初中8年级英语教案:第19讲 主题阅读与写作

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初中8年级英语教案:第19讲 主题阅读与写作

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级: 八年级 辅导科目:英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 主题阅读与写作之娱乐时尚 ‎ 教学内容 ‎(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)‎ ‎1. 在阅读中积累词汇短语及句型;‎ ‎2. 灵活迁移阅读信息到写作表达中去.‎ 教学建议:‎ 建议此部分采取竞赛问答的形式,看谁能在最短时间内得出正确答案。老师对部分电影相关的背景知识进行补充说明。‎ 电影知识竞赛 ‎1、中国电影历史上第一部电影是:‎ A、《定军山》 B、《歌女红牡丹》 ‎ C、《渔光曲》   D、《新儿女英雄传》‎ ‎2. 欧洲三大电影节不包括: ‎ A、 威尼斯电影节 B、 瑞典电影节 C 、柏林国际电影节 D、 戛纳电影节 ‎3、查尔斯·斯宾塞·卓别林,他奠定了现代喜剧电影的基础。1972年,美国隆重邀请卓别林回到好莱坞,授予他奥斯卡终身成就奖,称他“在本世纪为电影艺术做出不可估量的贡献”。请问卓别林的经典形象是什么?‎ A、无知,善良,滑稽的小童工形象 B、爱幻想,疯狂而可笑的正直骑士形象 C、头戴圆顶礼帽、手持竹手杖、足登大皮靴、走路像鸭子的流浪汉形象。‎ D、风度翩翩,英俊潇洒的公子形象 ‎4. 李小龙,是将中国功夫传播到全世界第一人,打入好莱坞的首位华人,他革命性地推动了世界武术和功夫电影的发展。他用33岁和四部半电影缔造了不朽的东方传奇。请问是哪四部电影:‎ A、《唐山大兄》、《精武门》、《猛龙过江》、《龙争虎斗》‎ B、《人海孤鸿》、《精武门》、《猛龙过江》、《青蜂侠》‎ C、《猛龙过江》、《龙争虎斗》《人海孤鸿》、《雷雨》‎ ‎5、著名导演李安凭借下列哪部电影获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖 ‎ ‎ A 、《色戒》 B 、《断背山》 C 、《卧虎藏龙》 D 、《喜宴》‎ ‎6、下列属于美国经典电影《阿甘正传》中经典台词是:‎ A、生命中充满了巧合,两条平行线也会有相交的一天 。‎ B、往往都是事情改变人,人却改变不了事情。‎ C、家!我要回家。我要想办法让他回来。不管怎样,明天是新的一天! ‎ D、人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。‎ ‎7、首位在戛纳电影节封后的华人女演员是: ‎ A、章子怡 B、杨紫琼 C、巩俐 D、张曼玉 ‎8、曾在法国戛纳电影节上获得最佳导演奖的华人导演有 A、 王家卫、杨德昌 B、 李安、张艺谋 C、 吴宇森、谢晋 D、 姜文、陆川 教学建议:‎ 1. 第一部分可以让学生根据图片及文字内容猜人物;文章相对比较难,建议让学生进行泛读,了解大意即可,老师对部分内容进行解释;‎ 2. 阅读回答问题和完形填空要求学生在规定的时间内完成,并概括文章的主旨大意,养成整体把握文章的思维习惯;‎ 3. 首字母填空要求学生先浏览文章,弄懂大意,尤其是明白作者的整体看法,在进行天单词。‎ 1. 听歌填单词部分建议让学生听第一遍时候只听不填,欣赏歌曲,听第二遍时再填写单词。‎ 主题阅读之娱乐 ‎ ‎ Some famous actresses who have the mix of beauty and brains Emma Watson艾玛·沃森 The innocent-looking wizard from Harry Potter is currently attending Brown University, studying European women's history and drama. She will go on to Oxford for a year post Brown. The beautiful Emma who stole a million hearts with her portrayal of Hermoine Granger, is also a very smart cook。‎ 这位《哈利波特》里的天真无邪的小巫师目前正就读于布朗大学,学习欧洲女性历史与戏剧。此后她将去牛津大学学习一年。美丽的艾玛因为出色扮演赫敏-格兰杰而赢得无数人的钦慕,而且她还是个很聪明厨子。‎ Jennifer Connelly詹妮弗·康奈利 The actress who has mesmerized us all through all these years went to not one, but two Ivy League schools, Yale and then later to Stanford。这位深入人心的迷人演员毕业于两所常青藤院校——先是耶鲁大学后来去了斯坦福大学。‎ Danica McKellar丹妮卡 麦凯拉 The cute, fringe-haired beauty from ‘The Wonder Years’, has co-authored a math theorem. Now who would have thought that? Kevin Arnold was one lucky boy to have Winnie Cooper as his girlfriend. He left many others fuming with envy。‎ 这位《纯真年代》里的可爱刘海儿美女曾与人合著一个数学定理,可现在谁还记得这个?人们只记得那部电影中凯文·阿诺德幸运的赢得了温妮·库珀的芳心,让别人只能在一旁嫉妒。‎ There are many other such examples of women who have proved that they have the killer mix of beauty and brains. So it is a clear possibility. However, I am of the opinion that just like having a degree won't make one any brainer, having a pretty face doesn't automatically mean being smart either. Every person has their own take on what they consider beautiful and/or intelligent. Some might call Einstein brainer than newton, while some might say that Emma Watson is prettier than Natalie Portman. However, while brain power can be measured through proven tests beauty can't. so when magazines rate hot women, it is simply based on popular opinion.‎ 其实还有很多女性可以证明自己是美貌与智慧的完全组合。所以这种可能性很显然,不过,我还是那个智慧与美丽互不影响观点的支持者之一。每个人都有他评定美丽与智慧的标尺。一些人会认为爱迪生比牛顿聪明,还有人认为艾玛比娜塔莉·波特曼更漂亮。智慧可以用测验来检测,然而美丽却不能,所以当杂志评选热辣美女时,基本上是根据她的受欢迎程度来决定的。‎ Both beauty and brains depend on the genes that are passed on to us. The other things that contribute towards building brains and a healthy image of ourselves include, the kind of books we read, social circle, people we respect and follow, ideas and thoughts that have been fed to us and the ones we develop by ourselves, music we listen to, art we appreciate, opportunities we get, encouragement we receive from our loved ones, and most of all, personal motivation. All in all, beauty and brains can go hand in hand, or could have nothing to do with each other. It all depends from person to person.‎ 美貌和智慧都受遗传基因的影响。除此之外,对于塑造一个智慧和健康的形象有利的因素还包括:阅读的书籍的种类、社交圈、钦佩的人和榜样、被灌输的及个人形成的思想观念、所听的音乐、喜欢的艺术、遇到的契机、来自爱人的鼓励,而且,最重要的是,自我的动力。总而言之,美貌与智慧可以兼得,而且彼此之间可能互不影响。一切都得看个人具体情况。‎ I. Answer the questions (精编2013年初三英语评估(一))‎ Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake was born in 1981 in Emphis, Tennessee. When he was eleven, he appeared on a TV talent show called 'Star Search'. He did not win but he was certain that one day he would be a famous pop star.‎ In 1993, Justin and his mother moved to Orlando, Florida. When he was there, he got a job on the Disney Channel's New Mickey Mouse Club. He appeared in the show for a year, singing and dancing with his fellow 'Mouseketeers' - Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.‎ In 1995, Justin joined a 'boy band'. He was their most important singer. The band was named NYSNC and their first tour was around Europe. Young people loved them everywhere. After that NSYNC toured North America, where they were extremely popular. They toured South America the following year.‎ In 2001, NSYNC broke up and Justin started working on his own. Four songs from his first album, Justified, were all huge hits in America and Britain. The album sold over 7 million copies. He also had time to open a restaurant in California in 2003. Music is, of course, his first love. He won four awards in 2004. Two of them were in Britain and he won two Grammy Awards in the US. In the summer of 2005, Timberlake started his own record company, JayTee Records. Since then he has also opened two more restaurants, both of them in New York.‎ 1. How old was Justin Timberlake when he moved to Florida?‎ ‎________________________________________________________.‎ 2. Who did he work with in the Disney show?‎ ‎________________________________________________________.‎ 3. Where was NSYNC's first tour?‎ ‎________________________________________________________.‎ 4. How many restaurants does Justin own now?‎ ‎________________________________________________________.‎ 1. Jay Tee is the name of Justin's latest record, isn't it?‎ ‎________________________________________________________.‎ 2. What do you think of Justin Timberlake?‎ I think ________________________________________________________.‎ keys: ‎ 1. He was 12 (years old) when he moved to Florida 2. Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera 3. Their first tour was around Europe 4. He has three (restaurants) now 5. No, it isn't 6. I think he is lucky and smart (any reasonable answers are acceptable)‎ II.choose the best answer. (2011年一模)‎ Recently, Twilight (《暮光之城》) star Robert Pattinson was named “2011 the world’s most popular actor” by Glamour, the fashion magazine in Britain. He has won this prize for __1_ year ‎ from 2009 to 2011.‎ Robert is a very familiar name for many people, especially teenagers and girls of __2__ ages. ‎ After he played the leading role of Edward Cullen in the film adaptation(改编剧本) of the Twilight novels, he __3__ world wide fame.‎ Unlike many other Hollywood stars, Robert broke into the entertainment industry as a model. At the age of 12, he started his modeling career. __4__, this job did not last long because his look became too “mainly” after several years. “It’s __5__ for a model to have a neutral appearance(中性外表),” said Robert. But then some acting audition(试镜) opportunities came to him.‎ When he was 17 years old, Robert received a supporting role in Harry Potter and the Goblet Fire(《哈利波特与火焰杯》). And his hard work in the movie was appreciated by the people from the movie world. One year later, his hard work paid off. He got the leading role in Twilight and became popular __6__.‎ ‎( ) 1. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5‎ ‎( ) 2. A. all B. various C. most D. any ‎( ) 3. A. gained B. lost C. found D. touched ‎( ) 4. A. in addition B. However C. Later on D. Instead ‎( ) 5. A. easier B. better C. newer D. funnier ‎( ) 6. A. from time to time B. on the other hand ‎ C. all the way D. throughout the world keys: B B A B B D III.fill in the blanks with proper words. ‎ ‎ ‎ Lady Gaga has become the most popular singer of the world. She is famous for her songs and daring dressing s 1 . She is not the slave of fashion. She has been the pioneer of the fashion. Lady Gaga is not only popular in United States, but also she is popular a 2 the world. Even her name has become the most popular word in the world. ‎ What I a 3 about Lady Gaga is that she doesn’t c 4 what other people think. She is herself. She is original, not a c 5 of anything. I find lots of strength in that. I know a lot of people think she is weird, I can a 6 she is different, but that's why I love her. I hate it when people call her eccentric, Its really pathetic, considering you don’t know her! I like the fun, originality and unexpected surprises she brings. C'mon, you never really know what to e 7 from her, but it blows my mind! ‎ Keys: style around admire care copy agree expect IV. Listen to a song by Lady Gaga and fill in the blanks. ‎ Boys Boys Boys Hey there sugar baby Saw you 1 at the pop show You 2 just like glitter ‎ 3 with rock and roll I like you a lot lot Think you're really hot hot I know you think you're 4 ‎ When we dance real 5 ‎ Glamaphonic, 6 , disco baby I like you a lot lot All we want is hot hot Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys ‎ We love them! We love them! Baby is a 7 boy With some retro sneakers Let's go see The Killers And 8 out in the bleachers I like you a lot lot Think you're really hot hot Let's go to the 9 Heard our buddy's the DJ Don't 10 my lipstick I left it in your ashtray I like you a lot lot All we want is hot hot Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys We love them! We love them! Boys boys boys We like boys in cars Boys boys boys Buy us drinks in bars Boys boys boys With hairspray and denim Boys boys boys We love them! We love them! I'm not loose, I like to party Let's get 11 in your Ferrari Not psychotic or dramatic I like boys and that is that Love it when you call me legs In the morning buy me 12 Watch your 13 when we're together ‎ Boys like you love me forever keys: twice taste Mixed special crazy electronic bad make ‎ party forget lost eggs heart 教学建议:‎ 1. 让学生准备4分钟左右,先口头表达要点。只需要回答Who? Why? 即可。可以参考阅读材料中的相关表达,只要学生能灵活运用、准确迁移所学过的知识即可。‎ 2. ‎12分钟的写作时间。写在教案空白处,要求至少写80字。老师要关注学生的写作过程,并在过程中把学生所用的好词好句及典型错误写在白板上以便写后和其他学生一起学习;‎ 3. 写后让学生相互批改,找出错误表达,找出对方的亮点及不足之处;‎ 4. 老师点评并给每个学生打分;‎ 5. 要求学生课后把修改后的文章抄写在自己的笔记本上作为范文,下次课带过来检查。‎ Speaking and Writing ‎ ‎ Superstar and I Write a passage of at least 60 words on the topic “Superstar and I”. ( 以“我和明星”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)‎ Following questions for reference (以下问题仅供参考)‎ l Who is the Superstar in your heart?‎ l Why do you think she/he is Superstar?‎ l What can you learn from him / her?‎ l 备注:让学生先准备5分钟左右,可以参考阅读材料中的相关表达,只要学生能灵活运用、准确迁移所学过的知识即可。最后老师对学生的表达做点评,并总结学生所用的优美句型。‎ Superstar and I ‎__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________‎ ‎ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 80__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________100 __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ___________ __________ __________(120) ‎ Possible version 1:‎ Superstar and I Everyone has a superstar as their idol in their heart and I am not an exception. Avril Lavigne is such a superstar about whom I feel crazy. I love her not only because of her unique face, powerful voice, moving songs and singing talent but also her personality. Believe in yourself and don't care about what other people think. Just be yourself and show them who you are. Not one person's words can bring you down or make you give up as long as you keep trying. That's what I learn from her. Every time I want to give up, I always get courage from Avril's quotes. Avril's really a superstar in my heart.‎ Possible version 2:‎ Superstar and I My superstar is Jacky Chan. I'm proud of him. He is not only a famous actor but a popular singer as well. Especially, he can play kung-fu. That's very cool. He is a kind and generous man. When the 5.12 earthquake happened, he soon flew to the area which was seriously damaged. He donated his money to the homeless. He is a real superstar. He shows me a world which is full of love. He teaches me to be kind and hardworking. He is my idol. I will support him forever.‎ ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 1. 阅读中的词汇短语及句型总结 2. 写作范文优美句型学习 教学建议:‎ ‎1. 包含预习下次课单词与短语和复习本次课内容两部分; ‎ ‎2. 规定学生在20分钟内完成;‎ ‎3. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎4.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎5.让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充;‎ ‎6.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ I. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分)‎ ‎( )1. We use ________ water for drinking and washing.‎ ‎ A) a B)an C) the D)/‎ ‎( )2. That's not my car. ________ is over there.‎ ‎ A) Me B)My C) Mine D)I ‎( )3. I have two nephews. ________ of them are studying in the same high school.‎ ‎ A) Neither B)A11 C)Both D)None ‎( )4. Following traffic rules is the best way to prevent people. ________ getting hurt in accidents.‎ ‎ A) for B)from C)with D) at ‎( )5. Every morning I have a cup of milk, an egg and two loaves of ________ for my breakfast.‎ ‎ A) bread B) rice C) noodles D) dumplings ‎( )6. When people heard the news that Steve Jobs died, they felt ________ .‎ ‎ A) sadness B) sadly C) sad D) sadder ‎( )7. It is autumn in Shanghai now. The days are getting shorter and ________ .‎ ‎ A) short B) shorter C) shortly D) shortest ‎( )8. I don't think he can speak English as ________ as an Englishman.‎ ‎ A) well B)good C) better D)best ‎( )9. Go straight on ________ you will see a church on your left.‎ ‎ A) or B)and C)but D) so ‎( )10. --- ________ can I come to pick up my clothes?‎ ‎ --- In a week.‎ ‎ A) How long B) How soon C) How much D) How often ‎( )11. I will send you an e-mail as soon as I ________ in Canada.‎ ‎ A) arrive B) arrived C) am arriving D) will arrive ‎( )12. Shanghai is her second hometown. She ________ here for over ten years.‎ ‎ A) have lived B) live C) has lived D) lives ‎( )13. When I visited my aunt last night, she ________ cookies in the kitchen.‎ ‎ A) bakes B) baked C) is baking D) was baking ‎( )14. You have a bad cough. You ________ cut down on smoking.‎ ‎ A) must B)can C) mustn't D) can't ‎( )15. Alice loves music. Every day she practises ________ the piano for an hour.‎ ‎ A) play B) to play C) playing D) plays ‎( )16. Did you tell your son ________ too much television? It is bad for his eyes.‎ ‎ A) not watch B) not watching C) not to watch D) to not watch ‎( )17. The policeman asked the boys ________ near the house on such a cold night.‎ ‎ A) what was he doing B) what he was doing ‎ C) what were they doing D) what they were doing ‎( )18. Let's go and have a picnic, ________?‎ ‎ A) shall we B) will you C) shall not we D) won't you ‎( )19. --- This Saturday is my birthday. Shall we go to see a movie together?‎ ‎ --- ________.‎ ‎ A) I'm sorry to hear that. B) That's a good idea.‎ ‎ C) Yes, we shall. D) Never mind.‎ ‎( )20. --- In my opinion computers have brought many changes to our lives.‎ ‎ --- ________‎ ‎ A) All right. B) B e careful. C) I think so, too. D) Have a good time.‎ Keys: 1.D 2.C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. C ‎ II. Reading ‎ A. Answer the questions.(10年二模崇明))‎ Michael Jackson was born in Indiana, America, on August 29, 1958. He was the ‎ seventh of the nine children in his family.‎ His father Joe Jackson had his own band (乐队). They would practice after work in the living room of their house. Joe soon discovered the talent of his sons and set up the family band “The Jacksons”. They later became “The Jackson ‎5”‎. Little Michael always watched his brothers practice singing. When he was about 5 years old, he joined the group and became the lead singer of The Jackson 5.‎ Michael’s first public appearance was at a school program in first grade in 1963. Wearing black pants and a white shirt, he sang Climb Ev’ry Mountain. Michael said, “When I finished that song, everybody gave me a big hand and people were smiling, and some of them were standing. My teachers were crying and I just couldn’t believe it. I had made them all happy. It was such a great feeling. I felt a little confused too, because I didn’t think I had done anything special. I was just singing the way I sang at home every night. When you’re performing, you don’t realize what you sound like or how you’re coming across. You just open your mouth and sing.”‎ Soon his father made the band take part in talent contests. He was so strict with young Michael and his brothers. Michael said, “If you didn’t do well, you got hit, sometimes with a belt, sometimes with a stick. My father was really strict with us --- really strict.”‎ Under their father’s control, at the age of 6, Michael and The Jackson 5 started collecting trophies (奖杯) with their acts at talent shows. ‎ ‎ ‎ 1. How many children did the Jackson family have?‎ 2. When did Joe Jackson set up the family band “The Jacksons”?‎ 3. What did little Michael do at the age of five ?‎ 4. How did people feel after they heard Michael sing the song?‎ 5. Michael didn’t think he had done anything special, did he?‎ 6. What would the father do if his sons didn’t do well?‎ 7. How do you like Michael Jackson?‎ Keys:‎ 1. Nine (children).‎ 2. ‎(He set up the family band) soon after he discovered the talent of his sons.‎ 3. He joined the group and became the lead singer of The Jackson 5.‎ 4. ‎(They felt) very happy / excited.‎ 5. No, he didn’t.‎ 6. He would hit them (with a belt or with a stick).‎ 7. Any reasonable answer will be accepted. (I like him very much. / He was a great/wonderful singer…)‎ B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (2011年二模静安区)‎ Is there anything we don’t know about Victoria Beckham? She was a member of the most successful British girl band(乐队)of all time-the Spice girls-who sold more than thirty million ___1__ all over the world .She is married to the England football captain,David Beckham. She is one of the most photographed women in the world.‎ So can her autobiography (自传)tell us anything we haven’t known about Victoria Beckham? The surprising answer is yes.‎ Victoria’s book, “Learning to fly,” is about her thoughts to be famous. We learn that at the age of eight, Victoria __2__ one day turning on the Christmas light in London. She tells us about getting into the Spice girls and what she first thought of is the other band members .And, of course, we can also read about the moment her and David’s ___3___ first met at a party and they fell in love at once.‎ Many people do not know that Victoria is a trained dance teacher. She graduated from a famous dance school in England-Lane’s Theatre Art School. While she was there, she was bullied (欺负)by other students. And the headmistress ___4___ liked her for not being as slim and beautiful as the others.‎ The best part of “Learning to fly,” is its honesty. Victoria does not hide her ___5___side because she was brave enough to face it. She describes how at one point she almost go away from David because of her worry about other women-she once hit him in the face when she heard he had kissed another girl.‎ She tells us that when her baby, Brooklyn ,was first born she spent thousands of pounds each week on his protection. She explains she often feels much pain these days ___6___ the newsmen who always follow her and keep searching the next photograph of her.‎ This is a story about the real truth behind all the photographs .Her autobiography tells the world that Victoria, as the rest of us, ___7___ the same ambitions and fears as well. Through her book, she encourages her fans that dreams can come true.‎ 1. A. footballs B. photos C. records D. robots 2. A. consisted of B. dreamed of C. took care of D. made fun of 3. A. eyes B. books C. parts D. presents 4. A. always B. certainly C. already D. seldom 5. A. luckier B. cheaper C. weaker D. prouder 6. A. instead of B. because of C.in favor of D. with the help of 7. A. prevents B. wastes C. enables D. shares KEYS: C B A D C B D

