词的适当形式。 1. short( 反义词 ) 2. black( 对应词 ) 3. this( 复数 ) 4. shoe( 复数 ) 5. small( 反义词 ) long white these shoes big 6. dollars( 单数 ) 7. have ( 三单 ) ______ 8. those( 单数 ) ______ 9. does not( 缩写 ) ______ 10. isn’t ( 复数 ) ______ dollar has that doesn’t aren’t Exercises 1. — What can I do for you? — ______________. A . Yes, you can give a skirt to me B . I want a skirt C . No, I can do it myself D . I can do what I want 2. — How much ______ the skirt? — ______ thirty yuan . A . is; It’s B . are; They’re C . is; They’re D . are ; It’s II . 单项选择。 B A 3. The yellow shorts ______ 15 yuan . A. is on sale B . are on sale C. are on sell for D . are on sale for 4. This hat is _____. A. 10 yuan ’s B . 10 dollar C. 10 dollars D . dollar 10 5. I think your trousers _____ very nice . A . be B . is C . am D . are C D D III . 根据提示完成句子。 1. — Thank you . — You’re welcome. ( 改为同义句 ) — Thank you . — That’s _________ . 2. The red sweater is only 30 dollars . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ___________ is the red sweater? all right How much 3. I want a pair of shoes . ( 对画线部分提 问 ) _____ ___ you want? 4. He likes yellow . ( 对画线部分提问 ) _____ _____ _____ he like? 5. Those black bags are 30 yuan . ( 对画线部分提问 ) _____ _____ _____ those black bags? 6. I can help you. ( 一般疑问句 ) ____ you help _____? What do What color does How much are Can me Ⅳ. 完成对话。 A: 1._____________ CK clothes store. Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I want a shirt for my son. A: 2._______________________? B: Blue. A: 3.______________________? B: Let me have a look. 4.______________. Do you have a small one? What color does he like What about this one Oh! It’s too big Welcome to A: Yes. ______________________ . B: How much is it? A: It’s 60 yuan . B: Oh, no, it’s too dear. Can it be a little cheaper ? A: OK, Come on. What about 55 yuan ? B: OK. ______________________ . Thanks. A: ______________________________ . I’ll take it Here you are You’re welcome Summary A girl wants to buy a hat, and you're the seller. Please complete the conversation.(S: you G: girl) S:__________________ G:Yes, please. I want to buy a hat. S:How about this ______ one? G:Sorry, I don't _____ this color. S:How about this white hat? G:It's too ______. Can I help you? red like small S:And how about this _______one? G:__________________ S: It's 10 dollars. G:OK. _______________ S:Here you are. I'll take it. How much is it? yellow 1. Review the words; socks T-shirt shorts sweater bag hat trousers shoes 2. Recite ( 背诵 ) the sentences in Grammar Focus. 3. Practice the colors and price. Homework Section B 1a-1e To learn to count the numbers over 10 and find out the rules. Review how to ask prices. Language Goals Learn to know and use more numbers in our daily life. Emotional Goal one Numbers review two three four five six seven eight nine ten Hello! It’s 86501973... Can you read the phone number? ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 Can you count the numbers? sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 三十 17 12 15 16 13 18 14 11 19 Can you read them? el e ven tw e lve s e venteen four teen fif teen six teen nine teen eigh teen thir teen 10 t e n 21 24 23 22 thirty 25 twenty -six twenty -seven twenty -eight twenty -nine twenty -one twenty -two twenty -three twenty -four twenty -five 30 26 27 29 28 thirty -one 31 twenty 20 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thir teen four teen fif teen six teen seven teen eigh teen nine teen twen ty thir ty for ty fif ty six ty seven ty eigh ty nine ty twenty-one … twenty-nine thirty-one … thirty-nine forty-one … forty-nine fifty-one … fifty-nine sixty-one … sixty-nine seventy-one … seventy-nine eighty-one … eighty-nine ninety-one … ninety-nine hundred Learn these numbers and find out the rules: 掌握 基数词 的拼写。 Listen and repeat. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1a Count from 10 to 50 Group competition 比一比哪个小组最先数完 Can you count them in English? How many hands are there in the picture? Can you count them in English? How many pencils are there in the picture? Row 1: ten___ eleven___ twelve___ thirteen___ fourteen___ Row 2: twenty-five____ twenty-six_____ twenty-seven___ twenty-eight____ twenty-nine___ Row 3: twenty____ twenty-one____ twenty-two___ twenty-three___ twenty-four____ Row 4: fifteen______ sixteen______ seventeen______ eighteen_______ nineteen_____ Row 5: thirty____ thirty-one_______ Write the numbers in 1a next to the correct word. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places? 10 11 12 13 14 25 26 27 28 29 20 21 22 23 24 15 16 17 18 19 30 31 1b Can you write these numbers? 11 27 17 21 16 20 18 33 30 Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1c ( 小组竞赛:你能做出这些数学题吗 ?) 1. One and two is ________. 2. Eleven and twenty-four is _________. 3. Forty-five plus five is _______. 4. Eight minus three is _______. three thirty-five fifty five Can you deal with these math problems? 5. Sixty-two minus ten is __________. 6. Multiply five by nine is __________. 7. Eight divided by two is ___________. fifty-two forty-five four 计算: 加 and / plus 减 minus 乘 multiply… by… 除 … divide by… 14 个西红柿 23 件衬衫 8 双红袜子 35 个草莓 5 条短裤 48 件毛衣 fourteen tomatoes twenty-three shirts eight pairs of red socks thirty-five strawberries five pairs of shorts forty-eight sweaters Practice Listen again. Circle the things in the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check( √ ) the thing Kate buys. 1d a white bag Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above. A: How much is the white bag? B: It is $ 17. 1e T-shirt s A: How much are the two white T-shirts? B: They are $ 30. $ 30 Join in a group, and ask the prices of the group members' clothes. Make a survey How much is your hat? It's $ 12. Ⅰ. 根据要求完成句子。 1. Sandy likes the green sweater. ( 变成否定句 ) Sandy ______________ the green sweater. 2. How much are these black shoes? ( 回答 ) _________four dollars. 3. I want green .( 变成 what 问句 ) ____________ do you want? They’re What color doesn’t like Exercises 4. I like oranges. ( 变成一般疑问句 ) _________ like oranges? 5. This bag is three dollars . ( 就画线部分提问 ) ____________ is this bag? Do you How much II . 根据句意填空。 1. My skirts are not green. They are y_____ . 2. How m____ is this T-shirt? Five dollars . 3. What c_____ do you need? Purple . 4. Thank you. You’re w_______ . 5. We have sweaters in all c_____ . uch olor elcome olors ellow III . 写出括号中数字的英语单词。 1. My uncle is ____________ (25) years old . 2. — How much is this hat? — It’s _________ (11) dollars . 3. My teacher is only __________(22)years old . 4. They have _______ (12) balls . 5. _______(15) and _________(13) is ___________(28) . twenty-five eleven twenty-two twelve Fifteen thirteen twenty-eight IV. 翻译下列句子。 1. — 这双红色的袜子多少钱? — 12 美元。 2. — 那件白色的毛衣多少钱? — 26 美元。 — How much are the red socks? — They’re twelve dollars. — How much is that white sweater? — It’s twenty-six dollars. Summary 1.Say the numbers in English: 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,30,40,50,60... 2.What do you see? eighteen kids Homework Ask your parents what they bought ( 买 ) today. Write down the things and the prices. Thing Price Father Mother Section B 2a-2c Read the ad Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store to find out the prices for those clothes. To learn to understand an ad and write an ad. To learn shopping language. Language Goals Learn to read ads and find out the useful things on sale. Emotional Goal How much do you think these things cost? Match each clothing item with a price. 解释: clothing item 意为“成衣制品”。 1. a skirt 3. sock 5. shorts 2. a sweater 4. trousers 6. shoes a. $3 c. $30 e. $22 b. $15 d. $20 f. $25 $22 $25 $3 $20 $15 $30 2a Clothes ad $ 12 ¥ 120 $ 15 ¥ 50 $ 18 ¥ 113 $ 30 $ 11 ¥ 29 On Sale! How much are the clothes? Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store Read the ad and fill in the price tags. ad 2b Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30! And we have black shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs! Come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store now! things colors price for who green yellow black Fill in the blanks according to the passage: sweaters $15 trousers $12 for boys shorts purple $16 skirts $20 for girls $22 jackets $30 shoes black $28 socks $2( 3 pairs) sweaters What does the shop sell? 2. How much are the sweaters? 3. How much are the trousers for boys? Answer the questions: It sells sweaters, trousers, shorts, skirts, jackets, shoes and socks. The green sweaters are 15 dollars and the yellow ones are 12 dollars. They are 22 dollars. 4. How much are the skirts for girls? 5. How much are the socks? 6. What colors are the skirts for girls? They are 20 dollars. They are 2 dollars for three pairs. They are in purple. Have a discussion Mrs. Jones wants to buy clothes for her two daughters and her son, and she has $ 100. Which clothes do you advice her to buy? Join in a group and talk about it. Imagine you work at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. Complete the conversation and practice it in a group. You: Hello, I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a . You: How about these purple . Girl: Oh, I like this one. How is it? You: It’s only dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll it. can skirt ones take 20 much 2c You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of brown _______ for school. You: What about this pair? They are ______ twenty-eight . Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too? You: Yes, our shorts are only dollars. Boy: OK. I’ll take the and the . shoes 16 shorts shoes only dollars Role-play Practice the conversation in your group, and perform it in front of your classmates. Each group has a chance to choose your favourite two groups, and give your favourite group a . Come to / Come and buy… at… Come and have a look. Can I help you? / What can I do for you? — Does she like that white bag? — Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. — Oh, it’s too expensive. Can you give me a lower price? — Sorry, I can’t. / That one is cheap. — How much is it? — It’s five yuan . — I’ll take it. — Here you are. — Thank you. — You’re welcome. Shopping language 1. buy ( v .) (1) come and buy 来买 = come to buy (2) buy… from… 例句: I want to buy a book from the bookstore. 2. sell ( v .) — sale ( n .) 卖 例句: at Huaxing’s great sale 在华兴的大卖场 Language points sell the shirt for only thirty yuan 仅以 30 元的价格卖了这件衬衫 以 26 元的价格买了这袜子 buy the socks for twenty-six dollars have the socks for twenty-six dollars 同类对比 be on sale 在打折 , 降价 短裤在降价。 The shorts are on sale. 例句: 3. at very good prices “ 以非常便宜的价格 ” , at 表示“以 …… 的价格”。 例句: We have sweaters in all colors at ¥ 6 each! 我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一件! 4. Do you need bags for sports or school? 你需要体育用的包或上学用的书包吗? 这里的 for 是 “为 …… 所用”的意思。 5. For girls , we have skirts in purple for only ¥ 20! 我们有女孩穿的紫色的短裙 , 只卖 20 元! 1) for girls 中的 for 做介词 , 在此处表示对象,意为“对 …… 来说”。 2) 句中的介词 in 在此处用于表示物品的颜色。 3) for only ¥ 18 中的介词 for 用在此处表示价格 , 意为“以 …… 金额”。 6. Come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store now! Come and buy … at …/ Come and have a look at … 到 …… (买 …… / 看一看)。 Come and see for yourself at …! 快来 …… 为自己购物吧! 7. 介词: from 从 to 到 , 给 从零到十 from zero to ten 从莉萨那买包 buy the bag from Lisa 把包卖给麦克 sell the bag to Mike 来酷先生的服装店 come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store — Does Mrs. Green have a ______( 服装 ) store? — Yes, she does. 2. I want to ______( 买 ) a new schoolbag for school. clothes buy 3. Do you ________ ( 需要 ) bags for school? 4. The red shorts on __ ______ ( 销售 ) are very cheap. need sale I. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成下列句子。 Exercises 5. My friends and I _____( 都 ) like the sports shoes. 6. — What’s the ______( 价格 ) of your new pencil box? — It’s 10 yuan . 7. The ______( 男孩 ) in a red hat is my brother. His name is Li Weikang. all price boy They have pens, pencils and notebooks ____ very good prices. 2. ____ girls, we have red skirts for only 28 yuan . 3. — Do you have hats ____ blue? — Sorry, we only have black ones. 4. How much is this pair ____ sports shoes? 5. The blue sweater is small for you. How ________ this red one? at For in of about II . 用适当的介词填空。 1. I’ll buy it. ( 改写同义句 ) I’ll __________ it. 2. This hat is big. ( 改为复数句 ) _____ _____ _____ big. The black T-shirt is 48 yuan. ( 对画线部分提问 ) ______ _____ is the black T-shirt? take These hats are How much III. 根据要求改写句子,每空一词。 Those sweaters are yellow . ( 对画线部分提问 ) ____________ ___________ are those sweaters? 5. How much is the book? ( 改为同义句 ) _________ the ________ ________ the book? What color What’s price of You are a clothes seller, and your partner is the customer. Make a conversation between the seller and the customer. Summary Recite the ad of this lesson and compete with your classmates. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check Review the words,phrases and expressions in this unit. Review how to ask prices. Review numbers and colors. Learn to use some adjectives. Language Goals Learn to buy and sell things in your daily life, and help your parents buy things. Emotional Goal big , small , red , green , Apple, I love you, Apple, I love to eat . a big red apple Warming-up short , red, long , yellow, T-shirt , T-shirt I love you. T-shirt, T-shirt I love you. 数 词 + ( 大小 / 长 短 + 颜色 ) + 名词 a short red T-shirt white red green blue yellow orange purple brown black pink color s 用英文以最快的速度说出所给数字。 24 31 18 11 29 hat T-shirt bag skirt short s sweater trouser s shoe s sock s 复数形式! jacket Look at the things in the picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad. 3a Huaxing Clothes Store Do you like ? We have for only yuan . How much are your ? Only yuan . And red are yuan . sweaters 21 sweaters trousers skirts 20 25 Write an ad for your own clothes store. 3b Sample writing Come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store! Here is a great sale. We sell pants for only ¥30. Do you like socks? We have socks in many colors for only ¥ 3 . We also have beautiful skirts for only ¥ 55. Shoes and many other things are also at very good prices. Do you like them? Come and see for yourself! Your group is having a sale. You each have 200 RMB. You can buy or sell anything you like. Make a note of what you buy or sell. Group work GROUP WORK Clothes Buy from Sell to Price Pants Tom ¥ 45 Pen Grace ¥ 5 I/we have… Do you want it/them? How much…? It’s/They’re… I’ll take it. 1 . four + eight = ___________ 2 . seven + eight = ___________ 3. six + seven = ___________ 4. twenty - three = ___________ 5. seventeen +three = ___________ 6. eighteen - seven = ___________ 7. sixteen - six = ___________ 8. eleven + seven = ___________ 9. twenty - four - eight = ___________ 10. fourteen + five = ___________ twelve thirteen seventeen twenty eleven ten eighteen eight nineteen fifteen 用英文数字填空。 1 Describe what these people are wearing today . I: a pair of white socks, My partner: My teacher: Self Check 2 Put the sentences in order to make a conversation. A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. We don’t sell bags. C. You’re welcome. D. Here you are. E. Yes, please. Do you sell bags? F. OK. I’ll take them. G. Can I help you? H. I see. Hmm… those blue trousers are nice. How much are they? I. They’re twenty-five dollars. The right order is: G E B H I F D A C A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. Do you sell bags? A: I’m sorry. We don’t sell bags. B: I see. Hmm… those blue trousers are nice. How much are they? A: They’re twenty-five dollars. B: OK. I’ll take them. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome. The conversation Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语意思填空。 1. Jim wants blue _________( 鞋 ). 2.I like that red __________( 毛衣 ). 3.The black _________( 短裤 ) are Sam’s. 4. I like _________( 黄色 ) color. 5. Those trousers are twelve_______( 美元 ). sweater shorts yellow shoes dollars Exercises 6. How much ________ the red sweater? _______ 13 dollars. 7. How much ________ the broccoli? _______ 1 dollar. 8. How much ________ they? __________ 34 yuan . 9. How much ________ these sports shoes? ___________ 60 yuan . is is are are 单数或不可数 is , 复数 are 。 单数或不可数 it , 复数 they 。 ( 单数 ) ( 不可数 ) ( 复数 ) ( 复数 ) It’s It’s They’re They’re II . 单项选 择。 1. The green shorts are _____ sale for $25. A. for B. on C. at 2. The socks _____ all colors are just 2 yuan . A. in B. for C. on 3. —_______ shoes are Linda’s? —The green shoes. A. Where B. Whose C. Which B A C 4. — ________ color do you like? — White and red. A. Who B. What C. How much 5. — __________ is that hat? — $15. A. How much B. Which C. What color 6. — Can I help you? — ____________. A. No, please don’t B. Yes, please C. You’re welcome B A B 7. — How much _________ those trousers? — They’re 25 yuan . A. is B. are C. am 8. His clothes ________ over there, in that room. A. is B. are C. am B B III . 根据汉语意思填空。 1. 这些黄色的袜子多少钱? ________ ________ are these yellow socks? 2. 那个盒子是什么颜色的? What ________ is that _______? 3. 你想要什么颜色的帽子? What _______ of the ______ do you ______? How much color box color hats want 4. 我能帮助你吗? ________ I _______ you? 5. — 哪件是你的 T 恤衫? — 白色的那件是我的 , 这件黑的是我表弟的。 — __________ is ________ T-shirt? — The _______ one is my T-shirt. The ______ one is my ____________. 6. 我要买这个蓝色的裤子和紫色的毛衣。 I will _______ the blue _________ and purple _______. Can help Which your white black cousin’s trousers take sweater Ⅳ . 翻译下列句子。 1. 快到华兴大卖会来买衣 服! 2 . 我们有红、绿还有白色的女式 T 恤,仅售 18 美元。 Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale! For girls, we have T-shirt in red, green and white for only $18. 3. 我们有价格便宜的毛衣 。 4. 我们有各种颜色的毛衣 。 5. 你需要运动包吗? We have sweaters at a very good price. We have sweaters in all colors. Do you need bags for sports? 6. 男孩子可以买到每双仅售 5 元的袜子 ! 7. 任何人都付得起这个价钱! 8. 亲自来华兴服装店看看吧! Anybody can afford our prices! Come and see for yourself at Huaxing’s Clothes Store! For boys, you can buy socks for only ¥ 5 each ! 1. Can you count from 10 to 50 ? 2. If you want to write an ad, what should you tell people? Summary Remember the words and expressions of Unit 7. 2. Your neighbour's fruit store will be on sale on this weekend. Please help him/her write an ad. Homework

